(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

Babymax/loke: shd try feed as much as they can drink dun need worry bb fatfat coz when they start teething will lose weight ma.

astro : hekeke.. E joining bally....the botak gang :p I just shaved him last sat.
not much difference for E since he not much hair :p
hehe...good excuse to wear cute beanies and hat

eh...can someone sell baby boy sneakers? pleasee??? :p
Astro >> wow! Hehe bally really bally Liao! But dun worry. Shave Liao also grow very fast de. Haha. I like what loke said. That angel and bally matchmake in heaven Liao.

Toys Warehouse sale >>
I have to admit me and hubby damn Bo Liao. we went 3 times Liao. He went to the sale last fri and bought alot of toys for our bb. Then on sat my cousin whose bb arriving soon wanted to go, so we accompanied them there and looted many stuffs again!! Today we went back there to exchange one of the toys as it's spoilt. And I realised that goods really get sold out really fast. My hubby saw the swing and slide on fri, sat when we went there sold out Liao. And many other things he bought the day before already dun have Liao. Anyway today I see got two new toys which is the fisherprice truck and hotwheels lo. The lady said might have new toys as and when de. But how to go everyday?? :s

anyway I am impressed by hubby. First time see him so ONZ for baby stuffs. and for this very reason, we CONFIRM will go back again cos we want to buy the swing and slide!!!

Mie!! >>
I very impressed with your living room and your mum's patience!! Wahahah

boys stuffs >>
ya!! Boys stuffs please!! I also want!!

number of children >>
I wan to be a sahm leh. I really feel like being there to watch my boy grow up especially when he really attched to me. I do feel as if I can take care alot better than any one else lo. . But now seem to be a little impossible. I am going back to work for another 2 to 3 years and when my flat is ready then probably I will sah to look after Kyle myself. And thus if I am going to sah, then must well have 3 kids la. It make economical sense to quit a job because need to look after more children Cos send to childcare too ex!!. Haha. But then again, I am staying with my in laws now. I super PHOBIA to go thru everything (conflicts with in laws) again with my 2nd child?? I can't imagine if few yrs later the forgotten abt breastfeeding needs privacy and walked in on me again etc! Plus I scare they "take" one of my child away from me by saying cos I need to look after the other. I damn possessive de lo!

Curious, can I ask the mummies who have 2nd child here, r u able to love the 2nd one as much as u love the first?? I dunno leh, now I feel I love Kyle SO MUCH I can't visualize myself loving another baby of mine. Haha. Think I will be the a little biase kind. Haha.
annette: i just make 200ml of milk at every feed now... sometimes feed until not enough.. then sometimes take in only 60 to 90ml.. ??!! loads of wastage. on top of fm feeds, i still latch her leh! comfort latch also got milk go into the tummy one lor. sometimes my b so full.. she also gobble everything down.. i think she drinks more than a litre a day..
hi bbseed. U mention u giving your boy every 4hr. How much is he drinking now? When is his last feed ?

I m jus curious. Cos i m currently giving every 3 to 4 hrs and only 130ml (which most of the time will hv leftover abt 10-30ml each time).

I use to wonder whether I will love my #2 as much as #1 but you will be suprise that you will love your #2 so much that sometime I feel guilty that I neglect my #1. So I try way to make up for my #1 as I really spend alot of my now with my baby.

Seem like alot of mummies same as me got the problem with the baby rejecting milk.
mie: u better still can put in living room, if i buy gotta put in my room (staying with IL). and furthermore going to move hse in another month's time.. so even though only got like 5 to 6 mths also dun dare to buy..

PY: the boy bootie is cute.. like it..

ting: you power went 3 times.. actually i also quite tempted to go again but current place no room for me to keep my things and will be moving hse soon.. control control control.. :p

vankel: my boy's currently drinking 150ml, sometimes he will only drink half so as what shugar mention will play with him awhile thn continue.. no matter he asking for milk or not once reach 4hrs i will juz feed him..
ting>> i have the same sentiments! i tell pple that i cannot imagine having another baby coz i dunno how to love the second child as much as i love Isabelle now. and im also afraid that i will be very bias..

wow you wanna buy the swing and slide set! your house must be damn big! i wish i have that amount of space too.. heehee

bbseed>> my room got no space already and im taking the masterbed room leh..
Hi Mummies,

Hope me not too late, My second bb boy- Jotika borned in Oct 6 2009 ( a surprise home birth) and I'm a working mum.

mie: your room no space still got living room.. my room no space that's it.. cannot touch the living room and store room.. but staying with parents is better than with ILs, parents will close one eye and just nag only..
Kat: hi! and I see that you also posted in my other thread! ha.. my elder son is also in that thread, his name is Teng or rayner or Bao

my younger boy, Rayan or YH or Bally. recently i have started to call him little monk!

