(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

jRRt> yah she quiet down and dun wanna drink liao.. then it can last her for 3 hours at least.

loke> top up? u mean bottle feed ah.. ?

my girl also getting more n more alert during the day.  Her nap can be as short as half hour n she can be awake for 2-3 hours! 

naia is 2 and 1/2 months now and in abt 3 weeks plus, i'm going back to work permanently.. so sian... dun think i will ever hv a long rest like this..... 

Here's a video of Naia laughing aloud when i played with her. dun you think she's really mature? i dun get such response from elder girl! all i remembered is aria sleep a lot most of the time and v quiet baby. naia coos n screams and make noises throughout  the day. Any of your bb laughing like this already? Find this really amusing n cute!   

Thanks Candy White and Loke. Guess he's contented with less, I shant force it and leave him be.

Loke, so fast back to work already! For me, I'm taking 12 weeks first, so bk to work in another 3 weeks time. Feeling stressed just thinking about it! Like you, I'm thinking about the expressing milk thingy; my work schedule may not permit me to pump as and when I like, then plus the challenge of sterilising. Hmm.

Aria, your gal is so cute and lovely! Isnt she happy with those squeals of delight! haha ... thanks for sharing!

Mummies, I just feel so tired. My 2 elder kids are so independent now, I hv forgotten how they were like when they were babies. Now with this one, I just feel drained. He's not totally difficult, but I guess my energy level is not like before. Luckily my 2 elder ones are sensible and do not demand much of my time, otherwise I really dun know how I'll cope. Sometimes in my exasperation, hubby will kenna from me. He's actually helping but somehow there's just so much to do that I'll still feel he's not doing enough. When I go out without baby, I dont really enjoy because I'll be thinking what time I gotta be back to express milk or take over baby so as to relieve my mum for her own stuff. Sighz...
Anyone feels similar?
b;uesea: i aso feel like this!!
carrying yh n surf net.. haiz.. this chap can't sleep wwll.. goodness me. iactually did all the things i WUN do with teng.. carry him to sleep, rock him.. give paci at earlier age, nurse him to sleep.. etc.. am i being unfair to teng?? haiz.. but i need to do more than being stuck on the bed with him right? so be it lah.. haiz. .have i grown up and hence mellowed? i think i grown old instead.. haiz. and this ah teng.. notti! walked around the whole house.. having a whale of time messing up the whole house. i can find him wearing my/his/miser's or anyone's shoes and walking around the entire house! just what is he up to?!!!!

today/yesterday whalloped miser again. he too much liao. his work is the MOST impt thing in his life.. he kept quiet and just let me 'abuse' him. ordered him around.. he talked to me i refused to reply.. give him black face etc.. why huh? simple.. coz he knows he also too much liao. if I were to be like that.. I gena big time from him.. now this is my opportunity to dig it in.. call me revengeful. i am going to bring up how he refuse to let me go to the bf-ing workshop issue!!!yesterday night. he handled all the feedings cum diaper chaning in the night for yh.. i refused to get up... arghh.. tonight continue black face him..

nursing covers
this one.. i find the fabric very nice..
if tituteo can help us spree this, i wanna get another one.. i think the Porter print is very nice.. siao do i need so many nursing ponchos/covers? chey. dun care. just order and glare at miser and ask him to pay for it!!
bluesea >> my sentiments exactly. i have been working thru the night to make it for a deadline today. really find i am already a little off tangent in my work capacity. but gotta stop thinking like this...if anything, the bb should motivate us to work harder and better. yeah?
wa so handicapped without internet access for past days

tien:u meant u got the cut while pumping!?As for bottle feed, i have same prob, M always reject bottle feed when i feed him n wan latch but when hubby n mum feed him,hes ok.

joelle: thxthx for ur demo n really paisey for M's scratches, he damn violent when naughty.N haix im still waiting for him to be in gd mood n try him in the pouch again.So paisey on sun, his sharp voice like filled the whole jumbo n dun even wan me to carry, think he scare i will put him back the pouch again, my mom carried he stop crying,i take over he star again
The ergo carrier u mentioned is it the one at same site as the littlepok pouch?

astro:wa u siao online shopping ah.im trying to control myself haha

jrrt: i have same prob as u.cant find gd reliable nanny yet, exploring ifc choice n maid choice. mil reject tt 9yr exp maid now need find one she like since puting at her plc but yest heard fr hubby like she backing out,saying she dun like maid at her plc if really reqd she take care ofM for me but dun think she can handle la.

