(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

bbseed : Start bah. Do take the baby's cue. Don't load him with too many cards for a start. Slowly increase.

Tien : Yamaha or Cristofori should be good. I have not decided which one to enrol Glynnis. Should be these 2 or Crestar Suzuki method but need to wait for Glynnis to settle down for her ballet class first.

Glynnis was about 7 mths in the photo.

Ikea Highchair
I think its good as well. And durable. The one at my mil's place has been there for donkey years and don't know sit through the weaning stage of how many children, still sitting there nice and strong. Haa...
astro: but somehow i feel the ikea high chair is not stable leh... its definitely easy to wash and cheap.. what do u think of booster seats?

tien: yeah.. she's settled down.. kissed her many times last night liao..heh..
<font color="0000ff"><font color="ff0000">Sucking of thumb</font>
Mummies with babies sucking their thumbs better try to wean them off SOON!!! Recently, I just saw a gal in my boy's JG class with 'rotten' thumbs. Her thumbs look pretty long and kinda rotten. Mummy says its coz she sucks on them. She has tried to stop her but to no avail. So imagine she has been sucking her thumbs for 1 whole year already.

Scares me to see it happening coz her thumbs really look ugly. My 2nd boy was sucking his thumb n fingers at 1 pt of time too.. tats y i resorted to giving him the pacifier to stop him from sucking after seeing the after-effect of it.

Do try to wean them off from it k..

<font color="ff0000">Sleeping Pattern</font>
hhmm... my boy can fall asleep by himself at nite. Sometimes juz with the pacifier, sometimes without. We dun have to carry or pat him. but i realised he needs to hold on to something - bed rails, our fingers, a towel etc

But he's a terror in the day time. Needs to be carried and WALKED around or shaked. All thanks to my dear maid. it's all about habits I guess...

<font color="ff0000">High Chair</font>
I'm using the Ikea high chair. v good. thumbs up
shugar/ting: u think ur boys are messy? pls take a look at this...


i like to make a mess. what can u do to me?


<font color="0000ff"><font color="ff0000">Astro</font>
Omg!!!! haha.... bally is so cute!!!! i love his eyes. v mesmerising leh. btw.. what did u let him 'play' with?? :p</font>
<font color="0000ff">Astro
hehe... ic ic. good leh.. i cannot stand my boys being so dirty. so actually i'm limiting them. sighz.. which might not be tat good afterall.

agree!!! he really v 'yuan yuan' leh.. but v cute lor. i tried to upload my 'Ah Fat's' pic.. but too big. can't resize till 50kb. aargghh</font>
ILMM: after a while u get used to it lah.. hahaha. Bao is a good and efficient self feeder now.. he is STILL messy.. but i let him be.. as long as he enjoys his food lah.

ok ciao. now i goig to pick the Bao up to go home to meet the Ball.. heh..
It's getting stressful reading the posts about the trial classes from swim to music to gym to brain to preschool hehe..I better keep away from the forum for a while before I succumb to peer pressure hehehe...I think I will not be consistent enough (lazy me) to keep up classes of any sort m definitely financially burdened if I get tempted to enrol my boy for all these.. But reading these is giving me pressure on whether I not doing enough n whether my boy will have problem copin in future haha
am I the only one feeling this way?
I m tryin hard to tell myself to jus focus on enough food, sleep n play for his first few years ;p though I will have problems finding him playmates heh
Astro: hey know I know y bally is bally!! Teng also quite bally whoa! And they do resemble each other!! Haiyo teng super cute!!

Vodkarib: no stress no stress. Ultimately it depends on parents financial ability n time n effort. If you feel that it's still too early then just read n forget hee hee... Like me as much as I like etonhouse I think I'll probably opt for the school opposite my mum. For convenience sake. As for teaching methods, the most I read up more n try to practise at home. I also just want yx to hv a fun baby n toddler hood. But music is a must haha.. She cannot escape.

Dreamygal: thanks for the info. Will start looking out when the time comes. Meanwhile will buy a toy piano when she learn to press press.

Btw want to ask mummies before I overreact. Yx been having some reddish goosebumps looking rashes on the skin above her V n on her waist. Just saw some on her tummy. Quite concern. Thought it was diaper rash but she has been using desitin from day 1. Suspect it allergy to mamy poko as I just switch from nepia but only see this when we are finishing the packet. Or could it be the medicine I took for my food poisoning but doc says it's safe. Scared it's measles yet no fever. Then now pd also close. Thinking of going to my family doc later.
evening mummies..hope the little ones are asleep...i went to fidgets today with sotong mum and shugar..it was really fun! thot e workout would do my energizer some good..turns out, cranked her hyperactivity up a few notches more. been jumping and fidgeting (just like what the ctr promises u) like anything since we knocked out of that place at 5pm. grand total nap time today didn't cross 30mins..she tried to nap twice and both times, she woke within 15mins. sigh. Maria here is getting very very tired liao. Abit dazed. Now she is under the care of Ahmad (SF)..who would very quickly wanna retire too..so before i go back to bb duty..catch up time here...

