(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

flumucil - acetylcysteine mainly for phlegm (mucolytics)
xyzal - 2nd generation antihistamine
nexium - Esomeprazole (proton pump inhibitor) helps to reduce gastric acid secretion (for gastric reflux)

J Tan: the liquid iron supplement is made from veg and fruits, so will not cause constipation and heatiness unlike iron pills.

sleeping problems... hmm, i shift a lot more lately. flipping from right to left coz now trying to get used to sleep on my side. i am used to sleeping on my back previously. :S and dreams... so much dreams!! hahaha.
shugar >> dreamy dreamy hor? i also realised my dreams are getting more..can dream several times per night...now i just woke up..it would be 4am b4 i wanna sleep again..sharks!
xoxo: basically no... i think it'll be worse if u dun complete the antibiotics.. as for the rest.. if u got no symptoms then dun take...
hmm..my doc suspended the augmentin for me to begin on zithromax..would this be counter productive for me? augmentin doesn't work on mycoplasma infections apparently...
J Tan >> like this ar...must research to find out how many secs we must count b4 we allow them to clamp..muahahaha..so it's like u give birth than you say "wait..1000, 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004" then look at the cord harvester "ok now u can have it.." hilarious! but thanks for the heads up..will check it out..
xoxo: since it doesnt work, it makes sense to stop the medication. cos it just means that the infection is resistent to augmentin. so if zithromax works, then u should complete the whole course. the priority is to treat the pneumonia... so even if there's a risk to the fetus, the priority is still to treat pneumonia
loke >> i've finished the course of zithromax...cross fingers..hopefully everything will turn out OK..thanks for helping me to check it out..
xoxolight: my routine would be to get to bed, dream a few diff dreams and then wake up at 4 am and feel like i have just gotten to sleep a while ago and then i'll have to get out of bed to go to the loo. :S haiz....
shugar: goodnight!

xoxo: no probs.. the antibiotic shouldnt affect the fetus too much lah.. no worries k?? most importantly u r fine from the pneumonia.. and make sure u get plenty of rest...
loke >> taken already, so nothing's to be done..but the pneumonia's horrid...i am praying alot since that's what i can do..yebber..resting tonnes too..never been so slack..can't quite get used to that though but better enjoy it while it lasts..
loke >> congrats! u must miss him loads!! i am also looking fwd to the doc's visit in 9hrs..hope to see the dancing baby!
j tan, you have it too? irritating rite? i couldn't sleep for a long time yest nite after logging off here. but that feeling's gone now. i wonder if it has something to do with the sciatic nerve...?

xoxo, i had plenty of support during my SAHM stint.. my girlfrens were always coming over. they're the best la. known them since sec 1 so we've been tru thick and thin. we still meet up at least every weekend then. BUT, i still went berserk lei.. it's just not easy taking care of a small kid at home. they have days when they're good. days when they're cranky and nothing you do will settle them. so dealing with their whines constantly can gnaw on your nerves hence the going crazy la. hehe
maybe i just don have that patience of a saint la. i must qualify it's NOT all bad. it was pretty cool. but it's also nice to be out working den come back to kiddo to play play. Would i still do it all over again though? Hell yes!

with regards to maternity wear, i think this time round i don't have to spend so much since my current wardrobe consists of more baggy clothes unlike the last time. i need new pants though. so far only bought a pair of jeans from thyme and just got the length altered at far east yest. the rest of pants, will wait for my fren to return me my old maternity pants. passed them to her when she got preggy.

strange that you mentioned spending more money when you're at home. i've actually managed to save a LOT of money from staying home. save on daily cab fares from work to home. my huby works really weird hours. he sends me to work in the morning but cannot depend on him to fetch me back in the evenings. so i usually take a cab back from work, stop at my mom's, fetch my son (and our packed dinner) then continue home. and that's usually about $14/day during peak hours. so staying home, means less cabbing, means save more. hehe

my hubby is a personal trainer amongst other things so he works ALLLLL the time. on sat and sun mornings is when he conducts his bootcamps. then afternoons, he meets up with his personal clients to work with them at their gyms. def cannot depend on him for babysitting la. hehe.. i usually fly solo most weekends even when i go for meet ups with my usual girlfrens. he comes and joins us only when he's done. i cab every where with my son as my sidekick

i still wanna try make it though. my mom is going US in mid april for 2 weeks. during that time my son will prob have to stay over at my MIL at pasir ris. when that happens, i will only pick him up on weekends. so maybe that time i will be able to squeeze in the aqua fitness classes. will work something out and let you know ok?