Loke: wa back to work!!

Bluesea:samehere. i will just scold my hubby to get out n i hate seeing him,esp when M cried like hell n he stand there staring,trying to help but dun know how to.really feel bad afterwhich sometimes

aria: how come u back work so early also?i din take 1shot 16wks?
Jrrt: sometimes Sam also hard to get him to sleep in the afternoons... And when he does it's for like 30-45 mins. These short periods are like gold to me. Makes me start scurrying around doing work/chores etc b4 I hear the 'alarm' go off!

Loke: heh, little angel starting work in the office at such a young age!:p when she's bigger can consider giving her her own little desk there! Hehe :p

bluesea: hmm when I'm out w/o Sam, sometimes miss him a bit and wonder how he's doing... But when I'm stuck at home with him, hah! I wish I was out w/o him!(esp when he's being cranky?)

aria Jo: oh your girl so cute!
so cheery!

Astro: I've been getting parcels in the mail n registered articles coming on thru the door... Hehe... Results of online Xmas shopping. U shd see the look on my hb's face with each new parcel I get! Muhahaha!:p
no worries abt the scratches. my skin easily red that's y. :p yup, the carrier is fr the littlepods website. u can consider it too since M loves to sit up koala style. but i will advise u to master the pouch first. dun waste. n hor i think ur hb very good liao dun complain la. i see he's very proactive leh. sometimes helpless is natural la... but he seemed like a supportive hb. =p
astro: "uddercovers'.. piangz. breasts/boobs sounds more classy leh.. y UDDER?!!

aria: she's so fun!! my Angel ah.. wah.. her smile costs a million dollars!! i have so many hundreds of photos of her.. only one is smiling!! everytime she smiles.. we take out the camera and then she DUN smile.. change to frowning.. like the camera is a weird thing.. so till now havent make passport for her..

xoxo: yeah. babies make us work harder too.. haha.. that's y i'm back to work..

shugar: we thought of bringing her playpen to park at the office leh!! haha. but must wait till the office is more in place first.. we just shifted to a new place.. anyway, i think its a joy to see parcels of loots from the internet in the mailbox.. its like santa claus came to deliver the christmas presents!
<font color="0000ff">Colic
Any babies here suffering from bad colic? Mine is. So much so tat he's rejecting every feed. Will cry once i stuff the bottle in. End up gotta make him sleep before feeding him den he will suck. I hope its juz a temp prob...

He's on Dentinox coz brot him to see PD. but seems like it's not helping. Think this prob came up coz he always had difficulties burping. Even if he can burp, seems like its always very painful and he will regurgitate milk.. so he's kinda scared of it

Sleeping Thru
My lil' one not sleeping thru yet.. sighz. still waking up for 3hrly feeds

Tummy Time
Am giving him tummy time but this lazy fellow doesnt wanna lift up his head yet. Think he's about 9-10wks already. so lazy leh... Mayb too heavy ah? he's 6.84kg le when we measured him at PD on Mon</font>
ariajo > aiyo..ur bb so cute. what i would give to hear my boy laugh or chuckle (when he awake).

ilovemaxmax : i duno if mine is colic or not but i know my boy have a lot of air. yest burp out milk
u wanna try ridwind? i trying that now.