Vankel: I'm also giving my girl 130ml each feed. Usually at 3.5 to 4hr interval, if she's awake i just feed. But sometimes can stretch to 5hr if she's still sleeping at feeding time. Have you started on cereal? I think I will start next week after her last 6-in-1 jab this coming sat.
wow katherine! home birth!! kudos! must be very dramatic.

mie, my il stay in a hudc, which is quite big. and we had the masterbed room too. the masterbed room is very big, like my parents's 4 room flat's living room like that. i gonna stay here for 3 more yrs leh.. and is only grandson now, so they will probably just nag. and then we will just reply them we love the baby ma! (use their own excuse!)

sunnyling, after i read what you said, i feel like crying! being a mother is so wei da! i guess no matter how many children, the mother will love everyone and a mother will actually care about how each of them will feel... this is something probably a dad will not understand ba. last time i can't understand my mum too, until i become a mother myself.. thus i think to understand my mil, i have to wait till my son marrys first ba.. hope i wun be like tat. x

hair lose>>
can i check if any mommie still droping hair?? i am dropping damn alot everyday, despite me cutting my hair from waist length to shoulder liao leh! i am freaking out! how ah? need to apply or eat anything??
Ting: am losing hair like nobody business too!! Wake up to hair all over the bed. Comb my hair after bath, the comb is full of hair. Also need help!! Or advice on how to prevent balding...
ting: Me too! Still dropping hair like crazy everyday! Also cut my hair short but no use leh... A friend told me to apply hair tonic but not sure if it helps and those products are usually oily right? It has been more than a mth and the rate my hair drops is horrifying... Im looking for a solution too. Help!
Yups i can join botak mummies club too! Apparently, it is normal to be losing hair up to 12mths after delivery.

wat u feed lil monk with??? Can u donate your BM to Min??? Sigh...

Ok lah i not complaining abt her weight. Everybody wanted a piece of her at my bro's wedding. She's like #2 after the bride in terms of popularity... Hur hur...
waiting for photographer to send us the family shot we took...
hippo: it is gd to be light and nimble leh.. too heavy is no gd..
aiya. v easy.. Lil monk is on one fm a day.. so that's why lor! hahahah :p
hmm but i do notice that the bm tends to become more oily these days.. read that bm composition changes with time.. didn't used to be that oily.. oh well.. any thing lah. ha .. as long as they happy can liao..

u want fatty bm? i think roxie is the one to ask.. u remember her titus?! whahahhahhaha :p
Thanks mie mie,

yes, I had a very loooooong first labour, so wan to have a natural birth. I took hynobirthing from parentlink, plus I was scared I cannot make it, I had a doula too.Cos I really scared of pains.....

In short, on 6 Oct about 8.45pm, I had sensations at my back and I a feeling he is coming (BTW my due date is 15 Oct 09). So my FIL called my LG who was not back from work yet. Soon after my dinner, the first thing I did was bath.
But after the bath, my contractions are so near tat I cannot even wear my clothes, I was naked when my LG and doula reached....but really cannot do anything else. Finally when they managed to help me to dress to go to the hospital, my water bag burst and we decided we will have to do it home. At the same time, my elder boy was crying a lot outside when we locked him out of the room, so we let him and he witness the birth of "Di Di".
We went to hospital with the placenta attached as the paramedical dunno how to take it out.....sigh luckly nv charge us.
But still it was a nice experience for me...and for the whole family!

BTW, I love my elder a lot a lot...I sort of think I'm so attached to my first one tat soon my second one might get jealous leh.....as my second one is more easy and anyone can carry him too, I told my LG tat U must bond with second one.....so tat we had one each.
oh.. talking about botak .. we have a botak mums club? i want to initiate a botak bb club!

ting: ur kyle, is in hor? yh is the latest addition.. Lydia's E also. so we need just one more baldy to complete the club? who wants to be the B4? (Bald 4.. :p ok lah.. B F4 --- Bald F4!)
PY - you got mail.. :)

Astro - i rushed home in the afternoon yesterday as i had a spare pump at home. that way got some rest also :)
then after gng home, realised its a problem with the valve. so bought new valve for this pump to keep in office.

