(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

Morning mummies!!
Just coax yx for her morning nap before her bath. Gosh where did she get all the energy from? Both her mummy and daddy are lazy bums...

Funzee: Thanks. I am better now. Thankfully my mum's fever finally subsided too.

xoxo: See? PD also say everything is ok! Dun worry too much.

Guess what? My hb also said to get her to learn swimming 'to channel her energy'!! Hahah...so, both of us will try hard to secure the swimming pool. So, rest assured that we will do our utmost best to secure the pool!! Hope my new place not so atas which is totally not like it from the outside.

Sigh me also becoming aunty...my acid-tongue aunty never fails to remind me of that FACT whenever she sees me!! I must lose weight!!! Hahah been talking about it since day 1!

At least dre stopped her 2 hrly feed. Yx stopped her 1 hrly feed...decided to change to 2 hrly feed...all this in revenge for showing the bottle!

Hey about Dre's 'ostrich-dug-into-a-hole pose', old folks say it's babies trying to learn to crawl But then Dre has already learnt to crawl, maybe training her muscles? Or learning new pattern of crawling?

sotong_mum: good that you have received your mat? So, is reagan having fun??!! My yx is not quite having fun as I thought although she prefers to sleep on it. Funny woman! Waste my $$$.

Astro: So cute!! Bally learning to do reverse crawling!! Show video leh...

The exersaucer I rented just arrived! Wah piangz my dad keep nagging...no money then rent!! ARGH!!! I am so going to make him PAY for this!! Time to go shopping and sign his supplementary card! MUAHAHAHHAH!!

Sotong_Mum : No. My girl is only coming 3 this April.

bbseed : I don't know a lot, just share what i know. I approached 2 schools before, Shichida and IGenius.
One school told me i need to wait very long. Asked me to pay extra $300 to be given priority on the waiting list but given that, they can't guarantee me a vacancy. I need to wait for maybe half a year or even longer. The $300 is not refundable and if i decide not to wait, then the $300 is gone.
Another school told me that my girl was not 2 years old then when i approached them, so i need to go for a lesson and they teach me how to teach my girl at home. Its a every day thing and i need to commit a year, so about $3k - $4k plus.
I have a friend who enrolled her boy in Neutro Tree, her feedback is quite good.

In the end, i signed up my girl with another school opened by Ex Shichida teachers.
But all these schools, they will tell you they are doing whole brain training, so apart from right brain, they will do some writing games, pasting, training of eye-hand coordination (which i feel we can do at home and its a waste of my money to send her there to do all these. I prefer them to focus on right brain training loh).

Now i have stopped my girl right brain class as i have more or less know what are the things they do there, so i just do it with my girl at home.

xoxolight : Right brain training, they do photographic memory, linking memory (where kids will memories a series of cards position), telepathy. Shichida does a lot of flashcards.
helo all/

xoxo: *gulps* i just sent u an sms to ask when dre fell asleep.. eh.. ok.. gosh. so much energy?! dun she fuss?! hey.. how about another perspective? she's fussing.. coz she can't sleep? and a new stimulus will distract her and stop her from fussing.. coz she keeps getting stimulated.. she goes on and on and on.. but then again.. she doesn't fall asleep given pitch dark conditions too right? wah. tough!

tien/xoxo: apparently.. bbs do go backwards before going forward.. ha! cute lah. bally.. plus so fat.. really funny looking.. but most of the times he just eh ehe eh while creeping milimetres.. no video.. coz. i figured no pt taping coz on video it will appear that he is not movin?! whahahahahah

bbseed/dreamygal: i signed teng up for LNT before.. ok.. interesting activities.. but after a while coz the timing oesn't fit.. then we stopped. not too bad.. bbseed, u can consider lah.. but imho, i think bbs from 6 mths a bit too young to start.. as in i dunno how u can guauge tangilble outcomes from bbs that young..

and hahah. i am bad.. i always ask.. huh telepathy? for what? heh.. :p

well.. heee.. it is time for us to splurge on kinestatic classes :p
the order that time for teng was ..
gymboree, kindermusik, gug, LNT, swimming, little gym..
heh.. let's see if yh will follow this order? :p
or rather. will i still follow this order?
xoxo: teng back to chirpy self.. v devious also.. whining and cry in the morning as usual lah as i prepare for work (and it means he is going to cc with me).. then this morning. suddenly he stops he crying and whining and screaming.. came to the room . v seriously told me.. 'mama, i wanna go hop-ital'. I asked 'why?'
he said 'i wanna go hop-ital becoz i have a fever. ' . :S
then dragged him go learning vision he screamed and shouted but once reached, again he calms down, then he folded his arms across his chest, stared at me, v calmly told me ' i am angry with u , u know? i want to go to the hop-ital'
wah liew. i can't be bothered with him man!

