(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

BabyMax (babymax): yah lor very terrible leh.. i guess that from her tone and choice of words used, she doesnt want our business lo. hehehe

<font color="ff0000">Hey mummies!
my supplier is tempting me with new designs of skiphop bags and LUNCH BAGS!!!!

Those in my FB, can refer to my BP album. If not can add me [email protected] and state that you're from oct mom. coz i dun like stalkers or strangers k :p

I gonna burn a big hole in my pocket again.

If keen, do give me your orders ASAP best by thursday so i could collate and send my supplier asap. :p

The est date of arrival is mid-end dec. but i cannot promise you all that it will arrive just in time for xmas k? i dun wanna over promise you all in this aspect </font>
group page > i've posted a message there for the "crabby mummies" and also, for royce tix.

astro > haiz...i am trying hard to grow my blubber. miss your boys too..any chance u can come along for the playdate?

babymax > enjoy yr return home to SG. hope u can find the time to reconnect with family and friends.

holidays > done with a crazy time at work. now i am out planning for christmas and holiday travels. but i srsly dunno where i get my red bull from...so depleted of energy!
Many thanks xoxo, astro! Oh yes, I am so looking forward to the trip back to Singapore. Though I am also worried about the logistics and my bubba. Fingers and toes crossed.

Astro : I had the same issue with my combi stroller and my tiny terror in it. He will wiggle and waggle and then viola! Before I know it, he's sitting at the edge of the seat and only had the front panel to hold him before he bounced his bum off. Oh yes, btw, it happened with my high chair as well. Will it be easier to use an elastic rope and tie his waist? Not sure...I'm still researching... :)
wah!! wriggle and stand up?! *jaws dropping in horror*

5 points for stroller? issit the type tt i hv... the maclaren one? there was a double stroller pix I hv in my FB album... the one for Dre's party.... i think most of maclaren's hv 5 points harness?

Not been checking the google grp page... muz go and check tonite...

I think u shld survive the flight... juz prepare a goody bags of toys/snacks to keep the bub entertained...
xoxo:replied u on googlwgroups..

set.. i will join. i will take a day off .. if possible.. please try to arrange the playdate after 230pm.. thank you v much :p

jrrt: yes. he is really a houdini in the making.. a monkey in every sense of the word.
mine not maclaren.. mine was capella.. bao didn't need any buckle. he stayed put whereeveer u placed him.. bally.. wrapped him like mummy and paster to the seat.. will also move..

PY: cute hor? ha! his expression was 'Nah! Gor! enough hor.. how can u not give in to me?!'.. then he was ANGRY ah.....
bally is a terror.. bullies Bao..

Babymax: we brought something from mothercare.. but doesn work.. that 'extension' thingy.. we will buy another stroller just for this monkey.. miser is, suprisngly agreeable to the idea!
Thanks jrrt! Maybe will end up more tired post trip then if just stay in HK. But, got to start bringing my suaku bubba home and around. Have 3 months to plan and worry!

Astro : go for it! And do it before anyone changes pattern/mind! kekeke...
talking abt customer service like what PY was mentioning..today i had my dose of crap.

was out buying a car. this idiotic agent was a real rascal. trying to get me to transfer money to him without telling me the amount! kept insisting i transfer - no receipt, no specific amt etc, and when i said no way i'd do that...he says it's his "company policy".

so i told him, in which case, i think my policy is - no invoice, no specific amt = no payment, plus MY policy is WAY MORE IMPORTANT than his fly-by-night policy... and i said that in pure, ah lian hokkien so he gets the idea that i'd enough of his crap and bullying.. not to mention, he wasn't walking me thru' the procedures and i was like a blardy concierge making appts to get an independent audit of the car, double-checking facts with a laundry list of characters etc..lao niang today not in the mood to be a secretary but not bad lah..sometimes u need this sorta wastrel to be your venting outlet.

meanwhile, Dre was looking at me, mouth agape..eyes big and round...think she has never seen me raising my voice like that. haiz, i immediately regretted losing my temper.

haiz..end day, no pt getting angry. even though i like that car alot - i think i will not be a sucker for 1) crappy service 2) possibly fishy transaction. so *smoke* to them.

so silly..what's the pt of wanting sales and cooking your own soup? might as well not get started right?
xoxo : that's really dodgy and good on you to give him a piece of your mind! As much as we all want to be polite, sometimes I think these people ought to be told off! especially we are the ones dishing out the monies.

