(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

famela: ohh.. icic.. wah.. its true that its hard to fast with the rest all happily enjoying their food... last trimester also cant really fast right?? i actually have a biz trip during the EDD month itself.. i wonder how i can rearrange this trip manz...

xoxo: glad u r feeling better !

siangjiao : think u can sign package soon right? My fren signed package with Dr Adrian W with TMC and was only $550 with unlimited visits. so u dun hv to wait for a mth liao but pop by as n when u feel like it. Isn't that great?
yalor.. i oso worried that my baby won't get enough food during last tri and won't get to become chubby2. hehehe.. but i guess will try to eat more in the morning before dawn. and eat more after dusk la... will try first a few days and see how. cannot say i can defintely cope cos i really won't know how i'll feel then. my mom say can fast. she fasted when she was preggy too last time with my littlest bro. for me, still have to see how lor. if don't feel well, won't continue def. health most important, i know.
loke >> i think u will find the space! anyway, with property prices fallin' fallin'...maybe a good time to suggest to HB to get a bigger place?? i was toying with that idea..then felt, too much work..
famela >> haha, i wouldn't venture into housekeeping cos i am one clumsy skinny bear...!!! muahahaha... but now making grand plans..what to do, schedules, budgets...tsk tsk tsk...
i'm going out today to meet my girlfrens out in town. need some r&r

need to go iron what i want to wear later.. then get ready and go. catch up with everyone again later yah?
xoxo: schedules and budget? for the baby? hehe sounds like preparing for an event instead of a baby. keke

ok girls, i gtg. see ya!
famela >> that's exactly what i did today..called two girlfrens to plan for tea soon..didn't dare suggest today cos i am still in two minds abt whether i really really feel OK...pinch myself. ok..still no inclination to wanna puke..

plan for event ar?? muahahaha..i think having a baby is really a BIG EVENT. from the word go now, test kit, doc visits, supplements, extra food and hospitalisation all in..it's cost us almost $8K already! better budget liao..big ticket stuff like buying some of the furniture, new clothing, medical fees, toys??.. quite stressed when i see how it all totals...plus i want to be a SAHM...

loke >> how abt engaging those storage rooms for your HB's priceless guitars if necessary?
ong and famela: Judy Wong's clinic is at TMC and her package don't start until 20 weeks and it is $680. Meanwhile, its about $60-80 for consultation and $50 for scan.
But i supposed with her credentials and experience, she can charge this rate. Me lazy to find another gynae leh.

Loke: no worries, your HB will be back soon. Then you can ask him to make up the past 3 weeks by buying all your favourite foods...

Loke: i think some airlines don't allow you to fly so close to EDD date. Better check it out. In fact, if it is your first baby, heard it's highly likely that the baby might pop out early a couple of weeks. I got one biz trip scheduled in Aug, even that i'm also comtemplating whether to go. My company very ngeow, imagine heavily pregnanted and sitting in economy class for 24 hours.

The nasuouesness is sweeping back again... craving for piping hot porridge.
Hi MTBsss..
Are most of you first time mummies? I'm from the April 08 thread..yes..my first baby is now 11 months old..and i'm joining u girls in the Oct 09 thread!!I'm 8 weeks preggie...still suffering from morning sickness... but i hope it will soon go away..my first time was the worst, admitted to hospital because i could not even consume plain water, i will puke..this time round, it's better..hopefully everyone sails through to their 2T yah..All d best!
i changed my mind, i'm craving for my bed more. Time really creeps by today.

For me, my house will not come until 2012. Still a long long wait.

but xoxo you are right, i think there will be alot of costs coming up. I think i better do a folder and start recording the baby expenses.
siangjiao >> my gynae's around $700 for the pkg... +/- all around that range lah..i am going to ask her for the pkg tom..

moi bought a folder to keep the clinic's receipts (understand u can claim some medisave or dunno wat with that) and the scans...once u add up the costs..can get very scary...esp my hospitalisation. 6D in Mt A..set me back by $5,200...incl medicine and doc, diagnostic tests etc...BB's not cheap (hahaha, but good things never cheap wor...)
craziepie >> welcome to our "eagerly awaiting 2T" bunch...i just emerged from my hospitalisation last week so i know how crappy u can feel being preggy and confined..plus sick sick sick.

i am now praying hard that all this will pass so i can return to work, settle everything there and await BB's arrival in peace...

