(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

xoxo: hehehehhe :p
funzee... care to hang around tampines after your 11.45 session?
gal: I've given soursop to A before. Think no problem. She loved it, but maybe eat a bit too much and the stools were loose and she poo-ed quite a few times. Hahaha. After she tried soursop, she attempted to eat wet cotton balls during her bath cos they look alike. LOL.

I had the my gym trial today. Thanks xoxo for the trial! Think A was a little lost. She didn't like the tumbling down the slope (what do you call that?). She liked the swinging though.

Hope to see some of you tom at Polliwogs.
i was wif RN there lah! e crawling baby tt kept wandering ard to e slide n cldnt keep still? she wore brown top & pink shorts. i din expect it was r hb 2 join e class n sotong me kept thinkg ur baby's name is Elgin! argh!
RN loved e swing too! i was so tired aft e session!
my elder went 4 e session b4 ours @ 10.45am. my son enjoyed it v much!
but din sign up coz too faraway 4 us.

so tdy E enjoyed it?

tks 4 telling me abt funzee in same session wif me but i was so sotong!

hope u all hv great fun tmrw @ polliwogs!
shugar, lydia, xoxo,
sorry babes. couldn't hang around after class. was running solo with Princess' feeding time overdue by half hour. Her feeding time is normally around 3pm. that's why we are always rushing off in a huff. i know... we can bring the formula milk and feed there lah. but HB always say just go home since like 5 mins away, why pack all the extra barang right?

anyway you know i didn't realise i was quite peng san until i got home, changed, then realised my BRA was HALF WET LAH K!!! gross. i was obviously sweating buckets. but not as much as when i took her to city hall on my own. hahaha...

think traffic gonna be tricky today. anyways hopefully we will see more new faces today. its gonna be a bit iffy cos schedule is very erratic due to her reluctance to nap when we are home. so we try to wear her down. hopefully she kuai kuai naps after lunch today. SEE YA LATER!!!
jRRT: Yes, I suspected that might be you! Cos the other kids look older right? RN so cute! She's so active and crawling around. My hubby said your baby is very cute.
Yah, I also didn't sign up cos of the distance. Where do you stay?

Have you tried other gyms? I might want to try out others to see which to sign up.
Hi all, Happy National Day? How did the meetups go?

Now my boy got new drama. 2 days ago, he was playing in the room with my hubby looking after him, and yet he still managed to knock his head on the wall. Had to ice it and now there is a blueblack. Nearly freaked out and wanted to go A&E, but didn't.

Then yesterday, even more drama. He pooped, almost LS, in the morning. Then after I breastfed him, he pooped at least 4 more times in 2 hours.

Afraid of dehydration, we decided to go Mt A, but the 24-hr clinic was just GP, and there were a lot of people, so we got down and went back. Esp since he looked ok and had stopped LS-ing for more than an hour.

Then I breastfed him to sleep, and some time later, my hubby woke me up and said he found poo in the diaper.

This morning, I couldn't find the bottle of water, so I fed him because I was too lazy to get out of bed. He pooped again. That's when I finally put the link that it was my bm causing the diarrhoea. I think it could be the medicine I was taking as I did not tell the doc to give me bf friendly med. Anyway, I've since pumped out the milk to throw away, and I've finished my medicine, so I'll give it another day or two to let it out of my system.

Can't wait till tomorrow to go back to the pd.

And now, apart from my husband and I, my ILs are starting to feel a bit sick.

My son is still coughing, but quite infrequently, after I decided to sleep without the aircon.

