(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

cat: yeah! would love to make it to the meet up but had already made prior arrangements for the day. Kaelyn always looks so cute in your pics... must see her soon one day!

happy hippo
u certainly sounded upbeat with tt "BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA..." heheehe
Min looks different wif her haircut now. Anyways, still so pretty & cute & smiley!

eeeekkkksssss! u freak me too! my hair oso stood when i read dre's response while in tt room! drats... if i wanna go USS and need to pump, how???? i think i will pump in the toilet instead! *swallows saliva*

i oso saw FB pix of PY, shugar, pinkiemie in peekaboo and they commented nothing much to play for the babies and they adjourned to polliwogs. I doubt i will hv the energy to make it to polliwog aft zoo on mon so will see lah.

R u serious tt teng nvr had to pay for public transport??? he's v tall! imagine my niece (borned nov 06) was asked by the bus captain to pay for bus fare!!!! and since then we got both tods ezlink cards liao. dun wanna b embarrassed anymore!

i guess wif 2nd pregnancies and above, its more tiring since we got #1 to handle as well.

If things dun get better, probably gd to chg PD? Poor KD, hugs to the little one. And yes, get ur hb to help and provide emtotional + physical support.
Astro and xoxo: After all the s*** that happens to me these few weeks at work, I have no choice but to be as positive as I can. Need to be louder than loud ppl these days! Hahahah...super Ah Q already!

Can't wait to bring my suaku Kayzilla out to scare the world! MUAHAHAHAHA...Nay! Hope she will behave because she is starting to show signs of being a spoilt brat nowadays. Think hang out with too many old uncles and aunties in the morning. Everyday she can come home with a new toy from her morning marketing outing! Pengz!
hi mommies,

juz wan to check..those heinz or gerber brand puree or cereal in bottle type need to warm it before feed or can direct feed? nvr try before.
its a personal preference actually. can serve direct but i always warm it up b4 serving.

i oso thot abt tt!

i juz recalled tt u asked how much time do working mums spend wif the babies. for me, i am lucky tt i knock off on time so i get to spend a few hrs each day wif her.
in the mornings, depending on the time that she wakes up, usually its ard 5-15 mins and then I say gdbye to her. In the evenings, i spend abt ~2.5-3 hrs wif her. her bedtime routine starts ard 8.30pm.
Gemson: you can sit the jar in a bowl of hot/warm water before serving.
but if i'm out and hot water not available or the boy is too hungry to wait(usually the case) , i just open and serve. (IMMEDIATELY!!)hahahah
Shugar : oh ok ok..thank you..will try this weekend. Coz i won SG$40 hamper from Gerber Baby Food from motherhood magazine. So I juz collected this morning and found inside is those puff,fruit juice & puree. Which I nvr try before for the puree in bottle and fruit juice.
very sorry to hear that you have yet another episode of run in with the PD. hope that KD would soon be recovering... touch wood but if he doesn't get well soon, you should seriously consider getting a good PD. perhaps get xoxo's PD?

haha... slanted fringe lah. but it's growing out already again! think maybe i just cut for her lah. ...
Mommie mommies!!! Xoxo, astro, shugar and everybody!

I was praying for some kinda miracle, and had to go back to office this morning cos pass few days I took leave and really need to settle something. Leave home and kept praying and praying. But yet at the same time I felt so much more relieve when I was alone cos it seems like a break fm kd's crying. And then felt guilty again! Came home at 2+ and daddy said so far only slight fever. I had instructed him not to give anymore fever med unless neccessary cos I feel kd is overdose the past few days. Kd broke out in all smiles when he sees me!! Finally! The daddy said cos he been crying since I left home. N kd been clinging on me till now.

Hb called the pd to ask abt the test results and Test results all negative. Not even microplasma. Feel kinda relieve but hw come the fever? Only thing abnormal is the white blood cells higher which indication sign of infection. Bacteria attack maybe. To cont w the antibiotic and jus feed fever med when fever. Shld recover in 7 days the pd said.

