(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

jrrt>> the class isnt taxing IMO.. just that our bubs arent exactly ready ba..
i think only kaelyn, nicholas and kay den were paying attn!
bally was only interested to get dirty with the paint.. hahaha
rhys and reagan kept a solemn face throughout..
belle was only interested at looking at Min who was being carried by hippo's heli..

then nicholas got himself wet, and bally 'painted' himself!! hahaha

and the teachers were just sitting there doing their own thing.. not like those gym trials i've attended before.. somemore those gym trials group is bigger leh!

the overall feel was "messy" and "out-of-control"

dunno if the issue is with the instructor, or that our bubs are not at the stage.. my fren told me her fren's kid is with GUG United Sq, the comment is very good..

maybe we should organise another trial when our bubs get older!

candy_white: both trials i wun be able to make it.. coz bally starts official little gym on 12 sept.. and 5th sept.. teng alerady has a little gym camp running from 9 - 11am.. miser and I can't fly in time for kindermusik..
think i have to pass for this.. will arrange for a trial on sat/weekday trial for bally on my own. thanks so much for asking

ya.. kindermusik is notoriously difficult.. :p very difficult to negiotiate.. had my fair share with them before. this cannot, that also cannot :p

pinkiemie: our kids are ready lah.. coz.. the teachers all are trained at the united sq branch before they are allowed over to new branches.. one of the teachers.. the more zai one. teacher ari. i think.. she was a trainee during teng time.. now she running her own class liao.. ha!
bally also was interested in the house!.. hahaha.. and gana forced to pay attention to the zoo-phonics part.. by me.. :p

hippo: dun get irritated with urself.. such things happen.. princess will be ok again..
candy_white: how's charlotte btw? rashes gone? i thought it sounded like hmfd! but good that PD said it is allergy

serenity: how's dear richelle?

gal: does elias have any recent bout of viral infections? sometimes.. after viral infection.. they break outinto in bumpy rash.. a few rash kind.. after a while they go away by themselves..

pinkie: the teachers wun handle the kids.. even in the united sq branch.. coz the setting is very different.. gug is more of a class setting.. parents 'ownself' look after. in a way the curriculum is designed to train and develop focus for the bubs.. so all these to be expected.. the gym is different.. their expertise to develop gross motor development for bubs.. and they MUST help you handle the kids do all those turns etc.. if they dun help out.. then i think something is very wrong.. so gug and gym is very different in that sense..
shugar: thanks for the collage. lovable!

funzee: coz the week before.. bally and bao not well.. then last sat gug trial.. next week we going for our last free trial and will see you and ginger!

hey.. i saw the video of ur hb handling A in a backward flip! well done!!! u sound so excited! haha.. so.. has ur hb managed to do the other version.. with A on ur hb's shins one? :p

funzee/ginger: u gals keen for dinner agter bugs? everyday we rushed off after class like that.. no feel :p

tien: the teachers are all trained at the united sq branch. and i think.. not sure on this. they do rotation.. so it is all from a common pool lah.. but in terms of location.. out of comfort. i prefer united sq.. that mountbatten one.. goodness.. i went round and round!

cat:ketcup nosed! whahahaha. how apt! nice! :p
hey. i think bally mimicking kaelyn liao leh. he is starting to look sideway and flash that endearing smile.. i need to bring them together again! royce gym playdate? :p
to make use of the otentious membershipfee! what the hell..

and teng. when he is nice. he is v nice. when he is !#@%$!#!.. he is very !#$#$%#$ !!!
think u, alongside sf and xoxo, got decieved by him liao.. :p and oh.. he has ditched dre for kaelyn! oh dear.. he keeps asking where is bb kaelyn?! i asked dun want bb audrey already? he says.. i dun want bb audrey.. i want bb kaelyn! omg..:p sorry xoxo! :p

sunnyling: when we hav eplaydates.. we will post u. if it happens to be impromptu.. i sms u?!
I can't cfm now as 14 is hb suppose to be back date and 5th my Sil might celebrate her dau birthday. I will try for 5th if possible.

