(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

wow, the taka BB fair meetup seems more overwhelming than our lunch gathering! wahahaha

so right now we have

- Mie
- sweetzinc
- mylvera
- loke
- joyce

today went for my glucose test, started fasting since last night 12 midnight, not a single drop of water and ounce of food until this morning!
the glucose drink is super sweet, and tastes a bit like 7-up, had to finish every single drop sia.. and had to draw blood 3 times (1 hour interval) and still no food and drinks until the last visit is over (which was like almost 12 noon).. i went without solid food for more than 12 hours.. i thot i would have fainted of hunger sia..

the most infuriating thing is..... i din get to see my baby's face!!!! she is lying horizontally, head and legs on my right side, so the first time my gynae tried to scan, her face was hiding behind her legs.. so thot later would be better.. so during the 3rd which is the last visit, dr tried to scan again.. who knows! her legs are down, but she was facing my back!!!!!!! wa piang, we only saw the back of her head nias.. so no 2d or 3d pic for week 28...

on the way home, i chided her for being a notti baby and told her not to kick me so hard anymore coz mummy is very angry... wahahahahha

anyway am glad i only put on 2kg and still havent hit the 70kg mark! yeah... baby weighs 1055grams at week 28.. and yeah, welcome to 3rd trimester!!!
mie: shit. i've crossed the 70kg mark. i dunno where the weight is coming from. i never eat extra. eating rice and vege mostly. must be the chilli... arghh..
Hi Miemie>>> So good u only put on 2kg only....
For me, I am starting to put on more weight since Week 26.... Initially same like you only put on 2 kg, but who knows from Week 26 to Week 28, I had gained 5kg in just TWO weeks.... But luckily still have some gap to reach 70 marks....

Hope I have control my weight gain in the last trimster... FYI my baby weighs abt 1.12kg
hi ong

guess u must be reali looking 4ward to ur bb now... has your gynae discuss with u the dates? y r u going for c-section? many ppl dont encourage, although i m going for it too ")

ya, bb out by 1-2 wks earlier is consider normal. but if given a choice, i choose the 1st day given by gynae

my ex-colleague say she gain 20 kg and after c-section, she lost 11kg immediately and now still got 5 more kgs to lost... no worries, sure u can make it de
joyce>> you must be very very slim to begin with ya? how much weight have you put on since preggy?

the amount of weight we put on also depends on our BMI before preggy leh..

loke>> im hovering super near to the 70kg mark! i suspect is coz i had to fast from last night till this morning, if not im sure i will hit the 70kg mark le lo.. anyway you see me, you will tink that im 75kg that kind.. wahahaha
mie: i guess we are almost in the same cat. haha.. but seeing the number 7 in front on the weighing machine is HORRIBLE. i must come out with a weight loss plan for after confinement!!!
loke,mie: i haven pass the 70kg mark yet.. weighing 67kg now.. hai.. getting fatter and fatter... now heavier than my hubby liao.. lol. I hope i wont exceed 70kg leh. my usual weight was 54kg.. but at the look of it i doubt so liao haha

mie, why dun we meet for lunch/high tea before or after the shopping! hahahaha !! anyway ur baby can lie horizontally ah! wah.. ur tummy must be damn stretchable haha!
loke>> they say breastfeeding is the best way to lose weight leh.. cross my fingers and hope this is the best method for me to regain my before preggy weight, and maybe even become slimmer than before! heehee.. painless and exercise-less method is the best ya!

sweet>> i tink we can have brunch first, then go shopping, then followed by hi-tea! woohoo!
rmb i told you my belly button got stretchmarks already? last night i discovered the underside of my tummy also got faint stretch lines!!!!! my hubby saw and he din tell me until i discovered them myself lo, so asshole right.. i guess the stretch marks on the underside of my tummy are caused by baby isabelle lying horizontally.. my tummy is not that stretchable afterall..
cool.. brunch then hi-tea after shopping.. tat would mean that I have 2 apply for 1 day leave liao... hahaha...

