(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

dreamygal >> yeah..i read that exercise helps. i am such a sedentary sotong that i am now eagerly waiting to flex my...uh..flab? so prenatal yoga and aqua aerobics. not keen to do anymore than that! plus 10min power walks daily around the reservoir..BB's alot of work!

dreamygal >> i believe you...now can only "ren"...tahan...sheesh..i am only dealing with discomfort now..not even pain..i think i am really a CQ
...a woe shared is a woe halved.

if my HB eats cuttlefish now..i will MS straightaway...
xoxo : Till now when i looked at my girl's 1st picture on the weighing scale, i felt touched.

Don't worry so much. Your god sis and SIL shared their story with you so that you know what happened to others. You will be better prepared. Everyone's birth story in different. So don't need to be so scared.

Yoga and aqua is good. But a pity i don't really have the time for these. I used to walk up and down the stair everyday during my 1st pregnancy.

Ok, got to go. My girl is pestering me to read her flashcards again.
dreamygal & all 2nd MTBs>> you've my deep respect gals..i dunno how i can ever cope keeping up with a toddler or child and having another. nowadays i am so unproductive, just sit and muck around forums..read here and there or else, think of nonsense! muahahaha..enjoy your evening with your girl..this is family bliss! very sweet...
hi all. just up from nap..
been very tired the entire day.. actually following the conversation.. but i was so tired that didn't post a single entry.. yes.. i am that tired.. my reaction to the hormones.. fatigue.. *sigh*

welcome crazy pie.

xoxo: u had quite a lot of arrangement done for a half day..

re father talking to bbs..
Miser is not that touchy feely kind.. in fact i find it awkward to have someone saying anything to my tummy also.. with teng, i just smile and acknowledge his presence when he does his stretches and kicks.. that's about all. i seldom talk to him per se..

now even 'better'.. not talking of this preg as yet.. yesterday, out of curiousity, i asked miser.. 'U are not excited about ting?'.. miser smiled and said 'excited'.. then i said ' dun seem the case'.. miser replied 'let's get excited after the first tri, shall we?'
hmmm. my fren keeps telling me.. dun let my first failed preg get to me.. said i too negative.. i always replied very calmy.. 'once bitten twice shy'.. she will say 'u are crazy lah. stop thinking'..
so now.. i conclude.. miser was also scarred.. jus tthat he never shown it, like the way i did..

aiya. how come i unconsiously started typing abuot that? sorry sorry.. :S

with teng, my birth plan.. states.. no this, no that,, no epidural, no cut.. cannot this, cannot that.. end up. i had the works.. ha..

hmm. i find a tear scarier than a deliberate cut.. just slight discomfort after birth.. very soon it is over kind.. a cut heals faster and better than a tear, maybe..

miemie: wah.. trying to be notti and tease all of us here?
ok lah. my guess (as the P of RYC).. bd-ing.. then stopped mid way.. and DIY for ur hb lah?

where is Rina today, my VP for RYC?
xoxo: erm.. ginny from four tris.. she is famous.. heard of her.. she went on tv before also..

u honetly considering being a SAHM? .. hmm. i did that for two years.. almost went berserk.. so did teng.. ha..

hey.. the pre natel class.. erm.. any way of making it nearer to us? east coast is super far.. i live in woodlands lei.. :S.. and does she start specifically after first tri or what? coz u and me.. we almost have three weeks gap in between our EDD leh.. i might be holding u back leh..
hi my dear zombie...i was also wondering how come u had the energy to do facebook quizzes but never participate in our yakkety yak..now my nausea is back so soon i will be out of here puking my guts away...

but first.

i also have a phobia abt the first trimester bit. even 2nd T and heck, all the way. i guess any mommy will never stop worrying..but gut feel is that all should be ok. que sera sera remember?

i have been thinking of the doula for a long time. decided to go ahead and check it out for real. meeting her next week. i will double check with my gynae at my check up tom whether she's cool with it. ginny's pretty knowledgeable and i concur that my best chances of having a good delivery is with having her ard rather than an equally clueless HB trying his best not to faint...