Astro, yes pls SMS me you have my HP?
Hey wanna thk jaz for the loban for free trial at mygym. I happened to be in parkway last sat n managed to slot my boy in for a trial class..
Unfortunately he didn't take it too well la.. Busy with his own play and only really paid attention when the teachers were singing some action song ;p he was shocked by the gymnast n monkey bar though.. Kind of cried. So I guess he is not that ready for gym?
jrrt/xoxo : dun think its mozzie bite le. small red bumps. definitely itchy coz i see him scrathing

astro : well..he has had runny nose for the longest time. Its now 2 weeks 1 day :p. Seems to be almost cured. Didn't have to wipe his nose this morning.
Honestly GP ask me to give antibiotics if he had no cured by last monday. We saw got improvement of the normal medi (At least nose was not running tap) so continued on. Din take the antibiotic.

Is flu considered virul infection?

I think he is teething too. Keep drooling :p~~~~~~

GF/Tracy Hoggs:
After the last feed at 7 or 8. What time did your baby wake up? today a bit weird. I fed him 2 hrs after his porridge and he drank 210ml. so thinking today..may be a good day to monitor.
hippo > how's min's cough today? hopefully it's better? don't rue the schedule and rest..it ain't your fault entirely! all we want is for the babe to have fun, not fall sick yeah? so best intentions here...

jRRt > yah, it's an internal panic when they don't eat well, not feeling well etc...i've checked her..still toothless..and nope, no emerging tooth. but dinner, she's back to her usual. so i guess, it's one of those whims of hers..

astro > aiyah, no chance to be 亲家 already! :p on the other hand, teng has tough competition..from what i could see..elgin snagged the kiss!
xoxo: competition's good stuff.. it keeps everyone on their highest alert :p
so.. kekeke. once dre starts to pay slight attention to any other handsome guys hor.. bally and bao would panic liao! :p
so they are just waiting to be 'activated' by princess dre nia! :p
and.. ha.. chey.. kiss nia? Bao and Kaelyn were 'physically intimate'.. alamak! sound so wrong.. *siam cat and glass* :p

gal: i see.. yeap viral infection. in that case. dun worry.. it is more likely to be the post viral rash.. it will go away.. so dun worry. teng is having some on his skin. it will go away after a few more days.. careful.. dun let elias scratch it till it breaks hor..

sunnyling: i would ge tthat from the GG contact list

vod: sometimes the bbs take a while to wwarm up to the activities.. most of them here are like that..
Gal: looks like insect bites. Apply aloe Vera gel? I applied this bottom balm from earth mama angel baby, is also a first aid kit. Is very good in healing any kind of rash or wound.

Hippo: dun feel like this. Is part n parcel of the journey of parenthood. Everytime keep questioning if did the right stuff, if only I like this or like that... Well, the truth Is... If we want our bubs to really grow up happily, it's unavoidable at all! Falling sick is a part of being human. And of cos la. Getting too much of anything is no good. Cheer up! Min is a really girly doll! I am sure w ur tlc she will get well soon!
Candy_white: Don't think we will be able to make it for the trial as Faegan has got his little neuro class from 12pm to 1pm every sunday, think I'll check with them whether they conduct trials on weekday. Thank you for your arrangement..

Kindermusik Trial on Weekday: Any mummies interested to attend the kindermusik trial on weekday??

Gal: Hope that your boy recovers soon..

