(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs


Our side also, my hb sick spread to me now I am still coughing and my baby start to cough a bit. If he still cought will need to bring him see doctor tomorrow morning.

Hi mummies!!
YX actually woke up for one feed last nite only at 4+ But maybe it's just one off.. Apparently after the battle last nite n I sent her to CL, she played on the bed for a while then cried. Finally CL pat her to bed... Cham she can't sleep on her own.. But I guess just celebrate little success lah.

Astro: not bad wor... Like that calculate you effectively din pay much for her visits!!! Worth it lor!!

PY: 20 mins for burping? Haha me also no patience. Usually I try a few mins I give up. Sometimes she just turn her head n she will burp on her own. Apparently latch on babies may not need so much burping
Hi mummies!!
YX actually woke up for one feed last nite only at 4+ But maybe it's just one off.. Apparently after the battle last nite n I sent her to CL, she played on the bed for a while then cried. Finally CL pat her to bed... Cham she can't sleep on her own.. But I guess just celebrate little success lah.

Astro: not bad wor... Like that calculate you effectively din pay much for her visits!!! Worth it lor!!

PY: 20 mins for burping? Haha me also no patience. Usually I try a few mins I give up. Sometimes she just turn her head n she will burp on her own. Apparently latch on babies may not need so much burping

Annette: I just hope the brawl will not be on daily basis else I will go crazy!
hippo: glad to hear ur "voice" here again. its nice to hear positive stories at times. some happy stories around keeps people afloat. never always a perfect situation. u had ur woes during pregnancy when others don't..
anyway, isabel going thru growth spurt now right? angel seems to be spurting growth every week... ha.. milk never enough for her..
hippo: *wave* ha.. guess what.. i agree with loke wor.. can't be ALL bad things happen to one person only mah? like that darn jialat leh.. :p so while u experienced bad moments.. surely u have something good to enjoy one.. my past 2 weeks was very bad.. bfing settling down. and i choose to believe.. that it will get better

tien: still got net outflow of 40 dollars.. hahahahah :p hey.. press on. i admire ur tenacity . really.. apply the general principles of GF, yes u are right.. timings are just a guide.. as long as u follow the timings. yx is still a contented bb.. irregardless of timings..

study the routine closly. u will realise.. that the day is spilt into 4 blocks.. same pattern repeating thruout.. and what is more imptly. is the sleep/wake interval.. of course feeding time is impt.. so that it wun cut into the other feeding block.. so as long as ur day goes like that for yx. u can't go too wrong

py/gal: dun need 20 minutes lah.. :p..
for a bf (direct latch bb), take the cue.. if he/she spits out eh nipple before the feed is due.. most likely he/she eeds a burp.. always very accurate with YH..
bottle fed.. when again. they spilt out the teat. or after the feed after waiting a while. if really no burp by 10 minutes.. means. really nothing :p:p

py: areu past week 6 already? coz.. doris away next week.. then if u can wait till she comes back and happens to be in week 6.. then i can help ask if u can participate.. but the collection is abit leiceh. it is not as direct as just give her 18ml.. must be at different timings. and must be latch on.. pump ebm.. cannot.. hey. i think hor. pumping ebm will not delay return of menses lei. i remembered i heard of it somewhere.. but i not sure if true or not.. latching will help delay..

annette: eh. no.. only started these 3 days.. today i following the routine strictly. let's see if he acts up tonight.

last night quite bad.. end up miser and I snapped at one another.. ha. but we are back to normal again lah..
Hippo: we seriously dun mind hearing more success stories... Make us more determined to strive for success..its not gloating lah...consider it sharing..

Astro: anyway i better dun be happy too early. Today Yx is extremely sleepy think not used to be so awake the whole day... Her morning nap was 15. Hr and she just completed her supposed 1030 feed and now sleeping again... .very concern that she is not satisfied with her last feed..and cos she is sooooooo sleepy can't keep sucking for long... Realise that sleepy babies is really a challenge!
tien: yalor.. yu he is also like that!. just now he was dozing off as early as 1030am when he is supposed to sleep at 1145! but i do all sort of thigs to him lah.. so he tahan till 1130 then knocked out
Hi can anyone tell me where could i find Gina Ford sleeping method? i wish to try on my baby. Aparately i could not get it from her website cause it say need to sign up as member.
chnyle: all major book store. under the parenting sessions.. sure have GF books.. the book for the routine is the contented bb book..
there is no sleeping method per se for GF.. her is more routine.. applying knowledge of bb sleep patterns.. her sleeping book.. i haven't seen it around for along time..
dun have to join the websie lah. steep and quite redundant :p

sunnyling: steady! are u establishing the gf routine also? that method is used in the gf book.. and controlled cying is so familiar too :p
the put up put down method u saying is more of tracy hoggs wor
.. right?

