(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

Mrs L; wah. u got good appetite! ya.. now outside.. glued to tv liao! ha..

loke: i am more easily distracted than active.. ha.. arty farty designer.. while u are the analytical analyst? ha.. complementary!

astro: haha.. i like cos he's creative.. sometimes my brain gets blocked cos i'm too analytical.. then he'll pop out something out of the box.. so yeah.. quite complementary lah.. haha..
that explains where the weight gain comes from - late nite eating!

nitey nite!
Dear Mummies/ MTB,

Recently I had a VERY BAD encounter with Philips Singapore’s Customer Service regarding AVENT VIA Storage Cups.

I bought a lot of AVENT products during the OG 20% sales in Jan’09. I gave birth on 13 Jan & then started to use the product somewhere there then. One of the item I bought was the VIA Cups 240ml/8oz & 160ml/6oz bundle of 10 each in the box. The first few 6oz cups that I used have no leakage. Few days ago, I used one of the 8oz. I was surprised that it leak so I checked the cup. There was a needle hold at the mouth of the cup. The rest of the 9 cups also have the same problem. I believed this is the plastic molding defect. So I called Philips Singapore to check whether I can exchange the unused cups as I can’t use a defect item to store my BM & for sterilization.

The CSO who attended to me was Michael. He gave me a string of questions & asked for my receipt. I told him that I had thrown away the receipt. The stupidest thing is he even asked me how to spell the product. I told him that’s his product & he should know what that is. I already told him the remaining 9 cups are new & untouched, yet he kept asking me how many times have I used & where did I store it. Obviously unused items are in the box! He said with no receipt, there is nothing they can do as it is proof of purchase. He even suggested me going back to OG to reprint the receipt. I told him this is OG not any small shop that can trace backdated receipt. All he kept saying is “No receipt, they can’t recognize the item.”

I was angry as the product defect is due to the manufacture’s fault & in the end it become at the expenses of us, the consumer, I can’t even exchange the product.

I demanded to speak to his manager. His manager, Aaron Tan, again asked a lot of questions & said the same thing to me. He kept saying the service centre do not warranty items without receipt & it is very difficult to convince the service centre of the defect. When I asked him, “How do u warranty a plastic cup?” he did not answered my question & keep talking about the receipt. He also asked me did I check the product when I purchase. Items were all in box & sealed. Was it possible for us to check before buying??? Once open, its considered sold, isn’t it??

Here, I would like to emphasize that what if it was a gift? Do people buy gifts for others & leave the receipt in it? There is no flexibility in the way they deal with defect products. AVENT is AVENT from Philips, is there any imitation? If no, y can’t we exchange the defect products? If I had used it even if it was the manufacture’s fault, I will not ask for an exchange. But now, it is untouched, moreover, it is not cheap. Average per cup is $1.50. If there is no QC assurance on AVENT products, are we the consumers still able to trust them? For all we know, we will be buying defect products WITHOUT assurance & no exchange policy.

I am very upset & disappointed with the way they treat consumers who trust them. They breach my trust on their products. Therefore, please check all items from Philip Singapore if you are to purchase in future, keep the receipt as you may not know they sell defect items. My advise, best is don’t buy anything from them as the customer service or service centre have very bad way of treating the consumer.

For me, I will never trust them again. Never, again!
Morning, ladies!

Din log in last nite.. Was at my cousin's place watching "Pai Pai Zhan, Char Char Kan".. after tat, KO in her hse till hubby came to fetch me!

Seems like its a gd morning to sleep and laze in bed today.. dun feel like waking up and come to work leh... Nvm.. Endure.. 1 more day and its weekend!!! After tat, Monday wld be my check up liao! Am looking forward to it.. doing OSCAR and dunno wat lah..

surprise nobody aro today. Everyone busy with BD-ing last nite and couldn't get up today?

so quiet this morning ...

Really regretted coming to the office today. My face is really like shit. nothing seems to stop the nasueous.
Hi everyone!

Mrs Neo : I was also watching that. Haa... But those food don't seem to attract me anymore... Haa...