GUG Trial: Wah quite alot of feedback on the location and the paint thingy, think will pass the map to my HB and ask him to figure out how to reach there as I'm a road idiot.. :D
esther: little neuro tree so early ah? :p teng got started.. when we got sick of GUG.. then think when he was 2 plus turning three years.

not bad wor.. then it was there i was convinced bbs might really have photographyic memory.. i remembered once.. the teacher flashed a sheet with 5 differently coloured mushrooms or something.. then for three seconds.. then usual.. pass the velcros around to stick to correct place.. teng remembered all correctly.. i can't even get past three!!! :pP

do they ahve the photographic memory for faegan's age ah? think may be i shd trial the LNT class for bally instead.. hahahaha..
astro: Ai yah kiasu mah, intitally wanted Shichida but the fees really too ex and furthermore the waiting period is very long..

They do have the photographic memory for Faegan's age also.. And surprisingly so far Faegan got it correctly.. Haha..

Ya you can try Bally for the LNT trial, I personally find that its quite good. And I get to learn basic Jap also. :D
esther: ha.. which centre are u at?.. the trial is a package of three one right?
how much is it again ah?

shucks the timing on sun is not good for bally.. argh :S

ha. ya. shichida is .. crazy :p.. but if only they have french instead of jap. i straight away signed up BOTH boys.. and STAY on lnt.. hahaha..
xoxo, ting,
tks guys. i know what you mean lah. she's coughing and runny nose. as usual, it has to get worse before it gets better. so today it seems worse. thankfully her spirit isn't dampened. still the cheeky monkey. but a bit more cranky, which is to be expected. i feel the onslaught of sore throat coming. so gonna go see a doc later on. nothing too serious i hope. actually i am kinda relieved cos she's already sick, so i cant pass whatever is developing in me to her. heh!

re: all other trials
i think its a timely wakeup call personally for me. the whole reason why i liked Etonhouse so much for Min was precisely because i didn't want her to be overloaded with a million classes or enrichment courses. so now i'm taking a step back and re-evaluating what i bring her to. so for most of the trials that are being discussed, i think i will pass. kindermusik and SSO baby prom we will give it a miss. as for marina barrage, i think its her nap time and being that its outdoor, koala bear will be sweating buckets so we prolly will pass as well, unless she has slept a lot and wouldn't sleep anymore that day. KIV that.

re: FB friend request
btw, there's a friend request on FB for me. i think this mummy should be from our thread, except i dunno her nick. if you're the one, can you drop me a note and let me know who you are? don't take it personally but if i don't know you i aint gonna approve it. tks. hope you understand.
hippo: sayang sayang Min, hope she gets well soon, and you take care of yourself too...
agree stongly with your point on not overloading the lil ones with a million classes or enrichment courses. as for the various trials, i find that sometime it depends on 天时地利人和 lah, dun be too hard on yourself that the sessions did not go well ok? and yes, the ultimate aim is to let them have fun while learning. when Min is well (and you too), bring her out for playdates ok? can see that she enjoy those session and the photo taking part. heeheehee...
Cat: You here? Dropped you an sms. Will drop you a fb message later.

Esther: I am going kindermusik trial tml. Too rush for you? I am going for 11.30am class.

Hippo: Hope Min is better now. You take care too! drink lotsa water.

And yes, we have to really check on what objective we want for our kids when it comes to classes. That's why I always say I am half-hearted. I see my little cousin rushing classes to classes and sometimes I wonder if she enjoys her toddler-hood. I would rather have the time to spend with my kids and let them learn as they explore on their own.
astro>> no la, im not expecting the teachers to stop and help me with my baby.. just that i feel that they are not engaging lo.. on the other hand, it might be belle's problem too.. think her attn span too short ba..
are such classes all 1.5hours long? coz gym classes are 45min only..
Astro: bring teng out more often to meet us, then he will be on his best self and charm us off further. i still want to say he is a good boy lah...
so that day at mac K & him 一抱定情 already ah, hahaha. I asked him who he like, baby Audrey or Baby Kaelyn? He told me both he like leh. hahaha he is a casanova in making... :p
can imagine how cut Bally look with his tilted head and flashing his endearing smile. Gosh i can't stop gushing over him as well, boy i'm torn between the 2 boys too. wahahahahahaha...
Tien, sorry for the late reply. saw your sms now only... :p
please help try to book the tix for me, the dates are ok. thanks babe...
haha... sorry ah. Min was distracting belle with her antics.
when i told HB the class is 1.5hr, his eyes opened so big then said "wow! it better be damn engaging man." and you're right. they were not able to ENGAGE. then again, really lah. our bbs too young for it. unless they can focus very well like Kaelyn, and 2 of the other bbs (sorry cant remember who anymore)

