(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

MOrning mummies...hee just woke up...very very contented now hahah...but need to start working from home again.

AStro: Speaking about planning, me and my colleague who is going to be due around the same time as me already know we must PLAN pregnancy! Hahah...I have decided December/Jan/July BB is the best! Hahah..Actually, I din expect mine to be so early. Was planning for a Sagittarius BB.

Annette: Unfortunately, I teach in a Sec school. But it still depends on the school. Apparently my school's policy is a strict NO NO!

Thanks Bluesea and Annette. We love the BB corner too. Acually most of it done by BBs daddy...he was so excited when doing it up. Think BB is going to such a daddy's girl.

Bluesea: eh no.. all annual leave must be cleared.. meaning.. once i started on no pay leave.. there will be NO MORE annual leave from April - dec 2010.. sad hor? :S

Anette: i emailed HR asked liao if hospitalisation leave can be used for home rest in my institution..

tien: kekekekek. this is how techers gain/earn leave.. hey.. :p
that time with teng. it was totally unplanned. in fact. i was 'worried' coz 'no way' could have conceived a child in that period leh.. i might be accused of being unfateful!!! :p just one day.. hit.. ops.. my ovulation was late lor.. then teng borned.. wah liew. a clone of me. i jumped in yellow river also cannot clear my name.. luckily now, he looks more and more like miser.. else really 千古罪人!!! .. this one was planned to coincide with my school academic calendar.. kekekekkeek.. :p
hey.. Aries parents and sagi child =adventure and action packed family!!!

shugar: i just posted on ur facebook that i am falling in love with samuel.. my ah teng, and possibly yu he, are not very happy about it, u know? how? *straight face* :p
Shugar: thxthx then guess mine not as bad yet hehe but made me cant zz the whole nite so uncomfortable.

Shugar/hippo: y u both using the pump, thought better to breastfeed as told for 1st few mths?

Tien: ya mine was stated as well tt the 2nd blk of 8wks depends on the organsiation
hippo: i got the Avent single pump to try out. Now think we're going to get the duo one coz I'm quite comfortable with Avent already. hahaha, after get the duo one, then can't type already. now still got 1 free hand! :p

Sunnyling: no they will charge you according to the room type during your stay. (As stated in the hospital brochure.) But say if there is a single room available the next day you can opt to downgrade to it from the deluxe room.

Tien: PD says hope next week can discharge him. But his glucose levels have to stabilize before that happens.
Astro: hahahaah!! yah i saw that! oh dear :p

annette: oh i have to express milk out coz Samuel is still in the nicu and my HB delivers the milk there for him. His feed amounts are monitored by the PD so I cannot direct breast feed him even if i go to the hosp.
AStro!! Guess what? We are Aries parents too!! Haha me and hubby born on same day but different year haha...NO NO!! Hope my labour wun be soooooo action packed and adventurous...
Shugar: That's good to hear. Soon BB Sam will be back home with mummy and daddy...you take care too...when he is back it's going to be even more tiring...JIA YOU!
ah... that figures. hehe...

not yet. for later on, like 2nd mth onwards. but depends on circumstances lah. we'll see.
Speaking about breast pumps...Hippo, you got the pumpin palz strap too??!! I also got Medela PIS advanced cos I thought freestyle was too ex...but now I am totally flipping...cos price of freestyle's pump is down!! All I needed was to wait till now and pay $80 more and I would have gotten the freestyle! Now after buying the pumpin pal, the price is the same as freestyle...sigh

So mummies who are considering handsfree duo pump can take a look at freestyle...price really down from 900 plus 3 months ago to 700 plus these days.
heyhey!! my friend's child got sick because of an egg?? apparently we arent supposed to feed a child under 12mths old eggs?? i didnt know that.. i thought eggs are good for children!
happy hippo>> hahahaah what to do. i'm staying at someone's else place mah.. gotta tahan abit. hehehe but my hb says next time our new flat he also gotta go to the geomancer.. =.= but heng the shape in our MBR is not a weird shape like the mom's. Yah i also cant believe that nobody is taking the MBR lor!! really ridiculous of not having to sleep in the MBR in a house lol......

Bluesea>> yeah but their kids light abit limited.. only 3 designs. not sure if they have new ones now anot

jRRt>> my hb uses the 3M tape coz he dun wanna drill a hole there as it's not his house. lol.

annette>> yeah for the bb corner.. but if it's too big then maybe i'll use it for future baby room haha!

wah diana haven pop ah!! lol... so many days liao

Gal>> i think i'll remove my nail polish before my check up this thursday hah coz might need to induce liao so perhaps i can see baby this weekend! yay!
Loke: I have heard of cases of kids allergic to eggs. Most would grow out of it. From what I know, you can let BB try different types of food but in small amount when they start to wean. Allergy can be detected then.