hmm...i think u can join the class at any time. i was on the phone with colleen today again. she's going on a holiday so the earliest she can entertain us is on Apr 30...that's way into our 2T isn't it? once a week ma..otherwise u can try her classes held at the Forum? in orchard? but i will skip that cos i don't want to go into the orchard area...i live in tampines wor...how abt the aqua aerobics? if ok, will need to sign up soon...oh, and as for the yoga, it's safe..for MTBs, you won't be asked to do anything challenging and that gives u a risk for a fall on yr tummy. plenty of breathing and controlled stretching to help with the hip, butt, leg and back aches...
oh miss that bit..SAHM..i think it's gonna be fun. i never thought i will consider this at all..but the more i cue in to what can be done at home with yr baby..i think i wanna try. take this as my well-deserved break after non-stop schooling and working for donkey years! why did u want to go "berserk"??
xoxo: coz need energy to type mah. facebook. quite mindless. just to pass time.. 'to find out more about myself'..

sometimes i think i am an introvert.. or maybe.. not as extrovert as i like to think i am leh.. reacall but dunno from where.. that if being around pple leaved u drained more than recharged.. more an introvert then extrovert.. but then again, pple energise me.. so i also dunno.. haiz..
so old liao.. still dunno who i am .. ha..

erm.. i am still undecided about both courses.. typical.. wishy washy.. ha. give me one more week to consider? i will get back to u ..

i went berserk because.. hmm.. maybe i cannot forsee myself , for the rest of my life, be engaged in a routine and my life revolving around my son.. ah.. sounds so selfish.. but it is really how i felt.. with each day passing, i ask myself.. am i going to d othis for my entire life? also i am quite a perfectionist.. so i expect a lot from myself and my boy.. then i keep comparing.. lack of support.. i become super grouchy lah.... cooped up in the house.. doesn't help my hb is workholoic come back so late.. really not the life i can live.. working is tiring. but maybe i can focus my energy there and be more useful lah..
Cant believe that i am so lucky. Just recover from a fever now down with a flu.

xoxo: By the way is the prenatal class to be held in east coast?

I think i will opt out for the aqua fitness.
heya again ladies!! am back from my trip out into town with my girlfrens. so far feeling alright. didn't eat much though. then went to sit at the lounge of hyatt hotel and drank coffee and chit chat.. laughed so hard, i think i laughed the MS away for today
wheeee~ having said that, i'm still very mindful tt i'm only going into 11th week and MS will still come and go betw now and 14th (?) week.. but at least more good days are here rite?

wah a lot of catching up to do.... here goes nothing..

xoxo, you should go out with your frens. it'll help you get your mind off the annoying MS.
you've spent 8k!!! your hospitalisation bill ex hor? heart pain liddat. but nemind la.. think of it this way, good things don't come cheap! actually high medical bills is the reason why i'm sticking to KKH even though i'm an ardent fan of dr judy wong and she's now in TMC. *in case* (choy choy choy!!!) a medical emergency occurs, can still downgrade from private to subsidised rate.

btw, being a SAHM not easy.. i must share first. hee.. i took NPL after my first was born too. really quite tiring. more tiring than being out there working actually. and just like astro said, can really go crazy and go berserk. hehehe.. this one i must say i've been there and done that. but having said that, after my 2nd one, i still intend to take NPL after my ML. i still believe in the goodness of staying home for that first half a year of your baby's life at least. this time round i'm hoping to stay home for 1 year at least. let's hope i can save up enough by then. hehe

siangjiao: thanks for sharing, girl
actually not that ex, yah? she used to charge about 70 for her consultation at KKH too. only difference then was that the scan wasn't that ex la. not until 50. so i always paid abt 80+ for each visit. i shall tell my frens. thanks thanks!

ong: oh, now 350 isit? thanks. will take note. it seems that it's increased some.

