(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

Hi my delivery rescheduled so I'll be joining for Royce! Super excited! See you there!
Ok just to pre-empt I'll be bringing helper along.
Glass, share cab? We could meet at junction 8 to take cab.
I pm u my hp.

serenity : can also give oatmeal when baby having fever. hope richelle fever goes down soon. how long has she had fever? got see doctor?

shugar : abt GUG. Which half is more er.. physical ? :p Am sure my hb this round don't want to miss the fun.
Who's reaching Royce early? I should be there before 2.30pm. Esther? I think I see who's there first b4 gg in. First time to Royce don't want to go in on my own la...

Shugar: How many can you sign in?

PY: U recovered? Gg tmr?

Mummies and all the babies.... Rest well tonight. See ya tmr!

Had a busy day, now just found some time to log in.
Royce ah.... Think no limit to the no of pple I can sign in but they are very strict abt the one hour timing n will come find you to tell you time's up. So if wana play together, best all reach same time.
Gal: thanks for e advice. But this girl of mine doesn't like oatmeal. Fever since yesterday, thot I can self-medicate, then her fever shot up to 39.4 this afternoon, scared me to bits. Brought her to e pd, had another dose of fever med there, and she's now hovering 38. Dear Richelle, pls get well soon!
Mummies and babes, have fun at Royce tmr, wished we could be there... But oh well, there's always e next one to join in. Enjoy!
Hmmm... Since shugar mention that they are very strict bout the timing, shall we try to sync the timing so we can all be at Royce bout the same time?
serenity: ver yhigh fever wor richelle.. but she's not lethargic.. right? as for the fever avoid porridge theory.. i was told that before.. BUT.. i have frens.. from my other thread who will boil rice water to feed their bbs when fever.. so u see... hmmm.. no basis.. keep her hydrated.. that's most important.. and 4 hourly panadol.. sponge regularly.. loose clothings.. DUN bundle her up hor.. that will spike the fever even more.. a gentle piece of advice.. for bbs.. try avoid self medicate.. coz their condition can worsen very fast.. and all teir signs generally start out like cold etc.. so must to leave it to the PD..

when Richelle is well.. we come out to play! royce huh? ahahaha.. speaking of which.. i think i need to get royce member if we like machiam go there all the time.. else i very lugi! i got two boys.. and each time i got to part like.. with .. $44! that is when i have a member fren with me ah! shucks..

re royce:
like that.. hmm.. candy_white: u mind waiting for us to arrive at about 3pm? and then we all go in together lah.. hover outside Royce? shall we?

funzee:yey! good.. good.. who cares abt delivery? :p:p:p.. amelie wants to play!

glass: try car-pool with funzee?

re gug: ya. gug is not siong..with the exception of the music and dance part.. but before i forget to remind.. then have some snack time (at least for bao that time ).. shugar, they have for the babe class too, right? so prepare some snacks for the bbs.. and bring spare clothings.. they get messy with the paint! u too.. if ur bbs like to splater paint all over u!

later upload the directions to mountbatten centre.. they good service wor.. email me directions and a map..
esther and all.. ya .. ya.. we all gatecrash royce at 3pm!

so we all wait outside the entrance then for Shugar to lead the platoon in .. :p
Haiz..it is such a drag to have work tomorrow! How I wish I can join you gals with the bb..so near yet so far (I'll be in that area!!)

BTW, I spotted this alert on Royce's site:

"Royce Kids Gym There will be a PRIVATE Party on 27 August 10, Friday. From 1630-1830. Sorry for the inconvenience caused. Last hour for Fun Play session is at 16:00pm"...

FYI pls.
tip for royce > if u gals happen to be late or whatever, and just wanna pay for 1/2 hr ... it is possible. they don't publish this but u can request 1/2 rate for 30mins of fun - i do this all the time so it's a palatable $6 (members' rate)...just in case anyone of u happen to be late..and don't want to lose out on the hr's rate given that they have this "pte party" going on.

astro > if u sign up as a member, technically, tom's session would be "free".

hmm..anyone staying back in that area for dinner?
OK set, 3pm it is. Will target to reach by 2.45pm. Must make full use of our hour! Hopefully A wakes up in time and we can grab a cab!

Serenity, hope Richelle gets well soon!
Hai all, think I can join u all Tom for after session. Without Josh though , cause he was super tired from yesterday ps. So I want him to fully rest today
so I'll come around 4 so can meet u all after ur Royce session, hope nothing will stop me from going this time
morning wow session today again sound interesting, you gals enjoy.


Is also actually Rhys time tomorrow going to GUG I hope he will not be grouchy. Now I am thinking how to adjust his timing to nap early so he can enjoy the session.


Mostly I will not bring my elder, will put him in my SIL hse to play with her son. She say she is not going out so will be better if can drop him there. I might be late as with all this travelling and then go Mountbatten which I bad in direction so might get lost ahahahahha.

