(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

hi funzee, yup. I'll love to bring Elgin over. Me free next week onwards. But I can't offer to let you come over coz I'm staying with my in laws and they are very fussy people. Don't like noise.

Joyce, hope everything goes well.

funzee: amelie will know you are mummy coz' you are the mummy. nobody can replace u. keep on spending some time with her and play with her? something fun that helper won't do.

I recall myself being close to my nanny (auntie) but ultimately i know who my mummy is.
glass: Great! I'll check my work cal to see which date I am next on leave. I think might be next Wed, 8 Dec.

Thanks for the encouragement, friends. Ya, am trying to spend more time with her. I think she knows I'm her mama, just that she is more attached to the helper. Luckily papa is still no. 1 to her though. :p
Your situation sounds exactly like mine. Saving grace is Daddy is #1, grandpa a distant #2, maid #3 and im probably #4.
Drove her to ICA to collect passport on Thu with maid and princess was throwing a fit cos she didnt wanna sit in the car seat. So she was whining throughout the 20min journey. Of course when she saw daddy there she cried the loudest. But we eventually figured out that she was upset with my maid for not rescuing her out of the car seat n eventually want only to be carried by her.

Anyways just wanted to share this with you which my hb keeps reiterating - its just a phase which was pass sooner than we know it cos kids are very smart - they will know who are the mummy n who are the help. They will eventually be able to differentiate the constant from the variable.

Like for us, which i believe for u too, we dont bring the help out with min, unless its just one of us around. And by now she knows that if she wants to go gai gai its gonna be with mum n dad or grandparents.

Im sure the situation will improve soon enough.
Hi Hippo

Thanks for sharing. Hmm... sometimes we bring helper out too cos my husband thinks that it's good for the helper to be able to get out sometimes. I think since that 1 hr CIO episode, my helper also knows that I want to be the one playing and taking care of A when I am home. My back is getting in the way though. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. Sigh!

Glass: confirm Wed I am on leave. Let me know what time you wanna come over! Looking forward to seeing you and Elgin!
<font color="0000ff"><font color="ff0000">Funzee</font>
I'm in a similar situation too. My #2 is v v close to my helper as well, coz she looks after him 24/7. at nite my #1 sleeps with me.. so i let #2 sleep with her when he was about 4 mths (so as to build back the bond between #1 and us).

But i kinda regret it now, whenever i see my #2 so close to her. e.g. he will cry whenever she leaves his sight, even tho we are all sitting there. at nite, he knows she muz carry him to go to the room. if i carry him over, he will fuss and start wriggling to get out of my arms to walk towards her. quite saddening but i guess this is the price i've to pay.

My #1 is pretty sticky to me so it leaves me less time to spend with #2. guess its time to reinforce our relationship already... but at the end of the day, i think they will still noe who is mummy!!! who truly loves them..</font>
joyce > i can only say i feel for the anxiety you must be having but having said that, pls don't lose heart. believe in nathan! your faith and dedication in him and towards him would be priceless in helping him achieve anything in life - walking included! ganbate and we will be rooting for u!

gal > i spray citronella directly on her skin. so far it's been ok. perhaps u are sensitive to citronella?

funzee > i agree with gal...find a specific activity that only you would do with her. that can become especially meaningful to both A and you. for example, reading poems to her could be something done just by you, complete with a nice cuddle and cosy corners? initially, she may not seem interested etc but if u do so day after day, she would come to anticipate it and long for it.

haiz..my turn to confide..i had to fire my helper last week, right before we departed for our holidays which i had painstakingly made plans for the helper to enjoy herself too! argh! no wonder they say domestic helpers are trouble with a capital T. found out she was abusing painkillers - even oral painkillers prescribed for my epi wounds were completely wiped clean.

once more, i am back to the grind of cleaning, cooking, working and hardly know what is day or night! the agency has sent me so many biodatas but i dunno what's up - i am reluctant to choose another simply because i don't know how to place my trust in a stranger anymore! that said, i am off to do the ironing now and the dishes too -_-"....
xoxo: what happened?! It sounded as if your helper was really good, looking up recipes to cook for Dre. Sigh... all helpers come with problems - it's a matter of what you can tolerate. Abusing painkillers? You mean like getting high on them?! BTW, if you don't mind me asking, who looks after Dre when you are at work, now that the helper is gone? Even when helper was there, did you have someone supervising? If you can have someone supervising, you may want to consider trying to get another helper. My helper is not w/o probs too. She lost two knives in a short span of time! I did have some paranoid thoughts but I figured that they must have been genuine mistakes and I have the security of my MIL supervising.

