(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

Hahahah and today I finally see for myself how "huang an" looked like. Lolx! Got leh! Got resemblence.. And min is so dolly and girl!!! I tot she looked like u, until ur hb came in to take over, then I realize she also look very much like her father leh!

ting; coz.. teng was in GUG for a LONG time liao lah.. so of course i know all of 26...i better do! :p

KD got good focus for his age.. i feel. i noticed he was concentrating. and wasn't distracted .. his attention was on the teachers thru out..

wrt to their singing.. ha. they not trained in that lah. i heard off pitch one! hahaha.. anyway.. GUG's focus is not on that.. so in a way.. it is good to go for all kinds of trials. before settling on one which ur kid likes.. and more imptly. the parents like ...

and oh.. sry hor. teng today a bit rude. wun mingle.. normally he is a bit more socialable.. he moody. coz he wants to go in with bally. but cannot! then when bally came out. he back to his amicable self.. and dinner with Cat.. he was so patient waiting for a table.. and i actually didn't remember that he was there till cat made a comment that teng can sit there so long without making a single squeak:p
Kd is very adorable.. really reminds me of bao when he was younger.. except that bao not as chirpy.. :p

so... okok. i better get going on arranging the kindermusik trial soon :p
the one at changi biz park lah cos just a stone throw from my place mah. I now a bit hesitant abt sending her at 18 months. ...
Kd can focus ma? Seriously... It's me who cannot focus! Cos he woke since 5am! Ahahahahhahaa. He only had 30 mins nap before we left the house at 12pm and.... I remembered the time of class wrongly la. Reached there at 3pm! Lol. After the class, The moment we left in the car, he jus fell aslp and during my dinner he still zzz... Didn't want him to skip his dinner so I put some pasta to his mouth when he still zzz and surprisingly, he opened his mouth to eat. Lol! And think taste nice so he woke up to eat! Took a while, now then he finally fall aslp!

Btw, after today's class, suddenly kd's bites turn "fatal"!!! Faint! Now he jus bite (that tiny bit of flesh) and pull his head back immediately! So fast I can't react except crying in pain and beat his mouth or snap his lips! Sobs 破皮了! Not once but a few times on my tummy, arms, thighs... He is like some commando mosquito like that bite so fast! Pple on my Facebk can see... He even chewed the foam blade of the clip and portable fans off!! How ah?! I damn scare lo... I still bfg leh!!
hippo: I see.. the place is good? coz the one at mine.. if not coz it is cheap for me.. i wu send teng there..

hmmm.. 18 mths for playgroup.. might be too early.. and hor.. got to prepare u..they are not ready for independent classes yet.. so they will cry their hearts out.. but i went ahead. coz teng needs some toughening up.. and i want him to pick up more self help skills.. intention is not really to socialise. but to tough the boy up..

so. for min.. maybe need to check and pause to see what's the main aim in sending her there at this age?
if it is for play.. then hmm. i think more stress than enjoyment.. if leave them just there.. BUT then again, there is another school of thought.. leave the child there to be toughen up .. to handle and master being alone. coz ultimately. noone can be with there forever except themselves... so end of the day.. it is back to the parents.. on what they are comfortable with....imho...
ting: ya. i thought he was ok leh.. oh. the biting.. :p.. erm. then got to persist with the discipline and all the firm nos/flick the mouth/ what ever u are comfortable with. coz cannot let them develop the habit.. when young still cute.. but grow up difficult to teach liao.. teng is quite horrible.. haiz. i need to be stricter with him..
hahaha u r very cute leh. I told hb what you said. He gave me the :S look. Hehe...

eh ellie quite talkative hor. She was quite funny. She asked me if i was hiding something in my tummy. Haha... I had to tell her it was just fats.

oh yah. Gosh! Ryan looks totally grown up already leh!
he looks like 10!!!
hippo: alamak.. pardon her! haiz. she is like that. sometimes i find her talk too much! but she is a good helper..haiz.. paiseh hor..
haha... dont worry abt it. mine is also chatterbox. i know what its like. they can be super kpo. but good helpers are hard to come by. so we just ignore the little imperfections. like mine got moodswings one. chey!