WELCOME and hope u share your preggy / childbirth experiences so we know better...

first time mommy,
I be happy if my baby comes out earlier, hopefully can coincide with my dad's 70th birthday :D and my MIL is a cow, so this baby will make the 2 old folks very happy

xoxo: $5200 for the 6 days in Mt A. Ouch... No wonder, they say cannot fall sick, otherwise the hospital bills will be the one that kill you.

I think i will physcho baby to be a doctor next time. Maybe buy some medical books and start reading to my stomach now.

I think this is a hot year for babies. Cos of the baby incentive given by the govt last year. Hopefully when it is their time to go school, we don't have to be fighting for places.
hello babes! it was a busy morning for me.. i had to cover my colleague who took one month of unpaid leave (the one whom i complained about about 2 weeks back).. phew, finally have some chance to sneak into SMO..

how's everyone feeling today?
siangjiao: yes. i think we need to start a folder for "Baby expenses".. no input only output..

miemie: i'm sure u are feeling great?? hahhaa.. how was ur night??

xoxo: i'm going to SELL AWAY the guitars!!!! i dun care.. hahhahaha... .although i'm a guitar enthusiast myself... i cant afford keeping so many guitars at home anymore.. hahhaha....
craziepie: welcome! since u were hospitalised for #1, you must be commando-trained in the MS dept now. me first timer, tho not hospitalised, but really felt like dying in the 9th week. this week (10th)is much better liao

xoxo: have u tried smelling a lemon each time u feel the nausea attack? it helped for me. i even sucked on a lemon.

i really miss chocolates and creamy pastries. they used to be my comfort food but these days they make me sick. my mind tells me chocs will make me feel better, but my body is rejecting it. u gals know what i mean?
cream_magnolia >> lemons don't work on me..makes me worse
no standard operating procedure one..this MS..haiz..threw up bile..yikes! now i take back take back all what i happily said..my MS is BACK! waaaaaa....

loke >> once u start calculating..cannot stop ah...i think i'd a productive day today. called the yoga teacher..she's going to be on holiday till 28 Apr..so I will begin my prenatal yoga after that (and after cfming with everyone else on this forum)...also, called for the confinement lady and booked..wah..if u are thinking of getting one, better book fast wor..i check many of the popular ones..already bked. this will set me back by $2000...also, called the doula..and will be meeting up soon..so i'd a busy day while i was still shining from the energy..now it's the "usual" xoxo back in biz..
siangjiao >> agree agree..thankfully i have insurance to cover 100% but i still have to pay first, reimbursed later...

miemie>> how was your night?? hehehehehe....today is a half half day for me. at first good..now not too well..
doula is a birthing assistant...who's trained in specific techniques to reduce pain and enhance your experience. since your doc will only be with u at the end, she becomes the main pillar of emotional support (esp since my HB declared he cannot make it with blood and pain...i agree)..and she can help u make good decisions to principally ensure a drug-free delivery. i am not pro-epidural but like what i have read so far, never say never but i'd very much want it to be epidural-free..hence i think paying for a doula to be a bedside consultant and cheerleader would be worth it. principally i hope to emerge from this whole experience in a positive light (it's already started on a scary foot..with the MS and pneumonia)..and i think a doula's the way to go as they share the same philosophy as me and have the medical knowledge to help sync everything together.
xoxolight: oh, interesting. any idea with a doula, can HB still be in the delivery suite? coz i thot some hospitals allow only 1 person i.e hb to be there.
xoxo: oh yes, that all too familiar taste of bile. its become an acquired taste. this doubla idea sounds cool, but still undecided if i want to go epi-free. can't imagine if a doula can help me through 14 hrs of contraction pain
siangjiao : That's what my BIL said too. Medical bills are too heavy le. He said that now we have 8 children (including the little peanut in my tummy), each one should specialise in one specific medical field, and we will be save when we are all old. Haa... Its an investment. :p

miemei : We thought you were too tired from last night activity, that's why never log in.

