(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

yah lah. that's what i got. its a big mushroom that provides the "shelter" over the bb in the float. hahaha... then got caterpillar at the side somemore. and of course its a pink mushroom!!! hehehe... oh forgot to mention Min got a bathrobe for after swimming one already too. all her Kai Ma buy one lor! hehehe...

wah.... did a quick read of the archives and the in topic now is baby aquatic! calling all central/west khakis! can volunteer my mil's plc at indus road, emerald park condo (nearest mrt: tiong bahru). prefer sat morning slot (9am) so that the scorching sun wont hurt our bb's skin

Here here! Babe, it's a bit hard for me to join you guys on weekends because of my hubby. See, this weekend he decided that he's too busy to come back. Without him, I cannot handle both R's in the pool together. Without me, you guys will still have lots of fun! But I really want to join.... it's like I'm holding Reagan back for something that I think he would enjoy very much.

I'm interested in the hats! Love to let Reagan wear them when we are out. Let me know ok?

Swimsuits>> I love TYR! Have been buying this brand for ages! Love their design & color and the dual sided design.

I got the Philips blender. Haven't try it out but the sales man told me it can grind rice. And it's suppose to be easier to use the hand hold blender for baby's stuff. I dunno... just walk in, ask and get. Didn't think too much.


Adr sound really cute! (saying this cos I'm not the one looking after her) But understand how it feels especially when she didn't take her naps. If reagan take his nap a little later, I'm already pulling my hair! Oh ya, you have check it out?
HI mummies!
bbseed: Oh dear...reminds me of the first time i cut my girl's nail. Poor baby bled too. My heart also bled. Had a phobia cutting her nails for a while but now bo bian...no one except me and hubby dare to cut but hubby quite busy.

Hippo: That's a relief to hear! Btw I will fan lian if you all laugh at me when I am in my swimsuit...sigh..all the sacrifice made for YX!

Hey you got domestic helper. Can get them to puree the fruit manually. My mum will be doing the cooking, so dun want to tried her out.

Mie Mie: My mum has converted to my side about the blender...muahahha...told her it saves a lot of time. Even if the porridge is nua nua can be even more nua nua...and think she is very excited at trying it hahaha...went to courts with her and she wants to buy!! Told her abt making cooked apple puree etc..she seems quite open to it. Sometimes we need to open the eyes of old folks....actually it helps that my yx is quite a handful hahahah...my mum needs to be fast.

Anyway very good question asked about weaning...I also have been browsing whenever I have time...so far only stopped at rice cereal. I know for that you just need 1-2 teaspoon mixed with bm or fm and give it to them.

Hee I always rely on our dear babycenter for info. Here's the link:


If I am not wrong fruit purees are consider snacks not meal replacement.

PY: Orchard cool!! I havent drove BB kay out to beyond the east before on my own...scary but cannot avoid anymore. Let's go once the swimming lessons are confirmed! Hee cho cho-ing hubby to call the council's chairperson. Keep fingers crossed.

Sotong_mum: Hmm well it's either philips or braun I guess. Braun seems more lightweight. Anyways will KIV.
hi all.

been a tiring week at work.. well it's the hols.. and there's nothing much to do actually! haiz. but bally's keeping me up in the night, next day i super concussed.. wed -fri.. i had a workshop.. and i was sitting there stoning.. totally shacked.. little contribution.. coz physically drained.. my colleagues.. saw me stoning.. assured me it is only my first week back at work.. so take it easy.. sian sian.. then so paiseh to leave the room to go pump.. wah liew.. freaking painful!.. lost my sharpness intellectually.. need to get it back man.. haiz

anyway.. retracing the archives..

re Bumbo
Miser just taking it out to cleam it! finally found it in the storeroom! ha.. hmm.. think bally will have a problem squeezing into it liao :p the boy's 8kg at the PD's today! FAT!

bbseed: shichida's method.. i was telling xoxo.. ULTRA expensive.. and i dun really believe it is as impressive as it sells itself to be..:p there are plenty of right brain training methods out there, explore!
anyway.. was also telling xoxo.. come when our bbs reach 6 mths.. can arrange trial classes for Gymboree, Kindermusik etc liao! wooo! so exciting..v v v fun

PY: u can give barley too.. but do it in a progression.. white then brown rice than barley/oats.. then wheat..

gal/Jazol: Miser and I admitted teng to KKH coz we were unsure how to manage his persistently high fever.. it hit 40.2 at one pt! within two three days.. we went to the A&E three times.. the last two was within 24 hours somemore. coz he was initially sent home coz a v mild chest infection.. then he was shivering. brought him back then diagonsed was middle ear infection and not the chest whch caused the high fever. i thought so too.. coz was given three days of antibiotics.. almost finished liao can't be fever still so high right? then last timewas because he complains of chest pain.. the doc said admit else i will go back for the fourth time! indeed so man! like woodlands v near to kkh? duh...