tien >> heat rash! Dre has those small spots too...moisturise, moisturise, moisturise! apply desitin to a butter consistency yah? don't stinge on it. i thought long and hard e whole day..finally i have a long list to chiong isetan for!!! yippeee...fri here i come too! erm..but wanna ask..do u think there will be long queues...??

loke >> that's most horrible. i really hope angel would emerge none the worse from the experience except a scare.

hippo >> wah..u make me stressed! hehehehe...how advanced in bkg do u hv to be for etonhouse? my BIL sends his 2 kids there..cost a bomb you know..make that the atomic bombs of hiroshima and nagasaki. what's more, the newton one. hmm..i think i better siam..cos i would really have to eat chye sim everyday for food if i even dare to consider Dre for that sorta thing. I didn't even know there's a plc called chiltern. wahahaha...i am starting to take note now. just passed a kumon centre at safra tampines and i pointed to SF - see..their logo has a sad face..must be the stress...sotong mum was also telling me the story of how tough pri 1 is now...my MIL who happens to be an ex-principal is also on and on and on abt this and that - i think even if i wanna relax one side i cannot. **scratches e blur head** anyway..Dre doesn't seem interested in books at all. any book i open in front of her face, she slams it shut within seconds. just e other day, i thought..wah..so good.she is finally reading a book..went and peeped..she was actually looking at it upside down. hence i take it that the heavens are telling me..not yet. but good that u have taken steps to identify your due preference..and of course, u can afford it! sigh..some things..just can't find cheap and good... :-/

vodkarib >> don't boycott e forum..haha..i am just like u...very stressed reading too *gulps* ..don't think i can afford etonhouse in any case. maybe when i was working full time..yeah. but now that i've scaled back, i doubt spending $16K a year on just school fees is something my bank a/c can afford. anyway, premature lah. will revisit this topic when Dre turns 18 mths.

astro >> i bought the ikea high chair and agree - cheap and good. Dre has been using that not to wean but to observe us when we have our meals. so far so good! haha..and i got this tip to get this chair from a restauranteur so for a chair that can tahan many many kiddy butts...shld be worth its salt.
Xoxo: long queue confirm at payment counter! What list? I'm still clueless. Only want to try the weaning bottle with spoon from pigeon. Haha... We going pp isetan right? Not shaw right? I bit blur!

Ya been applying a lot of desitin on her. Hopefully will be better tml. Nv seen before leh
do u really want me to tell you? ok i watsapp u. u asked. i din volunteer this piece of info.
ah!!! i remember that one on frankel is called Brighton Montessori. u go and see. then u go eton. then u tell me what u think k?

i dont want min to say to me "mummy i finish my food already!". but u know wat? the sub-std local one not all that cheap k. difference not all that great. so...

anyways, astro, my dear.
i wasnt the one who started it k. u all start talking abt right brain left brain dunno wat lah. anyway i wont stress u guys abt pri 1 cos i will just send min to my pri sch which nicely happen to be a sap school. hehehehe...
so theres no stress there hee hee...

tom &amp; fri i ON LEAVE! going to go and blow some $$$ on myself. i need retail therapy and i think i need it like tom!
tien >> haha..i was at isetan p'way this evening..they are preparing e kiddo section big time. presumably for the sale ;p...saw loads of stuff i think wld be fun to get. also need to get a lipstick, some socks, boh liao stuff like these...PP Isetan is fine. don't worry..yx skin wld be bb smooth by tom!

hippo >> haha..i shld complete my sentence..i am feeling stressed becos i think this is yet another thing i got to look into and really v clueless to begin with. every sch makes u feel damn guilty if u don't go with them kinda...i will go chk these out once i get outta my sleep-deprived mode ...looks like i gotta fig a school list based on what i think wld be good - as of now, totally lost on all e different learning sys there are, so on and so forth..but i am sure like hell eton is right on top in terms of budget...on this note..the kindergarten below my blk..plays techno music. so i know what u mean..meanwhile..how was yr earlier retail therapy?
Hmm..yet another night of the same sob story. Dre's not sleeping yet...**vexed**

vodkarib...yah..techno. complete with booming speakers to make the residents' lives hell.
Wah!!!!! Sooo stress!!! Oct mums are really ks hahahaha

Astro: u are right on the rashule.... Now I got problem finding a plastic cover.. Does combo sell them?? Lol!!!

