(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

ting : The 'blowing air' act, i've seen it before as well. I can't remember why my mil did that now. Anyway, she always do 'strange' thing that i do not understand.
Used to have a lot of unhappiness when she took care of my #1. I will always complain to my hubby and he will tell me to insist what i want to do. Haiz... My mil always scold my hubby when he tries to discipline my girl at her house de. I am very mad over this. Even my hubby's sister also scold him. What's wrong with them... Even if they feel that the way we discipline is wrong, they should talk to us or even scold us when the kids not around mah. Luckily they don't dare to scold me when i discipline my girl in front of them. They will just show me a super black face. Haa...

Hi Ting,

Understand your situation. Luckily my MIL is those kind that dun really interfere in taking care of the baby. Usually I will be the one telling her what to do to the baby. And my IL both very scare of my hubby so they wun dare to scold or nag at my hubby. hahahaha. And I am not someone they can scold or nag at so still ok for me to stay together. But of cos alot of time I will need to close one eye and sometime both eye. The hse belong to me and my hubby so in all my Hubby is still the Yi Jia Zhi Zhu.

Last time when I have my elder son, after work come home my MIL will immediately pass my son to me and wash her hand. So at times I really hope they can help as we are really tired after working for whole day.
tien: try to avoid pumping for a few days for the wound to heal, directlatching for the time being? agreed tt ur mil maybe a bit overpossessive coz 1st grandchild la,close 1 eye lor.like mine is mil's 3rd grandchildren,she din really bother much haha but gd also coz our thinking differ.

Bluesea:ya i watched tt too, always remind myself tt i shd be happy tt M is borned healthy n flawless so far.N seeing the type of life they r leading,its like im blessed to have wat i have now lor n the thinking of be a sahm pop out again haha but my mum always pull me back n said though ur hubby can provide u with the simple life u ahve now but best rely on urself then everything also dun need ask fr hubby.

ddnikz: oh now u mentioned abt it, maybe M recently kind of reject bottle feed coz hole too small,i havent change the teat yet.but the 'mths' stated shd be just refering to the size of the hole rite? not too sure ,any other mom using avent?M dun really liek avent, when feed him using tt he takes 1hr+ to finsih 125ml but when i use Nuk,he finsihed so much faster

ting/boi: i totally agree!!! When M crys, they will say i no milk,so sad lor.then i squeeze out infront of them that theres plenty flowing out of my nipple then they keep quiet. For SHAKING n for me using yaolan,yaoing, my mum ok, my mil will pull on to the string i use to yao n tell me not to n M wake up upon which,so angry soemtimes, so actually my mil dun come visit me often also a god bless haha less conflict.

hippo: cant find teh post on carseat,u ahving prob with carseat or(according to other's reply to u)Mine is Ferrari brand, cost $390+ but i got it during Tangs's member sale n cost $230+ only.M like it alot,the only seat he dun cry when in car.Even when i carry him in the car ,he will cry.can use till4-5yr old, it comes in double layer, for NB to few mths when bb small,put the extra layer so seat spacing smaller then when bb grow n bigger,can remove tt extra layer.
We dun stay with ILs but they used to come by almost everyday. MIL always worry I can't take care of bb well. And same, when she came, always waiting for bb to cry so can carry. If bb sleeping, she will talk n talk to him... Waking him instead! -_- the min he let out a whimper, she faster pick him up. I also felt like they nv see bb b4 sometimes.
Bb is first grandchild for both sides but my mom not like that at all...
Had lots of prob with ILs... they often passed comment on hw we took care of bb n that sometimes made me feel vy lousy. I also felt that they thought bb is theirs... Till one day cannot tahan told hb to tell them dun come so often can... Also got my SIL to explain to them. Nw they dun come but we go to their place once a week.
They still fuss over bb each week when they see him but I tell myself at least won't see them for another week... Try to close one eye!
stuck in e stupid taxi queue @ taka now. There were at least 60 pax in front of me. Nw its another 30 more 2 go... Wah liew... A few days ago e queue so short, nw super long. Some darn irritating driver kept sound his stupid horn! v piercing sound! Argh!

