(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

happy hipppo >>> ur babe sleeps at 830pm latest every day??!!!! 830pm i still battling to feed her dinner! she sleeps ard 11.. sometimes 12 midnight! the earliest she ever slept when she is really exhausted after a whiole day out is probably 10pm .. But she seldom nap especially when we are out.. last sat, she woke up at 830am (slept 11pm the night before) and we went out the whole day she only took 2 power naps of 15 min each! is that normal?? sometimes im so drained cos i hardly have anytime to do my own stuff after work since she sleeps soo late!

Hi mummies,

Till date the blood test results are still not ready yet. And I am really very pissed out with the KKH staff..

To sweeten this wait, I realised that Nathan now is able to stand for about 3 sec.
Even though is not very long, but I think his determination is slow being reward....

I managed to taken this wonderful picture before he slipped and fall...

Hi mummies,

The blood test result is released to me this late afternoon from doctor.
Nathan is not suffer from any genetic disorder. **hurray!!!**
But the blood test result reviewed that he is suffering from Anemia (low red blood count).
Therefore, he need a lots of iron... so when he's turn 2, he may need to take the iron supplement.....

Finally tonight I can sleep more peacefully...
And can "put down that huge rock in my heart!"

Three cheers for Nathan!!!!
Joyce > Great news indeed! I am very happy for you and Nathan..knowing how worried you must have been. Yep, have a good night's sleep and give your fiesty little boy a big hug from me! Hehe...advanced Merry Christmas wishes from us! Enjoy the holidays!!! ;)

just wanted to share something interesting that happened today.
in the evening :
- bath time : he keep standing up from his bath tub. repeatedly asked him to sit down. one point i made him sit.
- after bath : he ran around naked. i yelled to ask him to come back. then grabbed him and close his room door.
- while wiping him dry and stuff, he started to touch the fan plug 'again'. i told him no sternly. no effect. then i went 'HRMM'.
(can imagine my increased irritation yes? :p)

he cried. then look up at me. then cried. then look up at me. I remain silent and non-smiling. once all is done (dry, moisturised and dressed).

this is what he did.
he went behind me. pat me on the back. then peek to the side and gave me a megawatt smile. (i still silent and unsmiling). then he repeated the action and megawatt smile (i quivered). then repeated. how to remain angry? :p

WHERE THEY LEARN ALL THIS huh??? trying to pacify his unhappy mummy :p

normally bath time/evening time is pretty okay. duno why today he is so fussy. might be because his tooth is coming out again.
Hi Joyce
I have been a silent reader..and following Nathan's development... Congrats that all is well.....I have a pair of twins boys born in aug 2009. Though their actual age is 16mth, they were born 2mth premature...so they are actually same age as all of your bbs developmentally...they were supposed to be born on 10Oct 2009, but were delivered at week 32 on 19Aug 2009...hehehhee.....they cant wait to see the world....
Hi mummies,

Thank you all for the keeping Nathan in your daily prayer.... He should be growing stronger as the time goes by....

Hi dejected,
Thank you! And welcome to this forum. You must be very busy with your twins...

Lastly, wishing all of your a blessed 2011... and may all our babies grow stronger and healthier....
hi mummies,

it's been a long time since my last post.

Joyce: it's great to hear that baby Nathan is developing well.

gal: my boy has been getting impatient to get dressed up. The moment i put on his top, he just want to get off and run around the house naked. kept shouting at him also useless. if he were to see me real angry, he will come pacify me too. flash his mega smile and give me a pat on my back repeatedly too. then my heart just melt...

btw, have any mummies introduce toothpaste to your kids already? i'm still using the stage 1 toothbrush from pigeon. is it time to upgrade already? he's got 10 mini teeth already, and 2 more are still on the way...

thanks in advance.
hi mummies
jus woderin if anyone of u wana order Birkenstocks frm footshopping? I m intensified to order close to $150 but will need more to get free shipping..
Email me if u r interested k?;$
Hi Joyce
Yes, very bz with my twins. Been on No Pay Leave and study leave till May 2012 to bond with the kids since birth. Now my elder boy is sick, so hopefully wun pass the germs to my younger one.
stlock15 : i m still using the baby toothpaste from Earth's Best. It states its for ages 6 months to 3 years. I'm using Pigeon's toothbrush as well. Will let him brush or try to guide him once a day. But will still wipe using soft cloth before/after.

hi 76, welcome :D
me still using the traditional finger toothbrush to brush their teeth. I dun use cloth anymore.
I am still feeding my twins 220ml milk 3x a day, porrdge (either of these:brocolli, fish, egg),bread, yogurt, cheese, rafferty garden snack bars, biscuits, fruits (one of these but not everyday:papaya, banana, grapes, blue berries, kiwi)
How abt you?
gal: where can i get the toothpaste from earth's best?

