(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

Hippo: I know! That's why I can only rant here and not in front of him. The bit on me aspiring to be a tai tai queen bee is definitely one of the reasons why he has to work so hard! But can't be help lah!

Gal: Can't give you much advice on feeding. Mine is a nightmare too! Now she wants to feed herself. I allow but my mum doesn't. So, poor girl is quite confused. But I notice she behaves better if she has her meals with us at the table with her. Then we will give her our food or 'pretend' to add our food to hers. I use the bowl as indication and the her last meal time as a gauge. If she has been without food at least 3-4 hours, that means she should be able to finish a bowl of porridge. Basically I will keep feeding until she turns head away.

tien : how you eat at same time with your gal? 'ni yi kou, wo yi kou?'

my meal times outside v cham one. hb eat first while i feed. then after done, he will bring our boy to go walk walk while i eat my dinner alone. same with my parents. i feed while everybody eats (esp my father will 'gobble' down his food :p), then he will bring his grandson around while the rest of us continue to eat/chit chat.
Mummies need some help and advice, my boy will be slping on his own soon and I'm thinking of blocking the area near the door and cupboard. That means I need to put up a barrier across the room from one wall to another What can I do?

I've checked the longest length for those type of safety door is only 136cm.
Wah! The happydayshop is the seller I bought the expired calendula cream frm! Beware!
wah, the thread is v quiet. I've been away for a week and didn't need to go to a new page!

Esther: I recall seeing one of those safety barriers at the taka baby fair which was really wide. It's basically a series of gates joined together. Do you want to check out Mothers Work? They might have different offerings.

Came back last night from our one week trip in Taiwan without baby. Well we missed her a lot but also enjoyed ourselves. We might consider bringing her next year to see the cherry blossoms there instead of Japan since it's nearer and cheaper. Though my hubby seems more keen to go to Japan.

Tien: I recall you were making plans to go Japan right? When? Hope all is going well and you are cruising nicely to your last few months. Well, as for the hubby, just give and take a little lor... someone has to bring the bacon home.

Looks like I can't make it for tomorrow's playdate either cos Amelie is sick. Got a bad case of flu this time. She gets it every 2 months, even though I have already put her on mulit-vits. Sigh. Think it will be a tough night later.

Long flights: argh... we were contemplating a long flight with her. Looks like it's not a good idea huh? I thought a 5-month old would be easier to handle than a toddler. So if it was challenging for a 5-month old, imagine how tough it would be for a 1yo+. Ugh.

Alright. Signing off now. G'nite!
astro: I have great admiration for teachers who choose to work with special kids, or just kids who fall out of the mainstream (like those northlight kids). Go for it if you feel that it's something that you really wanna do.
Glass: ya that will be my alternative option. Currently I'm using that for his play area so am afraid that if I use it in his bedroom he might think that it's for him to play.

Funzee: thanks.. Shall check Mothers work.

We are also going taiwan but it's next yr Jan, how's the
weather like now? Saw the weather forecast in the paper it will be cold in jan. But now hubby is more worried on how to keep him entertained in the plane.
hehe... my bff is coming back AGAIN! now her bubba's about 8mths. but her hb coming back this time. i'll ask her how has the experience changed ;)

great to hear you had a good holiday. but if you are thinking of going to japan to see cherry blossoms i think you better book NOW! cos i know the japanese book everything up 1 year in advance! and we thought singaporeans are kiasu! ;)

finally found a chance to put on the pretty dress you customised for Min. go see.
thank you so much. she's in such a cheery mood cos she knows she looks really cute in it. smiling from ear to ear. i think i better let her wear it every other day looks like she's growing out of it very fast!!!
esther: it was actually quite warm, or much warmer than I expected the first couple of days that we were there. We were wondering why the locals dressed up in winter wear when it was so warm. Then it started raining - which was dreadful. It rained the ENTIRE day and we went to Raohe night market that night. Super yucky cos all the dirty rain water got kicked up on our shoes. Yucks. The memorable thing about that outing was - we got to shake hands with Ma Ying Jeou twice! He was canvassing for votes at the night market. LOL. OK, sorry I digress. After that we moved out of Taipei and it started to get cooler. But it was a nice kind of cool, and very windy where we were (at Hsinchu). If you are headed to Wulai, must eat the onsen eggs. I wanted to buy more but didn't and I regretted. Absolutely luscious. *slurp*.

Hippo: argh! Really must book now? But we won't know when the blossons come out till later? My last trip there was booked the day before I left, hahaha. It was just at the end of my first trimester. Hee. Actually I am leaning towards bringing A to Taiwan for the cherry blossoms cos the flight is shorter and things are generally cheaper. Probably easier to get a hotel room which can accomodate 3 of us (as compared to Tokyo). We'll see. How did you enjoy your trip without Princess? How was she when you came back? According to my folks A was calling for us the day after we left but stopped after that. Then the day before we came back she started calling for us again, maybe cos my mum told her we were coming back. She looked a bit blur when we first arrived. I think it took a while for it to sink in that we were home.
I am going to HK in Jan w bb. The bird flu is H5N1 on human. But not found to be contagious and won't spread from human to human I read. It's from bird to human. Go take the H1N1 vaccine?