xoxo : Doula sounds nice. Its good since she's specifically trained. I remembered the nurse in my delivery ward helped me a lot and gave a lot of encouragement. She even cracked jokes when my contraction went down.
Dreamgal/Siaujiao/shugar --> harlow harlow..
XOXOlight : Oh my..the preggy state and the childbirth experience is very very very fresh in my mind..haha since its only last year mah!! After the birth, I told myself, i would not get preggie anytime soon since it was such a painful experience. Let's say "painful experience" is nothing..its wayyyyyy beyond painful...anyway , will not demotivate you, since its ur first time, and we don't really know what to expect since every birth is different. What i can tell u is that episiotomy is my phobia, and i tot pleading with my gynae could help, but it doesn't. Haha..
Cream Magnolia --> Ur nick sounds so delicious. No wonder u love chocolates and pastries. LOL..I guess now is the time when the body is rejecting junk food, and in need of healthy food. When i was pregnant, believe it or not, i found Bell-peppers to be super sweet and has no aftertaste. I could eat non-stop! Weird, but it kept me surviving for the first trimester. I could only eat steamed or boiled food the first time i got preggie..but now, i could have more variety down my throat... My advice, don't be afraid to try different variety of food, u wont know which ones suit u best..!!!
shugar >> i think HB can also be around. TMC and Mt A i know, are used to having patients engaging doulas. the medical staff do appreciate their being around as less complaints from the moms in pain since they have someone on standby to cater to their needs..

cream_magnolia >> till it's a done deal, i won't say i would never go on epi. but i wanna try to do without that and thought a doula will give me the best chance of making it...

dreamygal >> yah, girls are like that one..need strong moral support. unfortunately, my HB is really the type to see blood and faint; see pp in pain and will freeze..so i know cannot count on him for this one...

craziepie>> i chose my gynae specifically because she has quite a low episiotomy rate, apparently she's good at doing some "stretching" stuff.. and she's also known to be pro-natural... also got phobia. haiz..now phobia abt everything..the MS is so bad..even if u offer me a million bucks now to go thru' it, chances are quite high i will pass the money. really cham.
im so busy at work i can hardly breathe! i dun have time to go wee wee, i dun have time to drink water.. gosh, its been so long since ive been so busy...

i think everyone waiting for me to update if i managed to get any action done last night right? wahahahahhaa... the answer is.... half half.. if you all want me to give more details, i will be glad to do so! hahahahahahahaha
mie mie >> for stories..don't stop halfway!! i will await your colleague with a missle launcher when she comes back...what an idiot!
Hey mtbs!
Seems like I can only drop 1 post per day these days...

I had one of the worst days ever. Migrain and flu at the same time. The flu is getting on my nerves.Been 3 days! Migraine worsened my day. Any mtbs also sufferes from migraines? I thought it would never visit during pregnancy!! ARGGHHHH!!
lalalalalalala.. keeping you all in suspense until i reach home (and if i manage to log on later in the evening!) wahahahaha

half half,, let your imagination do the walking!

adios, finally leaving office le, and there is still a tonne of work waiting for me to complete.. bye babes!
This doula seems very interesting to me ... Where can we find one? or do they work in the hospital?

i have one more meeting at 7pm. Hopefully end chop chop kali pok and i can rest for the night. Today already see a few things that make my blood pressure go up. Just want to relax for the rest of the night. Still thinking what's for dinner.
siangjiao : When your blood pressure boils, remember to keep calm and relax ya. Your baby can feel it when you are stressed. Smile *_*
dreamygal >> if i had wandered to these forums b4 i got myself pregnant..i'd seriously think twice..my godsister and SIL shared horror birth stories. seems like women love scaring each other..hence it was refreshing to hear from my client abt her positive experience with a doula. no episio, no epidural, no gas..just plenty of good natured support, back rubs, use of hot and cold compresses at the right times and asking the gynae to routinely "stretch"..apparently helps. of course nothing will really take away the pain but i suppose some gongfu can help to lessen it..and enable us to cope.

siangjiao >> i am getting this lady ginny from www.fourtrimesters.com - good recommendation and hopefully it all turns out well. she's also into hypno-birthing..mind over matter...

xoxo : Not scared... Actually my labour quite short. 5 hours from 1st contraction, water bag leaked at 12 plus midnight, by 6am i was already in my ward. I think pain still bearable, but i did use gas tough.

Imagine, my hubby can still eat cuttlefish in the delivery ward.

Need to exercise more. It will make labour easier.