jrrt: i think like anything in parenting.. all grey. no clear black and white.. except thigns like dun shake the bb.. etc.. pacifier has been long debated over.. it has its pros and cons.. and i have experienced both sides of it

as long as the individual is comfortable with her own choice.. let it be so then..
i used to subscribe to the same philospohy as tracy hoggs leh. that i am silencing off the voice of the bb with the paci..i got so guilty wheni ad to use it on teng.. coz i believe that all of us are entitled to our voice..
then somemore along the way i realised.. hmm. as long as i know why the bb is crying.. and i tend to the root cause and not use the paci to just stuff it into his mouth ALL the time without trying to get to the cause and make him stop crying.. then it is ok wor..pacifier -- is to pacify.. make the bb cry less hard while the mohter tend to his need to make him stop crying.. i think ok .. anyway this yu he. if he is buay song.. he spits out his pacifier and tell u .. even louder!! :p
hippo: i agree with tien.. success stories are good to hear.. we are not putting anyone down.. no bad intentions.. then it ought to be shared!
Jolie cannot flip yet, but her sleeping pattern really power man... One moment she sleeping nicely, 1 hr later I peek at her, she already turned anti clockwise. **faint**...

ya ya, same here. I asked my mum to retire early. she refused. Know she loves the bb, but donno why she still refuse to tkae care of her.

re: puke milk
Jolie also puke milk leh. Yest brought her to the PD and he said is reflux leh. Got alot of medication for her.

Got a question here. I removed Jolie's mittens during day time and only put on for her during night time. The thing is, her hands feel cold leh. Is that normal?

Mine cannot put down. I tried to put down to check her diapers coz she didnt burp for a while and then the small fountain of milk came spurting out. For gripe water, normally I add a some water to it to give her. Else if too full, I add it to the milk to give her.
Regarding Gripe water:

Had some dispute with mil over it. Reagan don't have colic, doesn't sput milk but mil want me to give gripe water. I asked "Why?! when there's nothing wrong with Reagan." She replied "Gripe water will also improve the skin of baby and keep it clear of rashes." But the thing is Reagan also has no rashes and he has very good complexion now! Really dunno what she is thinking of. Heng I'm not working now and can do things in my way. I'm not going to give Reagan anything other then BM IF he is well.

Regarding sleeping:
I didn't put Reagan on any routine yet during the day but I gave him dream feed at 12am every night b4 I sleep. He took in different amount each time depanding on when is his last feed. He's sleeping longer each day. By yesterday, he woke up only at 5am. So I'm very happy for this as after I feed him at 5am, it's just time for me to do my pumping and I get to have at least 4 hours sleep
Finished my 2nd bathing war with M. Hope he stop crying soon during bath

Astro: guess tt normal me n hubby also. guess enxt wk worse when cl gone. imagine my cl get so tired that she wan end earlier.

tien: jiayou me tired too haiz.my mummy on leave also dun bother to come help me lor super angryyyyyyyyy.

ddnikz: mine too, i brought him to new pd which hubby's frd recommend and she said M having reflux too.no idea abt the pacifier u mentioned

guess better to put on whole day ,to protect them from further heat lost?:p.coz i put on for M whole day, his hand also still cold wo.
Thanks guys...will try out the library or get it from book store.

Btw, have anyone try removing nose wax for their baby? Is super challenging...
chynle: nose wax or ear wax? if ear. leave it alone. ears are self cleaning. if nose.. then get those minimature tweezers from kiddy palace.. then easy peasy liao :p

annette: no. i meant it is not normal for yu he to fuss.. anyway.. have u tried to half feed M before he takes a shower..? that will calm him down first before u bathe him.. else bathtime becomes so stressful for u and him..
sunnyling> yah that's what i told gal also. putting them down awhile before carrying them up again. very effective. but sometimes in the middle of the night when i wanna sleep... but she nv burp eventhough i put her down 2-3 times haha!

Astro> Next week is my 6th week lor. haha eh pumping and latching not the same meh.. both suction ma haha. anyway charlotte's intake from bottle has decreased from 80ml to 60ml! I always give her 80ml but she will left 20ml. hai.. then if i give her the 20ml after burping, she will push it away.. but if i give her my boobs, she will suckle for ard 10 mins.. then i burp her, still got burp leh! lol... but of coz by then she's already in her lala land lah.
PY: different.. coz different from of stimulation.. the bb clears ur boobs more efficiently then a pump can.. so i suppose that sends more hormones to ur brain to pause menses? i dunno coz never read up on it..
how heavy is charlotte now?
Astro: I give up on YX today hahaha....Think she was too sleepy to suckle for long on the breasts! Gave her her 2-2.30pm feeds in bottle and she only gulp down 70 ml out of 90ml!! Then I went to pump...really 70ml wor...she really a bugger lor...owe her this amount yet she didnt want to suckle for that amount!The weather is not helping..making her really sleepy...no matter what I do cannot wake her up!! Got vacuum zooming around also can sleep!! But can see her twisting and turning..meaning not deep in sleep..hopefully at night she will feel even more tired...