welcome craziepie! i also puked plain water during the peak of my MS. welcome, welcome. hope you'll feel better by the day..
Does anyone know what to eat or do to increase the BP?
I m sooo lucky, i just took my BP.It is dropping quite alot. I am so giddy.
What will happen to pregn. woman with hypotension?
famela: yalor.. but it is good to stay at home.. i actually wanted first three years... i still envy my frens who can do thaqt. coz their kids are more discipilned.. mine.. 'diluted' control.. well pros and cons lah. that's life..
siangjiao: good idea about psychoing our kids to be doctors. save money next time when we're old and sickly..

hey miemie! you logged in so late we thought you couldn't get up this morning after all that action yest night la.. so what's the story with the half half huh? story cannot share parts of it only like this you know.. haha

cream_magnolia: when's your edd? you in 10th week too? me too. and xoxo i think. dono if i miss anyone else. can't see the table now la..

mrs neo: hey.. i totally forgot abt the baby bonus. wah.. 4k for 1st babies? any idea what's the bonus for 2nd baby? that money will prob go towards helping me stay home longer with my babies when i'm on my NPL. hee

xoxo, the doula sounds interesting!! go for it! i know everybody's labour is different. but it's always good to haf a plan. even though we cannot always keep to the plan, i still like having plans. it makes me feel more secure. my hubby is also the kind who turns queasy at the mention of blood and needles. thank god, he pulled thru during my labour despite all the gore and blood. he even managed to video tape the whole chaotic scene without fainting so hats off to him la. he was a picture of the perfect labour for me then, can't ask for more.
hopefully, he'll pull thru the 2nd time round too

craziepie: could you feel it when the gynae did the episiotomi on you? i know my gynae did it. didn't know it at the point of labour. only realised it when i watched the video at home. but i felt kinda grateful for it cos i think she mentioned that it helped me from tearing and therefore the stitching more straight forward and i experienced very little pain afterwards. i managed to go pee pee on my own a few hours that night after the birth and went poo poo the next morning. i heard some women experienced tearing and took longer to heal?? dono true or not
getting slightly philosophical.. ha.. slightly heavy..
but i wonder. if i have a chance to live my life again, would i still choose to live my life the way i am living now???
tien: how are you now? feel better or not? have you seen a doctor for your migraines? taking anything for them? rest well, dear

siangjiao: meeting at 7pm?!! oh dear.. hope you're done, and at home resting now...?

dreamygal: 5 hours of labour only?? envy! i wanna experience a short labour too. my last one was induced cos water level too low already and i was only 2 days away from my EDD. i hated being strapped down with all the IV drips when the contractions started. wish i was able to walk around. luckily, it didn't take that long for labour to progress. i cannot imagine enduring more than what i had to endure lah. painful! but well worth the pain definitely, like what you said

astro: i know what you mean about being cautious abt this pregnancy. i had an ectopic for my 2nd pregnancy last year. still think about it. was sooo worried initially before when we couldn't see the sac or the baby in the uterus at 4 weeks. and like you i oso went to see gynae a lot earlier this time round. scared mah. so early2 go check. first pregnancy, i felt invincible. now, i know better la. sooo many things can go wrong one. but i still force myself to think positive la.. and send positive vibes to the bubbaloo in there. hopefull everything goes well this time round. heads up girl. BTW you also stay in woodlands? which part? i'm in woodlands too
ww: take more fruits ok? vitamin c to fight the flu. take care dear.. dono abt the low BP though. did the doc recommend anything?

xoxo, i really want to go for that aqua fitness lei. the more i think about it the more i want to go. i just dono abt the babysitting arrangements that's all. my son has gym class on sats from 11.30 to 12.20pm.. a bit tight my schedule. but i love being in water la.. feel a little shy though.. but i wannnnnnttttttt...

astro: if my hubby print money, i'll quit altogether. never mind the trials and tribulations that come with being a SAHM. hehe.. but wat to do.. i still have family obligations lah. eldest daughter and i still have a bro who's in pri school. if i don't help, who's gonna help my parents rite? at least now, they take care of my son, they help me, i oso can help them a little bit more. win win situation.

