(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

wah! u coming all the way fr sk?!

mummies... can i presume those that r attending the party will collect fr astro?

please indicate how u wanna collect:-
1. direct fr jurong west (boon lay)
tien->hippo, miemie

2. from astro (x'mas gathering?)

<font color="0000ff">mummies outstanding:-
zepth ($32.79 outstanding)

Ok left annette and loke!
mummies! haha pls confirm the no. of pax

Famela> which one u interested? haha u got msn? i help u via msn hehe!
i'm passing ur things to astro. think it's nearer for u to get from woodlands than jurong. =) save u half the journey. ;) ok?
PY: u missed my post wo.Exclude me for the food part la,it be easier.coz might not be gog, still trying to convince hubby .hubby like have prog liao wo n not very keen to travel fr south to north czo fri he gotta travel to seletar(north again) due to his work after dumping me n bb in hotel

ww(jot): i din buy potty for bb yet leh nvr thought of train him so early wo.my bb just poo today also,alot lot,since he din shit for past 3 days. Who is dh?Terrible wo ,how can dump baby outside
annette: Dh is the maid. M i too unforgiving? I find it difficult to forgive or trust her. How to coerce myself to accept someone who is so irresponsible and heartless?

Could bb refuse to poo because he is worried tht he might dirty himself?
I think my bb is something like that.
sorry, had been busy so hardly had time to catch up with the posts. But yes, Joelle, i'll collect my calendula cream from Astro's place
Gal: I realised that you dropped me a PM regarding the black bean drink..only saw it just now as it ended up in my junk folder and I accidentally clicked the delete button. Anyway I can share the recipe here...very simple..

3 handful of black bean (must be toasted in the pan till frangrant first)

1-2 handfuls of red dates

1 piece of du zhong

Cook in slow cooker overnight in a full pot of water or just boil in normal pot then continue boiling over low heat, say about 1-2 hour. If you use slow cooker the black bean taste will be more infused.
Joelle: It's confirmed that I will be dropping by jurong west tomorrow (Sunday) Need to know how to contact you and how to collect asap. Have dropped you a PM (could be in your junk folder) with my hp number...need you to contact me soon cos I think my next visit to jurong will be a couple of weeks later. Thanks...
sorry just saw ur mail. have replied u with my contact number. too late to sms u..paisei.. =) let me know wat time u will be in the area!
annette : tell ur HB its good for bb to meet other bb :p interaction from young. ur bb's friends asking him to go party worr. :p

tien : oo .. thank u. what is du zhong ? :p got translation to english?
Hey Joelle, saw your email! replied too

Gal: I also dunno how to translate that into English...just go to those chinese medicine hall and ask for it...it looks a bit like tree bark. Anyway you can exclude it because it's heaty..supposed to be good for back.
Hi mummies, do you come across your baby in the morning wherby they refuse to drink milk although it has past their milk hours...whenever i placed the teat in her mouth, she will be very angry and cry, but if i take out the teat she also cry..i realli duno what hapen to her...onli hapen in the morning..
Vin: ur calendula creams are with me.. let me know how u want to collect. PM-ed u.

nursing ponchos
all our first choice are in stock!
xoxo will be helping us pick up the ponchos. thanks xoxo!

All will collect from me during xmas gathering ith exception of tien, shugar and hippo?

hippo, not sure if u coming over for xmas gathering so easir to leave urs with xoxo coz nearer to u)

shugar's can pass to dreamygal?

tien: urs, maybe u can send a courier over as per discussed b4? ur gymoboree stuff with me too. PM-ed u my add.

pls make payment to me. could u all pm me for my bank account number pls? Peony is $28. Others all $33 each.
happy bday ong.

hippo: like that u want wait for tien to send courier over to me n u collect ur drugstore n poncho in one go from her?
tien: blackbean drink nice? :p any quota to howmany cups per day? beans causes wind to bb. does yx have bloatedness after a feeding when u have consumed the drink?
hippo: still not sure if going. Outside now. Will reply u later tonight can?

