(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

Need some advice. Am travelling to Bangkok for 4 days and I was wondering how I should pump n store ny milk if possible?
1. Er if I do manage to pump, I suppose I can try to keep the last 2 days in the fridge so that I can bring back?
But does airline allow u to bring milk m cooler bag inboard?
If not I don't suppose I can check in right?

Or is it really impossible to save the milk?;)
I sim Tia the milk that I am potentially going to throw away.
Anyone has experience?

loke: yeah will be going to see wat can be grabbed (pocket super big hole this month).. wanted to join one of the contest think is the cover page but min age 5mths at 1 feb 10.. *faintz*

shugar: i also wan the hat. when should i inform you?
Bbseed: I'll post here when the stocks come
Oh n does anyone if follow on milk which is meant for 6 months n above.. Must we stick strictly to 6 months? If 5 months plus can take? Or better not?
Cos am afraid my frozen stash is not enough to last, so thinking of buying some FM to standby. But that is another problem altogether cos boy never took FM before
Hi Vodkarib - I will think better not. Not sure if the milk components for 6 months can be applied to baby less than 6. I was thinking of upgrading to stage 2 milk for my bb, but decided not...enough headaches trying to get him to drink already...if he decides to react to stage 2 milk - then I cry
Vodka: u just throw urself a milk bath then :S dun think u get to bring them bak wif ya tho. N u need to mix the FM wif the breast milk to start with...

babymax: u r feeding ur boy FM or BM? hv u check the teats for the bottles? too slow for him? or he wans something feel more like mummy's nip? normally wat i do if my ger refuse to drink... i will give her pacifier n start rocking or pat her, when she is almost fall asleep i just swap it to the bottles...
Vodkarib: I've just started sam on follow on FM. PD gave the green light and gave us a can to try. we did the change by mixing stage 1 and 2 powders gradually adding more of stage 2.

Oh yes, mummies who got the swimsuit list from me.... can you confirm and mail me back your orders by Sunday so that I can place our orders with the supplier on MOnday? Thanks!!
mie: botak angel's hair is growing very fast.. i'm surprised.. and the little cousin brother actually lost his balance because i tried to shield him from angel.. end up also kena.. haha.
hi shugar, me too interested in swim wear. Can you let me know where can I select one?

Also, where is the Lok Yang toy sale? Would like to go and have a look.
Hi Mummies...

Trying to catch up a little...I've gone to fidgets with dre ~ we enjoyed it quite a fair bit..looking fwd to going a little more.

Dre is still the same old girl. Giving me great difficulties with the settling in for the night part. Always an opera. Hmm...and still, resisting naps during the day..another opera. The Parents are seriously in grave sleep debt and our energy levels are beyond deprivation. Sigh sigh sigh. What can we do? Just bear with it I guess? If anyone is thinking of any trial class..I am game..anything to work off her excess energy..or else I would start by suggesting one of the gyms?

I really gotta shield my eyes from the amt of fairs and w'hse sales going on..it'd be the beginning of my money no enough days..

I have also decided to forgo a planned holiday cos my aunt developed shingles so we can't scoot as a family like we always do..and i am really looking fwd more to getting myself a good solid mattress soon. Backaches, poor sleep are all showing up. And I blame the mattress. Been thinking of changing it since my pregnancy but just didn't get down to doing so...anyone has any good recommendations?

Also..today was a milestone for Dre! In fact, I have just finished e cleaning up and washing since her first attempt at food. She is still quite a way off from her 6th mth but we decided to try since she was asking for more feeds every now and then, but tends to fuss at the breast after a short while. I doubt I have a supply issue (heavens no!) and everything else seemed alright..so we concluded she may be ready. Plus her weight has stagnated at the 6kg range..so....

Just to share. It went rather badly actually. We thought we would start off with plain and simple bb rice mixed with ebm. She didn't like that one bit. Went to lick it from the serving tray and showed a scowl. We tried to feed her from a spoon..and she twisted her entire torso and buried her face into the chair..refusing to eat! Defeated..we left it to her...and offered her some mashed bananas instead..to our surprise she went for it with gusto..fisted it, took three good bites of it. could actually see and hear the wonderful gulps of yummylicious bananas...haha..but what a mess she made! Plus..after taking her off the bottle for so long..i am suddenly surprised that she is now able to wring the bib off her neck. She refuses to suit up with a bib! Hence..at least three bibs were left lolling on a very angry, sticky floor..full of cereal and banana bits..there were food in our hair (she flung food at us)..and hers! OK..before boring u gals out with too much details..here's a pic to sum things up..just bear with me..i never had such a good laugh at her baby antics for such a long time...messy, but worthwhile! gdnite folks!