shugar, i don't sleep well these days too. the slightest things will wake me up. i used to have really vivid dreams earlier on too. weird ones. but now don have. i think sleep too shallow to go into my REM dreaming stage.
i went to bed after drinking some milk. cos the HB KO already and i wasn't gonna go get it myself. hehe... i'm not entirely sure abt the clamping thing either. just read it somewhere. tell us abt the dancing baby later! btw, is the pre-natal yoga only 4 lessons in total? am doing pilates right now and wondering if this would complement. i wouldn't mind doing it since got lots of time to kill and very near me.
oh yah.. today is xoxo's doc's appt.. haf fun seeing the little baby, girl!
take photos of the scans and post here later ok? KUP
i also bot something from thyme week before. found this shop in suntec 3rd flr yesterday that sells pretty reasonable maternity wear (relatively modern looking and not too ex). my leg numbs very often leh. feeling quite weird abt it. will ask gynae at next visit next week.
j tan, are you referring to the row of maternity wear shops which are on the same level as toys r us? oh i know those row of shops! bought lots fr there last time. but now my wardrobe changed already la. those outfits not so suitable already. will wanna still go shop there and see what i can find that might be suitable one of these days though
j tan, this is your first? you hoping for a boy?
they say that sometimes dreams really do come true! good luck to you. i dreamt i was pregnant and soon after i took a HPT and got a BFP! so maybe yours was trying to tell you something too
yah, that's it. near toys r us. eh i shouldn't say what i want lah. like not fair to the baby. i think every mother would love to have a GIRL at some point. but family genes like mostly boys on both sides. hey, your mom gg to US can get lotsa babygap/ gapkids from there!

hi joyce!
j tan, true true.. i would love to have a girl this time round. always wanted a girl even for 1st one. hehe.. but i'm happy with whatever He decides to bless me with. my biggest wish, is to have a happy, healthy pregnancy and a bouncy, healthy little child.

HPT is home pregnancy test
BFP is big fat positive

Morning ladies!!

xoxo and famela: My migraine is better today. Saw doctor and has been banned from taking those heavy dosage painkiller can only take normal paracetamol cos of the pregnancy. Been drinking green tea with black sugar...it helps ease the pain a little. Think my migraine is trigger by the crazy rain-sun weather and cheese! Had cheese pretzel 2 days before th attack!! Something like my veyr last attack when I had pizza.

Speaking of insomnia, I have been having it for the couple of days. Last night even best, got hit by my hubby and I can't sleep after that!!
tien: glad that you are feeling better.. i'm just wondering. the migraine.. is it also triggered by caffeine withdrawal? coz. i saw that u drank some tea and u got better?
i am going cold turkey on all caffeine.. and becoz of that.. i get headaches sometimes..
read somewhere.. that shouldn't do it this way actually. coz will induce caffeeine withdrawals headaches.. but heck. i started.. so i will continue. ha..
looked at the archive and did the gender predictor tests. both = BOY. sigh... i saw babygap for gals yesterday so gian man. looks like i may have to change to boy channel.

hi tien!
wah sleeping got hit by hubby?! hehe... sounds scary yet funny. is your migraine caused by bad sitting posture at work? cause i notice some of my ex-colleagues who complain about migraine always crane their neck forward when they look at PC. that puts a strain on your neck and causes migraine.
Hi everyone! I've just joined this thread. Actually I'm pretty new to forums altogether. :p

I'm into my 10th week now. I'm supposed to see my gyne in my 13th week for a blood test and urine test. After that then we will discuss if we need to do and OSCAR. Just wanna find out what types of test you have been/will be taking.