Py/mie: my father in law and sister in law will happen to drop by during the xmas gathering. Can i pay for another 4 pax for their share in the buffet? So total pax for me is 7. Let me know $ to transfer when catered, can? Thanks.
Also you might want rent some stools. My place is small with few chairs
Hi, I'm a Sept mum. I'm selling my <font color="119911">Bravado Original Nursing Bra</font> in White, Size S+ (32-36 C-D). Brand New, never been worn. Selling cos I bought the wrong size. Anyone interested, please PM me
joyce.. my menses (da yi mah) also came today.. and she came visiting with with her long time fren (menses cramps)!! is it normal to have menses so early despite breastfeeding? also does it means that every mth will come already?? gosh.. i tot will not see the 'da yi ma' for a long time leh.. disappointing.

thanks astro! glad there's my color :D

shugar, u wan me to collect your poncho from astro?
hey peeps! wow i was sick last week so didnt come online and wow the thread move so fast! i had gastric reflux so coulnt even keep water inside my stomach man! so super dehydrated! plus the med made me super drowsy! i still remember waking the next morning and carried my baby and i told my hubby "wow! baby overnight become super heavy!!" in the end i realised is because i super weAk!

i am back in sengkang now with my baby!! who is interested to meet up for lunch at compasspoint macdonald or burgerking (less crowded) or foodcourt (just beside nursing rm) please pm me!! i will arrange on thurs or friday!

i had my menses twice already!! 1st was 7 weeks after pregnancy but it was spotting only... then last week my menses came and lasted only 2 days!! i am super super sianz!! i tot total breasfeeding will delay menses but sigh! hate the feeling of having the menses when i am being the cow now!
astro : Thanks! Have sent you a PM.

shugar : I can collect for you as well. Just let me know. Can drop by your place on the 20th to pass it to you.
hi there ladies...
i've finally won this flu/cold/chill - whatever! and it has been a very slow road to recovery..and would have gone begging the doctor for antibiotics if i was still bugged this weekend. sore throat progressed to a runny nose progressed to a bad cough..thought i got the better of it, chey..ended up wheezing (asthmatic).

sigh, and i passed my germs onto my babe..strange she didn't seem unwell....on a whim we decided to bring her into the clinic for vaccination on fri, thank goodness the PD checked her thoroughly and said..yr little one has a sore throat..whoa! so that explained a little, her decreased appetite and a little less energy in her playtime. but all these "observations" were on hindsight..

think i can safely say both the baby and I are alright already...

famela >> yoohoo..i had to cope with my flu and at the same time, somehow manage the baby and the entire household. really tough. and the weather was burning and i was coughing coughing..so when i had to go marketing, i was literally melting away. moments like these, having help at home sounds like a great idea and u wonder why the stubborn refusal to yield to that POV...ha! my tommee tippee teats are doing a somewhat lukewarm business..it's a yoyo here trying to gauge whether she will take the feed from the bottle or NOT. i kick myself every single day for not following hippo's lead and intro e bottle from week 2, and establish that habit - one latch, one bottle, one latch, one bottle...supply wise..i think i am "recovering". had a really terrible night on fri...blocked ducts came on suddenly at the PD office (2hrs) even after i pumped at noon. this was the worst pain i felt so far..really hard like a hard-cover book. latched her all the way, she only managed to help me resolve the blocked duct "partially" at 5pm..so i called rokiah. that madam was on her way to her coy meeting and nearly couldn't make it to my place...thank goodness she did and we soaked up the towels at my place with the so-called "sprays" of milk..i was like.."can i catch these sprays..i need backup supplies very badly...nooo..it shouldn't be gg to the towels!!"..so ss for me wasn't a prb in the strict sense, but it was all "pooling" at the bottom half of the breast and the medela pump i used just wasn't strong enough! rokiah and i did an experiment - pump and "exhaust" the breast. right after, rokiah attempted to hand express and there was still loads and loads of milk in that "emptied boob". anyway, in the night, i'd a major disaster, the resolved boob blocked up again..plus the darn medela breastshield for some reason, adhered to the nipple skin on the other boob and argh, the nipple skin tore off. u might as well have killed me..very painful!!! shugar came to the rescue (thx shugar....) at midnight..haiz...very traumatic night. in the end, even pumping couldn't resolve the matter..so i woke the babe up - it was the first night it seemed for a good chance, she might have slept thru'...but i had to WAKE HER UP..and then, she delighted herself with the breast and performed her wonderful pumping duty - mission completed (resolved the blocked breast) at 4am and the whole hsehold had a staring game gg on till morning...sigh. have ss also terok; no ss also habis (finished) ...i dunno what to say lah..just sometimes i think our, or rather my, predicament is truly a comic tragedy. eh, what pump are u using? and ana can sleep 12hrs!!! whoa..i think if i could have made it for the 19th, i'd certainly get audrey to converse with ana abit more and be better versed in the art of sleeping and feeding :p she needs more positive influence...hehe...

so there completes my rather frenetic week...the upcoming one is likely to be even crazier..i've two days back to work, one day meeting with some co-workers, another day dedicated to baby funtime...and the last day to whip my place up to shape for christmas...