Wah wat do u do??? Own ofc? how nice!
Oh yes if bb latches, its e best! No need 2 pump!

U've been 2 her ofc b4? Its fun there huh? Hehe...

Hope ur nipple is better nw.

Maybe elias is gg thru a phrase bah... He might outgrow n revert 2 old "pattern" soon. My RN is oso like tt. I hope she finds e best "pattern" soon so I can see some hope when I go back 2 work.

topic on ILs... Hmmm... I din read thru coz hard 2 do so using HP. I'very stayed wif ILs b4 n its oso together wif my Hb's siblings. While I wld say no major conflicts, lets Juz say I'm definitely happier nw tt we're on our own. ILs come by once a wk 2 take care of my elder son n we go back once during wkend. My ILs r generally nice folks.
shugar: i feel u so gd tempered.. i cannot imagine u losing ur temper or get frustrated lei

now.. my mum carrying yh the moment he yelps.. and then YELP onli lei.. she asked me where the pacifier?.. haiz.. make one sound nia.. stuff paci?! wah liew

jrrt: yes.. that is a rocker.. but more of depositing yh so that we can freed our hands to carry on with the other chores.. coz personally i dun quite like to lie the bb in the cot/floor/sofa etc. just a personal preference lah.. and yes. sometimes.. they rock him to sleep there.. chey. dun work also.. duh.

ya.. same pattern of nursing covers.. but too exp for me liao lah. plus shipping over $50.. wah. got another website.. but i dun like those prints.. tituteo trying to consolidate some responses lah. my other thread got one lady interested. if u interested to get others.. let me know i tell tituteo...

bluesea: ya! like last night. i told him must wake yh up more for him to feed properly at 10pm.. he says he too tired.. let yh sleep.. end up took oni 100ml.. i told him. try harder elsethat chap will wake up to feed at 1am one.. he said too tired.. in the end.. really woke up 1am plus woke up looking for a feed.. i told him 'toldu so.. u go and settle it urself'..
Jrrt: Xmas mah. all ciong for last minute shopping! 60 plus pple? wah. happy waiting..:p

haiz.. i am really trying to close one eye to all the negative asociation my mum creating.. my boy yelps onli. she shouts even louder to 'silence' away the cry.. and mind u. it is A cry.. then keep asking where is the paci.. then now with the rocker (silly me. go and buy one for what?!).. she is forever rocking him to sleep.. haiz.. i dunno lah. must go and convince myself that i am BLIND!

and for my grandchildren in future.. i vow to be the detached grandma.. will respect how my kids want to take care of their kids.. coz they takecare.. not my biz. unless they ask for my advice.. the most i do is to buy the store down with parenting books for them to read or surf info for them.. coz i believe knowledge is power.. settles the frays.. dun need to react.. and panick.. ya.. i will be just that. *sigh*

hey. today brought rayner and rayan out for a lunch gathering.. rayan slept throughout.. rayner was slightly notti. coz he was th eonli toddler.. and it was his nap timing . so a bit cranky. now he sleeping.. zonked out.. all in all. not too bad..
dreamygal: ha. tell me abt that man.. and it is my own mother who likes to distrupt when i disicpline teng..ok. i shd just quit complainging.. coz.. xmas coming..right? ha!
astro: i can't afford to wake angel up in the afternoon leh. whether in office or at home.. else i can't do my work.. so for now she's waking up at 3 or 4am for feed!! last time she sleeps thru the night...sighz..