Xoxo I second hippo. Dre is really pretty and she has this "air" about her, I think she gonna grow up a sassy pretty smart girl leh! Ehem, where u stay ah? Which school u intend to send her to? I would like to deliberately place my son near u. Wahahahaha. Do I have u on my Facebook? I doubt so leh. Can add u?
hiyo everyone im back.
Fighting big war at workplc now sian...anyone have gd lobang for me to hop?
My spinster dir dun wan renew my contract tts expiring this june, and i had brought up to the hr and principal,if they cnat give me a satisfactory ans i will have to go to the board of governor, shd i go to Ministry of Manpower, would they bother to help?

I went back to work, tt spinster dir passed remarks like " u back!, took 4mth or 5mth leave?Rested very well? then follow with SP paid u 2yr pay but u working for just 1yr plus hor, u shd be grateful to SP" !!!
I told the hr dir, so is she trying to tell me im gog to deliver and i cnat take ml, in that case, ask the govt dont even offer ml.My student feedback are always teh top95% fro the past yrs lor, based on what ground the institution dont renew my contract,the hr dir was so stunned and keep saying she will investigate.
As a hr dir ,how can u sign on the letter without even investigate?!Anyone from hr dept who can advise me?

Anyone can advise me?My thinking is now fight for what i deserve then throw the contract back on that spinster face.But i pretty worry that this might affect my hubby as hes working in teh same institution as me.

Hippo:Gals told me theres this toy sale fair at toh guan, which blding har?

Shugar: where can i see the swim trunk?when ur stock be in?Need get one for M too

All mommies: Do pop by my online shop as well and see anything interest u and pm me ye.10% for oct mum hehe
gotta be more aggressive on this liao sian
Hi mummies,

Sorry to interrupt, have 3 packs of Mamy Poko size M (6-11kg) diapers for sale at $60. Son has outgrown them. Self-collection at Serangoon North.

Shugar> you have mail!

Btw need to ask some qns here. Charlotte's appetite has increased.. now she can finish 140ml (before bedtime or when she wakes up at night) coz i give her a bottle a day.. normally it's during the first a.m feed. the rest i latch. (so i have no idea how much she drink in the day) but normally this is her schedule

10am - Latch
2pm - Latch
5/6pm - Latch
9/930pm - Latch (if she still cries i give her a bottle)
3am - Bottle
6am - Latch

But now instead of waking up at 3am, she wakes up at 1am .... =\ and sometimes i didnt pump enough for her additional milk feed

i have problem pumping the milk.. perhaps as i've mentioned earlier on that the pump is not as effective as a baby's suckle.. so normally the amt i can get is like ard 100ml... and i need to squeeze like hell and pump at the same time..

My PD recommend me to start solids when she turns 6 months.. unless milk is not enough for her, or she has lost interest in milk. but i think in my situation now is milk is not enough for her ..

Thinking of starting solid now.. coz i dun really wish to give her formula leh.. i still want to continue TBF hehehe.. :p

what do you all think ?

and if i were to start on baby rice, should i give her once or twice a day? and when is the correct or recommended timing? is it during lunch and dinner? hmm quite lost man i dunno how to fit the schedule in ...
ilovemaxmax: ok! no prob!

PY: got it!
for solids, starting 1st week i just give once a day.... maybe u can try intro during your 2pm feed?
Py: ur ger's drinking timing is similar to mine, just dat my ger sleep thru the 3am but wake up at 6am or 7am for the early feedIng. N am only latching her for dat earlier feeding, the rest am using bottles n each time ard 170ml to 180ml. Mayb u should try to gib another feed b4 u slp, let say 11pm+, so u hv a longer nite rest for both u n ur bb.

Introducing solid food ideally is during da 10am+...
Py > I am very surprised ur girl drink so little times a day only leh. chk with u, your schedule is u fixed one according to gf?? For me I am baby led total breastfeeding and he will latch on about 7 to 10 times a day!! It is like the breast will auto produce the Amt he needs. When his appetite grows bigger than what I produce, he will feed more frequently for about about 2 to 3 days and then after that the breast auto adjust to more volume Liao he will drink about 8 times a day (he last 3 to 4 hours but at night I kiasu wake up to feed him cos I dun wan to wake up with 2 rocks). Hmm demand = supply and if u dun latch on often, supply will drop.

How many weeks is char now?
Anyway, I have started weaning my son at 22 weeks cos I am sending him to infantcare soon and thus I rather wean him myself first.

I will breastfeed at 10 then 11 I will introduce the si sen brown rice mixed w ebm and feed him for less than 10 times of his spoon. More to let him taste and learn to swallow. also to monitor his reactions (ie stools etc). Just started today 6th day. I will also latch him again at 12.

Tmr is the 7th day and next week start I will be feeding him 3 tablespoons of the brown rice and not latch him during this feeding Liao.