Too bad we can't see the fireworks this year.
Harlow harlow! hippo reporting from the comfort of AC @ home. haha... while you guys still sweating @ polliwogs.

was great to meet so many mummies & babies today. hmmm... i think Min needs to learn how to socialise a lot more. btw, i keep thinking that there's another baby born on 10102009 besides Elias & Min right? but can't remember who.

aiya, i was waiting for belle! but Min really can't tahan already lah. you know like the half bar battery blinking before the phone KO? she was there already. KO in the car on the way home. YES! and she's down for her 3rd hour nap of the day.

bally is very active! have to get him teach min how to crawl. the princess not interested in crawling leh. always want to stand!

there was one mummy i wasn't sure who. baby Rachelle? harlow! *waves*

you look very familiar. like i know you from somewhere... like sec school or JC kind.

wonder when we all will meet again hor? wonder if there is a place that is more conducive for babies our age hor?
oh yah, Min thanks all the kind uncles and aunties who took photos of her cos her own mummy was a lazy bum bum. *straight faced*
Hihi! Me home too! Enjoying AC plus ice coke and Charlotte zz soundly now. I think the rest of the mummies and their little ones are enjoying now but polliwogs is really hot today! Maybe PH la..

Yeah... Hope to meet again. Sorry arr... Couldn't stay any longer as C was fussing since she had no nap since morn. Next tm I make sure I won't tell her she's mtg her friends so she won't get so excited and refused to nap. Haha..

Happy national day!

Glass: Hope Elgin is ok! And whatever virus in the house shoo shoo away...
Dear mummies, it has been a great meet up! Hi Hippo, I'm Serene, seldom post online but have been a dedicated follower of this thread and have learnt loads from u ladies! Thanks! My Baby Richelle is totally exhausted and is still napping though it's supposed to be her fave meal time!?! Haha, I bet she enjoyed herself! Hope to meet up with u all again! Thanks Astro for the invitation!
yohoo.. hahaa. we all need aircon desperately dun we?!

wah liew.. never felt so warm before :p but i think it is the sweltering hot weather today. coz i went to waraku .. wah liew.. my sis was complaining aircon not on. the manager just eh eh.. hahah. i told her dun make things difficult for pple lha.. it is the weather outside.. not pple aircon spoilt.. :p

hippo: Finally get to meet Dainty Min! ya. Bally is active.. if u attempt to carry him sitting down.. he squirms and rolls and turns.. can break ur wrists kind with his strength..
so u see.. i let him be.. let him roam :S
but i am glad.. coz teng was immobile half his infant life! :S
eh.. Dainty Min is showing signs of crawling wor.. coz she is lifting her bum and to reach forward.. encourage her to reach for a toy (try a ball?) placed in front of her.. or rolled away from her.. and if she eh eh.. DUN pick her up.. :p
i think she is that kind. crawl for a while nia.. will pull up to stand and stand walking liao kind..

serene: you are welcome
Richelle is.. solid. ehehee. bally and her same weight but she is sooo chubby looking lor! darn cute! and you have such sweet dimples

i think i had a good time.. :p bally.. eh. i dunno about him.. he fussing wor.. ha.. think scared by so many girls? my bao running all over the play scape.. wah.. then i telll miser.. these oct mummies energetic.. bring BABIES up the playscape and play with them ah! (elias, matthais,kaylyn, isabelle etc).. wah. astro old liao .. poor bally.. hahah.. he has got a lazy mama.. :p

ting: now i know why i like kd soooo much. coz i love his eyes.. and his round head.. :p
my bally not as pretty as KD :p

candy_white: charlotte got too excited and didn't sleep? :p

cat: ur girl.. very steady leh.. bally senses she cannot be messed with.. see how far he crawls away from her? :p

funzee: amelie is cute!.. indeed looks chubby :p

hippo: not a problem. now starting term hols for astro.. kekekekeke.. sure arrange another one! this time.. must sycronise.. weekday.. u take leave.. i take leave.. we bring min and i do my invite whole gang from facebook and monopolise polliwogs again! :p

it was so nice seeing all of you

glass: wishing elgin speedy recovery!
Hi all, nice meet up at polliwogs. Glad to finally meet some of you and the babes in person. Amelie had fun too!

