(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

Baby Aquatic Group 2
5)Tammy (bbseed's fren)

now left with one more slot.

Yeah!!!.. We are there..
hahaha... i'm a high risk taker.. lets see how long angel's hair takes to grow back!

i forgot to take photo of her before and after leh.. cos when i reached there, she was still asleep.. woke up just before we started shaving her hair... so wasted hor..
Oh no where is Angel's hair!!! Have seen her photo before she got very nice hair.. what happened??

Baby Aquatic
Ok group 2 is full..

PY: You wan to carry out the coordination or you want me to do??
ur Angel is bald but still looks v much like a girl. RN will look like a boy when she's bald fr this sun.
even now when she's all dressed in pink, ppl still ask, "Girl or boy?"
jrrt: same as me, hahaha.. ppl still asked me that question even when i dress Megan in pink from top to bottom. but it's ok.. as long as we know they're our darling girls!
loke: u really am a high risk taker..

i will not have the guts to do tat to my boy.. HB will be the first one to protest, even trimming abit also cannot dun say shave bald..
bbseed: u do bah.. i'm quite busy at home with my own stuffs haha lots of things to do.. btw if i not wrong we can try to squeeze 1 more baby into the grp if the instructor allows. heh..
nat: actually no hair then shave.. not so sayang leh... the person at the place say her hair can make 4 tai mao bi... so its quite sayang lah.. but i made one mao bi and kept the rest of the hair..
looks like a lot of "blind" ppl ard...

angel got so much hair, can make than 1 mao bi right? i am gg to make one for RN this sun aft she is shaved. how much did u spend on the mao bi?
ok.. in that case i will do the coordination..

sunnyling, Vin, Natalie: can i have your emails so that to send you all more details and information once I have receive from them.

PY: so i send the email to the once you gave me?? And will also check with them see whether we able to squeeze one more baby in.
**applause for Grp II**

Grin...looks like Oct thread would be full of "fishes"...haha, anyway, mine's still the ikan bilis so definitely must learn how to swim! :p

elly >> does London have similar water-based programmes?

cereal party >> Four Seasons Organic Market don't mind hosting us. Prb is, I wonder how this is gonna work out. Cos the bbs at this stage can only take at best 3 tsps of a single-grain cereal. Perhaps it's better if we KIV this till they are about 7mths old and can take in more...then it'd be a party proper....?

gal >> bb swimming at hwa xia is very different from this aquatics thingy. at the bb swimming - you use neck floats and the bb is pretty much within a narrow, but deep tub. with bb aquatics, there will be no neck float to rely on - and bb is in an actual pool. thus, i think it'd be very difficult to gauge response, i.e. difficult make the assumption that if bb is happy with bb swimming = bb would take well to the aquatics. nevertheless, u can chk how yr bb responds to water on his head. if he fusses when u pour water over his head...that might give u a clue. i was told abt this from my friend. regardless..this aquatics thing needs some form of long-term commitment, i.e. results and adaptability to water will take time. for me, i am expecting some level of fussiness too..but i think that since the class is only for 30mins..it's alright..better now than for them to develop a phobia of water (set to kick in at 8 mo apparently).

natalie >> for what to prepare:

Mummy: swimsuit, towel, sunblock, hat, camera in housing (if u want to take underwater photography - take along e dad and make him squat underwater..muahahaha...)

Baby: swimsuit (look for those that can keep e baby warm in water); sunblock, swimming cap, towels, feed at least 30mins before the session, toiletries, waterproof disposable diapers, massage cream/oil (skin will be dry after contact with chlorinated water)
xoxo: the cereal party sounds exciting!! wahh.. so many exciting things coming up!! baby aquatics and baby weaning!

so many things to buy!!! wahhaa.. and i MUST try to lose some weight before i have to be in the swimsuit again! *gulp*

lets go shop for baby swimsuit and swimming cap! hehe...

shugar: u might want to bring in some swimming caps too. whahaa...
baby aquatic group 2, when u say after 2pm? what time are u referring to? it seems that this timing will suit bally more so than group 1's sun at 5pm .. ehhhh..
will u all be comfortable with a timing of 3-4.30pm hah?

in a workshop now, update on teng later..
weaning loots >> i brought the combi, pigeon and hello kitty sets in front of Dre and asked for the ikan bilis' opinion. She gave a fed up look at the combi, refused to look at pigeon and actually grimaced at the hello kitty..this girl is grimacing alot more these days! finally one seems to have gotten her interest..skip and hop brand...some suction plate. but it's way too out of budget for me. haha...paper plates anyone? or those old melamine ones? haiz..not really into this "democratic voting" dreamt up by her dad. Or should I say...despotic...
Xoxo: Gotta thank you for introducing this Baby Aquatic..

And also thanks for helping to ans Natalie's qn, me also dunno wat to prepare but just gather pple first thn check out.. hahaha..

Natalie: Added your email, once I have the rest of the members email will proceed with the rest of the details.