Kd is crawling all over n whining to get attention which seems good! I jus measured 38.2 on both thermometer but decided not to feed him anymore paracetamol for the time being but only gives the antibiotic. Can? He is really sick of med n I had difficulty feeding him!! Hmm but today he got no appetite at all though. Express milk nv drink. Solid nv eat. Latch on fr a while only. Hope he dun lose too much weight!

I hope he recovers fully and then I can bring him out to play and join u all for the gatherings! But of cos I will make sure he's fully recovered first cos all babies are precious! Hope the babies that are down will get well soon!!

Sigh I feel I made a mistake in removing kd fm nuh cos it's seems to get worse from there in terms of kd's health and my wallet. But I realised it could b he really gotten some new virus there leh!! The biggest mistake I really made is that I nv do a careful search and chosen all the wrong pd's man. Not that they are no good. But just dun suit me at all! I m the gan cheong kind and really needs alot of assurance. Plus doesnt help when hb and me do not agree on the same note. I must switch pd for kd in future! And b a calm n compose mommy!
ting: great! but monitor hor.. the temp.. 38.2 by ear is still a temp.. i also quesioned the PDs nonstop when teng was on non-stop brufen and panadol.. and they kept assuring that panadol is harmless for the kids and i witness not giving and spike back..
a little suggestion is to gradually length the intervals of giving the panadol.. dun go cold turkey coz he can have fever means still fighting infection.. so that's my suggetsion lah..
ya. continue antibotics.. ya. i ssuepct bacteria also.. give him water.. fruit juice.. whatever.. ebm. now is ensure he dun get dehydrated..

hippo: xoxo's pd very long queue! :p
but dr lee in the same kinderclnic is very patient and nice.. though.. ting could try her
and ting.. dun blame urself.. we all need our sanity.. so a small break from the action allows u to recharge to deal with the action later.. so it is going to be sunshine after the rain soon! hang on there!

Orh! Kd temp been ard 38 so far.. Cross fingers! But I got another prob now wor! Kd doesn't accept anything I feed him! His mouth snap shut! I got problem to even feed him the antibiotic now!! I also tried Fruits, porridge, bread, yoghurt. He only accept plain water in his mag mag and direct latch on. Even direct latch on, I dun feel him drinking alot. U got 2 kids, any idea hw I can feed him med now? I tried forcing, soak bread in med to give, mix in water w mag mag spoon feed but all can't work now anymore. :s me n hb really lie him dwn n force just the antibiotic dwn his throat.

And YES! I will definitely change PD for KD after this episode! Not that I hope he has future episodes but I need a good PD else I very difficult to keep my sanity in check. Shld really have studied med myself!!

To me it seems like KD had 2 viral/bacteria infection within a short 2 - 3 mths and both has chest infections. Dun think is the infantcare cos he seem to be the only one w this prob and I think is the home. Every since I got married and move to jurong, I kept having diarrhea and vomiting episodes. I always suspect is the water but I am the only one getting it leh. Need to do something w the air in the room too!!

Air purifier:
Any mommies had air purifier at home? Can share w me which air purifier you buy, how much, and review so far? I wanted to get an air purifier but dunno which to buy. Read up that shld get a true hepa filter one and actually ionizer and plasmacluster is no good? I tot of getting the honeywell one since honeywell like used in hospital and clinics? But I think I read that it's very noisy! :s can share w me so that I can get one for KD?

What abt a humidifier? Pd suggest a humidifier too cos nose can b dry sometimes and thus cause sinu prob. Shld I get one too?

Hmm, my ils place NEVER clean the aircon before. Imagine it's been 2 yrs plus since installed and nv even clean the filter at all. Can just bring dwn the filter to water or must get the professionals in to clean for us? Last time my father will bring dwn the filters and wash those only. Is it enough?
Hahahahahah! I feel a little happy!! Cos kd is just besides me playing with the wet tissue box. He managed to Press the button and open the cover and then he gets very frustrated bcos he wants to close the cover but he couldn't. When I close for him he even more frustrated! But then he so funny. His thumb is alway inside under the cover of cos can't close lah cos kiap his thumb ma. Explain to him he also frustrated. Damn funny. I think he is getting better now. *smiles*