my fil keep asking me to let the maid take care of baby.. then my mil keeps assuming that i want to leave baby at their house... sianz............
loke: that's why lor.. the tradeoff.. if sleep too much in the day.. missed feeding.. then wake up in the night to feed.. but in return get the silence to work.. but come to think of it hor.. actually better to wake the kid up to feed. yes. might not be as productive.. but better than get woke up in the night and can't rest well?
eh. for me.. sleep is impt.. so being so sleep deprived now. i aint good company :S

i tahan-ed till 3th months.. this mr yh jolly well sleep thru the night.. else ah.. i will switch to fm liao lah.. :S.. argh. dunno .. see how. let's hope i can pump vol then. then i load him till he cannot drink.. let him sleep sound sound!! :S

ok . yh is aslep. hey. introduced waterto him for the fast time. he drank 20ml.. hey..
Jo also drink faster w NUK but she becomes colicky and her reflux worsen. With Avent, she gets better. Just now I tried the 3mths+ teat, to my delight, shefinished the whole of 170ml in 10 mins! Before that she took 20mins+ and drink until 120 then don't want already. Just called Philips, so frustrated! No one can answer my question. Kept asking me to call the showroom which directed me to a voicemail indicating they are open from 9-6 and now closed. The time I called is 2+!!!!
astro: yah.. i'm the cranky one at night lor.. and my eyes are so heavy half the time the whole day.. sianz.. i just screamed at hb last night for having a smelly mouth.. he got scared and quickly woke up to wash his mouth..hahaa
hey mummies,
thanks for all the recommendations for the car seat. will keep all these in mind when i shop for one.
much appreciated!

i havent been to loke's office. dangerous! i dun trust myself to step inside there. haha... yah, but i know what she does for a living.
wah, you at TAKA? very brave! i only want to go to taka this FRIDAY. hehe... not b4...

you're not evil lah. just a typical DIL. haha... but you're not the ultimate yet mah. i think safe to say i'm the most extreme in warding off MIL. well, you already know my case - move in with your parents and the IL wont come! hahaha...

hey, did u get the "starter kit" for Dr brown's where its 2 120ml bottles, and 3 240ml bottles?
btw, wake her up more often means every 3h or less?

another thing.. my baby tends to be cock-eyed when too focused on something... when would she slowly not have cock-eye?
jrrt : hope so ba.

haii..was telling annette e heat rash E was having? doc say its eczema
and i gotta watch e food i eat - seafood (incl fish), dairy, nuts, egg. sigh...there goes my crunchie chocolate bar in the fridge.

but its odd leh..anyone can confirm? my doc say though 1st mth i got take dairy, egg, fish, nuts, etc and no eczema doesn't mean he not allergic. i.e. as elias grow then eczema will trigger?

re: load bb w milk
seriously how to do it huh? i can't even get E to finish 120ml in a feed. he drink 30 pause 30 pause 30 pause..then..zzz..then maybe an hour later e remaining 30 then close eye.

loke : wah..playpen in ofc. hehe
that's reli nice. imagine u can do work without parting w ur cute angel

hippo : yes got the starter kit. y leh? am still using the 2 120ml bottles.
hippo: my office is not as glamorous as u think!!! feel free to come! i ask my hb to show u the stuff. *sniff sniff* wahhaa.. no obligations!

oh yah. u know what.. i didnt make ANYTHING for angel lor.. so duhh... keep telling hb to do it.. he keeps putting it off.. until baby is born.. still nothing.. sighz..
gal: seriously, pros and cons... but to me, pros more than cons. haha.. anyway, my hb and i are adventurous. bring her everywhere we go. quite possessive.. hahhaha...
Loke: ya. three hours... hmm. when they grow older.. when u realised they dun drink as much when fed 3 huorly.. it cld be a sign that they are ready to move on to a four hourly schedule..

yh also can be cocked eyed.. hhahaha.. but il et him be wor.. i think the PD will look for what they called a squint (in the eyes) when they three mths..

ok. bringing teng down to buy dinner for him. lazy and tired to cook.. later evening = war zone again. this miser. said today 5pm would be back coz i let him work full day today since i out in the morning.. just sms tell me diff. would TRY be back before 6.. i told him last night he has yet apologise formally to me.. he said 'sorry'.. so fu yan lor!.. then i told him.. when i realeased him to work.. it is like letting a puppy go chase a ball.. = MIGHT not return on call.. haiz. i give up lah..
gal: how long is the interval?..