just wanted to send min to playgroup so she wont be so bored alone at home in the day lor. but i'm having second thots whether i should delay that til 24 mths. anyhow i think we will just let her try. maybe she will grow to like it?
hippo: ya.. just try lah. sometimes it is all a matter of getting used to it.. but i think Heli will heartache to see princess cry :p
so he is the one who needs more encouragement, pyscho-ing :p

haiz.. ellie doesn't realised that pple might not like it.. i think filipinos are warm pple.. haiz..
i think what mygym has to offer u.. with ur parents willing bring her out for the free gym.. good enough.. if not.. u can try GUG.. weekdays classes.. at a better timing for min when she is older :p:p
Hi all finally meet up with some of the mummies. Rhys was totally not sociable. Maybe I seldom bring him out to play with the bb at his age or also he vomit some of his milk at the car on the way there. Thk bcos he just finish his milk and I immediately go out and such a long journey.

thanks for organize and very sorry to knock on Bally. Hope he dun have a bump. Actually I been to GUG before but when to united branch but was for my elder some years back. The class is more suitable for bb ard 2 years old but intention was to meet up the mummies and also let the bb meet up,
sunnyling: it is ok lah. seriously! bally is tough! ha.. if it is for teng.. oh la la . he wld have cried much longer! :p

Rhys is very cute leh.. but hmm. Ziv and Rhys dun look very alike? i thought Rhys looks more like u.. whle Ziv looks more like the papa?

hey.. ziv also have the dark eye rings and etc hor? :s..haiz.. teng's nose.. blocked again. and he just recovered from the bout of cold!.. haiz.. driving me nuts.. this sensitive nose thingy :S
xoxo: paging for xoxo :p.. hey. how to calculate if my entrance to royce gym shd have been 'technically' free? guess what?.. i signed both up as member.. then i thought it was $50 per family.. no! per child! :S
so $100 membership gone.. then hor.. dun have rebate one leh.. so another $24! :S
i keep asking the counter lady if the entry for that visit is off set against the membership application like for mygym and littlegym.. wah liew. .she keeps telling me to read the yellow paper! gosh..then have that puzzled look as if i cannot understand english?! argh...but that place.. teng enjoyed it more than bally .. and *touchwood*.. as with all kids gym. just one case of hmfd.. all might gana.. coz all the toys are indiscrimminatingly shared around ..
teng went to lug so many things back to our side! gosh.. the boy...
xoxo: so now i feel quite dumb..maybe i shd have just signed one up.. then the other.. i 'signed' in? eh.. still got savings or what? gosh .. i am really lousy in all these.. :p
u ladies wld laugh to know that i major in economics and did commerce.. when i can't count for nuts! miser till now still finds it incredulous that i can clear primary 6 PSLE maths :p
Astro, errrr actually opposite leh mostly ppl say Ziv look so much like me and Rhys a bit like papa. But if compare Ziv bb picture they really look alike. Hey same here Rhys is so much tougher than Ziv if Rhys got knock he just cry a while but Ziv will cry super long. I think is bcos Ziv is my number 1 so over protected him last time. Last time Ziv got knock I will super heart pain and carry him and pacific him. Now Rhys I am more relax usually will just told him okok nvm not as kan cheong.

Yes ziv got dark circle look like forever not enough sleep. One of the reason I nv bring him also he got a bit of running nose and cough due to his sensitive as now is 7th mth alot of burning. Everytime this yr he will be more jiat lat as he super sensitive loh

Ah! finally found time to sit down and do this! :p
I've left some space coz i know sure got mummies who have not yet uploaded their pics.
Pls do so by this week so we can complete our first collage!
astro: of coz he did fuss from 7pm onwards until 9.45 he cannot tahan then he K.O on his own. and his fuss is crying and crying non-stop..

Hippo: Have you gone to the learning vision and changi biz park? Me thought of going there and see see look look. Having the intention of putting my boy under the playgroup when his 18mths.

Shugar: The collage is so beautiful!!! :D
Is a matter of getting used to and the earlier u start, the better. At least this is how I feel for Kyle. He is still wary of strangers of cos but whenever we reached the building of IFC , he will be damnexcited and eh eh eh very loudly and do his funny jay Chou wave to everybody (office building leh). Then take the lift up and he knows is the cc he will so excited like he wanna "swim" over fAster in my arms. But of cos, if I were to change him to another location, he might need to start all over again la. Sigh, i not comfy w theplaygroup at the same cc leh. Cos I super "clean" kind. I always seen the kids have stroll from 5pm and they ran alot corridors and sit on floor touch floor etc. :s good to really go see see look look

So cute!!!! Thanks Shugar!!
Kindermusik trial:

Jus wanna update u last Wk I called up once to enquire. Teacher shuana only teach on sun. And her slots all full except for one only left 2 slots which me n Cammie contemplating taking up cos is quite early. A little rush for out babies.