Next time when I m older I surely miss all these moments
Ting, you sound happier.. good

force feed lah. the med.. dun ever dream of having bbs at this age happily open their mouth for meds.. eh. maybe when they are used to it.. will. bally will accept his antibuotics (last time) happily. but only fed by my helper.. me.. he doesn't give face.. teng.. depends on his mood.. i have also seen kids who can take med nicely. suddenly dun want and resist.. others who always resisted.. suddently become angel to take med.. so no golden rule on this..
just continue giving him his water.. puree ur food. he might have a sore throat as well. i guessing nia... just give letting him drink water.. will lose some wieght but must stay hydrated. he wants to drink. let him drink. and keep latching..

honeywell is an established brand used to tackle allergies etc.. but it is exp.. it depends for humidifier. coz aircon drys the air.. then we go add humidifier.. it strains the aircon.. . aircon must get professional to clean for u.. wash. not enough. u can talk more to xoxo who asked the opinion of the respiratory specialist before..

teng has a sensitive nose.. so we all cannot on aircon. else he major blocked nose. haiz.. 18 wed.. sending him for a skin prick test.. haiz. poor boy. nose is always blocked. resluting in dark eyes circles.. and a slurred speech.. haiz.. sometimes pple think he sleeps little. but he sleeps very well.. haiz. snores.. wah liew. just hope dun need surgery. very de sian.
Ting : my nanny shared tht fever no give porridge or bread. When Elias had virul fever, she fed him milk and oats and water. Maybe easy to digest? Not sure logic. I just follow.

No choice on wrestling on feeding medi.
they know after some time. But after all ok. They forget
so kdmummy n kddaddy is doing what u need to do.

Purifier. Heard good reviews for honeywell and rainbow.
Cat02. Thx for the lobang. ;)

Takashimaya (Ngee Ann City) bi-annual baby fair will be on 4 Aug to 22 Aug. B2.

I notice tht my nanny feed myboy like interval of 2.5-3.5 hrs. He eats. I mean I m glad he eat. He is only 8 kg. But ithought the time interval of makan will gradually increase. Not decrease?
Hihi gal,

Thanks! What kind of oats can feed to baby? I tot will allergy below 1 yr? Or is wheat? Alamak i dun rem which is which! Hmm is it like nestle in a tin kind? Let me know k? Thanks!!

Looks like I really gotta force it dwn his throat. Kd used to be the guai guai take med kind. So guai that I feel so heart pain like he knows he need to take to get better but suddenly today he simply jus refuse and we spill some of the antibiotic and he also split alot out. So cfm nt the correct amt wor. Oh dear.

Astro! Ya I am happier now! When baby is happy a mother will naturally be happy!! Same as when the child grows up I guess it will remain the same! When he is happy the mother will be too! (I suddenly think if I will haf issues w my future dil or not man...) but me n hb damn scare now. Bb sick ad parents so darn tiring, mental and money super stress. We both were like telling ea other better stop at one! Hahaha kudos to mommy with 2 or more bbies!!! Jia you jia you!
gal: hahaha suddenly i remember taka is having their baby fair! lol... hmm any good buy?
Charlotte is also only like 8kg only hehehe... to be exact 7.7-7.9kg :p
Py: duno Le. ;p but honestly think we got less things to buy compared to last time

Ting: baby oats? I tried giving my boy nestle oats w prune. He dun like Le. But at nanny. He wallop 1 bowl. Duno wat brand nanny give. Maybe you can try nestle one if u have or go cold storage/more bb stuff like pink of health at millenia walk. Tomorrow I go see they have other bb oats or not. Let u know.

Heh I also confuse. Oats. Wheats. :S same? Diff?
Ting/Gal: its wheat to avoid for now.
hehe. have you tried giving him cereal or baby oats mixed with BM or water to a runny texture? Glad both you and KD feeling a bit better now. hang in there!

Air purifier: I'm using Honeywell. Its noisy when you put it at no 3. But at no 1 its ok.... not too bad, just like a fan sound.
Humidifier: I use on and off only. some days get lazy to fill water in it! :p hehehe

Meds: S hates panadol. that one got to wrestle it down. But the other medication he's on... been taking for 4 months already. he opens mouth quite auto and i think he also expects it sometimes. Maybe its a taste preference??

