(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

Thanks for the info on SPD. First time for me to hear this. Will definitely read on it and google abt it. I have roughly go through the article you shared but don’t think mine is that serious. Mine is really the bone that is painful. Like or-che kind of feeling? First time for me too.. But I think it’s gone already. I believe is the hormone acting up again because when we’re in the 3rd trimester, we will have a surge of hormone again, very similar to 1st trimester. So, some mummies will get the MS again and last, I started to have the heartburn again. Thankfully, it’s subsided now. And I started to bleed more when I brush my teeth which stop when I was in my 2nd trimester. So, I strongly believe the hormone surge is preparing my body for the birth 

Yes, for my 1st, I really don’t know what is Braxton hicks. The sensation is like tummy tightening and it feels like your stomach wants to explode..haha.. Super uncomfortable but it’s not painful though.

Quote: when the tummy gets harden for quite alot of times in a day  you’re experiencing Braxton hicks contraction 
The organizer that you saw from amazon, I really doubt it can stay that shape. I bought something similar from isetan baby section and it always slant down with the weight from the baby wipes, containers, etc. I had to do something to it to make it upright. It only looks nice lah but in reality never so sturdy..hehe…

Re: spirit swap/ cord spirit to clean the umbilical stump,
According to my nurses at raffles hospital when I gave birth to my no.1, the latest practice is not to use alcohol swap because research has shown that water can equally do a better job. I cleant my girl with only water and baby oil and no infection or whatsoever. The thing to note is to ensure the belly button area is not damp.

aria jo
you gave birth at Raffles Hospital? can share abit more on it? have been asking around for reviews. I heard the nurses there inexperience, not sure to believe or not. Personally I like that hospital. clean and quiet.

Also, I think they mention something about toiletries provided. Care to share?
huh? i'm opposite of you leh. I only hear good reviews regarding raffles hospital from my collegue and another gf and base on my experience (2 years ago) proof that it's true!

the nurses that attend to me were very good! i had 3 nurses (if i recalled correctly) attending to me. one will kneeled on the bed next to me to push at my tummy to help with my pushing, one to look at the monitor and help to do the counting and give me the cue to push and one to help my gynae i think. I think the one that push my tummy really very good. It certainly help me to push out my baby..haha...

and raffles hospital has a v v good lactation consultant (helen). she's a filipino and she's extremely encouraging and kept telling me i can do it! she's very patient with me and show me how to latch my baby using the nipple shield (i have inverted nipples). Of course you need to have lots of determination and perseverance. I managed to breastfeed my girl for 16 months and yes without nipple shield eventually!
halo halo~~

long time no chat! how's everyone doing?

last lap for all of us.. exciting right?
i'm just eagerly counting down the weeks now.

hang in there with all the discomfort ok, mommies? just a short few weeks left. some of us might even start giving birth from 37 weeks onwards so that's even sooner and just around the corner! wheeee~~

i echo what aria jo said about cleaning the umbilical stump. the docs and nurses at KKH advised the same thing i.e. just wash with water as per normal during bath times and then dry is good enough. no infection whatsoever for Adil too. just sharing
aria jo
I also don't know leh. I heard from my gynae's nurse that they not very experience. I guess is individual's perception. I went down personally to RH to take a look sometime back. It looks very nice. Quiet place, good for recuperation and the nurses are very friendly too. Guess I just stick with this then. I am opting for C-section, so what I am looking at is the aftercare services.

one thing that I want to ask all MTBs here, have you purchase the bath tub yet? Care to share what bath tube you get? there is a bathtub I like, but not sure if is good. Heard that can only be use for newborns. then after that got to buy again. If buy those bigger tubs, we still have to get a bath chair?
buy one that comes with a stand because you do not want to squat all the time to bath your baby right? make sure the bathtub has smooth surface so that it won't scratch your baby's skin. I didn't buy any bath chair. just hold her or rest her on the bathtub with anti slip mat and bath her. I bought one from KP (around $70 plus or so) and it last until my girl is 16 mths? After that i just let her sit on the floor mat (to prevent her slipping on in the shower area) and bath her..