NURSING PONCHOS >> can't wait to lay my hands on these tom! hippo - i will store yrs with me...tien, u want me to pass yrs to hippo as well? shugar..i think i can pass to u if we are meeting up, but u have alot of courier services wor..hehe, so just let me know lah....and yes, pls transfer the all-important money to Astro since the dear gal is paying on behalf of everyone first...

ong >> many returns for your birthday- this being the first birthday with yr little one..it should be really special!

ting >> awww..hope u are better (same same, i fell sick too)...vicious cycle..not enough rest - sick - not enough rest - more sick! i also had the wonderful lady in red visit me three weeks ago (6/7 wks?) and again today! is this the period or what? it's so long since i'd mine..preggers what..that it took awhile to register what it was..yet another "benefit" of breastfeeding we can flush down the toilet...it doesn't delay the onset of the lady at all.

roxie ..our da yi ma like on the same frequency.. :[..hopefully yr cramps ain't too bad...
joey: Did you check the temp of the milk before giving it to bb? Too hot? Is it reflux? Is bb tummy bloated? If yes, Try to burp longer, massage bb tummy clockwise.
Hello mummies, wow the thread indeed move v fast. How I wish can join u all to buy the ponchos n nursing wear. Me still no luck in latching my girl 
 I too start to drag my pumpping time as my supply still a lot. Can even tbf my elder girl! She's drinking 200ml x 3 times a day n naia is drinking 120ml every 3 hourly. 

I'm really blessed w milk this time round. Saw a posting that a mummy can pump out 500ml w 6 hours interval. Well me too! Ee...in the beginning it freaks me out as even my elder is not fast enough to consume my milk. So now I drag my time supply drop a little n dun hv a lot of excess left. May be 300ml a day. I wish to exchg this priviledge to be able to latch instead! Seriously anytime for this. Pumping, sterilizing n washing is v v sian. Luckily still got a maid to help a little. If not, double sian man! 

Re dieting:
Like famela, I'm eating really a lot! V scary! I ate more than my hubby n snack in btw with sinful chocolate biscuits, cream crackers, peanut biscuits etc! I can eat 1 big soup bowl of rice n I'm not the big big size girl. Medium size. Really v scared I can't loose the excess fats later on. Praying all that I eat goes to the milk. 

Any mummies hving bad constipation? I am. I think my body really drain all the water for milk. I ate a lot of vege bad still v bad constipation. May be it's a sign of not enough water consumption ? 

Re gathering:
Can't join u girl. Something on that day. You all hv fun n take lots of pics! Wanna see who's the most heavy weight bb. Keke.

Re : sleeping thru
My girl still can't n I just let her be. Bb will slowly adjust. now she's waking up ard 3-4am for a feed. The last feed usually ard 10-11pm. My girl also cluster feed at night.

Actually I'm one mummy that is not bent on sleeping through. My elder girl still ask for milk in the middle of the night most nights. May be I'm lazy to really train them. Or was it heart pain to see them cry for milk? Anyway as long as it's not a few times a night, I'm ok.

Wow u r indeed so fertile. Put up ur fortress if u dun want no. 3 that fast. Hehe. 

Wah the posting really never ending. Try to catch up reading later. Now want to settle my hubby laptop wireless connection. 

thks for the wishes! seems like u had a hectic nite!Hope u r coping fine. If me, i tink i pengsan with all the roller coaster events gg on at the same time(block ducts, sick, audrey refusing bottle etc). Maybe u reali need to reconsider if getting a helper or u can get your mum to help instead since she offer to look after audrey for u while u back to work.