I based on 2 books I borrowed from the lib and one of the book was weaning by gf. Haha
ting >> haha..funny lah you! i live in e east..but might move eventually. which infantcare did u choose? as for BF...is yr son able to take to e bottle?
**calling for famela**
pls babe..tell me why i should not get a domestic help. sigh..think i can't tahan this chore after chore biz any longer. how are u able to cope cooking, cleaning and caring for the bb all on yr own? sigh...i admit defeat!

those with domestic help:
appreciate any suggestions / recommendations. i have never hired a help in my life...thanks for any good advice offered.
Ting: not according to gf la haha.. Yeah by right it should b like this auto adjust.. But I just can't seem to pump out anything!!! Damn fed up! One side smaller than another side and the bigger side nth comes out!!

Yeah she's a small drinker.. But pd says is alright as her weight gain is ok.. She's 6.7kg Liao..

Just now she refuse to sleep lo 12am then sleep! I wonder when she will wake up... Hai managed to pump 80ml only
think later I latch her liao...
Btw the teaspoons is before or after we add water/ebm?

My friend add water to the bb rice leh is that correct? Cos I remember Reading some books they say must add milk..
Am giving 100% breast milk too, but am just pump it out so the helper can feed bb when am at wrk. Crossed my fingers, Eventho am only latching her once in the morning, so far the milk supply is good n can hv ard aprox. 1000ml-1200ml per day. Which still allowed me to keep into da freezer for later use, den I can 收工 earlier

it doesn't matter if u r adding milk or water, The most important thing is the bb can accept n is eating.
Thanks Alexis. I tried changing the teats, bottles and he likes the original one. So now I have a whole collection of teats and bottles and I don't know what to do with them! I will add the cost to his list and show him when he's old enough! Ha!

Hi nlimm : not quite sure about your company's policy and terms of your contract but typically a company can choose not to renew a fixed term contract without giving any reasons, good performance or otherwise. I will press on to ask your company to give you a good reason why the contract was not renewed. But bear in mind ultimately its the terms of your contract which dictates whether or not there are any recourse.

Mommies : this past few days have been a nightmare for me again. My darling son decides to put up a real fight when comes to feeding time. I cannot even get him to drink one ml!! I've to make sure he's sleeping (not even sleepy) to try feeding. Can babies feed like that?? Otherwise he's a happy camper, just not interested in the milk. I have tried giving him cereals, a hit or miss affair frankly. My PD tells me not to worry, but this feeding pattern has persisted for more than 3 weeks already. Any mommies have experience? Felt so alone in this event especially when I see other babies drinking their milk happily.
Babymax: our contract is such tt we can sack Sp but Sp can't sack us unless studentfeedback below 70% plus pmp all m or u lor. Sian but I wan get back zhe kou qi. Dun think she will get renew too next yr since her directorship in2008, 11ppl leave our dept lor n with my complaint....:p hb be so happy going I be sahm

for baby feeding, u tried change fm?
xoxo, hey, frankly I take my hat off to all those mummies who can take care of bb by themselves! Hat off to you esp since Dre is such an interesting and active baby. I think she has loads of personality! As for domestic help, we had to hire one because my MIL is too old to look after bb alone. Frankly I am glad that I did hire help. I guess I am the nua sort, just not very hardworking and too soft to tough it out. I find that having help is good for me and my family. Now I get proper home cooked meals, and I know there is someone who can look after Amelie. I'm lucky in the sense that from what I can see, my helper likes Amelie. She can cook and clean reasonably. Amelie likes her a lot (there was this period where I was very unhappy because A smiles more at my helper than me, her mama!). And during the time that I am home, at least I can spend the time interacting with A rather than worrying about the chores. I think having the helper is also good because the house can be kept clean, which is good when A learns to crawl. Anyway with my bad back (in pain everyday) it would make sense for me to have help. But I guess it's really a hit and miss thing - you just don't know how good a helper you can get. And we also had an issue with the helper before but I think things are alright now.

PY, a friend told me that pumping is more efficient if you latch and pump at the same time - have you tried that?

Just now, I tried giving Amelie Healthy Times brown rice cereal. We first tried a spoon but it wasn't fast enough for her! In the end we just put the cup to her mouth and let her lap it up like a cat, with quite a lot dribbling down her chin. So funny! She didn't take well to the si sen though - had rashes on her face on night so I decided to give it a rest for a while. Yesterday I sieved out some peach juice for her and she loved it! I hope she doesn't grow up having a sweet tooth! Hope she will like savouries too.

