(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

miemie, half half??hmmm can elaborate?
famela >> SAHM: it will be an upheaval of sorts i am sure. however, in a certain peaceful sense, i feel ready to be at home for say, 2 years, to be there for the BB. so mentally, financially and even socially..there's plenty of adjustments. i will try to do some freelance work just to keep abreast of my industry's progress so that if at anytime, i wish to return to employment, my grey matter won't have turned to rust. abt why it has cost more for me to stay at home..well, in my line, nearly every meal i had is paid for by my co's entertainment expense acct. all i have to do is ensure that each meeting revolves around food! muahahaha...plus i do PR for quite a few food establishments hence, meals are nearly always free. now that i am home, the electrical bills have doubled since the a/c is switched on 24/7; i can't do hsework so i have to engage help; and i have to pay for alot of food...not to mention, more tissue paper (throwing up and dealing with a runny nose/cough); change of clothes..i've been so thin, it's getting very tough to squeeze in bottom wise....haiz..of course the major one in the pocket has to be the doc's visits / fees...
i thot i managed to siam my way thru.. hahaha.. now end up still have to reveal?

mm.. astro got it right lo.. make you all do a bit of work, have to go thru the archive.. hahahaha
J Tan >> you could take the prenatal yoga in single sessions. It's $15/session...it's only the aqua aerobics that come in a 4 session block. I'll most likely start my yoga come Apr 30..

speaking of BB's gender..I ventured to ask aloud amongst my family & 2 close friends what's the gender they are hoping for..and the feedback is a girl...apparently the next scan will show e gender provided BB's cooperative. anyway, i wish you your heart's desire!!

Tien >> I still feel twinges of "fear" abt the medication I took for my pneumonia...my HB suffers from severe migraine too and since last year when he went for "gua sha" on the head, it has all disappeared. His is triggered by heat and bright lights. Nothing too rigorous. Nowadays I do it on him using a porcelain spoon at home. Don't apply too much pressure but I can tell it works as you feel the "knots" under the spoon resolve and alot of heat is felt from that spot. Hope we all become healthier mummies soon!

Astro >> checked with the gynae today. Nothing more than 1/2 cup of coke OR 2 cups of tea OR 1 cup of coffee per day. Going cold turkey very tough. I miss my pu erh teas...
xoxo: so when's the next appt? in a month's time? cant stop wondering how my bb looks like now.. i'm feeling the cramps more these two days... hope its because bb is growing!!
funzee >> welcome!!! i think now that my EDD has shifted almost a week..we are in the sama sama boat now...moi not taking the OSCAR..so i have done all my urine and blood test (for HIV, hep B etc etc etc) .. so far all's been good and normal. Only thing out of whack now is my digestion and insomnia. and they will check yr weight, height and blood pressure. i am also in the retroverted uterus group. all the yucky ones i am in..merlion grp, R/Uterus, hospitalised gang....oh dear.

J Tan >> my doc spoke to me abt birth plans today. says most pp surrender and take epidural. c-section is considered the most costly and painful route in terms of the recovery. i had my appendicitis taken out 15 yrs ago..i think my incision was only 4" but it was painful! plus can't walk for 2 days..and the after-effects of anesthesia..also saw a new mummy at the clinic today..she had a C-section and not doing well. face was pale, walked very very slowly and could tell she was in pain. haiz....so...??? but if have to be done, it has to be done..

Chiapatty >> i admire you..still can function at work. i peng san already...started withdrawing from all my projects. now can only do silly facebook quizzes, read some news/books and of course, come to the forum..other than that..zilch. Penang Laksa - at orchard midpoint food court, B1..or City Plaza, Level 5 @ noon there's a stall..that also sells the ban mian..pretty good

Rina >> I have begun experiencing the butt ache..so keep rubbing my butt consciously and unconsciously...till the fella in the lift stared at me. oops.
ong >> my doc is now placing her bet on me that i am a prime epidural candidate..shall speak to ginny and see if i can get more confident abt my abilities...

ww >> now's abt time..she also cannot over-commit herself..i think the confinement nanny thingy is even more urgent. quite a few of the highly recommended nannies and the agencies i have called..are saying they are either booked or left with names i have never heard of...haiz. can also understand abt yr wanting a babysitter..i have never carried a newborn in my life!

funzee >> really ar?? i don't like hassles!!

Mie Mie >> the flip was the amazing part. At first the head was sited on the left side of the screen..in just one jerk, the baby disappeared and then re-appeared with the head on the right side of the screen...maybe that explains all the soreness i feel now, thigh and butt especially! pls post your pic too! we are all moving from the bean stage to the "look like a baby" stage...

