(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

Opps, i've ordered some pump parts from
powerteletubbies. Hope nothing goes wrong with my order. My soft shield already got a small hole and i have to get the shield asap.

So sori 4 d inconvenience caused.din expect keith would kena fever aft d injection on wed n it keep comg bac.
vodkarib : For night time, I'll change lele's diaper when he 'demanded' for a change. Normally he will scream when he poo but when he pee only, he's ok with the wet diaper. Unless he wake up in the middle of the night for feeds, i wouldn't change for him.

gal^ : Lele poo a few times everyday, normally in the evening when his papa is back. Effective communication between mummy and baby. Haa... :p
And he fart a lot.
sorry 4 the late reply. will TT to u later... gotta try locate my IB device.

I will PM u in a while.

I think its fair there is no last min backout coz tt means the attendees gotta absorb their costs. Thks 4 cocordinating!
gal^ : Yaya. Papa's shift once he is back. But too bad lele does like papa to cuddle. So every night when i put my girl to bed, if lele is awake, he will cry non stop in the living room until i come out.
mummies.. how do we tell the difference btw lochia and menses? i'm coming to 2 months since delivery but i'm still having the thing.. not sure is it still lochia cuz quite long already..

They no need powder for their butt, that was old people method. After cleaning just use tissue to dry and apply alot of desitin on the butt. It wun have any rashes problem. I find that powder will cause infection to the butt area.


Use desitin, very effective. Apply a thick layer and wear the diaper and it can last for very long hours and still no rashes problem

For me I change my baby diaper when he pooo or awake or cry. I will not wake him up to change diaper in the middle of the night. So make sure you have good diaper and apply desitin for night if is long hours.
py: a lot of miscom ah. haha. end up its on sun 11am. then this sun my friend celebration his son's 3yo bday. so lots of activities going on.. hah.. but i'm goig to the back to work workshop by the gf org. so wont be reaching astro's place until maybe 4pm. that's y can leave me out for the food. anyway, i bought the gift for gift exchange liao..
I'm using ridwind on my girl. Use detinox before but prefer ridwind as it comes w a pipette. Much more convenient. 

Seanlau: props not needed unless u want those head gear. I rented mine for my girl from no 1 costume house. And yes, you get back the selected pix only. If u wanna buy back all pix but need to top up. I remembered paying 600+ for abt 10 additonal printed pix for my elder girl. Can't help it cos the pix really nice. Hehe. 
Hi mummies!

the littlepods pouches r here!! i've sent out emails and sms regarding payment. please get back to me on collection! i left them with astro so that some of u may 'tombang' ur other mummies living nearby to collect for u.

mummies here shd really set up a standard logistics so that future spree items can be easily passed around! :p

<font color="0000ff"><blink>good news!</blink></font>
i've got 3 of the ergo carriers up for grabs. http://www.littlepods.com/ astro took 1 though. heh. so now left with 2 more. the stripes and the zen design. please let me know if u r interested! very good buy! and nice colors too! =)
wah.. mie is SO fast!
but i told joelle.. i find the zen print.. auntie.. *siams mie* :p

last time i got post here mah. how come no one responded ah? :p
Hihi, ok now the price per adult is $16.70 and per kid is $8.20. Please do the top up accordingly.. and no backing out please. :)

Those yet to topup the difference, can pass me cash tomorrow :D see ya all tomorrow hehe!

Date &amp; Time
19 December (Saturday)
3pm to 6pm

Courtesy of Astro, we're gonna hold it in Woodlands!
(Address will be known at a later date via PM or Email)

Gift Exchange
Min $20 (Among babies only)

- Mie - 2 adults *PAID*
- PY - 2 adults *PAID*
- roxie - 2 adults *PAID*
- gal^ - 2 adults *PAID*
- siangjiao - 2 adults *PAID* Top up $3.40
- Astro - 7 Adults + 1 mini adult *PAID*
- jRRt - 2 adults + 3 yr old tod *PAID*
- blurmummy - 2 adults *PAID* Top up $3.40

Gift Exchange (Not eating)
- Loke
- annette (maybe)
- hippo (maybe)
- famela (maybe)
Didnt log in for some time, just able to read through the posts in this page. Anyway, I'm back to taking care of my boy alone and it's super tiring.