Q . Temperature.
When you take bb temperature (i using infrared type) do u aim at the forehead or the side of head (the place where we normaly massage if got headache).
i aim at forehead get 37. i aim at the side of head get 37.4?

am concern as E seem to be not feeding well. His weekly weight gain not ideal (based on chart) and he got skip noon time meal. like just now he just drank a bit nia (suckle) then cry cry..i sit him up to burp and pat then he zzz.??
not sure if its someting i should worry abt or its just the darn hot weather.
My bb suffer from bad colic. Now she is much better. I just give her 2 dose of gripe water (Woodward) everyday. Also, changed the bottle to Avent. Seems like she is much better now. Is not really advisable to make him sleep before feeding, cos sometimes he will choke on the milk. Burping is always painful cos the acid came up and then burns the throat. Try to burp him in b/w feedings - for eg. every 30ml sit him upright to burp before feeding another round.

For sleeping thrg, I read somewhere that if we let bb sleep earlier, chances that they will sleep for longer in the night is higher. I tried to let bb sleep by 1030pm. She woke up at 5 or 6 for feed. Been doing this for few days. seems to work. might want to try it?

I want to ask... for those that take bb out in sling or pouch or carrier, I supposed you just bring them out liek that without stroller. If that's the case, how do you eat? I find it quite difficult to eat with bb in b/w. Position also awkward. Once I even dripped soya sauce on bb's outfit! Am I wrong to carry her and eat at the same time? I am using bb carrier. (the kind to carry in front)
Ddnikz: er, I eat with bb in his carrier too. (same as yours, front type) just hv to be careful when eating. I will turn a bit to the side. Try not to eat soupy stuff lo. Hv seen pple also eat like this. Oh I saw a lady put towel on her bb's head! Hahaha! Protect it from falling food crumbs/sauce.
Loke: agreed!! parcels in the letterbox make it Way more fun to open them. Haha! Like a surprise... Unlike those boring old bills that are always finding their way in there. Hahaha! :p
I tried to eat sideway leh.. but ends up dropping stuff onto bb's clothes. and I find sitting down with bb's legs like very uncomfortable. Abit awkwards angle.
how's everyone been? a bit quiet post xmas gathering eh? suppose everyone's out and about xmas shopping...

hope audrey is much better these days

eh the pengaga waste time lah. for me anyways. tastes damn yuck also lor!

hey, i also like u. Min only gained 100g in the last fortnight. dunno what's wrong she's been feeding well. over the weekend she was extremely cranky. kept crying and fussing all day all weekend. but back to norm since yesterday. i dunno what happened til now.

haha... i visualize u dripping soya sauce on bb's clothes. sounds very funny. sorry. *ahem*
can u guys give feedback on your car seats? which brand is good ah? i'm using a Graco one which my fren lent me. Min hates it. the only time she doesn't cry in it is when she's sleeping. wanna get a decent one lah. thanks mummies!

am considering COMBI coccoro at the moment, but not sure if its functional enough...
ha! talk about parcels in the mailbox.

i'm so envious of you all bringing bb swimming. i went and ordered the float &amp; tub lah. hopefully they deliver b4 xmas so her highness can waddle in it over the weekend!
happy hippo,
Hahaha.. Did you visualise I open my mouth big big also? :p

I using Inglesina one. I think is Inglesina Marco Polo. Can use since Newborn. Very nice. My bb never cry even once when I first put her on it since she is pass 1 month old. This one I think can use till older, no need to change to another one before 7 (heard that we need to change 2 times - 1st newborn, then donno how many months old then finally change the last time till 7 years old)

Re: swimming,
Putting the float on the babies neck and let them paddle like that is learning swimming or playing with water? Looks fun...
Hippo: I'm using combi coccoro! So far so good. Sam settles in it pretty well. Plus can use for long time too. Just remove the infant insert. So many nice cols.... Hard to decide! :p
seems like u r a hardcore combi fan like me eh!
i bought a combi stroller in the end. hehe... so coccoro is good eh? i'm thinking of the orange one... what color do u have? btw, has Sam outgrown his Rashule yet? Min is growing longer and i'm wondering where to put her in the day after she outgrows her "day-bed"...

