(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

astro>> Aiya, Nic is notti lah... with the apron on he can still dirty his clothes and when I wash him, he can still put his legs in the sink, in the end, top wet, bottom wet, socks wet... Aiyo.. all wet la... is he the only 1 who needs to change from top to bottom??? Hahahah

Yeah... I can't wash off leh the blue, red and yellow paint on his shirt and pants when I reach hm..hahaha... Anyway, its ok lah...

I think there were some sessions which Nic like for the gug... like the painting altho it was messy, the zoo phonics and the bubbles during the music and movement.

BTW, will you be arranging any trials for LNT?

Hi mummies,

Sorry if I couldn't comment in time for the kindermusik's trial. Charlotte is still sick. At first a slight fever then went on to cough and now runny nose. And she has got very bad diaper rash. She's still active but getting her to drink medicine is a real struggle. Then Im now sick too... Maybe caught the cold from her.
Her temp usually goes up in the middle of the night and by morning, it will go down. Just hope she will be cleared soon. Anyone can advise what's the temp to trigger an alarm? PD said 37.5 is still ok but my mil said anything above 37 must take medicine. Who's correct?

Anyone using Huggies? What's your opinion? PD does not recommend huggies... Pampers he preferred. Now Im thinking if should change the brand.
candy_white: ha.. 'lucky' i pulled out from thursday. (haiz got last minute meeting.. haiz).. else myself handle 10kg bally.. going from experience of shuana.. woo-hoo! my bones wld break!maybe can try tuesday instead.. :p

esther: i ssmed u.. i have 2 slots for thursday. could u let me know if u want to take that slot?

anyone wants to take thursday 930am for kidnermusik? i last minute cannot make it despite succeeding in negiotiating in that one more slot (class was full).. haiz...
seems like the teacher is shuana?

pigsy_sg: LNT difficult to arrange trial. coz it is pegged to 3 sessions.. and quite steep $60 per lesson..u wanna go ah? which LNT are u looking at? if i go. i am going to the toa payoh one..
Candy White (candy_white): Oh dear... I'll give her medicine as long as her fever goes more than 37.5. Heard that babies have higher temperature.. so 37 is not having fever.
pigsy_sg: nic is cute.. :p and u didn't 'scream' at him? :p if bally does that. i ask him clean up himself! hahahaha

candy_white: huggies ultra has been fine for me for teng.. but for bally. i am using mamy poko and pet pet.. mamy poko for night use.. pampers can't really hold.. at least for bally case.. mamy poko. by far. from my experience. and my freiends over at the other thread causes the least irritation to the skin.. i think..

if use ear thermometer: strictly speaking..(think ur pd is referring to this..) 38 is a fever. but i considered anythinga bove 37.5 a fever cause i think they feel warm leh. so i will give. IF the boy is like sick for a while liao.. till it goes right down to 39.6
if ar m pit.. 37.5 is a fever..

jrrt: ya.. later when my mum picks him up.. i tell u. he be chirpy as a lark again.. haiz. give up on this boy.. one thing i know.. he is unfazed by any challenges in his path. if he wants his way.. he CRYS u down.. stand up to his challenge, i will! argh.

cat: i thought u would be angry with teng more than emo by him! this chap! then just now.. bally was doing his 'lean towards the right and i smile at u'look.. then i realised. die! both of them are alike.. ----> manipulative.
haiz...i dun like my kids to go out of board.. so i dun hesitate to discipline them.. but at the same time i dun advocate smacking or caning.. which is why i feel bad after the episodes.. but this bao. his hide is soooo..... THICK.. haiz..
astro: I raise my voice only he will cry liao.. then if i smack him he will cry till like my roof going to collapse. worse than his 2 sisters.. tats y i need to "endure" on tat day coz outside ma, must have image.wahahahahaha

BTW, I dun mind the toa payoh outlet but i can only make it either on sat afternoon or sun. Do let me know.
Astro: sorry didn't follow ur thread kn kidermusik thursday trial. Is it this thur?2sep? Or some other date? Happen to be on leave on 2sep so may be able to join?

