(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

sunnyling: im doing the same thing as u too..lol.
My boy also wake up around the same timing as ur boy.

Anyone of u stop letting ur bb wearing mitten? Recently i have stop letting my boy wearing mitten and his palm seen to be a bit cold but his body is warm... it is normal?
WAAAAAAAAAAAAA i just finsihed a Bathing War with Matthias ,my god. He so scare i drop him maybe.Hope tomm be better.

Shugar: Nepia NB= Huggies Small ah.Then Nepia Small= Huggies M lor? haha ur comic damn funny.

CandyWhite: Same here lor. What i did is i video-clip down everything n write it down as well. Cl ask me y i need write down,coz im new to it ma, try a few times then will rem but now better write down can at least refer back hehe. No worries ,some ppl just gd with babies, some ppl like us maybe better at work outside haha. but i agree with ur mil leh, hands-on better. i ahve been watching since wk 1 how my cl bathe M, but when i try its diff.and M so scare i drop him,keep crying so xin teng hence gave up to cl the last 2 days, today i insist to finsh the whole process lor at least M knows tt hes save with us bathing him too.

Tien: im like u.Migraine back these 2 days but din puke la.

ddnikz/soh: same here i also bu fang xin with maid. but im really at a lost now,coz i suggested getting maid for my mil,she dun wan. i suggetsed to my mum,ask her quit her job n i pay her n get maid for her she also dun wan coz of my MIL's BIG MOUTH!!!!

ddnikz: can ur baby flip aldy?So scare leaving him alone now,as he can actually flip 180 deg now.I have not train mine on tummy as yet.

sunnyling: i so envy u also. yest nite is a horror for me, from 630pm even afetr feed he dun wan lie down n keep crying,even carry him also cry unless i latch him but im trying not to.This morning also

Re: Tummy -train
When can we start doing tt?I so scare coz M keep puking milk nowsaday even after 2-3 burp

Re:Feeding Frequency
Does all ur babies increase feeding freq?Im feeding M 120ml of FM as well as EBM.Usually afetr3 hrs then feed him again but since few days back,he will cry for (not sure if hes hungry)aftre every1.5-2.5hrs wo, once i latch him or feed him then he will stop crying.Hes only 5wks now, did i feed him too little?
re tummy train
when i brought my son for checkup at 5 days old, the pd said that i should put him on his tummy for 5 mins every day, with supervision.

last time he would make a lot of noise and straining to turn his head. now he is stronger.

i tried carrying him superman style, and he keeps quiet, and seems to enjoy it. it turns out he was drooling the whole time. hahah

Just like to check, the breast milk has foremilk and hind milk (?) right? Then if baby suckle for more than 15 mins will get to the hind milk, but would the hind milk come out if we pump for more than 15 mins or? perplexed..
annette>> am facing same thing with my boy also. last 2 weeks he has started wanting to feed every 2 hrs. i tot it was growth spurt so i jus feed. but till now, he is still on a 2hrly schedule. quite difficult to adjust him back to 3hrly feed as per GF routine. luckily, he sleeps 4 hrs during the night..but he is still not able to sleep thru the nite.
worse still..have to cuddle him to sleep after every feed in the day else he will be so cranky.. found that he doesn't mind sleepin in the rocker - but am worried..is it bad for his spine??
my mum keep askin me to install YaoLan since baby is showing signs of wanting to be "cuddled" to sleep instead of being placed on the bed/mattress..

