(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

HI I cant cfm on the Aqua as the plc is quite out and I have difficulties to bring my baby and boy there as hubby travelling and I need to bring them myself.

Will be good if you gals can look for a backup.

Sorry about that.

By the way I am so tired recently due to Rhys Milk Strikes. Everyday go home my MIL will say baby dun want to drink milk etc etc etc..... and Rhys is coughing and will need to bring him to see a PD tonight. He suppose to jab his 6-in-1 tomorrow but will need to postpone it.
sunnyling: where u stay?

Baby Milk Strike
I do encounter this before what I did was to lessen my boy's milk qty (e.g. from 150ml to 120ml) which means you will have to feed more times (e.g. instead of 4 hrs once maybe 3hrs once).

Hopefully it helps you.
Let your baby try first. Either rent it or bring them to friend's house to try. Some baby just refuse to be in it. If you refer to the 'want to sell' thread, you can see a lot of mummies who wanted to sell theirs because their baby do not like them.
today i am faced with a sudden drop in BM supply
i can only managed to express about 2oz after 30 mins of pumping. really felt demoralised now, especially when i am also faced with my girl's milk rejection.

the thing about her rejecting milk only happens when i am back from work. She feeds perfectly fine on bottle when i am away during working hours.
Sunnyling: wat kinda teats u r using for the bottles? will it becos of the slow flow? r u latching ur bb still? I encountered it when my ger ard 3 months, she only wans my breasts but not bottles, we were exhasuted running around n change to anything evrything till got NUK wide neck teats for her. Sometimes u can try rock her till she is almost fall asleep n slip the bottles into bb's mouth...
morning mummies..

i am feeling so ___________ today.

this girl...doesn't nap at all. now refuses quiet time at naptimes when i try to introduce quieter stuff when she should be sleeping. constantly on the go..sigh.

i find her need for novelty quite tiresome now. no longer funny. i know i shouldn't feel this way but i am just yearning to getaway and do something else rather than be this harried playmate of hers!

plays with new stuff for awhile and then, she refuses to even look at them. doesn't want to stay in one room or on the playmat for example too long - needs to be moved all over the house. latest place of attraction is the kitchen and she will fuss till u bring her into it...open the fridge..let the cool air bask her...on the tap..let her fingers run..etcetera etcetera.

feeding her has become an everest of kinds. constantly need to be in weird and weirder positions. refuses cradle, football, cross, sleeping holds. now she wants to be fed combined with tummy time or sitting up. all v difficult to manage.

my hb and myself are just so tired out. and we have got to keep monitoring her. cos she refuses nap times. from the moment she wakes up..she doesn't quite sleep (at best, 15mins)...the cough mixture on the table looks seriously tempting. sigh..bad thoughts on my part again. kinda feeling i can't quite manage her..sorry to rattle on and on and vent..but really, a little overwhelmed.

does this mean she will be a hyperactive kid? without taking naps..it also means i have a full 12hr day with her..non-stop.
My baby has a cold...runny nose m watery eyes
do I need to bring him to doctor or he will recover on his own? Sigh...bout of cold going around in mum house
siangjiao >> it doesn't mean u have to commit for a 6mth period. the fees are monthly. however, given that skills you don't use, you lose...it's best to have a long term perspective to this activity. meaning..u shouldn't be expecting rapid fire results WRT water adaptability but rather, look at your child's progress over the long term. must have this mindset. cos the swimming lessons do vary when the child has learnt to crawl, stand, walk, and so on..so there's plenty to learn for months, if not years. definitely not a short term, once off thing...
vodkarib >> if the bb runs a temperature..bring. Dre had a runny nose, recovered on her own without seeing a doc. She also had a cough, healed on its own. try to diffuse olbas oil to help clear the airways (OTC from any pharmacy..one drop on the tissue) or eucalyptus essential oil in the room (but NOT vicks). keep him comfy and feed him frequently to replace lost fluids. get well soon baby!

The flow is not slow because if he want to drink he can drink quite fast. That what I am doing rock him till want to sleep then slip the bottle to his mouth now daily.
Thks xoxo..ok will monitor! Oh no.. He is w my mum now. I hope she is not rubbing him down with vicks. She loves that. Can't wait to return home to pick him up
bbseed: i'm swaping the swim group with Astro
as she cant make it for the grp 1 time slot. so you need not email me liao hehe thx!

sunnyling: cannot long bang u liao

swim suit shopping!: count me in pleaseeeee!! sun block etc.. woo hoo!
Xoxo: on days like these..tell urself that ur gal is eager to learn new things and abt the world...dun get frustrated (heh I feel that way sometimes) but I hav to agree with u that baby needs sleep. Jus try to make her get her daily 14hr of sleep.
When u r sian, try to get someone to help u take care while I take a 2 hour breather so that u will appreciate seeing her again after the break.
Now that I m back at work..I miss havin to run arnd to entertain my boy 12 hrs a day

so taking a break for urself will help in the looong run
Sunnyling: one thing, dun over force him to drink tho... just go slow, maybe wait till he is very hungry n tired. My mom said, maybe they r just too sick of the same thing (milk) they r drinking everyday
We tried to force my ger b4, n end up she refuses everything dat goes to her mouth n the moment we put her in the arms position wif hanky she screamed! cos she knows is the forcing time wif milk again =x

ok... some hat/beanie pics...
i can only provide prices a little later.