Candywhite: fever only if above 37.5. Frm my experience u hav to be very disciplined n consistent in givin fever medicine every 4-5 hrs to ensure it doesn't come back. And after 1 day of no fever, u can stop medication. Use desitin for diaper rash. Apply thick coat. It works for my boy. He is also using huggies (the red packaging). Usually ok. Diaper rash only recently when he had watery stools
astro: think i'm the kind gladly to be manipulated in exchange for the pure love and affection they show... hahahaha hopeless me...
Quick post here : just went to pd cause Josh vomitted 4 times this morning. He stayed at my IL's house since last night. Pd only said he has some stomach flu so should be okay later in the afternoon

astro : I really like Teng, always felt emo everytime I heard that he's throwing tantrum at u. Hang in there just remember there's always a good time when he behave like an angel n a sweet boy

py : on with the fest. Not punggol please, east coast :D ?
for babies, anything abv 37.5 deg considered fever. but PDs usually not concerned even when temp hits 38 deg. the impt thing when they hv fever is - is baby still behaving as norm? if yes, still playing as per norm despite a slightly poorer appetite, then dun b alarmed yet. But if baby appears restless/lethargic and v sleepy, then muz monitor v closely. when my son had temp abt 38.7 deg, he was lethargic and sleepy. tt worried the hell outta me. so gotta sponge him and feed med regularly. make him sweat so fever wld go down.
Why Pd dun rec Huggies? RN using this brand and is ok leh.

think mayb muz check where got celebrations so got more "feel"! hahaha... i think chinese garden sure hv but i know for most of u its darn far! LOL!

ur boy got a strong character! he challenges u! but i think aft each episode, he'll juz 4get abt it. guess he oso has his moods too, juz like us.

u gotta b careful too if Josh has stomach flu! contagious so u dun share anything wif him.
Astro and cat: no prob. I'll just collect. But wonder if gug will give us bk the painting given that we probably won't be coming bk at all?

Astro: the celebration ah? Got migraine since morning becos it started with a workout session in the morning. The sun was in my eye and soon full blown migraine followed that I did not go to the concert nor the class celebrations. Was resting n dying to come hm. Din help that there were screams and shrieks everywhere. I think I'm way past this already. Only good thing was my ex students came bk and I thought that was sweet.

Till now my head is still throbbing! Just hope it will be gone tml so that I can go kindermusik.

Candy_white: 37 not fever! Many babies body temp is higher! Actually 37.6 according to my pd is also not fever. 37.8 then consider fever but I usually give panadol at 37.6. Think by 37.8 it won't be able to capture the fever.
Astro: sorry didn't follow ur thread kn kidermusik thursday trial. Is it this thur?2sep? Or some other date? Happen to be on leave on 2sep so may be able to join?

Candywhite: fever only if above 37.5. Frm my experience u hav to be very disciplined n consistent in givin fever medicine every 4-5 hrs to ensure it doesn't come back. And after 1 day of no fever, u can stop medication. Use desitin for diaper rash. Apply thick coat. It works for my boy. He is also using huggies (the red packaging). Usually ok. Diaper rash only recently when he had watery stools
Oo Chinese garden this year the theme is f1 and hello kitty.

red dots on drumstick:
thanks all. Ok la. Rashes due to flu or expell out from body not so worrisome. Haha. Look can b deceiving. He look Like he got chubby thigh but no Le. Still 8.5 todate. Those who met him before saw he v small size.

