(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

maternity swim suit
i heard sotong bot hers @ OIO. affordable and nice looking. mine was from old navy.com so too late for that. maybe can try OIO? i heard kiddy palace those are not maternity swimsuits. but i dunno hor. heard only.

yeah i also havent figured out the chinese name yet. how ah? everyone keeps asking me what's isabel's chinese name. i'm like... uhhh... dunno yet. eeekkkk!!!

i put up my stupid spain photos then i realised i'm really such a fat whale. i dun think i want photoshoot to remind myself how fat i am. hehe... thats why u see my FB all yonks ago photos. hahaha... reminiscing when i WAS slim. sigh...

oh yah just wanted to let u gals know, for those of u who have very bad backaches, and not really keen to swim or do yoga, can try using the maternity belt for support. it will help u lighten the load u are carrying.

my fren just lent me hers today. feels good. those desperately needing help can consider getting this.
hello mummies,
i'm an oct 2009 mum too, occasionally drop by and check this thread though seldom post
saw happyface posting.

<font color="0000ff">Happyface,</font>
i'm sharing almost the same EDD as you, mine being 2 days earlier. You know what, I have the same feeling as you ie stomach tight 90% of the time everyday! It's actually braxton hicks contraction. This is my 2nd pregnancy and I finally know what is braxton hicks..haha.. My gynae told me the sensation is tummy tightens.. It's very very irritating but no choice lah.. Got to endure. We're in the 3rd trimester and our body is slowly preparing for the labour.

When i'm typing this, I'm having the contraction already.. arghh..sometimes it's driving me nuts! and not forgetting the bruise like feeling on my pubic bone, the deep pressure on the vagina, yeah, like the baby want to drop out feeling...haha.. i'm so afraid i will deliver early too cos this pregnancy i feel so uncomfortable!

anyway, we just monitor ourselve closely, be more attentive to baby movement, check our panties from time to time for red discharge, .. choi choi!
Aria: Why would you have a bruise like feeling on your pubic bone? Did you talk to your gynae about it? You need to be careful. There is a condition called SPD that causes pain in the pelvic area, and it can affect the MTB's birth plan (http://www.baby-pregnancy-ultrasound-3d-4d.co.uk/Pregnancy-SPD.htm).

I haven't started to experience braxton hicks yet. I'm not sure if that's normal. Maybe it's because I'm a 1st time preggy, and the braxton hicks may not be too obvious to me to feel.
Hi girls, this is quite spooky... try the baby gender predictor that's found on this website. See if it works for u. I tried it for myself and a friend. Wasn't expecting anything out of it at all. But it turned out to be quite accurate!
Hi all,

Went for my gynae chkup. Everything is looking well. Baby is currently head-down but gynae said there's plenty of room for him to turn here and there. It's not necessary his final position. :p Baby is weighing 1.1kg at 28 weeks.

By the way ladies, do your gynae scan the gender for you to see each time you're there? Mine does! Haha ... since week 12, she scans the gender and show us. So this is the 5th time I'm seeing the gender!!!
But we do like it lah, I mean as in seeing baby, no matter which part!

And anyone of you taking Natal Care fish oil? I'm currently taking Dhaxtra but find it too expensive. Thot of switching to Natal Care. Any fishy smell after taking it?

Elly >> I'm also experiencing braxtion hicks contractions. Can be quite uncomfortable when the tummy hardens up. Dont worry, it's pretty normal. It does happen on and off till the real contractions. This is my 3rd child and I experienced this for my previous both pregnancies.
wah lao.. i got this marcus lim in fb whom i dunno who the hell is he lah.. i didnt accept his friend request coz i also dun like to add strangers into my fb account haa.. i msg him asking who is he and he replied "I m Marcus. Can friend ? Sorry cos i seldom online. If u don mind can sms me at 8233XXXX. Or leave down yr contact number ? Tks.:)"

obviously i didnt reply haaa and he msg me again "can chat offline ?" haha

maybe i just give him my hubby no. instead wahahah!!
sweet: u should.. there was once some weird guy sms me at 4am in the morning and ask if i want xxx.... dunno who also.. haha.. my hb saw and kept asking. i totally ignored the sms lor. crazy...
sweetzinc: i think i'll try to follow the chinese calendar when i go for my #2. Want a boy for the next one. hehe... no harm trying even though it may not work.

sweetzinc + blink: wa... u girls have stalkers! gotta be careful man!

bluesea: i think u were referring to aria instead of me. i havent had the chance to experiencce braxton hicks. i want to try that sensation to see how it's like. waiting patiently now for my 1st hicks to kick in..........
Hi Ladies,

Pop by Marina Square for Maternity Exchange's National Day Treats - 8 and 9 August only! They're offering 10% off purchases of maternity and nursing wear and swimwear, extra rental with any rental package and Loyalty card with just $200 spend (U.P $500)

Also, check out their online offers (http://www.shop.maternityexchange.sg) on those two days! There's free shipping!