oh yeah. raffles place environment is really nice
remember to call for lactation consultant once you have delivered unless you know what to do lah
i was a bit kiasu. i called for her immediately after i was wheeled to my room :p she helped me squeeze out the colustrum! I though I don't have any! She was very encouraging eventhough she only managed to squeeze out 1 teaspoon! haha..My milk only came in on day 5. Some mummies have engorgement on day 1 already!
hi mothers...

been a long long long time since i posted - last was during first trimester before i flew to the states. :p well, now i'm back for delivery!

anyway just want to share sthg i saw today. NUH are having some lunchtime talks like what to expect for the first month of baby's life... pre and post natal exercises as well as baby massage... and when to start solids...


well, i just registered so thought i'll just share the news in case anyone else interested. :p can't help it... am a first time mom and didn't attend any pre-natal courses / classes cos i only just returned.
think i missed out on a lot of training so hopefully i can pick them all up now in my last few months!
heh? ask for help to squeeeze the colustrum? Need any equipment or not? as in, I need to bring breast pump? hmm... by the time I wake up from the op, not sure if still in time to ask for the consultant. Will keep that in mind.

for RH, they told me that they will prepare the toiletries for me leh. FOC also. but I cant rem what is mentioned. The nurse only briefly mention a few. You still remember?

for the bathtub, I thought to put it on the sink while I bath her.
squeeze the columstrum dun need breast pump.. coz the columstrum is in such little amounts, using a breast pump will only waste it coz it will get collected at the funnel etc, will be too thick to flow into the bottle..

Sister Kang at Mount A pre-natal class told us that wad they will do is to collect the columstrum using a tiny cup and spoon feed baby.. using a pump will waste the colustrum..
citrus>> welcome back! haa even though i've attended the course, but i think when the time comes, i would have forgotten everything. ha so need the husband to help us remember
This qn is for those that attends Mrs Wong's class, i heard she teaches a technique to shine a torch light on you belly to intro baby to the world of light. Anyone can share how to do it? how often, for how long and what kind of torch to use? Thanks
oh oh. then I hope by the time I wake up is not too late for the squeezing columstrum thing.

peiyu, if what you say is true, then I die liao. My hubb's memory is almost equi to a preggie's... or worse. How to rely on him to help me rem ah... hahaha.

siangjiao, I read about this somewhere. I think you just shine on your tummy can already. I don't think I dare to try it. Scared of blinding the bb.
actually i just called for her to seek advice. who knows she proceeded to check my breast and check for colustrum. and then she help me squeeze.. SO PAINFUL!!! But i believe somehow she had helped to unblock whatever milk ducts in my breast because i could expressed abt 70ml in total every 4 hourly on day 1. consider good for newbie like me cos i'm not one that is blessed with lots of milk! I had to work so hard to increase my milk supply for the subsequent months.
oh yeah, she squeezed for me because I could not latch my girl then (inverted nipples mah). if you have no problem latching and no problem with milk supply (like my SIL), i don't think you need her to squeeze you. hahaha...

dun worry abt colustrum thingy.. it stays for a good few days.. your milk look yellowish because it's full of nutritious colustrum
hi ddnikz

me also feel abit uncomfy nowadays, dunoe is it feel like blurping or vxxxx... just make me no appetite...

dear all
who has been feeling less appetite nowadays?
precisely lin... that's how I am feeling. Feel so sian whenever it comes to meal times coz I know after I force myself to eat, what comes next

burping is not so frequent already. Now is more on the nauseous feel. Somemore tummy getting bigger. Feel so heavy when walking.
aria_jo: I have the bleeding gum problem too!! Thot i was the only one... haiz, mine bleeds almost every other time i brush!