and woah.. this time of the night and getting philosophical? heheh
famela: ha. i actually read about ur ectopic preg.. and i feel that you are so strong to try again..

ha.. dunno why feel philosophical again lah. my frens always say i think too much

i am at ave 6.. very near woodlands ring sec.. u?
astro: you read it? hehee.. the one on my old blog isit?? i was feeling very emo at that point of time la. please don mind the ramblings yah? but it came too suddenly and i had no time to register it all in. but what to do.. c'est la vie!

your frens say you think too much.. my frens say i talk too much! hahaha.. everything oso must say. appropriate or not. kekeke

i'm at dr 14. just in front of woodgrove pri..
famela: I am scared now. Recently, i seems to be anemia too. I have done the best i could in adjusting my lifestyle. If i tell them, i believe they will ask me to stay in hospital for investigations, drip, scan, etc..
hello everyone!

have been reading this thread for awhile and finally decided to join in. Into my 10th week now, EDD 18 Oct.

Fortunately no vomitting so far, but the nausea and queasiness is everybit the same as everyone has gone through. Oh, and the non-stop burping and passing gas too!

Have been trying to find an objective view on cord blood banking and would like to share this with everyone. It's by American Academy of Pediatrics. [Read the last page "Recommendations" for summary].

no worries. just think that everyone else must be wondering the same thing eventually.

the conclusion is that practical application is limited at best at this stage. money to pay cord blood bank may be put to better use starting a college fund instead.
ww: maybe try taking in iron supplements if you're really anemic? your gynae prescribed you already? i know it can be quite scary to have someone tell you why you're feeling sick. but better to have early intervention rite? early intervention usually means lesser chance for complications.. so i would strongly advise that you go see a doc and get yourself checked out. don't worry yah?
ww: think it'll be better to let your gyne know about the giddiness. they take you BP at each visit, so i think your gyne shd be aware of your low BP. Dun worry so much, low BP and anemia shd not be serious enough to warrant hospitalization.
Anemia can be fixed with iron supplements.

Or u can try a herbal liquid iron supplement. I was taking it before i got preggers. Its made of vege and fruits so its safe for preggie ladies.
famela/shugar: Thanks I got other clinical symptons etc.... Anyway you are right. Just let the doctor know next visit. I just try to take more food that has more iron content meanwhile. I should keep my spirit high ^^^

What is the name of this herbal liquid iron supplement?

I think these few days probably confinement at home again... *sob* See stars> Giddy.
my left leg feels funny.. like aching inside.. dono how to describe. very uncomfortable. what's that about? anybody experience this too?
hi shugar,
hmm herbal liquid iron supplement same as normal ones? i very scared when doc prescribe cos very heaty. i get breakouts and constipation. must drink gallons of water then can.

has everyone been sleeping well? been getting up 3-4 times at night to wee wee. WAH LAU!!! quite frustrating even tho' not working now but "bus driver" must send HB to work at 7.40am!
I ALSO! my left thigh. feeling funny. everyday a few times. a bit numb, like pins and needles. dunno if its cos i stopped exercising for now.

re: exercising. can also consider pilates. i started "investing" (i say investing cos damn expensive) in a program last dec because my back pain was so bad that i can only sleep abt 1 hr and i have to shift or my back is like frozen. anyways, have to say its really good and my back pain gone. only stopped cos of MS. waiting to resume again asap.
astro >> i concussed from 9+ till now..decided to try "sleeping away" the nausea..couldn't run from it. dreamt of it!! woke up with a cacophony of gastric juices..now sending HB to buy roti prata - one egg, one plain...threw up the paprika fries i took in for dinner. wry..HB's saying i get to taste them twice. ha! if u met me earlier, this SAHM thing could be alot more fun! u need a network..pp like you (ahem, me) heck, everyone, cannot just coop yourself home with your baby and say that's life. i think it's impt to have a network, even if it's just an occasional nudge here, a buzz there and some coffee like famela...muahahaha, it's what a girl needs yah? if i can wind down my work properly in my glorious 2nd trimester, i should be able to go into SAHM mode...the more i read abt parenting and the more horror stories i read abt maids (i have my own too), i don't have much of an option..
plus i was brought up by a very dedicated baby sitter when i was 1 mth till i was 7. departing from their family was very traumatic for me. so while they were fantastic as i look back at my growing up years...eventually it caused alot of issues..my mom got "jealous" abt the love i had for them etc..haiz..i don't want a repeat of that and i want my BB to turn to me first for anything..that's one of my biggest motivation to go on the poorer road of being a SAHM..earning money..there's always time for that later.