oh n i find these soft sneakers so cute!
roughly abt $5+/pair.
if u all interested i will bring some in.
PY: sunscreen is a must lah.. my Angel's skin so fair and smooth. hhaaha.. is banana boat good enough?

xoxo: hang in there! its just a phase.. dun think she's classified until hyperactive.. i'm thinking u may want to hire a nanny to help out for the time being.. otherwise both u and SF will be burnt out...
shugar>> wow!!! i already aim some beanies.. though nowadays I seldom let Belle wear beanies already.. but i cannot resist! hehehe

Loke & PY>> think you all should buy the california baby sunscreen.. banana boat stinks leh!
siangjiao/Alexis: yah! i think so too! ok going to ask if still got stock. hehhee.... so hard to source for boy boy stuff :S haiz... whole catalog all girl's stuff!
WAH! SOOOOOOOOOO happening!!! One page just gone into archive! So much to read!

PY: When n where u going swimsuit shopping?? I need to get mine n yx's!

Re: sunscreen
I'm getting california baby one from Agape's BP.

xoxo: poor thing..dun worry too much! different babies hv different habits! My younger sis stopped taking naps when she was 4 months plus. She is definitely not hyperactive. Dre is a fast-tracker...she is busy developing her senses! Maybe you can start to instill some disciplne like be firm on certain things? Do take care ya!

Anyway my petty lil yx is taking revenge on me for feeding her bottle just now! She has been latched on hourly since 3pm till now! ARGH!!!
Siangjiao: thanks for the info!! rented the exersaucer liao shall see how it goes...not sure if yx will like it!

Loke: U brave!! just chopped off Angel's hair like that!! Ya..she still looks girl girl...more reason to shop for hats!

Shugar! I saw a hat I like in your pix..you bringing all??
xoxo, your girl sounds very cute, though i can only imagine how tiring it is to take care of her! drinking milk during tummy time, wow this girl is so creative! is she ok to be left alone? if so, it is good to just let her be by herself for a while.

my amelie quite simple le, i also dunno how to entertain her anymore. lie her on her back and she will roll over and just look around (can't really play with toys on her tummy). then get tired and cry even though she knows how to roll back herself. read books, not interested. she only likes songs. and i only know so many songs. duh.

btw, for mummies whose babies could sleep through the night, do you find your baby waking up? amelie could sleep thru from 3 months old but once she turned 4 mths, she keeps waking up! and it's not for food. there were times where she woke up every 30 mins after going to bed (this was after 8pm, but before midnight). yesterday she refused to sleep after her 10.30pm feed, until 1am! and woke up at 6am kicking us (not to mention another in the middle of the night waking)! today also not drinking milk - only drank less than 15 oz so far!
funzee: try not to let amelie sleep too much during day time? I got the same sleeping probs like urs during CNY for Rou-en... dats cos too many playing n noise interupting her sleep routine.

haiz, dunno why we (all mum) will be so worry if baby refuse to take milk. Look at my hubby, he can just throw me a plain reply saying..."hmm, not drinking? let her be then :S"
thks folks. sorry for griping. should be happy she is a livewire actually. just gotten too tired. in fact, she just went to bed - MN. and i have just finished with the laundry and waiting for the dryer to complete its cycle. endless chores. the blues lah..guess it will pass. true to form, she didn't nap at all today since she woke at 10+.

vodkarib >> how's the babe? hope she's better..olbas is safer than vicks. this is a fairly recent research published on the use of vicks on children younger than 2 yo: http://www.cbc.ca/health/story/2009/01/13/vicks.html
It is safe, however, if you use the Vicks Baby rub.

PY >> there's ALOT of stuff actually..sooner than later, we will be scrambling to buy cute floats like a bug's leaf, swans etc...i have seen the pics and i can already see how siao things can get. let's just hope our pool can be secured...
for sunblock..there's this organic brand from germany called lavera. can be found at taka watson's. or erbaviva.

shugar >> temptation galore!!! *xoxo rubbing her palms together in glee* when can these arrive?

loke >> even Dre's godma finds her a handful. hire a nanny...huh? where? already burnt out..now busy applying burnol..

miemie >> thanks...Dr Tan called for her nose swab today. i told him she doesn't sleep and keeps playing. he didn't sound fazed at all. just muttered something like just make sure she is kept safe when she is playing..as for the constant need to stimulate her...he says it's normal...then suggested i take a holiday with hb and leave the bb with my mum...i was too tired to remind him that Dre has a feeding issue which means i cannot do that even if i really wanted to. really..a coin has two sides..i really hope it is just a passing phase. *_*

tien >> did yr younger sis resume her naps soon enough??