Was considering of using those kids toothbrush with super soft bristles... hahah~!
hello gals, been so busi with work lately.sighs....cant wait 2 go on leave soon else i tink gg 2 pengsan soon :-(

4 shampoo n showel gel, i oni use hypoallergenic prdt 4 my boy last time.switch bet normal one like kodomo n gerber aft 3yrs old. Using mustela hypoallergenic face cream n gerber body lotion when necessary cos i realise rashes on face wil diminish aft applying 4 new born. Bot nuk tis round 4 my #2 to try out since oso hypoallergenic. personal preference cos find it more suitable 4 infant.
shugar/aria, u remind me tat my bleedg gums problem seems heal liao aft i used d pureen maternity toothpaste. Din realise it until u gals mentioned it. or mayb is nt due 2 toothpaste but hormones?
not sure if this is related, but I have bleeding gums sometime back. Then I started piling up on calciums and now no more bleeding gum already.
Hi Mummies, sorry to interrupt.

I have the following items to let go cos no longer needs them:

Medela Purelan 100 (RP $19.30), selling for $18 - 4 tubes available
Huggies Newborn, up to 4kg, pack of 24, (RP $7.35), selling for $6 - 2 packs available

Pickup at Paya Lebar MRT.

Pls PM me if you are interested.

Thank you.
sweetzinc : breakfast / brunch sounds good. we can eat, chat a bit, fair open..chiong :p how about see how many pple can make it for breakfast/brunch? mtbs....... ????

dreamygal : glynnis is so sweet.
u got extra pair of helping hands. okie, later i'll go check out kiddy palace on the tub and netting. May initially put e netting in my kitchen sink (big enough) to bath baby hmm...but is it unhygenic to do so? or okay?

Those who delivered in TMC before and BF. How did you go about getting the lactation consultant to come help? I heard from my friends they not v friendly
and very busy so some came when she was almost going to discharge fr hospital.
i delivered on a fri evening and since the LC only comes by during wkdays, there was no way she cld visit me since i was discharged on sun morning. i only relied on the nurses help.
i only know Mrs Wong Boh Boi is the LC there... think there r a few but i am not sure abt them. Mrs Wong is v friendly and pro-bfg!

U juz need to request to the nurses tt u wld like a LC to visit u for bfg tips and they will try to arrange.

RE: Bleeding gums
I think wat ddnikz mentioned is true. Bleeding gums might signify tt ur calcium intake is insufficient thus the bleeding. Heard tt once u replenish enuff the prob shld cease.
gal^ : My Glynnis having lots of problem in school lately. Teacher feedbacked that she has been naughty.

I delivered in TMC. The nurses there are nice leh. Kept popping in to see me. And Mrs Wong came in both days to see if we needed help.
dreamygal/jrt : that's so nice! hope my experience oso that good.

re: bleeding gums
you all saw blood? or just taste blood?
me no c blood but got taste blood when i not brushing. if its reli lack of calcium i'm reli in trouble. doc have up my dosage from 2 calcium tabs to 4 oledi.
*touch wood* so far i haven got bleeding gums.

If gynae alrdy increase dosage, perhaps its an indication tt ur body is not absorbing? try to go under the sun for some 15 mins or more each day. Vit D helps in absorption.
gal^ : She has been snatching things from her friends, throwing temper in school and i just heard that she hit a teacher's arm.

These has never been a problem before and in fact, she has been such a nice little girl all along. Really puzzled what's happening these few weeks.

Seeing her having problem in school makes me so heartache. I don't know how to help her.
gal^: er, i see blood leh... sometimes just a bit, but few days ago there was one time quite a lot

Now i brush teeth really slowly.
Hmm calcium... i'm taking leh. Also taking milk and some other calcium rich stuff. I thought maybe i'm lacking vit C, so started taking that now too.
Hi Xoxo and fifi: I signed up for Colleen's yoga class recently
Hope to learn some breathing techniques that can help during delivery.

I'm hit by a bout of tiredness today. And my back never feel stiffer. Although i tried to sleep early, somehow i cannot fall into those deep sleep.