tien: miser is a nice man but he gets on my nerves at times!

re bumbo/high chair for feeding
ladies, u all could consider getting a high chair for feeding so as to inculcate good habits.. also no tv while feeding too :p else feeding will take a super lnog time. i pity my mum. she has her fav hokkien show on at bally's future feeding time. but just so bad. i am going to insist.. no tv while eating!

glass: chill.. u dun need to be a cook to wean babies
u dun even have to add any oil/salt/etc to their cooking at all! easy

get the gina ford's weaning book.. it is really systematic and idoit proof

LAdies: i also recommend this website
take a look? simple recipes there.. and i like informative feel to the whole thing

shugar: bring in those beanies man! i want! i want! or rather bally needs it.. he's dropping hairS! haiz.. comtemplating shaving him liao. but his head shape awful leh!

xoxo: u mean go to a supermarket to have the cereal party?! wah.. stylo lah oct mummies! :p i thought just simple gathering in someone's house, then open boxes of cereals distribute nia.. u mean concregate at the supermarket and sit there to TASTE? machiam wine tasting?! high class man..:p:p

gal: hmmm.. dun have to have disclaimer not to be able to be tbf leh.. more things in raising child than just proving breast milk

SJ: boy ganna UTI? better now? bally needs to go for a MCU (dunno what the full name) cause despite on preventive antbiotics.. his urine still got bacteria.. wah liew.. so they going to insert a urine catethar into his UT get the sterile urine.. then insert a dye up the UT to see how far it goes.. coz his ultrasound shows a slight dilated bladder.. coz simply be immaturity but if it is detected he has urine reflux.. (wah liew).. then he needs ot be on medication for two years !!!! haiz.. which makes him more prone to utis.. haiz.. seems like v common in bb boys.. then this teng needs to see the ENT specialist for his ear infection and also his allergi cnose... wah liew.. my wallet .. haiz..

and i know how u feel about weaning andre off the boobs. i was feeling that way too but i have since snapped muself out of it.. no longer tied to his feeding schedule.. pumping more regularly.. milk ss will increase too..

xoxo: v tiring indeed when bb wun sleep.. dre quite active. but need to assert some kind of dicispline on the girl .. noticed that day she wasn't fussing per se but the toys was changed.. need to let her learn how to entertain herself a bit

PY: sunscreen. california bb.. spreads really well and non-sticky.. and fragance free.. thumbs up! btw, how was ur masquerade party? :p

hmmm .the main aim is to get the bbs to be able to truly swim right? need to use those kinds of shelter ones ah? a bit exxagerating leh :p at most arms kind right? else i think.. look like water chin gay! :pP

bbseed: bleeding?! ouch!

mie: good to introduce other than just porridge lah.. and food cannot always be nuanua coz need to introduce textures to bb when weaning for the fear that they insists on pureed food when well into their toddlers years! so take charge of belle's weaning process

for fruits.. at six months.. milk still main food.. any solids introduced are tasters and for exposure.. not a complete meal.. and shdn't be one coz if not they will cut down milk too quickly.. come 7 mths and beyond.. then the three meals will slowly be establised and slowly by the end of 1 years.. milk feeds to dropped to just 2 or 3 feeds in a day

and the beauty of the bb cubes and freezing is that u can combine different cubes together.. so dun have to finish the entire tray.. can mix and match

mylvera: like that lor at work.. need to pick up momentum again.. :S

ok.. goingout to get goceries
hippo >> i'd the centre checked out. the instructors are all certified by Singapore Sports Council and the Singapore Swimming Teachers’ Association. one step more, i am actually asking the place to send us the very same instructor conducting the infant swim class for my friend. at least there's direct WOM. regardless, i understand that their instructors conducting the infant grp classes have to be way more qualified and actually specialise in infant swimming - very much different from the classes for 3 yo and above..so it isn't like what we were given when we were young - thrown to the deep end and get barked at to flail our arms and taking merciful breaths..

tien >> Dre is better today. she is taking her nap NOW. or is this her sleep...hmmm..i dunno lah. but this girl has been demanding a feed every 2 hrs today!! i think i'd have to embark on the weaning straightaway. hehe..and as long as you're above 1.5m, i think u should have no fear...it's a swimming class for infants! but it isn't conducted in wading waters though..

bbseed >> show yr MIL the cuts and maybe something along the lines, you'd cut them yourself cos you wanna learn how to do these things as his mummy?

shugar >> that's fast..cool! i wanna get some for her!