I think sometimes people think we are born yesterday
Astro: Hmmm sorry but I seek comfort in yur predicament! My little girl has been doing that too! climbing out of stroller (despite having the harness) and standing high and tall on the high chair. but I notice, since we bought the baby jogger stroller, it's happening less. She can actually sit in it and gai gai with us for more than half an hour which is an acheivement by HER standard. We actually got another capella to replace the one we lost and THAT will be in the storeroom until mei mei comes along. She hates that!

xoxo: Good for you! Sometimes these sales ppl just think that we are dumb. Although I am kinda wondering how your Ah Lian hokkien sounds like hahaha...*wink wink* got to make u re-enact for us soon....hahhaha
Babymax: Oh forgot! Welcome back!! You will do fine during the flight. Actually if your bub is a fan of TV, just switch on the in flight entertainment and I am sure the four hours will fly by
hahahahaha... you just made buying a car sound like buying a chair or fish, something insignificant. actually i'm just wondering WHAT you wanted to buy. its ok. you can PM me. *WINK*
Hihi been Mia for the longest time! So bz at Wk till no time to pee! But my child is still my upmost priority. So I preserve energy to bathe him and play w him everyday. He has been super sticky too! Cannot let me out of sight. And only want me to carry him. Every morning at the IC, he will be like a koala bear and cries hard when the teacher carries him from me. Heart pain sia!

What's a baby jogger stroller? My son climbs up everywhere too! High chair, car seat, stroller, x carrier etc. I guess is a phase? He oso screams at the top of his lungs repeatedly when we are outside in a restaurant, while I am eating after I feed him.. Or when I got very tired carrying him and ask hb to carry him. Then he will scream and scream. So many glares and stares. Sigh!

Py and xoxo: I figured it's the tigger year doing all these tricks. Dun u think that this yr kept encounting ridiculous people with autrocious actions? Jus to share, I got scolded as been crazy and annoying woman on fb and is accused of being jealous of her!! She is my future sis in law lo... I think my hb's family everyone is a lil something wrong. So in need to keep my sanity in check. Tat explains y I was creating groups in fb cos I tot that I can set different access so I can chose who sees what. But sala leh!! Sorry ah! Those I added, can u please click leave the group cos I dunno how to close the group leh.

Crabby meeting! Hw I wish I can join! But my co having a 5 days kickoff session from 18 to 22! It's almost a 12 hrs session daily. I really need a break man!

Babymax: hey! I am going HK for 6 days in Jan w my bubba! Maybe we can meet up! Are u keen? Emailed u last time but no reply. I check Hk is 5 to 9 deg!! My god! A lil regretful lei!! Do u have any tips to share on bring my bubba there?! I can't find any long John for infant. How should I keep him warm? Also, can I check with u if u have a annual Disney pass? Hee. Can u give me ur email address again so I can check with u some things abt Hk? Hope u can help advise me so that my first trip w bubba can be easier and fun!

Btw, anyone else wanna join us in Jan? Py is also going there in Jan and we will overlap some days!!

Is every baby walking yet? Mine at 13 mths can't. Nothing to be concern abt actually. But I tot his feet are a lil too small. Hasn't grown alot since birth leh. Still wearing size 3 shoes I bought for him since 5 mths old. Normal ma? Or shld I ask the pd?

Coughing bb: Sigh! My son finally stops coughing for abt 3 wks only to start coughih again few days ago! Really so tired of it. He is a ventolin baby.
xoxo: wah! which agent? how come no receipt and no nothing and ask you to transfer money? must be very careful of such things. Somemore it's not a small amt lor!

ting: i dunno how to leave that group hahaha!
xoxo: wah, I want to hear your Hokkien leh! You always sound and look so prim and proper. Didn't expect that from you! (Not that I will be able to understand it, since I am effectively monolingual, ugh.)

