(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

nope, my mum only helping to look after in daytime so nitetime they will still be coming back home.

I won't leave the maid at home with bb cos u nv know what they would do. I do hv frens whom leave their bb alone at home with the maid cos they do not hv help fm parents or PIL so bobian.

CL : Ya.. when my CL left I was totally lost! Dunno what to do with baby everyday... Bathing her is a challenge, like fighting with her and she starts crying easily cos most of the time I not so confident to hold her or she feels uncomfortable. Less free time for myself and so deprived of sleep.

Routine: Anyone has any routines to share as reference? Is it a must to sayang bb to sleep after each feed even if they don't zz by themselves after that? If not, what do we do with them? How often do you play music for bb? For how long?

Really lost... My house is so quiet most of the time. Just me and baby during the day and occasionally MIL comes over to stay. It seems so dead... Im so stress up with baby matters that I don't seem to be enjoying motherhood. Now my gal is 5 weeks old, but Im still crying over the slightest stress.. My hubby is thinking of sending me to the psychiatrist for PND liao....
Andre is American timing nowadays, sleeps like a log during the day! At night, his eyes big big blink blink at me. Sometimes when i hummed him to sleep and his eyes starts to mi mi, next thing my husband toss in bed, his eyes will spring open again like those mechanical dolls. Haiz... then need to restart the humming again

Astro: My favourite oats recipe... Cook 2 tablespoons of oats with half a mug of water. When cooked, pour half a mug of HL chocolate milk together, warmed it and serve. Can substitue with milo also. I can't take oats by itself *bleah*

Sigh, dunno why there is a burning sensation in my left breast. Visually, it looks ok leh...I hope its not an infection coming. Just down one big glass of redoxan.

Annette: I did the tai mao bi so the guy came to shave baby's head at the same time. He's a little monk. They say hair will grow out evenly, but Andre's hair is growing out in patches.

Anyone feed their baby with water?
Candy: Cheer up! I bought this 3 CDs of nursery ryhmes. Andre seems to enjoy it. I also have a couple of children story books which i'll read to him (even though he boh hue me). Nowadays, at six weeks, Andre does not always sleep after a feed. So i take this chance to interact with him or ask the grandmother to cuddle. After a feed, he does not normally fuss. Sometimes when i run out of ideas. i just leave him alone to discover the world (staring at the ceiling) himself. He does not like to be left entirely alone, so i just sit beside and do my own stuff (watch TV, come forum)

Try to relax k? I realized no such thing as a perfect mum, and both baby and I are on a learning curve. Once i put my expectations down, i find myself enjoying motherhood more.

Try to sneak out for an hour or 2 for some time of your own, or call a friend to rant, I find it makes a world of difference...
Siangjiao: I feed mine with water if she wakes up too early and wails before the next feed or when she is constipated... but she doesn't like it... Milk tastier i think...

Anyone using a rocker for your baby? Any good recommendations which one to buy?
Famela: Work review! Hehe, i pray very hard my boss won't call. I think i totally erased what i did from Jan to Sep already. So far, i'm enjoying being a temporary SAHM leh, will loathe it when its time to return to work. But what to do, baby needs $$ to buy diapers!
hi Sianjiao, i fed my bb with water. PD advise that i could feed her 3 times max each day and each time 20 ML max before her milk. PD suggested i feed my bb water because i told her that she did not poo for 2 days... Although PD advise that no poo for a week is ok but i am still find is not normal not to shit everyday.
Hi hi... Have been havong a disastrous day.. Just hope tt it will get better

jRRt, Astro: i just had a meltdown.. Cried again cos of my stupid migraine. So much for wanting to follow GF. YX decides to hv her own schedule n now sleeping with CL when this is supposed to be her wake up time. Cos of migraine totally couldnt latch as i was in pain n she kept dozing off.. Almost wanted to scream at her...No choice hv to bottle feed. So, i am definitely not woman of steel more like woman of cotton wool...Starting to wonder if my migraine keeps coming bk how to cont the latching. On one hand want to just dp on ebm but yet stubborn me refuse to believe i cannot sustain
the latching.