rae: my mum is giving 30 oz of fm to my boy, 1 potato meal, 2 porridge with brocolli / baby spinach and fish, fruits (apple / pear / skinless grapes / blueberries)

btw, i think my boy is allegic to pork... is any mummies facing the same problem too?
Hi Sorry to disturb your thread.
Would like to check if there are any mummies staying at Tampines st 44 or nearby? I'm a march 2009 sahm mummy and I'm looking for playdates for my boy. Pls email me at [email protected]

i bought mine during a fair. but its a fairly common brand. so maybe KP, mothercare, etc may have? alternatively maybe you can check pigeon has any other toothpaste that is age appropriate?

wah..30oz a day!

why do you think your boy is allergic to pork? rashes?
my boy is allergic to fish and egg
. major rash. Will still give him occasionally in small portions.

my boy is still taking 3 x 240ml, bread (breakfast) with jam/cheese, lunch & dinner : either one -> porridge/soft rice/mee sua/macaroni w meat and veg, fruits (apple, pear, banana, papaya, etc).

i think he is sick of bread :p. gotta try to think of something else for breakfast :p

table & chair:
any recommendation on table and chair set for our tots? where did u get yours?
what you mean by table and chair? Is it for dining? I am still usign hi chair leh... or you referring to those for recreation.
Rae>> im feeding my babe only 1 milk per day.. about 130ml.. thats frozen bm stocked couple of months back.. then 3-4 meals of carbo (quinoa, oats, potatoes, pasta) + protein (tofu, beans, eggs) + veg + fruits (strawberry, raspberry, blueberry, blackbery, apricot, peach, avocado, apple, figs, kiwi)... im on a vegan diet so i will like my babe to be the same. however i ensure she has sufficient protein in each meal (beans, tofu, eggs or nuts). and she takes loads of veg to make up for the incomplete protein of plants... so all sorts of veg u name it she has tried it...

To all mummies >>>but one thing, she shits alot alot alot.. can someone advise me what is the typical shit like of your babes.. amount n texture. she shits even more than us adults each day (no joke!) the quantity can be 4-6 rice bowls per day! and she shits literally every day,,,is that the same for the rest?
wow ur baby shits a lot...i train my boys to sit on the potty once every morning after 7am milk and they will poo abt 2 strips of shit every day and clears the bowel system for the day liao..no shit for the rest of the day. But the younger one still shits 2-3 drops of shit 2-3 more times through out the day even after the morning shitting session.
hi 76,
table and chair for recreation :D. I don't have a little chair at home. was thinking it would be good to have something his size so he can 'sit still at times :p

babyturn :
my boy poo poo 1-3 times a day. but he is only on 2 solids whereas your babe is on 3-4 meals of carbo. so more input = more output?
u said you give ur boy 240ml of milk, after adding water, wun it overflow? i am askign coz i have been trying to look for a bottle that can hold more the standard 240ml...so that if i need to increase in future, it can hold..but i dun think there is such a bottle rgt?i am using avent.
76 :
my bottle is max 250ml. so after putting 240ml water + milk powder, it will be around 250/260ml. i'm using narrow neck Dr.Brown.
As our tots grow older, from what i know is that their milk intake will slowly reduce and solid increase.
lydia, you mentioned that your son is allergic to fish. Have you tried different types of fish? Elgin is allergic to ngoh hee and another type, but can take cod. it's try and test.

Plus my pd says to try every month if allergic, just to expose them to the food, hoping that they can overcome it.

He's allergic to eggs too, but we are now slowly adding a little bit.

babytum: we only feed 3 meals a day, morning, lunch and night, plus milk in between. Shit only a lot when given sweet potato.

I think non-meat food tends to get passed out more.
glass :
hey..that's what my nanny said. if eat sweet potato the sai will be more lao sai type :p

we tried ngor hee and cod so far (2 of the 'safer' fish), both got rashes. any other 'safe' fish?

for egg. how do u add? stir into porridge? both egg yolk n white?
gal: hehe, so far the lao sai type is when he eats lots of bottled prune baby food. The sweet potato type of poo is more mushy but not ls type.

i think the other fish I tried is white promfret. Not very sure because my mother is the one who buys the fish and meat.

for egg, just stir in i think. egg white tends to be harder, so i don't give that. My MIL will hard boil it separately instead of throwing the egg in with the porridge.
for egg, should we be giving just normal eggs we got from the market / supermarket or those eggs that comes with omega 3/6/9 or carrot or whatever additional nutrients?
i think any eggs are fine la.. sometimes those "special" eggs are like the diff milk powder.. marketing tactics.. haha.. my girl loves eggs but likes hard boiled.. she usually takes the whole egg herself. I have tried steamed egg custard she doesnt really fancy it but then again, maybe cos my egg custard is not nice.. cant get the chawanmushi std.. haha..

yeah, my gal takes sweet potato. maybe thats y she shits so much and usually is nice mushy one. She seldom gets hard stools at all! but sometimes the amount amazes us cos my husband wa saying the volume seems more than wat he shits.. haha
ya jus add water to egg lor.. its the chinese steamed egg custard la..but the ratio mus b right n the timing mus b right.. i obviously din do a good job la.. haha.. think i'd jus stick to hard boil egg, its easier for me n she likes it too. anyway the nutrients are the same since it's the same egg anyway.. haha..
egg custard, hrmm..if anyone found the recipe of making chawanmushi style one, let me know :D

btw, HAPPY NEW YEAR 2011 to all.