Loke >> my appt is scheduled on Apr 16. if u wanna see the "face", the doc says i can schedule for a 3D or 4D scan come the 28th week...more fruitful. but from this scan, if you look closely, you can see the eye sockets and jaws...kneecaps. at least that's what the gynae "spotted" for me..i am as usual disorientated..
xoxolight: you're making me look forward to gyne visit on monday now!

haiz but i've got so much work to clear the next few days coz will be leaving for holiday next wed and i refuse to do any work while i am away.
shugar >> place the work in a pile..pour kerosene..light a fire! do post your scan img up..the next visit i think i better bring a camera...capturing the movt in motion is way better than a still!
xoxolight : I hope my baby can do a flip tmr when i visit my gynae.

I remembered my girl's time, she always never move much. Its always only a teeny weeny bit.
xoxolight: hehehehe! i wish i could do that too :p but i think a load of pple are going to be real cross with me if i did that. I caused quite a stir the last time i was badly constipated and stuck in the toilet for an hour. they freaked out when they couldn't get me on hp, email or msn! muhahhaha!!! thought i went on strike or what! :p

i think its a good idea to capture BB's dance moves on video camera also leh! if mine's an active one, maybe can get hb to do tat. if its a lazy bum, hahaha then i'll just be happy with the scan print.
dreamygal: girls are more gentle mah.. hee. that's y little movement..

xoxo: i wanted to capture video of bb's heartbeat during the last checkup.. but then i was alone then.. so didnt manage to do it.. hopefully next tue hb can do it for me!!
loke : She don't seem to be a gentle little girl to me leh. Haa... You will agree with me if you see her at the playground or at kids explorer.
you're recruited into RYC. i hr manager mah. can recruit. bwahaha...

aaawww... now i can't wait for my gynae appt next week! been reading preggy books and have been looking forward to next visit cos can see more already. but mine's next THU!
yeah birthplans and epidurals hmmm... have to research and think through more. so did your EDD move forward or back? mine already shifted back actually. from 18th to 21st. wonder if it'll change agn next week.

can still half a glass of coke a day? wah!!! im gonna drink now!
have been cutting out my previous tea and coke for awhile now. serious withdrawal from coke. but u know what's so shiok abt coke rite? is that you give out a big fat BURP after you drink thats the shiokest part aint it? ;)
Rina : Really ya... And they say that if baby is a boy, can spot earlier.

But my friend very funny. Her scan said that her baby is a girl. She bought all the pinkish clothes and girl girl items. Thought of girl girl's name. In the end, turn out to be a boy. Everyone was so shocked.
grass is always greener on the other side. i'm driving myself up the wall at home. wish i was at work.
my fren used to drive home during lunch time to sleep. squeeze 1 hr, then ta bao lunch back to office cos she said damn damn tired. cant take it.
dreamygal, wah...is it coz the birdie was very very the small..hahah!! That is not very complimenting eh.Dat the dr says it's a gal then turns out, its a boy.

Dats why I bought the baby clothes in neutral colours first, coz you can never know..
everyone's next appt is like next week.. mine is on 1st april lo.. that is such a long time to wait.. and you girls are complaining that next week is long!
J, you're really doing yr job gal! haha! Ya, usually right after lunch, my eyes cant open at all. But on the bright side, we have a 4 mths maternity leave to look forward to..so shiok!
rina : Don't know leh. We were all very shocked. I don't know how it happened leh.

But she changed gynae for her #2. Haa... Her #2 is a girl.
miemie, i feel like the clock is ticking so slowly as the date is nearer. I'm anxious coz this is my 2nd appointment only. And it will really determine if the baby is still healthy as it was the last 3 weeks. Next week is also the same week I lost my last baby...so that explains..
ya rina, i understand your situation.. its like now is the crucial period and endless anxiety and worries.. dun worry, im sure all our babies will turn out healthy and cute! do rmb to keep positive! we're all here to offer you moral and emotional support, and if you need physical support, i will fly down to SLC to find you okie!
miemie : Me same as Rina. My last appt was 3 week plus ago. At that time, the baby was still very very small. This time will get to hear baby heartbeat and see if the baby is healthy.
Thanks Miemie...and all other MTBS! I'm so glad to be here...

to tell u ladies the truth, prior to being here, I was contantly worried. My mood was not that good. I got no one to share my ups and downs with.