My checkup is this Saturday. After a long long 3 weeks wait... Finally!!

ong : Ya. I think most likely... We knew Rina and Miemie must be busy last night... So haven't log in yet. Hee...

siangjiao : Its nearly half day gone now. Take care ya. Tmr will be TGIF le.
Din log in for a while. Was amazed at how fast the thread moves...

My MS is still bad...haha... LOL at the video link fr xoxolight and the posts on BD. U girls are hilarious!

Are u all going to doing OSCAR? understand fr gynae that most ppl do that.
ong>>> I think the ladies have created a thunderstorm last night after BD-ing..... Hahahahaha.... Maybe still at bed relaxing....
Today will be my last day of work for the week, Hurray!!! finally can rest liao. My company working 4 days week now, money will be lesser each month liao also...

Wow lau, yesterday HB ask me ok liao anot, said maybe he gave me 1 injection (BD la), my sickness will recover, Crazy rite...i told him wat i knw now was to sleep....ask him dun distrub me....breast also cannot touch coz it so tender & nipple abit sore....the he grumble grumble say so long nv BD liao. I scold him it his fault tat make me become like tat, dunno hw to control then make me pregnant la....hahahaha...
Joyce :Yap agreed !! Probably having their 2nd round of "storm" this morning tat's y all MIA. Hahaha...

Joanne : your HB so cute. tink he cant tahan liao after controlling for mths. Maybe u shld tell him to take care of the children personally then he will be too exhausted to think of BD...
My hus is taking care of my son almost solely now since i am always nt feelg well. By the time my boy slept, it's already 12pm and he is exhausted aft playing games, making milk etc...After my boy slept, he still need to wash bottle, boil water etc....enough to keep him busy ..*evil smile
hi ladies!

woke up had breakfast and went back to sleep! last night tummy was like a hot air balloon... full of gas so just can't sleep properly and had tons of dreams! aiyoohh...
lucky it better today liao.

xoxolight: hahaha that video was hilarious! he actually took the gross medicine in the end!!! Hahaha, must say he's very brave! :p

siangjiao: hang in there! tmrw is friday!!

strawberrystars: think gyne will be asking us abt Oscars on monday when we go for our visit. Not very sure but don't think will be taking leh, coz hb said, wat are we to do if say touchwood the result is positive? we'll see what gyne has to say and decide i think.
joyce + ong: this morning is sure quiet!! hahaa...

couldnt sleep last night.. think i took a nap at 5pm yesterday, so cant sleep.. plus i was hungry.. haha.. after a cup of milo then finally fell asleep.. so this morning also cannot wake up.

hb will be back tmr!! yay!!!! after 3 wks!! gyne appt next tues.. yay!!! haha.. also after 3 wks!!!
good <strike>morning</strike> afternoon ladies!!

oi! 1 day i never log and you all make this place so steamy and hot, aye?? tsk tsk.. LOL

so today everybody concuss from all that activity yest? heee heee

i was busy all day yest cleaning up my house. so tiring. the part time cleaner was supposed to come yest morning but in the end did NOT turn up at all!!!!!! can you believe that?? in the evening after i angry angry, tired tired tired, i smsd her oso no reply!!!! made my blood boil!! good thing was, that i had a good exercise and strangely my MS felt not as annoying and cloying. perhaps the extra endorphins released made me feel better la. so today, have been keeping busy oso.

can i check with you ladies? what does the OSCAR test consist of? cos at KKH they never use the term OSCAR.. it's just called a fetal screening (FTS) then they have package A, B and C ( not sure if C exists..?)

package A consists of only the nuchal translucency and nasal bone scan. check thickness.

package B is package A + a blood test

i took package B last time. this time round dono if wanna do A or B? what do you all think? my appt for this FTS will be 2nd April.
famela: yaeh... i lost another kg.. i think because hb not here to buy food for me ah.. lazy to get food when i'm alone.. esp when the coffeeshop smell really... sigh.. haha..
oh dear.. poor you.. later he come home go bully him to get you all the yummy food la.

my hubby is around but i've still lost weight. it's been ages since i was 54.5kg. but that's what i weigh now. before MS struck, i was 57.8.
hey gals... i looked at the canteen food ... and carefully selected mee rebus ... so delicious, i slurpped up everything ... but now, i feel a bit green.

For me, discussed with HB, we are not going to do any screening test.

