(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

miemie : can i ask, do u recall whether the bb clothes at taka bb fair earlier this year was reasonably priced? am tinking whether i should go buy from BP or not. Saw some at 5.50 tot not bad price.
lin,me visit every 2wks startg fm my nx appt.cos mid sept is lunar 7th mth so juz avoid lor.however i may stil go early in mid sept as gynae mention 2nd 1 wil out faster.
hullo pple, how have you guys been?
been busy. and will continue to be busy till aug 25! wah liew..

yes, taka bb fair!
u gals meeting to go together? i want to go leh.. let me know when? but if i have lessons.. i can't go liao.. damn.. but let me know, can? mie, blink, sweet and who else ah??

joanne: don't get overtly worried about the size o fthe bb now. ur first 1 is fine, so will ur #2
. important to pack in nutritious food rather than just something to make the bb heavy if u get what i mean. well this bb, i am quite horrid.. with teng, i was machiam like dietitian.. but teng was still average. in fact gynae considered him small (?) at 3.1 plus kg. ya. small.. coz others in my former thread had average size is 3.5kg.. some tipped 4kg! wow.. but end up.. my boy is a giant now.. their kids 'shrunk'.. so birth wieght and subsequent growth has no coorelation
.. having said that.. my tummy is also very small.. bb average weight accordin to bb centre.. 8/8 is my next appt. we shall see what happened lah..
don't get overtly worried.. eat a nutritious meal and don't lean to one extent just to 'fatten' the bb.. we only have this much of an appetite..

blink: seeing the 7 is a horrid number for u on the weighing scale? my ideal weight is 70kg wor! whahahahah..

someone was talking about newborn shots? i find this young lady increadiblty talented.. and she will go to ur house to take the phot. interestingly, her cousin is in my other thread.. and she will speak to the kelly (the photographer for a discount if we do a BP on this.. but of course.. she is not responsible in pushing for us a big discount lah)..

anyone interested?
my other thread has 3 interested mtbs liao.. how about here?

bb new born shots
1. Astro fren 1
2. Astro fren 2
3. Astro fren 3
4 astro

take a look at this thread and her personal website. it is WAY WAY better than the sucky one i got for teng at tmc :S
hey girls,

not been logging in too often. but i went to robinsons today and bought a ton of stuff. If you have the robinson's card, its worth going!

Medela is 20% off. So is avent and mustela. I bought 4 tubes of the barrier cream for nappy rash! I also bought new membranes for my PIS traveller breast pump, new bottles and nipple cream. All 20% off! There's also s further 5% rebate when my bill comes. so quite worth it.

I also saw quite a lot of mummies buying the avent sterilier. should be 20% off too, but do checck before buying!

I spent so much money!! goodness!
hi all

Cloth Nappy & Disposable Diapers, which one is better? which 1 will u all choose?

btw, i read from a book that bb uses up to 7200 pcs of Disposable Diapers till grown up...

but it also says 40 pcs of Cloth Nappy is enough for bb,,,

can you imagine how much it will be to spend on Disposable Diapers???
lin,i avoid becos mum n frens say i hv a choice since is up 2 me 2 chose d date.however, i tink i may end up earlier like wat gynae said.if reali ne 2, i am fine 2 go early.dun wori 2 muc. me stay yishun.nt many ppl in tis thread fm north.

I would use disposable diaper as i am a lazy mum.its 2 muc a hassle 2 use cloth type unless u hv a maid.i intend 2 get a maid but i guess i hv other chores 4 her 2 do by then.
Astro: I think you will make a very successful counsellor for pregnant woman.

lin, Alot of resources would also be wasted on washing, hanging, folding the diapers.

It is a bit tough not to stuff oneself especially when the gyn comment things like 'You lost weight and it is not good for the bb' Felt as if i owe bb alot. Makes me feel that i am ultra bad. Think hb is also feeling guilty for controlling my diet so much. That he is encouraging me to eat durians etc... Luckily bb is about 1.3kg at about 29 weeks. Been eating alot of meat, brown rice, durians. I have been eating alot and have been reducing exercise alot. It makes me feel so anxious, uptight. Think lack of sleep can cause one to lose weight.
hi ong

ya, not many ppl from north from this thread "). so, how u feeling now? anxious? nervous? sometimes i feel scare, also dont know why i have this type of feeling, maybe this is my first time ba")

guess u must be looking forward to it cos only left 1.5 mths le, can countdown hor ")
hi ww

ya, make sense, if gynae told me BB too thin or etc..., i will take actions against it.

my hb is also controlling my diet cos he says i drink soft drinks everyday, not gd for BB, but sometimes, its hard to control. i am sure your hb wants the best for u n bb ma...

i have not been eating very much also, cos just dont feel the feeling to eat much lei...

i feel lack of sleep can make 1 feel very tired, listless to do things and as such, lost weight too...
Cloth Nappy & Disposable Diapers

i feel that cloth nappy is much easier in the way that much cheaper, need not keep on buying and save the trips to supermarket and save the energy for carrying.. but only troublesome to wash..
hey mummies, my hubby was commenting that i was lazing ard at home .. ask me to start my own mini business.. haha so i sourced some suppliers and brought in some baby stocks for a start. my BP will start tomorrow haha.. 10% discount applicable for all oct mummies ok! :D:D pls support =x wahaha!