But now I have you ladies! I feel good! lalallalalal!
wah. i'm smelling char siew rice...

rina: agree.. at least when my hb wasnt around for 3 wks.. i have all u mtbs to read my whines!
now you have all the MTBs here plus all the yellow & blue jokes compliments of the RYC!!! yeah yeah yeah! bwahahahaha...

actually i find myself in a very disgusting state right now. always letting out gas - be it from top or bottom. best part, the bigger the burp/fart, the more shiok. shamelessly shiok! hahaha... damn gross right???

ah... i aim to entertain here... hehehe....
j tan: so far i'm pretty entertained by u.. haha.. keep up the good work. :D

i want char siew rice.. anybody knows where got nice one?
hilo all again..

the cat's out of the bag! .. my mum just asked me 'are u expecting?'.. *stunned*.. i said 'how u know? yes...' she said congrats.. and 'u have a smart maid.. she told me one'. ha.. yes. coz i been taking out my nursing bras (with labels that screamed 'maternity') to wash! ha.. well.. i knew it would leak.. and i anticipated it will leak this way.. ha. good.. at least mum did not 'make a fuss'.. only said congrats. .and tell me cannot drink black jelly drink.. hahahah

then i immeidately ssmsed my sis who knows.. to let her know secret's out.. my sis replied.. 'ok.. i will do my pretence job then'..
whahahahah :p

VP rina: btw, *points to my nick*.. just do it man ! :p
Astro: My goodness, looks like Teng is a busy busy boy! But next time I think my ger also. heheh

Yes, I was thinking half day childcare near my home but wait till 18 mths is too late liao lor.

Xoxo: Why your scan so clear wan!! Mine can never see so clear wan. You must have really enjoyed your session. Always bear that experience in mind when times are bad (MS-wise). Same goes to all the mummies here.

Aiyoh, nothing to admire man. It's not a question of can or cannot function at work, it's a case of no work, no money, bbs no milkpowder. I have no option, die die also must work. I'm just glad my MS symptoms are pretty mild compared to many here. I admire you guys who still hang in there with Merlion MS for the sake of your bbs.

Ok, got to go home now. Everyone, Bye and Have a great weekend!
loke: saying congrats to me coz my mum knows it now?!.. hahahaa.. nice char siew rice? i not a fan leh..
hmm.. ask my mascot? banana?? :p:p

Jtan: well done.. u got the drive.. i will promote u to HR director.. if u can continue the drive and initiative.. ha..

siangjiao: when i first saw ur nick.. i thought it was banana liao!.. ha.. banana and RYC.. gosh.. really a match!

xoxo: ur bb so cute hor?! it that the yolk sac on the far left hand corner of the water sac?
chia: he is not just busy. he is a notti busy boy! ha.. ya. consider half day child care.. then gradually full day?
see u and ahve a great weekend!

loke: happy wor.. someone's hb coming back liao! :p

miemie: ha! *smug* i am NOT the president for no rhyme or reason hor..hahhaha *smug again* :p

VP Rina: yalor. good support here.. u came later than me.. before that. i was also worried all the time.. till see heartbeat.. coz i lost one before too..at 9 weeks.. alamak.. my next visit in on April 2.. let's hope it is still doing fine!.
the gals have been supportive and postive here.. coz sometimes.. others who did not go thru the same experience cannot understand why we worry.. but thankfully. it is not the case here
Well done VP!

ok. so I declare RYC officially formed!

President: Astro
VP: Rina
Hon-Gen Sec: Mie Mie
Treasurer: Famela (??)
HR Manager: J Tan
Publicity: Loke
Mascot: Siangjiao

*straight faced*

U all cant talk abt char siew rice like that. Not when i have to eat at MILs tonite. The same meal i've been eating for the last 4 yrs
j tan: sorry sorry... i think i'll just have to go to the airport and see what's there to eat... very sorry...... hope ur mil cooks csr?
shugar >> i'd be back at work come april..hopefully i'll feel loads better. otherwise, think i gotta quit for good. (and loke >>) yeppers! i am thinking i will ask my HB to bring along the lightweight tripod and the videocam..so we can capture the whole thing the next time. Rats..i was thinking abt it this time round but thought I'd look too kancheong with the apparatus...

J Tan >> I think the highly distinct transition from a "bean" to a "baby" got me very happy...my EDD shifted from 8 Oct to 14 Oct..and yes, half a can or less is OK...but to be on the safe side, i think try not to do it everyday lah...

Chiapatty >> try not to go to toilet b4 the scan and drink 2 cups of water? and when she is moving the probe on the tummy...i noticed the screen becomes clearer when i exhale..so i am trying to prolong my breathing on the reverse...MS still as bad as ever..just had a major round...

President Astro >> hehehe..so what's the charter of your RYC? i really don't know what and where is everything...i was surprised the doc can spot the "knee caps"... i asked my HB and he says..he thinks so. Forgot to ask my gynae where's the placenta...
loke: wah u must be beaming hor! hahaaha, i would be too if i dun see HB for 3 weeks! :D
oooh airport remind me of popeye chicken! hahaha *yums*

xoxolight: i think the scans are something we will look forward too now that the BB's progress is more clear... hands, legs, movement and all.
my friend's BB made the 'peace' sign during the scan! hahaha so cute. even now come out already, she always sleeps with her fingers in the peace sign!

Bwahahaha siangjiao is mascot?? Im visualising her in a life size banana suit. Haha

Ok later when i reach home i change my nick too