PY: You also hoping to see BB this weekend? I hope so too...but think she is too comfy inside.
Loke >> why??

Tien>> yeah i hope to see her this weekend hehe.. think when i visit the gynae this thursday she'll be ard 3.5kg liao. lol!!

i dun think mine is comfy inside.. i think my womb is too small for her and she keep pushing and kicking inside me.. like cant wait to come out haha!
tien: i've heard of allergy to eggs.. but the doc says its viral infection. i think the doc never explain clearly.. if not, means my friend just assume its because of the egg..

py: 4 oct is a nice date. haha. also my wedding date last year!
Hey Loke, maybe can ask your friend to google more on it. Found something on egg allergy. http://kidshealth.org/teen/food_fitness/nutrition/egg_allergy.html

PY: I have completely no idea how heavy is my bb...thanks to my gynae lor...so busy and too worried about my blood pressure...have to wait till Friday...really hoping that she will tell me this on Friday, "Well mummy...looks like you are starting to dilate...I'd better admit you tomorrow' Think if I hear this I will be smialing ear to ear...hahah
py: haha. no lah. just let her be.. must learn to manage expectations right.. hahhaa.. remember i wanted so much to see kkb some months ago?? hahhaa...

tien: thanks for the link! i guess all of us are really WAITING now.. and really CAN'T WAIT anymore! hahhaa...
Tien>> i also like to hear that but then again i'm very very scare leh
lol!! i scare of needles, epidural and everything! omg!!!!

loke>> who knows she might turn out to be a kkb? =x =x hahaa... shit happens =x wahahaha ok la just kidding if she turn out to be a boy i think u'll faint ha!
Loke: Ya I rem...I was also one of those who wanted kkb...hahah...yep managing my expectations...in fact now thinking what shld I do if by end of my MC next Tues BB is still not out, what shld I do? Start ML or get extended MC...shld be the latter if doc allows.

PY: Dun think so much yet...just think of the fact that you are going to see the little one soon. I also very scared of epi that's why told my doc that if I can I will go without epi but she says she will see my pain threshold..in another words she will be in charged hahah
oh ya. I just went into FB and read that Diana hasn't pop yet. Just had problems with logging in that's why she never update us.

today I start having the cramps again... yikes. hope can tahan till next Thurs!!!
my cot bumper is blue leh... and i really love the yellow sheet. wonder should I go ahead to buy the yellow one and mix it with the blue one. Will end up my bb cot has alot of diff colours - yellow fitted sheet with blue bumper and pink pillows! :eek:
tien, loke, PY,
haha... i think better have zero expectation then will have zero disappointment. sigh... waiting game is no fun hor? have to try and occupy ourselves in the mean time. agree its not the most fun time right now. cos so big and heavy. somemore stupid weather so hot. i am still contained in my AC bubble. hahaha...

yup i got the strap. but i paid under $400 for my advanced PIS cos i bot from US. so its still a lot cheaper than the freestyle. never mind lah. PIS already considered quite good. so dun complain. my fren bot a single pump then she regret.

when u doing your BW? i still haven't book mine yet. hehe... cant make up my mind when i wanna go. hur hur...

i hv oredi sent the pre-admision letter to tmc, so on the day of admission, i jz need my IC n gynae record card to admit?

anyone know wat time to admit to tmc so as to save for one nite stay?
Hahaha, for a moment I thot u were hvg insomnia… but seriously u girls r terrific… can come in and check forum when u r being milked? I cant leh. Juz get milked, wash up and plonk back straight into bed. If I start doing sthg else, I end up too awake and wun b able to get back to zzz aft tt.

Hahhahaa, i juz went take mooncake fair and ordered snowskin dbl yolk mooncake for collection tmrw! (They dun sell dbl yolk on the spot) so it means my mooncake is freshly made! woohoo~~~!!! so happy.
ya.. think everyone is busy..

me too, now then got time to log in .. clearing my work as much as i can b4 i go for maternity leave.
HI mummies....had a terrible migraine out of nowhere...that's why I disappeared.

Re: Waiting game
Ya looks like there are so many of us waiting and waiting hahah..honestly speaking I still have lotsa stuffs to do to keep myself occupied like clearing room for CL and completing my work stuffs. Just very very sian of waiting.

Re: Mooncake
jRRt,you are making me hungry. Usually I am not a mooncake person but this pregnancy makes me super gian lor

Hippo: good for you. You got a really good deal for the PIS. I was too gan cheong...bought it before I realise the marvel of online shopping hahaha..so the pumpin palz I get from online hahaha
Finally back to forum. Been so tired the whole day, have been lying down since 4pm.