Xoxo>> My boy is on bottle feeding. Yes, we burp him more than once. Sometimes, he can burp as much as 3x while resting on my shoulder. If he burps only once, chances are a while later, he may regurgitate a small amount of milk.

Re : Gathering
Hope all mummies enjoy the gathering! Now with 3 kiddos, I find it hard for me to come out. Like today, when I wanan go Isetan Private Sale, I hv to arrange for family to help to babysit for me. Really salute mummies who can bring young infants to shop alone there! I doubt I wanna do it because I cant shop in peace and I dont want people pushing me or sandwiching me and baby.

Anyway, enjoy the gathering!

And all mummies, happy weekend!
thanks for ur overwhelming response! haa... i've got 1 more striped ergo carrier up for grabs... to the first mummy with pays up. :p will check with the supplier for more stocks when i go to malaysia in 2 weeks' time. but the major shipment will only arrive in feb, whereby i think the local distributor may hold her own bp here. meanwhile, interested mummies pls pm me. thanks!
HI mummies! Me having a crisis here!!
There's a cut (almost 1 cm) under my left nip (suspected it was overpumping on thurs -- I was too distracted by the TV) and it seems to be widening after each latch and it's darn painful...was bleeding for a while...been applying BM and Purelan..but anyone has encountered this before and is there a fast solution...cos latching her there is painful and if I dun breast will engorged..cant pump also...hand-expressed seems to be the only solution but impossible to empty the breast! ARGH!

Also BB YX is really rejecting bottles too..initially suspect it's the teat (we changed from latex to silicone NUK) then I think it's the association. Thurs I went out she was ok with my mum feeding..then yesterday I went out again she started to reject it until she became really hungry...last nite witness first hand...hubby fed her and she was crying like there's no tomorrow...only when I took over she was sobbing but started sucking...this morning happened again...I had to talk to her before she allowed my hubby feed...I think babies actually associates bottle feeding with mummy not around or that she cannot latch on already...
calling for <font color="0000ff"><blink>siangjiao, annette,sotong_mum, sunnyling </blink></font>
please check your emails! thank you!

calling for <font color="0000ff"><blink>zepth</blink></font>
still pending ur payment and collection of drugstore items. kindly pm me. p/s: ur pm is not turned on, so i couldn't contact u. thanks!! =D
astro>> the other time you posted, i already wanted to get that carrier already.. then when you said joelle gg to help us get the little pods, i was happy, thot can buy, end up is the sling.. heehee
so last night i saw the post by joelle, i know i must get it somehow.. that design where got auntie.. is nice de lo, you dunno how to appreciate.. joelle also says that design nice hor!
later must try it out.. woohoo.. now i dun need to rely on the sling already (and still haven figure out how to use the sling!!)
keke..seriously mummies...s o many of u silent readers here! last time only 1 enquiry for the carrier (i think was miemie!) after that no more... so i didn't dare to bring in the stocks this round. only brought 3 to 'test market' end up now so hot until gotta take queue number!! =S
tien.. i think that's the best u could do already.. or u want to try the following methods i used when i had sore and bleeding nipples last time?
1. mothermates breast feeding pad.. this one quite good.. the gel-like material can keep the nips moist and prevent friction with clothes
2. wear breast shell to air dry the nips while u apply bm and cream to the nips..

but still need some time for the would to heal leh.. i think hand express u can still more or less empty the breast cuz with constant massaging you can trigger the letdown hence easier to empty. but it's tedious lor..
mie: auntie lah. TOO oriental for my liking! :p

tien: OUCH!.. erm..

nursing ponchos..

eh, roxie, chynle and dreanygal, have u transferred to me the amt yet? can let me have the reference number if u have done the payment? thanks..

chynle: ur chocolate with me. let's arrange for pick up soon.

the following have paid:
Xoxo (pending collection from hippo and tien as well from xoxo)
hi mummies

i have a set of almost-new Baby Can Read double sided flashcards (Set 1 and Set 2) for sale at $35. this is quite a good set of flashcards, just that i didnt realise that I had a similar set already. Please email me at [email protected] if you are interested. Cheers!
Hi Jadebelle, thanks for the advice. I am not too worried about letdown just that my back is still hurting from epidural and bending downwards to express milk is a pain. Anyway I still continued to latch bb on but only for less than 20 mins. And I try to do other position. Still painful but with purelan and BM is bearable. Also called the LC and she suggested soaking the nip in warm salt water and that's really effective. I used the breast shells without holes and put saltwater in it.