Going to do my first chore of 2011 now. Hang clothes :S.
Mine eats porridge with fish, carrot, vege, punkim, potato, lean meat at least twice a day then rest with milk n bi gor . Wan to explore other kind of food but duno what kind. Do u all put salt in the food?
rae2 > there's alot that you can try. for carbo, you can expand your variety of rice to stuff like potatoes, pasta, bread, noodles (cut)...and no salt/sugar yet in her food for me. there's plenty of good recipes that you can find online and in the library too. have fun!

gal > just whisk egg (1) with chicken soup stock (1/2 cup) and steam. you can add small little cubes of soft vege and even mushrooms if you want more flavour/texture. steam for 15mins. we bought those daiso $2 ceramic cups and they are great for this...add a small cheesecloth over to catch any of the residual steam vapour. if u are sure elias is alright with citrus (though i know some don't recommend), this taste fabulous with fresh orange pulp (aka tatsuya@goodwood park recipe!)..lagi best is you immerse some little chunks of creamy cod in the orange before adding them..erm, fish..have you tried silver fish, sardines?

babytum > high fibre diet possibly? btw, am impressed with your variety of greens!
abt figs, could you share with me if you use fresh ones or dried ones?
how has the new year been for all of you? mine hasn't got off to a great start honestly.

had some family stuff going on and it really wears me down really

then..it's the awful tantrums that goes on every day now. Dre has such bad meltdowns over all sorts of stupid little thing.

She has a meltdown when we didn't read her mind and didn't put out the right coloured spoon for her; another meltdown when her cup is not refilled fast enough (spoilt huh?); yet another meltdown when we fed her a watermelon - my guess was it wasn't sweet or not chilled or whatever?! threw a crying fit when she wanted to bring her crayons into the bath and we didn't allow her..so on and so forth... but the worst one is that since the new year began, she had a new "resolution" - it reads:

"I resolve not to wear clothes."

I am really going gila now trying to think how to get it to her. Today, it took three adults to pin her down and force her clothes on...she cried till she turned purple and after ALL THAT EFFORT, she promptly threw off her tee and shorts plus diaper...we all felt so defeated then. Is it because she hated the lining, didn't like the fabric, the clothes not soft enough..what? I really don't know...haiz. SF is really upset with her, so am I...where has that sweet babe gone to i wonder? she is fast becoming my nightmare.
Happy new year to all!! Hope that 2011 will be better!

Xoxo: u r not alone.. KD has become a crybaby recently too. He want something, dun give him? Meltdown. Put him in car seat? Meltdown. Scold him for biting me? Meltdown. Bathe him when he don't feel like it? Meltdown. Feed him too slow? Meltdown. Doesnt carry him? Meltdown again! People touched his face? Meltdown! Lie him down to change the soiled diaper,doesn't want to lie down, cry n cry the whole house down..

I feel it's the period where our babes learnt to communicate via crying and that it is the most powerful way To be noticed (and heard). All the more must be very patient, stern and firm in not giving in.. Of cos I gave in to some (like carry him, afterall he is going outgrown that very soon) and remain firm on many others. I don't want him to be a spoilt baby! I am ok with his cryings actually. If I leave him crying, it will eventually turn to ah...... Ah.... Eh...... Making that noise to "act" crying... Just turn deaf for that reason. But of cos again, it NOT easy when we are staying with other people. Grandparents just cannot tahan any crying and will give in to anything... (of cos I should have known that! Being a clown is nothing new to them!) sigh!!

I admit, been feeling lousy, agitated and super frustrated! I have alot of burdens on me and The baby just made things worse! We also wonder where did that lil good boy went?

Let's just hope is a period that will be gone very soon... And hold on!
wow shugar! tat's a very interesting read!! confirmed what i thought it is.. but is sam like this recently too?? he seem to be as sweetie pie as i have always known him..

to all: it's been a long long long time (3 mths?) since i last met up with any mommies liao.. really should meet up again soon! anyone will be keen to explore Kids Amaze (http://www.safra.sg/jrclubhouse_facilities_category.aspx?cid=166) or maybe to polliwogs again?

Question about travel:
i am leaving this Sun with HB & Baby to HK! will be there for 6 days!! how should i dress my bub in singapore while on the way to airport ah? i have also bought the pigeon ready to eat porridge.. hmm, any tips? need to make sure i am well prepared before i leave! any suggestions welcome!!

my main problem with elgin at the moment is nightmares. For the past week, he's been waking up around 2 plus and crying hysterically. Sometimes milk can quieten him down, but sometimes I have to put him on my stomach and hold him before he is willing to go back to sleep. Sometimes it's 2 hours before he is willing to fall asleep again.

guess the part from the article about nightmares make sense.