I asked if they can create a trial for us? They say weekends cannot. If weekday, if we have a location, we can tell them they bring the teacher n equipments down. Min 10 pax max 12 pax.

But I prefer wkends leh. Wkdays I can't. I m asking Candywhite to help me chk sun slots for another teacher already.
maybe Astro! With ur more pro! u can create another miracle for us! Hee. Close class on sun!
astro, esther,
yup i brought Min to the learning vision @ changi biz park already. she was visbly happy and excited in the bustle of activites there. so we already put her name down for next april. its very new there and that being their headquarters, is sort of their "model showcase" so to speak. from principal to teachers - all very pro looking to me. long employment history as well. like mostly 5-7 years with the school.

thanks for the collage! its really really nice!
Funzee: Kay seems to start eating again. My mum cut down her porridge intake and changed flavours. Instead of pork based porridge, she rotate with 'tian ji' based. And she loves it. And I notice during dinner time outside, she likes to pick from our plates, so I just order bread or anything that she can nibble, and she will leave us to eat in peace! So, I would say, to date, her food strike is over. In A's case, could it be teething? Heard that if the molars are coming out, babies will encounter more longer discomforts. Also, she actually linked tofu to eat, and that's softer.

Hey astro, thanks for the directions and map and the receipt number. Actually the timing also clashes with kay's nap time. And based on previous experience, she will become super hyper after classes at this time. So, getting myself mentally n physically prepared. Actually hor astro, the one at UE square is better according to my colleague. Maybe be because that's in town N seem to be more atas so they have better teachers there.

Hippo: wah u are fast! Put name at learning vision already? Heard from u abt it and been too lazy to go take a look. I guess I'm very half hearted when it comes to playgroups. I'm thinking of just putting her at the one opposite my mum's an that's it. More convenient. Best was when I met my ex-English teacher sending her son to childcare there. So immediately, I assume it's good enough hahahah
Those mummies who went to GUG, sorry I wasn't talking much. Am feeling quite shy actually haha

Saw your hubby outside the room, smile and asked if you guys are inside. Then I realise ops, he doesn't know me though I "know" him well! hahaha

Oh, I have accepted the other offer so have to give Learning Vision at CBP a miss.

Thanks for the arrangement!
as usual, last one reporting after Royce playdate and GUG trial. I completely zonk out after 2days of activites... :p

re: Royce Playgym
nice meeting up with the mummies and babes.

we signed up for the membership as well, and HB is as confused as Astro regarding the charges. we also thought the entrance fee will be offset when we signed up (as what i confirmed with the recep when we reached). Upfront we paid $32 (child & 1 adult @ $22 and extra 1 adult at $10). Then at the end of it we topped up another $40 to sign up. So total paid $72. ($50 for membership + child & 1 adult $22 + extra adult $10). then no free entry like what xoxo mentioned wor. and like what Astro said, when i asked further, the recep also pointed at the paper on the counter and asked me to read myself, which i did not, as i already paid for the entrance fee and the minute is ticking away, so i quickly wisked ourselves in, remembering Shugar's reminder that they're very stict with their 1hr rule. after dinner and while shopping at meidi-ya, HB is still bugging me and mumbling on how they charge!!! but i just ignore him and told him we only need to visit the place another 5x to recover the membership fee. hahaha...
Royce gym really got tons of toys to play with, and the 1hr really past by so fast, the little girl only manage to cover a few areas. and its pretty packed on a friday afternoon, weekend will be much much worst i reckon.

Astro, your Teng so funny. Remember he was playing with the 2 shopping carts, Kaelyn and another babe (cannot remember who) came up to him and started taking the stuffs from his trolley. He got this bewildered look on his face as he tried to protect his possessions while fending off the intruders, in a polite and gentle way. He is a good boy lah! Not forgetting how patient he was yesterday while waiting for the table. That was at least a 30mins wait, but he did not fuss even a little, and was smiling so sweetly whenever i talk to him. My HB was so impressed! And it certainly was impressive that he's able to finsh the whole chicken rice set by himself, right up to the last drop of soup! I just couldn't stop gushing over him lah. And yea, Bally finally did not cry when he sees me. Yippie!!!