Me also sianz. Cos in laws will surely make noise and want us to cancel

i'm no expert. but that's what pple tell me - to book early for cherry blossoms. but if you pulled it off last time, then maybe it's still possible!
wah...lotsa pple going for trips. have a safe journey

i went to the baby fair at expo today. nothing much...

came out in 15 mins. why 15 mins..coz i was listening to a lady sharing with me about home learning books that costs in total 6K + for the whole series including encyclopedia.

anyone..any thoughts on home learning books packages?
I like the way they write the story to teach them about the different things, but was also thinking, if visits to nlb suffice (variety of books).
Been many weeks since I have logged on. Busy busy at work

wanted to chk with u all if you would know what UK baby products or clothes or shoes r cheap in UK? Will be in London for a few days so tot of shopping for my boy. I wanted to buy pedipeds shoes but jus realized it's US based ;p

anyway noticed my boy these days like tosqyint his eyes when watching Tv ad. I m quite worried but yet I can't stop my mum from showing him Tv as it's her only past time. Any advice???!

any shopping advice?
glass : hmm.. i don't know where my Today newspaper went already.
Any lessons learnt from the article?

vodkarib : a friend went over and said bb stuff there is cheap. like half price. medela stuff, baby clothes stuff, bottles, etc....
hippo: in all likelihood, will bring her to Taiwan and not Japan. I can't imagine lugging her + stroller up and down all the stairs in the train stations in Japan.

Ah, I don't get TODAY, so missed out on the article. Would have been interesting to read!

Just wanna share a funny little incident - A was playing with my phone after I sent my colleague an sms and by chance, she sent a text saying "Yo" to my colleague. It was so funny that by some pure coincidence she managed to type something that was a word. But poor A fell off our bed twice today. Once when she was in a hurry to chase after Daddy dearest and lost her balance over a bolster. Another time when she was happily rolling around and rolled right off. Sigh. Now that she has figured out how to climb up the sofa, she looks like she want to climb on the bookshelf too. Gulp. I just hope she won't be climbing out of the cot soon.

vodakrib: I expect mothercare would be cheaper there. And about Pedipeds, I do believe they are a good buy. Amelie is on to her second pair already.
Hi mummies,
I'm a jan'10 mummy. Am looking for a place to hold my dotter's 1st bd. Can those mummies who has celebrated their Li'l one's bd last mth share where did u all hold it? Having big headache with the venue . TIA.
lol I wasn't too clear, my today means that very day's newspaper. funzee and gal, it's sunday times in the life section or whatever they call it.

basically the article is about letting the children play in order to learn. I think so lah, now forgot already.

funzee, Elgin only know how to throw my phone. A so clever! The only thing he's good at, is he always manages to find files or actions I never knew my notebook has, whenever he bangs on the keyboard.

If you want A to play on your bed, you may want to consider getting a handle with a netting. I have 2, so there's only (less than 1 m opening) space for me to get off the bed easily. The rest of the 3 sides are blocked totally
dropping in for a quick peep.. coz distracted as usual.. not doing any proper work..

sharing a clip of Bao licking Bally.

and also the recent post of the Polo Team wearing the singapore flag trunks got me lol-ed!
PY shared this on her fb..and one of the comments left there was.."There are five stars arising... out of the spermy sea..."..
omg! Bao likes to sing this 5 stars arising song.. I wunbe able to keep a straight face in future when he sings it with his usual gusto!!
Astro: Bally is sooooooooooooooo cute. He's totally enjoying the licking.

Funzee: Yes! I was supposed to travel to Japan. IN fact tickets were reserved and we were supposed to fly this Sat! But I guess we were very put off by the expensive yen and I think my hb and my parent did not like the idea of having a 30 week pregnant woman and a 1YO with them on the trip and so, ALL went against the idea. So, no choice but to give up on that. But in a sense it's a blessing in disguise that we are not travelling cos little girl is down with flu. I cannot imagine bringing her to cold cold Japan in this current state.

Really envying all those who will get to travel. NVM! I am so travelling next year!
Hi Mummies,

I have a 2-day-old Pigeon Steam Sterilizer to let go at $85. Now kept back to the box in very new condition.

Selling as Mother-in-law who is looking after my baby prefers conventional boiling method.

