(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

hi blink n dreamygal

my apologies, very blur lately
so paiseh to give wrong info...

i onl noe of a spotlight shop located at Plaza Singapura (Dhoby Ghaut Stn), should be level 3 or 4 ba, but their shopp very messy de, but my sis like to shop there too

btw, 1 or 2 level down, got a scrapbook shop, quit ex, but maybe u can spend some time doing scrapbk also, but must take photo n develope out lo, abit troublesome. but my sis is doing that for me...
thanks a lot! we had the best ultrasound printout ever. one shot of bb opening her mouth wide and big, then another one of her face side profile.

trying to set up my brother's printer without driver. once that's done i'll upload it somewhere...

but bb is in breech position! i dunno how that happened. last visit she was head down. now she turned up?!? eh, i swear i never do sommersault turns when i swim ah! maybe now i shud do more, then maybe she'd be turning inside too.
doc says there's 6 more weeks for her to turn. by wk34 if still doesn't turn, then tis prolly gonna have to be caesarian. but he said good chance for that to happen since her legs are crossed and not straightened out yet.

of course i kena the usual "i'm quite concerned about your weight... yada yada yada..." but he never ask me to do GTT. so phew! i not complaining about anything this visit.

but i really hope isabel will turn soon or i'm gonna have to be cut up!!! YIKES!!!!!!!!

well since everyone says just buy so i also must show support. have posted my order in your BP thread.
fifi>> wow, i was refreshing this page waiting for your updates leh.. heehee.. can't wait to see isabel's photos!

my isabelle is also in breech position now, and same lo, my gynae says if by the next 2 visits she dun turn down, im gonna have to go for c-sect.. but she says usually babies will turn down one la.. so let's just wait for our isabel & isabelle to turn! heehee
hippo: i'm thinking maybe i just buy a gold anklet.. easier.. haha.. my hb very funny.. some of the nice stones he see already he say.. "dun sell lah.. keep.. next time make this and that for u and baby..." i'm like.. haha. i appreciate.. but i prefer CASH... keke... anyway, my baby also in breech position today when i went to see doc. he says its ok. baby will still turn around.. never say much leh. my gyne dun watch horror movies i think.. so he's always very assuring. he never tell us any horror stories one..

mie: and angel! haha....
loke>> leave the gold anklets for the grandmas and grandpas and grandaunts to buy la.. just make a diamond anklet for your girl! which baby gets to have a diamond anklet as a 1st month gift? only your little angel! heehee
miemie, loke
wah lau! diamond anklets??? a bit OTT right? next time angel cannot marry a pauper already. she'll be very high maintenance. my ex-jeweller fren buys like 0.25ct ear studs for his girls, and they weren't even for like birthdays or xmas!!!???

yeah my printer driver is still downloading...
hippo: yeah. 2pointers should be really cute. u wanna make 2pointer pink sapphires for isabel??

mylvera: hehe. stones are more valuable if u know them.. gold bars not as exciting.. hehe.

we have a really red ruby about 3cts.. $80k.. 2times the price of my car. haha...

mie: we are not rich yet ah.. haha.. got stones.. no cash.. where got rich.. haha.... if i got lots of cash i'll teach my angel to do investments.. not in stones lah. but smart investments in stocks. haha. hopefully not chicken stocks...

i'm feeling a little crappy now... so many things to do until i'm going crAZY...
mie / Blink : Yap... GlynnisBaby is my site. Started off with doing personalized buckwheat husk pillow for baby, then proceed to bring in own stuff...

vin : Lin is right. Spotlight is at PS. They have a lot of craft things. I like to go there.