Gug trial
erm if paint get to fingers or nails. How to remove?
Same for clothes? Any method? I am certain he will hold the brush then another hand inspect the brush hair. ;p

astro: your boys are lovely. Am sure mummy discipline will pay off

To those mums n babes not feeling well, get well soon.
eh, your reaction quite funny when i called you leh. hehe... sorry lah. today i sound like ah gua lah. so you thot i was gonna shout at you? eh, hippo is fierce, but not unappreciative and unreasonable lah k? anyways so we cool aite! ;)

re: hippo's ranting about GUG.
OKAY SORRY the hippo is a bit under the weather and thus very grouchy and cheong hei. so its evident by now i got nothing good to say so i think i better stop before the whole world feels bad about it. hahaha...
case closed from now on. :|

i'm a bit sick. not VERY SICK YET *touchwood* but the throat is sounding quite bad. so if tomorrow i can't talk, then i can nicely take MC already. cos if i cant talk, its no point to go to work right?

E's drumstick really look very yummy leh.

re: Min's weight
as at yesterday on PD's weighing scale, my ikan bilis is a nice 8.41kg. bwahahaha... YIPPEE!!!

haha... yah that day had a brief chat at the corridor with your hb @ GUG. he said if K cries you just give in. cos i was telling him in our case its heli that gives in to her all the time. i insist she strap into the car seat all the time (k lah of course got handful of exception by now). hehe...
Harlow, mummies! Hope every1 is fine!

Been super busy lately to drop by.. Happen to drop by n saw the collage shugar made.. How to include aaden's pic? N how to join the google grp?
astro: aiyo.. me not gg to little gym tis sat coz gg for gug trial! haiz, i read some of the reviews posted here n sian yi ban. i will let A wear hm clothes, n put on waterproof bib! enuff or not? hee
Ginger: This week is show time and you're going to give it a miss? Or is it that you are attending another session? I am quite looking forward to show time. I asked my PIL if they want to come. Going to ask my parents too. Very da jing xiao gua, I know. Hahahaha!

Hippo: Why you say you are fierce ah? The 2 times I've met you you look like very mild mannered one leh. Maybe I have not experienced it yet... hee hee.

Astro: must be tough having to discipline Teng hor. I wonder how it would be like next time when I have to discipline Amelie. Probably her papa will be nicer to her. Confirm I am the disciplinarian one lah. All the bad and boring stuff I take care!

Hope all babies and mummies who are not feeling well will get well soon.

On diapers: I recally xoxo saying that she wanted to switch to pampers. To date I have tried pet pet (cheapest, but gel always come out and they always have extra "paper" at the side), mamy poko pants (not suitable for A cos leak), huggies (now using the pants, also leak before, in fact after Royce!) and also pampers. Actually quite like Pampers. It's very thin (makes me think it's the diaper version of the slim pads for us, hahaha) but I think there may be a limit to how much it can hold. Its slimness makes it look neat though... I use Avent bottom balm as barrier cream and it seems to help.
Hi mummies,
The thread is moving like a bullet train. I had a hard time trying to catch up cos had to read secretively in the office. Had to “alt tab” many times to switch screen so my boss (or rather my ‘cctv’ i.e. boss’ secretary) don’t know I’m actually surfing!

I’ve been busy lately, not posting cos had to take care of a sick bb. Think she is teething now, saw the tip of the tooth at her upper gum. That must be darn painful, cos she’s a very irritable baby now! She screams and suddenly cries for no apparent reason. Milk intake fell, doesn’t like her usual porridge too! And i just lose my cool trying to get her to drink her milk, but oh well, she STILL wins (everytime!), she gets her way by crying and then falling asleep, so i had to stop stuffing her with the bottle.

Astro: Thanks for asking after richelle! She’s feeling better now, left with a slight cough and flu. Her bout of fever lasted 3 long days over the weekend, went up to 39.7 and I was scared stiff! Had to sponge her, pulled her out of bed to feed the medicine and she sweated it all out. And omg, she sweated buckets! The whole of her shirt plus the pillow is wet! Then after that, I got scared again, this time temp went down to 35! And I touched her to feel her cold all over. Aiyo, then I hugged her so tightly to pass my warmth to her! So confusing, think baby richelle might be equally confused. This mummy, one moment, trying to make me cold, the other moment, held me so tightly to make me warm! Haha!