Mine still nt here yet and it been more than 3mths!
I suffered bad blocked ducts on fri aftn till sat and finally had to get my masseur to come &amp; clear it for me. I tried massaging, hot towels, switching b/w electric &amp; manual breast pumps - all din work. They helped to relieve a little bit only but the huge lumps r still there. I tried gg to sleep but wasn’t able to. In the end, got my hb to help and he finally to clear off quite a bit and I went to sleep, despite still hvg the blocked ducts.
Needless to say, the whole nite I cldnt sleep well. The worse thing is tt RN has not been an efficient latcher and I cldnt count on her to clear my ducts 4 me at all. The night was worse – she din seemed to b v hungry and her suckling was v gentle. Gosh! Juz when I needed her to suckle hard, she was at her softest tt night. I had to pump out but still blocked ducts stayed on.
He next morning, I used hot towels and expressed aft tt. Funnily, the blocked ducts cleared! Meanwhile my masseur was coming tt aftn. I thot nvm lah, hv her come over since I alrdy told her too. Paiseh to cancel appt. I was super glad I din cancel the appt coz I wasn’t aware tt my blocked ducts are still there despite not feeling any pain anymore.
She helped to clear them all and I was screaming/squirming throughout the session…. My boob felt super sore &amp; bruised aft tt the "battling", and I wasn’t able to tell if the pain was due to the vigorous massaging fr the day b4…
Till today I am still feeling a bit painful at my boob though no more blocked ducts. Scary!!!! I told my hb I am feeling so paranoid nowadays. Sigh… this time the bfg really bring a lot of woes….
How I wished my RN is as efficient as ur Ana!!!! Ur Ana is really a sweet sweet angel baby! So aft tt wonderful night that she slept through 12 hrs, did she continue this routine?
Yes, FBM does smell fishy! I nvr dared to taste it though!
Heee, the only gd thing abt bfg is tt we can eat whatever we wan now w/o fear!

Ana’s neck seems very stable now in tt pix tt u posted!

Like xoxolight, if we r mtg at this sat's gathering, can i "borrow" ur Ana and hv her teach RN all the nice things tt she has been doing all these while? I seriously need RN to latch more efficiently!

Noted! No problem! J How do u find drypers?

U had the same problem as me!!!! I can imagine the pain and helplessness! At least Audrey helped u cleared some of it! RN was of no help at all!

The Darned Yaolan
RN is now hooked on it! Darn it! She cldnt sleep when we went out, despite me slinging her... hello, the sling is the next closest thing to yaolan and still she needed much coaxing b4 she finally caved in due to exhaustion from crying. eventually I was able to transform my sling into a walking yaolan, wif me as the walking yaolan literally!
she naps well in the day coz she's mainly in the yaolan if we r not gg out. tt explains why she is always battling against sleep aft her last feed as she is laid in her cot or my bed. ARGH! she wld awake the moment i unlatch her and started crying! I really cant decide if yaolan is a gd thing. it helps her to nap better but i think i am done for it. how to NOT get her addicted? Too late! I am so afraid of gg out now, coz i cant possibly drag the yaolan out!
Hey mummies, anyone bringing their baby to PD soon for jab? Can help me ask your PD a question? PLEASE PLEASE!!

Lele's belly button popped out. I googled and the answer is its due to too much crying. Can help me confirm with your PD if its ok and i don't need to bring lele for professional advise? Thanks!!
Hi all,

My boy was born on 5 Oct, same month as the babies in this thread. Need your advise re swaddling baby. May i know if any of your babies are still fully-swaddled to sleep at this age? Mine is still fully-swaddled. However, i read from books that it is not healthy to fully-swaddle at this age as it may hinder baby's physical development. I tried doing half-swaddle but baby refuse to sleep without the full swaddle. He'll wave his arms around, twist and turn his body, then eventually cry. I tried giving him the pacifier to calm him down, which is okay initially, but once pacifier falls out from his mouth, he'll cry for it.

When he is fully-swaddled, he'll suck on the pacifier for awhile then fall asleep without the pacifier for 2-3hrs.

Can anyone help?

By the way, is the baby sleeping while sucking the pacifier? Thanks!
just4venus: babies are in deep sleep only 20% of the time.. the rest of the time they are dreaming/half-asleep. i guess he feels safe being swaddled. have u tried unswaddling him when he seems to go into deep sleep?
Hi Just4venus,
My Boy is born just 1 day after yours ;) 6th oct.
I swaddle him everynight. Got no choice. Everytime he is "Freed" (Hands and Legs out) he will keep moving so much and eventually cry. If we dun wrap him, he will cry and wakes up in between alot. Just like urs. Now my baby knows that when I wrap him, this is equvalent to sleeping time. haha.

When he is awake, I will just unwrap him and let him do all the stretches he wants. I think its alrite because the eventually baby still get to exercise when he is awake.

I know of mummies who still swaddle babies at >6mths.
i din know tt there is a concern if baby's belly button popped out. i am not bringing RN for jab soon so cant help u here. Can u ring up ur PD juz to check if its necc to bring her down for consultation?

i stopped swaddling baby even b4 she turned 1 mth old. to me, she has to get used to the unswaddled feeling sooner or later. and seeing her struggling to be unswaddled makes me uncomfortable so i "freed" her.

i guess its normal for them to b unsettled initially when u unswaddle. Or u can do half-swaddling and slowly stop swadlling eventually.