Cereal party: Me too wanna join can?? (sounds fun with all babies eating cereals together)
tampines cannot liao.. sil say the mgt v strict =\
hahaa u want SK ah. last time i stay at rivervale crest.. now no more lol!
astro: we have not really decided on the timing yet but went ahead with the jioing of pple first.. hahah.. KS..

BA Group 2: wanna decide on the timing and location?? I thought of suggesting it at around 4pm coz after that I believe the small ones will be tired so let them nap abit.. What do you all think?? Any other suggestions?
natalie: you are fast.. hahah..

Have checked on the web and found this brand - Konfidence (from UK) which can keep the small ones warm so will go check it out this wkend.
swimming suits.. Kiddy palace has the thermal kinds too.

hmmm.. anyone in gp 2 keen to swap with me for bb aquatics? sunday 5pm is too rushed for bally (and me)
sat, 4pm is a much preferred timing.

going home. super tired.
WHY U GO AND SHAVE ANGEL BALD???!!!??? she had such nice hair!!! min looks like woody woodpecker now, according to my cousin ;)
bbseed: PY has swapped her slot with me. u dun accept PM? hmmm.. do a search for my nick on facebook? send me a message there and i will add u and let u know my email add.
loke : angel got such nice hair. u know i blurr blurr..see and wonder why u upload two different bb pics?

xoxo : 8 mths? man..that;s very soon. ok ok. i better decide fast.
jrrt : hee hee.. E too. going to be botak this weekend.

shugar : am interested in nice hats too! pics?

mylvera : thanks for sharing on the milk plus ting. will give it a try
if works..woo hoo can TBF? :p now my boy is TBF. ** disclaimer..tbf on weekends nia
coz i dun dare give nanny my little EBM. afterwards she throw i won't know.
My little girl is still on TBF despite me back to work for 2months liao.. Ehehehe.. I will prepare each day's feed on the day before, all nicely measured in feeding bottles. Initially still sceptical about letting my maid prepare feeds for my girl, but now since I'm the one preparing & she's the one feeding I guess nothing much could go wrong. Plus I do not store formula milk powder at home, so there is no excuse foe the maid not to feed my girl my EBM!

When I'm back from work I'd still let my girl latch on demand
I guess this is the only bonding time I have with her as I stressed on taking care of my girl whenever I'm at home instead if letting the maid taking care of everything! Scared of her not wanting me anymore, hahaha!
astro: no problem.. so I juz search for astro in the FB rite?

PY: you mentioned previously that you wanted me to check wheher can add in another slot, do you still need me to ask?
So to reconfirm baby aquatic grp 2
6)tammy (bbseed's fren)

Vin: would need you to update me your email add.. thank you..
Hippo: ya.. Her hair is actually a little blond at the tip. But nagging voices all ard.. Even hb says SHAVE.. When I was there, the person asked me how I want to shave her. Trim or just cut enough to male mao bi. Wanted to tell her to just trim. Then she said angel got so much hair, shave off already will grow back very fast. So I ren! Heart pain also shave her hair..

Gal: u v funny leh... I dun rmr I had twins!

Hi folks,

Hadn't pop in to read for some time cos shacked like dunno what ... realized its so happening out there .. whoa!

Andre kenna UTI last week and hubby went overseas. No joke to deal with a sick baby alone (with and all the "nagging", "well-wishers, "see i told you so", "you only trust the internet" blah blah blah behind). Anyway, baby is ok now, feeding with a vengence, and so i'm pumping like mad cos was barely able to meet his needs in the 1st place and now the extra feed. Plus work. And my boss is flying in next week. Sigh...

Astro: need to borrow your nick. Zombified banana. Or borrow some manna from the battery

Anyway, too stone to go through all the posts, but a couple of things that caught me

Exersaucer: Well, it will not cause bowed legs when the child is ready. Previously, i was already dumping Andre in the jumperoo and exersaucer before he was physically ready (~4 mths). Dr says his legs are not strong enough yet, so all the bouncing are causing his legs to be bowed. Ask us to hold it until about 6 months when the legs are stronger and can support his weight better.

Swimming: Hey, i'm keen, but i live near west (near ngee ann poly). If i open my pool for the westerners, any takers?

baby aquatic grp 3 (west)

xoxo: This swimming lesson must commit how long? 6 months? hehe, need to plan my budget, cos my super ngeow ah lao sure grumble one, though its my money!

Hair: Andre's hair remained pretty much botak after we shaved him. It's growing out in the typical China boy fashion (one tiny crop on top). Read up and says hair growing is hereditary. Check out your baby photos, and you probably find a resemblance. I tried massaging and find that it works. So nowadays during shampooing, i'll just scrub longer to stimulate hair growth.

Weaning: Starting to wean baby off my breast liao (i guess he finds my BM flow too slow and erratic). He's happy with the bottle, but i feel a little emotional and sad

Alritey, got to go work liao ...