Spent 350 on the taka fair today. Those who are looking for the bumbo tray, taka has it! It is selling fr 19.92! And I think they are selling fast !! Cos this morning I saw the stack was quite high.. And till evening it became v low haha! My cousin also looking high and low fr it!

Bought the evenflo walk ard exersaucer for 229! Wah pok Liao! But Charlotte still cannot support herself.. So I may need to wait till 7m to put her in..

Dreamygal: where u bought ur flash cards? I'm looking for a decent set.. But Cannot find leh :\

Tien: hmmm the sunscreen hor bp cheaper leh! 25sgd only...
Hi mummies,

Finally I'm done for the day. Very tired but thought of popping in for a while.

Schools>> I have went through it and thought I should share my views. Instead of putting your children into schools that u yourself like, shouldn't we look for clues from them? For myself, I was looking for childcare so I thought for them to feel comfortable with the school is most important. I brought Ryan with me to view all the schools that I selected. And there's only one which he's willing to let go my hand and go with the teacher to change his diaper. So there, I go with his choice and ture enough, he enjoyed his 4 years there. I took 3 days leave when he started but he don't need me at all! In the end, I stayed in the morning, shop in the afternoon and cancel my leave in the evening. I was telling my friends last weekend that I am lucky to send him there as what they taught is closely related to primary one. It makes the transition easy.

Branded school>> Don't trust them just because of their brands. I got a friend who enrolled her child in Eton. She was so unhappy with them that she pulled out her girl and sent them a lawyer letter. In fact, the whole class pulled out and went to a different school together. It was a big huha at that time. So be careful when you check out these schools.

I have discover that Reagan likes to "crawl" on mattress. He don't move at all on mats. Same like you, the play mat is a waste of money! I have discovered something tonight. That he loves to crawl to his left! I'm totally amused!

Time to get my sleep... later still need to wake up to feed and pump... night mummies!

I am thinking of taking leave or break also so tired recently. My daily routine been repeating. Rhys refuse milk in the morning, my elder refuse go in the school in the morning and I been late for a week. Duno when my boss will ask me in for a talk and is time for me to do appraisal sigh.....

Wow very nice but sure ex. I super need a break if not think I will go crazy.

When I having my elder boy I been going to alot of trial classes but this time round think I will stop going trial class cos I find it dun really worth. I have even put deposit on JG but nv let my boy to attend cos the timing is not right.


Trial class not free but is at a cheaper price.

By the way issit too fast to look for school ah keke or is the childcare you gals looking for.
morning mummies!

xoxo: Wah you went to recce Isetan? Hmm sounds like it's going to be a good sale. So excited!! Hee mum will be joining us too. Think she wants a break after being Maria for so many days.

Yx's redness has subsided after a nite sleeping in cold cold air con room. But the goosebumps are still there.

Hippo: ON LEAVE AH!!!??? Hey join us tomorrow at PP lah!

Sotong_mum: Thanks for the story on Eton. Hmmm guess that makes my decision even easier and wallet a little more relaxed.

Hmm maybe Reagan is practising crawling in mattress? Don't write off the mat yet. Maybe today he will crawl on it today!!

Can't say that the playmat is a complete waste of money. This woman of mine seems to like napping on it on her tummy. And can sleep quite long like this. Even sleeping on her back, she also sleeps pretty long. Another evidence that she is a 败家女.Want to sleep on expensive mat. Irony? She only occupy such a tiny space on it!

Think she won't crawl so fast afterall. This woman style is butt move and legs move but head stuck to the floor and hands in the air. How to crawl like that??? Think it's more like she want to learn flying more than crawling!

PY: Chey I thought you want to get direct from drugstore. Haha saw your evenflo exersaucer!! Not bad leh..it will move!! Hmmm shall ask if my dad want to sponsor. Hahahah...

BUmbo tray? got to miss...my bumbo is RIP-ing in the storeroom liao hahhaha

Re: Schools
Think I will be the MOST stressed here when it comes to Pri 1 registration hahahah...My pri school close down and hb's school is some good school in the west. He actually wants to enrol YX into his school which is ridiculous. First I dun want to move to Jurong and second, putting yx up at my IL's place is OUT OF THE QUESTION!

Purposely got a place near my ideal primary school still not a sure-win situation..anyway won't stress ppl up here...still got 5-6 years to go. Now just relax and enjoy time with yx.

Sigh...I so need a breather. Hopefully can get one later. If not have to wait tomorrow...although dunno how to breathe in crowded Isetan.
One of the reason I am looking for house now is because I want to put my elder boy in my hubby primary school which happen to be a good school but is located in Bedok and I am staying in Sengkang now. Both me and hubby like SK so much but for the sake of my 2 boys bo bian. So think we parent really sacrified alot for the kids.