Anyway just pop in to "&&)$&)$&@%# as promised yesterday. Going to sleep n hopefully pain will disappear n i can continue to latch at her next feed (think she is going to nap quite long)
Bluesea: ya the rocker is good but i havent activated the auto rocking function so it is still a resting chair for YX. Dun want her to dp on it. Anyway no conplaints cos on good days she can just sit there n stare at ceiling fan n sleep
Loke/astro: ya,considered wo.M feeding time is 12 mn, 3am,630am,9am,12nn,230pm,530pm,730pm,10pm. maybe coz i mixed with BM.coz usually 3,4 out of the 9 feeds r FM the rest BM.

Loke/soh:ya was told hair will drop but where to get his hair shave?i dun dare do it then mummy hand shaky also

jRRt: ya i been avoiding tt since starting n he nvr wanted tt till this wk ,for pastfew days he alway wan to latch then zz

siangjiao:wats tai mo bi? i did feed bb with water but very little.

candywhite: me gog to be like u soon.hope next wk nvr here. guess be quieter then urs since mil n mum just had 'tongue fight' haha

tien: u tried actifast? it does work for my migraine. if go see they always give me 3to4 medicine for migraine
hah.. the way I am trying to catch up in this thread is like me trying to catch up with my milk ss... lol... can never be quick enough!

That's why I hesitate to order 4 packs though very tempting. Wonder hw long does it take for bb to grow till 8kg? If is another 2 months, I think I can still order. but I thought I read that if size too small can opt for exchange?

Now thinking whether to resign temp for 2 years to look after bb or get a maid loh. If compare, of coz I am the better "maid" but I worried wont be able to find another job so easily after 2 years. So still considering. As for BM, think like u said, giv as much as I can now.. sad thing is I will be selling off my PIS pump - used only twice and is god damn ex!!! Heart super pain.

Initially I wanted one. Then firstly I heard about the nanny playing mahjong and carry baby at same time. That turns me off but I try to give benefit of doubt. Then I go search and I found one living in same block as me. So happy... however, recently saw got the O$P$ sign. Not sure if it belongs to the nanny's home? Even if not, I think of it also scared leh. So scrape idea liao. Either infantcare or maid for me. haha.

Thanks for the info. I heard from friends that if plus no off day shouldnt be more than $350 per month else will be considered on higher end liao. Is that true?

I feed my bb with water. She looks dehydrated with the dry chapped lips. Anyway, most of the time the water I gave is with gripe water. Gave only like 3 servings per day. Chapped lips are better and jaundice sort of recovered. (havt certified by PD that it has recovered but I see her skin and eyes not yellow already).

I use the Lucky Baby rocker. Mine is abit spoilt already. Very tempted to buy new one but guess BB will outgrow it very fast. The one that I like is this one -> http://www.babystudio.com.sg/index.php?act=viewProd&productId=713

I got a question. When do we start on tummy train baby?
my stand is as long as she is suckling at the breast, then its not considered comfort latching? unless her suckling gets v slow, i will unlatch her. funny thing i noticed is tt it happens in the aftn. this latching/unlatch can go on for many times until either i give ebm or latch/unlatch till the next feed to break the cycle. aft my CL leaves, i decide to give her 1 ebm in the aftn to b fed by either my mum or hb (whomever is ard) so i get some sanity.

I dun wana give pacifier coz i am influenced by the book i read, think its the baby whisperer. says tt by giving pacifiers, we r juz shutting the baby up when all he wants is to talk via crying. they cant talk, so they cry. so if we keep giving pacifier, its literally tellg them to shut up. juz had a mild argument wif hb over this last nite. he cant understd y i refused to give pacifier & made myself so tired.

my #1's birth weight was 3.1kg. at the end of full mth, he weighed 4.7kg and PD was alrdy astonished... wah urs win liao! double birth weight by 1 mth?????!!!!!!
i am against pacifier 4 the reasons stated abv. my mum & hb have been nagging at me to give in. i hide the pacifiers away liao.
i oso eat oats wif milo...
guess this will b my main meal when CL leaves... no time to cook!