The "buddies drinking session" at Royce is sooooo funny, will upload on FB soon... :D

re: GUG trial

ulu-ness: We had a good laugh when HB described the place as a desert with no trees and the grass all dried up, as we circled round the carpark trying to find some shady spot to park.

hippo: Min's timely "brrrrrrrr" right after the teacher said "shhh" is a classic lah! I couldn't help but burst out laughing... Think your HB's black face was due to heart pain seeing Min cried so hard lah. I was beside him during the class, and could hear him talking gently to Min and explaining to her what were the teachers doing. and Min was looking adoringly at her daddy all the while... awwwww, soooo sweet!

Astro: Kaelyn not focus lah, she's at her usual kaypo-ness self and checking the teachers/environment out, so she was rather still and quiet thru the class. I guessed it helped that we're the 2nd to reach the classroom after Min, so Kaelyn got the chance to warm up and adapt better. Good to see Bally actively moving around...
And too bad we couldn't take picture, his "ketchup painted" nose is so adorable!

In all, I would say that the session was pretty ok. Just that our babies are not ready for some of the activities yet. Agreed with Shugar that the music/dance portion is enjoyable, but a tad too short. The babies also got restless with too many sitting down activities. But I have to say the 3 teachers got very good rapport within themselves, one stop talking, the other will immediately start. My eyes are like darting left, right, center trying to catch up. haha... The painting part is really the horror of all horrors! was thinking they might return the art piece to us as the names are written on the cloth, but too bad they did not...
it'll be nice to frame up and named it the "first masterpiece". and yes, Astro sing along VERY WELL to the zoo-phonics wor...

pigsy_sg: nice seeing you for the 2nd time. baby nic is so spontaneous! he was clapping his hand all the way when the teachers are singing. And the teachers seems to grateful that there are some responses and I noticed they kept saying "thank you Nicholas"... hahaha...

miemie & kd mum: nice meeting up again too. the 2x meet-up are always kinda packed and rush so did not have a good chance to chat much. hope to see you around more during the next playdate/gathering... Belle looked so sweet & pretty in the dress and the big hair clip. KD looked so cute with his big round eyes.

sunnyling & sotong_mum: nice meeting you and the babies for the first time. hope to see you agani soon...
xoxo is dizzy...wahaha, the thread is moving really fast! lemme see..

astro, cat > it depends on your "forecasted" usage of royce really. i don't know about now. when i signed up for Dre back in Dec'09 (that was wayyyyy back yeah?)..the entrance fee of $30+$10 was waived for us when we signed the $50 membership. Thus I signed immediately, cos it meant just "topping up" $10. In any case, for the membership to be worthwhile based on current rates, you'd have to "go" at least 5x per year. If you are not bringing 2 kids each time, then yes, you should have paid for only 1 membership and "sign" in the second kid as a second guest @ $10, on top of the $12 you'd sign for yourself. Another good deal is to buy up 10 x $10 coupons for use. If we have sufficient members here, we can team up to buy a deck and cut out for use. I used to go and play there alot with Dre - but not so often now...hence I won't buy that on my own. Erm Astro..maybe u shld have paid the $50 and buy the deck..then at least for 10 sessions (or rather 5 if u bring both boys..)..then again, may have specific T&C for the coupons...but anyway...it's alright..nice to have the membership card..i sot liao..collecting kiddy cards is a new past time - Dre's "wallet" is thicker than mine now!

As for HFMD, at least Royce do check the temp and offer wipes etc. If you are really concerned, go right after 1pm. They do their toy cleaning then (rather thorough)...and you'd have added peace of mind and space. Hope the info is useful...I can really hear the cashiers till ringing non-stop after the visit from u gals! :p

shugar > Thanks for the wonderful collage
It's really pretty..do you have a good res one for me to print out and keep? :D
Hi Hi, finally found time to come to the thread. I was kept really busy these 2 days. For no apparent reason, Charlotte's temp went up on Sat evening. Thou not exactly very high, abt 37.5, it's enough to keep the household busy. Plus, there were rashes at her groin which the PD said could have been caused by a fungal infection. We have to keep changing her diapers.
Thank goodness she's still active and smiling. But she missed her kindermusik class today.

