(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

i've read, its actually gd for baby's physical and mental development to swim early. eg, they can sit without support earlier etc. i've actually bought e pool and float for my coming baby =p

so excited to see her swimming in it. babies love water bcuz it reminds them of our womb.

hi ladies, i haven log in for days, n we're nw on the topic of swimming! to bring babies swimming, do we nid professionals to do dat? as in will they teach the babies anything in particular? or can we jus bring them ourselves n let them kick in the waters?

i saw that there's sthg for sale! anything suitable for newborns?? hee...
mtbs, i got some lend-me-down clothes with milk stains (yellow). any idea how to remove the stain without hurting the baby clothes (as i will need to return them)
Sorry mommies so long never log in. just busy juggling work and my son n not the kind when nothing to do will sit in front of comp.

yep bringing newborn to swim is great. i brought my son when he was a few months old, just to explore, initially not much reaction, maybe even cried a bit, cos not used to the cool water. but after a while, adapted, and now at 3 years old, he goes swimming every alternate day and is v confident in the water. will walk, kick, try to blow bubbles (tho fails most time but never cry when drink a bit of water). believe for kids water time is one of the best times. even when you look back at your own childhood.
wah... so many interested in baby swimming huh?

eh, maybe to hedge my bet, i shud go and get myself certified hor? then u all send da babies to me! hahahaha... ;)

ok ok, preview ah. those who want their kids to learn the proper strokes can KIV MEEE!!!!! hehehehe... maybe can rope in sotongmum too. ;)

pls dont go and enrol your kids with some lousy coach who never go into the water. or coaches who cant swim properly for that matter. i see the ones @ my condo, and i've never seen them demonstrate actual strokes in the water. those are half past six conmen hor.

think if i wanna teach, i sure demo properly first lor. how else do i know if the coaches can even swim proper strokes? just a note of caution when you wanna choose one for your kid in future.
Hi Mommies,

Just a quick update for those who have been following my blog on personalised beanies (bean sprout pillows) and baby apparels. The site will be updated this week with our latest beanies and clothing done for special babies, so do check out:

Our products make good gift ideas for friends with newborns too!

Have a nice day
Mie Mie: There are alternatives like multigrain or bread/ rice. After a while you will get use to it.

I thought my water bag leaking, was so worried til i visited the gynae. Frightening experience.
btw is it ok to bring baby for swim at those normal pool? where the water is cold.. i understand that those shops that provide swimming lesson uses warm water.. right?
ww>> yeah am taking softgrain bread now.. going to try multigrain next~

waterbag leak? after gynae check is it just discharge? sometimes i get very heavy discharge as well, but not until i tink is waterbag leak la..
hippo: i remember you bought a pool right??? haha.. i'll KIV u lah.. seems like good reviews on baby swimming..u go get urself certified lah. haha.. i'll support u...

siangjiao: i want to start my maternity leave NOW!! hahha.. i'm still so sick of the smell at orchard towers. but i guess i cant take leave now also lah. too many things on hand. take leave machiam like no leave also.

sweet/mie: lets bring our carat club babes for a swim at hippo's pool! haha...sounds like fun!
blink blink: actually i want to start taking leave now... no mood to work also. Start new stuff also scared cannot finish. But i also dun want to start taking too early, cos i want to stretch out the time as much as i can with the baby.

I've been feeling so nua recently, and clumsy too. 80 days for me to my EDD... still seems such a long long time
siangjiao: me too. i keep banging myself into things too.. actually i just need one day off.. sit around at home do nothing. haha. or go 2-3days holidays.. i countdown by weeks.. so 10 wks more to edd. easier to count. hehe..

vodka: i should be donating. but my gyne says they are always shorthanded so the process might be a little troublesome..

just wanna ask those who've tried pre-natal massage, whether do they massage on the chest area? Is there a need to and what purpose does it serve?

If we are uncomfy, can tell the masseur not to touch the chest area?
sweetzinc & dreamygal: just wanna find out what makes yall decide on stemcord over cordlife?

any idea what's the charges like? I've tried to leave the details online for them to get back to me on my query, but i've yet to received any reply from them..
Hi, I just re'cd my copy of the cordlife documents.. so can advise on e price..

If u r repeat customer, it'll be $800 + GST.. if u opt for the Sepax (some new technology thingy) it'll be additional $200..

Annual payment - $250 +GST

First - timer - $1000 + GST (instead of the $800)

But wait for their road show, then they can waive off the enrolment fee, processing fee etc.. but in my opinion, these kind of charges should be waived off regardless.. just have to 'bargain'

N why cordlife over stemcord - didn't do much research, just more convenient cuz my first one w cordlife.. think they are both just as competitive..

N since i didn't have much problem w cordlife for the first one, thot i'll continue..

hope e above helps!
Backpain (still_learning)>> I think my reason is because stemcord is cheaper than cordlife lol. and my hubby's friend recommend us. so both of us can get $50 off 1 yr subscription fee haha. so if any of you wanna sign up with stemcord, can quote ur friends (if they are currently with stemcord) then u also can get one time $50 off. if u want can quote me also wahaha =x

i paid $850 for registration fee and subsequent 1 yr is free.. after that is $250 per yr. and what's good that all can pay by baby bonus!! which i think cordlife cant ah i not v sure..

regarding the massage, those prenatal that i went to, all didnt touch the chest and tummy area one... haha i think u can just let them know that u are not comfortable with touching chest area lor
Backpain (still_learning) : Actually both companies are competitive enough. I signed up with stemcord as my friend banked with stemcord. If i signed up with them, both she and i will get some discount for the subsequent years fee.