Astro: Yes! VERY OUCH!!
burping tips >> thanks loads..i've found some good answers here

tien >> the "cut" dilemma i kena before - still having something like that - the skin tore off just a week plus ago. u need to air the breast, besides coating with breastmilk (i found that coating it abt 5 "layers" will speed recovery; purelan has limited effect). airing it will allow a crust to form quite immediately and this will then make it easier to continue latching/pumping. i use purelan before going on mega pumping sessions to act as a lubricant so that the nipples do not "stick" to the sides of the bellows...hope this helps and that u will recover soon.
sunnyling : thx.
he been waking up again after farting so hasn't slept 'through' since that one special day. will keep in mind. i use mamy poko at night, good enough? or need pampers?
Xoxo: Purelan as lubricant...hmm why din I think of it? Hahah I really gong gong...yep tried your method of applying 5 layers of bm. See if it will be better. Actually the salt water in breastshell method is super effective! The wound is almost healed already. As long as my YX dun go and nibble..sigh she is back to her refusal to open mouth big big..preferring to smack her tongue again as her rooting action.

Tried using the nursing poncho in front of my friends yesterday. Cos YX needs help to latch I had to hide my head first...but my friends said I will look funny in public if I do so. Cham...they say like that I won't dare to nurse in public lor...
Does any babies here drink less than before? My 9 weeks old boy seems to. Used to drink about 140-150ml but now is consuming about 120ml. Hmm.
Bluesea: My girl also drinking less than before at 8 weeks old, from 120 ml to 100ml now. Even at 100ml, she can't finish it sometimes. Just the week before she was down with intestinal infection that cause the decrease in her appetite. She was drinking only 60-90ml at that time. Now appetite slowly gets better but still can't get her to drink more to the same amount she used to drink. PD says it's normal for bb's appetite to decrease at some points in their growing years with or without the infection. But I also realize that she takes more time to finish a feed and seems like changing the teat size helps and she could drink more.
Astro : I've transferred on the 16th, ref ref 2602840521. You check and let me know if you have received. I've collected the poncho from Shugar. Thanks for your help. And thanks for recommending this poncho. Love it!!

Shugar : Thanks so much. Just in time and i can use the poncho during my family x'mas dinner gathering today.
shuger: my baby still sleeps in the afternoon.. they are supposed to sleep for 16 to 18 hours a day right? or is it time that they stay awake for longer hours instead?
bluesea: my girl's intake is erratic. just two nights ago, she took in 180ml before she could sleep! then yesterday, i gave 125ml at 930am, she slept until this morning 4am! very weird...
Hi Joelle,

Sorry for the delay! I was out the whole weekend to source for my elder son's birthday party stuff. Was so busy and tired! Please check your email for the details. Thank you very much
wah loke ur girl drink so much!!

my girl hor.. i give her my boobs every 3 hours + - she suckle for 8 mins or so dun want liao..

i was wondering if she's hungry in the first place .. hai.. but she was crying lor
wah u started work so soon? how to work wif baby in tow? Amazing!

I am still wondering when I wanna go back to work. v v sian...

i noticed RN stays awake much more in the daytime now... at times up to 1.5hrs! Anyway i dun care as long as she sleeps well at night.

she nvr quiet down aft u latch?

py: hmm.. yesterday morning she woke up at 430am.. suckle for 5mins.. and then wake up at 830am.. i wonder if she drank anything. then this morning.. suckle for 30mins, wake up 2h later.. very weird. i think 3h interval is good leh. means she got drink something. u should top up a little during each feed so that at the end of the day, she gets the most amt and then sleep thru the night... hopefully! haha..

shugar/jrrt: bo bian. i have 5 new courses coming up and the first one starts on jan 19. and the course notes not even half done! i'm done for... so got to lug everything plus baby to work.. mil also helping out at the office cos we just shifted.. i can't leave her alone with the maid the whole day cos the maid dun really know how to take care.. plus my ss from the pump is so low.. i can't possible pump in the office and sterilize the stuff and pump again repeatedly like that. so bring baby along as the auto pump.. haha..