hmm. yh also got quite bad heat rash. i not sure if it is heat rash or ezcema.. think i need to pay my pd a visit liao.. hmmm..
astro: haha. ur fight with miser... so familiar lor.. yay.. angel waking up. 3.5h liao. i better wake her up.. i'm confused now lah. cos i'm latching quite a lot during the day now. dunno y can latch one side only and she can stay awake for 1h or asleep for 2h, sometimes 3h..? then towards the end of the day... cmi..
ok. going down.. with teng soon..
yh up liao. i see my mum standby paci liaol . ready to prounce on him the moment he yelps. looking at her now.. abt to stuff liao. i asked her 'got cry meh?'.. haiz. no eyes see. i go down now..

ddnikz: if it is the variable flow.. there will be three markings on the teat 'I', 'II' , 'III'.. u got to align the marking to the nose of the bb. so if u want bb to drink flow II, the marking II shd be inline with the bb's nose when drinking. and the flow will adjust accordingly.. amazing huh? ha. i find it amazing.. :p

i am not sure if the variable flow teat u have mentioned is same as what I am asking about. Got diff kinds of teats for avent bottles??? The one I have have the instruction menu to indicate the flow control. so mayb that is the variable flow teat?? *hopeful* Can you guide me on where are the markings? I swear I have been staring at it with the 1mth+ teat for the longest time and I really can't find them (quite gd with 'spot the diff' game but fail for this one!)
btw, the poncho is so multipurpose! haha.. i could use it as the blanket for baby, something to keep me warm in the office, nursing cover (original purpose), cover for the pram! amazing! should have bought TWO!
haha... thanks for the offer. its ME i dont trust. somemore now that i am back in the workforce, the old spending pattern come back liao. my HB trying to keep a tight leash on me. (or rather, his wallet!) hehehe...
can still make something for angel what. CNY can wear.

does your starter kit come with Level 2 teats ah? i remember it has. but i can't find them anywhere!!! cos 3mths onwards can use already. dunno where my helper stuff them. ARGH!
hippo: hahaha!! yah hor.. CNY! better make earlier. else gold price keep going up.. btw, u using combi stroller?

i feel adventurous leh.. inspired by jrrt... think i'm going to taka to jalan jalan later! haha.. just across the road nia.. keke..
hey ladies.

how was the gathering the other day? sorry i cldn't make it. would love to see some photos. astro, i go down your place one of these days to collect the ponchos for my fren can? i pm you
hippo : starter kit comes with '2' level 2 teats. it is separately packed in the box. er..make sense? the teat rim got write Level 2.
Astro: hahahaha... that case was the limit lor... I felt she was competing with me over everything regarding bb.
Whatever I did she also want to do!
Whenever she came into the house, straight away she'll head for bb and want me to pass to her. Drove me nuts leh!
Haiz, i'm glad all that is history.
ddnikz/astro:wahhhhhhhhhh ur ger drink 170ml now!!! M stuck at 120-140ml only n take me ard 1 hr to feed him.Din know theres varible teat,im still using nos 1(faint)is it coz of tt tts y M dun like bottle feed?:p

Re:SEanLau photography
May i know anyone here know the organiser for this?Coz was told to transfer money but is it reliable?Any receipt for tt?
i agree that the best way to ward off ILs is to move in with your own parents!!! ive been staying with my parents, and my MIL has only been to visit us ONCE, and that was during my confinement. and we've only brought baby back to her place like thrice? hahahahahha..

i make myself very busy every weekend, then i give excuses not to go back.. i just dun like the way she handles and talks to my baby.. she keep telling baby some nonsense hokkien.. crap

and she cant burp babies for goodness sake and the only time she was here, she kept telling my mum that we must feed isabelle every 2 hourly, 3 hourly is too long a duration.. wa lau, baby not hungry why should i keep feeding? sadded.. she has ordered us to go back this friday..
Hi.. came across this and just tot of sharing with u all
it's so touching

Before I was a Mom

Before I was a Mom,
I never tripped over toys
or forgot words to a lullaby.
I didn't worry whether or not
my plants were poisonous.
I never thought about immunizations.