I still have 3 more weeks to my gynae visit. Such a long way away. My stingy HB still say is it necessary to visit the specialist every month? kaoz

BTW, have your HB started talking to the baby yet? I asked him to say hi to my stomach, and all the silly man can say is "Hi, wo shi ni lao ba" (Hi, I'm your dad)(Hi, wa si ning lao pei)
famela: wooo.. i think after these two weeks you'll start gaining weight cos bb will start growing also.. hee..and hopefully our appetites will improve..

siangjiao: HB tried talking to bb over the phone. haha. he always says "papa love u, mama love u. see u soon!" very funny..
siangjiao, yummmmm... mee rebus. you make me drool. i've nothing in the house now lei. i just fried 2 eggs and ate with bread just now. still hungry but dono what to eat or can eat.

your hubby so cute. tell him visit judy wong (you're with judy wond rite?) get to see baby lor. don't visit means cannot see baby.

my hubby doesn't talk to baby yet la. baby oso cannot hear bah. but he does say hello, good morning baby etc in the mornings or in the evenings when he comes back fr work.
famela : Oscar is only at TMC. KKH have another term for it which is FTS. They are suppose to be similar test since both offer 90% accuracy.
loke: confirm will gain one very soon for me la. i know my body too well. i am only thankful that i lost my pregnancy weight very fast the last time with breastfeeding. in fact i lost more weight than i gained and went down 3kg below my pre-preggy weight even. i looked so skinny and gaunt then.. so am hoping for the same magic this time round too. kekeke.. skali don't work eh? die la liddat!
sianjiao : 1mth your HB still find so fast. To me, 1mth seems like ages....

My HB nv even talk to bb before as he think it's funni
afternoon babes!!
first time in more than a mth, i managed to have an uninterrupted sleep of 8 hrs...concussed at 3am last night, not from the BD-ing but because i was overheated (literally!) ... had my a/c full blast at 16 deg C and with all the "fan" icons blinking on the remote and I was still perspiring
couldn't get comfy at all! plus that weird "i want steamed prawns" nonsense..

hahaha, HB was saying "why don't we go to newton?..." thou shalt not spoil the BB..of course, we didn't go..

the nausea seems to have departed for now...not much of the sensation is left for me...i hope this is the beginning of my glorious time!! never felt so good...but the boobs feel like someone is wringing on them hard! hurts!!!

will be seeing my gynae tom..pretty excited
xoxo: that's great to hear!!! maybe that's the beginning of the glorious 2T... its giving me hope too.. means my 2T coming soon too.. hahahhaa
strawberrystars, shugar >> moi not going for the test too...

famela >> *drag my brochure out* OSCAR (One-Stop Centre for Assessment of Risk for fetal anomalies) for TMC is done between Week 11-14. It sounds very much like your KKH Pkg B - consisting of the Nuchal Translucency ultrasound measurement and a blood test for free-beta hCG and PAPP-A (plasma protein A) and gives you a risk assessment result..i can't shed light on the price though..how much does it cost at KKH?
ong: ya, i also think that one month is very long. Meanwhile, i always wonder how the baby is growing, well or not.. But HB feels pinched with the $100 over consultation fee each time.

xoxo: luckily you never go Newton. They charge $239 for tiger prawns ...actually, last night HB and I were deciding where to go for dinner and he suggested to go Newton to see if that store is still opened. If yes, he wanted to throw rotten eggs. That one really throw away Singaporean's face. saw the picture on straits times, the prawn is 33cm long. That's pretty mutated for a tiger prawn huh.
haha..i am going to place some priority on getting myself a weighing scale at home. my appetite has been decreasing of late...and i can start to see the "bones" on my wrists again...i can't imagine loading up 12kg..where is it all going to come from?
siangjiao: i think they probabably injected growth hormones into that prawn. $239 is crazy. anyway, i've been wanting to eat nasi lemak, waiting for hb to come back so he can bring me to adam rd.. heee... waiting for him to bring me to rochor for the taohuey also..
siangjiao >> ever thought of getting a fetal heartbeat monitor? i think this baby/mommy industry is quite recession proof! plus last year singapore had a bumper crop - nearly 40K babies..i wonder whether this year would be as fertile..it certainly "feels" so..everywhere i go now (dunno if it's my mind playing a fool)..i see preggers and more preggers..!!!
loke >> yah, i hope i am not smiling too soon..but today feels strangely different. i hope this keeps up..suddenly i'm thinking of packing the room i designated for the baby (used to be my "office" at home)..going to my wardrobe and removing all the N.A. clothing of mine (esp my minature pants) and creating space for the maternity stuff...but decided to come and forum ard a little more to see if i am really OK...*cross fingers*...
siangjiao >> precisely because of that HB says let's go..he was sure biz would be pretty jialat that we can bargain..but i was not too sure i can put up with the smell there..and plus, i get motion sickness when i sit in the car now. hmm...but competition there is so stiff i kinda pity the stallholders too..not easy..plus if the REAL tiger prawns had been served (cannot verify..), I think #43 is really suay...now he's out of biz for 3 months..
i've got one word to help lose weight after give birth: breastfeed.
good for baby, good for mommy