Hippo: ok, we can exchange our past schools via PM and see if we have some history, LOL! Or add me to your FB, and you'll find out! [email protected]

Thanks so much for the invite Astro. Hope to be able to interact with Bally next time!
Hey! It was fun meeting the mums and babes today! For some, I could finally put a face to the nick!

Paisay if my kayzilla frightened any of the babes. Think she really enjoyed herself today meeting frens her age. And astro, think she has a crush on you n of course, ur cam! Thanks for organizing and being the official pg of the event.

Anyway I wasn't as lucky when it came to ko-ed babies! Kayzilla din seem get enough of the climbing and crawling! She din ko as we initially expected on our way to jurong west. Neither did she ko at my ILs. She continued her polliwogs there! Only now, on the way back then she started her snoring in the car! Hahahhaa..

Can't wait for the next playmate again! Hopefully soon!!!!
Oops! Typo! Playdate not playmate! Astro, no forget me too! I can sneak out in afternoons one!

Glass: keep us updated on Elgin k. Hope he gets well soon! U take care too!
Funzee: yeap. bally sot today! ha..

Tien: playmate, playdate no difference! Kay will be getting both soon! :p
me official pg? goodness.. miser has a sophiscated DSLR and I am just using it as a point and shoot! hahaha..
and ya.. let me go and take a look at my calendar for sept.. and plan a gathering again.. how about it? polliwogs again? Bao loves it wor! hahahah.. how about 3rd sept, friday?

anyone.. on? :p

Playdate 2
When: 3 Sept, Friday, 3 - 6pm
Where: Polliwogs

1. astro
2. Hippo??
3. Tien??

Astro sot liao :p

btw.. mummies.. when i am done doing some simple cropping to the photos. i upload ot the event album on facebook hor.. eh.. u all wanna me to pixelate ur faces? :p
oooooo!! happy national day!!

hahaha how did the playdate go ? good?

Shugar and I was enjoying AC at the hotel while waiting for the fireworks! hahaha.. brought the babes to swim at the pool too..

had a great time hehe. that's is why we didnt turn up for the playdate. Next time k? :p

Finally Charlotte and Samuel both watched the fireworks! hahaha.. the stupid F15 jet was horrible. So loud and sam was so afraid lol. can feel the glass door trembling.

ahh i'm so tired..
gotta sleep early tonight.
Hello all!!

I was at polliwogs too! The latest to go in at 5+. I went T3 in the afternoon first then to east coast for stroll. I met astro(outside), cammie, gal^, annette and one more lady but I dunno her nick. Hehe. It feels good to be able to put a face to a name.

Regards kd illness:
Kd recovered from his illness last week. I was ks and brought him bk to see the pd on sat cos I tot he had asthma or something. But his lungs were clear and perfectly all right la, the pd said like adults, coughing will take it's time to cease. Also coughing and phlegm is a body natural way of bringin out the dirt inside. But KD still has a sore throat lo. No wonder he didn't have appetite cos must b painful to swallow. Lol. There is no medicine for babies for sore throat too. And below one yr can't feed honey. So I gave him a lil hot lemon tea. :p I am very kiasu cos I also scrambled to buy an air purifier cos kd's Like mommy, very sensitive. I want to prevent him for getting worse as 7th mth is here!! Plus kd coughed badly at home cos our estate is painting. Even when I close my windows he still cough so I am so glad I got the purifier. I got sharp plasmacluster too and I realise it does it's job well!