baby not feeding well - my girl is like that since she turned 3.5 months.
she'll take the bottle when awake - but doesnt drink more than 100-120 ml each time. i used to give her 150 ml but every time she'll leave more than 30 ml...then after 3-4 days of BM wastage, now wegive her 130 ml. sometimes she finishes it, sometime leaves 10-20 ml..
she latches well only when she's sleepy.

i have strated solids for Riona since she turned 5 months. giving her rice cereal once arnd 11-11:30 am.
wanted to start her on fruits puree as well. but my PD said to wait till she turns 6 months...:-( anyone got same advice from PD?
I thought starting on fruits earlier is good

huh 12 month so long I don't remember my hair drop for so long during my first pregnancy. Anyway this time round drop alot, thinking of cutting short but need to visit hairstylist monthly if I cut my hair short. Don't think I have the time.

Not sure but the later you intro solid It will not triggy the allergy so easy. That y my PD ask me to wean off Rhys later as he have bad skin which inherit from me and hubby.
ha! i missed the PD appt for Angel! hmm..

hippo: i think your BM kept angel slim and fit leh. now i still latch her.. but still got to top up fm.. and she's ermm.. BIG.

katherine: amazing!
Katherine : hi n wow! Wat an exciting birth!!

Re hairloss: after 2 scary months, mine Is finally getting better. Lotsa baby hair growing out now. Hahaha!!!
mine dropping since few weeks...still dropping, very horrible leh..like having chemotherapy, my first one, I dun remembered dropping so much....hope it will slow drop soon.
katherine>> we share the same EDD! heehee.. but i was induced on 30th Sept..
wow, hypnobirth somemore! your birth story is very interesting!
but giving birth at home very messy right?
on the birth cert of your 2nd boy, place of birth is your home address? so cool!!
hi sorry to interrupt
I have a BNWT Kate Spade Bedford Street Noel Stevie (Black) selling at S$288 only and Kate Spade Bedford Street Noel Jillian (pink) selling at S$268 only. All items are BNWT, comes with original Kate Spade dustbag, care card and hanging tag. For fast deal, please email [email protected]. Prices nego. Thanks
ting>> your masterbed room is the size of my living room.. how to compare like that! hahahaha
that is why i have to put the stuffs in the living room.. if my room is as big as my living room, i wun need to display my loots there and let my mum nag at me!
mie mie: Yes, my MIL super unhappy as she cleaned up my mess, my whole house as the paramedicals wore shoes in my house. We threw a few towels also. U can imagine how bloody it was....yes plc of birth= my address *grins*
Thread moving fast

mine start dropping 2wks ago hope I dun go bald haha

have all ur menses return? Mine not yet

cyst :
anyone of u gotten cyst after delivery? Gynae found a cysts which she mentioned due to hormonal change, hope will disappear after stop bfing .

Sad new for all of us to feel fortunate at least of the hard time we have been gig thru:
1 of my online frd happen to be my hb next student married same time as me get preg n Edd this mid may ... Went to same Gynae as me n recently bb aldy 29wks, after tt regular scan Gynae detected something n asked her to go for detailed scan of the bb.... N sad to find out tt the bb ger of hers have a hole in her heart, cleft on her brain, umbilical cord usually of 3vessels hers only 2
if it's chromosomal defect bb ger after delivery can only live up to 1yr the most, if not chromosomal defects, bb need go for 'repair' work after birth, I was so stunned n sad to hear tt fr her. I can't imagine how would I react carrying the bb for another few mtgs knowing tt she's not normal
I really felt the sadness n emotional strainess I gog thru now is nothing compare to her & fortunately tt our bbies are healthy, dun u think so
OMG!!! That's so sad...yes, we should really count our blessings. We are only talking about drinking, not drinking, sleeping, not sleeping. It does remind me that at least my little one is healthy.
I been thru nitemare when am carrying my bb ger too. my gynea told me, the triple test come bak adnormal... my ger is 1:87 to be down symdrome! my heart drop n cry for few days :S I told my hb... I wan for 2nd opinion, even if the result come bak same... i still wan the baby...

who knows gynea 2's test result is out, n my ger is better than normal rate! I feel like killing the gynea 1 for causing so much worried
seems like many mummies here have started on cereals. Is it to start only after 6 mths? How often to give n how much ah? My gal will be turning 5 mths end of e mth.
Wow Katherine! Are u in sg? I am not aware we have doula here. But it sounds very exciting! and extremely cool to have the place of birth a your own house Leh? Then did u give a red packet to your mil?? Keke. Qn is, is your elder boy "tramatise" by the experience? How old is he?? Afterall it's alot of blood event...