PY >> you don't need the floats for the lessons. but what happens is...my friend says..the bbs love the pools so much, the mums just let them nua on the floats after class for abt 10mins...and now that some in her group can walk already..the bbs are actually climbing in and out of the floats on their own..so fun thing to have lah... :p FYI, my friend's daughter has her trademark bumblebee swimming costume...DDG!!! super cute!

astro >> yah..macham wine tasting. they actually have a bar counter there..and the nursery room is just paces away. gather at someone's place...hehehe..i was telling shugar..cereal party will cfm mess up that fella's plc big time! high class ah...but they are quite nice abt it..think they also feel it's a good opportunity to introduce their (expensive) organic produce to mummies..and yes, the pool will end up like water chingay...heehee..xoxo won't buy (yet)..will check out Grp 1's style first...
Alexis - no, Amelie doesn't really take long naps - she can just survive with 3 x 30min naps, until she goes down (fussing) at 7plus or 8 plus. And she gets up at 6am.

Xoxo, yes, I intend to wean Amelie. Wanted to try today. She as so tired she started crying at 7pm. Managed to get her to finish her milk after she cried for a while. She was almost asleep and for a while when she opened her eyes we let her taste the si sen brown rice. Hahaha! Tomorrow will try again.

Wean machine - I think no need la. My mother just told me that last time, all they ever used was a sieve and spoon and keep grinding it then come out very fine already. I shall try that out.

As for frozen purees, you can freeze one batch, pop them out in a ziploc, then freeze another type, then you can mix and match. Read that in a book.

I bought this "feed your child right" book for asian parents, which has weaning info. It also provides a simplified time table. Thought of following that instead of GF. But still curious about what GF says. Hm. Maybe i'll see if the library has it.
xoxo: reading up slightly more on baby led weaning.. wah. power leh.. skipping puree and straight to table food and not using a spoon?! woo-hoo.. chimology..

i can actually offer my place for cereal party wor.. i dun THINK it can be that messy.. can it? :p
Whoa Astro.... Bally also kenna UTI? hiya, our poor boys. Was at Dr Ong's clinic last friday cos Andre had this fever that wouldn't go down..she did a dip test, confirmed UTI. Initially, i was still relax cos i kenna UTI before. Eat antibiotics ok liao. Then she started drawing picture, then talk abt ultrasound, then later some penetrant test, then antibiotics for 2 yrs, then surgery on worst case scenario, my jaw almost dropped to the ground lor. Then i came home and read on the internet. The more i read, the more i scared myself. Will be arranging the ultrasound soon and the mcu 6 weeks later. Can already feel a hole burning in my pocket.
SJ: yalor.. very de sian.. but the funny thing is his fever wasn't persistent kind.. in fact.. it disappeared the moment we reached KK.. twice also like that! without any medication! :S
so already that is not conclusive of UTI.. then the second catch of urine sample was the one which showed slight bacterial growth.. and it was like optional kind of test leh :S so i thought it was a gray case.. but the specialist at kkh v confirmed it is UTI.. chey.. the specialist is A/P Chong.. Dr ong said bally is in gd hands when i told her A/P chong is taking his case.. coz a/p chond is supposedly v serious wor.. ya. quite.. but still she is not sso serious till scary kind.. she also drew pictures.. and explained on the preventive antibiotics for 2 years but she never went on to tell me abt surgery.. i asked and she assured me no cause for concern :S

as for the MCU hor.. it was when the ultrasound showed slightly dilated bladder (or dunno what lah) that the MCU is decided upon leh.. urs.. is 'compulsory' meh?

the surgery aside.. money dun talk abt it.. it is the thought of on medication for 2 YEARS which makes me very the sian :S
funzee >> were you attempting to begin weaning at the 7pm feed? from what GF and folks like Amanda Karmel says, it's the noon feed that is preferred mainly because it allows u time to gauge her reactions etc.

astro >> BLW..you can use puree. only difference is u allow the bb to dip her fingers in them and self-feed. not using the spoon to do so...i allowed Dre to play with her puree ytd evening. not to eat..just for her to feel the texture. stopped her when she was just abt to mouth the bits. the bk on BLW is actually very specific. so not at all difficult to picture how it is done. see how it goes lah. macham science experiment...ha.

SJ, Astro >> UTI sounds rather serious...take care, hope your babies will be given the all-clear soon...no no to the antibiotics for 2 yrs!

head-banging >> Dre has just developed this new hair raising (or rather, head banging) antic. I don't really know what to do abt this. She woke us up this morning by banging her head repeatedly and rather violently against the cot rails. Completely deliberate...even looked at us, smiled and banged more! Seems to love this newfound habit cos she did more of this head banging against our shoulders, the playmat..the floor...doesn't seem to cause her pain/discomfort but it is certainly not at all comfy watching her...plus she woke ultra early - 7am...and if she ain't going to take her nap today..i am fast becoming panda mama..
been jinxed since friday afternoon man!!!

those of you who has given me your numbers before, pls give me your number AGAIN. BUT NOT NOW PLS, AFTER 6PM THIS EVENING K? cos i'm backing up my bloody iphone and i donch f**king know why it takes so f**king long.

sorry for the bad language. actually the bad spell started on thursday. sigh...
its a lot for me. actually emotionally it was too much for me. and i couldn't stabilise myself so i left work at 3pm. because its work related, i wouldn't elaborate in an open forum such as here. i may write a note in FB and grant access there. sorry guys.
Astro, the way she sounded, sounds like MCU is compulsory. Probably Andre's urine sample was all cloudy and she said its pretty bad. Haiz... anyway,i'm not dwelling too much on it (i guess my brain just shut up on this subject, cos my heart simply aches whenever i think of it). Just move on as the check ups are scheduled. And pray really hard.