you're so right about the 天时地利人和
also about her liking to take photos!

yah lor. thats why now a bit hesitant abt the playgroup @ 18mths. we were just really worried that she is bored at home in the day. cos my maid is not able to engage her on that intellectual level we feel. oh well, think i just wait for my god-mum and her sis to start their chinese/music program and let them take care of this aspect for Min. hehe...
Thanks Astro for organising the gug trial..

Actually this program is good but most prob our babies are still too young now.. Regarding the painting session, it was sort of messy and I need to throw away the set of clothes for Nic coz the paint cannot come off.. Arggghhhh....

But it was nice meeting all the mummies and babies..
astro: wahaha, older boy fights for k, younger boy no chance.

regarding all the trials,
well, since I haven't gone to any trial yet, I can't say much. But I remember my childhood and schooling years as rushing from one lesson to another, tuition after tuition, music after music (yes, my mother was so ks that I had 3 music teachers at the same time for a period of time when I was in primary 1), ballet and art etc, like not much childhood.
I enjoyed playing with my cousins, and pottering around the house.
I feel that social skills might be more important than cognitive skills at times. That's why I like going for the playdates so far. I actually told myself I don't want to turn into my mother and be super ks.
hippo: hmm.. pardon astro being straight as an arrow.. go easier on urself as a parent.. bbs will fuss and they will fuss.. in any kind of surroundings.. one moment they love one environment, the next secnod they cry their heart out in the very same place..
right on not letting her be overloaded with classes because there are so much things for her to learn outside the four walls in the classrooms.. but it does not mean that she needs to be cut off because of one bad experience. and neither do you have to be too apologetic about min being upset over the experience because.. u wun know if u didn't try.. and in future.. min wil have to handle things far greater in life than a lousy trial class, by herself..so ..please go easy on urself..

Having said that..i am beginning to feel quite bad for bringing the stress on min and yourself ...
i shd have stuck to my guns and tried to 'convince' everyone of us that our bbs are still too young for GUG.. but i thought. heck.. let's just try. coz 50%.. even if no good.. losses wun be that great.. jus for the company then
very sorry for this misjudgement.. and the subsequent impact.. hippo.. sry..
astro: the cost is $180 for 3 sessions. I'm at the Tampines CPF Building nearer to my place.. :p

GUG just let him try and see what's his reaction like. Hopefully he can tahan that 1.5hrs..

Tien: Tml will be abit rush for me coz as HB may not be able to have his leave approved.

Trials: My main purpose is to let him try everything (never try never know), if he dun like it then will not force him..

And for playdates will be more of learning how to interact and play with other kids..

Hippo: U will be putting min in the playgroup for half day or full day?
hey astro, don't feel bad lah
it's quite fun looking at the different trials. coz our babies like different things, and every baby is different
PY: hahahah! the first thought that came to my mind was candles and fire!
Then I think again, forgot got battery operated lanterns. Stupid me.
Sounds fun!
Candywhite: Re kindermusik trial, can both papa mama sit in or only one parent? I m tryin to confirm avail of my hubby and will update google group once cfm for 5sep

gal: I wana squeeze the drumstick!!
mie: i think from what i hve experienced. most are at least an hour long.. LNT. i can't remember.. but shd be around that duration? can't remember.. but gym classes tend to be shorter.. coz kids might be tired with all the movement.. kindermusik is also 45minutes.. there was a joke.. that 45 minutes are for the parents.. not the bbs! ha!

