(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

shugar>> i tink we're all curious abt Titus' weight!

annette>> hope your fren stays strong and she needs her family and frens support now most importantly..

you mixed frisocrem with milk? i din leh coz it states that frisocrem already has milk, jsut mix with hot water will do..
long time no see titus wor.. my hb was impressed by him!! he's so carryable.. haha... nice to carry..

hippo: she didn't lose weight. she became slim and fit! heh.. solid solid one.. now also solid lah. btw, she finished everything in each packet eventually. i guess initially she wasn't used to the taste. and sometimes i latch her before i top up with the bottle. so maybe that's y cannot finish.

sunnyling: my mum just told me to go yunnam yesterday!!! haha.. i ask her to pay for me... kekkee... she ah.. want me to go slimming program. then she wants me to go yunnam. she thinks i very rich...
Hi Hi,

Hairloss: My hair dropped so much tooday again, I kinda scared leh......

Ting: Yes, In SG....We had doulas in SG but most are angmo, I tik only 3 locals in SG as far as I know...but they r great!!! I gave My MIL Angbao after the event....but still old pp dun like tis idea having a home birth. My elder boy (2.5 yrs in Oct 09) was crying when we locked him outside...so my duola told us, kids can take quite well to witness the sibling births...they do it in UK a lot...Surprisely my boy can accepted his Di Di better and still he can remembered, Di di was pooing pooing out and he tik Di di belongs to him too...I used to be very frightened how will my elder react if he see Di di for the first time...but it end up in a way I din expected tooo....

cereal: I din start any solids tis time yet for my second one, I will wait until he reached 6 mths next mth....I tik is it better for digestive system, let them become more mature. My first one I wean him like 4 mths plus.....
Mummy Astro.. My Aaden is also in the botak club.. LOL.. Shaved him when he was 1 mth old and his hair not really growing.. We all call him botak at home.. Wahahaa..
i was juz browsing the archives and saw bally's bald pix... then saw tt u wanna call him Little Monk... erm... pssstttt.... i call RN "My Little Nun"!!!!!!!!! hahahaha... both of them can shake hands liao!

haven got time to catch up on the posts yet... got BP for swimming suits??? let me try to catch up...
RE: Milk Feeds
Like most mums, its a battle to feed RN milk... this little lass is only taking in 120ml (max) per 3 hr... most times she will finish only 60-90ml. its like a bonus if she can finish 120ml. and IF she does finish 120ml, she can stretch beyond 3 hrs... lasting up to 4 hrs or more. Aiyoh... simply cannot force feed her. And at her vaccination last wk, she weighs only 6.1kg... think v close to xoxolight's Audrey. Anyway she is happy and alert, so shall not b obsessed wif the numbers lah.

So loke, I am v envious to read tt ur Angel can drink so much milk in a day! And since she dun regurgitate, am sure its not overfeeding. Juicy thighs! *envious* mine is a true blue ikan bilis... her thighs r fattened up but definitely pales in comparison to most babies.

RN is into alot of sucking thumbs, flipping (how i wish she din master this skill so soon!) and wants to b constantly carried! Attention seeking!!!

RE: Dropping Hair
Me too! sigh... to start off, i dun hv much hair liao... then now dropping so much. aiyoh... juz dun wanna think abt it. let it shed, let it shed, let it shed... am sure it will stop somehow!
Wah Titus 10kg?? My god!! Is he born in oct as well? And solely on bm?? Must ask Roxie what she eat Liao. Haha

Katherine: wow it is something new, so does your gynae charge u to delivering the placenta?? U took ambulance to the hosp?? I bet now the gor gor will be very protective of his didi.

hair loss : so how? My mil suggest applying liqour. But wouldn't it make it drop more?? I thinking how to make the drop slow down leh... Got any mummies here didn't drop hair ah??
Wow! I'm impressed too!! 10kg...so envious!!! Must feel darn good to carry about!

My little Max is demanding to be carried all the time..put into his little car, he will sit for 2 seconds before giving us impatient looks to push the car around the house. Then gets bored and wanted to be carried, then wanted to walk around the house...backache!!!

Question for all mommies : does your little ones sleep through the nights? This is like a myth to me!!
duracell >> titus can eat both min and dre for breakfast...!!! kekekekke...talking abt weight...dre has stagnated big time..still 6kg..hasn't changed..
Hi mummies!
Haven't been posting much but been kaypohing cos too ma fan to post using phone. Been reading n so many things are going on!! A bit lost hee..

Anyway just brought my yx to pd today. 2nd vaccination n thank goodness she din cry or else my heart sure tear like first time. Think the injection got caffeine she was so hyper after that but now sleeping in my arms cos refusing to be put in the bed. Crankiness has started. Hope that she won't sleep like this the whole nite.

Xoxo, jrrt, hippo: I seriously think that ikan bilis club is cos of mummy's food intake. My big whale yx been taking a lot of bm made of junk foods, deep fried food n ice-cream. So heavy weight likely due to unhealthy milk. That also explains why the mum's weight loss has been stagnant for weeks...

