(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

Morning Merlions!

Sorry for being MIA. Not coz I was BDing eh.Was on leave yesterday and wanted to rest my eyes for one day fm the lappie.

Btw, today I tink is the start of a new irritation which normally last for a week, then a new irritation will come up. So this weeks' irritation is butt ache.

Do any of the MTBs experience different irritations every week?

Astro, So now I'm the VP of our RYC izzit? Thanks for the honour...haha!

Welcome new MTBS to the club!

Hi J Tan,

I dun think all small build women will have problem in natural birth. It is because my mum is only 1.5m but she still manage to natural birth to me and my 2 siblings w/o any problem... Think positive and you can make it....
rina: wah.. u positive confession that we all merlions.. hahhaa.. i dowan leh... talk about irritations... buttache is one. the other one is numb limbs.. especially when i'm about to wake up.. one side of the body will be sooooo nua... causing me to keep snoozing. haha.. good thing i can otot for work.. otherwise it'll really be a chore to go work.. i really admire those of you who can wake up at 7am for work... amazing mamas..
Talking to Tummy
My hubby used to read story, sing and recite 'San Zi Jing' to my girl. This time round i don't know whether he will be that hardworking or not.

Hi J Tan/funzee : Welcome!!
Hello, so far I don't have any irritations but now that you mention the buttache... and I thought it's the new chair I'm sitting on.

But for me, I had very severe back pain about 7 weeks into my pregnancy. My gyne said that I've a retroverted uterus, so it was pressing onto my nerves. It was so bad that I had difficulty standing up. Thankfully it's much better now.

BTW anyone here seeing Dr Vincent Lee, who's at Mt E and also has a clinic at Bishan? I'm seeing him now. The thread on him has been inactive since last Dec.
loke: first tings first. Today is yr DH come home day rite? So prepared everyting already? LOL!

Lucky me I dont have to get up that early to go to work, still its 8am.

I dont get numb limbs, maybe not yet. But yesterday, everytime I try to get up fm the sofa too fast, I'll get sharp cramps on my tummy. Is it normal?
rina: oh.. the sharp cramps.. i have that too.. if i stand up too suddenly then the sharp pain around tummy...

funzee: i've been complaining about the buttache since last week.. hahhaha.... plus my butt is getting bigger ah!! sighh...
tell me bout big butts....I tink I look like big mama now...
Famela: I think normal laksa is also known as laksa lemak. That means it has coconut milk. It's the orangy creamy laksa that is commonly found in Singapore. Penang laksa is also known as asam laksa because.. yes, you've guessed right, it has asam. The soup is clear and tangy (because of the asam) and it is usually served with a dolop of prawn paste (the kind used in rojak). This kind of laksa is rare in Singapore and I don't recall ever eating it here. sob. Anyone know of any penang laksa stall in Singapore?
Hmmm...maybe I will look into my sitting posture...as for caffeine withdrawal..I am not too sure because I don't drink a lot of tea and coffee. Have heard ppl saying that drinking coke also helps in alleviating the pain...

J Tan: Ya got hit big time by my hubby...dunno what dream he was having and his hand just suddenly struck me int he middle of the night!
tien: could be.. coke has caffeine..

wah.. did u hit him back? ha.. tell him dangerous.. wait hit ur tummy!

funzee: one of the members here.. has a retrovert uterus as well..

rina: no prob.. hahaha.. perpetuate the RYC!

loke: famela has potential also ah? hmmm

famela: want ot be treasurer? :p

shugar: yalor.. zombified.. for the entire week.. nearing week 9.. i am waiting for the tiredness to PEAK!

on a happier note.. bringing my boy for a music course preview.. and his montessori playgroup starting monday. taken half day off for tht... ha.. exciting

update from Roxie who went MIA..

she was admitted into KK coz she had terrible MS and had dehyrdation.. staying at home for the past two weeks liao.. in KK, she had the honour of going thru a 'comprensive SPA ' treatment.. hydro therapy package.. (read, DRIP)..