Babymax, don't worry too much. A went through a phase where she took only half of her usual appetite. This went on for quite some time (a few weeks?). But my mum said that as long as they look fine, can play and smile, can already. If you are worried, can bring to PD. A's appetite was better after she went on probiotics to regulate her bowel movt.
xoxo, one more thing - if you do hire help, hire one with kids of her own, whom she took care of herself. And get one with family at home for whom she is working hard for e.g. my helper is here to earn $$$ to buy house. It's also a vibe thing I guess. It's really hit and miss at the end of the day.
Babymax, u r not alone here. My girl is also giving me the same headache each time. Almost every feed is like going to fight a war.
My girl currently is drinking only at most 130ml (which most of the time she dont finish it). Her feeding can drag till up to 1hr. Thereafter, I will surrender and she still happily smiling at me. If that feed she is in 'gd mood', then she can finish faster. All depends on her mood, else she will just happily sucking but actually not drinking any milk.

This has been going on for me for more than 1mth, one thing is, PD says she is a contented baby meaning she won't 'ask' for milk (since she was 2mths). So very difficult to knw whether she is hungry or not.

PD mentioned for this type of pattern, no matter how many teats or formula u keep changing, their patterns remains. So we just hv to bear with it a few more wks and start cereal for them , hope it will be better.
funzee: ya i know it is more effective haa but very hard to multitask leh. somemore most of the time i latch her while lying down lol

i decided to drop my pumping sessions liao. damn frustrated lah only 30ml now.. and i still feel my boobs is so full of milk!
Hi mommies...

For those who are ordering swimsuits and hv not emailed me yet, pls pass me your swimsuit orders soon! thanks!
funzee >> thanks...hmm...i was thinking of hiring someone who is single, w/o kids..cos my mum had a help once who kept crying whenever she missed her kids...can't scold her, can't help her...and just watching her cry every now and then...

if i do engage, the rules are very clear - she isn't hired to care for Dre. She is hired to cook and clean. trouble is..every single maid biodata "claims" that the maid is good at cooking and cleaning - duh...and i am not the most patient of folks.

argh. i'd most likely give this path a shot. the chance of having more time just to concentrate and enjoy my time with Dre rather than fret over recipes and oil stains..might just be worth it.

i was reading a good blog abt handling maids..plus MOM guidelines...sigh..my tiny tiny home has no space. guess Dre has to forsake her room for now.

do u have any tips on how to manage a dh?
Thanks mommies for all your encouragement! I felt so supported!

My son doesn't cry when he wants milk so I don't know when he is hungry or otherwise. I was seriously thinking of changing formula, but a friend told me to hang on. My son had a bad case of allergies (blood in stools, the full works) when he was on the normal formula and we finally managed to get him the right formula (Nestle NA). So there is a certain amount of risk if I were to change the formula and he reacts to it. URGHHH!!

nlimm : hmm...in that case, I will suggest to press on to find the underlying reason why your contract is not renewed. But have to ask yourself, what is the tangible outcome you want to get out of it. Do you want your contract renewed? I will tell your HR department that I'm disappointed with the way your case has been handled and will want a response lor. SAHM? Wah..you very brave. Right now for me, going to work is like taking a vacation away from home!!! hahaha.

I will think a helper is very useful even when it comes to household chores. I never had a helper before and when my son came, I engaged one to help out the household chores and taking care of the washing, etc. But friends have warned me about babies getting closer to helpers so I'm worried as well. I have grandma come up to HK to help me out and to keep an eye. But she is going back to Singapore soon. And Lord help me...I will dread the day that my MIL is up here. But I'm also not comfortable leaving Max 100% of the time with my helper since my husband and myself travel quite a bit. I really really would want my mum to stay here a bit longer but old folks don't really enjoy HK..

You working at IXX right, my frd use to be your ex-col and she was asking me that day how come I know you. She is in our Facebook.
Babymax: I have the experience of my bb not drinking milk too. Think it's a passing phase. She's now taking the most 130ml but usually will leave 10-30ml in the bottle and refuse to finish it. Sometimes she can stop drinking when there's still 50ml in bottle! Once she pushes the teat out of her mouth there is simply no chance of getting her to continue. At first we were very worried if she's not drinking enough. But PD assured us that it's normal for babies to regulate their intake by themselves. So long there's steady weight gain and baby is still active there shouldn't be too much of a concern. PD also mention that my ger is quite heavy and has lots of reserves so can afford to lose some weight and I was like huh??... I can understand how you feel... My gal will scream and show me an angry face if I force her to drink. Once I stop and get the bottle away, she will smile merrily... Cute! And sometimes after 4-5 hrs she also won't ask for milk. These 2 days her daily intake is only 500ml. But she's still very active and still her usual self (expect that she's more alert now and knows how to pull my fingers to get the bottle out of her mouth). Don't get too worried and u r definitely not alone... just follow your baby's cues.

very irritated...my girl didnt sleep well the whole night and didnt let me sleep either :-(
Now i'm in office. went to express milk and my medela pump is not working :-(
already tired and on top of this stupid pump issue...