Annette: Yep will jia you...havent got beaten yet...maybe next week haha...after my CL leaves! You see me DIE!

PY: Dun like that leh...I havent done my jamu massage leh...see my butt and tummy want to cry...think if there's anything that's going to put me into depression..it's breastfeeding and fatty ass...
Sotong_mum: Think your MIL old-fashion thinking..I grew up drinking gripe water (still rem the taste cos when my sister was a baby, I also drank hers) My mum also wanted to give her...then my CL say, nowadays very few people give then my mum kept quiet...hahah kudos to my CL..
hippo: ya leh...miss ur postings

sunnyling : take care...rest rest & thanks for the suggestion to bottle feed :D my afternoon seem quite managable today...so far :p

ddnikz : your gal turn anti-clockwise. wow.. how she manage to do that.

tien : its okay..ask YX to suckle more :p will reduce weight.

PY/sunnyling/annette : wah piang eh...i just started that style of burping yesterday. my left wrist is making cracking sound already :S (i got v small wrist). jialat...how how.. u got put pillow or something? or just change left arm, right arm, left arm, right arm?

i tried breaking the ml. when attempt to burp him he no wanna stay still. his hands and legs will start thrashing. :S so at the end i just fed him everything then burp him.
PY, think Elias is like Charlotte. *sigh* scared milk run away :p

Sorry ya... i always have questions :p

Q . Does your baby drink same amount every feed time?

He got drink 120ml before. lately like 110-115ml. just now 3pm feed..hmm.he only drank 50ml and went to la la land..can't wake him. (normally when he poop he will fuss until diaper get changed...tis time..got poo on his butt (so smelly) but he still zzz.. :p
Hahaha... U all really miss me or just my bitchiness???

Then i say the truth lor. Theres a period of time when there was a lot repetitive moronic questions being asked lah. Not naming names lah. But i got sick of seeing those senseless mindless questions lah. So i switch off lah...

Now its largely back to regulars agn so a bit more interesting to read the postings agn haha
how does charlotte get to so big if she drinks so little? Min is 4.3kg today at end of 6 wks. She drinks 120-130ml now.

hve same prob. Hit the stores today in an attempt to get an outfit for nxt week's interview (yes i hve an interview). Couldnt find anything that would fit my big ass. Im so dead. How to interview w no formal outfit ha??? Knn...
luckily i touched up my grey roots last weekend already. Argh!!! But i need to read up a lot!!!
Gal: Ya...ideally she shld suckle more but this sleepyhead prefers to nuzzle at the breasts...think my weight loss will come from the sweat dripping from the battles with her...as good as aerobics! Miss it BIG TIME! Dunno stil can wear my gym wear bo...dun even dare to look at them...

Hippo: Welcome back then!! Let the bitchiness begin lor!
"hip hip" hooray! haha..

hippo: missed you and your bitchiness... keke.. i believe the truth can set many people free.. anyways, how do u know isabel is having growth spurt? needs milk more? hard to differentiate for me cos i'm also giving fm. still trying to up the ss.. drank tons of papaya fish soup, bean soup. whatever soup u can name. really want to give up bf.. but i sayang so much tonic i'm taking. else i would be tfm liao.. haha..

py: my massage lady does slimming massage also leh. gonna get her to come do the massage and binding for me again in two weeks' time. after the 40 days. and her price not bad. if u can find someone to take care of charlotte for u for a few hours, i confirm u'll slim down. ;)
Hippo: The only place I can think of now where I can buy anything to fit the ass is those plus size shops...sob sob...Dorothy Perkins or Marks and Spencer...DEPRESSED again!
Loke: I want the contact!!!!!!!!!!!! IN BAD NEED!

Ok my loan shark is harassing me for the milk that I owe her...ciao...cya later.
if u r fully latching prolly no need to burp so long right? Cos BF babies dun take in as much air as bottle fed babies rite? Min sometimes dun burp even after me trying for like 10mins. Anyway when HB is home thats like his specialisation n he takes it very seriously. Prolly thats one of the few things hes really gd at. Diaper changing being the other. Anyway u oso using Dr Brown bottles right?

read ur frustration w hb. Erm, tell him outright how u feel? I think it can only get worse if u dun communicate how u feel to him.