candy white
bring baby out for a short walk/shopping? its v dreadful to b facing an empty hse most time of the day. i will go crazy. go fren's hse or pop by the mall lah.

i am feeding water to baby... usually aft giving ebm... i wanna give aft each feed (incldg aft latch on) to "wash" the tongue but ended up always 4got.

we r all made of water now. can meltdown easily. i dunno how i am gg to bade gdbye to my CL later...

poor u! got migraine! under medication anot? issit chronic?
at times when we need to give ebm, juz give lah. 1 or 2 btls a day is fine. else by the time we go back to work and they refuse btl, then die big time. so dun take it so hard if u need to give ebm. i've decided to give her at least 1 ebm per day liao. started at wk 4 i think.
Annette: I take the paracetamol given byt doctor. And must take quite a number of tablets before it is better. Yet I have reservation about taking painkillers due to breastfeeding.

jRRt: My migraine is quite serious. Once the attack come I cannot do anything.

Sigh just gave YX 3rd bottle for the day. Poor girl is soooooo hungry. Tried latching her but my breasts so limp due to the migraine and lack of rest I think and think she is quite tired to suckle long and hard to draw any milk. No bian give her FM..can only try GF again tomorrow...Very scared that at the rate I am feeding her bottle, she will really be a lazy sucker...I see the way she suck the NUK if only she is as hardworking when it comes to my breasts. Worst still, due to hunger, she din have any nap at all..Even when she starts sleeping after sucking, it only last for no more than 10 mins. Poor girl, mummy no milk, keep underestimate her feed, whole day tired and hungry...sob sob...my plan of having full ebm diet gone...fridge have only 200 ml of ebm not even enough for her 2 nite feeds. Din want to feed her ebm cos dunno how much she needs...dun want wastage...super niao hor...now go and pump also nothing...just pumped at 2pm...sure got nothing...prefer to have full breasts for her to suckle...HOW??????????????????????? Today mood super low...milk also super low...Stupid migraine...lucky now over thanks to overdose of paracetamol.
Nt too sure abt the salary scale but it's more or less aro there and just $10-$20 difference i guess.

i did encounter the numerous times of latchings/unlatchings as well last time during evening time fm 8 to 10.30pm. Then i started to give water and using stroller to push him aro then he will go into a short nap instead of numerous latchings/unlatchings. Once he wake up fm the short nap & start the crankyness again, i will follow up with EBM to make sure he is full for the nite. Tink bb get cranky when they r awake and therefore need our help to put them to sleep.

My #1 was on pacifier last time n he simply talk non stop and is a chatterbox as quoted by his children teacher so i dun quite believe wat the book say sometimes. Even his teeth are nicely align and not what some books have mentioned that pacifiers will make the teeth uneven etc. Anyway, these r just my suggestions for sharing
annette: nepia NB is bigger than Huggies NB. was using huggies b4 switching to Nepia. found huggies material not as soft as nepia.

ddnikz: yup can exchange unopened packs of NB size for S if bb outgrow them.

Bluesea: haiz, sometimes really dun understand how the elders think... anyways, had a real bad day today when ILs came knocking unannounced. i snapped and lost it and HB had to tell them to go back. Haiz... they probably think terribly of me now.
Deprived them of spending time with their grandson.
How about you give her the EBM bit by bit? Your gal how many weeks already? I assume not yet full month? So give her 50ml first. Then if she cries, then give her 20 ml more. Bit by bit, at least she wont be hungry and the EBM wont be wasted and yet she gets to hav BM to drink. Just for now use this method till your flow comes in?

ya. the range is roughly around $320 to $340 if I am not wrong. though what we see now is a small diff of $10 to $20 but in long run, it makes a diff.Never mind, I will check it out. Thanks!!!
Hi mummy,

sorry to interrupt. I am a May'09 mummy, I would like to sell off my Fisher Price Rocker (with vibration) bought 2 months ago as my baby hardly used. Willing to let go at $100 (bought $170). Self Collect at Bishan MRT. If keen, pls PM me thks
yeah i think nepia NB is bigger than huggies too.. but i already bought a carton of nepia S haa so it's kinda too big for her now.. =\
candy: mine is maclaren rocker,my bb like it alot. not sure how mmuch coz i bought it togetehr with the pram and carrier.