thanks for sharing
wah piang! 7yrs! u really wanna get your $$$ worth hor?

bb swimming - apparently its more to get them used to the idea of swimming at this tender age since they still remember how to swim (already been doing that in utero) rather than to wait for them to grow older as they tender to be more afraid later on.
u allowed to bring baby to work? ur ofc sounded v "free &amp; easy" type!

then means she is more efficient at emptying ur boobs and thus fell asleep?

the nursing covers r similar to the one i am using now rite? Wah, the colours darn pretty!!!
u make me so gian now... i prefer this type than the poncho one...
Same as u, i am doing all the bad sleep association things i shldnt b doing... sigh... i gave up trying to reason wif myself tt its bad else i'll go crazy if RN dun sleep! as long as she sleeps, watever!!!
I noticed YH sleep in the rocker chair tt day? At least he dun need the yaolan like my addictive RN. my arms usually will ache fr all the carrying when i go out.

ur MIL reject the maid? then how? u sourcing 4 a new one?

tts y wkdays daytime i'm stuck at my mum's so tt i can get some shut eye and rest... more ppl to help out.

u shld try to wake Elias up for his 3 hrly feed in the daytime even if he oversleeps. he shldnt skip milk feeds in the day. however if he sleeps thru at nite, juz let him be.

tts y till now i dun go out alone wif baby coz i cnt handle the stroller. i dunno how to open &amp; close it. and wif baby in the sling all the time, i cnt do much... arms aching and i can only chose fastfood to eat.
Hippo: hehehhe, yah, they got nice stuff mah! Coccoro can use till 4YO.
OOohhh I got the orange!! Hehhehe....
Hmm yah, sam is filling up the rashule pretty well now. Sometimes we prop him up a bit for a different view. :p Hmm use as chair when they can't fit in it as day bed?
haha... yah lor. if it were up to me i'd really just buy the PINK! but big ticket items better buy more gender neutral colours. scali next time got a #2 and not a gal then very gay in pink car seat hor? :p
hippo: i'm using peg perego.. angel looks comfy in it leh.. i usually put her in if she's not asleep.. after a while, she either dozes off herself.. or suck the paci for a short while and goes off to lalaland.

shugar: haha.. yah.. both hb and i like to see wrapped up stuff in the mailbox! but he'll give me a look if the parcel is mine.. hahhaa.. don't care..

jrrt: my own office mah.. haha. i have to put her in the sling.. then i do my work.. else she can't sleep for more than 1h.. then i can't do my work.. i'll wake her up for milk every 2 or 3hs.. easier than pumping! haha.. no need to sterilise baby!!!
I take 3 mths straight n the last month staggardly in case my girl fall sick can use it to take care of them. 

What's ur intervals like? Mine is abt 4-7 hours most of the time n I'm expressing 5 times a day. Im more or less kinda accepting that I will hv to exclusively express for at least a year 

You're much better for at least ur 2 elder kids are independent. My elder girl v dependant on me. I must be the one putting her to bed n if cranky or wake up from sleep she will look for me.  

I guess we just hv to tahan for 1-2 years. Time flies. We hv to cherish this babyish moments because our bb grow up really really fast! I guess most importantly is that or bb grow up strong n healthy n feel lots of warmth n love from us! Jia you!

Thanks for the compliments. I wonder if her being responsive is a sign of an active bb?!!  
jrrt : i did tht yesterday after tht he no zz. today i dun even have chance to wake him up. he no zz (cat naps only) fr 1230pm. but yeah..he sleeps at night n wake up for night feeds.
jRRt:aiya ashe just finding excuses la. today tell my hubby tt if for her to take care,she will take care for 3days awk n without maid.My BIG qn is i dun think she can take care of M herself lor,whenevre she carry M,its like a distance fr her chest like hanging in teh air n he will cry.Now we r exploring1)nanny2)ifc lor worse be i take unpay leave or be sahm lor

aria: icc i wanted to also but then my boss wan me take 1 shot easier for timetabling
Happy hippo,
haha, the car seat very ex leh and quite sayang to use awhile then change. Nt sure if I told u correctly, still need to chg bt once only. Can use up to 13 kg if I rem correctly.