any advice?
annette: my bb also wake up more often for milk now. The milk used to last her for 3 - 4 hrs with 100 ml milk but nowsadays it could only last her for 1.5 - 2 hrs. Wanted to increase her feed but PD say she is drinking more then enough for her weight (3.8kg) and age (6 weeks old). Last night i still feed her 120ML cause i wanted her to last sleep longer in the night. Luckily she is able to take it. So i think you may want to increase your baby feed by abit, if your baby is able to accept then you can continue ba.
Vodkarib, i am tempted to used Yaolan too but mummy was saying baby maybe adapted to yaolan if next time she were to sleep at other places she will need yaolan too. so mummy suggest i don get yaolan. i am still considering.. I was hoping by sleeping at yaolan, baby can sleep thru the night
My goodness! I want to 'a bish' my YX! She finished her feed 40 mins worth of it and the moment I started pumping, she started crying and then gulp down the 30 ml pumped out! My goodness!! She sure remembers how much I owe her! Want to beat her backside cos she fell asleep when sucking!! ARGHHHH....could have just finish the whole thing right??!!

Annette: You also victim of migraine? It doesn't help being a mummy and having migraine at the same time. The cries just make it worse...

I am just thankful that after 7 bottle feeds yesterday, my YX hasn't forgotten about me...just irritated that the moment I put her on my breast she sleeps..dun even know if she had enough...can only do estimation by time.

Chnyle: My Cl also says that if you get yao lan, you will need to bring it everywhere you go. So better not.

Re: How much to give to bb?
My BB according to my weighing scale is coming to 5kg (dunno accurate or not) and she just past her 4 weeks!! Just checked with my CL, she is givng her 120 ml. If it's fm, it can last her about 3 hrs and if it's ebm, it can only last her 2 - 2.5 hrs. I also want to try to make her sleep through the night by making sure she is bao bao in the day but day or nite, the moment we feed her, breast or bottle, she sleeps!!!!!!!!!!! Can't give her anything more as she will reject...Arghh....
Ya lah..Astro, I also got a shock...dunno the method of measuring accurate bo...going to try later when she is super hungry...hahah...
juz brieftly browsed thru the postings only...

天啊... its only Day 1 tt CL has left and know wat? I juz had my lunch at this hr coz i totally 4got all abt it!!!!

and RN was so alert & awake fr 12+ to 3pm... i was so tired i comfort latched her & i fell asleep myself but she's still awake when i woke up!

I am reading thru GF's book now and am keen to intro the routine but my only concern is RN's weight gain... she's small at birth and i think is only 3 kg now, so dun dare to follow the schedule strictly yet. but she can go up to 5 hrs w/o milk feed at night if i give her ebm, which i did last nite...
jRRt: No one is at home to help you ease into everything??

Must eat lunch ok...else no nutrition in your bm. As long as RN is awake and not crying shld be fine...but comfort latch will really become a habit...or could it be she is on growth spurt?

Wah you RN power leh...5 hrs without milk? How come? Wish my YX is like that lor...she 5 kg liao...must watch it already...

Anyway my plan to follow GF all haywire haha...my YX has a mind of her own but I roughly follow the principles of GF lah for example, for a 4-week baby I am supposed to let her nap not more than 4.5 hrs so going to wake her up in about an hr cos she had a 1.5 hr nap and now is half an hr into her 2nd one...and also to ensure she drink 'bao bao' in the day. Will see how it goes...slowly slowly k...we ganbatte together!
annette: Ever thought of getting a nanny? Now i was torn between maid and nanny. Feeling very "fan" abt this and my HB is not solving my problem.

You can actually start to tummy -train yr bb. As for mitten, u can trim his nail while yr boy is sleepin.
mi feel so lousy.
still can't establish baby's pattern in the afternoon. 12:15 feed. he slept till 2:15 n show hunger. fed ebm. he gulped hungrily n puked
. think i suck at burping bb

wat is the most effective method?
Seems like nanny cost aro $700-$800 now? Read fm some other post that some mummies paying this amt and i got a shock! Cos it used to cost oni aro $550 2yrs back. For this amt of $700+, u can chose to put in infant care or u can get a maid. A maid is so much cheaper as after levy, oni aro $500+ per mth but hor no privacy.
hi chynle

i got 2 yaolan, 1 manual at mom place n 1 fully auto at hubby place...