tien: wa u dun take too many.usually i only take 1 actifast,migraine will go off faster then normal panadol .usually after taking actifast,i will not bf bb the next 6hrs. i will endure till finsih 1 feed with him then next feed eithe rEBM or FM.

shugar: err... is nepia NB smaller or equal to huggies small?

all mommies:
Re: Stay in west?
Any of u stay in the west?wanan exchange contact so we can meet up at nearby mall when we bored? No idea how long i can stuck home alone with bb ahha.
ya, in long run is a big amt but i was quite urgent then as is inconvenience for me to haunt aro with a bb in tow so just settle for this agency. Another agency i hv checked was slightly cheaper but they dun seem to be pro enuff as they simply passed me a big pile of bio data to select and i spent hrs in the ofc trying to screen thru them so is quite a nitemare to see the pile.
anyone giving mamex to their babies?? i have 1/2 tin left (small tin) to give. anyone interested? coz my girl on tbf.. if nv eat also will spoil.. self collect either bukit panjang or seng kang :D PM me ok!
Py: u can keep it when bb bigger lor. i bought 2 pack M size huggies too.wa u can tbf.u definitely have enough milk for bb hehe.mine as M grow, seems like not supplying enough,now need feed fr both breasts then he be full
annette: i think it may be about the same leh. i got unopened Huggies size S, thinking of selling off cheaper. hmmm, anyone in amk area interested?

I post the information here did not pm you.

Now my job is to establish the sleeping routine for my baby and try to get him sleep at his own instead of rocking him to sleep.

Last night first try so far is successful. After feed him change and burp him. I carry him a while and he is still awake I put him in his bed and on some music and let him sleep at his own. So far yesterday night after feed he turn his head and get back to sleep himself. Hope this will last. My elder boy last time will listen to music and sleep himself within 10mins. I usually after feed him just put him in the bed and go out of the room on the monitor and he will ee ee ahah for around 5-10 mins and sleep himself hope this one will follow also.
shugar: The comic is so interesting! Haha...

jRRT: I don't dare to bring bb out on my own.. Scared she suddenly screams and doesn't want to stop... Then I will panic then freak out..

anette: My MIL stays with me this week and is showing me how to bath baby... However, she expects me to be independent so got to learn and do myself... she will supervise and give instructions as i do... but im a slow learner.. everyday she repeats the same steps over and over again... think she must be thinking how come i never learn and find me horrible at looking after babies, as opposed to my sis-in-law, 一学就 会.. really arr.. without the CL, there's very little time to myself.
your bb nice leh. Listen music can sleep. I on the lullaby mp3, she just give the irritated look and gets more awake! As for music mobile, doesn't seem to have much effect. sigh... Now only the pacifier can make her sleep.

that's a cute comic. Wished I have someone like taht. At least can help me take care of the bb instead of the headache I have now..

Why didn't you learn from the CL instead? At least she would have taught you the way you will prefer to learn. Personally, I think giving instructions make me nervous. Will worsen the performance. I videotaped down what the CL did for bb bathing and then hands on twice before she left. Anything I forgot just refer back to the video can liao :p
Siangjiao: I'm also facing the same problem as u. My boy refuse to sleep at night and i also run out of idea too.

Candy: My boy is using fisher price rocker with vibrator.

ddnikz: i still cant decide to get a nanny or a maid to look after my boy. If i get a maid.. i dun feel "fang xin" to leave the maid alone with bb. Wat is tummy train baby?
Same here. Nowadays the maid abusing kids thing is getting more and more common. For me, I am bringing the maid over to my mum's place during day time. At least have someone to watch over her loh.