Glass: I hope ur bb is fine! Do take care and try to "separate" Elgin from those feelin unwell. Lesson I learnt in may when KD was sick for first time, the virus and germs passed from unwell adults more vicious than those pass by other kids. Hope ur bb gets well soon!!
polliwogs is under-standard today i feel la.. maybe coz too many rowdy kids and inconsiderate parents already.. and very humid, dunno is due to the weather or the ventilation.. the first impression was much better lo..

astro, next playdate can dun make it on a friday? i cant take leave leh...
and today you left before i could play with bao and bally la!

hippo>> belle sleeping in the car la.. i din get to carry min!!! boohoo.. my hubby says min is sooooooo girl..

funzee>> i din catch your name! i was smitten by amelie! she's really such a sweetie! and she sure is patriotic ya! hehehe.. we should have a dress code and let the babies wear red and white!
Ting: next time u got to come in earlier for me to admire KD .. he is really cute.. :p

mie: ha.. well.. can't be avoided i feel coz it is a ph.. actually the fact that it is a PH.. i am quite suprised it is still manageable! maybe i have seen more crowded places.. :p
when are you free? i chose friday coz long holidays? and also .. that day bao's cc off. so perfect time for me to bring him there!
Uh... Sigh... Something new fm my mil again. I can't just tell her she is noisy de right. But she is really damn noisy. Hmm, KD's bdae I will invite some of u to witness ok?! *roll my eyes* so, new fm her today when I change KD's diaper bcos he pooed and she suddenly goes...... Gu gu jiao lei? Gu gu jiao zai na li (where is it?) zai na li? Gu gu jiao.. Gu gu jiao... Gu gu jiao... Zai na li? (raps on......) WAH LAO EH! I really amazed by her actions and ya, I think she is abit 低俗 to say some things. No, I dun intend to teach my son gu gu jiao thank you. Hb thinks teach Xiao di di better. My god. And she can rap that too. Amazed!!!!

And there is another thing I must bitch about! I hate her to come into my room de lei. How to stop her ah? I already nv talk to her, nv look at her while she talks to my son or talk to me thru my son Liao. But she really damn thick skin. And I can't stop her too. Just tat she is so extreme till I DON'T LIKE and CAN'T STAND. I fed KD his antibiotic and naturally he doesn't want to take at all so I force down his throat and he surely will cry and whine de lo. Mil keep saying I can do another way etc and I told her I did tat before Liao and he is very smart will split out etc. And then she keep saying so I said it's like this de la. And then!!! She told my boy in mandarin: bad people bad people feed u medicine. Beat them beat them. Bad people. Yuck. So difficult to eat. Feed you. Bad people.

I replied her: who are y referring to? She said no. She point to the air and said she saying nobody but just pacify him. So I said hmm... Don't teach him that. Wat bad people? Taking med is for his own good and he needs to get better. He need to understand what it's for.

I really cannot tahan her! I really dun see y I shld give face at all shld just close the door all the time. U know few days bk, fil was talkin to hb abt kd's illness and I wanted to add on to like what happened etc and my fil asked me to go back to my room?! Like he dun wan to talk to me and he wants to teach his son what to do lo. Really, if he is so good at teaching his son, then probably I wun be suffering so much today Liao.

Damn angry!
Astro: I know Liao!! I think kd and teng's eyes similar!! I kept having this feelin when kd grows up he will look like Teng so when I see ur fb pics I damn excited of kd's growing up cos I think he will look that damn cute and memerizing too!!!
Astro: Ya... Charlotte din want to nap before we brought her to polliwogs... Not sure if it's bcos I told her we were be going there to play and she was so happy and excited after that... Then plus the hot weather and poor ventilation... she fuss more lo... Next time when not public hol maybe better. Im fine with 3 Sept tentatively.
Hope to see you all again.

Ting: Din manage to catch up with you but glad that KD is well and fine!

I have been waiting for C to be able to pull herself to stand for some time and surprisingly, after her evening nap, she pulled herself up and stood quite steadily and gave us her cutest smile when we saw that... Hmm.. National Day... so Stand Up for Singapore?? I got C to observe Kaelyn standing and walking at polliwogs... and think leading by example really helps... Was it astro who came up with this theory? Lol..
Ting: any chance you all shifting out?

mie: suggest a date if you can't make it?
there are a few days in sept and aug that i cannot make it.. but other then that.. i shd be fine. which are the days you could take leave on?