For me already pass the 70kg mark.. hopefully will not pass the 80kg...
so, u all meeting on thurs(27) or fri (28)? i trying to arrange with HB to take leave. Need my muscle man :p

so confirm bigger side of tummy is head? i was wondering is backside or not. today quite interesting, think bb was playing with the cord i.e. near the er..tor chye (belly button).

miemie: your hb no wan u to be
mie: yah my friend told me the underside also will have one.. so need to ask hubby to help us see.. why ur hubby so bad nv tell u hahaa..
let's meet on the 1st day? or you all prefer a friday? if meeting on friday, i will take 2 days leave... wahahaha.. i must be there on the 1st day, the kiasu-ness in me is showing.. heehee

sweet>> long story.. coz i keep complaining to him abt the stretch marks ard my belly button.. he say complaining abt it will not make it go away, so when he saw those on the underside, he feels that telling me will not help, so he just keep quiet abt it lo! lest i have one more thing to complain / worry...
wa lau, so mean hor.. then today my gynae told me to continue to apply stretch mark cream plus moisturiser, to make sure the marks dun get worse.. so..... telling me will help! at least it will reduce the 'yan-zhong-ness' of the stretch marks ma!
mie: haha ok! either we meet during sundays (Coz i going over to tampines) or meet at taka shopping spree!

we arrange again ok in msn hehe

oh yeah i think i wanna go on the first day too! hahaha
hi mummies,

is there anyone who would like to purchase a second hand medela pump-in-style breast pump in shoulder bag style? i would throw in a breastfeeding scarf as well for $200. Do email me at [email protected] if you are keen.

meanwhile, all the best for your delivery!
sweet: u still got 3kgs to go before u hit 70kg. so as long as u make sure the weight is not going to u but to baby, i'm sure u wont hit 70kg. for me is gone case. haha. already passed that.. sianz. total weight gain is 10kg liao.

mie: yeah.. breastfeeding. haha. but i cannot dun exercise. i feel very lethargic one. that's y recently my mood also very up and down. cos no exercise. feels heavy to move around..

anyway.. u girls arrange the shopping date liao let me know.. i try to arrange my schedule. hehe
Miemie>> So far I have gained 5.5kg... Hope dun reached the 70 marks for this pregnancy.
I will go for the 1st day of the Taka BB fair too.

Mummies, FYI BHG is having the BB fair as from today till 2 Aug 09. Most of the baby items are going for 20% discount. And there is Avent milk bottles trade-up as well. Can find out more on today Straits Times.
Help! Help! hElp!...

mummies out there,
I just back from my scanning n doc commented that my bb is small, im now at 29 weeks n bb is onli 1.1kg... Then she ask me whether my 1st child is small too, but i say my 1st bb is born at 2.756kg, my previous doc say it average but she say that not bery big too.

What to eat to make bb more bigger? Any suggestion? Durain? or beef? or what??? I been eating more than usual, eg b4 pregnant 2meal, but now greedy like pig, alway eat 3meal. Weight gain is from 48 to present stage at 59-60kg, hw come my bb so small..... sad sad....
joanne: sometimes baby small not because of what you eat.. its just because the placenta may not be that effective for the absorption of nutrients.. as long as u eat well and continue to take the multi vits etc from doc.. baby shouldnt be a prob..
when baby is born, baby's system will take care of itself.. all u need to do is to feed baby well..

seems like many ppl say durian wks,,, 2.7kg is ok ba, my cousin wife bb is onli 2.4 kg

i eat many beef from burger king n jt started durian... how much hv u gain? n u at which wk le?
i n hubby consider quite tall leh, but bb so small. What to eat to make bb more bigger eg. more iron or what? I hope to eat something to bu my bb n not add weight to me instead.
Joanne: 1.1kg at 29 weeks is consider small ah ?
mie's is 1055g at 28 weeks leh. i think should be ok ba.. hopefully baby will gain more weight during the last tri!

From babycenter 29th week - "Your baby now weighs around 2.5 pounds/ 1.1 kilograms and measures about 15 inches/ 38 centimeters from head to toe."
hi blinkblink,

During my 1st child, the maidwife did comment that my placenta not bery good, say even if my bb in my tummy oso wun get mich nutrient, out better, can get from milk. Scarli this time oso like this... So sad, my 1st bb oreadi so small. n now this is even smaller...