Tummy train is put the baby on her tummy, training her to look up (neck training) and I think at the same time, strengthen the limbs.
I almost died last nite! Migraine came bk after my 7pm feed n YX has to be on bottlefeed of fm and ebm... Felt so dick n depressed. Threw up my dinner. So, jrrt, yep my migraine is quite chronic. Cham my girl is still waking up 2 hrly for feeds. Really dunno now to gauge. Trying GF routine again today but cos CL sent her to me at 6.15am so I had to start her day earlier. Everything seems yo be ahead of schedule. Suppose to feed at 1030 now hv to feed. Sigh

Ddnikz: my girl just completed full month. Yesterday officially. Maybe will try that. The thing abt my ebm is I dun diligently pump becos in the day she is fully latched on and she hates to latch on limp breasts. She is already feeding 130 ml. Just got a new scale going to take her latest weight.
hi mummies, sorry to interrupt, any of you looking for an obuba nursing cover?

I have one in brick red, gerber daisy, brand new.

Will sell for $30. Please let me know okies? Thanks babes! can email me at [email protected]
I almost died last nite! Migraine came bk after my 7pm feed n YX has to be on bottlefeed of fm and ebm... Felt so dick n depressed. Threw up my dinner. So, jrrt, yep my migraine is quite chronic. Cham my girl is still waking up 2 hrly for feeds. Really dunno now to gauge. Trying GF routine again today but cos CL sent her to me at 6.15am so I had to start her day earlier. Everything seems yo be ahead of schedule. Suppose to feed at 1030 now hv to feed. Sigh

Ddnikz: my girl just completed full month. Yesterday officially. Maybe will try that. The thing abt my ebm is I dun diligently pump becos in the day she is fully latched on and she hates to latch on limp breasts. She is already feeding 130 ml. Just got a new scale going to take her latest weight.

No even I feed more he wun take in more the max he take in was 120ml-130ml now. I also wish he can take in more and sleep thru. So now his schedule is more or less fixed. His last feed at 9-10pm, next at 2:30-3am and the next one is from 6:30-7+.


I give my big boy pacifier for sleep also he will puke out after he sleep or I will remove after he sleep. I find easy. But my this boy dun like pacifier I been trying for a month liao he dun kind of reject the pacifier.
Last nite was madness for me. My boy suddenly wake up in the middle of the night and was crying and very cranky. He is not asking for milk cos we have just fed him an hour ago and have checked his diaper and no poos. Really dunno how to coax him anymore and keep giving him pacifier but he keep puking out. I really dunno wat to do.

ddnikz: i think u can start to tummy train yr bb cos my bb love to sleep on his tummy and look up. Maybe during my confinement period, my CL already start to train my boy.
Yesterday night my boy sleep at his own again so happy hope it will continue. After his midnight feed and burp him. I put him into his bed again and he make quite alot of noise tot that he wun sleep his own, I decide if he not crying I will not carry him and will try the control crying method if he does. I just go take my pump and pumping. Lucky after making noise for around 10mins he doze off and wake up this morning near to 7am.
ddnikz: My CL already left last week. Before she left, i did learn frm her how to bath and clean bb but usually half way she would take over cos it's faster n she can do other things and nap early. U r right.. having my MIL watching me as I do is pressurizing. Actually it's not that i don't know how, just that if she does, she takes 20 mins the most n if i do, I take 30 minutes and more. So she worries that bb will catch a chill or i forget to apply this and that or I didn't clean her properly.. that's why she cannot set her mind at ease if she doesn't watch me do... Even simple task like pushing a pram she will show me how to do... Like i very useless hor,,,

Btw, when do u allow tummy train? Can it be done after a feed and for how long? My gal is on 3 hourly feeding at 5 weeks old and my MIL keep saying it's dangerous to do so.. but if don't do, then how can bb exercise neck??!!

sunnyling: What method did u use to control crying?

He nv sleep thru, sure wake up at 2-3am for 1 feed and next feed feed at 6-7am. I also wish he sleep thru.

If he cry, carry for 5 mins and put him down for 5 mins and keep repeat it. They will get use after a while
hi all,

my girl is still taking 80ml leh.. she is 5 week old. should i increase the intake? so the interval will be shorten (lesser night feeds as well :D)

I usually let him have his tummy time 1 hour after his feed so make sure he wun vomit out his blood. Just play for a while, turn him for about 10-15 sec and turn him back and rest a while and repeat.