for weekends.. can only do sunday afternoons.. coz packed with classes for the boys liao..
candy_white: i didn't come up with the theory but kids learn well by imitating

for bally, he was much much faster than bao.. coz he got bao to imitate.. so comparing to bao he acomplished his milestones 2-3 mths faster than his bro!
then my other thread. said bao eats a lot.. and sometimes when we have outings. they wld ask their kids to look at bao eat.. haha. then the kids also eat a lot! monkey see omnkey do!
congrats on Charlotte pulling up to stand! stand up for singapore indeed!

ting: kekekeek. maybe.. bao's eyes pretty.. bally is boyish.. sometimes i find teng quite gay looking.. ops :p
kd is CUTE ok.. i like his round head :p
so so cute..

my boys knocked out liao.. but the mama still buzzing from the excitement! haiz. if only i was still in MOE.. tomorrow will be day off.. then u see me heading to polliwogs or wherever again.. haiz.. hahahah..
I will be interested in the next playdate too! By the way, it's our first time at polliwog but jurong safra has something similar and is WAY bigger than that wor. I think abt 4 to 6 stories high. Do u wanna try that? Lol.

And I agree. Now I feel damn tired. Seems like I m the one plain at polliwog instead. And kd had a good time!
hippo: rochester playhouse is quite ok.. but the food is lousy.. :p
then on weekends it gets very dirty :p but i think the ambience.. and the 'pace' more suitable for bbs
i shd ask bao to sit and stand. crawl and walk.. and run and jump.. in front of all our bbs.. hahahhaah.. then all of the bbs can imitate.. and bao can slim down further! GREAT idea! whahahahah :p
i rem ur Amelie and my RN played in the ball pit yesterday! coz the 2 girls were playing and ur hb asked me how many mths was RN, then he said A is 10 mos old!

Ur A got alot of hair and she's v cute too!

Wah this RN made me v tired after class leh! I stay in queenstown... this was the 1st gym i brought RN to.... and i've decided probably not a gd time to sign her up yet coz she cant keep still in class and wanders ard! but i know gotta give her a few more sessions to settle down.
yes u shld try out a few 1st then decide which one.
my son went crazy there! he loves it so much!

RE: Playdate
Wow... u mummies & babies had so much fun tdy! I was half dead fr the zoo tdy!

I am keen on the next playdate too! But wkdays means i got no "chauffeur" and gotta cab so far to polliwogs! but ok lah, u mummies decide and hope both RN & I can go this time!
astro>> im like replying you double.. here and in fb.. lol
weekends are preferred for me la..

ting, tell me about MILs! i cant stand mine too!!! roar!!! thank goodness i dun stay with her, but putting up with her nonsense on a once a week basis is driving me crazy.
Wah, this Kids Amaze sure look interesting! I want to go!!

Hi Mummies!
Your meet up sound so fun!! I'm a bit jealous that I didn't get to join -_- Sent my handphone for servicing and thus didn't follow this thread and facebook for the past week. I'm also recovering from cough, don't think it's good to join.

And I had to pass for the upcoming playdate too! Cos we are going away during that week. Gosh, I sound so anti-social now.

Hope all the little ones will get well soon!
think 3rd sept not so suitable. coz that involves taking off for the working mothers lah.. not everyone has the luxury to weekdays gatherings :S

mie: ha.. ya.. so cld we do sundays after 3.30pm?

Ya! Kids amaze! Is damn cool cos big! But I not too sure if I can climb that high or not too.

Ya moving out, but our new flat only ready in 2013 sep earliest. When I think abt kd will be 4 by then I feel so depressed. He will be older than ur bao now. Sorry I mixed up. Bao is nickname for Teng right? Teng is not Bally right?