Hair loss: sigh.. I'm in the club. Front part balding. Feel like cutting hair short to savage situation. But hairstylist said I have fat shoulders #£¥%$&@#%

Starting solids: yeah pd says can let yx take once a day. But she did mention start with 1 teaspoon then increase by 1 teaspoon each day. And better let babies take one type of food for a week before changing to another.
tien >> brave YX!!! another one deserving of the courage medal :D

just joking lah - i am abit boh chap now abt the weight. fretting abt that is pretty useless. she is still as sprightly and happy so I think my ikan bilis is happy being the ikan bilis that she is. where got junk?? those are quintessential food for one's sanity. thus...it explains my highly strung emotions at the moment. just lost my temper with SF for no rhyme or reason. he is sulking and so am i..sigh..sian to go and say sorry..later..

what sorta hairstylist to comment as such! I think u look perfectly good babe! pls don't cut yr hair short like me...i regretted that thoroughly...

haha..as for weaning..dre looked miserable with the bb cereal. she is happier given veg sticks. so bye bye happy times...but like astro advised..i will try with the spoon..but try and try..banging against a wall..
Hello mommies,

If you are cloth diapering or thinking of cloth diapering your babies, do head down to this weekend's Baby Care Festival at Singapore Expo.

Bumwear will be having a booth there and there will be lots of specials for cloth diapering mommies. See this page for more details :

Thank you and we hope to see you there :)
Goin to buy BB cereal to start soon! Turning 6mths in a week's time. But but but what if he doesn't like the taste?? Oh my.. Planning to buy happy bellies as recommended by some here. But it's such a huge tin n if he doesn't like it...waste! How I wish they sell organic cereals in small sample packs
PY: thx y..

loke: Titus 10 kg?!?! WOW... when he was born, how many kg was he?

my girl also taking milk only when she sleep or almost sleep le.
vodkarib: i bought Organix brand rice cereal for my girl. the pack is not so big...enough to finish in 3 weeks time if given only once a day.
you may want to try that. i bought it from cold storage.
Ting: I tik he did charge me for delivery suite....cos he need to stitch me too. Yes I took ambulance to the hosp...they nv charge me lar....

Hair loss: at tis rate, I tik I will need to wear a wig soon lor.

Really? Titus is 10kg? wow how often he drink? I tik my boy is abt 6.5kg...
Wow 10kg!!!.

Just bring Rhys to vaccine yesterday and he only weight 6.9 kg and 66cm tall. His weight is only 25 percentile but height and head is 50 percentile.

Hope he fast fast eat and catch up with other. Will try cereal on him this weekend since he hit 24 weeks liao.
hihi everybody..

have not been coming in, busy in handing over things..

katherine: read on your home birth.. interesting..

loke: envious your girl is drinking her milk as usual, mine like going through battle..

hair loss
me too!!! cut short still dropping as if i eat alot of msg like tat.. already not much hair and now still drop so much..

and yeah baby fair will be going there on sat.. :D

mie: how's ur 2nd visit to toy fair?? grab anything?
bbseed>> no leh, i only bought a $5 shape sorter on the 2nd visit. very very tempted to buy this FP toy house.. but its too huge already, so i dun even dare to think abt asking my hubby if i can buy.
Can I check if any babies here born on 11 oct same as Kyle?

Mie: u going to bb fair tmr?? Me hubby and bb going too! Haha wat time u going?
Xoxo: it was a surprise that yx din cry! So happie that she din. Almost wanted to shower her with all the toys she touched at taka fair but decided that that's spoiling her haha..

You so sweet. I guess I just want to be slimmer. Miss my wedding weight. The Tien you saw is about the size she was in secondary school. Sigh still need to go thro jc n uni weight to reach my ideal size.

Hey hope things are ok with you n SF. Dun be angry for too long - something that you reminded me when I argued with hubby a couple of weeks back.

Sunnyling: how's Rhys reaction to vaccination? Gosh yx had fever today. Just subsided. Been cranky the whole day. Latch or rather leech on me for the 10th now. Basically she has superglued her mouth to my nips. refuse to let mr put her down. Gave panadol cried so hard that she threw up everything milk, panadol n all. Super tired now.

Yeah me going bb fair tml too!! Although dunno what to get haha.. Bringing yx if she is ok.
Hi Mummies,

I have 4 pairs of brand new Medela Softfit breastshields (Size M 24mm) available for sale at S$15 per pair (purchase price: S$20 per pair).

Interested mummies please email me at [email protected]. Thanks!
i also wanna go to expo tml.. but just to see see look look haha

just now i told my hb i wanna go he say "what do u wanna buy again ?!" LOL!!

he just got promoted this week wakaka.... maybe he tot i have more reason to spend =x
py: that's the way to go. he works hard to get promoted for u to spend more money!
duh.. i wonder what miser is working so hard for? he will never get promoted and i never to get the chance to spend more $$!

damm! life is not fair..
i went alone to the toy sale yesterday cause i took leave to bring teng for his ear checkup. initially miser agreed afternoongo with me to toy fair too.. then luckily he said cannot liao.. else sure get nagged at.. coz nothing much wor! :S

i even went up to the assistants if there is another extension with more toys.. they say nope, that is the only hall! wah liew. i thought much bigger leh!

i dun see anything super eye catching that i MUST die die buy leh.. i just forced myself to buy something so that i can justify my taxi fare!

so bought a little people set for i think 30 (that one quite worth it) and other wu ai boh.. nothing for rayan. coz SOOO dusty. how to give to a young bb?

then i was going round and ruodn in circles.. pple might mistake me as looking for bargains... in reality i was just trying v hard to buy something.. and my fingers were BLACK from touching the EXTREMELY dusty toys!

ting: how did ur hb manage to go back THREE Times ah?

