(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

Tien>> i got it from a BP in the BP session
PY: I see...I am a big sucker for Pooh bear...haha...think when I move to new place, my BB girl's room will surely be in yellow colour..poor girl..she will have no choice.
PY: but that spot very good to sun tan the bb.. to relieve their jaundice.. :pwhich brings me ot the next pt.. must be careful the bed sheets not roasted by the sun..else very warm for the bb :p
Astro: Apparently the many preggy women (think I mentioned before..there are at least 10 of us) in my school who gave birth this year, all did not get to break. MOE did send a circular that we must now take 4 months straight but school has the right to approve cos it will dps on schools' needs. The thing is in my case, all the preggy mummies have more or less come back to work or will be back by Jan next year. Feel really short-changed esp I worked so damn hard throughout the pregnancy without much disruption to the kids.
i also ordered this sticker. see which one is more suitable for the wall haa.. if not i shall leave it for my future home which will be ready in 1 yr time
astro>> wahaha v big hor.. coz it was meant for the nursery ma .. not for my room.. now baby gonna sleep with me.. i see how first ba wahaa. damn sian the room is damn squeezy! i dun even have space to stand between the cot and my bed. Sigh..
tien: ah.. 'depends on schools' needs'.. always that life saver for those 'less than humane' principals.. eh. sorry to say that of ur principal hor!:S.. ya.. ur ML are smacked in the nov -dec (the long hols).. really lugi!
py: so squeezy ah?.. hey. if u want to use that decal for ur new flat. dun use now? else wasted leh.. then stick liao must remove.. then stick again..in new flat..
Astro>> yah it's that squeezy..
and i still blame the stupid feng shui analysis. coz the geomancer say the new flat that my mil bought, the master room cannot sleep so end up my mil take the room which was meant for the baby. and the cot that we bought, is the bigger size one.. =\

the stickers once take out cannot re stick back lol.. maybe next time got nicer stickers? hehe anyway not v exp also $8.90 each haha!
Astro, dear, no worries about the 'less than humane' part. You have no idea what adjectives I use...hahah...Now I am more scared that she doesn't approve my NPL.
Astro>> i dun want the master room lah. i just want the room that was meant for the baby to be remain as it is... i didnt want to fight for the master room with my mil. now end up nobody want to sleep that room. my hb quite believe in feng shui one.. so he also wont agree to that if i wanna sleep haha. But he also commented that it's quite ridiculous lor.. where got such nonsense. he said if he's paying for the analysis or that's his house, he'll seek for a 2nd opinion lol.
huh? u mean NOONE can sleep in that masterroom? wah liew. how can? hahah. ya. pls seek a 2nd opinion!

tien: heh. ya.. i used worse adjectives before! ur P female or male? or single female? ops. then that is very tricky :p
tien: u know.. last time.. i got a gang of married frens in school.. kekekee. i always hear them PLAN when to get preggy one :p so that they wun lugi maternity leave.. and somemore can EXTEND kind leh.. :p

PY: wah.. steady :p
aiyo. u damn poor thing leh. my sympathies. that's why i never go and consult this kind of fengshui nonsense. no offense. cos if u get a cock one that tell you this kind of cock thing, then you get this kind of cock outcome. wah lah eh. i cannot believe no one wants to use the MBR!!! *faint* then your room so cramp! never mind. luckily u only temporarily staying there. or else i will be damn pek chek if i were u man.
PY>> Thanks, maybe the next time I'm there, I will check out this light @ Ikea. So cheap and yet so nice! Great piece of decor as well.

Astro>> I dont think I will hv a lot to pack, probably just the basics. Just that I guess I will feel more "settled" if I hv packed it. I'm approachiing 36 weeks, guess I must do it real soon. :p

As for the leave, my organisation also requires staff to exhaust their annual leave first before applying for no-pay leave. Guess the best way is to speak to your HR about your preference. But I guess even if you exhause your pro-rated leave next year, you will still hv some annual leave as you work in the subsequent months right? Also, you will still hv your childcare leave.
haha... yeah trying to accentuate my point.
yeah well, cos i think quite incredulous lor. the whole thing. aiya. that's the thing. once u ask you will feel very uncomfortable if u dun follow right? cos u've already been told. thats why i never wanna ask about all these like auspicious dates or names or geomancer thing.

moo moo duty?
saw that samuel has the tube off! great news! he's definitely getting stronger by the day eh?
Hippo: yah! Just finished another shift!
Yup, Samuel is doing better this week
hope things go on getting better and he'll be on his way home with us!
Nope, haven do my swab yet. Scheduled to b tmrw at my check-up. I slept off the whole day yest man…. Still I had mild fever… tdy am finally feeling a little better. *phew* was so worried abt gg into labour wif fever and flu!

I din try to find out wat is it since the discharge stopped. Will ask gynae tmrw. Din wanna call her to find out coz scared she wanna induce me. Hahaha. I am not ready to give birth so will try to hold back as much as I can!

When u feel tt real labour has started, quickly go to shower 1st! After 1 or 2 false alarms, I wasn’t so scared when I know the real contractions has kicked in. More like I have been rehearsing it and now it’s the real thing. Hahaha.