must do something lah astro...just the aqua thingy? four lessons only mah...if it can really lessen the joint pain..worth it! come on come on...
famela >> the hospital bill was $5K. I've set aside $600 for clothing, spent $300 on that so far...and ALOT MORE on being at home 24/7 with the aircon humming non-stop. Plus hiring a once a week help for the hsework..supplements, doc visits, buying non-scented soap and cleansers etc etc etc..yep $8K in a flash.... my domestic P&L is looking dire. I am usually prompt in these things but during my hospital stay, i allowed my c/c pts to go unclaimed!!! I've called OCBC to beg beg beg to be allowed to do so...but they are taking their time thinkin' abt it..i must say i am OCD in some ways..i love making to do lists and staring at them. i feel even better when i get them done..so it's just my way of psychoing myself..

speaking of the doula...i was delighted that ginny fully agrees that one should make (hopefully unshakeable) decisions abt the birthing process and know where you stand (of course, don't go killin' yourself and the BB) on issues when you are NOT in pain rather than in pain. I just felt I needed to feel secure in the hands of someone more knowledgeable than I..yep...I don't like to think too much cos when I get into the "information gathering" mode, it's a train wreck. so..that and having a cheerleader: priceless.

i didn't investigate too much into the hospitalisation costs but i know that Mt A is now having a promo - $1.8K if u sign up using a DBS card.

i agree with u abt enlisting the aid of friendly distractions! my social engines will start igniting next week...but i gotta be strategic..nowhere too far from home in the beginning...hopefully all these will be moi baby steps towards the 2nd T.
ww >> my bp is also quite low..it hit 63 when i was in the hospital..they didn't do anything, just monitored me and asked me to take in some digestive biscuits, fruit juice (guava i think)...clench and unclench your fists rapidly..that will get some more blood flow going...but try not to hold off seeing a doc, esp if u don't feel good..
ww >> the prenatal yoga is held at three locations (under Colleen Simmonds)
1. Tanjong Rhu
2. Forum Galleria
3. Holland V

There are different days/times..
famela >> it's a 45min class x 4 weeks..can HB help with adil?? i think that's a good step-up cure for the aches and creaks..i think my butt is changing shape and the process isn't exactly pain-free!
hi J Tan >> welcome..i thought abt the cord blood thing and eventually realised i might make a cord blood donation instead. my reasons are:
1) even if your child needs it, there may not be sufficient units of plasma in the cord blood to treat the condition;
2) the cord blood is only good till the time your child is a teenager...
3) the cost is nearly $6K...
4) if enough mummies donate cord blood, year after year, our cord blood bank would be able to support most cases which cord blood can be useful..
5) and if for any coincidental reason you need cord blood and the cord blood bank has yours still..you can request for it..

something like that lah..
antibiotics: augmentin and azithromycin
would advise to finish up the antibiotics
other medications are for symptoms control

basically, antibiotics are the ones u need to finish.. as for the rest, since they are for symptoms control, if u dun have the symtom then no need to take.

your roti prata nice or not? i'm salivating at the thot of it. yup, we're encouraged to donate to public cord blood bank rather than spend $ to store it privately. but there's something about when they clamp the umbilical cord and that's quite subjective. if they clamp too early, baby may have amnesia later on. if they clamp too late, may not harvest enough blood. am not so comfortable if there's room for subjective discretion in the hands of the "harvester".