I also smsed hippo asking how come she can spent close to $300! i bought onli $65!
hahahaha yes the warehouse sale is very dusty! my fingers were all black too!

astro what time u reached there? coz i heard they will replenish new toys everyday..

that day i reached there ard 5pm.. and really nth much also..

bought a musical potty, a stand and sit giraffe and a toy..

but when i went to the department stores, actually not alot of difference in terms of the pricing leh.. and i only saved like $10 per toy?! wtf lor.
Mie mie : I going ard same time as you! Pm you my number k? Maybe we can meetup!

Astro and py :
mie went on first day of fair. My hubby went 2nd day and the when we went on 3rd day with my cousin, the stuffs he bought one day before already sold out Liao! Best of all, when we went back on 5th day to exchange a faulty toy, some of the racks were empty Liao. Those really good bargains (cheap and in good conditions toys) were all gone!! Left the very dirty & can't make it ones and the very new and just a small difference from dept stores toys only.

I also heard the staff said will replenish as and well but she can't tell me exactly when lo. So will be crazy to keep going back to see.
tien >> no worries lah. it was my fault. clear as the bright blue sky - i shouldn't have snapped at him. so was just waiting for myself to come round to saying sorry when i felt like it. in fact, went to apologise right after my post..ok liao. SF is a nice guy that happened to have a snappy, ill-tempered wife...too bad..cos he never saw this snappy part of me until we had this baby. really..i think i am a bit off nowadays. sorry gals for ranting crap here..but feeling really ratty these few days.

oh..and i hired the maid today! rather expensive affair. hope i picked the right one..i hee-hawed over maids biodata for hours the past two nights..sigh.
astro>> yes, the first day really got good buys.. some toys my fren eyed were all sold out when we went back on Tuesday!

the toys come back must wash one.. i already warned u all that its super dusty le hor.. actually compared to the first day of the sales, already very good liao.. when i went on the first day, it was even dirtier!

ting>> sure!! heehee
Hmm..something to share abt the weaning process that has gone on for the last few days.

Dre took to the bb rice quite well for the FIRST DAY ONLY. On the second day, she fussed quite a bit when offered the puree, so we gave her the banana...which she refused in mashed form but was willing to take the cubes and munch. Subsequently, I gave her a platter to choose from. Is this a mistake? She has a trio of bb rice, mashed pear and carrot sticks. While she has no prbs with the carrot sticks, she refuses to touch the mashed stuff. So we tried feeding her. Impossible. This is again, something like the bottle strike.

Today..I was shocked when she sulked and buried her head in her hands when she was put into her high chair. The moment we snapped on the bib, she went into a screaming fit. This time, I removed all veg sticks or stuff and offered only bb rice. Refused them. Don't even want to cooperate. So I let her be. Three hrs later, on a whim, I took an empty spoon to her to test her tongue...on sight of the spoon (sigh, this really sounds like the bottle nonsense eh?), she went ballistic. She was in bumbo this time and she managed to "hop" out of it and scampered away from me.

I brought out the arsenal of spoons I had to see if she would have preferred any..no luck..she is in a spoon strike right now.

Yesterday and today - the weaning programme for Dre is officially derailed.

I can't imagine having a battle with her...which sorta accounts for my terrible mood. But on a lighter note..she is most willing to drink from her MagMag cup..but only water. It doesn't work when ebm is offered. I find this so queer and vexing!
hai all,
my 1st post in this year
really need moms friends, hubby said im PND for too long.. mood swing n all

tom will meet up with tien n natalie. cant wait, so excited

anyway, any advice whether shall use baby strap or just bring stroller for tom's expo?
I going to the Expo tomorrow also. Keke actually was there for another reason but might go there shop shop if time allow. Should be there around 1030 - 11 also not too late cos got appointment later.

Mie & Ting

PM you my mobile, sms if you gals is there see i can make it.


Rhys is ok today so happy. Because the last 2 6-in-1 jab he have fever and super grouchy for a day and need me to carry. No one can carry him previously but this time round he is ok.

angelina>> yes, you have MIA for very long from this thread! only manage to get updates about baby josh from your fb.. come in more often ok!

and use baby carrier tmr! i wun suggest that you use the stroller! heehee

sunnyling>> okie! i SMS u my number..

ting>> got my whatsapp msg?
eh im not on leave.. my boss is on leave until 25th march, so i've been eating snakes for the past week! wahahahahha
im gg to reach at 11am so that i can beat the crowd! kiasu hor! wahahahah
