(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

hippo: thanks!
ya, i also trying to think that way. hahaha, HB is on healthy diet with me too coz I sure cannot tahan if i see him eating any yummy sweet stuff that I can't eat. :p
But he says maybe after this episode we'll get used to eating healthy and not fancy junky food liao... hmm, hahah, i not sure about that!! I miss my cakes!! HAHAHA!!
sweet: we also no money. so must sell as many as we can. hahah!!!

no lah. just go and take a look if ur free. not sure how its going to be like for this year also.

btw, i'm still thinking of what i can make for my baby.. keke...
hi blink

heard from ppl that they make smaller pillow n blosters with beansprouts for their BB, very gd for bb de, i bought 1 at MTHFAIR on June, but very ex, $18.00...
hi all, can someone suggest where i can buy some cross-stitch stuff? Since last couple of days, I really feel like making something for my baby...i don't know anything other than cross- stitch. so thinking of doing that..
its so great that your HB is so supportive. i mean, the last thing u need is to watch him eat THE CAKES!!! ;) i'm trying not to eat too many sweet things. but b4 my gf left, she bought me a box of 5 cakes from CANELE!!!!!! i nearly died... i think i ate 1 and a half. then my HB said "eh, i think u better let the rest of da village eat it for you k?" hehehe... so i did lah. tom sure kena tekan by gynae again. stupid old man. %#^(*$&^(&*

hehehe, well done my fren! i thot i'd do something like this too, but i'm a lazy bum so i never did anything constructive. i like the girls stuff but u only have for 9M, which i think is too early to buy right? and those bibs! hahaha... if u had done it earlier i would definitely have bot it from u man... but i have 11 now, so i cant buy anymore yah.

i thot u would've made it by now! hahaha... hey speaking of what to make, i shud take a pic of the "gold jewellery" that was given to me when i was born. quite nostalgic, those little anklets and bangles... hmmm i take pic then upload on FB k ;)

btw, what other gems are pink but cost a fraction of pink sapphires? have or not huh?
Hi all, I want to know whether you have this feeling. My baby has been moving continously since last night and I have this strange constant rapid movement at the bottom left very near the pubic area. It's an extremely strange feeling. It's as if the head is moving all the way down and the hands keep opening and closing.

I've finally crossed to the next weight level. Still hope to keep it within acceptable limit, so that can lose them easily.
hi glass

i dont hv tis feeling, but sometimes feel bb moving continously like beating drum, perhaps your bb has finally turn ur head down.

heard that u will feel more relax and wont be feeling breathless if bb head is reali down le.
hi vin

since u r into last tri, and cross stitch takes up a lot of times... y not u buy simple cross stitch from Popular bookstores? by the time u r done, can give birth to BB le..as for me, i do puzzles..

they hv a variety like e.g pouch, etc...
lin : Blink is thinking of what to make for her girl out of diamonds/sapphire/gems... Haa... Her girl is one lucky girl.
Actually $18 for the beansprout pillow already quite cheap.

sweetzinc : I'll transfer later when my hubby bring my dog down. Haa...

vin : Spotlights got.
Hi any mummy from thomson medical hospital? just went to the hospital visit today, the super deluxe room, premier room all so nice, too bad that they do not have the 0% insTALLMENT... hahhaa... have any mummy apply for the FBI/SBI Incentive Programmes card from thomson? dun know it is worth it or not?
hello mummies and mummies to be.

im new to this thread.
am preparing for my first baby in oct.
need some advice fr mummies, pretty please? hehe

wanna get an ear thermometer for my baby. which brand do you guys recommend?? and where can i get it at a cheaper rate?? cuz so far all i've seen are really ex.
hi angeline

welcome! i bought the braun in-ear thermometer from the overseas BP here.. maybe you wanna go and screen thru the BPs, there are some good deals to get.. i got the thermometer for half the price that you can get in singapore.. overseas BPs you need to join for at least one year before you can post, but no worries, you can just PM the organiser your order and payment details. HTHs!
hi miemie,

thanks for ur advice. is it braun thermoscan?? some told me its gd some told me its not gd. im so confused >.<

my fren recommended this brand cadi to me, its very small and can scan the forehead as well. slightly cheaper than braun. just that i've nv heard of the brand lol
HI sweetzinc!
Saw your blog...want to get the bibs and the wash cloth. But want to ask you about the washcloth, you mean 1 as in 1 piece or 1 pack??? Hee...will be dropping a note on your thread!
hey.. anyone still having cravings nowadays? i am suddenly craving for tom yum soup soo much... and my hubby simply wouldn't move his butt.