Astro: nice of you to "spam" the thread again cos it's been sooo quiet here. And Bally is going to learn lots of words from Bao. The "nah" sounds really cute! New stroller? Buy a Mclaren - one of the cheaper models which can fold well since you may not use one for long after Bally starts to walk. But the drawback of these umbrella strollers is that can't recline fully when they sleep.

babymax: You could try boosting bubba's immunity with a multi-vit? I just started giving A a liquid version by Baby Plex. She likes it although I wonder why considering it's a bit bitter. Hahahah. I even let her try the hard candy version of the mutlivit but I regretted it cos her saliva became red and she went to our bedroom and stained our sheets! I also haven't gotten the MMR. Will probably get it a few months down the road as I want to do the Hep A jab first. As for plane ride - 4 hours ain't too bad. Try to get baby to sleep off 1 hour at least. For A, the TV didn't keep her occupied but she did sleep a bit and then let her eat snacks. Pottered around the seats a bit. Good luck!

Wriggly babes: wow, so I guess I should count myself lucky that A is still pretty ok to sit in the stroller and high chair - though the eating remains a problem and is erratic.

Some updates/thoughts to share and spam: Amelie tried to say her name yesterday but it came out as "ah-may-nee" which tickled us. But she could not be goaded into saying her name again today. Her fave person is still papa, followed by the helper. After spending some time playing with her yesterday afternoon, I think I scored some points with her. I think she also feels better now that I carry her now and then. Just my gut feel. But I can't carry her much cos every weekend when I spend more time up and about my back hurts! Sigh, what a useless mum.

My hubby and I are going away to Taiwan for a week without her. Not sure how well she will take to it - or perhaps she won't even miss us much? Initially I thought of skyping her, but my friend told me it was better not to cos her experience showed that her kids reacted badly when they could hear her voice but not see her. So still undecided on this.

Okie, will stop here for now. Good night!
Hello hello! A bright and beautiful Tuesday morning in HK. Lots of sun, blue skies and a cool 20 degrees. Wish I'm out in the park with bubba.

Thanks Tien. I think I will bring lots of entertainment. He does not really watch TV and loves crawling around. hmm.... not a pretty picture! Eeks!

Oricule, of course I would love to meet up! I am totally rubbish in accessing my personal email and pm...so might be best that you just text me, or call me...number is 852-6076 8366. I think if you are going to be in Central district most of the times, the temperatures is still ok. I usually just wear an overcoat (thick one) and then that's it. For bubba, I remembered when he was younger, I just have him wear 1 layer of short sleeved body suit, one long sleeved and long pants onesie and then a fleece coat. When inside shopping mall, just take off the fleece coat. I've yet to become a Disney or Ocean Park pal..hahahaha...but I know many friends told me I might as well join the club.

Thanks Funzee for the good advice. I will definitely try hunting for some multi-vit around here...
Btw, forgot to say.

I bought another stroller to keep bubba in as well. Then I think wah...after that he decides to change his pattern and then refuse to sit in the stroller I will be heart pain. Then I tell myself to live in the moment...ahahhahah

Hi funzee : one more thing, when my husband and I went to Japan for a quick holiday without bubba, he actually don't really remember much of us...but hubby and I were so worried that he will miss us...then realised that he is totally fine. don't know whether to be sad or happy. One of those conflicted moments. So I think your little one will be ok in the end. I will suggest to call still...just my thought.
Hi babymax, how old was your baby when you went away? Now that the babies are older I think they are more aware. Last time we went away in Dec, she was of course clueless.

Min is still happy baby everyday that we have been away!
don't worry. my friend told me we can still "run away" up to 18mths and they will still be quite clueless. after that you can't. they will miss you and cry when you are not around.
Hi Funzee : Hmm....the last time I was away was last month when I went for a business trip. Gone for 4 days, and when back, no response from him...During this time, my hubby is also away on another business trip..But then again, every baby is different. Having said before he has no response, he is very clingy now. So maybe a phase. Hopefully. I like that he feels he wants to be close to me, but boy, being clingy takes it to another level...hahahaha
Hi Hippo, babymax, thanks for sharing. I know deep down, that she will be fine - probably will wonder why we are not around but she will not feel lost cos my helper is here and she is very attached to her (argh, pain point for ME!). Just wonder how she will be when we come back, like whether or not she would have forgotten us or be angry with us (my friend said her then 1yo was angry with her when she got back). We'll see. Now my husband is the one feeling guilty. LOL.
sigh, I've been banned from travelling, whether with or without my son.