My elder boy also hate to go school ever since he start K1. Not sure what happen, duno is the teacher problem or what. He got no problem go to school in Nursery and he still study in the same school. But every since he start K1 he refuse to go school daily, cry and cry. This morning the daddy say he cry and lie on the floor dun want to go inside. Sigh....

After that the teacher call me at 10am just now say he is having nose bleeding so I got to quickly call my FIL to ask him to fetch him home. Hopefully is just heaty and nothing serious.
another sad new is this morning was inform that can no longer enjoy staff purchase on the milk powder starting from next month. Need to spend alot additional starting from next month.....
morning everybody,

half day today... yeah.. gotta go shop for sound system for new hse..

tien: glad that you are better..

ting: are you referring to the training materials website?? if so i have found one that can download and DIY flash cards http://www.eslflashcards.com/

SJ: ya got wat you mean.. they are trying to taste the texture of everything.. will take note of tat.. thanx..

dreamygal: thanx for sharing, the information really helps alot in deciding which sch to enrol and i think i know you referring to which sch that need to pay extra $300. I've considered LNT also.. that's why asking around here for opinions from experience mummies. btw when shld we start them on flashcards?

astro: I tot of starting my boy like his 1yr old so now is more of like asking around and doing more reading to decide. mi very KS ever since i became a mother.. before being mother was super nua one. hahah..

quite a few babies are starting to crawl, mine until now only know how to turn from back to face down position but dunno how to turn back.. sunday put him in his bumbo, he dun really like it coz it sort of restrain his movement.
astro>> hahahahhaa.. teng is so witty! all that i-wanna-go-hopital talk is coz he wants to watch tv and dowan to go childcare.. hahaha
i enjoyed communicating with him during the few encounters i had with him... :D bright boy!

xoxo>> Dr Tan sure has his way to make you feel better and more assured. after hearing his words, im sure you feel relieved? pls take some photos of Audrey doing her ostrich stunts! would love to see them! hehehehe
hippo >> she fell asleep at 4am...didn't need rocking or nursing or anything..just fiddled with her toys and switched off the next second. i am up since 7am..got work today. sigh. i feel like a dead log.

dreamygal >> i know i am going to be real corny here..do they do sleep training? i went to google these...is the site glynnisbaby yours?

astro >> wah..got sequence..stylo lah! teng is SF favourite...agree! very adult-like..a little muscle man
i dunno where she gets e energy from...told shugar..i don't see my "DNA" in her...where got so hyper?? I am like a snail..loafing abt. SF says "see..when u are pregnant..don't want to sleep? see, see, see..." fed up. can't rem why but think i'd insomnia..such thing as infant insomnia? she doesn't fuss UNLESS we dump her in e cot and switch off the lights...leave her be and she is happy scampering all over. thing is..i've yet to bb proof places and this girl goes chewing on legs of chairs..licking the floor..gasp..saw her fingering the switches located low on e wall..alot of undesirables...sigh...and gotta watch her close. don't even know how she picked up this staph infection. sian. very sian.

tien >> haha..these two energizer bunnies...thanks for doing yr best. must keep thinking - we will get it!!

mie >> i will try to snap something later today. now entrusted her to her nanny aka SF...most times..we gotta be on alert when she becomes the ostrich cos she isn't very steady at all...pushes her legs straight, butt in e air kinda..but always loses her balance and falls. ok if she falls on e mat. not ok when she falls on e floor. yes..i like dr tan. he is really a super nice PD. how's belle..i miss her!! long time no see too.. u have changed PD already right?
gymboree and kindermusik TRIAL i want! haha. got shichida trial also i think...

maybe angel no need right brain training. i suspect she's a leftie.. nothing on the right side interests her at all.. flip to left only.. suck left hand.. touch left foot.. sleep left side. everything on the left.

sigh... i'm such a left brainer i think i'm going to have problems communication with her next time. no wonder she's a daddy's girl..hahhaha..

xoxo: r u for walkers? could be safer than if she does her "ostrich" stunts. then at least she can be at different places all the time. no need to be stuck at one place for too long. don't think it'll cause any problems for her legs to be bowed etc cos she seems to be pretty well developed. just a thought..
spam some pics..