Andre's recovered now, just on that antibiotics until the next check up. He's a bit like Audrey, tie tou. Keep banging his hand against his cot rails. And nowadays, he just like to zut and lick his cot. Dad was on duty and Andre fell from our bed the other day (horror of all horrors), he just whimper a little. It was the dad that totally freaked out.

btw, you guys have any tips for contipation? Andre drinks about 4ozs of water and juice everyday and still does not poo regularly. Don't really want to rely on the suppository all the time.
astro/sj : oh dear.... hope e boys get well asap

xoxo : my fren's dotter oso like to bang head then laugh. tink they trying to explore?
tien / astro: his thumb did not bleed but its the skin being cut till the flesh is exposed, yesterday showered him and his skin dropped off now there's something like a hole waiting for the skin to grow back.

astro: ya its super expensive, their fees per term (12 weeks) is ard $1.4K. the class is once a week. furthermore the parent following the child in will also need to attend a 3-hr course so as the parent will know how to practicewith the child when at home.Told HB on the cost he was shaking his head.
hey, if you all are arranging any trial class for the right brain training count me in yah..

SJ / astro: hope your boys will recover soon ya.

xoxo: yesterday i hint (never show her the cut)to my MIL saying there is a deep cut on my boy's thumb but she seems like dunno abt it leh (dunno whether she really dunno or act blur) and tell mi nvm baby recover very fast. but since she give me this kind of reaction i also dunno how to tell her already coz dun really wan to make her feel bad.

SJ: my boy last time has also got constipation like 5 days no output, so MIL bought the nui nai liang which is meant to clear the heat and toxic materials, regulating the stomach to promote digestion. On top of that as reccommended by my PD to mix his FM with Friso Comfort (e.g. 2 scoops of enafalac and 2 scoops of friso comfort). Now he will output every 2 days. Hope it helps you.

Swimsuit: yesterday went to shop for my boy's swimsuit got those normal and thermal one. what are the type of swiwsuits you all getting for your precious ones? I thought of getting the thermal one, issit useful? happen to come across this BP selling thermal one as well same as what kiddy has. http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/3329649.html?1267924793

Floats: thought of getting something similar to happy hippo. hahha..
re weaning,
my mother told me to use a slow cooker, but I have no idea what to use the slow cooker for.
I bought the si sen rice, but haven't opened it yet. Maybe try tomorrow.

this book on weaning I borrowed recommends a blender. but not sure whether neccessary.
SJ - is Andre on BM or FM? Try probiotics? Amelie was super constipated (5 days) and had to use the enema (PD squeezed something from a tube, I guess it's like the enema we got when we were abt to give birth?). And after that Amelie was put on probiotics as a supplement. Since then her poo has been more regular, then for a while she was on NAN HA and it was like LS! Now back on normal NAN and stopping the probiotics so she doesn't poo everyday anymore. The probiotics is quite ex! $40 for a small bottle but it lasts quite long (3-4 weeks). I think Amelie likes it (more than milk). I tried it once but it's not nice leh. It's just oily.

xoxo- yeah, I know not so good to start at 7pm feed, but because we were out and about the only time we could try it was evening. This morning we tried again, but it was so watery and after that she had a spit up and it all came out. You think I should make the si sen more pastey? Or the spit up is a sign she doesn't like it? Weaning is so exciting and complicated (for me lah, I feel that it's so complicated having to plan what to give etc). And yet I won't be at home so how to experience it and jagar what is going on? Sigh!

For the munmmies going swimming, Arena at Centerpoint is having sale (not just Arena brand, have others as well, including 2-piece), so you might want to check it out.

Since we are on the topic of water babies, thought I'd share a photo of A in our tub.
sj and astro: i hope your boys recover soon.

Elgin also had some problem. His penis base skin was peeling and slightly swollen. Saw the doctor and he said that must make sure we dry the area properly. Now ok already.
My ger did da same too... Use da tongue to push or spit out da rice cereal. So my sis said y not buy da finger rice rusks n let da bb hold n play. N today we bought it n let her try, da result is pretty good tho... At least she is playing cum eating
hippo >> sorry to hear all that...sigh...it's rough to go thru' such a patch and you've my sympathies. emailed you my number since i am late in seeing this msg..