Before I was a Mom,
I had never been puked on.
Pooped on.
Chewed on.
Peed on.
I had complete control of my mind
and my thoughts.
I slept all night.

Before I was a Mom,
I never held down a screaming child
so doctors could do tests.
Or give shots.
I never looked into teary eyes and cried.
I never got gloriously happy over a simple grin.
I never sat up late hours at night
watching a baby sleep.

Before I was a Mom,
I never held a sleeping baby just because
I didn't want to put her down.
I never felt my heart break into a million pieces
when I couldn't stop the hurt.
I never knew that something so small
could affect my life so much.
I never knew that I could love someone so much.
I never knew I would love being a Mom.

Before I was a Mom,
I didn't know the feeling of
having my heart outside my body..
I didn't know how special it could feel
to feed a hungry baby.
I didn't know that bond
between a mother and her child.
I didn't know that something so small
could make me feel so important and happy.

Before I was a Mom,
I had never gotten up in the middle of the night
every 10 minutes to make sure all was okay.
I had never known the warmth, the joy, the love,
the heartache, the wonderment
or the satisfaction of being a Mom.
I didn't know I was capable of feeling so much,
before I was a Mom .

Author Unknown
annette>> PY has checked with sean lau and he has confirmed that there is such a BP.. i have transferred $94 to the lady.. she needs all the mummies to make the deposit soon so that the BP can proceed..
Aria>> Tks for sharing your schedule.
Will see how it goes for me when I return to work. Applaud you for being so determined to achieve your target. For me, the spurts of milk dwindle down to droplets after 10mins on one breast, so I assume there's nothing left since it seems to go soft.

Astro>> My hubby different. He feels our dear son is screaming for milk at night when I hv just fed an hour ago. I told him son may be throwing tantrums or sleepy, hence crying, but hubby decided to feed him. True enough, son doesnt want milk, or he may suckle a while, then dont want liao. Imagine the wasted milk. Haiz... maybe good thing is hubby is hardworking in feeding!! hahaha... But I dont want to spoil our son's feeding schedule. Imagine feeding every hour 40-50ml? If I'm at home alone with baby with such a schedule, I'll be dead tired!! I insisted on 2-3 hour feeding and now hubby agrees to go with my take. *Phew*

Annette>> I too prefer to work and earn my keep than for hubby to provide for me, though he's fully capable of doing so. I can spend freely, it's financial freedom for me. Another thing is I know I'm not homemaker material, so working is the better choice for me.

Loke>> You're right, I'm one of those out for Xmas shopping! My mum took over my son so I went out meet hubby for lunch and hit the stores. It's Robinsons Sale and I dont want to miss the good deals for members.

It's Xmas eve now, so here's Merry Xmas to all mummies!! Cheers...
hey mummies...how's everyone's christmas preparations coming along? i've been busy right after recovering from a flu (and passing that on to the bb) and yet another recent bloody diaper episode from her...and it's been years since i celebrated christmas proper at my own place. so yeah..tonnes of shopping to do cos the folks are coming by (ILs, my laws..the whole village)..it's been hectic and stressful preparing but in a way i would like to think we are doing what we can to make her first christmas memorable (though of course, she will not remember this at all!)

i went for my dental visit today, and my dentist did a cursory check on the baby cos i have been "cleaning" her mouth any old how and at her PD check two days ago, the PD actually mentioned that audrey has a sour mouth! i take that to mean she has bad breath
and since mouth rinses would be an impossible solution - wanted to see what this dentist would say...and indeed mummy hasn't been cleaning her mouth all too well - cos i missed out the fact that she had some epstein pearls at the top gum...so was taught how to really reach and massage/clean out the gums, tongue etc. quite a lesson...

and abt the sour mouth...erm, PD says it's a sign of GERD - cos she has spit-ups, prefers to be carried upright all the time... so medicine time again for her. i tasted that liquid..it's the most bitter s*** on earth..when i feel more hardworking, will post a screwball face here...

in the meantime..here's wishing everyone a blessed christmas and an extra special sweet shower of blessings for all your little munchkins' first noel..
xoxo : er..i just wipe wipe the mouth leh at all areas. oh dear... how to clean properly?