Hi lin,
my friend have been eating durain everyweek duno since which weeks she is in, her bb gal were born at 3.8kg ah... so i tok it must be due to durain which in iron make the bb so big loh... so far i have gain 10-11kg le...
hi pei yu,

Duno leh... that what the doc told me leh, i been thinking that my bb is big cos i can feel tummy is bigger than my 1st pregnancy. I am now 29week 4days...
Hi mummies

Sorry for interrupting. I’m an April 2009 Mummy.

I have a used Medela Mini Electric Plus for sale. This set was bought at Robinsons, warranty till Dec 2009. A BN new is retailing at over $300!


This compact breastpump provides the convenience of double pumping. Ideal for expressing breastmilk occasionally when at home or on the go.
• Single or double pumping
• Full range adjustable vacuum
• Gentle and efficient expression
• Electric or battery use

Have been using for the past 3 months only. Am selling as I intend to stop expressing soon as I am going back to work.

My own review of the set:
• get good suction
• managed to get very good supply from it
• double pumping really cuts down on the time needed to express, which is essential when the baby may be fussing!

Also thrown in for FREE:

1. Comfort Breastshield (also shown in the pic) x2 (original retail price is over $30 each)
For higher comfort while pumping.
• Close simulation of baby's sucking movements
• Made of soft silicone
• Massage effect

Bought an extra set so that I wouldn’t need to keep washing! Time saving! Can wash 2 sets at once. Very good if you intend to continue pumping whilst back at work and you don’t have a place to wash.

2. Pumpin' Pal's Original Handsfree Strap (original price $27.90) (not shown in pic)
This allows mom to relax her arms while breast pumping or even do small tasks like read a book, talk on the phone, or work on a computer. She can even close her eyes to catch a nap. Designed like a trapeze, it's perfect for mom returning to work. She can pump easily and therefore continue her nursing and pumping routine.

3. Pumpin' Pal Super Shields (original price $29.90) (not shown in pic)
Bought these so that I can sit back comfortably while pumping. The Super Shields are Bisphenol A (BPA) free, in Medium size (fits most people). Really a back-saver! If you have to lean forward or sit up really straight ALL the time whilst pumping, it’s really really tiring! The angled shields really do help.

If you are interested, please PM me. Price is negotiable.
joanne>> ya, mine is 1055grams at week 28.. my gynae say is normal average range.. like wad sweet posted from babycenter, 29weeks 1.1kg is ok ma.. i tink your gynae is overeacting..
joanne: i think so with sweet and mie too.. my bb 800g at 26wks.. so based on estimation.. bb at 29wks should be around 1.2kg.. dun worry so much.. i'm sure ur #1 is growing well and healthy now too right. so #2 shouldnt be a prob..
hi joanne

i have only gain 5.5kg as of 26 wks and few days only, tummy also very small but gynae say bb is growing ok can for ule

u dont worry too much hor... grow up healthy can le...worrying too much not gd for u
hi mummies, back from biz trip in London. Been trying to catch up with the posts in the last 2 weeks. Btw, how is the gathering coming along? got any confirmation on time and day?

I heard that durians are good for fattening up babies. My colleague's wife had twins and she ate durians during her last trimester. Both babies came out more than 2.5 kg. Heard that durians can make the baby's flesh tough (like Sri Lankan crab) =_= But mummies with diabetes or on the heavy side should avoid.

Talking about being civic conscious, if Singapore is bad, London is even worse. When i take the train, no one bothers to give up their seat; their eyes just stare blankly back at you. And i was wearing a mask throughout my trip even when i go out, and the people will deliberately cough very loudly and clear their throats and make very snide remarks on the swine flu. No wonder the flu spread is so wide there, cos everyone is in denial and nobody cares.

Elly: Welcome to the forum. I agree with you, things in UK are very expensive! painful for the wallet. Only store that is cheap is Primark, where i bought plenty of baby clothing ie baby suits were like 7 for S$12. Silly me bought this pair of baby shoes for like 1 pound ($2.4) to realized back in the hotel they were different sizes.. kaoz..