I "rehearsed" once with bb and stroller - meeting friend for lunch. Venue whilst is a place where the whole journey there is minimal staircase and escalator climbing. Nt easy bt still managable. To make thgs more challenging, it rained on my way bk. Haha, I carried the stroller PLUS bb in thrre and ran across the road and up a flight of stairs :p
HI mummies...
Hee been reading really quietly these days (Ya me...Tien...quiet! Ah Pui!) because I have finally decided to lift my big ass to start doing housework.

Annette: Ya A big cut from pumping...I was shocked too...been using purelan as lubricant thanks to xoxo's advice. But think I just overpumped jsut now...cut seemed to reopened again...hee hee...watched TV again...

Hmm my YX is a bit opposite when it comes to bottle feeding. She actually prefers me feeding her bottles as compared to my hb and mum. BUt she will sob as she sucks the bottle..like very 'wei qu'. Now making it a point to make sure she is fed twice on bottles. And conclusion is she hates the silicone teat of Nuk..still prefers the latex one. But that one needs to be changed often cos finds the stickiness a little worrying.

Hippo: YX also hates her hand me down Graco! So we went to buy the Capella one. So far so good...usually she will knock out within 5-10 mins. I actually have a Britaz First Class but the height seems to be too high to be rear facing. So, had to buy this capella one. Bought it at Isetan Private Sale cheap cheap haha...I super niao!

Huh Min is outgrowing her Rashule too! Thought she looks ok the other day. YX also outgrowing...her legs are hitting the bottom already. Think I am going to put the travel cot in the living room as her day bed once she outgrows the Rashule.
Ok ranting time for me before I hit the bed...as usual...the topic is on MIL!

Today is dong zhi right? So, we went back to my mum's place to eat..then to MIL's place for dinner SIAN (very buay song cos dun understand why she dun want to ask on Sun when we visited and just called last nite to ask). Really suspect that nowadays my MIL is finding all sorts of reasons to get us back to jurong just for her to see the baby...she just din realise how tiring it is to bring the baby back for all of us esp me and baby. Already told her to come and stay over the weekend and also we just visited last Sunday and stayed from 3pm till 10pm!! Then when we were there she did it again bb was sleeping my hubby's arm and she just took over. We let her carry and rock for a while but when asked her to put her down so that it will not become a habit, she kept saying 'nvm..nvm'. C'mon lah...we not worried about her being tired lor. Finally she put bb down after my hubby insisted like the 3rd time....then after putting BB Kay down on the bed she just sat there to watch her!! Poor BB Kay was in light sleep mode lor...then she woke up...ARGH!! Then when it's time to go home, she insists on carrying the baby downstairs with us. I AM THE MUMMY and when I am there I can't even carry my own child there unless I really insist! And this has been going on every time we visit. Also she has this weird habit of smelling BB's butt and leg...like some worshipper...I see also buay tahan...a bit obsessive cum posessive. But out of courtesy just smile smile...Now come to think about it...I shall really make myself damn busy on weekends already...so that I dun need to go back to west and so that she can't really visit that often...I very evil hor??!! Just finds her behaviour and that of her sisters aka hubby's aunties very disturbing..it's like everyday they just think about kidnapping YX to make her their own...my MIL can tell me that her sister in Malaysia finds YX so cute that she gave a thumbdrive to my SIL to download all YX"s photos. Feeling very upset about it cos they did not ask us!!!! It's MY DAUGHTER'S photos leh and I gave them cos they are her grandparents not to circulate around lor! They like never see baby before! Now like some mute lor...surely cannot complain to hubby! Can only complain to my mum...
hippo>> you know which car seat im using la hor.. britax royale.. as you've seen it, very comfy.. belle falls asleep very soon when she's in the car seat... the car seat can use up to 4YO / 18kgs, i think i told you 2YO? heehee