Astro : ya my bb is in B4 club!

Hairdrop : glurps!!! 12 months??? By that time what's going to be left on my head????? Super scary leh!! That will mean another 6 months plus of hairdrop! Hair drop is caused by lack of what? If I take calcium will help Bo!? I dun wan to drop the hair!! Drop so much, I feel like vomiting when I pick them up cos like a scene from the ghost movies u know?

Nlimm: wow! Dun the detailed scan at 20 weeks? My gynae made us all go for detailed scan at 19 to 20 weeks. But it's really really very sad. Cos as a parent to be will be very trumatised. Are they given the option to not have the baby anymore?? I think when faced to this kinda situation, either way will be in heartaches. I count my blessings. Till now I still wonder back, I had premature labour in exactly 32 weeks of pregnancy and gynae ask me to go Kk instead cos if the bb born will be premature and need to stay in hosp for 40+ days with all tubes etc. I was crying so much in hosp cos I so scared then! Luckily my contractions were stopped else I dun think my boy will be the same as he is now. Really thank the one above!!

Actually I agree that the gynae is a very important persob!
Yes agreed count our blessings and thank god watching closely to us and our little one.. I went for oscars test during my 16th week cos I belong to the mature group. Can say my bb is premature cos he born on 36 week and weigh 2 kg. I got high blood pressure and makes me very worried too. Thank god again that he is now a happy bubbly little boy boy
Nlimm: really am sad to hear about your friend plight ..he must be very heart pain and feeling very very lousy . May god help her to be strong
Hi mommies, guess our babies are reaching 6 mths pretty soon ya.. Hope to hv some studio pics captured b4 my boy turns 1 thus I've enquired Sean Lau's Classic Baby Package and they are willing to give us $50 off their package if there are at least 20 mommies signing up.

10 babies sign up @ $218 ($30 off our Classic Baby Package)
20 babies sign up @ $198 ($50 off our Classic Baby Package)

Classic Baby Package www.seanlau.com
02 Hours Session for your baby with Sean Lau Baby Photography
05 Pictures of 5" x 7" (High Resolution)
01 Reprint on 8" x 12" with Framing (Table Top)
DVD of selected images in High Resolution

*Additional Pax can join in the session for $25/ Pax instead of $35.
If both parents join in for a family portrait, we will throw in an
additional picture worth $30.
Ting/other mum: the test then show abnormal value but she n hb decided to ignore . Then most recent scan gynea found some abnormality in scan hence ask her to go for detailed scan lor n found out so. She said wan keep her till due n try their best to keep the bb, really brave hor. If me I be so drained with even the thought lor. Ya last time I also keep complaining abt taking care of M but guess we r really fortunate n blessed tt all our babies living n growing well with hiccups now n then

M starting rice powder too , I get frisco for him.my mum mix with milk n he like it alot
those having prob can try this mtd.
And today I saw m finished his bottle of milk all by himself , hold n drink then shifted upward the bottle when milk almost finishing inorder to drink the remainng, I'm surprised. Mum told me he knew tt few 2wks back, guessed u missed out slot of his growth
and he starts to 'walk' , just3-4steps la of coz with help. Do try out on ur babies , surprised hehe
feifei: hahaa dun order first.. will let u know once i have ready stocks.. coz later no stock paiseh hehe..

i just placed order for 4 new designs.
will let u know once they're in.
yah i know. my maid always remind me that her job much easier cos Min is light. hehe...
oh yah... titus. hhehehe
but lil monk may have overtaken him by now?

so in the end finish the FBM? u mean when she was supplementing with my BM she lost weight ah? poor thing...

wow! you're so alternative. thats xoxo's initial birth plan! hahahaha...

i said UP TO 12mths. not all 12mths lah. thats according to babycenter.

haha, if the dropping continue at this rate around 3 months I will be bald liao. Hope it stop fast fast because I don't want to go Yun nan. I have a friend really drop alot of hair during and after pregnancy. After her 2 pregnancy and birth she is a bit bald. Till now still the same, so sad.

Dear mummies,

Have been silent reader since i return work early Feb.. haiz..

A quick question first.. Any Singapore Hokkien Huay Kuan member here? can pm me?

need your advice..

Thanks in advance. :)