it reali helps alot... save alot of me n hubby time n energy n bb slps longer at nite,,n ppl say sleeping in yaolan makes bb heads nicer...

try getting it... its worth it...i gt it at ard $300 from kiddy palace
hi mummies..i simply haven't got much energy left to catch up with the posts here. today's a dark day not just because of the weather. we are not making any progress in getting our babe to accept the bottle. i've exhausted everything and i mean everything:
1) Tried all sorts of bottles, teats - pointless cos she just has to see the bottle and WAIL
2) we hid the bottle under fabric and tried to get her to take from it, failed after one suckle and she realised what it was...
3) getting someone else other than mom and dad to do the feeding...abject failure - wailed and screamed
4) tried feeding from cup, spoon and even dropper - she won't take the feeds
5) used nipple shield to get her used to the idea, she fed perfectly well on the breast - went back to the bottle, off it goes again
6) coax her, tried to get her to see the bottle is harmless, can be fun and very nice...needless to say, no progress too
7) let her go hungry - she actually called the shots on this one. pursed her lips and sung herself to sleep refusing feeds again today as long as it is not from the breast.
8) took PD suggestion to walk away when she wails - don't meet her at her terms, and return with the bottle when she calms down...doesn't work too - she calms down, sees the bottle, wails again - this time a hundred decibels louder.
9) didn't take the suggestion to put chilli as i suppose it isn't good at this stage given the reason below..

plus, blood in stools again. i am really stressed with her now...trying to keep my cool. does all these mean for the foreseeable future, i shouldn't distress her anymore with this bottle stuff? i.e. resign myself to being completely on e breast? i dread the weaning/teething months then...would she even be willing to consider pureed food, i.e. feeding from the spoon/bowl?
gal> I gave charlotte 100ml just now.. but she only take 80ml.. so she was crying .. coz she was sleepy.. want to sleep.. so i latch her on the bed (both of us lying down) so yeah she went to sleep while suckling haha that's her habit liao. cannot sleep w/o it lol.

then 2 hrs later.. she cried. i tot she hungry.. so when i want to latch her again.. she PUKE!!! really merlion.. kena our bed..(ok i admit that i didnt burp her after latching her on the bed coz both of us fell asleep on the bed lol ..so the last feed i gave her was 130pm (80ml) then subsequently all latch.. until now.. so i dunno if she's hungry or what liao. the feeding time all gone haywire ..

Burping baby
Btw i always let her lie down awhile before burping and i find it very effective.. btw i will carry her up onto my shoulders.. think faster also. hehe. so if afer 10 mins no burp, u try to put him down for 2-3 mins then carry him up again. :D

loke> wah 4oz. ok i try.. i scare i kinda force her to drink leh.. and scare she merlion again
PY how u carry on shoulder? my arm ache. i tried the storknet 1st position. left hand support buttock and try to put his cheek at my shoulder (but he wriggles) then right hand pat. correct?
seems effective though..got a number of burps from him.
oh can give so many times ah hehe i only give after bath..

hmmm yah charlotte will struggle and keep lifting her head up when she's not asleep. tat's why she's easier to burp when she's sleeping haha... she will just sleep on my chest or shoulder lor while i do the burping
py: slowly increase lor. and cannot let her finish everything then burp.. let her rest a while and burp in between.. i think the gripe water can mix into the milk? not sure...

angel takes 4oz cos she dun wake up at night to feed. so daily dose is about there for her weight. u see how much charlotte needs per feed lor. my guess is that it wont be much more than 100ml if she feeds in the middle of the night too..
loke> yah cannot finish everything then burp.. but when i stop halfway, either she will cry for milk or will end up sleeping. so far i let her finish everything and burp.. and she's fine with it. haha

CL said if we finish everything then burp, cnanot put them down immediately. gotta carry first for awhile before putting them down. sometimes i give her 100ml but she only manage to take 80ml.. hai

so i keep throwing my ebm away.
i told her cannot waste mummy's milk haha
I set up my Yaolan and give to my boy since Saturday cos at night is ok but in the afternoon he like to cuddle and sleep.