SJ >> think positive. Andre will come thru' this fine. I am not paying any attn to her head banging antics as I think to give her any attention when she is in the midst of that, would only encourage her to do more..so far, she has stopped that for today..after being a rocker for a good part of the afternoon as well.

gal >> I read that they head bang to seek attention or express frustration esp in toddlers. but since i (thick-skinned), don't think i've deprived her of attention nor have i given her cause for being so angsty...perhaps the cause of her rather perplexing and alarming behaviour has more to do with her need for kinetic stimulation - that is, replicating the rocking motion in the womb. that's what the experts say..thankfully..they have also mentioned that it is unlikely that the baby would head-bang to the extent that they would hurt themselves...i certainly hope so..

bbseed >> i won't hint leh..i would exclaim loudly and maybe throw in super drama..."Why is there a cuttttttt???" hahaha...at least she would think of the hyperventilating mummy...but don't point the finger at her :p...erm, get thermal ones for the swimsuit. I was advised so..cos some pools on some days can be really frigid..so you want the bb to enjoy the lesson rather than shiver like a rattle...

glass >> i just blew money on a food processor...i didn't know there were so many types - blender, mixer and the processor...ha.

funzee >> you are supposed to start on a watery version before moving on to the patsy stuff..but i am not experienced at all..so not the best person to give advice actually. just sharing too..from what i read from weaning books/sites, it does seem that amelie may not have gotten rid of her tongue-thrust reflex which is a key sign to whether she is ready for weaning or not. you can google and read more abt that and see if it fits what u are experiencing. in addition, these are other "signs" the baby is ready..

- Holding his or her head up and controlling head movements.
- Sitting well when supported.
- Making chewing motions.
- Doubling his or her birth weight.
- Being unsatisfied after a full milk feed
- Demanding increasing and more frequent milk feeds
- Attempting to put things in his or her mouth
- After a period of sleeping through the night waking in the night with hunger
- Displaying curiosity about what you are eating.

AND, she is really cute with that shock of hair! I still rem the shot u took of her in her first month (draped over yr shoulders)...she has really grown
wow! the babies are going for swimming lessons!!! so cool! i bet they're gonna enjoy it.. so wld the mommies. coincidentally, i brought ana for her 1st swim in the swimming pool last sunday and she totally enjoyed it..
will post a photo of her soon just so that she can 'show-off' her new swim suit here. hehehe..

PY: the shop at paragon is ocean paradise

there are too many posts to reply to and it's already 3 am so i will just say hi, n bye for tonight.


ok maybe i will just say one more thing: I LOST MY FREAKING HP!!!! think of all my photos and videos in there!! boo! stupid arse of a person who found it switched it off almost immediately, i presume, cos i tried calling back within minutes and it was OFF! a**h**e! sorry.. still pissed. the good thing abt this is that i got my new hp, the SE Satio. hehe. still charging now.. will play with my new toy tmr

ok maybe i will just say a few more things. things that i read earlier that stuck in my head:

shugar: nice stuff you got there. would love to get hats and beanies for my girl. unfortunately, her head is always WET with sweat! and it gets smelly too! any of your babies here experiencing this??!!

hippo: hope things are ok at work.. i detect a certain level of distress...

astro: u too, girl. how are your boys? hope teng is alright now..

loke: u very brave woman to shave angel's hair.. i cldn't bear to shave adil's hair last time even when everyone else told me too. and he's a boy. no way will i let anyone get near my girl's hair. don' care what the old folks say oso.. hehe

xoxo: i'm hoping this'll make you feel better somewhat - i believe that audrey is just a really , really, really bright kid. which is why she's more 'difficult' to handle and is constantly looking for new stimuli. she's gonna be hard to keep up with for sure.. but think of all the possibilities for her in the future.. she'll be one to watch out for is my gut feeling

ok, i found this:

<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

A gifted infant can get frustrated with the lack of new objects to explore visually. And when they get frustrated, they do what all infants do. They cry and fuss. ...

The fussing could be due to something as simple as lack of mental stimulation. Many parents of gifted infants find that if they change their baby's surroundings or view every so often, the baby stops crying and fussing. The baby just needed something new to look at. They next time your infant is crying and and you can't figure out what's wrong, try moving your baby. Sometimes all it takes is moving a infant seat so that the baby is facing a different direction. Highly gifted infants may need to be moved frequently, sometimes as often as every 20 minutes!<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>


does that sound like what audrey makes you do with her at home?
morning gals,

alot of topic on Weaning. Bring Rhys to PD last saturday due to his cough and block nose. PD ask me not to start him on Solid yet due to his sensitive skin and ecezema problem. Ask me to wait for at least 2 more weeks. Sigh..... Milk war with him must continue. I thk that Rhys will like solid food as he alway move his mouth when he saw we are eating.
HI mummies. Tien reporting!! Has a horrible Sunday! Got food poisoning plus my mum as well. Din get to visit MIL...feel bad bad bad...cos next week she is going vietnam. She is so gonna to miss her grand-daughter.

xoxo: Seriously! Dre sounds like a gifted infant!!! See? Dre has always been different in a good way!! Jia you!!!