cat: i had a very bad start to the day with teng.. as usual his morning hysterics.. these two mornings are very bad. i was awaken to his HYSTERICAL screaming.. refused to get change.. laid flat on the floor.. i had to drag him out of the house..
today lagi worse.. want to remove his uniform.. he almost torn it coz he was forcing his arm through the damm shirt in his struggle. i got really pissed.. i warned him by count of 5.. hush up! dun want to listen.. then i began my smacking on his thighs. imeediately.. stopped. but whining and crying.. want to hug me.. but still sobbing and screaming.. made me damm pissed..i wanted to change into my work attire.. dun allowme!.. i carried him to my room.. and i literally threw him onto my bed! i think he is stunned to see me so angry with him.. but still crying.. whta the.. i told him to hush up coz i an very angry already.. he can go ' i want auntie ellie.. i want auntie ellie. i want to go out of the room. i want to go out of the room..'.. i told him.. cannot. shut up.
he wanted to hug me.. and he realised i wun let him hug me when he is still crying. cry lagi harder
... so.. fast forward.. got to carry him out of house.. plus his bags. my arms breaking.. told him to come down and walk. refused.. then scream again at the void deck.. wah liew... sat on the floor.. refused to move! i was draggin him .. yes drag him .. he screamed lor. coz painful..
then i said enough huh.. the boy shouted at me.. i gave him two slaps on the face.. he wised up.. stoof up and half crying half hugging my thigh went with me.. in the cab.. he was perfectly fine! reach the cc.. didn't see his frens. can astill ask where are his frens.. where are his teachers..i dunno what to do with this boy..
haiz.. lousy day lah.. teng is crazy.. one moment sweet as an angel. the other moment.. spoilt brat.. i think pple were looking at me 'abuse' my son this morning! argh..

pigsy_sg: wah. throw away clothing ah? serious?

eesther: oh. ya. still the same.. tied to three lessons.. very tricky..

glass: i like trying out new things.. but then again.. ya. if the bbs fuss.. very sian also..
hippo>> no worries la! hahaha.. i myself wasnt paying attn to the teachers too! oops.. hahaha

astro>> why are you feeling bad about it? all of us are not blaming you or wad leh.. in fact we 'gan ji bu jing' ok!
i do enjoy going to the different trials leh.. coz we get to interact with the different mummies and babies. and now we know who are the 'pay-attn' babies! :D
mie: just thought i could have excercise more discretion when i had the experience lah..min was quite frazed by the whole thing.. guess i have never seen the Doll so upset so feeling apologetic to hippo and heli lah. that's all..

it's all my rascal's fault.. he agitated me this morning lah..notti teng!
Hey astro n hippo, both of you dun be too hard on yourselves lah. Looking at it positively, hippo, at least you are clear on what you want for min! And astro, your recommendations are good becos it helps us to know the options that are avaiable for our bubs. More imply, these trial classes gathered the bubs and mummies together! It's the company that counts!

Like what mie said, it allows us to know the strengths of different babies! And honestly, I'm kinda looking forward to how Kay will behave this week at gug. So far she has been intrigued by the teachers in her limited trial experiences. This time round, I wonder if it would be the same. And the painting bit is something I am also pretty curious about. I thought gug is pretty daring to put in their curriculum. Very ang mo style... Experiential learning. Haha maybe if it's fun and I'm no too horrified by it, I'll let her try at hm.

Anyway, at this stage, I feel it's good to expose the babies to new things. You never know what potential our little ones hav. Just that as parents, we just hv to be mindful not to overtax the babies n ourselves.