Good luck, if you intend to get another helper.
Hi mummies,

Thanks for the great support. I am still very anxiously waiting for the blood test results.... I hope everything will be fine...

Diana, just a check how can I check if the blood test result is out from KKH? Or can you help me to check if it ready?

Sorry to bother you because I call KKH today, the staff nurse said she dun know and asked me to wait for the call from them.
hi. I got a question 'again' :p

when should we wean off the last feed?
Anything we need to wean off now or do by now?
- potty
- thumb
- night milk feed
Gal: what do you mean by night milk feed? In the middle of the night? I am not sure about Elias but A's last feed is about 8pm. She only takes 3 x 6oz milk feeds a day and well, is into her fasting mode again.

Anyone with good solns to weaning off thumb sucking, please share with me! I read that good to wean thumb sucking before 4 as tt's when their gums grow faster and their permanent teeth start coming in(?).
funzee > sorry to take awhile to reply. i am glad i am finally getting a handle on everything..haha, took me awhile to get used to doing stuff on my own, but for once today, i feel that i am on top of things rather than being completely overwhelmed!

the (ex) helper was great till i found out abt her pill addiction. actually we hired the helper purely for cooking and cleaning, Dre is looked after by us all the time. we do take her to our office at times, otherwise, we would work our schedules around and ensure at least one of us is always with her..how did your helper lose two knives?!?!?! btw, after my helper left, i found a stash of broken crockery...some of my favourite porcelain dishes had cracks! BIG SIGH! on the big bright side, i managed to find a replacement already after some serious hunting and interviewing. hope this lady proves to be a good choice.

wrap the offending thumb in a plaster. choose a really good quality one to ensure it's safe! 3M's sensitive plaster works. the artificial sensation sorta discourages thumb sucking.

joyce > diana was off for a holiday i think...how was the blood test? hope the results were good and that you can rest easy now.

gal > thanks.

I am looking for:


Please email me if you have 2nd hand jumperoo &amp; Brill kids flash cards for sale. thanks.
funzee :
my boy is also on 3 milk feed a day.
1. 6/7am
2. 3/4pm
3. midnight

paisay, i think u shared A's schedule before :p
could you share again please?

thumbs sucking :
any strategy? Or just stick the plaster on?
Any good/bad timing to start? my boy is teething now. haha. maybe he will use it as a teether :S
Hi Mommies : Speaking of schedules, can I ask this question about nap times. Starting January 2011, my bubba's playgroup timing will change to 2.30pm to 4pm. His current afternoon naptime is 1pm to 3pm. Do you think I should change his naptime or just cancel the school? Seems like no perfect solution as researched into other schools, timings not perfect either... What will you do?

Funzee : I like the way you say it..my bubba in constant fasting mode...He probably thinks he is a camel.

Gal : Can't really comment on thumb sucking weaning, but I know there are commercial remedies to use to put on thumb and the taste is so yucky it turn the baby off sucking?
xoxo: so lucky that you and your hubby can take care of her, even with help. I must confess that my bandwidth not so high. I try as much as possible to take care of her when I am home, but sometimes, like today, she just drives me mad! I'm glad to hear that you have found a replacement. I hope she meets your expectations. Anyway wrt to help, I think we gotta be mentally prepared that they will all have their flaws, and yes, they will spoil the household things like break stuff, lose stuff etc. Just have to get used to it and not get too upset over it. We've already had our cooker hood scratched quite early on, recently our table, which honestly we spent quite a lot on and waited a few months for it, got some water stains on it. Husband was not pleased. Got other shenanigans also lah. But we just tahan cos she is really quite fond of A and she can cook and clean ok. No one else to look after A cos the grandparents are old already.