Hippo: Hope min and you are feeling better! Get well soon!

Angelina: Hope Josh recovers fast too! Have to make sure he keeps hydrated.

Candy White: I’m keen on the kindermusik trial this Sun! Thanks for arranging! I've also updated the google page.

Shugar: Thanks for the pretty collage too! Can't wait to see the final product with all the gummy babes!

Vodkarib: U stay near parkway? I actually booked the free trial at my gym too, too bad babe was sick, so had to give it a miss, else i could have bumped into u! So it wasn't that suitable for your boy?

gal: hope elgin's little bumps are subsiding, i also think his thighs look juicy, but maybe its the way the photo was taken... deceiving...

jadebelle: my hb also super shy, maybe we can intro our hb to each other, then we will be able to join in most of the playdates in future.

I purposely switched on my pc to type this long post before i go la-la-land! Sweet dreams! I've to catch some sleep before my wrestling session with richelle starts! Nitez all
funzee: i signed up for gug trial b4 knowing there's show time for little gym... sigh. after 3 classes, A still refuses to get on the pull-up bar, cheese blk etc so there isn't much to show... haha

anyway, my mil n her helper were there for 2nd n 3rd class so they haf seen A in "action" already :S
Serenity: ya I stay near parkway.. Hope Richelle get well soon. Mygym trial I think can try to book again next time. I think as long as they r not full.. They r quite willin to let u try out. And u jus need to quote a fren who is with the gym. Hmm I think it's not bad place for the session n gym play.. But I guess I will prob try all these gym sessions at a later stage maybe when my boy has learnt to walk ?
my personal opinion. But As someone rightly said.. Different babies hVe different likes
oops, sorry glass and gal... think zzz monster made me confused!

vodkarib: thanks for the review. I might try it next time when i get the chance to.

Have a great day all!
ginger: can i encourage a little?
it took teng ages.. and me a lot of heartaches before he decided to 'let me and miser go' out of the gym to have my breakfast at the macnext door.. even that he does it unwillingly.. first lesson.. oh lala.. created a big din.. but lucky the teachers were with us.. as in they know how i felt and wanted to do it with me to encourage teng to be more independent.. so they took good care of teng and assured him.. the show day photos u saw on facebook.. not all.. showed a teng who had new found confidence to go at it on all the obstacles.. not perfect execution.. but it is emough to make my day to see him try.. that was really his FIRST show day.. before that. it was sit by the side and watch others' show day.. i was really heartened and touched.. by the progress.. and that fact that my thousands of dollars.. (forgot how many semesters i was with little gym, sitting insdie with teng.. think since he was 2?! ).. has been worth it..

what i am trying to get at is.. dun get disheartened. in Aiden's time.. dun expect him to suddenly be able to do all that is required... but dun give up either.. keep going.. Aiden really reminds me of teng.. and i can really feel how u are feeling that first time u were in the little gym..flashbacks of me and miser with teng..

keep pushing aiden.. imho.. this little boy.. heh.. manipulative..heh :p:p

in the house. who is the disciplinarian?
hippo>>> cograts on min's weight gain.. my super iakn bilis is stil at 7.2kg.. how??? my husb sugg giving her fomula milk..

All this stage will pass and you really need to hard hearted when they cry and make a scene abt going to class or school. My boy use to do that also until this year start of 3rd quarter he stop making a big scene in school and at home. But he still refuse to go school daily in the morning so still need to coax him every morning. He use the same excuse also want to stay at home and play with his Didi and watch TV. He say he go school will miss his Didi so muchhhh.
Astro and Cat: You got mail!!

Going to kindermusik trial soon! And it's Kay's naptime! Wish me (or rather my hb) luck!
Josh keep vomiting today, yesterday after went to pd he's actually better. But today keep vomiting plus diarrhea
Refused to drink milk also, so only have water inside his stomach
Headache n heart pain :'(
Angelina: u bf? Of on formula, can try give him soy milk. Easier on the stomach. My boy also had his bout of stomach flu past two weeks.
Yo! I'm back from the trial at kindermusik! And indeed, I signed with them and lesson is starting on 12th.