funzee >> she cannot be left alone now cos she is quite mobile. plus busying licking all the unlickables..or pulling things out of the shelves. scampering after her, picking stuff she conveniently discards after she is bored with them so on and so forth plus coping with her weird feeding positions...we take turns to be with her as a form of rest for ourselves...guess the baby honeymoon for us is over! PD did mention if your baby shows signs of disinterest in her milk feeds, it is a sign that u should begin the weaning process...do u think amelie is such? chk with yr PD?

gal >> yes..we are all waiting till 6mths to begin. Grp I is slated to begin May 2..
sunblock - i already bought california baby's sunblock from the last spree we did with joelle!

swimming float - bought already also! mushroom float super cute one!

my swim suit - eh i not shy to show my muffin top lah. i bought a 2 piece arena swimming costume cos it was on sale lah. so dont feel too conscious lah. my tummy overflows! hahaha... after awhile u will realise the attention is on the bb...

CALLING SOTONGMUM!!! eh u gotta join us for the swim lessons yah? what am i gonna do without you there???

HB made a good point abt infant swimming. he asked if the instructors are properly trained for this. cos at this tender age, if not handled properly, can cause phobia right? and i certainly don't want my baby fish to be afraid or terrified to go near a pool again in her life.

but xoxo being xoxo, i trust that you've already conducted your due diligence on this organisation and that they are legit?
Xoxo: unfortunately my sister never took a nap since then. My mum simply left her to entertain herself. But I think last time babies are more gong gong. Babies these days are so not!!

Wanted to ask but forgot. Must mummies know how to swim?? Cos I can't for nuts! Hb has a bigger muffin top
n so he has happily taken up the job as photographer. N I'm such a scaredy cat when it comes to baby bet I will struggle if instructor as me to release hand etc...
Btw want to ask mummies here...are you all getting those electric hand blender to prepare puree for babies? I went to courts to check out and only saw 2 brands - Braun and philips. Which is better?

Then my friend recommended this weaning machine (http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/3690795.html?1267601183). You think it's good? Cos I rem Astro mentioning that pureed fruits shld be cooked. So, if that's the case I see no point buying this...would rather buy the blender that can also hand blender cooked porridge.
morning everybody,

xoxo: think its just another phase for the growing up process, it will pass.. just hang in there.

very sad today, my boy's thumb got cut by the finger nail cutter, by who (mil). I know she's kind to help me cut my boy's nails as we know their nails grow very fast, if dun cut his face will be full of lines. Previously i also saw that his skin got cut out abit but I din really bother as its just abit on the surface. But last nite when i clean him up i saw how come there is a piece of skin, on second look oh no its been cut and when u try to open up the skin, the flesh can be seen (and you can imagine how deep is the cut) best part not once but TWICE (OMG wan to faint already).. so heartpain whenever i see his thumb now.

I cannot tell her "please dun cut my boy's nails" so juz hoping next mth to come faster as I'll be a SAHM.
i think we would be at the shallow end of the pool. so dun think mummies need to know how to swim.
i din think abt the blender tho. cannot just use whatever we have at home??? ACK!!!
Tien: I'll check with supplier if all are available. Will bring in if they are.

Gal: hehe the shoes got diff sizes. Not sure of the measurements yet.

Xoxo: I'll order on Monday. Shd come by end of the week. Let u all pick first n then I'll bp the remaining.
regarding blender>> this has been on my mind for quite some time too.. as my mum is the one who is gg to prepare belle's meals during the weekdays, i need to know wad is my mum's take on blending baby food.. i dun even know if she is ok with me buying all the organic baby food for baby..

just checked with my sister who is a mother of 3, she says not necessary coz the porridge will be cooked until "nua nua" and she will mash it in the bowl by the side before feeding.. so i guess my mum's gonna do the same way..
sounds like im not able to decide how my girl's food will be prepared.
also a few more doubts in my mind..

preparing of baby puree.. let's say we gonna feed our baby apple puree, does this mean the apple puree is taking up one complete meal for the baby?

and when we start to wean baby, how much should we start off by? one teaspoon? one tablespoon?

thos who bought the baby cubes, you prepare the baby puree and then freeze them, so your baby's gonna take that puree for everyday until they finish the whole tray of cubes?

im just getting kinda confused abt weaning.. at first was super excited.. but now coz im not the primary caretaker and cannot totally decide how my mum wants to let belle get started, im getting quite worried.

Tien> I'm free anytime (most of the time) especially weekday haha! but i need my hb's opinion too leh!! There's a shop at paragon and they sell SPF swimsuit haa i dunno what's that call.

Hippo> woah u're fast! heh..

xoxo> do we need floats ?? hmm... i saw alot of BP selling v cute floats (with shelter somemore) HAHA!!