Hee... Long speech here. Maybe in self reflective mode too ESP after the teachers day celebration in school.
Astro: I think Teng either misses you or just din want to go to school. Seems to be trying to get attention from you with the crying n hugging. Might want to bring him Ur own, just him n you?
tien: i thought GUG in terms of logistic planning for a trial has failed.. doing paint for a trial for parents who mightnot be back to collect artwork? haiz.. if they did something else.. food play or what. still better.sian

hey. can i ask u to help me collect bao messy artwork ah?
or i email the admin to ask them to pass to u.. can?
tien: i do that every morning.. just me and him. that's what so exasperating. coz he is so heavy. if he dun move. and i have to carry him. my arms can break. plus the bags.. and today he has music class in cc. another stupid bag.. darn. plus my bags.. haiz.. he just doesn't want to go to school. coz he wants to stay at home. with his didi.. and his fav auntie ellie and watch tv all day long.. argh..
Astro: to be fair to gug they probably want us to go thro' the exact curriculum. Sure! I can collect for u! Maybe you email to let them know I'm doing so.

In teng's case, does he enjoy his music classes? It could also mean that the class is not as enjoyable as spending time at home watching tv.
tien: the thing is.. he love shis frens.. his teachers.. his teachers all love him.. when he go into the clas. machiam da ge da like that.. everyone goes 'hello XX'!!
haiz.. then his music class. he loves it.. coz i thought i was wasting money. coz just go lor since he is in cc... and the music class goes to them.. he like it wor.. one day he flips thru his book.. i randomly asked.. 'what are you reading?' (a book full of pictures..)..
he murmurred something under his breath.. then i aked him repeat. he said 'crochets'.. i was like.. wah?! then i went on to test him.. beats per count.. all he knows.. then he rushed to keyboards when he sees them outsdie.. and play his do-re-mi.. jsu three notes lah..

so.... how can his class not be enjoyable?
he is sending conflicting signals.. if i have to react to his signals on a daily basis. i wld go crazy!

thanks.. i let them know.. and could u collect for all of us? :p
then one day when we all meet up .. u can pass it to us? :p:p
i must thank god that i have two sons.. when one drives me crazy. i have the other to balance me a bit.. and return my sanity..
bally just woke up.. and leaning towards his left and smiled at me.. gosh.. how cute!
astro: my heart really ache for Teng (and you) when i saw your post of what happen this morning.
You love Teng and he love you to bits for sure, and seeing (reading) the constant struggle between you 2, i felt really really sad and tear actually well up. oops getting emo here...

the fact that i witness for myself how good Teng can behave and the interaction between the 2 of you while having dinners and conversations, i cannot bring myself to visualize the smacking, scolding, shouting, crying and screaming etc. but i'm glad he's all ok when he reach cc. whatever it is, know that you are one good mama ok... and things will definitely get better when he gets older. Teng is a sensible and smart boy, i think he threw tantrum not because he's notti, but like you mention, he wanted to stay at home with Bally and auntie ellie, and so trying his luck at whether you'll give in. think you live by the motto 慈母多败儿 right?
astro: awwwwwww, sweet Bally...

and thanks for making the arrangement with GUG to let us have the art piece back...

tien: thanks for collecting the masterpiece for us from GUG...
Hi mummies..
read about the numerous activities and trial classes going on.. would to join in if can.. but hb a bit shy type and his schedule quite hard to predict so can't really commit to any activities.

That day hb happen to be free so last minute booked the gug trial class that you all discussing and brought bb nic there..

i think she also didn't understand half of what was going on that day, only liked the singing and music class session as she was bouncing along with the music.

i was also quite shocked by the painting session.. couldn't get her to hold the brush at all and had to keep preventing her from eating the paint and the yarn or smear it all over herself.. i was ready to for her clothes to get all the paint but lucky it didn't cuz she was wearing sleeveless that day.

But i had a hard time washing the paint off her hands and fingernails. I was the last to leave the toilet as the other babes all could stand by themselves while their mummies wash their hands.. Mine still couldn't, so had to carry and wash 1 hand by 1 hand..

but i think the 1.5hours wasn't too bad lah cuz they give a water and snack break in between except that poor daddy had to wait outside alone doing nothing.. can't even take photos from outside cuz of the small slit window.