Need to let off a bit of steam. A has been screaming and shouting her head off the past couple of days. Not a happy baby at all. Naps are also super irregular. Usually she can take one morning and one afternoon nap, but she keeps resisting the morning one. Also wakes up unhappy in the morning and after naps. Sometimes really don't know what to do! She screamed so much just now that my ears were slightly muffled after each screaming fit.

Schedule for gal:
5am+/6am: milk
7am+: b'fast
noon: lunch
3pm: milk
6.30pm: dinner
8.00pm: milk

Babymax: gee, A's naps are so irregular now. In the good days it used to be at 10am and another at 1plus or 2pm. There have also been occasions where she can take only one nap after lunch. If you intend to change nap times think you have to move it fwd by 15 mins each time.

Your baby just doesn't drink milk or also doesn't eat? A's eating is erratic, if it happens at all. Sigh.
funzee :
thanks. tis is Elias schedule right now.
6/7am : milk
7/8am : b'fast
8/9am : 1 hr nap
10:30/11am : lunch :p
12/1 : nap 1 - 1.5hr
2/3pm : : milk
* 4/5 : nap (rarely happens
5:30pm : dinner
7/8pm : sleep
midnight : milk

u mentioned A's nap is 10 and around 2 right? so after same like E? after the 2nd nap no zzz till 8pm? maybe i can try.. again.. to feed him when he going to zzz. last time i tried, he woke up at 2am for milk. he don't seem to be able to last more than 6-8 hrs.

screaming. Is A not well? or teething?
maybe can try change environment? bring her out to the playground or shopping
bbmax: i was reading bb centre on naps. seem like the pm nap for most tots can range between 12pm-3pm. most tots drop their AM nap. unless u can bring fwd.
how do you get your child to sleep early? Elgin's morning routines are quite standard even though the timing is not fixed.
8 or 9am wake up
10 or 11am nap
3 or 4pm nap
And he goes to bed only after 9pm on most nights, and can go up to 11pm. His nap times are usually 1 to 2 hours.

Currently, he has lessons at 1pm, so I've been unable to move his nap time later, in order to cut out the 3 or 4pm nap. After next week, I guess I could try the 12-3pm nap.

I only have 2 weeks left to get him on a schedule before I start work. I don't want him to go to bed that late anymore. If not, I'll be unable to prepare for work at night!
Hi Funzee : He is pushing boundaries now when it comes to feeding. Drinking milk is like forcing him to drink poison. It will be very lucky if I can get him to drink 60ml in one sitting. He will need to "be entertained" so that he can stay in one place to drink milk. Otherwise flip here, crawl away, flip there, and crawl further away. So drinking milk, I have to prepare a basket of things to pass to him, so he can stay there to drink his milk. Food feeding - well, he just master the art of storing his food in his mouth. This is more difficult. I have yet decipher the best way to counter this. So advice will be appreciated. What I have done is so far, if after 45 mins, still cannot finish food, I pack up and call it a day. My friend's gal took 3 hours to finish her porridge, I think I don't have the patience to do that...I will grow cobwebs.

Thanks Gal. I think I will slowly adjust 15 mins each time, so my end goal is he will sleep at 12noon. But then again, I don't know how to get him to sleep earlier. To make matters complicated, he has another class on other days from 10.45am to 11.45am. So fretting as well.

I'm shaking my head as I type this. This is even more difficult than trying to put together a wedding plan.
Xoxo: The blood test results is not out yet... And I really really worried... My son is not able to stand on his own.
As he may be getting some form of genetic disorder.....
joyce > has physical therapy been initiated? are u sending nathan for these sessions? the reason why i say this is that the rule of thumb in anything to do with a developmental lag is that intervention should be initiated as soon as possible pending the blood tests, or in fact, even professional assessment. i rem u saying that there is some physio going on, but i cld be wrong. if so, has nathan improved on those? who is looking after nathan now? cld the caregiver if it isn't u, learn those physical therapy concepts and practise them with him? the silver lining is that nathan definitely has it in his mind to want to stand and walk, which means, all is needed is just a little help! did the docs say when the results are expected to be out? wld u like to seek a second opinion in the meantime?
babymax > don't fret too much abt this phase. trust me, it'd pass. i just went thru' such a phase with Dre for a mth where she simply wouldn't comply with her high chair, car seat etc. that has thankfully passed. i am glad that we managed to stand firm and not yield to her demands too much. there were times when she clung onto the chocolate rows and cried her lungs out at the supermart! and i have not even told u of how every little thing would set her off. but amen, it's over! one thing wrt mealtimes, some of the tantrums could be simply a case where they want to feed themselves or want to have variety. all these notwitshtanding, just bear in mind that toddlers generally need just 1000+ calories per day! just offer, if they don't want to take it in a compliant way (for us that means, stay in yr seat and eat properly), just remove it and don't offer anything else till the next mealtime. it works. Hang in tough..and before u know it, things would be a breeze. Yep! And please don't go chasing them with food. I am glad I paid heed to this advice!
funzee > yep, i agree that there would never be a perfect maid! haha. here i go dreaming eh??