tien>> *hugs* Kaylea is her first grandchild? just maybe pity the old woman a bit la, she only gets to see her granddaughter once a week, so she will tend to be over-possesive..
Astro!! Same leh, when I'm damn irritated, I will refuse to get up and hubby will just hv to tend to baby. I want him to know how tiring it is and I'm not having a jolly good time at home. I'm so bad at times. :p But it works, he helps with night feeding, or rather, early morning feed as boy usually wakes between 5.30 to 6.30am now. I can grab some good rest.

Xoxo>> Sure sure, let's jia you!!

Annette>> Yalor, sometimes I feel bad too. I know hubby is tired too and I shd be more understanding, just that at that point of time, really tak boleh tahan and hv to explode! Ha! You know there is this show Life Transformers 2 on every Monday night on Ch8? Each time I watch the show which feature less fortunate people, I learn to count my blessings. My mum told me, when I was venting how tired I was, to be busy in caring for our healthy kids is a blessing actually. I see the underlying meaning. So now when I am tired, I tell myself to tahan this period. At least my boy is healthy and everyone at home is fine, that's all that matters.

Shugar>> So agree with you! When I am with my son, I wish for "me" time to be alone outside... perhaps doing some Xmas shopping or go rebond my hair, do pedicure etc. But when I actually was able to get out and rebond my hair on Monday, I miss him terribly when I was sitting in the salon. :p Such mixed feelings lor...

Aria>> I'm pumping 4x a day. Usually about 5 hours interval in the day. At night, the interval is longer: I will pump around 11pm until next morning around 8am. Any advice on pumping schedule when returning to work?

I do not hv experience in expressing milk in office although this is my 3rd child. Previously, my boobs dried up by 8 weeks! But now I'm having about 800-900ml a day still. I'm thinking of only expressing once at work, if possible, so that I do not need to sterilise pump in the office. Will do that when I reach home instead. That means reduce to 3x a day : morning before work, pump at work in afternoon, pump before bedtime. If you hv any any pumping schedule/advice, pls share with me. Tks!
Actually I really kudos to u for hving the 3rd child. After my no.2 I seriously thinking whether I should just stop though in the beginning I'm so adamant abt having a dragon bb. 

Ok, back to the topic expressing milk in office. Besides the schedule, we need to maintain the supply too. My daily schedule right now is like this:
- 11plus pm or 12plus am
- 6plus am or 7plus am
- 11plus am
- 3plus pm
- 8plus pm

So like u my longest interval is the night session. From my schedule u can see that I will hv to express 2 times in the office. I'm still thinking if I should train my body to express just once in the office which is during lunch time n that would means a session lesser n amt lesser also. So the challenge is to cut 1 session n yet still maintain that supply. Right now, I will physcho myself to at least generate 500ml if my intervals is abt 7 hours. I will express till I get this amt even if I need to express for almost 1 hour using dual pump. So far so good. It's all in the mind. The next thing is hopefully me breasts are so efficient that the time will be cut down. Else that would means tabao lunch everyday for 1 year like my elder girl!

If my intervals is abt 4-5 hours I will make sure I get at least 300ml. This is to maintain the signal to mybody that I still need this much milk though I've cut down the pumpping session. 

So far I'm thankful that my supply is a lot. That's why I'm more or less accepting that I will be exclusively expressing for my girl. I will still try my luck at latching her but that would be secondary n depends on my luck. 

A lot of breastfeeding mummies actually said to pump 10-15 mins on each breast but seriously I doubt most mummies can achieve that to get few hundred mls of milk unless her breasts are super duper efficient. I would say the important thing is to empty ur breast as much as u could. I remembered having to pump 1.5 hours in the early days when I had my elder girl just to get 70-90ml of milk! But that soon dwindle down to 45 mins then 30 mins when my breasts were more seasoned. 