Hmm yah maybe shd consider a PD change yah. maybe can think abt it when KD is feeling better.

PY: Funzee went to the fair and said not much to buy leh. maybe go only if got no where else to go? hehhehh....
Playdate: Would love to go on Mon, but C may not be able to tahan that many hours outside the house since we will be out late morning. Mommies who are meeting on Mon, have a great time!

Ting: Glad that you are on a happy note now! Kd will be happy to see your smiles too!
And I agree that PD is very impt. C used to see Dr Goh from Kidslink. We were so comfortable with her that since she left, we haven't been able to find a suitable PD. Thinking of seeing one of those who is recommended by the mommies here.

Royce: Mommies who are going there again, can ask me along? The place looks very interesting from your FB fotos. Of cos will prefer to company rather than bringing C there on my own. I will try my best to bring C there if the timing allows ya... TIA!
Oats > Dre loves organic rolled oats for its pulpy texture which you can throw 1/2 a fistful into a saucepan and stir till soft (takes about 5mins). Most organic stores, NTUC Finest etc sells them. One pack around $7..lasts a long long time. Most days Dre takes oats for supper. Try not to get too much "instant" food..they are processed food regardless.

Astro > Did you see Dr Jane Yap the other time? If you did, you would have noticed her (impressive) Honeywell purifier.

KD Mummy > Light at the end of the tunnel. If the meds spill, estimated amt have to be returned to him..esp antibiotics :s - if your gut feel says the water is a problem..go get a filter. (cham...xoxo is instigating plenty of big ticket purchases). i think some of these companies actually "test" the water for you. the rest of the folks bar KD have been staying at that location for a long time, maybe they are "immune" to the effects? air, water, sleep, food...it's a tough job playing health cop. hang in there..soon you'd be having fun exploring all these options and making your living environment healthful (though quirky)..ha.

The Need for a Purifier > It's one of those things: best to get when you are still healthy. It's a nightmare scrambling for it when you are down sick and wondering if you've done enough. It's also a personal choice. Any way, my wallet is open to splurging on preventive health tools - or so I think. I think I posted before...I bought the purifier only because I came down with mycoplasma pneumonia during my pregnancy. As I was still considered "infectious" post-discharge, my respiratory specialist (Dr Jane Yap) had a chat with me and the subject came up abt purifiers. These are not hoodwink science. They are proven to work by interfering with the protein cell membranes of a variety of known pathogens (viruses & bacteria), and in certain models, actually destroying its DNA. Therefore, if a purifier is present at home, you are essentially adding a barrier in cases when one member of the family is sick and you don't want airborne diseases to spread etc etc etc. Depending on where you obtain the review of specific models, you're going to be persuaded this, that or everywhere. Since Sharp Plasmacluster didn't pay me to do any marketing :p - I won't comment too much except to say for a chronic asthma and sinus sufferer - it has worked its magic, despite its apparent lack of a peer review. Maybe it's a placebo effect, but I don't think so cos I was the sneering, doubtful one and it was SF who insisted we get it. You know what...ever since then, if I am working in any work environment (even my car) - has a purifier or at the very least, some eucalyptus diffuser going on somewhere. With the Seventh Month coming up, this becomes more essential with all the joss paper being burnt.

But buying an air purifier on its own wouldn't do. My home shutters its windows 24/7 simply because, there is that darn lift upgrading going on and "throwing open the windows for fresh air" only invites more evil dust particles in. Dre shares my nasal sensitivities...you can't imagine how much gunk I clear from her nose when she goes outside to play vs home. Thus, with shut windows..the airconditioning goes on..and u can only imagine my electricity bill. Chemical clean together with my (expensive) Rainbow cleaner which I get my help to fix to the vents and aircon pipes twice a week does the trick for the aircon. Use bleach to scrub the aircon filters. Again, just do it and u would realise the amount of dust and mold that builds up within the week.. :s In a Rainbow system, you can actually see what you've removed in the water each time.

And after doing all that, if the babe still shows signs of nose sensitivities, check the clothes detergent you are using, floor cleaner etc. Also, try not to have soft toys and encase all pillows/mattresses in dust-mite proof bedding.