Astro: her photos are so nicely taken!! but i signed up a package which consists of newborn and maternity photoshoot liao leh..
haha if not i'll definately on u!

Mie: how's ur massage today? hehe shiok? u know i went for the class today only to find out that the class started LAST WEEK!!! Mrs wong brought forward the class by 1 week and obviously some of the couples were not informed at all. My hubby is quite pissed.. coz according to Mrs wong, TMC did a mass sms. but i receive nothing! roar...!!!

they should have call up the couple 1 by 1 lor. hai.....
peiyu: ahhh ok. nvm.. then reserve her for ur #2 then :p

what will u be selling?

ww: heh.. reread my post. nothing particular impressive wor..
why must our diets be restricted by our hbs ah? i impose the restrictions myself. he just 'followed'.. then when i want to lift my restrictions.. he complained a bit.. but eventually will give in. coz he knows i have read enough.. and is ks enough not to do any damanage to myself and bb. hahahaha..
astro: romper set, baby shoes, bibs, washcloth but hor i must say the supplier gave me very mix sizes and style... cos she say cannot choose
so end up all sizes and style are very limited.
Hi Mummies, Im new to this thread or not so.. have been reading but first time posting here. Now at 28 wks, my bb girl is about 983grams. Gynae says normal so long there's gradual weight gain...Being a first time mum, he really understands my anxiety and told me to see him every 2 weeks from now on or as and when I don't feel good. Sometimes I email him my queries and he's really fast in replying. Grateful for that.

Astro: I been to the photographer's website to view her works and like them very much.. How much disc is she giving? Does she do for maternity shoots? Im interested in that but just can't find one that I like..

Pei Yu: How's your package for maternity and newborn photoshoot like? Can share the website or contacts?

astro>> ya, me too.. me and sweet signed up for the same package! heehee.. and actually i was considering taking on another package (but by sean lau this time), hubby was saying no hurry, wait till baby born first..

sweet>> the massage was shiok.. whilst you were doing your pre-natal lesson, i was having a nap at home! wahahaha.. i intend to take one more pre-natal massage from her, then after that i will confirm her for my post-natal..

i agree that they should have called the couples up one by one.. the lady in charge of the registration at Mount A, made sure she managed to get me.. she called me like 5 times on many different days before she managed to get me (coz i was on company sponsored course and din pick up her calls).. are they gg to do anything to compensate your loss of the first lesson?
Hi Astro,

I am very interested in the newborn photography.... love Kelly's props! Do you know if the discount she is giving is still 25% off package price if we have 5 mummies signing up?
post your BP somewhere when it starts so we can see!

so can u go for the next run's 1st class @ TMC? cos i missed my 3rd lesson @ Mt A and they will let me attend the next run's.

i like kelly's portfolio. will think about and revert k? thanks for sharing
shugar>> pls welcome me into the GD group.. i just got my results, and i failed by 4 points.. damnit!!!!!!! im very sad now, and going by my gynae's practice, i need to poke 7 times a day twice a week.... *wails* i dowan!!!!! this afternoon will be going to her clinic to collect the APPARATUS...
wats the symptoms for GD? Or there's no symptoms and only blood test can detect?
sorry to hear tt u hv GD... i heard hv to watch ur diet v carefully rite?
juz happened to read tt u r opting 4 elective c-sect for ur #2. issit ur personal decision to go ahead or issit coz ur gynae "scare" u? my fren had a emerg c-sec for her #1 coz cervix unable to dilate aft 12 hrs hence for #2 she is keen to try VBAC. in the end she succeeded thou gynae warned her abt the chances of membranes rupturing as well.

If its ur personal decision, thats fine but dun let ur gynae scare u. i am keeping fingers crossed for a natural delivery this time coz my placenta still have not moved up completely during the last visit.
jrt>> there are no symptoms for GD.. but if you suddenly put on a lot of weight, i tink gynae will ask you to take the GD test.. for me, is coz my mum is diabetic, so better take the test..
i din expect to fail my GD test actually.. i thot i will pass leh.. this is more depressing than failing an exam sia..

i tink i cannot take white rice and white bread from now onwards, and have to control my sugar intake already.. later see wad my gynae has to tell me. so depressing leh... after hearing this news, i no mood to work already...
hi miemie: awwww shucks!
its ok. Look at it as a start of a healthier diet lor. Initially me also very hard to get used to it, but it forces me to read labels and take real serious note of what I am eating! Hang in there! 2 months to go only... Jia you!!
astro: hehehhe I think coz if i got GD or fall sick, he has to cope with the hospital bills.