So to me, the yield in each pumpping session is v v important n I hv a target to achieve n will not stop till I manage to pump out that amt of milk even I hv to sit until my butt sore. 

How do I know whAts the yield to set for each session? That will hv to base on the early days intervals of 2-3 hourly. I was getting abt 250ml there abt every 3 hourly. So if I lengthen the intervals to 4-5 hourly I will ensure I squeeze out 350-400ml. Through experience it's quite hard to get back the sane amt if u drop 1 session. So the key is to express till ur breast really soft n that would be the minimum yield one should set in the future. 

U hv quite a good supply. So Keep it up! Mother's milk is the best food for babies!

Ee. Think I'm blabbing too much. So sorry for such a long post. I'm so "cheong hei" hor. :p 
tien : relax relax..its one a week ya. My ILs also check butt, check/smell hand/leg, etc.

but i do understand where you coming from. i.e. we as parents not reli have a say coz' we dun wanna hurt our ILs/parents feelings.

talking abt carrying....OMG... tot today PM already quite messed up. Night time also messed up. Darn the stupid gas!! He ate at 1130. woke up 1230. just manage to burp him and pat to pacify him while he fart, and 'rock' him to sleep (omg...first time) hope he won't make it a habit.
Mie mie: Ya first grandchild. That's why had to keep my mouth shut lor. But I guess I find it very disturbing because my famiy members dun really behave in this way. Haha...in a sense we not the affectionate type. Just find it very very strange.

Gal: Indeed trying not to hurt her feelings. AND THANK GOODNESS it is only once a week. Cannot stand the 'emo' parting scene every time.

Actually something tells me that she is going to revert her decision not to take care of yx when I go back to work. Hubby say I siao! Anyway my FIL suggested that if my mum not free on some days can send baby back to the west for my MIL to take care...I was like erm my mum is like freer than her. Cos she is still taking care of the other 2 girls.

HAHA I think I am very mean hor...

same here! I can't stand my mil as well! but worst is that we are staying together! She like nv see bb before n her actions are like she wan to bcome the mother of my child! Luckily I bf my child, so I had excuse to bring bb back to room n close door. Really have to be firm abt wat u dun like cos it's ur child! U Noe she told my mother that d bb cannot always carry then she ownself keep carrying when my mum go bk! She will carry and rock etc even when my bb fall asleep! So I ask her nicely to put bb down she also say nvm! So I told her jokingly that she keep doing these I had difficulty To put bb back to sleep at night THEN she very angry and blurt out let bb slp in the living room n she sleep w my bb! And I am like huh? Then she say who ask ur mummy to bf? Bf is like day one! Ask her dun bf! Fck man! I so damn angry!!

I so angry w a lot of her patterns dat I bring bb home ( my parents house) to stay. Then when we came back she is better but sometime she will forgot and become overboard again. I can tell she super love the bb cos first grandchildren. But it oso first grandchildren at my parents place but they dun act childishly n crazily! I hate the fact that she is " deliberately" spoiling my child!

Btw, during confinement she insist on bathing my son for me so I dun had the chance to bathe my own son. Then when confinement ended she also fighting to bathe my son n do not give me the chance! ONI once I ever do it myself cos she got something on and me n bb so happy bonding together and the next day she kept asking my bb if there are differences! She will also tell my bb your mummy very bad hog in front of me! So imagine what she will say behind me next time!