'mama, gay enuff?'

a v sharp looking bally

tummy time

then i discover this copy cat

'gor gor i love u'
'didi, i love u too'
astro: bao lost weight? he looks slimmer now.. must be due to the hospitalisation. bally is michelin bally..

mie: we should call up gymboree, kindermusik, gug, LNT, swimming, little gym and tell them to organise trial classes for this thread. make it our gathering once a month! haha.... not forgetting the cereal party!

surprisingly, my mum is open to baby led weaning! hmm.. she said when kids start to wean, sure to be messy. so just let them be. hands or spoon.. whatever, a learning process..
<font color="0000ff"><font color="ff0000">Trial Classes</font>
I'm interested in joining too... count me in!!!

<font color="ff0000">Poo</font>
Any of your babies on Nan HA? Can I check what's the color of your baby's poo now? Wondering if my boy's poo is normal coz it's mustard color. It was never like this.

<font color="ff0000">Pee</font>
Has anyone counted how many times your baby is pee-ing per day now? Seems like my boy peeing v little leh..</font>
I see lovely baby pics here... so cute!

I have started work since last week and it's really reduced reduced time for my ger. She's taken care of by my mil during the day and by the time I got home it's about 7.15pm and she's looking so sleepy. She usually sleeps by 8.30pm or 9pm latest. I feel that the time spend with her is not alot and can't do much with her leh... Not sure where the learning comes in. What do mummies do with bb after work? Any advice? Nowadays she doesn't even want me to carry her. :S

ting: U manage to convince ur mil to put ur boy in infant care? I wanted to do so for my ger but my mil said they will fall sick and some care givers simply leave babies to cry. She's worried so offers to take care of mine at home. But I thot no matter what age, be it infant care or child care, most will sure get sick as they are adjusting to new environment? Hmm...

I can't bring baby to the pool as like funzee, advise by fortune teller to keep away from water till 4. But very interested in other trial classes... My colleague sent her kid to kindermusik and saw very good results.
ilovemaxmax: Mine on enfalac. Recently her poo colour also different... looks mustard like too and seems to contain sesame seed like substance... MIL said she's teething and indeed when I brought her to PD, she also said my ger's most probably teething (more drooling and less milk intake due to discomfort). The change in poo also happen to my two nieces when they were teething leh...
<font color="0000ff"><font color="ff0000">Candy White</font>
yeah.. i suspected he might be teething coz he got diarrhoea oso. Has been drooling for awhile already. and these 2 wks.. has been waking up more frequently in the nite. Hopefully its juz a phase...

Now I feel more relief after knowing ur bb poo oso mustard seedy..

<font color="ff0000">Enrichment Classes</font>
My elder boy is with Julia Gabriel and I see results in him. So might let didi join there too.. if i have the $$$... haha.

Went to kindermusik and GUG but didnt really like it, so went back to JG in the end</font>
woah. weaning is interesting to the max! should let angel join us at the table tonight! must go buy the weaning bowls and stuff! haha.. EXCItinG!
astro: must comb bally's hair. so much!! really want to pinch his cheeks.
xoxo: glad that your pd thinks audrey is fine. one less worry for you.
ilovemaxmax: my son also has seedy poo at times. usually yellow, mustard probably, but on sunday, when he cried super a lot at my mum's place, it turned greenish. my boy pees super a lot. the diaper always very thick after just 2 to 3 hours.

regarding baby courses, I don't think I want to send my son to them. APart from money (now i'm self-declared tai-tai (without the bucks)), I think learning music can train the whole brain. I started music lessons around 3 years old, and I enjoyed them. I don't think attending those baby brain lessons can help tremendously. Anybody has something to say about that?

I'm more into those kinaesthetic courses and social skills.
<font color="0000ff"><font color="ff0000">Loke</font>
ya... JG is ex... but seeing that it helps him, i let him continue lor. I send him to the Evans Rd one.. coz there got open air playground. The one at Forum all air-conditioned.

<font color="ff0000">Glass</font>
Thanks for ur input. Sometimes my boy's diaper v heavy. But like ytd.. i was at home with them and he was on nappy.. i realised he onli peed like 5 times from 9am - 5pm. Hope its nothing serious.