here's a TCM-inspired tip to get appetites going. offer something sourish to kickstart their digestion. give 1/4 cup of pineapple/apple juice 10mins before mealtimes to make them more receptive eaters. u could continue giving her this fruit juice during meals if that helps. if she's teething, perhaps a chilled berry coulis might work wonders? i do that for Dre when she was teething and it helped her i think. also, no bb biscuits etc if she's a fussy eater as that fills her partially and makes it harder to feed her at mealtimes. another recipe is to try radish with maltose. usually i buy those organic radishes - they are sweeter! as for the screaming, if it's prolonged, it could really mean she might not be feeling well..e.g. middle ear infection, inflammed tonsils? btw, no envy here abt taking turns to be stay-at-home parents. we end up giving up wealth and career advancements! in my case, i'd to forgo many lucrative projects.

the babe @ 14mths:
9am: milk
10am: b/f
1pm: lunch
2.30pm: milk
4.30pm: tea break
7pm: dinner
8-10pm: last feed, sleep

ikan bilis club > hey, i just weighed Dre at T3's baggage weighing counter. she's 8.5kg! so i guess she is still the resident of the IBC. anyone else? :p
glass : 9pm is a good time. set a bedtime routime?
nowadays i take 1 hr to put E to sleep 7-8. he has been telling me about his day (baby talk a lot :p). my bedtime routine would be bring him home, read story, switch off light, tuck him in. sometimes i have to be at his bedside till he zzz. sometimes i leave the room to let him zzz. depends on his mood. but by 8pm he will zzz.

as for naps :
still reading..coz my boy take 2-3 naps a day still. can't last more than 2/2.5 hrs. will see him yawn. so i'm following his 'yawn' schedule.
read that most drop to 1 nap @ 14mo. some stayed at 3 naps (each nap around 1 hr). some stayed at 2 naps even till 2yo. So.. no hard and fast rule?
Thanks xoxo! Yeah, desperately trying to tell myself like everything else, there is an expiry date to these patterns..hhahahaha. You are so right! I absolutely refuse to run after him to feed him. He either stay in the high chair to finish his food, or I will shut down the feeding process. As it is, its bad enough that he has to be entertained to drink his milk. My mum is more sympathetic and I think secretly she wants to give him "more flexibility".

Hi Joyce, I agree with what xoxo has said, not sure if it helps to get a second opinion on this? Stay strong, my best wishes for little nathan.

Hi gal : sounds like you have a very good boy! Very good timing already. Envious!
Hi xoxo, you rememeber correctly the theraphy session only begin on 23 Dec, that is the earliest slot that I can secured.
Yes, I may want to seek for the 2nd opinion if the result is dissatifactory. I have called KKH and they told me the same thing to wait for the in-charge doc to call me once the result is out. The total number of tests taken is 11 and the doc will only review the result once all are ready....
Currently is my maid taking care of him... my mil is around to look and see only as she got a stroke this year.
To be more specific on his condition, he maybe suffer from Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA), now really need to wait for the blood test to confirm.
Now I really hope the result is negative... and I get telling myself is due to late development that why he cannot stand and walk now.
xoxo >>> my girl can join u at the IBC... she is only 8.2 or 8.3kg. but she eats alot.. usually give her 5 solid feeds per day incl lots of fatty avocadoes and nuts. but she moves ard alot. now that she can walk, she literally walks every second she is awake. she jus cant stop walking / standing...
gal > no hard and fast rule for naps indeed! if he naps, take the chance to do yr own thing, have a break etc. if he doesn't, go along for the "fun"..that's how it is over at my end. sigh.