When I was registering my boy in the Nursery at his present school now I was so shock that it is a long Q for registering. Nv know that Nursery also need to Q in the past until I registered my boy.
Hmm... Am i stressing some mummies here? If i did, i don't mean it. Anyway, I'm just replying to some posts only since i know a little about it. Relax!!

PY : I got mine from popular (those very normal type) and i've got another set free from a friend. I've just bought another random shapes set from a BP (and i'm waiting for my hubby to slaughter me when the set arrive). Trial class not free, normally its about $20+ - $30+.

sunnyling : Me too. Last time i organsized and attended quite a few trials with my girl. This time round, i don't think so, since i know what those schools are providing. Unless its school i have not been to and is interested to send lele there.

Sotong_Mum : Your son is so good. My girl cried for about 2 weeks.
i went to recce Isetan Katong yesterday (was on leave), taka baby fair and Isetan Shaw.. din buy much leh.. actually those baby fairs are more for new mummies.. i only bought like 1 toy, 1 more set of wash cloths, some pigeon homewear.. my hubby's considering the FP rainforest jumperoo, but no space at my mum's house since we already have the leapfrog exersaucer..

will be going parkway isetan tmr for the pte sales! wad time u girls going? im working tmr but going to 'sneak out'.. i asked the SAs, they told me combi got additional 5% discount tmr, some other brands as well.. kinda tempted..

have been wanting to buy toys for belle to play, but i walk 5 rounds at taka baby fair, ended up only buying one small little toy.. this girl doesnt like her teethers (and I have like 6 teethers), prefers her fingers (or yours) and pacifier. dunno what other toys i can buy..
astro>> now i wanna pinch bao too! wahahahahhaa

i am prepared for that kinda mess.. i took out half of the bibs that i bought to wash, my mum was kinda shocked. (and its only HALF of the total number of bibs i bought) she told me there is no need to buy so many bibs. i told her she has forgotten how messy babies can get when they start weaning.. just feeding belle drink plain water using a spoon, i can use up to 3 hankies, 1 bib plus a change of clothes..
regarding childcare etc>> actually i tink its not too early to start to look ard for childcare, if we intend to enrol them when they turn 18months or 2YO.. many childcares are full and you will be put on the waiting list!

hippo>> did you arrange for a school visit for pats?

coz my hubby and i had our eyes set on Pats, but the distance is a major factor.. i cant bear to let belle take the school bus home when she is only 2YO.. i intend to put for a few hours kind, not full day childcare.. and to get my mum to travel all the way to Meyer Rd or Siglap by bus and back, kinda tiring on my mum and belle.. and i dowan belle to become orh orh..

haven really discussed this in depth with my hubby, but i think we really need to go look ard for the nearby childcares..
morning mummies,

astro: OMG, teng's face.. and the BIB all filled up with blueberry puree.. but agree teng and bally really looks alike.. CHUBBBBYYY!!!!.. hahahha... *pinch*

dreamygal, I'm the one that created all the tense environment here regarding all those enrichment classes.. pai sei for causing stress to everyone.. :p no more toking of classes until thy are older.. so no more stress... :D

High Chair
initially tot of getting the rashule but after reading the comments from experience mummies then will just get normal high chair.. heheh..

PY: if i'm not wrong combi do sell the cover, you can go check it out baby kingdom at kaki bukit.

Isetan sale - I soooo wanna go... you girls are tempting mi...
tien>> it could be heat rash that Yuxi had.. belle had that not just at that area, but also on her tummy and back.. it was very bad.. we brought her to the PD who changed the bodywash and gave us cream to apply thinly for her..

and the fact that my house is undergoing lift upgrading is not helping.. we have been keeping her in my room most of the time, esp the afternoons when the temperature is at its peak..
Hey mummies!!

Sigh the cute sneakers are all out of stock with supplier!
Hats n beanies I will be getting from another supplier n will post up pics soon. I managed to get swimsuits though! Really cute! But I'll not bring in swimsuits for bp... Maybe just for our oct thread so let me knw if u r interested n I'll email you the pics. Once we get all orders I'll place order and we share the shipping costs, ok?
ok folks, ive decided to go and take a look at the baby toys fair.. bye! woohooo~ make good use of these few days coz my big fat ass boss is not ard!

shugar>> me me me!
for swimsuits you guys PM me your email addy? I'll send you the pics and pricing b4 shipping.

Sunnyling: caps I will bring in more and sell in BP later...so no prob!
bbseed : Its ok. Maybe if you wanna ask anything, PM me.

mie : Me also just persuaded me hubby to drive me down this sat. Thanks for the lobang! Gonna get Glynnis her bdae present le. I wait for the leapfrog spree until neck long long. Haa...

shugar : How much? I want leh.