Just had 2 very painful tummyache a while ago. Panicked. Don't know if that one is labour pain. but 2 times of 10 mins diff only and lasted 1 min... Never had this kind of pain before. Now getting confused if that one is the prequel of real labour pain? shortly after that, I have diarrhoea....
Hahha... my thot is to quickly at the mooncakes while I can. Besides I had poor appetite over the wkend due to my flu, i told myself its a justifiable excuse 4 me to gorge on dbl yolk mooncakes! hahhaa

How's ur migraine? I hate it! Its gotta b the worst of all illnesses!
Thanks jRRt and ddnikz! My migraine is better after the afternoon sleep. I hate migraine too..actually it was worse before the pregnancy. I can have up to 3-5 days of migraine attacks a month. Yep I have tried Cold compress but it did not work. I have to take painkiller and sleep it off. Me too! Completely hate the weather!!!!

jRRt: I am so tempted to take out my Goodwood Park Durian moonckae from my freezer to eat since you last posted on mooncake lor. But have to control...cannot gain more weight liao....

ddnikz: I can totally understand your tummyache. It happened to me last week too! Think in one of the earlier post, diarhoea seems to be one symptoms of upcoming labout.
but i have been having diarrhoea on and off. Now back to lying down again. sigh... really at a loss of what to do. Not sure if i can take this till next Thurs!

The weather sucks man... drink more cool water. mayb dehydration. u took panadol extra ah? thot we cannot take those... only norm panadols which are really useless!!
helo.. i m exhausted. do not like the weather today. windy but humid.

i got a question abt confinement.
confinement starts once we give birth right?
so when we stay in hospital for 3 days.. do we have to drink red dates drink?
ddnikz: Why not call your gynae and ask if this is normal, cos next Thurs is still a while away. Nope I dun take panadol extra. Can only take the normal paracetamol prescribed by doctor. Quite useless but if I can sleep through it it will be ok.

gal: From what I understand, red dates drink is to replace plain water (cos it will cause water retention in the tummy area) so, as long as you can drink liquid that's not plain water (like juice) , red date drink or not is fine. Anyway, I intend to ask my mum to cook some on standby when I admit to hospital.
tien : ooo.. so as long as not normal water, got it. Tink most hospital have milo. milo is okay? i was tinking i need to dapao some red dates in the hospital bag, then put in cup and put hot water during hospital stay :p
today a lot of hardening of tummy. but no pain. just uncomfi. do i have to time?

sigh and duno which vein my bb is lying on. having slight chest pain
Tien: alamak. i was talking about u lah. ya. i know u and ur hb same day bday, both aries :p
i not aries.. i piscean.. miser virgo.. teng capricon.. yu he either libra or scorpio.. so far. one of each zodiac.. kekekeke...

eh.. i got the free style from oversea.. like hippo got her PIS.. SGD 485. .. will collect oct 3.. i saw the discounted price of $700 at taka fair.. wah liew.. steep.. i thikn i forgo the local warranty lah.. 485 is cheaper :p

re weaning (which food to introduce at what age)--> the eggy issue
ah.. weaning.. u ladies progress too far.. haven't delivered talk about weaning liao :p.. kekeke.. egg.. to be seperated into 2 parts.. egg yolk can be introduced at , eh, i forgot, either 7 or 9 mths.. (ops.. must bring out my gf weaning book to read again!).. egg WHITE at 12 mths.. and normally egg white tricky.. coz apparently the MMR jab contains egg white. so many parents fear potential allergy and wants to introduce egg white earlier.. not advisable.. and oh.. FULLY boiled hor.. semi-cooked eggs not for our bbs.. untill very old.. i think passed 3 years old.. else i have witnessed two kids severe swelling from eating half boiled eggs liao..
those interested.. plenty of weaning tips on the internet.. at this age. impt to mantain that delicate eliqubrium of milk intake vs solids.. coz their stomach on this size. too much milk equal too little solid, vice versa.. also introducing texture. and appt food at appt age.. i find it very interesting!

i am very irritated with the darn haze! teng has a dry cough because of this.. haiz.. and he can't sleep in aircon. coz his nose will get blocked.. wah liew..

Tien/ddnikz: panadol extra contains caffeine...

ddnikz: how are you feelig now?

gal: at least it is windy over there! here.. still plus haze.. wah liew..
when are u due? try timing?

me also having hardening.. but i think more of indigeation then anything. coz today had an event. lots of food.. ate too much.. then can pain pain but stomach soft.. haiz..

wahliew. darn stuffy! i go shower first.. come back later..