About demanding more feeds!!! Another high-5 from yx to Dre! This crazy girl been getting hourly feeds from the 3-7pm slot. PLEASE DUN TELL ME there's a 4.5 months - 5 months growth spurt. Also she hasnt been peeing nor pooping much.

Famela: Quick try if your new hp can post on forum!!!!

Funzee: Your girl also very very cute!!! Got so much hair!!! Another little fish!

PY: Ok we work out something once the lesson confirm!! Shopping time!!

SJ and Astro: Hope your boys recover soon. Ganbatte!

Sotong_mum: You are fast man! So fast buy the blender already! I also want to buy...But have to wait till mum recovers before I can head out.

Anyway, can't post much nor read through everything today. Mum's not well..looks like I have to get my fat a** moving to do some housework!! WHY oh WHY they send back the maid at this time!!!
bbseed : If you are really into right brain training, must diligently do the exercises with your kids at home everyday. By attending the 1 day per week course only, the kid will not show very significant improvement.
Shugar I want the beanies!!!

By the way mummies, can someone recommend me a car air purifier? I ain't sure y but it's very dusty in the car bb will keep sneezing.

What about air purifier for home? I went best denki but salesman keep pushing me to buy euroace one. Cos he say it's very good and cheap at only 200+. Can any mummies please advise me?
oops just realized its shugar and not PY organising the BP on the beanies &amp; sneakers.
sorri PY... :p
count me in shugar...
Hi Mummies!

I'm waiting for my playmat to be deliver. I know I'm behind for buying this but didn't think that it's necessary until recently when Reagan is learning how to crawl.

Hope that your kiddo will recover fast!

Jia you! It sound like there's someone who is very mean at work. But I'm sure she will be very sorry when you are finish with her.

xoxo, after reading what famela posted, Adr sure sound like a gifted baby! I always feel that she's very special.

Fast ah? I can't wait and try it yesterday haha. Not too bad but the hand hold blender is not as idea as I thought. I try to use it to make the brown rice cereal finer but bits and pcs came flying out once I on it. Guess I gotta take Ryan's mini umbrella to cover myself the next time I use it!

All ticks for the checklist to wean baby. But I'm not very keen to do it >_< a bit lazy cos it means more work for me! I have read up on BLW and find it very interesting. But guess I'm not adventurous enough to try it. I'll combine both methods and see how it goes. Can't imagine the mess I gotta clean up on each meal time regardless if we are at home or outside. And also I still don't quite like the idea of giving baby outside food when they are below one. So I guess porridge is easier to prepare and gave when we are out.

Gosh, delivery time is 10am to 1pm and still they haven't come!
Shugar: I wan red beanie for my boy too ;) have bought 3 of these beanie from another BP. I luv it cos can cover his ugly hair, n it is big enough for me to pull over his eyes when the sun is too bright n I can keep him from scratching his ears
Popping in for a while!

Sotong mum: you are not late in getting the mat! I also just got mine on sat. Same realise that yx is craving for more space dun think she's crawling yet more of rotating. Anyway u ordered from world of korea? Mine was late for 1 hour!
Hey gals, thanks for your kind wishes. =)
Andre's recovered from his UTI (hopefully last time)... now pending all those check ups to make sure his system was developed properly.

bbseed, funzee: thanks for your tips on constipation. Andre's still on 100% BM. Have been gorging myself with more veges/fruits cos hubby says my lack of fibre is causing his constipation. Also stopped his cereal for a while. Will ask PD on this probiotics thingy.

Weaning: So far Andre's not too bad with the bowl and spoon. Although it's messy, he'll move his mouth and swalllow. But he's very impatient, loves his food fast and warm. So after a few tiny spoons, he'll flare up in frustration, so we just mix the remaining cereal in his milk.

funzee: Love Amelie's hair...
funzee: ur girl is so cute..

xoxo: ya i can imagine ur super drama reaction.. :D but luckily his skin dry up so at least not so worried when MIL bathing him.

sunnyling: hang on, it will pass soon. hope Rhys will recover soon.

tien: how r u now? feeling better? try to rest more and do minimum on hse work.

dreamygal: read up from some website too, that it will be an everyday thingy. so i really have to be alot more dilligent and plan my things well. thanx for your advice..

SJ: glad that andre has recovered. finally you can relax abit.

sotong mum / tien: both of you are not the latest one coz there's mi.. hahah.. actually tot of getting it only when my hse is ready but realise that cannot wait anymore.. and worse still the playmat that i wanted or rather most of the design OOS and need to wait till like end Apr. Hence my boy will have to be tied up in his rocker for the time being.

Weaning: everybody is into weaning stage now, it just seems so fast that our little ones are being introduced to other food other then milk.. i will start introducing to my boy most probably next month. will update you all wat is his reaction like..
bbseed: how about those foam alphabet playmats to use temporary? My boy is playing on those now, but i put a nappy below his face, in case, he momentarily lose control of his neck and bang his head against the floor
bbseed : Actually a lot of the activities can be done at home. Even the training materials can be DIY-ed. But must put in a lot of time.