Just brot him to the PD coz tat day realised his pee from 5-8pm always got abit of blood. End up PD say its Uric Acid.</font>
Astro: My gosh...Bally so cute and cuddly...heheh..Have to show yx his pix and see she like or not. Maybe she like the cuddly type. Anyway great pix...happy to see teng all chirpy and well...he really enjoys wearing the sunglasses!!


Xoxo: Eh I think Dre sent some email to my yx today issit? She is behaving like Dre except for the latching in different position bit (She'd better dun be like that...her fat a** mum has mobility issue). She is starting to love hanging out in the kitchen and laundry room...today put her on mat, cry. Make her sit with me on sofa also cry. Bring up to room also cry. Put on bathing mat after shower also cry! Only got quiet when we carry her to kitchen to look at fridge magnets!!! What is this!! Kitchen darn HOT!!!!

Anyway my project exersaucer has limited success on day 1. She can barely sit or rather stand still for more than 10 mins...then I see the way she place and move her legs..gosh I heart attack. SJ, no wonder your pd mentioned abt bowed legs...now I bit worried. Then jumperoo coming tomorrow...CHAM....Anyone want to come my mum's place to try jumperoo hahaha...make the rental worth man!! Anyway cfm going to swipe my dad's card...he insulted me again!! Shall go isetan sale on friday!! Whoa hohohoho....

Glass: Hey No $$ tai tai I ALSO WANT!! See how I dread going to work? Starting to count down...soon you all will see all the nonsense coming from me...it's called pre-going-back-to-work-depression cum mentail dysfunction.

Btw me also into kinaesthetic classes too! 3 years old can learn music liao?? I cfm want to enrol yx. She is going to make MY dream come true...me have wanted to learn piano for a LONG time..been lazy when I was a kid so had to give up...now regret.

Anyway my 'camp' now is split...her daddy is into this right brain thinghy while I am totally not. So, if he cough out the money I dun mind...but my mum will cos she will be the one bringing yx to these classes.

Talking about Julia Gabriel, my auntie says this one better than shichida. But I din ask reason.

Loke: Ya I think weaning is fun too!! But I hv to see what my PD says next week before I start messing my mum's kitchen...muahahhahaha...All the spoons, mashing bowl, bowl, bibs, biscuits, bellamy rice cereal are ready...still need to get those cubes (missed the BP)and blender.

Ya I wanted to ask about walker too. Thinking shld I get walker instead of exersaucer/jumperoo.

I want to go Isetan Private Sale on Friday!!! But at Scotts...bringing YX is NO-NO!! Think have to make do with Isetan Parkway (again)! Yet want to go sale but dunno want to but what...siao right? On NO PAY LEAVE still go retail therapy...think I need a real therapy to cure this.

OH OH wanted to ask mummy who let babies use exersaucer...it's normal that bb keep leaning forward in it right? YX is coming to 5 months next week...she keeps leaning forward and knock her head against the toys.
Oh another question...is it normal for babies this age to have their heads more inclined to one side or must be straight? YX's head always tilt to right side...I very scared her head crooked.
Just read thro my post...gosh soooooooo messy!! And all sorts of crazy things are appearing....

Paisay ah mummies...today a bit sot...

Sorry for spamming...oops...
Wah.... Did I read crawling?? My bb still can't flip at all! Sigh!!

Just went to the bb swimming place to trim my bb hair today cos I tot only ten dollars but I realised ten dollars is for members only. First timers is at sixteen.

bbseed, thanks!

Mie! I like your idea!! Of going for trial classes as a gathering!! Count me in please!! Who is organising?? What's gng ah?

Candywhite, yes! I am placing my bb in infant care! He is starting on 22 mar. Hmm actually how I convinced is like this:
- very very near my work Pl. So I can drop by to breast feed him instead of pump
- ya, no matter wat age will fall sick when u introduce to group. So the earlier u do it, the earlier the bb built his Own immunization. this is confirmed by my colleague where her 5 yr old go for the classes fell sick
- it's like a chance to grow up in group so bb can be more socialiable and not "recognise" places
- the infantcare nowadays are different. They do do alot of activities with ur bb like flashcards, music, gym, crawling, story telling etc.