By the way I nv receive any email on the map leh.
GUG trials at Mountbatten
Slot B: 28 Aug 4pm - 5.30pm

Mummies gg to the trial,
Just dropping an idea. since it near dinner time after the trial, will anyone be interested to have dinner at Chinese Swimming Club (Amber Road) after that? let me know so i can make reservation at the cafe. http://www.chineseswimmingclub.org.sg/manzhu.htm#
The food there are pretty decent and the price reasonable too.

if possible let me know latest by tomorrow morning ok? mummies & families not going for the trial are welcome to join us too for dinner...
cat02>> not sure if i'll be joining for dinner tmr coz i have strict instructions to reach home early for this 7th month.. so most prob will be zooming off after the trial..

anyone wanna meet earlier for late lunch? lol

I cant join the dinner, promise my SIL to have dinner together as I am dropping my elder at her hse so bo bian.

Last time use to alway go swimming there and the food there are quite nice.
Mummies: nd some advice on cake size. Is 7"+ 4" two tier cake small? I have arnd 30guests. I wan a presentable size for the cake though.. Or will those "1" cakes be better? Heh anyone with experience ordering from pinkgingerbynee can advise?
Am undecided if I shld get a bigger cake..
Of Cos I m constrained by budget la

I know other cake shops go by weight like 2.5 lg is the usual size right?
Hi folks! I enjoyed out Royce outing today. A was quite happy this evening. Think her power nap swinging in Royce helped. Hee hee hee. Took a look at some snaps just now and there is one of A and Sam in the ship, quite like Titanic except roles are reverse! Quite funny. Upload in FB later on or tom. Hee hee!

It was nice meeting up with you all. Hope there are more chances. I will try to clear leave over the rest of the year - one day per week so hope there will be more chances to meet.

vodkarib: Ask nee to recommend. She can usually recommend a good size. I'm ordering from her also.
Hey gals should have stayed and joined you all at the Gelare. Tot rushing home so that could let faegan nap, in the end he did not even want to nap.. >.<

Funzee: glad that A got her power nap..

Nice meeting all mummies today.. :D
Hi, it was nice meeting all the mummies today... Nic felt asleep not long after we reach the taxi-stand.. hahahaha...

Hope to meet up again soon..
esther:Bally didn't even nap despite being sooooo fussy and tired.. he was awake since 130pm.. till 6.. finally concussed in taxi.. like aroun 615? :S
ladies..ya.. i realised that the mail got bounced back.. reason cited.. the group didn't exist! ha.. oh well..

posting the directions here..

Directions to GUG Mountbatten
Driving Directions: Enter via Guillemard Crescent(from Guillemard Road
towards Nicoll Highway; Turn left after where the Singapore Badminton
hall(now:Guillemard Village) was last time, turn right then go
straight; upon reaching the end, turn left-Entrance of Mountbatten Centre)

BY Mrt: Mountbatten(circle Line): Exit from Exit A.(On the left is
Mountbatten Sq, on the right are HDB flats(Blk 5), go straight after
passing Blk 7,there is a side gate on the left leading to Mountbatten
astro: at least bally had his nap at 6 plus. Faegan was awake since 2.30pm till 9.45pm.

Mummies attending the GUG trial enjoy..
esther: wah.. but he didn't fuss? then it is ok wor..

angelina: was wondering where u were.. left my hp at home.. hence cannot sms u when at royce..:p
but rest well first.. when more stable.. then come out
Angelina - cheer up! It'll be over soon. Besides, if it is any comfort to you, mummies who had MS have kids with higher IQ!

Tien: Kayzilla eating or not? I managed to get A to eat dinner tonight. She accepts cubed tofu. Today for dinner she ate her fave sweetcorn and agreed to eat some porridge after I put some in her little spoon and she put the spoon in her mouth. Lunch was a disaster though. My friends were probably horrified at how messy she was and how she rejected her two options before the cubed tofu. Oh well. I am just relieved she ate something.

was i the only one that thought very little of today's class or did someone actually enjoy themselves or their babies enjoyed themselves???

well, to be honest i think we are all jumping the gun a lot here. seriously, i think my cheeky monkey already told the teachers what she thought of them 5 mins into the class when they were saying something along the lines of "and so everyone was quiet ssshhh... " that's when Min stood up and went "BBBRRR BBBBRRRR BBBBBRRRRR" i was trying very hard not to laugh SERIOUSLY. bwahahahahahaha... k lah. i think for something like this, i would only reconsider trying again maybe when she's like 18, or 24 months.

of course, princess was fussing also partly cos she was tired and wanted to nap already. anyhow, i had to come home and face the consequences of an overtired Min. it was dinner time so we fed her, then let her nap for 1/2 hr and woke her up. after that she was screaming cos she wanted to sleep somemore but couldn't fall asleep. hai...

HB had nothing good to say about the class. naturally. since princess was fussing quite a bit. i also donch want to put her in this sort of environment where she doesn't even understand what the hell was going on. seriously, i thought the teachers could really stop talking lor. or rather, i think they could've made it a lot more interactive rather than just plain singing (when they couldn't sing THAT well) and story-telling without any props. we should've just cut our losses during break time.

pigsy, sunnyling,
great to finally have met you ladies. sorry had to evacuate prematurely.