But now he is still adjusting to Yao Lan but can nap 1hr+ sometime.

So in the day he in Yao Lan and night in his bed. I got no problem with my elder boy sleep Yao Lan so when we go out we bring out stroller he still sleep in the stroller. Some say that if baby sleep Yao Lan it will have difficulties when bring them outside to sleep. So far no problem with that and to me is to settle the problem at home rather than worry bringing them out.


I mix 10ml of water with 5ml of gripe water cos I dun want him to take too sweet now. I give him after bath and his clean up at night. So twice per day.


I also carry him up at my shoulder and burp find that is the most easy way to burp him.
sunnyling : gripe water is sweet? oh dear i din try :p.

hmm am tinking my afternoon nightmares..possibly..could it be due to discomfort/burp...Hmmm...will monitor tomorrow.
hi mummies, went to rebond my hair today! I feel good! Will catch through all the posts later. Returned home 6 hours later to an exhausted husband (now he know taking care of baby is not easy) and MIL. Apparently, after Andre woke up at 1pm, and fed from the bottle, he refused to sleep and became cranky. He wants to be cuddled to sleep by mummy... Jialat!

as i browse through the posts, what does GF stands for?

xoxo: Don't give up yah *hugs* i read somewhere to warm the teat first so it mimics mum's warm nipple. You might want to give a try if you're not already exhausted by trying the tons of suggestions. Also, is the flow from the teat too fast for baby's liking? Maybe want to try a more upright position?
hey mummies.. i not sure if my menses is here not leh.. have started to have bloody discharge since 2-3 days ago.. before that was brown stains only.. and i tot it'll end soon..

i tot they say if breast feeding the menses will not come so early ?
My goodness!!!! Just when I thought I was doing well with tge routine, YX almost pulled my nips off! My nips are sooooo elastic like how the pump pulled! Dunno why she was cranky at the 9.30 pm feed. Started off well, she gulping away then I change her diaper n change breast she fell asleep. Pulled her out n latch she started her brawling n pulling my nip. Gave up n throw to my CL to feed fm realized should feed ebm... But dun know how much she wants . Would rather throw away fm. Now pumping, realise that the breast that she was gulping from initially is still quite full. Apparently she hates sucking soft breasts must be very full ones... Such a lazy bum!! Sigh hv to try again tml to mAke sure she really drain everything but tough cos she keeps falling asleep... Think hv to bottlefeed her feed at this time!! Just finish pumping from my right breast, I actually pumped 50ml! She was brawling just becos I owe her this amount n she was the lazy sucker Really nerd to beat her backside!

Siangjiao: GF refers to Gina ford. We are referring to het book on setting a routine for babies.

Haha astro, confirm typed with one hand no sian... Just think of yourself as a super cow!
astro >> i am quite down today cos i have run out of options..kept trying some of them again and again only to run into brick walls. if only i knew abt this! maybe i won't even go into bfg. kept having thoughts of completely taking her off the breast - let her cry all she wants and go cold turkey even if it means starving her..but just no heart to. so relent and let her be...while i continue brainstorming....got lactation consultant..got bb lifestyle consultant or not? on the sweet side was, when i returned from my lunch trip (and she had been bawling for 1 hrs with my HB), she saw me, lurched and when i took her in my arms..the sweetest smile you get...i guess that's why they make bbs cute...

siangjiao >> yep..i've tried that too..the teats come straight from the steriliser and they are warm. she won't even go near it..just SEEING the bottle will set her off. grrr...
xoxo : *hug* you wanna re-check with PD whether he got other suggestion?