Plus at that time, stemcord got roadshow at one of the motherhood fair.
Wow... guess i m really sua ku... didnt know anything about a cord bank until I read this thread. I shld find out more. It looks very interesting. But also very expensive, especially because there is an annual fee that continues until dunno when...

Btw, since so many mummies here are interested in getting their babies to learn swimming, i tot i should share these few websites that i was also looking at, just to give u an idea of what pple in the UK are doing for baby swimming. Babies (under 12 months) have the natural instinct to hold their breath under water, which is why it is easier to teach them from young. The folks in UK believe that it's good to start early because many water-related accidents happen to toddlers and kids.

anyway, take a look at the sites below if u r keen, especially the video at this one (very cute): http://www.waterbabies.co.uk/

Hi Jo, Sweetzinc, Dreamygal & sweetzinc,

Thanks alot for the information, really helps alot.. =)

From what I had pored through their website, Cordlife would be having a promo this coming Sat, whereby the upfront fee'd be dropped to $588.50* whereas there seems to be no current promo for Stemcord currently..

can the upfront fee really be 'bargained off'? Coz tis really steep... =(

Hmmz, both seems good, guess I'll decide based on the promos avail since both are competitive..

I've read through both websites and Stemcord is said to be owned by med professionals (the bulk of their shareholders), stores the cordblood in 2 diff locations etc, whereas Cordlife stores all in the same pl citing that there's no natural disaster in Sg, so no need to keep at 2 locations etc and said to be listed on Australia's stock exchange etc.. both seems good...
Backpain (still_learning) : My hubby said that the upfront fee of $588.50 is their 21 years plan promo. I think need to pay a few thousands $$. Details wise i am not very sure cos my hubby is the one calling the 2 companies.

sweetzinc : Got the rompers. Its nice. My hubby also said that they are cute. Thanks.
haiz, is my turn this time. Just went for GTT y'day, now waiting to see my gynea tomorrow n see hows thing going. Really pray hard here tho... i wonder if i can really coop wif those diet if am a comfirm GD case :S

hows the other mtbs doing? the diet is bearable?
i signed up with cordlife coz my fren's working there.. heehee.. and anyway i believe both companies are reputable and reliable, so it shouldn't have too much of a difference which company you choose in the end!
Is there really a need to have store cord blood?

If the child suffers from some illness, wouldn't the cord blood have that same gene already?
re: cord blood banking
initially we have dismissed it. but after re-considering, we've decided to ask doctor frens if they are doing it. after all, they shud really know best right?

feedback is - those with older kids didn't have the chance to bank cord blood. but they would do it in today's context. those who just had kids all bank with stemcord. reasons being:
1) storage in multiple locations vs 1. if only 1 location, can only use cord blood once, cos they can't "refreeze" the cord blood.
2) setup by local renowned doctors

another point to consider - ask your gynae who they work with, cos its the gynae that has to harvest the cord blood. so dun go and sign up with the other one and then have issues with gynae. anyways gynae referral normally is discounted rate.

so yeah, we've decided to do it with stemcord. if only their cust service exec will get their act together and call me. ha! been waiting for the call for a few days already.

is there really a need? what our doc frens say - applications of cord blood is already quite wide today, and you don't know how advanced they can get in future, i.e. maybe can use to cure more illnesses? if its use can be even wider than now, you dont really want to be in that position where you question yourself why never store the cord blood before.

what's more, the cost isn't really that high. many pple will get insurance for their kids/babies right? treat it as insurance premium, thing is, its even better cos insurance only pay when you kena something bad. this one may provide a cure?!

just our thot process after much consideration.
Hi glass,

The following is an excerpt from their website..

The umbilical cord blood is a rich source of haematopoietic stem cells (HSCs), a proven resource for treatment of certain diseases. Cord blood collection procedure is painless and risk-free to both mother and baby.

The cordblood is malleable and able to take other forms, such that it can be 'molded' to form the cure that they need etc.. thus, most parents are storing cordblood nowadays..

dreamygal: the $588.50 is for their 21 yr plan? Din know that.. I've emailed them then no reply from them.. the same as with stemcord, email them also no reply..haiz..
glass : We chose to store cord blood because to my hubby, its a chance we can hope upon if any dreadful thing is to happen. He see it like an insurance. If nothing happen, its the best.

Anyway, agreed with fifi that with today medical advancement, there may be a lot more illness that can cure with cord blood in future. If we banked it, the chances of a good match will be much better than waiting for the public cord blood bank to match.
Backpain (still_learning)>> I signed with stemcord coz they had a seminar 1 month ago then got some promo hehe. but the upcoming one is cordlife at intercontinental hotel
maybe u can just go and listen and see what plan they offer u ?

Dreamygal>> glad u like them hehehe!

fifi : I don't know that if gynae referred, we can get discounted rate. Will ask mine next Sat when i see her.

badpain : That's what i heard. Call them for a faster response?