ha. such a fanciful name.. to a drip :p
set her back by $300 plus wor..

her bb is now 2cm at 9 weeks plus..

astro: cool.. tahnks for the update.. i was wondering where roxie gone too...

shugar: yeah.. good to know she and bb and still doing well...
ladies, what's RYC??

loke/rina, i think i can be big ass president. anyone can top 40.5"?? damn low morale man. bwahahaha

tien, hmm may have to tie him up in straight jacket? ;)
J tan: me lor.. i am past 40.5.. even when not preg.. paiseh.. this time u need to give ur big ass presidentship to me liao :S

RYC? ha.. Royal Yellow club.. read what goes on in the dialouge which invovled the RYC members.. and u will be able to get a glimpse to what our club offers.. hahahhahahaha ..

loke: so signing for BAC..is by size right?? ha..
J tan: loke is my publicity hor.. she came up with the term RYC one..
on top of that .. miemie is my secretary. and i am trying to get famela as my treasurer..

u have a point. haven't really made up my mind yet. even my mum's maid told me "eh, your backside so big, baby easy to come out lah". so maybe i should go natural afterall. haha...
hehehe... i think i have a fair idea how yellow it can get by now. ;) ok i have my contribution on this topic. conversation between my gf & me.

GF: gal u preggy? how come? thot u always only wanna get a dog?
me: thot since now on domestic payroll, better up the service level lor.
GF: [stare at me with big round eyes] WHAT??? u mean u...
me: figure of speech lah fren. it was planned lah. not as kinky as u think.
astro: for BAC it should be by size.. haha. btw, what does RYC offer ah??

i finally feel better for the day.. hope MS is gone for the day. nv had breakfast. havent had lunch.. i think i better go office now. eat something first.... cant stand the smell of orchard towers.. i dun even feel like going to the toilet..
Jtan: ah.. u good u good.. i think u got potential also.. ..i still need an HR manager for my RYC... ok. i rope u in liao. pls send ur resume to my secretary Miemie.. then after which. u will handle all the recuitment! hahahaha

loke: ok.. so auto 'enrolment' huh?. ok. i joined the club liao..:S
hmm what doe RYC offer ah?? hmmm haven't think of mission and vision leh.. hey. u the publicity! generate one for me lah! kekekeke..

go eat something lah. going on empty stomach worsen ms leh..
xoxo: agreed with astro that ginny is famous and appear on tv several occasions. she could be the pioneer of doula in spore as it wasn't popular few years ago until she raise the awareness to public thru those motherhood mag etc.

J Tan :welcome! I had my boy thru c-section and the healing process is long & VERY PAINFUL !!! my bb was a breech(head nt turning) and i simply had only one choice--> c-section. can't even giggles or cough during the 1st wk as the wounds area would HURT terribly!! confined to bed for the entire wk except to eat and gg to toilet.Once u had c-section for 1st time, u r expected to do it for 2nd time as well since there is risk if u opt for VBAC(vaginal birth aft c-section) as wound could rupture.

famela :glad u enjoy your outing. i can't even go out other than work as simply feel bloated & nauseous fm 4pm onwards.....

tien & rina :take care

New MTBs : welcome to the oct thread!
astro>> how much you paying me for being the secretary of RYC? wahahaha... wad is the job scope of secretary? i need to take minutes? ok, gimme the agenda for the next AGM and i will inform the members of the board! heehee
xoxo: Ok, thanks. Do we need to engage a doula now? (Is it a bit too early)

I am scouting around for a reliable babysitter. I lack confidence, experience, guidance, support to take care of an infant. I think i will take over when Bb is about a year. I have phobia.