joyce > the spectrum for these things can be very wide. first is, hope this is just a developmental lag that's nothing to do with SMA. next is, even if it is, pray that it's mild. what is yr religion btw? read up as much as u can first and it might be useful to plan in yr head what's the next course of help/sources u might seek. that way, whichever way the news take, u can just go into autopilot and deal with it straightaway. pediatric geneticists are not common in SG from what i gather. there's a prof samuel chong who's from john hopkins university sch of medicine (they work out of NUH) that u might want to reach out to. these docs in such a field have access to plenty of cutting-edge treatments and initial reading after yr post seem to say so abt this SMA thing...i won't know if he will see patients per se, but in any case, no harm trying right? his contact is: [email protected]. for pediatric orthopedics, SGH seem to have a comprehensive department (and they do molecular and genetic studies there as well)..all these cld very well be good sources of a 2nd opinion. for SGH or even NUH, u might want to approach them for a 2nd opinion now, as they being govt hospitals..the waiting time cld be quite long. if u wish to go private for a second opinion..there's a dr francis wong at mt E who specialises in pediatric ortho but he is also available at mt A. just a thought: wonder if KKH would share the results of the blood test (or at least release them to u) so that it negates the need for little nathan to endure these all over again? will keep u in prayer and do take a deep breath and be strong.
babytum > hehe, IBC has 2 members for now. yrs and mine! the other IBC members have bulked sufficiently to be out of the club altogether! two little chopsticks eh? ;)
xoxo: Thanks for your great support. I have taken down the contact and will go and seek for their opinion. Thank you so much....
hi mummies,

Can i check if anyone of u know whether living sanctury kindergarten at lor ah soo, is the classroom air conditioned?

And compare to catholic kindergarten, which one is better?

lydia: 9pm bed time seems to be super long time ago. He has been going to bed after midnight for the past few days!!!!! He will scream if we bring him to the bed room too early. It takes ages to make him sleep.

I need to train him starting from next week.
Hello everyone, not been coming into this thread for a long time.. shall not try to catch up on the previous posts lah.

RN is still onto 3 naps 50% of the time. during wkends, i push her naptimes and she only gets to nap twice coz we go out all the time. she cant nap well when we r out and thus i always work around my kids' naptimes.

Ahhhh, talk abt milk feed... sometimes RN also resist milk...

rough schedule on a typical wkday

7ish am: wakes up for the day
8ish am: 180 ml ebm - seriously i'd no idea if she finish it (on wkends, i give her cereals)
9ish am: 1st nap ~1-1.5 hrs
11am: lunch
1+pm: 120-150ml ebm followed by 2nd nap. this is usually the longest nap of the day ~2 hrs
4+pm: 180 ebm (again not sure if she finishes)
5.30pm: nap ~30 mins max. Nowadays she resist naps at this timing which is fine for us
6+pm: dinner
7+pm: she will be especially cranky if she din hv her 3rd nap and wanna latch for some snack every now and then. ~!#$%^&amp;*()<>?
8+am-9pm: preparing for bedtime, then latch to sleep
wee hrs: she still needs 2-3 latchings and i dun bother to check the time anymore. i doubt she will ever drop these night feeds till i wean her off my breasts.

my mum will give her fruits during the day.

she's 9.1kg @ 14 mths... not exactly light but she still looks v petite. watever it is, at least she's healthy and happy. other things doesnt really matter.

great tt u din give into chasing Dre with food!!! i second that too and really dislike my MIL or mum for doing that. I always ask them to stop feeding if they wanna run amok! i hv neighbours whom'd feed their kid at our gate! annoying!!!!
wat??!! my hse is a movie box for their kid to watch our activities while they eat their meal?! the moment they walk away, i'll juz slam my door shut. sorry i am rude but i dun wish to entertain such ppl!
Naps: I am so envious of the babes who can sleep 2 hours! That is v rare for us. Only happens if she slept really late the previous day. Usually her naps are less than an hour or 1hr+. Today put her down at 11am (see, I told her the nap times are irregular). Thought she would sleep longer. Up before 1 hour and poor papa didn't get any rest although he wanted a nap. I thought that since she can sleep by herself she will be able to sleep longer but no leh!