My girl takes the pacifier at times but its not a must all the time.

I use avent manual pump occasionally. most times i use ameda electric pump.
hi loke,

when is baby considered to be in deep sleep? 20-30mins after he falls asleep? sometimes i'll purposely wake him up for feed and i do this by unswaddling him, he'll wake up not long after he "realise" he is not being wrapped up.

hi mummy143,

so its normal to continue to swaddle baby? actually, this is my no.2 baby... for my no.1 boy (currently 2yr+), i also had a hard time with this swaddling thingy. at 3mths+, he was so addicted to being wrapped up to sleep but at the same time, he kept "moving ard" in the cot until the wrap came loose and i need to re-wrap, then loose again then re-wrap... end up many many sleepless nights for him and myself.

i am so afraid of history repeating itself. now my no 2 boy is getting a bit too big for the size S swaddle.. i need to upgrade to size M liao. sigh.
hi jrrt,

i tried half-swaddle but failed cos his arms kept "moving", pushed out the pacifier and is very unsettled. he can't sleep.. i heartpain so wrapped him back again.

how long did your gal take to get used to being unswaddled? my no.1 boy took close to 1mth to get used to it leh.. i so scared my no.2 will be like that too..
aria: 500ml? wouldn't your milk overflow? wow. I've only finally managed to hit highest 150ml, but that's once. Now finally able to at least 100ml each time. I've also finally managed to freeze 5 bags of EBM coz I'm going for a whole day nearly whole night workshop for the next few days. Really dunno how to solve the problem.

my boy vomitted twice yesterday, and again, my hubby panicked! we had brought him to his grandparents' house, and they fed him FM. not sure why, maybe the container i was using was not sterilised. Later gave him 30ml of milk each time for each hour until he was ok and started playing and smiling.
just4venus, my CL swaddled him once, and he struggled so much in his sleep that it went up and cover his mouth and nose. Scared me. He kept kicking extremely hard and usually I was too lazy to get up to check on him, but thank goodness i did that time.

now I seldom swaddle.
my breast doesn't leak much anymore. Just v hard n lumpy. After express w be soft. Depending on the no of hours of the intervals I will ensure I express out the expected amt eventhough it means expressing for an 45 mins to an hour.This is to ensure my supply will not drop drastically as my intervals can fluctuate. Sometimes 4 hourly or 5 or 6.

I'll be going for 2 days course after new year. This is what I plan to do. Express in the morning just before leaving house n Express during lunch break n had a quick lunch. Store the milk in ftg. zoom home to express again. The intervals might be long as in it might eats into 2 intervals. So I will try to express out as close to the amt I would express out for 2 intervals ( most of the time it would be 30-50ml lesser) or express till breast really soft. May be u can try this?
ario: i also need to pump more than 15mins (dual pump)nowadays in order to empty my boobs. how come some mummies can use 10-15mins to empty??

for my case, even after 15mins, the ducts are still shooting, i cant bear to stop it..precious milk..maybe my flow slower..hee
jrrt: what kind of pain was that? is that like some vein pulling kind of pain? did your masseur say how come blocked ducts are still there though you don't feel pain? I'm also scared i got some blocked ducts but don't know how to detect..

anyone have problem with cranky babies? my baby's been keeping us up at night for the whole week.. she can't seem to sleep from 10pm onwards. very cranky.. even after milk, she will be very awake and refuse to sleep on her bed by herself.. keep crying and screaming and kicking.. this crankiness only seems to develop after her immunisation jab last week..
Astro: maybe you can pass to hippo my gymboree loot with the poncho? Can? Hippo can also? Btw can pm me ur account num? Thanks!

As for the black bean drink, if you add red dates it will be a little sweet but I find it quite bland close to plain water.. Btw must drink it warm
hi loke

i m using avent manual pump-single also

but i seldom use it cos i let bb latch on mostly n using the pump is very tiring...

pump till hands tired for both side ard 60ml for 30 mins onli

Re gathering:

cant come along too
cos i am still not confident of bringing bb out alone
he cries wenever i carry him


me too... after bb1st mth bday, my hubby bought a auto yaolan for him, he seem to like it very much and even slp 4.5hrs in it, which is the longest sleeping time he had.

but when back to my mom place, he didnt want to slp wor... with a manual yaolan at my place, he cry cry n wake up whenever we stop shaking him...zz... terrible

till today, i just dump hin on bb cot n if reali need my own time, i would den put him into yaolan (cos he need ppl to carry den will fall asleep wor)