Wah Lao...... I damn sad cos I am staying with my mil leh and everyday is like rushin faster eat dinner and take watever I need n go bk into the room before she comes home. Nowadays she dun knock on our door already. Super seldom. Cos hb oso dun wan To go out of the rm. When I hungry at night I will plead w him to help me go kitchen take bread in and he will tell me FASTER GO SLEEP AND U WUN FEEL HUNGRY LIAO. Sobs

So wkends I cfm go out de. No where to go I loiter imm, ikea or whatsoever. Or I go bk my parents Pl. So, pls date me on wkends to pull me fm my suffering ok?! Haha
astro>> ok la.. sunday 330pm lo..

and yes, im gg to find some sat and sun classes for belle so that i can totally avoid gg to the dreaded place.. but doubt my hubby is gg to agree. damn.
Ting: bally goes to Little Gym.. erm. that is no free trial for this class. and no free play.. eh. coz the concept is quite different from gymboree and mygym. i tried all three.. and decided to stick to little gym

for the following reasons:
1. there is room for growth. right up to 6 years of age for karate, developmental gymnastics etc.
2. I find them professional, speaks good lang.. and very caring.. They love teng.. coz all along teng was reluctant to go into his independent classes.. i was there like for god know how long!.. then just two weeks ago.. we made up our mind. ditched teng there.. and one of the teachers looked after him.. he was running out of the room.. creating a din screaming. .but the teacher (teacher gerry) assured him.. and so.. i attribute teng today going about by himself because of little gym's caring staff

3. i like the pretend play part.. many interesting make belief stories which the instructor will tell.. to engage the kids around the obstacles course (proper gymnastic obstacles) like pirates ah. etc

4. it is quite interesting. coz there is infinite things you can do with the gyms obstacles.. like the high beam..ramps. etc.. but not like gymboree after a while.. really nothing much to play with.. so in the sense..

i am looking at progression. and i think mygm and little gym offers that..

Little gym has trial at $40 :p
u all wanna go..? i must first clarify. little gym is expensive

and cammie.. got a section for 10 mths (max) on sats afternoons at little gym at forum orchard! :p

but haiz.. bally turning 10mths liao.. so need to move up to next one.. but no sats leh. hmm .u wanna me to check out if marina sq got sat slots.. then let u all know and you all consider lah..

more info and activities done at little gym.. pls look at my fm for bally.. the second one :p
and the website.
(they got outlets all over the world)..
mie: must negiotiate.. visit fortnightly :p

ting: that kids amaze seems much cheaper for safra members.. but miser not!
and for kids above 2 years old it is $15 per hour! wah!.. ok lah. for the fun of it.. :S
I was about toe raise my hand high high for 3rd Sept! Think I will like Polliwogs better on weekday especially my poor Kayzilla kena slapped by some ill-mannered boy. Hee hee....thank goodness her spirits were not spoilt by that! And thank goodness, that boy;s daddy was the well-mannered type.

Anyway, just let me know the playdate details. Will try to make it cos the company was gooooooood!

Talking about babies imitating! It's so right! I think this Kayzilla saw other babies or toddlers climbing up the stairs and she started doing it on her own at the ball pit side just now...it's so out of nowhere! Hahahaha....but then she stop short at jumping into the ball pit...she really hates ball pits.

Astro: No need to pixelate the pics! Just been to o some editing of the fat arms and thighs ahahhaha....anyway I realised that this Kayzilla is doing that 'sour smile' in front of Dslrs! My sister tried on her just now and she did it again!

Ting: Hmmm think the relationship bet you and ILs seem to be worsening. Have you spoken to your hb about any chance of moving out. It's might just get worse....
tien: wah .trim fats.. that one beyond me.. pixelate yesterday i just learned. so i dunn need to ask miser to do it for me.. hahahaa.. ops :p
yalor. what's wrong with that boy?! gosh.. and i was like 'no slap!'.. sot one that boy.. ya heng that foreigner graciously scold his boy also..

hhhaahaa.. sour smile.. i saw a few dun have one.. let me have til the week end to upload.. rushing work now.. ops.. bad time management astro!
I wished I was there for all the fun!!! ARGHHH!!!!