Gal: if Elias is able to fall asleep on some occasions without you, I think he should be able to do it more regularly. Sometimes they whine a bit but if you'd like him to fall asleep without your presence, you can try to leave him but go back to reassure him if he cries. It's so cute that he tells you about his day. So far our attempts to engage her in a conversation about the day is usually a monologue from our end.

Joyce: Wish you all the best for the blood test results. Sometimes, the problem with public hospitals is that it's really hard to get an appointment! Do keep us updated on the results and really, I think Nathan sounds like a very determined boy! This positive attitude will help him conquer challenges.

xoxo: simply impressed by your knowledge and resourcefulness!

Glass: you have a routine in place? If not, maybe good to start him on a routine 15 mins before his bedtime. Once he is used to the routine you can push his bedtime forward bit by bit. Patience is required though.
babymax: correct strategy to pack up after 45 mins. Now I also just offer her and see if she eats. Too much struggling, then no point trying. What sort of foods do you give? I find that Amelie likes soft and smooth textures. Toufu, steamed fish, steamed egg is ok. Bread too. She loves yoghurt and fruit but not so hot about the greens. She doesn't like chicken and pork though. Sadly, we have to resort to giving her some fruit in between the meal - only then will she open her golden mouth to take the solids. Personally I find it yucks to mix fruit and food but what to do?

If you are using contact lens of -7.50 degree, and interested in daily disposable contact lens, pls contact me at [email protected]

I have two boxes of Acuvue for sale and price is negotiable.

Expiry date 2012 &amp; 2013

Thank you!
funzee : lol. i 'think' he is telling me about his day :p actually before my trip back, he hardly talks. But after he engaged with his grandpa who talked gibberish back to him, i can see both of them like having a 'conversation' in what my dad say 'angel language' :p. so i guess its good to enforce the right words, but its also good to talk baby talk with them so that perhaps they feel more understood so they are more encouraged to talk?

hmm.. must ask megan's mummy for tips
Hi, everyone, I am new here. Just wanna ask some questions cos my kid is born in Oct 2009. I am worried cos up till now, he still can't recognise who mummy and daddy is. he doesnt really listen or understand what we say. When we call him, he also doesnt turn to look at us. he doesnt maintain eye contact too. He hasnt learnt to say any word but does point. Wondering how a 15 month old tod should behave.

thanks in advance
Hi funzee! Yeah, I'm with you 100%. Last two days, my little one absolutely refuses to drink one drop of milk. He screamed bloody murder. My helper and mum were so worried that they started to do a lot of song and fan dance to get this little one to open his mouth, but still he screamed like a banshee. I just tell them, no need lah. He doesn't want the milk, then don't give him lah. Hopefully within the next couple of days, he will learn that yeah - mummy knows best...hahahahaha! Have to keep my sense of humor in these situations.

Hi Jlim : Have you asked your PD about this before? I think different babies have different milestones and their timings may be different from each other. I thought boys are typically slower when it comes to communication and articulation. He does point so I think he comprehends things, just maybe not articulating yet. I will defer to the PD to make expert diagnosis.
joyce > no need to thank at all...i hope all will be well for u soon.

jrrt > my ex-helper chased Dre ard for awhile with the food and when i realised it was fast becoming a habit, we had to put a stop to it. ever since then, Dre has realised that out of the chair = no food, so now she guai guai sits down and feed properly...that is, until she is full then she would dramatically toss a loaded spoon far away to indicate she is done...*splat*..haha, that one, i've not figured out what to do with her.