See you!

P.S Don't worry about traffic. Raffles Boulevard, the main road leading to Marina Square, is FULLY accessible at all times. More info on their facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/pages/Maternity-Exchange/50687767530)
thanks Elly for sharing that article on the SPD.. i tink i am suffering from that.. i was on a week of Hospitalisation leave due to this pain in the 2nd Trimester, but it sort of recovered..
lately have been taking the stairs too often coz the only lift in the office broke down and i have been walking up and down the stairs, the pain is back again.. and with the baby's weight putting pressure on the pubic bone, it is worse than before..

oh man.. i hope braxton hicks doesnt set in now and always, if not i have like all the unbearable pregnancy symptoms..
sweetzinc / blink : just ignore them. think they soon will stop bothering u. FB horr, some i dun recognise name one like my friend's friend..i won't bother to add or ask. coz' i tink if we ask they can see our info for 7 days rite? if its important they can go through my friend to come to me.
sweetzinc &amp; loke,
wah... got stalkers??? in todays day and age still have this kind one ah? haha... maybe only applicable to young chickadees. old whales &amp; hippos not applicable. hahahahaha...

these couple of days i feel the pubic area like very heavy and tight also leh. but only at night tho, when i need to go toilet. during the day not so bad leh... weird uncomfortable feeling
hippo>> i tink is coz baby's growing..i feel the tummy getting heavy too.. sometimes i will hold the lower tummy when i walk to help ease the load.. and i walk slower than my late grandmother now lo..
hippo/mie: can do the pelvic floor exercise... just squeeze your vagina/urinary area and count 10, then release and do a few times.. i learnt from a book.. the antenatal class also got mention..
sweet>> i tink your FB profile picture attracted that stalker to wanna make fren with you.. sekali he got fetish for preggies!! better beware.. ahahahaha
hahahaha... what the hell??? pregger fetish??? i think that's more sick than paedophiles!!! eeeeeewwwww...

todays such a freaking hot day i dun feel like going out man. just went out and came back. wondering what today's class is about.

oh yah, the HB just informed me next sat he's on mobilization standby. GREAT!!! i dun wanna look spastic gg alone!!!! they better dun mob him next sat or i'm gg to be so damn freakin pissed with mindef. the lao gong need to go for PRE-NATAL CLASS LAH!!!!!! W@%^$*&amp;^*(*^
miemie, loke,
the maternity belt my fren lent me does help leh. it supports the bump and alleviate backache i think... (altho' i dun really have backache yet, touchwood) but wear already the elastic band make my skin a tad itchy.
Gyn said that i have infection. Due to stress. I wonder how did stress cause infection. Have been very busy trying to declutter and deal with dh. Giving me so much headaches.

The prenatal class is quite informative. But i have difficulties sleeping after attending it. Quite scary watching the labor process and understanding it. 'Ignorance is bliss' hehehe

mie>> OMG fetish for preggy =.= lol!! yah i was telling to my hb that my profile pic so obviously i'm pregnant lor! wtf hahaha...

loke>> that's sick. haa but how he got ur hp no. ?! hahaha btw the pelvic muscle exercise hor i dunno if i'm doing it correctly anot leh. aiyoh. so confusing =\ anal i know. v i know. but the urethra i dunno if i'm doing correct anot. haha i think only can know when i'm really pee-ing

Hippo>> regarding the belt.. i was complaining to my hb too then he ask me if i want to buy the belt.. but i cant stand the itch leh i'm trying not to scratch it liao coz mie says will have stretch marks if i do so..

gal^: is it ?! i tot i put private profile means those non-friends cannot see ma.. still can see for 7 days ah. wah darn....

Happy national day everyone!! enjoy your long weekends!! hehehe I just caught UP just now hehe. Great movie hehe v touching :D but i cant tahan the small boy in the movie. talk w/o using the brain .. haa empty vessels.. remind me of my nephew =x

Im from Jan09 thread.

I have a Pink playpen for sale at $90. Almost BN condition 9.5/10

It comes with:
1) Basinnet (BN )
2) simple mobile (BN)
3) changing tray (BN)
4) organiser (BN)
5) Music Box with Vibration mode (BN)
6) Playpen (Lightly used)

Selling the Baby Safe mattress (for this playpen) at $50 and 3 BabySafe mattress covers at $15 each.

Have another Rocio Cot Bed to let go at $290. Almost BN. Condition 10/10.