I must say this is the class Kay enjoyed the most. Maybe becos of a good nap before the class despite it being her nap time. Lucky we got lost and so she got to nap longer in the car. She got teacher Doreen for this trial and she is good. Nice voice and very personable. Kay was paying attention to her. And interestingly, Kay was back to her kaypoh self, tried making friends with the angmoh kiddos and crawled all over. Only thing was she started to be distracted halfway thro' because she saw me' outside the room. So, I had to wave to her and her daddy had to keep distracting her from the door.

I would say she liked the drums and the parachute the most. Dancing bit only when she gets to 'walk' around.

And yes, hb was quite exhausted by the end of the session but think becos this class was the last of the term, the most 'siong' part was not there. We shall let her try a term n see how she take it.
Thanks mummies who replied to my queries.

On Huggies/diaper rash:
PD didn't recommend this brand as most of his patients with bad diaper rash were on it. Mine was using Huggies ultra but no prob until this time round. Could be just a one-off thing. Will see how again as I still have alot in stock! Desitin is already a must during diaper change since birth but still got rash so no choice got to apply medication to stop the fungal growth. The condition has improved a lot since then.

On temperature:
My mil insisted on feeding Char fever medi at 37 cos her usual body temp is 36.5 by ear and her body was already very warm at 37. So we feed her the medi in hope to bring it down.

We returned to the PD last night becos the fever came back and Char was coughing quite badly with a bad runny nose. She was cleaning her face with the mucus actually! Yikes! It turned out that she had mild lung infection and was given ventolin to inhale and clear her air passage. She was able to breathe a lot better after that dosage but badly tramatised by the whole thing. She almost tore down the clinic with her screaming. It attracted the attention of some busybodies who stood outside the room to watch the "show" despite the clinical assistant telling them to go away. I gave them the killer stare! Now, the poor girl has to take 8 different types of medication... which I thot is a lot... It pains me to see her screaming and trembling whenever she sees me with the syringes. Thank goodness she's still active and playing and taking her milk even though she doesn't really have appetite for her favourite porridge. I hope she will get well soon.

Angelina: Hope Josh recovers soon. I know how you feel now.

GUG Trial on 4 Sept:
I would most prolly give this a miss this coming Sat. Even if Char recovers these few days, I will want her to rest. Anyone wants to take over my slot?
Tien: Glad that you have enjoyed the trial. Which class did you sign up for? Tr Doreen is also the one doing the private trial.

Serene: Noted your interest in the kindermusik trial on 5 sept. Including you, there's only 6 participants now. Need another 2 to proceed. So will see the response by 8pm tonight. If minimum is not met, will have to call individually to arrange for trial. Anymore keen in this?
Angelina: The vomiting sounds bad! Maybe you can give Josh some glucose at least keep the sugar in?

Candy_White: Oh dear. Hope Charlotte will get well really soon. I am sure mummy also feels very tired.

There's some kinda crazy bug flying around. The cough and flu one and the stomach one. Hope all babes get well real soon.

Hope the babes will enjoy the trial with tr Doreen. She has a wide smile...and Kay loves ppl with such smile hahaha...

I actually signed up the 2pm class. With Tr Jane. Is that your class? It's starting next week. Are you continuing?
angelina and Candy White : hope your babes cure soon. Try to rest as well.

Angelina : did the pd give you something for the diarhea?