MieMie: Why do you have to cut down on your white bread and rice? Maybe you can just eat abit. One or two mouthful.
yap lookg fwd and counting down! my neck is getting looooong. I am feeling a mixture of excited and scare. Scare becos of the pain after c-section.

Jrt, yap mine is elective c-section. i mentioned vbac before and my gynae does not sound encouraging at all & was talking to me in serious tone etc abt the rupture. Guess nt many gynae will sound encouraging for VBAC. My fren gynae told her he will let her try vbac if condition allow but in the end, he still tell her to go for c-section despite there r no complications etc. Seems like nt many gynae will take the risk for vbac.

Hello all,
Just bot some showel gel and cream for confinement use from below bp thread as it will expel winds etc. Seems like many good reviews on the prdts. It mentioned that there is no need to boil the herbs for confinement as using this shower gel is gd enough.

shucks! my mum is oso diabetic and like u, my weight gain has been quite minimal so far, thus not a likely suspect for GD. I dun rem doing this test for my #1 at all. Tmrw's my check-up so mayb will ask gynae as well.

i can understd how depressing it is. juz like how i am still thinking abt my low lying placenta. hope urs is borderline case. see wat gynae says later.

if everything goes well and baby turns head down successfully, i think no harm u can try VBAC coz ur #1 was breech, nothing to do wif cervix not dilating etc. i guess it all depends how much u wan VBAC, perhaps can monitor how it goes for baby's position. if everything is optimal, i will encourage u to go for VBAC.
My fren's gynae was not supportive as well, like kept scaring her abt the dangers of VABC. somemore her c-sec was due to cervix not able to dilate fast, so its more tricky than urs. however i still encourage her to go ahead and she herself was v keen, so in the end, doc say will go ahead to try for vbac BUT if condition dun permits and baby's safety is compromised, will proceed wif emerg c-sec.
luckily all went well and her natural delivery was super short. less than 4 hrs!!!
wa lau, just now i had typed a long reply, then when i wanted to post, i kena blocked by the bloody websense... so irritated.. now im trying to recall wad i typed earlier..

ww>> white rice and bread is high in carbo which will break down into sugar (i tink la), so i have to cut down significantly on white rice and bread... sianz.. and im a very white bread person..

jrt>> my gynae very kiasu one, so she just ordered GD test for most of her patients.. my weight gain has been moderate leh.. i tink your gynae never ask you to take means you're safe ba.. i failed by 4 points which i guess is borderline case, but still, to my gynae, fail is fail, even if by one point.. so i guess i cannot avoid the poking of fingers at all.. thinking if i can ask for a re-test.. heehee
miemie: hmmm yah my gynae same as yours... even by one point or even if pass but too near borderline he also say must watch diet etc.

Eat oats, its good for bringing down GI levels.
I was a very white bread person also leh! Worse for me is the dietitian more strict than the gynae!! alamak!! OK lah, now i switch to brown rice and wholemeal bread, good side is better bowel movement!! :p

My first 2x of finger poking i did one on weekend, one on weekday. But now is just once a week. Have to keep a food journal on days where i got to poke fingers.
hi ong and jrt,

i'm going for a vbac this time round. my ob is very supportive. But this is my no.3. 1st one labour was v short. natural delivery, only 4 hours. no.2 was breech, that's why c sec.
this one has turned already! and doc says high chance of being successful, since i had one natural and 2nd one was not due to dilation or cervix problems. i agree with jrt that if c-sec not due to dilation prob, VBAC might be possible

Just have to make sure that baby doesn't get too big this time!

just my 2 cents
thks for the advise! i guess maybe he discourage me could be due to my bb size as my #1 was 3.67kg at 38wks. He keep saying its very big at 38wks.I tink is pretty normal since boys tends to be bigger than girls.He say 2nd 1 will likely be bigger than #1. Probably this could be reason y he keep discouraging me. My #2 is oreadi 2kg at 30wks oni. Seems to be slightly bigger than normal.

blurmummy, oh great! finally someone staying in yishun too!
hello all

Cloth vs diapers
#1 Ive been using diapers and its reli very ex lorrrr. I calculated and reckon I spend about $50/mth on diapers. Now hes going 2yrs and still dun wana use the potty.grrrr..
So I am all in for cloth for #2..besides I have a maid to do the washing.LOL. But then again.. its vs the water bills you are choking up.
What I will do is night use pampers, day use cloth. hopefully #2 potty train earlier..can save mummy n daddy lotsa $$.