Kindermusik trial:
I spoke to Yani, the administrator, who said they could hold a private trial for us on Sun 12.30pm but the maximum class size is 12. As there were more than 15 on the interest list, I asked if we could split into 2 classes like what Astro did for our GUG trial and at the same time have some discount offered to us. So she said she would check with her supervisor and get back to me tomorrow. Will keep all of you posted again ya...

shugar: Thanks for the collage! Very nice! Can I have a good res to print and keep too?
Astro: yah, there was a newspaper article on MS and IQ of kids when we weer preggers, I recall there was some discussion on this thread on it. Aiyah, same lah, I had no MS. This kind of thing not within our control!

Astro, how come you weren't at Bugs class? Are you going to be there next week for the Showtime? Last class for Bugs this semester. I quite like Bugs class. Too bad for Birds only one parent can go in.

Shugar: Thanks for doing up the collage - must have been a lot of hard work.

Playgroup/school: my colleagues who have kids say that 2 is a more appropriate age.
Shugar: the collage looks great. Thanks. Can upload the high res to google grp?

;p I show my hb the collage. He saw all the babies looks chubby. Think he wishes our boy gain more weight faster.

lately I spot red bumps like 4 on his leg. Today became more. But only leg and at night he wear long pants Le. My nanny dun think it's insect bite. Would allergic reaction have only rashes only on leg? Wish the pd will come bck fr hols soon
hi mummies!

thanks.... it was fun doing up the collage.
I'll upload the high res one onto the google group page when its done. still waiting for pics from 1 or 2 more mums!
Hi mummies,

Please keep me inform if you gals got any gathering or outing as I seriously think that Rhys need to mingle around. As he was super shy and anti-social in the GUG class want him to be more sporting.
Thks 4 the map & email!

RE: GUG trial
Geez... seems like the review was not that good for last sat’s session. So we gotta dress the babies down since there will be painting during the session? I can alrdy anticipate that my RN will be the #1 to fuss! Coz during the last mygym trial, its alrdy proven that this girl got zero concentration span and will NOT be contented sitting down. I will hv to chase aft her. So mummies, be prepared that we will both “MIA” when such time comes! Haha. RN will so be black-listed by the teachers!

Thks 4 the collage! Simple and very neat & nice! Looking at all the babies’ smiley faces put such a smile on my face! So cute & adorable.

Is Kay teething? Last week RN’s appetite was super poor as well. She wldnt take her solids and her milk intake was a pathetic 30-60ml each time. I was so worried thou I know babies are not capable of starving themselves. Its so hard to think logically when its our own babies. Moreover my ss was dipping coz i was sick for so long. RN din latch properly and that was a #1 killer for a plunging ss. I kept talking to her and ask her to pls drink her milk. She protest somemore and soon, mommy will hv not enuff milk for her coz brain thinks she dun wan milk anymore. Wah stressed for that few days! Then my mum kept saying RN is teething so she wun eat coz gums feels sore and sensitive. There was nothing we can do except to wait it out. Sigh... that was a very stressful few days for me. Luckily for my sis whom touched and felt RN’s emerging pearlies only did i feel better. The only things she was interested then was frozen teethers and lotsa plain water.
Then indeed a few days after her milk strike, slowly her appetite started to improve again and thou she still fussed, however, it was so much better. Then last nite, I was playing with her when this girl pulled my finger into her mouth and gummed me. Then I felt her budding tooth!!! I was so happy that her tooth finally came through! But then again, this is only her 1st tooth. More of such milk/solids strikes will come as and when new pearlies are emerging. Sigh.
Hahaha, i read and saw tt u asked Funzee the same qn tt i posed u – If A was teething? I guess at this stage, thats the only logical reason we can come up with for any out of the norm behaviour.

I dunno why when u mentioned rashes on E, my instant rxn was hfmd. *touch wood* I hv no idea how it is like but if it gets worse, pls visit the doc to get a proper diagnosis. Wearing long pants does not help to protect against mozzie bites. My niece gets it all the time. Some kids are juz more “attractive” to mozzies and we hv no idea why.

RN is v anti-social when I brought her out the other time to meet her little frens. This is despite her hvg 3 constant playmates at home. And yes, more of such playdates will be better for their social skills. I rem my son was oso like RN at her age and improved after he turned 2 and numerous playdates~! Hahaha.
gal: maybe the bites occured at other times, and they only swell up much later. My son's mosquito bites or insect bites become huge red lumps, and it takes a few days to a week or two to completely disappear.

now he has some bruises on his legs. Not sure whether it is from Royce. I also have some bruises on my knees, maybe from kneeling down and walking.
MieMie reporting! Im the last to report after GUG trial? hehe

First of all, THANK YOU ASTRO! *Muaks* from Belle.. yes, she likes you!