Last night, i had this episode that was so surreal. I didn't think whether i was asleep or awake, but i was reaching out to rub my belly and there was this hard spot. Almost as i placed my hand, i thought i felt a limb, but it nudged away almost immediately so i was unsure. Mummies with experience, am i dreaming?
<font color="aa00aa">Dear mummies-to-be,

Ever wonder what it's REALLY like once your bundle of joy has arrived? :) What better way to learn about motherhood from recent new mums? :) We're a group of new mummies who have just walked this exciting path and would like to share our experiences with you! We'll share our different delivery processes, adapting life changes with our new baby, useful (and often useless!) baby products and most importantly, how to prepare for baby's arrival in the first 30 days to 3 months. To assist you with this major transition in life, we have put together our workshop which will cover all the crucial knowledge in basic babycare and more importantly, the art of caring for yourselves.</font>

<font color="0000ff">Name: Baby Basics Workshop by mums4mums
Time: 3.00pm-4.30pm (90mins)
Date: 22 August 2009 (Saturday)
Fee : $20 per participant

Key Topics covered: (3 speakers)
1) Our delivery experiences
2) Breastfeeding baby (breastpumps recommendations, essential nursing accessories, etc.)
3) Formula feeding (types, bottles, sterilisers, other baby products &amp; brands we like, etc)
4) Baby time (transporting baby, baby activities, games to play and "trial-and-tested" baby necessities)
5) Mummy's time (care for self and family bonds)
6) Q&amp;A</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Workshop registration is based on a first come first, capped at the first 20 couples.
We'll provide afternoon tea, snacks and lotsa fun!
Takeaways will also include our workshop summary handouts and useful motherhood information sheets.
Please feel free to contact us at [email protected] for any enquiries &amp; we hope to see you then, thank you!</font>
sweetzinc : i wanna get the 6 mth boy clothes :p will post in the BP page
(scared OOS :p so i better cepat cepat)

lingxin5 : i m going tmc as well. i did sign up fbi. er..worth it or not..i honestly :p still not sure. I got use the discount for detailed scan, the parentcraft class. so tink its worth it if i count the savings so far and the savings to come. ya. the rooms v nice. Like hotel. Got view somemore
gal^: lol.... i replied dreamygal got that set. liao 0006,0007 and 0008 still available. u reply me in that BP thread k so i wont be mess up hahaha !

to ans yr qn on which other gems are pink in colour ..

i can only think of rose quartz but ...
is it a gem? no idea haha
n is it cheaper den pink sapphires? no idea... :p
sweetzinc : ha. i not fast enuff
. Okie, will go pick another set and post in your BP. i like the heli and my hb like the train so tot that was best of both worlds. eehhe.
sweetzinc : after much tot, mummy heart win. :p (since i am placing the order.... :p) am getting the heli/lil hero set. too cute to resist) hehehe... have put in the BP thread.
hey... how u been? hope things are well. well, i think sapphires are probably quite top of the line in terms of price. so i'd say rose quartz are prolly cheaper? ;)

i bought a contactless thermometer from robinson's. just scan the forehead and it will announce temperature. cant remember the brand (relatively unknown) its greena and white in colour. only cost about $50+. have tried it and its quite accurate.
shugar>> yesterday went to collect the apparatus so that i can poke myself.. tried once at the clinic under the supervision of my gynae, thank goodness the prick wasnt painful, and din require a plaster after that. after gynae's appointment, hubby immediately brought me to buy healthy food.. no more soft drinks, yakult and fruit juices for me! but anyway i guess for the health benefit of baby and me, enduring the 2 months should be worth all the effort ya! let's jia you and watch our diet together..
Hi ladies

I am selling My brest friend pillow at a good price. Comes in original packaging in excellent condition, used for 1 month, during confinement. It has been very very useful in the beginning for a 1st time mom like me and has helped me to breastfeed my baby till now. She is almost 8 months already....

Please pm if you are keen. Thank you.
miemie: yakult and fruit juice oso kenot? how come le? but u need fruits oso right for a healthy diet. jiayou to both u and shugar.
heh! thanks! you're the queen in this area lah.
gg for my gynae appt now. lets see how he tekan me today. ... will report back in afternoon...
miemie: yah after a while get used to the poking, its not so bad lah.
Just the anticipation of getting pricked a bit un-nerving at the start. hehe.