But y do u want to put ur bb in infant care? We can message in fb if u wanna know more.

my bb is more fussy recently. He can just go on and on for hours. And he has slight fever. Saliva is alot la. Maybe he is teething too. I just started feedin him a little of bb rice since yesterday. Once a day at abt 11 am mixed with my bm. Just nice his stool change colour but not sure if bcos if weaning or teething.
ha! we are talking abt school for le bebe already??? actually to be honest we went to see a few just b4 i started work. cos scared nxt time will be busy.

think the std quite vast... the local vs the premium. so its kinda obvious lor. u gotta pay $$$$$ if u want the good ones.

went to a local one n the teacher said "u finish your food yet?" i think they were the kitchen help. the principal sheepishly muttered "she's a teaCHER". i nearly PENGZ!!!
Astro, wow, I love that first photo of Teng. I think if he saw it again in his teens or adulthood, he would not forgive you for showing it to other people!

Hippo, I must say that I don't speak perfect English myself. In fact I find that I speak Singlish most of the time. I only use proper English when I write. So I'm also concerned that Amelie will learn Singlish from me, my hubby, and the maid! LOL.

And gee, crawling? My not so little A has learnt to flip but no signs of bum being in the air or being on all fours. Anyway, with me only seeing her 1/2 hr in the morning and spending all the time in the evening trying to settle her, how would I know?!

Some qns here:
1) Thumb sucking - anyone here tried to wean bb off thumb sucking? And success stories to share?
2) How do you put your bb to sleep? Need to nurse, pat, rock or steady pom pipi can fall asleep without assistance? We can spend up to an hour trying to help A to sleep. If we don't help her, she will scream the house down. I am not sure if screaming is part of the sleep training. The write-ups usually say crying leh.
Hey! Is the Taka baby fair on again? I thot I remember it is 10 Mar - which is tmr! Anyone going? If it is on, I might want to go on Thurs. Taking the day off. Think I will try giving A mashed potato that day too. Hee!
loke >> PD told us not to use the walker..puts them at risk of tip-toeing rather than walking on the soles..

glass >> stuff like gymboree may be quite fun. i doubt i wanna hot-house with materials etc..in due course, everyone would know their ABCs anyway..what kinaesthetic courses do u have in mind? if u are thinking of forming a play group for socialisation, i am keen..

tien >> Dre don't know how to use the email lah...bwahahaha...but these kindered babies oughta meet! u wanna go isetan sale is it? hmmm..let me think, what else do i need to buy..nothing..but i am in love with their nursing rooms....hey! i don't mind trying out yr jumperoo..got admission charges or not?...been wanting to go to fidgets ever since shugar told me abt it. got enuf excuses for them to do real-live exchange? I saw YX sleeping like a log on the playmat..awwww...i am so in need of having Dre do that!
haha..but Dre don't wanna look at fridge magnets..she wanna cool with the fridge door open! but similar lah..both like the silly hot kitchen with a cool fridge! as for the tilting head..hmmm....

ting >> more tummy time? don't worry..soon enough the flipping wld come and yr diaper wars would begin...

astro >> teng would shudder when he sees the gay self once he is old enough..ha! bally does resemble you on the side profile
looking v different now...i don't see the patchiness? OK what his hairstyle..better than the recovery hairstyle Dre is sporting now!

hippo >> which were the schools that came under your scrutiny..?
Astro : Telepathy to be used in the IR loh. Haa... I started Glynnis on the right brain class i think when she was 1 plus. Now at 6 mths, i also think its too early.
Anyway, Glynnis lesson - Gymboree, JG, Right brain, ballet.
For lele, i think i may send him to Kinder, JG or GUG.

bbseed : Can start le. I started my lele very early. Haa... Got time just flash loh.

xoxo : The school i sent Glynnis to never mention about sleep training. Ya, Glynnisbaby is mine.

Tien : Yes, 3 yrs old can learn music. They will teach them about notes, rhythm and they let the kids play with some instrument. There is another approach by Crestar (they called them Suzuki method), they don't start with notes but straight away to instrument. But for Suzuki method, Crestar recommend 4 yrs.
By the way, JG and Shichida focuses on different things.

funzee : I would love to wean my lele off his thumb but not successful.

So far for Glynnis, we have attended the following trials -

My turn to spam... Haa... Taken during Gymboree trial.


On average i think its about $20+ per trial. For those right brain school, don't think they have trial except LNT. But i think now our baby too young.