We have become weaklings...sigh. But trust me, nett cost of doing all that (plasmacluster + rainbow + no soft toys + anti-dust mite bedding ) is still less than being warded in hospital (A1 ward) for 5 days, not to consider the suffering and inconvenience...
a quick post before i run for classes.
try cheerios? the orginal one.. 1g sugar.. allows kids to practice their pincher grasp (index and thumb grip) while at the same time.. it can act as a breakfast cereal! oats.. all avalble at cold storage and ntucs finest.. dunno extra got or not.. served with milk and fruit.. yummy!

wheat.. i given baly.. u all know wheatbix? again with milk and fruits.. i think it looks gluey.. but he like.. hahaha.

also hulled millet.. can be used as a rice base.. also try croscous (wrong spelling) but all u get it lah.. hahah.. nice!

ok. run for class..
hi kd's mum, great that your kid is better now.

funzee: I brought my son to the pd you recommended yesterday, but the clinic was closed. The opening hours are very short, only in the morning and 3 nights in a week. So I brought him back to the original pd.

This time round, Elgin was on the verge of bursting into tears, and the pd told me to carry him. He played with him, rolled some toys, and I sang to him, asked him to look at other toys in the room, to distract him. So he finally didn't cry.

The pd finally could listen carefully to his lungs, and he said that he had bronchitis now.
Needs to use neubraliser or dunno what. I've to put medicine into a medicine, and let him breathe it in, 4 times a day.

The first time we tried that with the nurse, he was quite quiet and happy, but towards the end, he started tugging it.

When I did it at home, he was crying his lungs out, (which is actually good for him as the medicine could go into his lungs better), and struggling all the time.

I'm really like public enemy no.1 for him.

I force fed him all the different medicine, and my in-laws kept chiding me for being rough. The medicine kept spilling. Sometimes I try the syringe, sometimes I use spoons. He only liked the taste of the anti-biotics, which he had finished.

I'm like the only one in the house who doesn't give in to his cries, so I'm like super pai nang.

So for the past 2 weeks, I had been forcing medicine down. He started off at 8.05 kg, went down to 7.9kg on Monday, now 7.75kg. One reason is because my MIL doesn't want to give him porridge because she thinks he's having fever. What bullocks! He's not having much fever, and he can't suck much milk. Porridge is actually good for him.

Then pd said that since both my husband and I had childhood asthma, there was a big chance that Elgin could get that too. esp since we both suffer from allergies.

Many babies suffer from bronchitis 2 to 3 times a year, and those who get it every month would be considered having asthma or something like that.

It looks like maybe we should consider what xoxo said about the air purifier.

I'm also trying to use this epsisode as a warning to my FIL who keeps bringing him to see birds. He feeds the birds and I kept saying about all the bird shit and stuff, but he's mighty stubborn about it. So now I got his wife and his son to insist on that. Argh!

After the diarrhoea episode every day when he was on antibiotics finished, he is now having constipation. Hadn't pooped for 4 days already.

Why so drama mama?
Glass: eh, yah, I didn't tell you about the opening hours last time. Yes, it's true the hours are short but so far we go to her most of the time. Don't worry about the neb. I also had to do it on A not too long ago. Do you use with the whole mask? Sometimes I just use with the chamber and not the mask cos the mask is way too big anyway and it irritates A. At the clinic when we did it the first time round, they also didn't use the mask. Elgin will get a lot better with the neb. As for force-feeding meds, that's the way to go. No choice. I have concluded that as mothers, we just need to do the right thing - which means sometimes having to do not so nice stuff too. Mine is sleep training. Hahaha.

And don't worry about being enemy no. 1. You won't be. I was also super worried last time - I can't carry A, can't take care of her much, can't play with her much. Feed her medicine, put her through sleep training (during which she vomited). But when it's all over, he will be all smiles again - to you. The few days after A recovered, she was sunshine and loveliness. This is just a phase.
Oooh! Just to add, I should be making my way to Polliwogs.
Husband agrees that A should socialise. So, barring nothing unforseen, we'll be there!
<font color="0000ff"><font color="ff0000">KD's mummy</font>
oh gosh.. sorry to hear abt another episode with the horrible PD. but so glad KD is feeling better now. agree with what u said... i think its all viral coz these days weather really farni. rain n shine all in 1 day. scary...