I have to move out man!!
Mummies using avent bottles,
I need help!!! Think I am blind leh... The teats for 3mth+ supposed to have markings to control the flow rate. I have been staring at it for past 15 mins and it looks the same as the no.2 teat! No markings... Everythg identical except for the number and hole diff. Any advise????

y r u staying wif ILs?

dun be angry cos old ppl jt like to talk n do another

my mom oso ask me n hubby not to shake or else bb will be used to it n it will be hard to look after cos need to SHAKE alot, and she keep on saying dont bf, hmm... things like i dont have enough milk, bb not full etc,,,

den i will tell her say that if i not enough milk, bb where can poo n urine and what is he sucking,,,? i also say, y u told me not to shake bb but u urself is shaking? she say no choice lei... den i keep quiet

old ppl r lidat,,,

me too. my fil seem to like to carry bb n seem to be waiting for bb to cry so that he can carry and even talk nonsense, say things like me n hubby dont know how to carry, we dont let bb slp. i sooooooo angry with him, luckily i come over to mom place more often or else cant take it lo. waiting to move out...y all ILs so like that de huh? i pity you too, guess u really have to make urself more tired to avoid going over on weekends
Ting: Think your case worse cos you stay with her. Haha agree on the part on latching baby on...that's what I do when I am there. Even when I brought a bottle of milk, I refused to give unless I go out. I just lock in the room and latch hahaha...but after 15-20 mins she will knock on door but I always say not yet hahahha

boi: I guess for in laws we still can grasp their pattern that's why feel 'shocked' by their behaviour.
hi all,

so long nv post look. Topic about IL?

I am also staying with IL but so far I quite glad sometime that staying with them.

In the midnight, I will need to pump and my FIL will help to feed my baby. After finish pumping I will continue the feed and this cut down alot of time and I can sleep earlier.

In the afternoon, they will help to take care of my baby and I will take nap with my elder boy.


I am different from you I hope my MIL for my baby daily so I can relax ahahahaha.
hippo: i think my carseat can use until she's 12mths... but infant seats usually depends on how long the babe grows.. the reason i got the peg perego (2nd hand from an expat family, very well-maintained and it was almost half-price), was because i intend to have #2 in 2011. so #2 still can use and i'll buy another one that can use up till 3 or 4 yo..
sunnyling >>

i guess the difference is because this is not just their first grandson, but also my first child, and thus so much unhappiness ba... if it's the 2nd child liao, i guess i will be the same as you... cant wait to offload the kids to another person... but now, i really just want to concentrate on taking care and bonding with my first baby.
and also, when i see something that is not right, i will surely tell the person.. such as, my mil uses the same clothe she wipe my bb backside to wipe his mouth when he puke one day (the cloth haven rinse yet, still in the bathtub just bathe finish only). and many others....

i feel that my own mother is more open minded as she keep telling me that the babies now are different from babies last time already and the way we look after the babies have to change etc.

you know baby have green poos are normal? u can ask any pd... so once my mil see my bb have a lil greenish poo, u noe wat she did? she carry my bb and blow air from her mouth to my bb forehead (like this.. haaa.... haaaaa.... haaaaaaaaaaa) i look at her and i was amazed and rooted to the ground. SO DIRTY!!! u noe our breathes have lots of bacteria and virus that we are immune to but babies might not yet??? OMG.

cos we don't have our own flats yet lo.. actually staying with them is ok... until the bb is born!! hmm, on the long run, i think it's not healthy to stay with parents anymore, cos a household should only have a "yi jia zhi zhu" and it should be the father... so if i continue to stay here, i think my baby will not respect his own father cos when staying together, my hubby seem to be really "useless" and his parents will keep nagging at him.

we are actually more siao on in applying for BTO now, hopefully can get it.. but even if get also need to wait a few more years... and my hubby doesnt want to get resale becos he thinks it;s too ex!!

and my mil, she will keep on talking like we will be staying with them forever! like she will say once the bil moves out, den that room will be bb's and she will slp with him etc!


i got my car seat from kaki bukit the baby warehouse. it's only $158 and can use from newborn to about 4 to 5 yrs old. after which i will just get a booster for him, cos i learn from my colleagues that children dun liek to sit in car seat one when they bigger...

so far bb seem to be enjoying himself.
