(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

Py: bringing in both!
hippo: yup I noted yr order!
Okies i'm gng to place order for our swimsuits already!

vin: oh no.. then how? u going to get the pump fixed else i cannot imagine the engorgement lei.. :S
every morning.. i will make sure my pump is in my bag! other things ok.. this basic need must be taken care off.. else die of pain!
xoxo: i was reading ur post that u are considering hiring a dh now. good to read what u want ur dh to be doing because then u know how to form up ur citerion for selection. Cld i get u to also adding a pt in ur criterions -- good with children? for the simple reason is anyone can do cooking and cleaning but not all maids are gd with children. Understand that she isn't tasked with taking care of Dre but it is good to get this covered else hor.. shd u and SF need to leave Dre for a while with her, she doesn't know what to do with children?

erm.. as for crying over children hor.. imho.. even single maids will do so.. it is home sickness lah.. though married with kids maids will cry more but single maids SEEMEd to have 'less' liabilities therefore their need to work harder seem smaller? then hor need to worry if they getting bfs etc lah. u get my drift...

my current helper. widowed with three kids . bb sitter in philipines. good with children and takes intiative.. cleanliness is good cooking acceptable. good thing her english not too bad.. so shd i feel i wnt a change in food, i just buy her recipes book to cook! :p she's a good help.. else miser and i can't even go out last night wor.. ha!
miser is actually keen in having a third child! ha. i thought he wun cause of the cost and energy to have one more. plus the nonsense and 'abuse' i throwing him when my hormones swing..ha.. dunno why i asked him lah. just asked. ha! then he said 'good if a girl'.. i followed up' what if a boy again?' .. he replied.. 'then we faint lor'.. ha. i find the reply so funny :p

ops.. am i the only one spamming the forum now?:p
Astro: beanies no need to pre-order... I'll let u all know once stocks are in!

Hahahhaha... try for girl? :p hmm, might be nice if teng n bally can have a lil' mie mie to dote on!

Me also scare that if try for 3rd one, boy again I sure faint. Cannot imagine 3 boys running around the house super noisy sure. So me and hubby decide to close factory....
mylvera: VERY funny.. hahaha

Sunnyling: i was telling my other thread if i have three boys in a row.. knowing me, i will try again for a girl. if STILL gene four boys.. then i think really can open shop and help pple predict numbers for toto, 4d andlottery liao!
btw.. how shd we calculate the probability of getting 4 boys in one go ah? shd it be 50%? or= .5x.5x.5x.5 ah? ha!

oh btw ladies, this is the present i bought for myself for my 30th bday yesterday--> A new baby

Bald-ly Bally


Shugar: i dount teng would make a good brother wor.. u know what he did? when yh is done with the shaving hor.. teng LAUGHED at him leh! coz teng says he looks funny... 'didi no hair'.. wah liew.. such a meanie this teng! :p he was never shaved before mah :p
shugar: coz Bally told me he must do something to be more 'matchable' to Angel! hahaha.. so can Bally be one of Sam's boyfrens now? *winks* wahahhahaha.. this sounds so wrong.. whahahhaha...
bally's hair was so uneven.. falling off in great amounts at some parts! :S i find him cuter with hair.. i told miser yesterday night. i am regretting my decision to shave yh lei.. he doesn't look as cute botak :S haiz..
my boy also same same here not finishing his milk.. same he did not demand for milk but every 4hours i will just give him..

astro: bally has become ming fu qi shi bally.. :D

went to the toy sale on sat, manage to get one toy for my boy, according to the staff there they will be new toys as and when. other than that also went to taka fair, am thought of getting the avent grinder, that can steam and grind.
PY: i am right.. i went to ur webpage.. cld u pls tell me how am i going to be able to put on anyone of those for bally ah? :p:p:p
the market for boys is just as POWERFUL wor.. :p:p Shugar will know..soon.... whahahhaha :p
BabyMax:ya im giving them till today.Guess they are having hard time to justify, coz if they ahve black n white not to renew my contract,wont take them so long haha.Guess they are stunned to have me(troublemaker) in this institution as well, usually other will just go:p

Haha rephrase not sahm:p my mum still take care of M and im gog to do watever i like as b4, freelance here and there and tuitioning, gog back to my carefree life ahha coz i grumble to hb that i LOST*** alot by marrying him beside gaining my little prince:p

Shugar: any for boiboi one?For beanies i saw one with aeroplane one, u selling?Shugar now i agreed with u this line is hard and competitive manz, esp witht he shippign charge.

PY: u shd try bring in boiboi shoe as well hehe,get from u when M need it at later stage.

All mommies: Just bargain with my supplier and she managed to give me more discount. Pricing revised for my preorder items,do let me know if any u keen wo.Those who placed your order, i will refund u teh difference ye
Bringing in Osh Kosh dresses next round, boi clothing are just limited haiz

Astro: wa bally rounder then M!!!! Whats his wt & ht now?
Thanks Candy_white. I felt so relieved hearing all your experiences. It can be so terribly stressful handling our first baby. I now let him dictates. But he still only drink his milk sleeping (i.e. dreamfeed). But guess its better than not drinking any milk.