the post natal massage and the daily binding for 10 days oso helped i guess. OH, and i fasted for a whole month cos i gave birth and then 2 months later was fasting month if not wrong. so i guess that's how i lost weight la. breastfeed and fast. hehe. quite a challenge.

xoxo, you oso 10 weeks rite? i have my good days too when i don feel anything. but sometimes the ms comes and goes la. ever since the start of my 10th week the ms more or less confined to evenings
let's welcome the 2t with open arms yah?

thanks for checking out the pamphlets for me yah? yes, that sounds exactly the same as the one i'm scheduled for on the 2nd april. i dono the current price now at kkh though. the last time i rem i paid $315 for the scanning and the blood test. dono if they increased the price already or not. oso didn't bother to ask. will find out soon enough i guess.

siangjiao: 239 for prawns?? cwaaaaaziness!!

and xoxo, the 12kg is not all us la.. the water, the baby all adds up to quite a bit of weight too rem?
xoxo: i'm still having a headache thinking of where to put bb stuff... haha. but i think i'll have a way by then... see who gives me what lor.. haha...

famela: i was craving for this nissin cup noodles seafood flavour.. but i cant find it anywhere.. so i bought the mushroom chicken flavour one instead.. anyway, i think fasting really is a factor for the weight loss.. esp its for 1 whole month!!
siangjiao: the bill for each visit with judy wong is 100 plus? where is her clinic? isit at TMC itself?

i need to find out cos i recommended a couple of frens judy wong for their first babies and they all contemplating following her to TMC for 2nd pregnancy but wondering if it's a lot more ex that what we're accustomed to at kkh. can advise?
loke, yummy. the chicken mushroom one oso sounds nice. enjoy! i'm pretty sure the fasting did it for me la. but i think just breastfeeding alone oso helped cos i lost all the preggy weight within the first month. or at most within the first one and a half month. the fasting came later. but the fasting was responsible for making me lose additional weight that's why can go below pre-preggy weight. this time round i dono how.. fasting month will be in august if not wrong. dono if i'll be strong enough to fast or not then. i would like to. paying back the fast during non-fasting month is a chore!
loke: it's not compulsory for people of "lesser abilities". pregnant oso can fall under this category so not compulsory for us. we can skip it actually if we don feel up to it. but still must pay back the fast once we are ok ie not pregnant.

i didn't fast during my last pregnancy with my boy last time cos it coincided with my first trimester with all the vomiting and all.. and plus i read that lack of water during 1t was dangerous so i skipped it after a few days. but i have yet to pay back that 1 month of fast that i owe. it's harder, much2 harder to fast when it's not fasting month. will power not strong la esp since the rest of family members and muslims all not fasting. keke..

i hope though for this one, since i'll be in last trimester, i can cheong it and still fast la. but will not force myself la.. will see how it goes. if can, i fast, if cannot, then skip and haf to pay back la. what to do~~
famela >> the 2T (caveat: no nausea, no patrol-dog nose) is certainly welcomed...i think our EDD is just a day apart or somewhere close...yep, in week 10-ish now. i rem the quote price was in the region of 300++ but didn't pay close attn cos i wasn't interested...hmm..trying to calibrate my energy now..getting too exuberant to handle.