Newborn photo shots
I loveeee her work. I intend to join in. If it is not too costly. Anyone can share how much is it after the discount? thanks!
I went to Sean Lau for #1, but realised that hes very ex..although his shots are good, his editing skills are not as good as I expected. So the prints I rejected most of it. And he not HAPPY LOR... =(

baby weight
One thing I realised is that whatever the weight the gynae gives you, when bb is born, its always about 0.5kg lighter then heavier. Maybe gynae does an average weight but whatever it is..healthy is better than heavy. I have friends heavy bb but always sick..as long as 2.5kg -3kg is good enough..dun worry mummiess.
Candy White>> i signed with the studio loft during the motherhood fair at expo. hmm price is $250 includes both maternity and baby photoshoot hehe.. if i can remember, can have 2 8Rs photos and 5 5Rs photos back.. the exact details i need to go dig out the receipt hhaa..

Mie: They say they can make up the first lesson for me, but it's gonna be on 31 Aug.. i mean no point lor.. by then i'm already like 34 weeks ?! haha and go for the first lesson?? then my hubby asked them when they sent out the sms, the lady cant find any date or what.. then my hubby say "is it u all nv send ?" haha coz we signed up in May, rather early.. those who signed up at the later date might have gotten the new schedule liao so they are not affected.

Btw sorry to hear abt ur GD results
gonna control ur diet liao man.. btw i think my baby is BIG lor! i'm 28.5 weeks and she's 1.3kg! =.="
Gynae predict her weight at birth to be around 3-3.2 kg i hope i wont have any difficulty in labour man.
Candy White>> i signed with the studio loft during the motherhood fair at expo. hmm price is $250 includes both maternity and baby photoshoot hehe.. if i can remember, can have 2 8Rs photos and 5 5Rs photos back.. the exact details i need to go dig out the receipt hhaa..

Mie: They say they can make up the first lesson for me, but it's gonna be on 31 Aug.. i mean no point lor.. by then i'm already like 34 weeks ?! haha and go for the first lesson?? then my hubby asked them when they sent out the sms, the lady cant find any date or what.. then my hubby say "is it u all nv send ?" haha coz we signed up in May, rather early.. those who signed up at the later date might have gotten the new schedule liao so they are not affected.

Btw sorry to hear abt ur GD results
gonna control ur diet liao man.. btw i think my baby is BIG lor! i'm 28.5 weeks and she's 1.3kg! =.="
Gynae predict her weight at birth to be around 3-3.2 kg i hope i wont have any difficulty in labour man.

And, yes Charlotte was still SLEEPING!!! give up hope on her liao. hahahaha
miemie, shugar,
sorry to hear about your GD. consolation is, its borderline case. maybe it's a blessing in disguise cos it makes u monitor your diet more carefully. so take heart. my appt is tom and i have been eating all kinds of crap i shouldn't be eating cos my gf was back from melb. durians, thai food, cakes, u name it. so if tom gynae ask me to take GTT, i think i sure kena lor.

miemie, sweetzinc,
btw, i've done some admin on our FB group. there were 2 spams on the group wall, so i've gone ahead and deleted those posts and banned those 2 from our group.
astro: moi ideal weight at the end of pregnancy is 72kg leh. i think its FAT hope liao.

Singapore International JEwellery SHOW this weekend from Thurs (30July) to Sun (2 Aug)... Come look for us at booth F16!!! Venue is at Suntec Convention all. LEvel 4..
hi ong,

your babies really very big! mine were all born at 38 weeks and both were below 3kg! yours almost 1 kg bigger!

but i'm only 1.52m so ob says that for vbac must keep below 3kg. hoping it'll be ok. :p

Re: cloth diapers
i used cloth for first 10 weeks exclusively cos my babies were all totally bf. it's easier to monitor output this way (i.e. how many wet diapers). disposables sometimes baby pees a few times before you notice.

but it think this this round i'm going for total cloth! after 2 kids the bill for diapers is quite staggering!! also i think the cloth diapers are very pretty nowadays! haha
hi vin,
i use all my cloth diapers from bumwear.com.
there are other sites as well such as fuzybunz. etc. hope this helps.
Cloth diaper

I only use on my #1 for the 1st mth, cos i am at my mum's house mah.

When i came back home, i got so scared of washing, so slowly change back to diaper. :p
dreamygal: waha ok no problem. i will settle those orders tonight also.. got lesson later on sucks man!. i will reserve for u

ya stupid supplier only gave me 6 months size. %!##@!

fifi: is it haa i nv saw the spam..

loke: no money to buy jewellery ah lol i'm still wondering when my hubby gonna upgrade my destinee for me lor! tsk tsk i think wait long long also dun have liao.