Merry Christmas all!

sigh..tis morning i so dense. E make noise but din wake up so i ignore but breast a bit engorged (yeah..he slept through from 1230am till now however think its coz' nice weather ba). In order not to disturb anyone in the room I tried hand expressing to relieve a bit. and guess wat after i store the bottle in the fridge..i realise...I didn't STERILISE THE bottle last night. I left it in steriliser but didn't ON. Wasted wasted. Heart pain.
I heating it up to drink it myself.
hello mummies - haven't pop in for some time. Been doing some bottle battles with Andre (xoxo: now i truly understand your frustrations that time), busy prepping for X'mas. Feel like a super multi-tasker nowadays.

PY: I love the poem. Brings a tear to my eye. How true...

ILs: When my MIL was here, i wished she would go home soon. Now she's back in China, i wish i have an extra pair of hands sometimes. I'm one-to-one with the baby during the day now, and it can be exhausting entertaining and talking to him the whole day. (yea, my MIL belongs to the possessive category too. Sometimes when i go out with her, i feel like the maid, not the mother, carrying the bag, pushing the pram and following my MIL commands while she carry the baby)

Anyway, Merry X'mas to all. It's after all the festive season, enjoy yourselves with your love ones.. God Bless!
Ok... Avent pp called. So there are two kinds of Teats on sale. One with variable flow and one without. Wah liao, then shouldn't stick the instruction on the flowrate thing on the product WITHOUT the function mah. Luckily I bought the correct one. Else $6.60 down the drain...
my mum oso same pattern lah... make noise only, stuff pacifier! i oso fed up... best thing is even when my nephew is awake and not making noise,i oso saw pacifier in his mouth! then i ask her and my sis: why the hell u wan him to take the pacifier when he is not crying/fussing????!!! spoil mkt!!! i dun allow them to do tt to RN. in fact am secretly happy tt RN does not like the pacifier as much as wat we thot so.
If only the rocker works for RN, i prefer tt than yaolan!
yep, i went to check tt website and wah liew, realised the nursing covers v exp and aft browsing thru all the designs, dun like any of them in particular. still prefer the existing one i hv. so 4get it lah.
next time i dun even wanna take care of my grandchildren or stay wif them, if possible.... freedom is better... so tiring and taxing to care 4 kids! my mum said if my sis or I wanna hv more kids, she dun wanna take care liao! hahaha...
hey i think ur rayner is quite guai, not as mischievious as my son. he juz eats non stop while my son dun like to eat. ur rayan is oso guai tt day leh....
the stupid taxi queue took me 40 mins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if i knew, i wld hv taken the bus!@!!! wld hv reached home long ago man!
when i 1st intro water to RN, she drank alot! then now, she know its water, she pushed out the teats!

inspired by me???? wat did i do?
its normal for babies to hv squint... my 6 mth old nephew has it... think u gotta "train" them to un-cock eye...

hahaha, yah i am brave to go taka coz i so stupid, din know the taxi queue is so long... it wasnt tt crowded in the mall thou. if i din need to get pressies, i dun wanna go there!!!

its possible tt ecezma will b triggered later... esp in cases of bfg moms, they will ask u to b careful wif wat u ate. the other time 4 my son, PD oso asked me to cut down on chocolate cake which was suspected to trigger his rashes. but later we realised its not tt lah. so mayb u can try to eliminate the item slowly and rule out which one is the cause.

ah... you the other champion like me. stay with parents. haha... your HB also quite champion. takes a lot for a man to agree to stay with his ILs too. thats what everyone said to me when they hear we living with MY parents.

thanks! finally found them this morning. some clever person stuffed them into some unused box. have u used the level 2 teats yet? cos its suitable for 3m.o. ... am wondering if can start her on that soon.

wah. saw the super curry post. charlotte's curry. hahahaha... u can open shop. shop name charlotte's piping hot CURRY bwahahahaha...
wish i could see her face after the deed.