<font color="ff0000">PY</font>
I PMed you regarding the bags

<font color="ff0000">Astro</font>
Got your invitation to playdate on Monday. Lemme check with hb first, coz Polliwogs is SUPER DUPER far for us coming from Jurong West (the most western part of SG :p). but i'm so gian to meet all of u as well..

On Cheerios
haha.. this was recommended by my other group of mummy frens. Its a really cheap alternative to let them learn pincer grasps as well. Much cheaper den Gerber puffs i find :p</font>
glass: dun worry about the weight loss too, he shld be able to regain the weight quickly once he recovers. A also lost weight but after she got well and regained appetite, the weight came back. No worries!

KD's mummuy: KD being able to play is a good sign! Hope he gets well soon!
thanks funzee for reassuring me.

My mum saw how I used the nebulizer and she's freaked out. I just have to be detached when I do all the medicine stuff and make sure he gets the right dosage and recovers quickly.
kdmummy : earths best; healthy times; nestle cerelec got oats.

shugar: Oats add water will be runny no? sticky sticky :p

astro : cheerio 1g sugar.
your boy eat as 1 meal?

hmm..is 4g sugar a lot? happymeltz is 4g for a serving of 7g :p actually i never bother to read. Not sure how to make sense of what. Does that mean out of 7g serving, 5g is sugar?


recipes!!! lai lai. share share :p
look like I got to go visit the atas supermarkets this weekend. ;)

Abt wheat :
hmm..the Dietary Guide against allergy list the PD gave put Wheat under 2nd lowest category of allergent - Foods which are usually well tolerated but occasionally cause allergic reaction (to be introduced from 6 mths)
But tomato not in the list? hmmm.... nmind.
xoxo:no , didn't get to see dr jane tan.

glass: nuebuliser..was Elgin given ventolin, plumicort? and i can't remember the other one.. anltrvax. forgot spelling..
ya... when adminstred med.. must be cold and detached.. ignore those who make nosie around u.. and ask ur mil.. pls.. if dun eat porridge, eat sharkfins.. can?:S i am reminded of my mum.. last time teng.. she said i dun feed him porridge.. he can't walk early.. then when i gave him some porridge when he was not feeling well.. she comes and tell me cannot feed porridge coz will cause fever.. wah.. eh.. so those bbs who are fed porridge will always have fever but walk very early? gosh..
and ya. life with a bb is non-stop drama.. heh.. i think he is constipated cause he is not drinking and eating much.. try fresh apple puree.. dun cook it.. coz once u cooked it.. it become applesauce which is constipating.. fresh apple puree is mild laxative.. and can help relieve.. moreimptly. gives him sugar to boast his energy now..

gal: ya. 1 meal.. mixed with fm and fruits.. i take it as snacks.. hahah..
4g sugar? wah.. a lot wor.. it seems that way wor.. 4g out of 7g.. eh. anyway.. that's why i prefer to stick to cheerios.. it is 1g sugar out of .. ehh.. definitely more than 7g (of cheerios) lah! :p

and oats.. mixed with fm/bm... and fruits purees.. nice..

and yes.. i gave wheat to bally when he turned 8ths.. and tomatoes.. are acidic.. and u wld be suprised.. is ranked a higher category of allergent than wheat.. which is why.. till now. i have not really give baly tomato.. but soon. maybe coming 10 mths..