Please email me if interested thanks!
[email protected]

glass: no lah, as I said, it was all purely coincidental that it happened. A doesn't know how to use a phone! And thanks for sharing about the bed guard, I didn't know that there is such a thing. Is it the same as those for toddler beds? For now, it's really funny cos when we put her on the bed, then my and my husband will look like crazy bouncers, circling the bed.

Do any of you get your babies waking up and crying badly at night? It's happened a few times with Amelie. It happened again last night. It was a combi of loud crying and a bit of screaming. Holding her would not help. In the end a bit of milk and patting did the trick - after 1.5 hours. Ugh. Thankfully her papa dearest was the one who tended to her. I'm just wondering if it's nightmares.

Tien: Wah, even tougher next year with an infant and a toddler right? Pei fu, pei fu. Refresh my memory - are you working after no.2 or stopping work?

Astro: looks like kissing leh! Live demo tomorrow.
So sweet hor, when you see the 2 of them interacting.
funzee: regarding the bed guard/ rail


I am currently using this one. I first read about it on Straits Times. A single mother had some help with renovation, and they showed her child's bed had that railing to prevent her from rolling off the bed.

Elgin likes to stand and hold on to it. A bit dangerous, but so far it's strong enough. I still keep watch when he ventures there.

Sometimes wake up and cry badly. Nightmare or got a fright from dunno what. Maybe stomachache possible.
glass/funzee: ha... match made in heaven indeed

Funzee: feeling better? see u tomorrow.. sweet? then give Amelie a.. hmm.. Audray (?) to play with? :p
Hi mummies,

Let me find the support from all of you.....
I am so excited to see all of your babies can cruising and some even now started to walk...

Just to share with you that till today my son is still not able to stand on his own...
he maybe suffering from some muscles development problem. He will go for his physiotheraphy starting in Dec. I am so sad...
what I have done wrong that my son need to suffer it for me...
Is really break my heart that everytime he want to stand out, but his legs cannot support his body and he just collapes to the floor...

He just went for his blood test on 22 Nov and now still pending for his results. Such a small hand of his, need to extract 10 ml from him... I actually cried on that moment...

Is it my retribution? What have I done to deserve such treatment? If I have did wrong, at least let me to take all the punishments....

Sorry....I can't cont'd further, pleaseee... help to pray for Nathan's health and hope he can recover soon....
Joyce: my elder boy only pulled to stand at 11 mths .. was this blood test recommened by the PD? what does he think it is?

It is not your fault but of course we can't help but feel that very sad over it.. me wld pray for him.. and pls keep us updated on his progress... you pls stay strong too.. *hugz*

Nathan is already in 14 mths! And still not able to support his own weight...
He only able to sit on his own at 11 months... Even my PD assure me that he may be developing slower.

But when I send him for taking the Chickpox vaccination, he told me that he too is worried for him as he is not able to support his own weight for even 1 sec.

Thus, he referred me to the specialist in KKH.

The series of blood test is recommended by the specialist from KKH. She think that Nathan may have tyroid problem that leads to the muscles not able to develop normally. Now need to wait for the results to confirm.

I am very sad and angry with myself not taking care of myself when I was expecting him...
<font color="0000ff">Joyce
*hugz*.. it's not ur fault. i dun think it has got anything to do with ur preggy days. I'm praying maybe Nathan is just slow in development and there's nothing wrong with his muscles. How heavy is he? Maybe too heavy hence he's unable to support his weight. I've seen it to be case for some kids.

Nevertheless, u muz take care of both urself n him during this gruelling period. Hopefully good results would be out soon and it will all be over. Nothing wrong with Nathan. Physiotherapy will help and pray he can support himself and walk in no time..</font>
<font color="0000ff"><font color="ff0000">Multi-vitamins to boost immunity</font>
Would any mummies be interested in getting some multi-vitamins for ur kids to boost their immunity?

Both my kids are currently taking these supplements and my supply going low already, so i was thinking of ordering some. Wondering if anyone of you would be keen so can share shipping across as well.

I would be ordering from Vitacost, shipping via Vpost.



This is the Hero brand multi-vits that both Max &amp; Malcolm are enjoying taking. They always take and still will ask for more. I find that it has helped build Max's immunity (after going to childcare) and his appetite has improved too. This is in the form of gummy bear.. so my boys think it's sweet! Read the reviews... it's 5 out of 5.

This is a bottle of 200 gummies. After shipping will cost around $25-$27. For this price, GNC is selling for the 90 gummies one. So it's really value for $$.



I oso get this Omega 3 6 9 for them since we seldom eat fish at home
Kiasu mummy lah, haha..



Last but not least is the childlife colostrum.

These are the 3 items that i would be ordering. Let me know if any of u keen and ur orders. I would be ordering soon.. PM me k
Hi ilovemaxmax,

Thanks! His weight is 9kg, the specialist mentioned that he is in normal percentile.
I hope that he can walk around and able to play with his sisters soon...
As for the results, I need to wait at least for another 2 more weeks... I am very afraid that I may not be able to accept the fact....