**full sulk** first i got slapped with work on a PH..missed the polliwogs and the "room-with-a-view" big time! arrghhh!!

next, came back to news flash alert. Dre is down with diarrhea. Pooped loose/watery stools six times in total and has been extremely grouchy today. Thing is, we cannot quite ascertain what is the cause of her poop!?! And she has been yelping (as if in pain) at intervals..so I really don't know what's up!

Teething? Hmm..but she spat up twice too..and checked her gums - still toothless, pink and it doesn't look like any pearlie is coming thru'...

Viral/Bacterial infection? No fever, no cough, nothing.. :s

Plus, Ms Grouch-With-Diarrhea has taken some really bad falls today. Gei Kiang - trying to walk backwards and run..and her puking came after one very nasty fall backwards.. argh...i can't quite straighten my paranoia now..u know - falling and puking as a set isn't a good thing!

Glass > You gg to Mt A tomorrow? If you are..I might just be there...her fontanelle is a little depressed!?! Drama here as well
astro > She is latching but she cries out in pain intermittently. Just only - she woke again to yelp (but her crying is weaker now), loose stool AGAIN! Haiz..should I just wait till morning or does this warrant a call to Dr TT? Yep, the top of her head, feels depressed..like sunken in...
Astro: Take your time to upload the pics! No hurry lah....go finish the work! *know how to say others but not myself*

Xoxo: Diarrhoea before the appearance of pearlie coming through is possible. Don't be surprised that it could really be teething! Kay has been doing her rounds of diarrhoea these couple of days too. But then 6 times in total seem too much...it could be the crazy gastric flu flying around. Been hearing many cases already...And please dun give yourself too much stress ok. The puking may not be related to the fall. Just monitor...Hope Dre will be alright soon...Keep us updated.
Who was the one who said mummy excited? I think i was too! Couldnt sleep then kept waking up thru out the night.

too bad didnt get to meet u n KD. I like what u said abt the MIL "di su". Hahahahaha... But i find myself laughing cos my own mum likes to make funny noises to Min as well. Haha... See thats the thing rite? My mum do i think its endearing. MIL do i just cringe. But MIL likes to make very irritating loud noises like use the hanger to hit against window grill, knock her keys against the door. I just cringe w straight face only.

Keep asking me "fed porridge liao?" actually i purposely dont want lor! Anyways i feel like Min will have her whole life to eat porridge so i just continue w brown rice cereal w puree.

i liked belle's outfit lor! Hehe... She does NOT look like a boy lah. Her features so dainty how to be a boy? :9

bao is tall! And very hamsem indeed lor!
and no miser doesnt look like ET k?! :pPP

re: next playdate
since little gym sounds so good, how abt we find one like in marina sq where its quite central, and try n customise one class for us all?

Personally i found polliwogs too rowdy w dangerous older kids jumping around. Not to mention that brat that slapped kayzilla. Luckily his father taught him some manners there or i would have!!! *hmph*

xoxo, glass,
hope ur bbs are ok and is just diarrhoea and nothing else...

My cheeky monkey KO on the way back, but was a happy baby thru out and slept so soundly at abt 8-ish.

Oh btw, u guys know what? Min may really not learn how to crawl properly afterall. Cos her dad n uncles all didnt know how to crawl. They went straight to standing n walking.

Of cos her dad's like "my Min only need to know how to RUN. Who needs to know how to crawl rite". Wah quite AH Q lor!

Amelie very cute leh. She's also daddy's girl hor? So how's your back recovering? I feel like i know what u r gg thru cos i had lower back pain for many years. Even now still. Thats why i must try to make my weekly pilates class or i will be in pain. Sigh...

bb Kaelyn has quite thunderous thighs eh? Her eyes so round lah. Shes like so cool abt everything.

Eh mummies,
nowadays im not motivated to go to work leh. How ah? I hve been sitting at cafe for 45mins oredy. Normally im raring to go at 8am. ... Sigh... Have to go up oredy...