Guess must wait for him to be older, and before I start trying for number 2. If not, forever I won't get to travel. And I'm someone who actually travels a few times a year!!!

Garage Sale:

Not sure if this is any good..but heard of this:


Twins Plus Annual Garage Sale is being held on 13th NOVEMBER 2010 (Saturday) from 10am-4pm at Horse City, 100 Turf Club Rd, off Dunearn Rd.

Great Deals for pregnant mums, babies and children up to 6 years old. The following pre-loved items are being sold: Winter Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Clothes, Toys, Outdoor Play Toys, Bathing and Swimming Outfits and Equipment, Bikes and Trikes, Strollers, Baby Bedding, Nursing Equipment, Maternity Wear, Slings, Carriers, Baby Clothing, Baby Toys, Car Seats, Books, CDs and DVDs.

All are welcome!
moi back in my US time zone...worse, they have daylight saving..this is going to result in chronic sleep deprivation for me soon.

haha, anyway..here's a fun test to do...

tien > must pay fee to watch! :p

hippo > welcome back to SG, and no...car is too big a ticket for me to treat it lightly.

funzee > u make me sound so stuffy! *SNORT*

ting > haiz...there's enough toads around to make every year a tiger-some one.

babymax > we are blistering in 32deg C....it's bright, beautiful and HOT here! sizzle sizzle..and personally, i like the koala-ness of it all. certainly prefer it to the runaway bolts!
glass > who banned you from your wanderlust, and why? don't roll eyes..but ever since I'd Dre..SG is suddenly so exciting. I am a traveller on home turf! cold comfort lah..but just another way to think abt things..
Today i got to observe a class with a boy who has Attention deficit hyper Disorder (ADHD). It was frustrating for him as much as it was for the class.. and of course for my colleague (who did incredously well to handle the boy and enable lessons to go on...)

The boy is brilliant.. but his condition makes it difficult for him to slow down and focus and explains to his slower peers.. he gets very frustrated when people cannot understand him fast enough.. in fact he gets himself fruastrated when he cannot articulate his own thoughts fast enough.. his mind is racing.. but his speech cannot catch up, making it very slurred.. but he speaks with a brillant accent.. this kid is not slow mentally but his condition makes it soo difficult for him.. haiz.. i am beginning to consider to make a career switch to the special needs.. i am beginning to feel more and mre for the children with special needs.. strange.. dunno why...
I have classmates who are interested in special needs too.

Everyone has his or her pet topics, so I guess yours is this area.
super sian. I usually bring my son home for dinner on weekdays. I didn't bring him home for the past 2 days because 1. I went directly over to my mum's place from outside and my husband didn't want me to go up the house and bring him over. 2. my mum went out so nobody would look after him.

but today back to normal schedule. she would usually ask me about going back for dinner. but today she didn't ask. So I didn't go out and tell her. Then I just got ready and then went out with him, and she got unhappy, telling my husband i didn't tell her earlier so that she can be mentally prepared and accompany my son down.

like that she's unhappy. but i've been doing it almost every day for the past few months.

She also complain I never change his shorts, colour don't match! Alamak, very important meh?

I have to see her black face, I also sian.

I want my own place soon!!!!
astro > if u are constantly drawn to this, it could very be your calling. go for it gal. this area needs alot of dedicated manpower...like the way denise phua was talking abt.
Hi Mummies, just a quick check. Have your babies taken the 1st year injection yet? My gal is late Oct 2010 baby so I'm a little late for her first year jab.

But my's bro wedding is next week, so thinking of holding it off till after that. Should be ok hor?
hi mummies.. havent post here for some time.. i have officially stopped bf... want to thanks this forum and all the mummies here for all the advice and support, directly or indirectly, for the past year.. without all this, i wouldn't have made it this far.. Big Thanks to all..