I am interested but not this week. This week got GUG trial. Taking it slow. Coz' mummy and daddy no stamina :p Going out with baby (except to the nearest mall) drains out energy :p
candy white: i can definitely emphatise with that. feeding her so many different types of medicine requires lots of patience, determination, creativity and the ability to block out the screams.

gal: ya man!
Hello mommies,

I purchased 2 tics for 18 nov 12.15pm SSO BABIES PROM, only to realized that my company is having it's annual kickoff meeting from 18 to 22 nov and it's a compulsory no absence period. I am not able to take Leave on 18 nov to bring my bb there Liao. Anyone wanna take over my tickets? It's 2nd last row of the foyer stall in centre. Costs $42. Pls let me know if u are interested. Thanks.
astro: so u started teng on little gym since 2? i dun expect A to be able to do everything just after 3 classes but it is inevitable i m sad that A is not enjoying the class like other babies. that said, i m very encouraged by ur post on teng's progress. it really gives me hope that A will be able to do wat other kids can do "in his time", n with confidence. i dun even want to tink how much crying n $ will be involved in getting there. i can just imagine ur pride seeing teng complete the obstacles

yes, u r rite abt him being manipulative since he has been getting his way since birth. we haf not really disciplined him b4 :S but if the situation arises, i guess i will be the one.

sunnyling: kids r so smart these days, aren't they? all sorts of excuses just to stay at home... hee.

gal: i m also keen in 12 sep kindermusik class but i just went into our google group n the list is empty? so we call up on our own or just wait n see if more mummies r interested?
kindermusik trial>> nobody keen for 5th sept one?
i hope it goes through
mummies who are on the 5th sept list, wanna 'roll over' to 12th sept? then at least see if we can form one trial class?

candy_white>> thanks babe, for organising and co-ordinating on behalf..
Ting /pigsy / pinkiemie / PY / cat02 / serenity :
Unable to proceed with pte trial this coming Sun on 5 Sept. Minimum no. not met. Do you want to arrange individually? Or another suggestion... Since gal & ginger keen on 12 Sept, do you all want to shift? What do you all think?

Yes, same class. Im continuing but hasn't paid up and Char is going to miss another lesson this Sun.
pinkiemie: No prob... Just that Im a bit slow in replying cos didn't expect my baby to be so sick!

Just had another ordeal in the house that caused me to break down.... Feel so lousy now... Bb finally zz.. but did not take all her medication... Didn't dare to give her more cos she was shivering very badly...
candy_white: take care.. why is Char shivering?
is she on any antibiotics?
would you want to stretch the fever med intervals a bit longer? .. as in .. if it does not go above 37.5.. dun give? seems like her temp is coming down a bit rapidly so she is feeling cold?
candy_white: hope char gets well soon. ya, maybe u can do what astro said, cos the other time, richelle's temp fell very low (35!?! and i had to keep hugging her close to me so she would not shiver/feel cold) after the fever medication. so i also try not to give on the dot the fever medicine unless its still above 37.5.
U take care of yourself too. Hang in there! Things will get better!

Ok, i'm fine with 12 sept too!

Thanks for your well wishes.

Astro / serene: Char took 2 doses of antibiotics yesterday then had diarrhoea so stopped. Fever medication we didn't give 4 hourly cos temp isn't high, between 36.8 to 37.8. In fact she didn't wake up the whole night and slept quite soundly. Fever oso didn't return in middle of night so I m monitoring... Will give only if temp goes up again. She wasn't shivering in cold but in fear... I think the last medication she took last nite had same taste or smell as ventolin (serve same purpose) and somehow, she could recognize and maybe she remembered she was tramatised by it the night before and started to protest. She shut her mouth tightly, refused to open, waved her hands frantically to say NO, legs kicking hoping she had the ability to run away... Screaming, shouting, crying.... Just broke my heart! Had a hard time calming her down and she won't let anyone else carry. Can't even put her on bed. Can feel her little body was trembling as she held on to my shirt tightly... This morn, she seems to have forgotten abt last night. Her lovely smile starts to warm our hearts again. But she was still coughing and phlegmy so only gave her medication for that. Though she resisted but not as bad as last night. At least no shivering n willing to play with her toys after that. Maybe this is the 1st time she's so sick and had to take so many types of medi that is freaking me out. I'm still learning to accept that I'm a mother already so must be brave and stay calm.