And Yes!!! I am astonished that it was that kind of paint! Though Shugar has pre-empted us, I cannot help but be taken aback. Anyway whilst on the way home, I realised they never give us that green cloth back. My mum was asking wad "art work" belle had done leh, and I had nothing to show her..

im not impressed with the teachers. they were just going on and on and on about wadever they were supposed to do, not engaging at all.

cat02>> its like always a rush everytime we meet.. im definitely looking fwd to seeing Kaelyn again!

hippo>> wahahahaha.. your heli wasnt very black faced leh.. i was pretty impressed with his patience and how gently he talks to Min! maybe he was trying not to lose his cool in front of the whole group of mummies? ;)
Miemie, astro,

no lah heli wasnt black faced. He is a very protective dad and will go out of his way to minimize Min's fussing. So after the class he gave plenty of reasons why that class was not suitable and i totally agree with him. Even as an adult i wished the teachers would shut up. Really. But they didnt lah!
jrrt/glass : haha. i was thinking..could it be chicken pox :p but no pimple bouncy looking thing le.

later i going to fumugate his room again.

I shall start using bug spray citnorella thing soon.
the way u put it, u muz hv been v irked during the entire class. i might probably hv juz walked out of the class during half time!

was it v taxing for tt 1.5 hrs? i cant imagine handling a fussy babe for so long.

hopefully its juz allergic rxn to sthg and nothing more than tt. E's skin probably quite sensitive.
yeah fumigation might b the best option for now. u check wif ur neighbours if they encountered mozzie nuisance too?
gal > call NEA if it's a bug prb...they cleared up my mozzie prb already...superbly effective.

jRRt > dre joins the ragtag team of cranky eaters now. she rejected her entire lunch, refused to drink water...keeps coming to me to be nursed. *headache*

mie > heli is not black-faced..he is tanned! :p
bwahahaha... Actually i was just abt to say ... He so dark, how NOT to be black faced. Hehehe... U said it for me

i duuno if it was taxing cos like 15min into the class Min started fussing n i kena timed out by heli already. He was w her the rest of the class. No lah im just irritated w myself cos Min was obviously cranky cos she was tired, on top of the stupid class. And she developed a cough yesterday n today runny nose! So im like thinkg maybe if she enough rest on Sat then she wouldnt hve fallen sick!! Argh!!
last wk, RN refused solids, took minimal EBM and hardly latched! I was so worried abt her and my dwindling milk ss - it was really bad.
How i wished she wanted to be latched! anyway the fortunate thing is this food fasting lasted for a few days (which worried me a great deal) and she's almost back to normal except for her fussing when fed wif porridge at times. but at least she's drinking milk now!
she loves water though! but she's not gd at sippy cups. she sucks the water but it does not go into her mouth; water ends up all over her top and she is wet!
Dre is a smart girl - she refuses water but knows she will get everything when she latches!
i think she's into teething now too, thus the refusal to take in solids! RN has her 1st tooth sprouting out finally! u checked dre's gums? her pearlies might b waiting at the bottom of her gums alrdy!
happy hippo
hey dun get irritated wif urself... probably one of the days when the babe did not hv enuff sleep or perhaps juz din like the environment thus the trial seemed like a disaster. I haven figured out how to work out the naptimes for her and my #1 too. 4pm is right in the smack! anyway i am prepared for a fussy babe alrdy lah. I intend to juz let her roam.
The bug is in the air! Seems like this stupid stubborn bug is making its round! A v resistant one as well! U brot Min to the doc alrdy? Hope its nothing serious and the babe recovers soon!
Update on Private Trial at Kindermusik

Hi mummies, the lady from Kindermusik replied.

Only 2 Sunday dates available with a maximum class size of 12 each.
Date: 5 Sept and 12 Sept. (After which may not be able to hold private trial as they will formally start a new class on if they have the number).
Time: 12.30pm - 1.15p.m.
Venue: Tanglin Mall
Cost per trial: $30 per child (Sorry but they aren't willing to offer disc.)

Mummies who are still keen to attend a trial lesson together, please indicate in the page created on our google group. Please take note that they will require 1 lump sum payment for each session. If you are comfortable, I can help you to settle payment. Please reply early if you are keen for 5 Sept as it is this coming Sun. However, please do not make payment yet until the list is confirmed. Thanks!