And oh ya, the place was really hard to find and we were going in circles trying to find the correct road to enter.

As for the type of classes to go, I also think that after trying out a few (in fact 2 only), I got more feel on what type of class to let bb attend.. whether it's for motorskills or softskills..
thks 4 summing up how the babies behaved during last wk's session. I was laughing at ur descriptions! kekeke!

wah! U sure E is only 7 or 8 kg??? his juicy thighs!

tt looks like some allergic rxn to me thou. Sometimes my mum will say body is "expelling" the rashes out aft medication. So depends on whether u believe or not. For me, as long as my mum is not alarmed, I am not. Coz aft years of baby sitting, she is experienced enuff so i trust her v much.

yeah, it cld b one of dre's mood. I saw the FB photos of her in the Dora top! She looks so adorable and looking every bit like a toddler coz she can walk alrdy. And her shoes! Cute! U managed to find out tt fits her?

I love the way she grabs ur finger... v endearing act to me and shows how much she trusts u!
tts how i see it lah.

My guess is Bao is seeking ur attention. I think u know this as well. Whether it is good or bad attention, he wants it. I am not v gd at advising but probably spend as much time wif him as u can. I know, its tough coz they DO test our patience. My son too! And sometimes I had to grit my teeth to prevent myself fr gg overboard in smacking him. Sigh.
My elder was sick for more than a wk juz aft national day and he missed sch for that long. When he recovered, everyday he wld wake up and say he's still not feeling well and thus cannot go to sch! So the things tt they do and say!

Abt sending the little ones to sch, my personal view: @ 18 mos is a bit too young. Even when I sent my son to the 3 hrs pre-nursery when he was 2 yrs 3 mos (the yr he turned 3) was heartbreaking. the crying sessions were horrid! Some parents/grandparents were so exasperated tt they withderew the kiddos! Anyway it took many wks b4 he eventually settled down. But of coz there were some kiddos that were steady pom pee pee! they were unfazed by all that crying and continued with their own stuff. And oso to me, there is the falling sick episodes. My son & niece fell sick every month for almost a yr till their bodies r more immuned! So going to sch earlier means they r exposed at a younger age. And initially the sch did not wanna let my son enrol yet coz he wasn't toilet trained. But if it was a childcare centre, there wldnt b such issue thou. So juz sharing my thoughts lah. No one is right or wrong coz ultimately everyone wants the best for our kids.

happy hippo
most times when the little ones are down with flu or cough, it hardly affects them. they'll still b active and playing. u r oso sick?

where were u thinking to hv the lantern festival. i rem last yr it was raining and the whole day was so gloomy and rained! still we went ahead to west coast park (there was a celebration) to let the kiddos play a while and then we ate at macdonalds'. quite fun thou.

vodkarib: Only 1 parent allowed but able to rotate during half time.

Kindermusik Pte Trial:
They need a minimum of 8 babies to start the class. So far, there are 5 names on the list so need another 3 for 5 Sept. The lady is giving me until Thur to make payment or at least submit the group form so I think got to set a timeline. Will consolidate the number of interested participants at 8pm on Wed, which is tomorrow. If there's 8 of you for 5 Sept, I will send a request for you to proceed with payment. Will do a check again on Thurs at abt 3pm and if all funds transferred, then I make lump sum payment. Will send all of you the receipt once everything is settled. Btw, Doreen will be conducting the trial class. According to them, she is one of their veteran educators.

Ting: Below is the reply from Kindermusik regarding your enquiry.
"It is not possible for Shauna to conduct the class as she is teaching on Sunday from 10am to 5pm. She is one of Kindermusik veteran educator and her classes are always full. She is teaching on weekdays (Tuesday and Thursday) as well at Tanglin Mall."