Abt tummy hardening ... eh, i had a horny dream the other night, and when i woke up, my tummy was hard like a rock! oops :p tmi. Other than tat, nowadays i can feel baby tumbling sometimes left side, sometimes right side, and that area will tighten. When i sleep on my left side, i can feel him kicking, like protesting not to sleep on him.
Hi Joanne
I just got back from my gynae visit and my bb is 1.2 kg now. I m moving onto to week 30. Gynae say bb weight is ok leh. So I dun think you need to worry too much. Think bb will gradually put on weight as the weeks pass and when their bones start to develop will also get heavier.

Me got GD, which is even moRe xian lo :s am now on dietician's meal plans. Lots of things cannot eat already!
shugar>> you got GD!!! omg.. then you need to poke your fingers or not? i just had my blood test yesterday, gynae hasnt got back my report, so no news yet.. im damn worried.. if i have GD, i will need to poke my fingers 7 times each day for 2 days a week leh.. damn sianz..

you need to control your carbo and sugar intake le.. have you been taking a lot of sweet stuffs?
hi shugar,

I am moving to week 30 too, hw come that doc who scan my my bb at KK say my bb is small, her comment make me very worry wor and now keep thinking abt what she say make me whole day so sianz... She measure this bone n measure that bone n suddenly say, hmm.. ur bb is quite small hor? I was like... hah? Small meh, hw small??? Duno she got calculate wrong anot...

I am just back hme n i faster take a look at my 1st child's record when he is at 30weeks plus , he is est around 1.8kg wor,n during that time doc say it is just average size bb, n end up born at 2.7kg onli. make me more worry!! Just 1week different, n their weight different is by 700gms?

I did read in the web saying that cannot eat too much durian cos too sweet. High blood pressure patient n diebetic cannot eat
wow... thes days i have been drinking n eating lot of sweet sweet stuffs, n glucose test will be on this coming monday. Think i need watch what i eat nwsaday, cos i remenber my friend got GD too, poke his finger almost everyday, so pain.....
I just check babycenter n it written: bb at 29weeks-
Your baby now weighs around 2.5 pounds/ 1.1 kilograms and measures about 15 inches/ 38 centimeters from head to toe.

If base on what written, my bb normal what, i wonder y the lady who did the scanning make that comment... Making mi jing sheng jin zhang!!! Neva mind lah, this coming monday i will visit my doc, see hw he say ba...
miemie: ya need to poke fingers 7 times a day, once a week. Still not so bad... lucky not bad case, doc said there are bad cases till have to take insulin jabs wor!
Placed on a sugar free diet... no more sweet things are allowed for me. All white rice and bread also a no-no liao. Haiz, have to get used to this.
Actually i also dun eat a lot of sweet things. I dun even eat durians!! hahaah, but doc said its case by case lah, when it comes to GD. Some pple's bodies just dun break down insulin too well during pregnancy. As long as it goes away after BB is out, then I'm ok.

Joanne: Our BB's all seem to be about the same weight, so dun think you need to worry too much.
Healthy can liao!
maybe the doc used to seeing big babies? hehe :p
shugar>> once a week? my gynae's practice is twice a week, once on a weekday and once on a weekend.. sianz.. hope i dun kena.. how was your reading? is yours a very mild case but you're put on the sugar free diet just to play safe?
miemie: my reading before the glucose drink was normal. Its the reading after that was on the higher side. Yah, it more on mild side, but gynae wants me to avoid sugars till after birth.
he say some GD mtbs tend to give up when they are nearing their EDDs, but he told me that's the most crucial part lor. Said 2 months to go... just tahan for BB's and also my own sake.
After birth, he will do another GD test to see if the levels are all back to normal. Hope by then i will get the all clear!!
lin,yes hv chose 21sept 4 my c section.doc say mayb ne 2 b earlier if there r any sign.my #1 was a breech so i had c section.tat y 2nd 1 wil b c section as well as gynae is scaring me with chances of rupture if i go natural. Hv u chose d date?
hi ong

gynae has nt yet discuss with me on the dates. when do they normally do so? i am still visiting once a month cos i am only into wk 27..."(

how i wish he can discuss wif me earlier "(