Now on to the next stage.. toddlerhood..
Rei-chan >> BB Naven is born on 10 Oct &amp; haven has his final jab too... lately he was down with flu bug so have to delay lor, dun worry cos i consulted the PD, she said delay a few weeks is alrite;-)

Astro >> totally agree with xoxo, if its yr calling, go for it...
Xoxo/Jamie/glass: aft i get my masters in curriculum, I might consider another masters in siecial needs, see how.

Ladies with iPhone; the apps for preschool education not too bad. Bally likes this preschoolMM , memory game. Flip the card type. He always want to join in when his bro is playing it with us. He can get a few matches! The cheery tunes make him laugh. Bao , now got the seh (pattern) as he navigates his way ti the picture he wants to colour in the colouring app . Ha!
astro : thanks for sharing. was trying to find suitable iphone apps for our tots.

if its your calling, yes go for it.

glass: possibly that day your mum is in one of the grouchy moods.
got a question :
has anyone brought their tots for long flight. e.g. US.
if yes, how do you cope with the long flight and change in timezone. is it possible?
gal: haha, realised that i never say it's my mil. I just pretend nothing happen.

astro: I think the japanese lesson was more interesting. the teacher is more experienced. Today I was like constantly looking at the clock, wondering when the lesson would be over.
And Elgin didn't seem to enjoy it much.
of course possible! but the parents will be peng san lor! my BFF did just that with her 5m.o. from california. total 19 hours flight time. by the time she arrived, she was ready to konk out but he's jet lagged and thus very cranky. took them quite a few days to adjust. and of course he's sleeping at funny hours!

she said he actually slept quite ok on the flight. but there was another bb in the adjacent bassinet that kept screaming and waking him up so she had a hard time putting him to sleep half the time.

personally i wouldn't do it unless no choice like family is that far away, or itchy backside. hehe... but if you're very energetic and game for a real challenge, good luck!
Hey everyone... Sigh...can't rant in fb. So here I am!

mIL is in the house for NOT 1 BUT 3 nites! Stupid hb got her here cos my mum is sick! Super upset. I only agree t9 1 nite n now it's 3 becos she herself say will go bk on wed! Then FIL will also come down on wed. I was like...din I just tell u all that we r going to a concert on wed?

mIL still dare to ask...how abt Thursday n fri? I simply told her no! It's back to my mum!

Quite pek chek wit) hb! He CCL but he dun want to take. I cant take cos i finished taking. Actually I'm only busy in mornings...afternoons supposed to be able to take care of her. Now I come home hv to face MIL instead of just
spending time with little girl. She is so going to hoard her! Honestly, dun feel like coming hm early these 2 days
hippo : @.@ wahh... ok ok. i will think twice then. thx for sharing the experience. :S

tien : grandparents tend to dote on their grandkids. so any opportunity to spend time with their grandkids they will. 3 days over.

erm..ccl need to take within the year cannot carry forward one. not sure if ur hb know or not.

astro : Was trying to find the app you mentioned .. do you have the full name?
Gal: My hb knows that CCL cannot be rolled over. He is career driven. Sigh what to do...his wife wants to slack so he has to work hard lor.

Sigh...gonna to miss the playdate. Think chances of me making it there is slim. Bringing little girl to see PD for review for her sinusitis. Not sure if it's wise to bring her out when she is abt to recover. Scared she spread germs or catch germs.

Hmmm i guess no choice ya? He is the worker ant so that you can be tai tai queen bee ... Hehe...

Same goes for my hb. He says someone gotta do the work. Hehe... Kan kai yi dian jiu hao k... Otherwise our lives will be miserable...
hello.. forum v quiet.

can ask for some tips to make meal time more enjoyable. How to teach them to tell us they are full? my boy will throw everything from the table. messy. or sometimes he will squirm at his seat. sometimes when he does that is because he is bored or need to burp. not necessary mean he is full.

Egg/MMR :
sigh..he is still allergic to egg.
last sat i gave him one full egg stir into his porridge. he loved it. but rashes on front and back

yesterday i stir in half an egg into his lunch time porridge. he took 4 mouth full and refuse to eat. his back of neck was reddish and itchy for him.

how how how? MMR in Jan. how ah..