Oh needed to drill??? Drilling is taboo during pregnancy leh! But 3M tape works???? I am so keen to get it now. Its so nice!!!!! 

I love the floral decals! Where did u get it fr? Spree??? Looks so nice! U got ur cot sheet set fr Aussino? Tt reminds me… I haven got cot sheets for my princess yet!

U were asked to remove contact lenses? I didn’t hv to and I was still wearing my necklace, ring and anklet leh. So when my frens saw the pix of me in labour ward, they were surprised. I even had my toe nail polish on.

I v scared will end up being induced so din call gynae to check. Anyway the discharge stopped and I am seeing her tmrw so juz leave it be. Hahaha. I’m in denial lah, dun wanna go into labour yet!

If I had to take UPL, I’ll end up like u. gotta clear all my balance leave b4 I can take unpaid ones. Then like u, same worries – wif 2 kids, how to tahan not taking leave all the way till end of the yr? No way man! So will not contemplate UPL as yet.
Morning all. Counting down for my ML start, so tiredddddd. So regret I nv apply early cos my engergy level is getting lower everyday...................

I still havent do anything to my baby cot yet sob so many of you already ready.
Shugar : cool. I'll keep an eye out for this cuddly site once i get a bigger / more permanent cot

um..ask u all. u know with h1n1 etc. Am thinking whether should i just use the 3 days to rest or let at most my parents or his parents to come visit.
Joanne : hee hee.. liked your post.
i think i'll be taking hippo's advice to remove my nail polish before delivery....am assuming i won't deliver anytime soon so...enjoying e pretty colours till maybe tis friday before i remove? :p
hi sunnyling: hey i just went to check my bill again and we paid $1670 in cash for my hospital charges alone, after medisave claim of $2500.
Hope this gives you a rough guide.
tien: guess urs diff from mine. r u teaching in pri,sec or jc? coz for any of those, u do not need to take leave during sch vacation rite, hence usaully they dun allow breaking of ML.thats y if u teaching at pri-jc,abit lugi to give birth during sch holiday. but for ours, sch vacation is still working days for us unless we take vacation leave=annual leave like other working organisation.

Astro: ya so correct. ur mc is 14 days+ HL 46 days total 60days. u need not hospitalise to get HL,initially i thought need also then miemie told me dun need n i check with my HR. they said as long as ur gynae give u HL for home rest its acceptable as well.

Tien: i like ur wallpaper haha. guess time for me to arrange n tidy all my bb stuffs haha.

PY: nice wall paper too tts for bb room?

Re: Contraction
Dear all, may i know the contraction which we be experiencieng near labor is at which part of the abdomen? i have been getting this tightening n lossening at my lower abdomen these 2 days with menses pain but not very painful
gal^: welcome! ya, maybe you can try out their sheets when u get your cot and can check the dimensions see suitable anot. But according to the guy it fits most standard cot mattresses.

During my 3 days stay at the Mt A I didn't have much visitors. Only my mom and PIL came everyday. as for friends, only one time i had 2 friends pop by for short visit.
You gng for C-sec ah? if yes, first day you may spend the whole day in bed due to stitches and feeling tired. Maybe visitors, on 2nd day onwards better bah.
annette: Contractions can be felt from the lower back to the front of the lower abdomen. Also the tummy becomes very hard (rough guide would be as hard as your forehead). For me it felt some sort like a bad case of menses cramps plus bad bad stomach ache and you have lots of gas stuck inside that can't come out. (this gives you the feeling of wanting to push)
hehe... so how's the moo moo production going? seems like you're a conscientious moocow hor. *pei fu* so you have handsfree pump isit? otherwise quite sian to sit there and hold the pump hor?

didn't even realise i only have 1 cot sheet. haha... guess i need at least 1 more to change?! ha! but my cot is hand me down and NOT std size. kua kua kua... :|

heh! but got reason to go out now.
hippo: heheheh, milk supply at the 'factories' are slowly picking up. Somedays this cow also vy sian, but still gotta get milked! haahahah
no i didn't get that handsfree contraption. just move my laptop to my bed and sit there for half hour lo.
hehe, hold pump still ok... wait till you try manual pumping! :p

sunnyling: if u can get single bed ward guess your bill might be lower. single wards were all taken when i was there n had to take the deluxe room, so my bill is higher.
hahaha... i'm spoilt brat lah. got medela PIS and bot the handsfree strap already lah. dun have the patience to sit there and slowly milk and hold the pump. haha... we'll see if that contraption works.

so if u'r not using handsfree strap, then how u use laptop while u milk? *scratch head*
hippo>> diana has yet to pop! i just saw her FB post!

shugar>> so happy for BB Sam that he's off the tube.. hope he can come home soon!

I tot they will charge you Single even they put you in Deluxe cos is what you had booked.

I find better to have visitors on 2nd day. I remember the previous time I have limited rest due to alot of visitors daily. Was tell my hb I cant sleep bcos differen ppl keep come and must entertain them.