I totally agreed w you! Find this class abit 乱. So Noisy somemore plus their singing really... Not very nice. And frankly speaking, alot of things they said my baby will not understand at all like the window cleaner thingy.. The project is worse lo. Paint on hands and smeared to his socks and I had a hard time washing, cos went into his nails. Non toxin I know la. But just not comfortable for him to put into his mouth. Lol. Not forgetting the music class... I think they didn't know our babies can't walk yet and if it's a class of maybe 4 ok... 8 is like all stuck there to asking the babies to crawl thru the hoop. Lol!! The part where honey the horse I also find it abit off... On the whole I do not find this program suitable for a 10 mth old... Not that it's bad. But I think seems more suitable for a 2 yr old leh.. It failed to capture my baby's attention except for the first part the welcome song... Which is sooooo similar to kindermusik.. I think kindermusik more suitable for this stage ba..

Haha. Maybe I will revisit again in future ba. But I dun feel the quality of the teachers "good" dunno how to say.. I was telling my hb luckily we came Mountbatten for trial.. Cos if we go elsewhere I think the trial is $50 instead! Lol

Really wanna thank u for organising this group trial! Appreciate alot! When They reciting abt the 26 animals at the zoo, how come u seem to already know the names of animals and the sounds de ah?! Lol is it like downloadable somewhere? Mayb I can play w My bb at home. Lol!
hippo: does Min usually nap at that timing? the little lady fussing quite a fair bit during class.. my complaint is more of ulu-ness more than the curriculum.. since teng went thru it before and I already anticipated that it might not be very age appropriate for our bbs this age.. but having said that. i did notice.. some of the bbs.. 2 of them.. kaelyn and KD, shown very good focus .. (Cat &amp; Ting: ur bbs had a power nap before coming to class ah?:p :p)..

I GOT LOST! AND THE TAXI RAN ROUND AND ROUND AND ROUND.... goodness.. the place reminds me of the concentration camp i saw in Austria! :p hmm i think Cat's hb told me and I noted that there a few other child care amentiies in the same cluster.. i think there are soem plans to develop it into some child activities related hub? else how to surive there?
though the place is big.. i still prefer the united sq one! :p

funzee: serious ah? then bao and bally doomed for life. coz i dun have MS with them ah! jialat.. *panicked*... ha! :p

hippo: Heli's face was grey (cause i think he tried to smile so it was less black :p) through out the lesson.. i think either it is the poor timing.. or that min is not ready for this kind of classes yet...

if ur intention is to get something 'educational' to complement min's mygym.. then i think kindermusik is more apt for this age.. cause the right brain focus programmes (GUG, shichida, Little Neuro Tree) all demands the kids to be a bit older with better focus.. imho, our kids at these age.. too young... like u say.. at 18 mths.. probably good suggestion.. i think teng.. i sent him in when he was about.. 1 year plus.. but he has good focus for his age.. so he fits alright into classes like that.. i have seen quite a few younger kids.. who can't keep still.. and scream their heads off when their anxieties peaked at abt 9 mths to 1 year plus.. often it results in embarrassed and stressed parents.. though everyone there understands why.. think it is kids these age.. difficult to handle.. cannot skip nap yet.. but wun nap properly if over tired.. (bally.. gosh.. wun napped after class.. and tahan till 630pm. napped for 30 minutes.. then dinner.. then stoned till home STILL wun sleep.. now sleep liao.. i expect him to wake up screaming later ! :S)

and oh.. i can't quite get the expressions on the mamas' faces.. when the paint came out!!! :p
cammie.. ur face registered a look of HORROR! :p:p

this was ok liao. the other time with teng.. gosh. they played with GREEN corn flour mixture.. and my jeans got splattered all over with green goo.. :p:p so this is TAME :p

4 Sept ladies : i will send u an email now.. pls quote ur receipt number for ur lesson next week.
and oh. go early. the concentration camp not easy to locate :p

*at this pt in writing.. mr bally woke up and cried.. HAIZ
and i was thinking the overall setup of the place also not very appealing. Like sending the kids into jail cells like that. I was thinkg maybe can revisit when sending min to playgroup or nursery but i realised i prefer the open concepts much better like learning vision or cherie hearts that i've seen. Oh well... We'll see.

yah forgot to thank u for organising the trial. Dont want my ranting to sound unappreciative.

hippo: hey. no prob. everyone's entitled to their opinions lah.. and i know u are not the unappreciative type

ya.. kekeke.. jail? i thought it was more of a concentration place layout.. seriously! :p
if u want to revisit GUG.. i think suntec or united sq better.. i like the united sq one. though it is smaller.. coz a lot of pple.. got ren qi! :p
maybe by then.. this mountbatten one.. will be more 'used'.. the place opened like three weeks ago!

hey. u sending min to playgroup at learning vision? which one? teng is at my school's one..and he hates going to school every morning.. but is as happy as a lark once reached.. haiz.. give up :p