1) Fibrelux mattress
2) 1 set of bedding
3) 2 x bed rails
4) Junior starter bed leg board

Measurement Outer: 1350 x 770 x 1160mm
Inner: 1300 x 710 x 1160mm

PM me if keen
Self-Collect at Sembawang

Thank you.
miemie: there's a MTB who has SPD at my antenatal class. You know how you would normally cross a leg over a bolster when sleeping on your side? The physiotherapist advised that MTB to sleep with a high bolster (can stack up with pillows if need to), so that the leg that crosses over the bolster is parallel to the bed, and not slanting downwards away from you. It is important for that leg to be parallel to the bed because otherwise, there will be unnecessary pressure on our pelvic bone, and it will worsen the pain. Not sure if you can visualise what i wrote...

I am also starting to feel more weight on the pelvic area. My friend tells me that it's normal at this stage, and we will feel it even more in 2-3 weeks' time because that's when the baby starts to position its head in the cervix. It's very encouraging news to me, because that sort of signals the end of pregnancy!!! =)
Hi all mummies,
im back, occasional oct mum here due to work commitment.

Elly/Other mummies: Can invite me to FB oct mum? cant find the link wo.

I am deciding if to choose btw TMC n MA, alot of ppl said MA better n much cheaper for single bedded,is tt so?Any advices?
Went for gynae check-up on Saturday. Glynnis' didi is at 1.4kg at 29 weeks.

Next check-up will be in 3 weeks time. How often do you girls see your gynae now?

She told me next visit i need to do the GD test le.
Dreamygal>> my next check up will be my 32nd week and after which the visits will be once every 2 weeks till delivery haha ..
my last appt was week 28, next one wk30, and every fortnight thereafter.

i find that the belt helps. it was a little itchy. so i guess it depends on which is a bigger priority for you. to alleviate the tummy weight/sore back, or itchy skin? was out today and seriously felt heavy after 2 hrs. i had the belt with me in the bag lah, but felt tired so came home after i bought what i wanted.

miemie, shugar,
u know sister kang was showing us yesterday that string like contraption which u can hang round your neck and the breastpump to enable handsfree pumping? u guys seen it anywhere? i looked up that website she had but it's not there leh. i think that one quite interesting lor...
I m so relieve this two days. I rid the dh who has been pestering me for more than a week. They seems to think that i m running a childcare centre. How can i possibly spend 3-4 hours entertaining dh threats, tantrums etc... How can i possibly make myself say untrue things to her new employer?
WW>> What happened? No matter what happens, must try to relax now... we're into our 3rd trimester. My gynae told me to hv lots of rest as discomfort and tiredness will set in.

To everyone, Happy National Day!!! Cheers....
Dreamygal: My gynae visit are every 2 weeks now.
Last visit baby was 1.5kg at 31 weeks.

Next visit gynae says will be doing a vaginal swab test.
hippo>> i saw it at the expo motherhood fair the other time.. but not really sure which booth...

and i saw your hubby the other day at the Mount A carpark.. did he by any chance mention that there was this woman in the car parked next to him staring at him? wahahaha
dreamygal>> my last visit was week 28, next visit is week 32, then week 35, then week 37, 38, 39, 40... feel kinda cheated that my next visit is at week 32 lo..

week 32 i tink is another DS for me, but done by my own gynae, not at TMC.. and she din mention the strap B test, though my fren needs to take it at week 32..
wah there's so many tests that i haven heard before.. my gynae didnt tell me anything on what tests she going to do for me leh..

hippo>> mine is not really backache.. i dunno why the top of the ribcage will have this v suan feeling when i walk too long.. hai... i'm feeling so uncomfortable lately.. especially when the tummy gets harden for quite alot of times in a day.. =\ sleep also v hard to sleep.. no wonder my colleague told me when the tummy gets bigger, we will want to give birth asap lol.
peiyu >> I had something similar. It subsided after I used bra extenders...and it could also be heartburn? Food doesn't get gulped down as fast! hang in there..just another 1mth+++ to go...

other mtbs >> time is really flying! so much to do, so little time...instead of resting and relaxing..i find myself busier than ever!..is the gathering still on - two locations right? taka and vivo..so which is actually happening?

xoxo>> hmmmm i also using the bra extenders leh.. but the feeling is still there! haha but most of the time i'm bra-less coz at home ma. i dun think is heart burn.. and sometimes i can feel that the baby is squashing my intestines, stomach etc..

i told my gynae abt this she said coz i'm slouching .. but i tried not to slouch liao but the feeling still there. bahhh.... i really cant wait for oct!!
i think i gonna complain to my hb almost everyday .. blaming him to put me in this situation now hahaha =x

Ytd i looked closely at my feet and realised that they're really swollen!
sigh... v sian...