Wah...looks like I'm a junior mummy. Only #1 baby and thinking of closing factory already!!!
bbseed>> really got new toys ah? oh no.. i think at the rate im going, i need to rent a warehouse storage area to hold all my loots!
astro: hahahaha.. my supplier dun make boy design leh.. but i can find photo for him to go make but MOQ 50.. i scare cant sell =x coz parents will tend to spend more on baby girls HAHA! just like us
mie: yap, according to the uncle working there.. coz i saw them unloading some toys, initially tot thet are topping up stock for the current item until the uncle say its new and as and when they will load new things...
saw ur clip, can see belle is enjoying her cereal alot and her smiling face... so sweet!!!! and happen to see ur background of the video i was like "wah so many things"... :D
but most of items are for 12mths and above..
bbseed>> ok, i tink im gg down tmr again.. someone shoot me pls, before my mum slaughters me alive. but i cant stop buying!

oops.. hahaha
and yesterday my eldest sister just passed me her high chair.. i bought a 12M+ music chair at the whse sale, i've put that into the store room first, i dun dare to assemble that.. 12mths is another 5 to 6 months away only leh, can buy first..

my mum says she gg to evict me out of the house if i continue buying..
u watsapp me ok then i can see hahaha but if got the grand piano can help me buy ?! and the caterpillar!!! =x

my hb gonna kill me too lah
mie> guess what i think i'm waiting for my mil to say us too. always have new cartons or boxes when we come back from shopping. esp during the weekends! wahahaha..

we took down the sarong liao.. make space for the exersauer.. but charlotte still cant really sit that yet.. hahahaha but the store is too small .. so got 2 cartons in the living room now.. the play yard and the exersaucer LOL!!
It normal to buy alot of toys for your first kids. I buy alot for my first boy also until my living and bedroom all full of his toys. All my relative and friends come keep say that I got too many toys at home. But now the 2nd one I really seldom buy. Think Rhys only got 3-4 toys nia, very ke lian.
PY>> i din even have space to set up the sarong yao lan! hahahaha already banish that into the storeroom already..
can set up the exersaucer already la! charlotte should be able to sit in it by now..
my living room has a toy chest, a jumperoo, an exersaucer, a play gym, a bouncer, a high chair and the bumbo, plus my old piano, a computer table and sofa and 2 small seaters and coffee table. almost no place to stand already! hahaha

sunnyling>> its ok when you're staying on ur own.. PY and I, we stay with our ILs and parents.. so we are like 'under pple's roofs'..
haha and u know what.. the layout of the living room is like the sofa and the tv is like one end to the other end.. so only the middle got space for those toys.. so i was telling wee that next time we watch tv, sure kena blocked

he said the sofa nobody sit also lol only meant for guests lol dunno why the family like to sit on the floor so much LOL
Hi all - need advice again. Sorry to be flooding this forum with questions. My son is currently like this

6.30am/7am : Wake. Try feeding. Takes 30ml to 60ml tops.
7am to 8am : bring for a walk in garden.
8am : try feeding cereal. will take some if lucky.
8.30am : wash up, nap
9.45am/10am : Wake, try feeding. Takes 10ml tops. Fight really badly.
11.00am : Try feeding. Has to wait until sleeping. maybe can feed 90ml tops.
11.15am to 12.45pm : nap
12.45pm : wakes. try feeding. refuse.
1pm to 3pm : play, walk, try feeding cereals, Bath.
3.15pm to 4.15pm : nap During this time, will try to dreamfeed him and he will drink quite well. 150ml
4.15pm to 6.30pm : play, walk, try cereals. Then wash up. Then will fight bedtime until 7.30pm.
10.30pm : Feed

Should I be doing something different??? Its rather exhausting trying to think when he is going to drink.

I am staying with IL. Been staying with them since marry. But the hse belong to hubby and me so they will not make noise. Cos is my house
hahahaha, Mie2 I totally agreed wif ya!

am living wif my parents too. When the moment i told my mum i send my hubby to go n check out the jumperoo, high chair, n etc etc at dat warehouse sale. She said SHOOOOOOO... stop buying already! The whole house is full of bb's toys! n she is not even 6 months old yet!!! haiz...

I have been dreamfeed my boy since 2 - 3 weeks ago. If he is awake he will not take in any milk. So I usually will make him sleep and feed him. I know is not a good habbit but I am glad as long as he drink so dun care good or bad habbit. Havent start him on cereal yet, thinking of start this weekend.
sunnyling>> got difference when the title deed states your own name right?
me got no say, coz doesnt belong to me! and my mum is a super nagger!
astro> something like this? hehehehe

mie> nice ? hehehehe found this when sourcing for more suppliers but MOQ 1000!!!

my supplier can make this for me! moq 50! :D


Yes got different that is the reason I insist to buy new house instead of just move in back to his old house. My IL will not nag but my hubby will keep nag whenever I buy new toys for my kids. Waste $ lah no space lah etc etc etc.
i googled it one.. searched for crochet booties and alot of pretty booties! hahahaa i dun mind bringing in for boys if there's demand lah..

i can just show the pic to my supplier and he can make for me. MOQ 50 lor. hehe
me 3, I also dreamfeed my ger for her last nite feeding b4 sleep or when she never finish up her milk
i told my helper, breastmilk is precious! hv to finish it =x

no intention at all, free for everthing... even the helper :p am lucky enuff to stay wif my own parents but not my IL =x they nag, but i still get my way around it
U all complaining the baby not drinking... I want to complain that Angel is so loaded with milk! I wonder if she's ever going to have wings, can she fly... Her thighs r so huge now my sis said she's not proportionate.
Astro: bally no nerd to shave to match up w angel. They r really matchmake in heaven liao..

Duracell Loke : yeah...me 4 weeks ago was scared that Max is overfeeding...then as if kenah jinxed. Now he don't feed. Previously he will wake and scream for his milk, now he will wake (still scream) but will scream his little head off if I try to feed him!!