:S evening manage to burp. now .. sigh.. like no burp. after bb drink confirm 'must' hear a burp issit? i.e. confirm there 'will' be air.
Gal: my cl told me if u pat for ard 20 mins but no burp it's ok
last night I only managed to burp her twice out of three feeds lol
good morning!

Wah gal and xoxo here at the wee hours. Heh i was reading from hp but didn't post.

Yh was fussing from 8 all the way to 11pm plus last night. Thought hunger but he dun settle despite being fed. Today i'll keep strictly gf nap timings and see too much nap was the cause of all the fuss. Can't be growth spurt so zun happen only at 8 to 11pm for the past 3 days? Hmmm, we shall see.

But finally not bad la, at 2am plus i finally managed make him feed from both breasts then 530 he made some noise, pooed, i pat pat him never change his diaper :p then give him pacifier he slept til 7pm. Heh. I was right wor. It is that 2am feed which he always so sleepy always take one side, end up i need feed him again at 5! Argh.
PY: 20minutes? :-O
ok. burping = patience.....

astro : bo bien...elias timing totally off yesterday evening n this morning. hope today will go back on track.
wow! not bad leh. i helped doris with a breast milk study.. i was told to express 2 ml of hind milk/foremilk at specific timings for them for them to conduct a study on the level of growth hormones in the breast milk and how the level affects the growth of the bb.. i helped out of goodwill and mutual benefit lah. coz she helped me (though i paid :p) when she came over liao..
end up. i got paid wor.. --> $100! wah.. hahahaha.. ok.. :p
so six weeks, will do one more time for her.. then get another $100.. pity i missed the very first one. else i get 50 dollars.. ha. actually just missed nia. when she was here, i was at that stage! too bad so sad for her .. hahaha :p

ok. bb waking up soon.. come back later. yak.. ha.

my maid asked me what all the samples were in the freeze.. she didn't understand how come must do all these (she herself bf-ed her 3 babies).. i told her to help in an experiment.. then now she knows i get paid $100 to do this.. her eyes open big big.. whahahhaha :p
Wah 100!! I also want lol

gal: ya I did burp her 45 mins before.. But with the help of hb ha.. We interchange every 15 mins I think
Sunnyling: ya v tiring.. Burping is the part I dread most! Ha imagine my girl feed every 2-3 hours.. Drinking and burping can easily took her 40 - 45 mins.. Peng san lo

I just feed her and till the end she fell asleep so there's some milk in her mouth dun wanna swallow.. Then suddenly I saw milk coming out frm her nose omg but she didn't cry or choke.
Xoxo: ya tried wat siangjiao mentioned. mine is i change to NUK fr avent n initially M dun wan, but i always warm it b4 giving to him n he take it though not long just for few min

Py:ger not too much abt charlotte,for me i need to burp M till he burp abt2-3times then no merlion effect though still have 'er milk'when he zz for a while.Sometimes i do try burp him till he fall asleep then once awake rite dun latch immediately M need at elast 1 more burp b4 he start drinking/latching again to finsih left over milk. M drink very fast so alwyas get choke n cough,CL wan me break into interval,120ml i let him drink 60ml then burp then let him drink again n i sit him upright at ard70-80deg when feed n no more merlion effect, u may try also.

tien/astro: think all our bbies tend to be cranky at nite,mine also ard 7,8to 10,11.does babies alwyas like tt.
haha... U r v sharp. Cant escape ur eyes eh? Forum fatigue lah. Like miemie, m just trying to stay afloat lor. Just dun really know what say up here anymore cos my situation is different n i dun wanna risk sounding like im gloating cos i dun hve most of the BF problems n i hve help at home.

Had some minor episodes too of course - maid sick, hb sick, my turn sick, all too worried will pass bug to bb... Then growth spurts, colic, etc.

Anyways hope everyone hang in there n jiayou!

I m solely sleeping n feeding. Still. @ week 6...


I find that when burping, I will burp a while put him on the bed rest a while and carry him up. Repeat a few times, he will burp very fast.