I think i will join a class nearer to town.
it didn't mean to come out r-rated. but i have a perverted fren lah. so... hehe... HR manager. can i give myself 4mth maternity leave or not? so upset i dont get paid ML since i'm not working now. HMPH!

thanks for the heads up. that's why i'm having second thots now. will think very hard.
Hey XOXO I just read your post on the cord blood donation. Just met up with a couple which just had a baby and they did the donation. They mentioned that it was a very tedious process to make the donation. Had to take tests to ensure that the mummy was healthy and what not. You might want to check it out.
Miemie: RYC is a non-profit, totally voluntary club who strives to bring out the yellowness in Everyone. As such, we have ZERO captial input and hence we strive to keep to ZERO expenditure. While we might not be able to pay u a salary.. we gaurantee imense job satisfaction and good welfare perks.. namely.. avoiding MS advice, gossips, nonsenical chatting etc.. so u see.. it is still worthwhile joining us!

ha. next AGM? erm.. not yet.. maybe when the members all reach their glorious 2Ts!
hahhaha *straight face*.. :p

Jtan: we work from home.. so u can take as long as a maternity leave u want.. whahahhahah :p
Astro: Thanks for the update on Roxie. Hope she gets better.

Btw, have you done research on playgroups/childcare. Which one is good ah? My girl gotto enroll soon. I want to start her early, slowly but surely. Maybe do weekend class first then progress to more regular intervals. The reason is, I don't want to wait until she 18 to 20mths then suddenly put her in childcare full time because that will be around the time bb#2 is born. Don't want my girl to think because got new bb we don't want her in the house so we send her to school. Know what I min.
hi gals, it has been a blood vessel popping day for me so far... just pop in to say 'Hi'... more fire fighting to do at work; catch up later in the evening, if posssible.

by the way, why the yellow in the royal yellow club? not red? not green?
chia: ya. i know what u mean.. and hence i am starting teng on his montessori playgroup liao..

maybe in ur case, it would be good start ur girl on partime child care first? coz most playgroups only accepts 2 years one.. though they claim they accept 18 mths lah. my boy got into this montessori.. just because he is 1st jan.. else not going to accept him too..
siangjiao : coz .. u dun have 'red/green' jokes mah.. only have yellow/blue jokes.. blue is taken liao.. so we will take 'yellow'! ha..
chia: fyi.. teng also in GUG (growing up gifted) weekend class.. zoophonics and creative arts emphasis.. playgroup more than anythign else..
sundays morning for teng..
hahha.. astro, u r funny.. i think if roxie's here.. this place would be totally GREEN!! all the yellows and blues come out and mix together...

i'm at my office, and yes, i'm done for the day.. just waiting for some friends to come to the office now...

counting down... 5 more hrs!!!
kekeke..RYC, sure sounds exclusive. Count me in when you are doing a recruitment drive.

My nick can become the royal yellow mascot if you need.
afternoon mummies..

i just came back from my checkup. this was the longest appt - doc had to go for an emergency and everyone just sat and waited..i had to wait till almost 12.30 although my appt was 10.30...

but yeah..this is THE visit that makes the MS all worthwhile to some extent. You can make out the baby already..

It was very charming. The baby kept moving and flipped 180deg in front of us. The doc could only see the left hand at first and when she said "hmm..cannot see the right hand.." BB immediately raised both hands in a surrender position, and did a wave. Hilarious! We also saw BB having a hand to the mouth and there were jerks every now and then..I've posted this img.you can make out the tiny right hand and leg..

My EDD has shifted to 14 Oct 2009 (Huh???) and BB's 36mm 10w2d. I lost 1 kg since a week ago (in hospital). Other than this, my MS is still on..

xoxo>> you make me feel like going to visit my gynae immediately! i also want to see my baby do a flip and wave at me.. feel a sudden overwhelm of emotions inside me.. and im 10w1d today..
xoxo: I'm so happy for you!Cant wait for mine next week...the wait seems to be like centuries.

Astro: Shall we now officially include the RYC into our nick?

Miemie: This kinda questions, usually would go a nong nong way one...all experience mah..So...did u finally get it?LOL!!