Anyway thank you for keeping Nathan in your daily prayer.
Hihi Joyce,

Do u mean ur boy cannot stand on his own? What about with support? If he is holding on to railing etc can he stand? Well my boy also only very recently started standing in his own only. Even though he can stand, he will also sit down after a few seconds. @ the infantcare, the teachers told me every child is different. If they are confident, they will just walk or run etc. I feel my boy wanted to be very sure then he will do something... Don't worry too much! If there is any major issues, ur pd will be able to tell much earlier! I think the child is jus not ready yet that's all. Dun give urself additional stress and press but instead be even more patient to play and practise w ur boy! U can do it!
I believe Nathan will be fine!
Funzee: Plan for next year is a little unknown now. Because I kinda got what I want at work and no harm going back for another half a year to save some holiday money hahhaha...but it all depends on the childcare arrangement. We have no intention to get domestic help and my mum is kinda wary about taking care of 2. So, I will decide when the time comes.

Joyce: Be postive ok. See what the doctor say first. I am sure Nathan will do ok with the physio. But just a question, anyone in the family had similar problem when they were younger. Worth finding out. It could be like what Ting says, a later development. You must be strong ok...for the sake of Nathan...he will need a lot of support from you.
Oricule: Nathan shows his interest in pulling himself to standing position. But his legs do not allow him to do so.. Something like he is not able to control his legs... He will throw his temper if he cannot success.... he will try and try and till the point he break down and cry

I am very sad to see that, therefore I always help him to push himself and hold him for a while. But once I let go, he will just fall and lie on the floor...

Tien: Thank you... I will wait for the blood test results. Doc suspect he could be having thyroid problem thus hinder his muscles development.
Hi Mummies, I have some baby weaning food to let go.

1) Nestle Graduates Puff (Peach)
Each: $6.00
Buy two at: $10

2) Nestle Cerelac (Rice &amp; Mixed Vegetables)
Each: $4.00
Buy two at: $6

3) Nestle Cerelac (Brown Rice)
Each: $5.00
Buy two at: $8

Further offer: Buy all 6 items above at $20.

Interested Please email me at [email protected]

Hi Joyce,
didn't log in for quite a while and i'm sorry to hear that nathan has to go thru all these.. Like the blood test and all. Do stay positive ok?? I'm sure even the PD recommend some physio, it will helps on him.

Will keep him in our prayers
joyce : *big hug* wait for the blood test result. Sounds like you have a determined and positive young man.
who is willing to try and try again. Mummy Joyce will need to be brave and strong as well as Nathan would lean on your strength. Will pray for blood test to be all okay, and Nathan will be stand up/walk soon.
stay positive k. nathan needs you to be strong. all the best

you spray the repellent where? not supposed to spray directly on skin. at least i don't do it. i spray it on her stroller and clothes before we go out. so far it works well on mosquitos. but not so well on sand flies (which i have at home unfortunately)

Take care and dont worry too much. My elder only start to walk on 22 months which is the slowest I every meet. Only near to 2 years old then he start to take his first step. So be patient and let him train more
hippo : 1st round i spray on his clothes, and bed and on his right thigh (to make sure no bad reaction). That night i felt a little nausea in the room.
2nd round, i spray on his clothes and his skin. Then feed him cereal. He puked. Not sure if its the spray or coz he is not feeling well (coz next day he started showing symptoms of warm and cough).

hmm..thought the instruction is on skin though.

do you know how often need to respray?
HI Joyce, my heart goes out to you and Nathan. I hope they are able to find out the root cause and resolve this issue. Nathan sounds like a very brave, determined boy so I am sure, with your help, he will be able to overcome whatever it is that is impeding his progress. And like what the rest said, as parents it is our job to stay strong for the kid.

Astro: I wish I could have a 2nd one. Not sure given my back since I already hurt after a few hours' activity with her (basically I am in pain during weekends and days off).

Anyway she broke my heart yesterday. Spent the day with her at make-up class for Little Gym (with helper). Noticed that she wanted to cling onto helper. Then after she woke up from her afternoon nap, wanted only my helper to carry her. I refused to let her go to her, despite her screaming and crying. I shut her and myself in my room and let her CIO. No comforting from me would do it for her - she only wanted the helper. After CIO for about an hour, she finally fell asleep. I am so heartbroken and this is not the first time. Sometimes I wonder if some irreversible wedge has been driven between us thanks to the 6 months where I was recuperating from my op, or it we just don't have that kind of "fate".

Glass: you and me staying nearby right? Shall we have a play-at-home date? I could pop by your place or vice-versa.

Joyce: everything will be fine.. You have to be strong and positive.

Funzee: don't be disheartened.. I remember one mummy mention after all we are still their mother so no matter how they will still turn to us..