Lin : Its ok.
mie: i think so lah. cos its not going to be very long.. so the amt of gold to be used shouldnt be too much. only the workmanship that might cost. stones wise.. small stones not expensive. keke..

dreamygal: that's cool..
lin: i think the place is at harbourfront.. seen them in real action before. very cute. but i thought it probably isnt worth the money.. its very expensive..
pei yu: i got confused at ur thread. can u tell me what are the designs which are remaining ah? :p
i am looking at boy rompers, 6 - 9mths and the bibs.

are the out of stock items indicated on your website? (hence i look at the items not marked, right?)
hi blink

heard its ard 200 for 10 lessons...

should be located at Plaza Singapura (dhoby ghaut stn) my sis say located next to adidas.

very cute hor? indeed a little bit ex...
oh. swimming ah? :p
my other thread.. has a mum whose german hb is a qualified bb swimming coach. her girl.. 2.5 years old. can swim liao .. then we all requested they start private class (limited to 4 bbs per session, across all ages lah).. 100 dollars for 10 sessions. :p but for only 30 minutes nia lah.. they doing it more for interest than for profit.. at their condo pool.. hehehe. provides for all our bbs to mingle together..
ladies, start ur kids young (as young as 6 mths possible!) when swimming.. so that they wun forget their natural environment (in amnoitic fluid).. and can take to swimming easier and master it earlier also.. in fact that's why it is perfectly ok to give birth in water
.. they call it water births lah. TMC got a birthing pool. but must rent one.. ha

in some documentaries, young babies are shown totally submerged in water!
i couldn't believe my eys to see my fren's 8 mths girl dive headsdown and didn't cry! of course, assisted lah.. :p

then my ah teng.. hais. cry and took so long to get into the water and waddle nia! all miser's fault again. i nagged at him to start swimming with teng early.... he keeps saying still early.. duh..
u'r really damn fast lah!
haven't even have a chance to say i put it there! hehe...

hmmm, happy hippo been swimming, so does that count? yesterday the minute i went into the water, she started kicking vigorously, as if she's also swimming inside.
astro: hahaha i also as blur as u lol! those out of stock in my blog are those paid purchases. i still have some awaiting for payment to be in ...

boy rompers i left with this http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_sdUGoprwYpY/SmkxJsryY7I/AAAAAAAABg0/ZzDsbAUWHrM/s1600-h/IMG_3163.JPG but is under reserved. if tomorrow she haven pay i'll drop her order.

i think for the benefit of all of the frequent oct mtbs here , next time when i wanna order stocks from my supplier again i'll let u all know before hand k easier also heheh!
mie: the massage is so much better and shiok compared to rustic!!!! muahaha.... but their facilities is not as good as rustic.. small shop only haha.

ya lor u help me psycho them to buy shoes leh wahaha!!!
just received a pair of adidas mary janes from my cousin. "jie, too cute not to buy, so i bought it"... bb hippo gonna get a lot of love from da village man...

yah, next time i action faster like miemie lor...
on the topic of swimming, when i am in China, the big departmental stores do sell these baby swimming pools for like S$80 only, comes with the float round the neck as well.

My colleague brings her daughter to Hua Xia for swimming, but she said, it's actually the same as holding your baby in the bath tub, or in the baby pool. Anyway, what's keeps her continuing is the baby massage which she says is very good, and makes her baby sleep well.

Overall, baby swimming is good, cos the movement will build up the muscles of the baby... not ruan mian mian
i do intend to bring baby isabelle to go swimming, the one at plaza singapura... i already bought the neck float! wahahaha.. erm i know they do provide the float, but i tink i want to have my own.. then i also can bring baby go swimming on my own ma.. heehee

fifi>> i already reserve the shoes before swwetzinc's stock arrived! wahahaha.. and i tink it just happened that i was at the page and then you uploaded isabel's picture! heehee..

sweet>> you making me wanna go and try as well.. im a sucker for massages.. heehee..
lingxin5 > i m going for 4-bedder. then on e day see how if i feel like upgrading or not. tmc say can upgrade but kenot downgrade.

hippo > u caught me. all sweetzinc fault. post so cute stuff. heheheh.
haha... pot calling kettle black. i have 11 of those. bwahahaha...
cant resist right? when i showed this to my family they were just going ga-ga as well...
i also got 11 leh! 1 of each is the seller gave me wrong one then i told her.. instead of doing an exchange, she mail me the correct one haha... but i dun like the design she gave me by mistake.