Apart from Shichida, there are other schools doing right brain training as well. Some are : Little Neuro tree, IGenius, etc... You may want to check them out.

You got your mat an hour late and I'm still here waiting for my! Trying to keep my cool. I ordered my from small small world and I swear this is the last time I ordered from them! Delivery time is 10am to 1pm. I called ssw at 1pm. The lady told me she will get the delivery guy to call me. That D guy called me and said will deliver my around 2-3pm. I was like huh?! I need to do my marketing and so he said "no worries, you go out, I will call you when I'm going to reach". I scolded him big time as that will mean I'm at his back and call and need to rush back when he reach?! Anyway, we settled on 3pm. I was busy till now then I realise it's 5pm and no one call! Fed up.

Reagan is moving forward and all around! Keep banging his head against the wall as his bed is by the wall.

I actually want to order from world of Korea but the design I like is out of stock. I don't wanna wait till Apr and thus decided to get the size I want with the cheapest price tag since I can't get the design I want!

Are you the one who is getting your child register for P1 this year?
oh ya ah forgot abt the foam alpha, will got get it on this sat. thanks SJ..

dreamygal: i have found some websites where can download free pictures so as wat you mentioned, i will DIY myself. hehe.. thanx dreamygal, will check them out. you seems to know alot, have you gone through this before? if have any comments?

sotong mum: relac relac first.. cool down.. regarding the playmat i've already informed world of korea regarding which design i want but now temporarily will got get the foam (as SJ's reminder)..

seems like more and more babies are banging their head.. hahaha.. :D
bbseed: Thanks! I am better although still having a bit of diarrhoea. I am not doing much work. Trying to help my mum but she refused to let me do it. Sigh...so spent the whole day entertaining my yx athough did clean the rooms and stuffs.

Sotong_mum: That's terrible!! It's 4 hours plus late!! Yet cannot ask for refund. That's the thing when it comes to such purchases. No protection. You shld post a comment on the forum on this. So that ppl can look for alternatives.

Re:Right brain training / sending babies to schools
Gosh...so many options when it comes to such schools. Can't believe we are talking about this now...me stressed hahahha...actually no lah. My hb is the one who is very inspired (or rather influenced) by my aunty. She sent her girl to shichida and now at Adam Khoo!! Think I am more laidback in this. Want her to enjoy babyhood and explore on her own. At most let her go for playgroups. But I know my hb...he will sure send.

Btw...must chio me if going for trial classes at gymboree and kindermusik ah!! My fren brought her son and she said very fun!!

Called the delivery man at 450pm and he said he's going to reach my house within half an hour. Guess what? Till now he's not here! *Smoke coming out from my head" I wrote an email to ssm and if I don't get my playmat today, I'm going for a refund. They better give it to me. If not, I'm not laying this down.

I sent my elder son to GUG when he was a baby... but can't remember at what age. It was fun, really fun! So I thought of doing the same for Reagan but guess it's a bit hard now when my hubby is away most of the time.

I also want to go for trial classes! REmember to jio me!
Thanks mie! But not sure if this is good enough? I saw got a sharp car air purifier at 199!

Bbseed, can share the websites?
you're right. but its someone who's no fight in terms of skillset and intellectual capacity. so i dont have to lift a finger to kill her. she will self destruct in no time. bwahahahaha...
i had the same problems when i bought my playmat too! but i bought from crazy korea or something like that. scali they use the same delivery moron? the idiot said his car broke down and wanted to deliver at 10pm!!! i called and scolded him and the seller. then next day he came at like 8.30am when i was still sleeping! WAH LAU EH!!! i screamed at him at my gate!!!

anyhow, i wanted to write a note in FB but dunno if I can still find it later on in my drafts.
hey bbseed, when you get the alpha foam mat, do take note not to get those with the small alphabets. Cos a friend warned me that the small alphabets have small pieces which baby can choke on. You know la, nowadays, everything in their hands goes into their mouths almost immediately
Thanks for the compliments on Amelie. I am proud to say that I think that shock of hair comes from my side of the family. When my husband's relatives saw her during CNY, they said she was the first to be born with so much hair. LOL.

Famela, Amelie definitely has smelly and sweaty hair! My mother can complain "how come so smelly after bathing?".

Tien, hope you are feeling better now!

Xoxo, yah, I've read the signs of being ready to wean. She has almost all of the signs except wanting to increase her milk intake. Actually Amelie already lost interest in milk since she was 3 months old. That's when our milk wars started. Later on, I decided that no point fighting with her so I just persuade her to drink but if she doesn't I don't worry too much. Anyway with her being on the 70-90th percentile for weight, I guess no harm done if she skips a feed or two. Being the sui bian mum that I am, I think she will let us know if she is really hungry. And you know, I agree with the rest - based on your description, I think Dre is special! I think she will grow up to be very bright, so next time, you can tell her about her funny antics and you can all laugh about it together.