I school i am interested in this time is zoophonic but our babies too young now. Any mummies with kids about 3 yrs old interested? I can try to call them up to see if they can hold trial class.
xoxo: yah.. that's y i asked if u r for walkers.

personally, i think walkers are fine because tip-toeing can be corrected.. i've seen so many of the kids my mum helped to bring up.. all can walk properly at the latest 14mths old despite the use of walkers.

at least when the bb is on the walker, u know they are safer than if they bang themselves around on the floor or on toys.. plus can take a rest... else its very stressful to have to keep having an eye on the child.

most toys have their own advantages and disadvantages. really personal preference.

tonight angel is so unsettled. its the day she cried the most. her little cousin brother accidentally stepped on her head just now..
sigh.. i was there to try to prevent him from accidentally hurting here.. but still she kena..
let out a huge cry immediately after he stepped on her. after that she cried and cried.. stopped only after i latched her.. fell asleep for 30mins.. woke up smiling.. then cry again.. by then was time for milk.. so fed her.. but cannot finish her milk. then she was ok...
slept again after a while. then time for milk again.. so woke up.. then after that cannot sleep... it was already 1030. initially was because her tummy not feeling well.. after burpnig a few times.. ok..
then my mum's tenant walked out.. she got a shock... after that cried and cried again.. fromm 11pm all the way to 12am. cry until she fell asleep..
then 1230am woke up crying again.. bo bian... mum had to call neighbour to borrow jing feng san.. just managed to settle her down..

she cry until i also feel like crying...
been wanting to write an FB note on what happened but kept losing it somehow. in a nutshell, it all began when a nice kind soul told me half my office knows what my annual package is cos my boss muttered it over the phone n he sits out on the floor with everyone else. was very angry when i found out lah. cos it created a lot of unnecessary tension and animosity.

needless to say there is a bitch involved. anyways she was supposed to be fired or transferred to my team (this was all b4 i joined). so she came onboard, kicked up a fuss when she heard how much i was getting, and (dumbass mgmt) promptly got herself a promotion and salary to match exactly mine.

now i'm doubly pissed cos little miss dumbass is of course technically incompetent and not experienced at all to do our role. n she's getting the same pay as me.

then she arrowed me big time on fri n i ended up working til 8.30pm n had to go back on sat. of course i was hopping mad. cos the request came from big big boss n she din know how to do it. anyways, i've declared war cos i've been REN-ing since 5 weeks ago, but i've had it.

but there's such a thing called karma so she got her own retribution yesterday. but more imptly, she's on the path to self destruction cos she has nothing between her ears and all the senior guys are scrambling to work with me while she's busy "securing" all the kacang putih ones.

so i dont have to lift a finger to slay the bitch. she already found her own noose. victory is so sweet. am savouring every ounce if it...

lets hope it just gets better from here!

astro, u r right. not worth it. in fact, i'm too busy, no time!!! hehe... bally is super cute n teng's shot super gay lor. dont make him do that can?
i went to see Etonhouse n 1 dodgy one which Heli's colleague recommended on frankel ave. Cant remember its name now. Too lousy to remember. Was going to see chiltern n pats but they only start from 3yo.
Anyways we r leaning towards eton. I like it that they are very diversified. N methodology is more "alternative" as well.
loke: have checked with shichida, they got not trial lesson..

astro: saw ur pics, bally is sooooo cute especially his cheeks... feel like pinching once... just once.. hahah..

dreamygal: ok will start the flashing... :D

happy hippo: understand etonhouse quite ex rite. tot chiltern according to their websit is 18mths?? coz i tot of chiltern at east coast..

Trial classes
Me also wanna join all the trial classes, gotta count me in hor...
Good morning everyone!!
Finally the heavy heavy rain has come!! My eyes can finally open!

Loke: Oh no...Angel feeling better now? Poor baby. Must monitor if there's fever or not. Take care gal...give lil Angel a kiss from me ya.

Funzee: Can't help on thumb sucking. My yx only does hand chewing. Although I did caught her having special interest in the corner of her pillow. She actually grab it to chew then suck her saliva back. The cycle repeats itself. So you might want to try replacing the thumb with something. Pacifier might work.