I managed to find un-sweetened peanut butter, soy milk, musli-bar and brown rice cereal. So still got quite a few options of things to eat

gal^: Thanks!!

yakult has sugar, so does fruit juice, even though its natural sugar from the fruit, also cannot have too much. I can have half a glass of juice, and that will replace one of my allowed 2 servings of fruit for a day.
shugar>> heng my uncle makes jam and he has unsweetened strawberry jam.. your dietician is you go and find one or your gynae recommend de? my hubby says wants to get a dietician, but i tink not necessary ba.. or you think otherwise?

gal>> fruit juices will be absorbed directly, whereas fruit takes a while to digest then absorb, so the sugar intake wun be so high suddenly.. yakult is super sweet lo, so im gg to drink vitagen with less sugar, dunno if that one is ok.. will try on my 1st test day.. heehee

fifi>> i tink dreamygal also got bring in soft books leh.. maybe you wanna check out her website.. i saw a few elmo soft books! and update us on your visit ya! want to know how your baby is doing!
hey, whoever got GD - can try out this vegetable juice. supposed to be very good to control sugar. Hope it helps during gestational diabetes also!!

Make a juice of green bottlegourd and carrot. (if no GD, then can add one fruit like apple or orange to enhance the taste.)
Carrot quantity should be less as this is just to give a good taste to otherwise tasteless bottlegourd. You can also add a bit of salt/black pepper to this juice and have it. though not very great in taste, it is supposed to be very good for health!! :)
mie: huh yakult also cannot ah!! omg.. later constipate how

fifi: hahaha maybe i enthu at the start only? lol later sian liao haha very tedious to sort out the stocks and stuff omg.. somemore talking to the supplier can puke blood sia

i dun think is early too buy leh.. baby Charlotte has clothes all the way till 12th month liao hahah!! maximise ROI lol!
miemie: dietician was referred by gynae. What she did was plan a meal chart which has meal times and portions for me. Tell me what can eat, what cannot etc. Not sure if really need one anot... haha if you want i can email let you see what's in the chart.

Jams she say only Dalfore brand can coz that one is made from fruit. Better than nothing
hippo: pink stones got a lot....spinels, pink tourmalines. please dun get rose quartz.. cheap but not nice (to me).. really nice ones cost more than a bomb. haha.. normally large size stones will cost much more per carat, e.g $500 and above. but if u talking about 1ct or less, prolly $300-400pct range. lesser then $300pct stuff for pink sapphires are not so nice. we just sold one pink sapphire to a friend, only $200+ for that piece, i think was 0.80ct. nice piece. we have really light pink sapphire, i think only $150pct. if u dun mind the light colour, it's pretty nice too cos its clean.

other pink stones: pink topaz (99% treated), rodochrosite (translucent to opaque, usually in beads or cabochon cut) and lots of others i think u wont really see them in the market.

dreamygal: haha.. u r cute manz... hope u dun get caught in the act!! anyway, thanks for clarifying for me. :D

mylvera: yes, rose quartz is also a gem. :D

lin: dreamygal is right. i wanna make a nice anklet for my baby. ;)

btw, i just came back from the gyne. my baby's head is up again!! haha.. saw baby's backside again. two round things. very cute.. gyne said dun worry cos baby will turn again. tmr i'll officially be in my 3T.. long awaited. for now must go see gyne every two weeks. phew.. ohh... i saw baby's legs too.. long like the father. haha. next time can be my model for the gemstones and jewellery!! wahaha..

sweet: i think eat more vege to conquer constipation. otherwise the vege juice vin suggested seems quite good too..

talking about cravings.. i have sinful cravings for icecream recently... also fruit juices.. wah.. must tahan manz.. left 2mths plus only.. i've already crossed my target weight. so now i try to maintain as much as i can. but from the looks of it.. i think i'll cross the ideal wt big time by the time i give birth...
talking about cravings, i wanna eat mooncakes!!! i remember the ones from raffles hotel last year, with the chocolate truffles in the center!YUM! How still have to wait for SO LONG!
vin>> bottlegourd is wad? how does it look like? or is it bittergourd? the juice dun sound very tasty leh.. heehee

fifi>> yeah, baby isabelle also has clothes all the way till 1 YO and even 18MOS leh.. wahahahaha.. its never too early to buy la..
Mie: Bottle gourd is different from bitter gourd and is not as bitter :)
it looks like below. and is easily available in fair price, cold storage etc.

hey, u can call your website Charlotte's Web! hehe... i like the name charlotte by the way... if not cos one of my close frens used this name, isabel would've been charlotte

yes! tourmaline. that was it! so u gonna make an anklet for angel right? hmmm but unless u make one that's extendable in length, very fast can't wear already?