Hey people, I also want to join when you try out classes next time. But I will give the swimming lessons a miss because we were told by the fortune teller not to let her swim till she is 4. Anyway, I can't even swim myself. LOL. And eh, can I join the FB group? ;)
funzee: ur baby is so cute and I luv her hair :)

Famela: Riona's hair is also sweaty and smelly. The weather is also not helping... I got her hair trimmed finally as she had started scratching behind the head cos of all the sweat there..

since yesterday Riona is gng on her fours - in the crawling position. But just moves back and forth for a while and then flat again...its fun to watch her trying to crawl... :)
famela >> thank you for your kind words and providing me another perspective to view her behaviour. I will keep what you've said in mind but these are very early days yet and I am feeling overwhelmed most days trying to keep her entertained during her very long waking hours and simply not being able to have any time to myself to even run simple errands etc. a simpler explanation may also lie with her stomach flu?

i went to your link to read up..i do agree with the observation that changing the environment helps to calm her fussing fits immediately..like how i realise i cannot choose the same location more than twice in a row to give her her feeds - and she never closes her eyes during feeds unlike the newborn days..so she is constantly rotating her head and have been taking her feeds sitting up or lying with her body away from mine, propping on her little fist. positions that i find terribly unmanageable outdoors...and she refuses to settle in the car seat..unless i layer it with a new fabric or something (newspapers at one pt!) but isn't most babies like that? anyway, good thing is she has given up on head-banging. i was most disturbed by that. the new thing today is raising her butt as high in the sky as possible..like an ostrich trying to see the world upside down..but she can't quite keep her balance...and has been taking many tumbles. as i am typing..she is still at this ostrich-dug-into-a-hole pose. strangely cute.

her PD called today to inform us that her second nasal swab showed a bacteria infection. we had to bring her in for a check up just to be sure we aren't seeing the onset of pneumonia - thankfully, he then assured us she shows signs of recovering from this bug on her own, though it would take time. i took this opportunity to tell him again abt her long waking hrs and need for constant stimuli and sorta asked him if he thought she was hyperactive - you know, ADHD, autism etc...? esp since my hb was diagnosed with autism as a child so it is my natural fear she may be such as well...bottom line was, the PD feels she is doing fine and told me to give her as much love and attention as she needs. disagreed with me abt fitting her out with a bb helmet (told him abt the head banging) ....he thinks she is highly social - giving early social smiles and being a very smiley, giggly girl..who makes eye contact with him- so he sees no indicators at this moment that she might be autistic. plus, she thrives on human touch and hugs..so cross my heart, i am more relieved, for now...

hehe..and i can't wait to get to the pool. intentional or otherwise, think that swimming would do wonders for her to channel her energy...and i miss swimming so badly...couldn't quite stand the smell of chlorine during my pregnancy and the H1N1 skewed my plans for aquatics at KKH...so really looking forward to this..only snag is trying to get a location..

tien >> haha...YX having a telepathic connection to Dre?....today the crazy 2 hrly feeding stopped..oh thank goodness for that! PD happened to tell me that there's a bad diarrhea bug gg abt..so peeps beware! hang in..i know it's tough being Maria....i am a little regretful i didn't succumb to the temptation of hiring one...really becoming one big frazzled auntie!

dreamygal >> what is this right brain training all about? do u do them? astro was telling me abt the astronomical fees involved..oh no..yet another avenue to flush our $$$ away?

sotong mum >> sorry for the horrible recommendation. i sent her an SMS telling her why she made u wait like that = it makes me feel so lousy for giving u this contact. they weren't like this for my order at all! haiz...one of those things..glad u got the mat issue sorted. **thumbs up** for crawling Reagan!! these babies are growing so fast..i am feeling nostalgic abt their newborn days...Dre finally can be dressed in your cherry coat!! that's her very first piece of clothing given by you at week 21 of our pregnancies...whoa..time flies!

funzee >> my PD used the same phrase on me today - "you can tell her abt her antics when she grows up"..bwahahahaha..i think Dre would find me such a nag when the time comes..and yep..that's a shock of hair! absolutely adorable!!

smelly hair >> Dre is in this group too..sent her for a rescue haircut after mummy's DIY haircut (attempt to save $10..can u believe it?) went awry...thank goodness i cut the locks..discovered very angry welts at her neck - heat rash :S

astro >> crawling backwards! wooh!!! that's a really cute one! now that u are working..it's gonna be tougher meeting up! how's work today? hope teng is completely well and back to his chirpy self...and how abt yh?
Major headache. Dre has yet to fall asleep =_=..it's nearly 2+am...by far the worst..cos she woke at 11am today and has been keeping us up. This is getting super chronic. Sigh. Arggghhh!