J Lim > welcome babe...what do u mean when u say he doesn't listen or understand? u might want to chk with his PD abt the lack of eye contact? does he respond to sudden loud noises, like a thunder clap or door slam? the last time we brought Dre to the doc cos we realised she (at 7-8mo?) stopped blabbering suddenly and it was actually due to a case of impacted ear wax! the PD did some rapid testing for auditory recognition which i think u can also quickly do this at home, it needs two persons though...

one person holds baby facing her/him, the other stands behind the baby (to make sure baby can't see what s/he is doing) and tinkle a bell alternately at the far left and immediately, far right. see if the baby would turn to the sound. Dre turned only to the far left and that's when the PD checked her right ear and found it had impacted ear wax :s

as for words, don't worry abt it. the time frame varies greatly and he will come into it in his own time.
funzee > naps the one thing i've always been lacking (wahaha..note, it's ME who's lacking in naps!) :p

erm..it's ok lah to mix fruits and food for the babies at this stage. i won't eat it this way either but it adds sweetness (hehe..maybe A has a sweet tooth?) to the food? Dre's all-time favourite is a berry coulis and she can open her mouth anytime for this with anything. Dre has phases too. one moment, it cld be salmon, another time it could be pasta. so i suppose go with the flow...if A wants fruits with food, so be it?..as long as some calorie is down and mealtimes are no longer battles - this is over-indulgent (or rather, defeated mummy speaking) in the area of pork and chicken, Dre is exactly like A - she hates them. :p
I have 2 x 900g Karrihome goat milk 3-7 yrs old.
Letting go at $35 each, own collection or meet at Somerset.
Expiry 2012 Oct.
Interested PM me
wah! RN also discharged from ikan bilis club liao lah!!!

re: naps
Min is more reluctant to take naps these days, especially when we are around on the weekends. but on weekdays i suppose she will guai guai take her naps around 9.30am and around 2+ to 3pm. suppose she's bored so she'll sleep.

but what we have discovered that is almost a foolproof method is to drive her around for about 10 mins or so, give her her favourite stuffed giraffe, which she needs to sniff to doze off (of course she has to be strapped in to the car seat, or she'll be climbing everywhere in the car and thus WILL NOT sleep), and soon enough, she'll fall alseep on her own. this is of course during her normal nap time and we know she's tired enough.

somehow she developed this habit, once you give her her giraffe, she'll smell it, then start sucking her thumb, after 5-10 mins she'll zzz...

these days she's been sticking pretty much to her schedule and we haven't had to drive her around for a few weeks now.

i suppose at the end of the day it really depends on what you want for your family. for us, we want a schedule that is predictable and since we are not really big on going out all the time anyways, and we don't like going out the whole day, we pretty much live our weekends according to her schedule.

it's quite disruptive some times but after so many months, it's almost like clockwork now and i like that she will be sleepy around 8.30pm latest almost everyday after taking her last milk feed.


JLim: I think it's best to consult your PD on this. I think pointing is the first step towards communicating. Amelie was pointing randomly before the pointing became more deliberate. As for knowing how is papa and mama, what do you mean by this? As in, he doesn't call papa/mama? Doesn't look in your direction whens someone asks who is papa/mama? Sometimes babies also over-generalise, if you are concerned that baby doesn't see you as the unique "mama" or "papa", cos A once called my cousin "papa". I suggest you raise your concerns to your PD pronto.

xoxo: yeah la, sometimes I also pity her cos no seasoning to her food, so not exactly very tasty and appetising (IMO). You are right - I just try to let her get some calories in. I think her habit is that she needs to eat something nice first before she will eat her (tasteless) main, if any. And yes, spot on, she has a sweet tooth. And loves cold food. Hahahah.

Babymax: We have babes who survive on air huh? Somehow after A turned one, her milk drinking was better. We used to battle over food and milk. These days the milk is better though she ain't a guzzler. Considering how she eats poorly and is still considered chubby, I can only conclude that she has fat genes. Oops.

A separate update: A has been battling a fever since Sat afternoon. PD was closed but when it hit 38.6 on Sunday, I called the emergency line. PD said to give paracetomol since she was behaving normally. Brought her to the clinic today and PD said she has some viral thing. Tested for UTI but luckily it wasn't. Her temp keeps fluctuating though - hit 38.8 at one stage which is kinda scary for me. Anyway going to wait for a couple more hours to take her temp again and see if I need to give her more meds. Sigh. Little miss fussy only wants papa and the helper. Cried when I carried her. So hurtful is all I can say. I think even my MIL has moved up in the rank leh... she keeps calling out for my MIL. OK will stop griping now. G'nite!