ILMM: ya. i rememnered my earlier thread.. i just tried cheerios.. then they all jumped on the bandwagon.. and swept the markets of it.. heh.. till out of stock! ok. not sure if it is them.. but cheerios are extremely popular.

it is very fun shopping in atas supermarket. a lot of things to look see! that time we had supermarket trips together! wah.. sound so auntie :p
when the kids at home hv fever for a few days, my mum usually stop all solids, incldug porridge. however, she will cook plain porridge tt is v watery and make them drink the "soup" which hokkiens call it "berng-arm". its supposedly pretty nutritious and sthg abt this tt will help wif fever, i think.
as for feeding meds, juz like wat astro mentioned. They cld start off wif easy to feed and obediently taking it and later suddenly totally rejecting it. or the other way round. my elder one started off hating meds and even if we managed to syringe it down, he will definitely vomit it out. i was pretty helpless and adding into milk does not help. then one fine day, he decided it was time to like meds and he will obediently open his mouth for them. feeding was a breeze and there was no drama. so see? really, no hard and fast rule. kids r unpredictable. as for RN, she's worse to feed than her brother. sigh. she wld b able to even sniff it when i added into her milk &amp; waste tt whole btl of ebm. so sigh... we still syringe in lah. a mere 2ml of med takes as long as 10 mins to complete coz we syringe in really slowly each time, at the side of her mouth so she dun choke on it. and if she cries the whole hse down, take a break, come back to it later. hope this helps.

its a gd idea to get someone to come in service the aircon once every 3 mos. back home, hb will wash the filter every wk and service it once every few mos. both me &amp; hb have sinus, so my son has it too. the only hope is tt he might outgrow it when he's older, so keeping fingers crossed. RN has mild sinus too, but is better as compared to her brother.
sigh... we hv a air purifier tt was shipped over fr USA but hb spoilt sthg inside when he tried using it (think sthg was fused) and he haven got it fixed! white elephant nw!!!

The PD did tell us an air purifier helps abt 15%, chg their bedsheets wkly &amp; soaking it in hot water prior to washing oso helps. no soft toys, sun the pillows whenever possible... erm, tts abt all tt i can rem for now.

as for humdifier... i dun really use it now. lazy to refill water!!!

i am amazed at the things dre takes! RN is so spoilt when it comes to food. she needs the porridge to be cooked till its so nua then she will eat happily. else she will gag and not wanna eat anymore! tried a few times and she totally wasted my effort! sigh. i realised she likes food of finer texture still and cannot take it if its not nua or smooth enuff.

<font color="0000ff">MyGym Trial this Sun</font>
I vaguely rem some mommy gg to the trial this sunday? I am gg this sun for the 11.45am session. Anyone?
polliwogs > sorry babes, i gotta pull out. client arriving tom, will stay and bug me all weekend till tues for the pdt launch. you gals go ahead and enjoy..meet u all another time..sigh.

jRRt > RN will come round to it, u can always try after a few days' break...

glass > you gotta do what you gotta do. i am also the hard-hearted one when it comes to ensuring she takes her meds, probiotics etc. when she gets ill. but babies being babies..all's forgiven in no time at all! so don't fret too much. just work on getting elgin well and things should get better from there...

ting > do keep us updated abt KD...just went to see his pics on FB...i can't imagine him being sick and all! hope he gets well really, really quick!
Hey might nt be ane to join this Mon, my elder having fever, cough and running nose now. Don't think he can recover by Mon, scare he spread all the virus to the babies. So sian 
jRRt, yup, Shugar got it rite. I'm at the 11.45am trial. My hubby will be with her. Amelie should be in a red striped tee &amp; denim shorts so if you see us please identify yourself!

Porridge when sick: How come babies can't take porridge when they are sick/have fever? When I have fever my mother says can't take rice can only take porridge. And she didn't say that can't take porridge when A is sick leh. Then eat what?

Cheerios: I think A tried some at Petit Bowl but she is not fond of them. Too crunchy? She appears to prefer softer things like the puffs. And white bread instead of wholemeal. Sigh. The books say that babies have a clean palette but I don't find it so leh.
hi mummies,

i m looking for a gynae...
any recommendation for SGH gynae or pte gynae near sengkang?

pls PM me. Thanks in advance.
out of curiousity, since soursop is nutritious fruit. Can we feed soursop to baby? any concern? can't find much linkage/info on this.
sunnyling > wishing ziv a speedy recovery as well...take care of yourself too!

gal > was working the whole day - i am so -__-|||...tom, i will see u at mygym if u are going for the 2:30pm one. work's in the morning and i will hv to rush. monday cfm out for the afternoon.

funzee > going to miss u this round...one day sure enough, hope to meet A and u.