hi joyce,
gynae is Dr Ben Neo, formerly from Mt E, now at Lucky Plaza. am not sure if he will do in other hospitals but i guess likely to end up in Mt E and pay thru my nose. chose him cos was thinking if i choose caesarian he'll be perfect. recommended by my fren whose scar healed perfectly. i hiau lah. my scar more impt than anything. hehehe... ;)
Hi J Tan,
So you plan to have the C-section? Any particular reason in opting this option. My advice to you is as far as possible, try natural birth unless is due to the medical reasons. Because I have friends who went for C-section and regret as the wound take longer time to heal and breastfeeding is a challenge....
glad you're feeling better tien

good morning astro! how are you this morning?

j tan: girl stuff always so much more fun to look at right? i guess we'll all find out soon enough la. after that can go shopping! i lurveeeeee to shop!

hi funzee! welcome and congrats
i've not done any other test at the doc's. usually always the routine urine and scan for each visit. but i guess for first timer they will do blood test to ascertain that you are not carrier of any disease. can't rem off hand what they test for though. i think HIV testing included oso.

the only test i'm gonna do this time round will be in april and will be the one equivalent to the OSCAR test
Hi all. I MIAed for many days due to work load, have to cover 2 colleagues on MC! Anyway, missed too many postings to catch up liao. But glad to see the familiar names still active and everyone still alive and kickin'.

I have this sudden urge to eat Penang laksa. Anyone got recommendation? The only good one I've had was in JB yonks ago. Oh man, thinking about the tangy soup is making me salivate! Suggestions anyone? anyone? Thanks!
welcome funzee

hmm. think apart from the initial preg test (i didn't do this) which they take the blood to check the HcG level to confirm preg.. the only up and coming one is the OSCAR.. or its variation for detection of down symdrome.. this is optional though..
and the uusual lah.. iron count test, hiv.. etc..

famela: better than yesterday

did't come back on.. coz was watching Perfect Cut 2 on channel U.. ha. then was involved in an interesting conversastion on the other thread.. then time to sleep coz 1am plus liao! gosh. now.. living up to my nick again.. --> ZOMBIE..
loke: ha.. steady lah.. easy on the bd-ing tonight hor.. whahahahha :p

chia: ha.. yalor.. all still alive and kickin :p
haven't die yet :p:p.. hmm. penang laksa ah? i sacred eat liao. i will get tummy upset!
morning all!

loke: hehe, happy hor! HB comin back liao.

funzee: hi and welcome!

Tien: glad to hear that you are recovering!

famela/j tan: hehe, i think BB girls incur more costs. :p got cute lil dresses, skirts and dun even start on all those pretty accessories! :p

astro: hehe, zombie for the day again ah? nvmind! its friday!! hahaha, hang in there!

yesterday i was craving kueh lapis... the multi colored one :p and i actually dreamt of it last night! HAHAHHA
it was to check that protein and sugar levels not too high. probably also to look out for any potential indicators of high risk pregnancy further down the road.

i thot that would be an obvious easy choice until i realise the healing time is much longer. so am actually having second thoughts. but yeah i was contemplating c-section right away cos am only 1.53m and read that small built women may not be able to deliver natural easily. my cousin same built as me was in labour for 14+ hrs cos pelvic bones din open wide enough. suppose will ask gynae's advice later down the road.
heya loke! wah started the countdown oredy ah? so all the candles, sexy lingerie, and cool sex toys for later ready or not?

what time's xoxo's appt anyone knows? i can't wait to hear from her

chiapatty: oh yes very much alive and kicking.. dono abt that craving for the penang laksa though.. i don't even know what's the diff between normal laksa and penangn laksa. errr... not laksa fan la

astro: hahaha.. zombie again? i oso slept late yest. couldn't sleep cos of my stupid leg. tingling2.. that funny sensation kept me up for a longggg time. lucky today my son is still at my mom's. he slept over yest. so that's why yest night and this morning just sit and stare at this thread and keep pressing the refresh button. don't feel like getting up
astro: dun think too much ah... happy cos 3 wks never see him wor... hahaha...next time i'll not let him go away for so long at one shot... if he has to, then i must follow.. hahhaha....

shugar: kueh lapis... hmm.. at the start of the MS, i couldnt even be anywhere near cake shops. cant stand the smell.. now everyday i want to eat a piece of cake.. haha.. maybe my body cant eat eggs, so eat cakes lor!!
morning shugar!

go buy kuih lapis today la.. morning usually they sell for breakfast

i agree girls will incur more cost la.. but they're sooo cute! hee hee