Re: wind in tummy
PD gave us Ridwind n we mix it in ebm n feed her from bottle. That almost immediately solved her colic prob n she just farted non stop like machine gun like that. N it came about after i started eating spicy food last week.
Anyone needs NAN HA1? I hav 6 bottles fr TMC to be given away. Expire on 9/12/09. Collection at CCK or Bishan MRT only. PM me.
hippo>> i like that statement.. wahahaha..
actually i sorta switched off partly coz of that too.. and also everyone talking abt BF.. me dunno how to 'chap' in, coz i no BM supply..
Hippo: Haha...trust me bitchy ppl are in hot demand...I can be some real biatch too!

Mie Mie: Just come here chit chat lah...now topic is mainly on burping and getting bb to orr orr through the nite...

I dun have GF sleeping book but I did buy a GF weaning book last time for my elder boy. All method is learning from internet when I have my first boy and experience myself.


I dun understand about change left to right hand. Usually I will carry him up on my left shoulder cos only know how to do one side.

I break the milk but some time he didnt burp also just let him take a break and continue his break.

By the way last time when I latch sometime I dont bother to burp cos latching cos lesser wind.


My boy also alway waste my milk, 20 to 30ml. I get use to it liao. You gal good weight hor, my boy is only 4.4 kg and ard 58cm as at today and he is 7 weeks.
i mean mostly latching rite? like me, only 1 nite feed is bottle. rest if latching.

growth spurt - much shorter than usual feeding interval. e.g. min is on 3hrly interval. growth spurt her interval becomes 1.5-2hr.

ha. i not so ambitious about the orr orr thru the nite. still focusing on extending her feeding interval. sometimes could stretch up to 4hr prior to this growth spurt i happy poon pee pee already man.

yeah quite cock right some of the stuff i saw here. i was like rolling my eyes big time. but best part - got angels here have patience to answer those kind of questions one leh! bwahahaha... hippo no patience man.
hippo : nope yesterday used 3 bottle. 2 FM, 1 EBM. today tried diff strategy in hope will solve my 3pm-6pm nightmare. So 5bottle. 3EBM, 2FM.

anyway..hehe..even if i feed FM he still wake up every 3 hours. :p

fyi 3-6am and 3-6pm v odd one for me. he latches nearly every hour? n v man chang so am concern i dun have enuff milk..v stressful/demoralising. today with bottle feed i know how much he taking. still fine tuning :p
Hope I am not the one with the moronic questions! I seem to b asking alot

here's my question that seemed to be missed out. Anyone saw Born Free Pacifiers anywhere? Heard it is good and I don't rem seeing it before.

re: big tummy,
my jamu session cut from 10 sessions to 5 coz bb kept interrupting. have to run around the house in towel, getting ready her feed. So decided to cut it. so tiring... anyway, the jamu lady is good but my tummy hopeless leh. weight going up instead of down. give up liao.

I asked Dr Choo to recommend PD. she recommended a real nice one to me
I also don't know how she sleep one but she sure likes to stretch alot. and each time she stretches, her position shifted.. then a few stretches along the way, she starts to shift in anticlockwise pattern. Terrible, but funny.
u know i use "cock" as an all-encompassing term. hehehe...

haha... nah, not u.

u said sth abt raised scar tissue. obviously i dun have the same thing. but for my c-section wound, gynae gives me this silicon plaster-like thing to stick on the wound to prevent keeloids. dunno if it applies to you. anyways i have to use it for 3-4 mths to totally prevent keeloids. maybe u can ask ur gynae?

long time no talk. hope things are well at home. first week without HB hor? need to talk or rant can always sms me k? reagan's head VERY ROUND! hehe... and so smooth. like opposite to Min. she got a lot of hair.

u know in the end we call her minmin at home. isabel like so ley chey to pronounce. 3 syllabus. anyways i din put isabel in the birth cert. only chinese name.
elias also 6th week rite? not growth spurt ah?

wah lau. waiting for my princess to wake up. while my left boob is leaking... argh!
pissed off with miser..
the more mathematically inclined mothers.. how do u calculate ur bb's weekly weight gain? specifically, do you include the 'regain to birthweight' part? for yu he,

1st week: borned 3.240
dropped to 2.975 in the first three days

2nd week -got nursed back to health, weighing 3.3

last weighing at polyclinic --> 3.555

so.. what's is his weekly gain?

sry if i sound dumb asking this but i am really poor with maths..

then i asked Miser when to bring rayan to his one month checkup.. he sighed.. asked him how the full month. he also like bochap.. what's wrong with him?! FED UP
like all these take so much of his PRECIOUS time?!