As for sleeping, it depends on the baby's mood. On most days, she prefers to latch to sleep. Now trying to wean her off that, so patting and rocking is in. Last nitre tried putting her on the bed to sleep on her own and she sang herself to sleep. When we go out, she is bored and tired she will also doze off. For me I cannot stand her crying...so if everything else fails confirm will nurse her to sleep. Have given my mum green light to buy yaolan. So when I go back to work, that could help.

Actually something you might want to try. Can bring her out for a car ride. For some reason, yx knock out when it's long journey. Even faster if I carry her. I know that's a very very inefficient way to make her sleep. But that's the idea-make her tired.

PY: I WANT TO BUY SUNSCREEN!! YOu getting from Drugstore ah??? Me want me want!!! I want sunscreen and another bottle of calendula and 2 tubes of desitin!!

Xoxo: Haha no charges on jumperoo!! Come come!! You wanna go Parkway Isetan?? Hee let's go!! Sat on toilet bowl and decided that I shld go hahah..and with yx! Mum sure flip!! LOve their nursing room to bits! TOP my list!! Haha we take one room each (but sure crowded) and still can chit chat...Think I sot liao!

Wah cool by the fridge..please dun let yx learn of this! Hahah...

Hey about sleeping...have you tried yaolan? Also how abt showing her the bottle again??! The latter is a sure win when it comes to yx...she will cry and cry and cry then I will let her nurse and then she will take LONG naps!! YEsterday she took a nap from 6pm to 7.45pm!! Not supposed to be like that lah. And latch vertically? Trying hard to picture that...

Dreamygal: Thanks for the info! Btw which music school is good? Confirm will be sending her when she is 3!! Hahah...poor yx...

Haiyo Glynnis sooooooooo cute...hmmm realise that baby shld be able to crawl to enjoy such classes hor. How old was Glynnis when she took these gym classes?

Hippo: I like Etonhouse. Been hearing a lot about it since I started out as teacher. One of the modules lecturer discussed about this pre-school education at NIE. They let the kiddos do a lot of exploration and use of 5 senses among other things. But really need to save $$ for that. Hmmm CDA account can use right?

Re: Walker
Yep yep...was talking to my mum about getting a walker and she also mentioned that walker can cause tip-toe. To prevent that we must make sure that the height is right. And need to guide the babies along. Actually not just the walker, exersaucer also. When I was adjust the height for yx yesterday, notice that if the height is too high, she will start stand on tip-toe.
morning gals,

Today is stomy Wednesday, bad luck.

Re: Walker

Best not to let your baby start on walker too early as it will cause bow leg. My doctor had been keep reminding me on not to start walk on baby too early. I properly will only start around 7-8 months time or later.
wah..i can barely catch up with the forum thread.
from weaning to sale to special classes? *lost*

i start from first one first.
weaning :
is there a checklist on what we need to buy?
- steamer
- mincer?
- bowl, spoon
- food flask to bring hot porridge out?
- high chair / bumbo / rashule .. hekekeke.
anything else?
hippo: yuan wang ah.. i didn't make teng do that.. he NATURAlLY did that.. ha.. v gay, yes i know. i buah talan.. i took a picture then i told him 'see? u look so gay...' teng just laughed and said 'is handsome...' haiz.. jialat liao...

i dun see this thread on my laptop again.. sian

and hippo: pple just doing trial classes, u all the way to pre-school liao?! gosh.. :p
after a while.. all these schools.. they are v similar one .. what we feel apt for the kids, they might not like it.. pedagogy talk is v cheap in all these pre-schools.. need to see the actual operation to conclude.. and most imptly.. spend a day or two with bel when she is enroled.. and u will get a more accurate feel

and.. and.. how come i have this feeling u will be the one who send us all panicking talking about primary 1 when our kids just turn one? :p:p *siams hippo* :p
and ya. ignore that lady lah. no pt getting angry with her.. always believe what goes round come round
ladies, do check out the ikea high chair.. kekeke. cheap and v easy to wash :p got a sperate tray.. one of the cheapest, non-frills high chairs which does what it needs to do .. heh.. the rashule ah , (wear bullet proof suit first), cannot make it coz of the cloth material.. unless got the plastic cover which is exp and must be brought seperately? that's what roxy told me lah.. ok. *siams stones from the Rashule gang* :p

astro : (a member of rashule gang)...*throw*...aiya...missed. hehee...ya i know. my friend oso told me that when bb eat messy..get on to the cloth...wash..ma fan.

i esp like teng and yu he's pic together. the one i love kor kor one. :D