My company's policy is to take ML at least 1 week before EDD. so counting down, 42 more working days for me. Sigh, such a long time.
dreamygal: Could it be because Glynnis is feeling anxious that another sibling is arriving soon?

I'm not an expert here; but i remembered when my sis had her 3rd child, her 2nd one was throwing tantrums and became extremely weepy and sticky before he goes to playschool. He was alright before the baby came along.
Hi all,

I'm back!!! So tired these days esp my elder girl got the rotavirus attack for nearly 2 weeks.....

Re: Cord Spirit
I used it on my 2 girls as TMC will provide one upon discharge. After then on the 6-day visit to the PD, he will provide me with the anti-bactical powder to apply after the cord comes off.

Re: Taka BB Fair
I am still interested in going as I have already taking leave on that day liao.

Re: Bleeding gum
I am stuffering from this problem too.... To make thing worst, all my fillings on my cavity beginning to drop and now the dentist does not want to do the filling for me. He asked me to bear with the pain until I have completed my confinement.....

Re: Irregular contraction/Check-up
I am starting to feel it as early as Week 28. In fact, my cervix is starting to dilate abt 0.5cm liao. This friday will be my Week 32 check-up and thereafter will be biweekly till Week 36, follow by week basis till deliver. Very excited and my gynae told me that I have quite a high chance to deliver early..... Will keep you ladies posted...
Same here, one of the fillings for my tooth dropped off, and because it is pretty bad (almost touching the nerve), my dentist refuse to do anything, but refer me to a root canal specialist. It's not painful now, but i'm living with a time bomb.
talking abt bleeding gums, my gums also bleed quite easily.. esp when i was trying to take out the food particles which are stucked in between my teeth haha.

hippo>> my 2nd batch of stocks come liao wahhaa!! i let u know again once i finish doing up the photos etc. they're so pretty and i chop 2 sleepsuits for Charlotte liao wakakaka.. =x

Gal^>> yeah i think we gotta put up some list so that those interested can join us hehehe.. the fair starts at 11am right?? if it's at 11am then we can have breakfast at mcd or any other restaurants like delifrance. I'm ok with anything hehe.
Joyce>> wah u already dilated 0.5cm ?! gynae did a VE for you ? wah i hope i dun dilate so early man... heh think u will one of the first few to pop!
wa u gers r fast in posting on wkday, so many posts in just 2 days hehe.sorry if missed any reply ye.justa have a quick glance

Dreamygal: chopstick nice nice so now selling at 29bucks tts ex wo. buy more cheaper?then we can all buy together hehe

Miemie: the robinson sale till when? i havent get my carseat also and also cot. know anywhere have cheaper cot, mothercare one very ex wo

Joyce/siangjiao:mine also. gum bleed when brush teeth.I did my root tunneling b4 pregnancy then b4 i can do crowning,1/3 of the tooth broke off during my 1st trimester, then during 2nd trimester another 2/3 broke off now waiting for baby to pop out then hopefully can do extraction of tt premolar. Jiao after root tunneling it wont be painful coz nerve gone,even further decay also wont know tts the bad part.
i'm lost amongst the archives :p


re mrs wong
i beg to differ. i find her cocky :p ops.. *siams* ..i had bad experience with her many times.. i thought she was overtly confidnece and can be dismissive to an anxious mother's feelings.. well. that's my opinion only..

so this time i will approach another LC from MT A.. i heard feedback that she is real patient..

squeesing of the nipple.. my gynae did tht to me.. OUCH! then she comments.. good. u got colostrum.. duh..

re bleeding gums
more of we are engorged with blood now.. more blood.. not just in the gums.. but in the nose as well.. hence some of us might have nose bleed.. no cause for concern even if u bleed everytime u brush. just go gentler a bit can liao..

ensuring a steady intake of calcium can relieve crampings in the legs..

aria: varicose veins? tell me about it.. and worse i have PLENTY at the vulva area.. making real sore.. :S.. then i got to walk slowly, stand up /sit down slowly.. sian..
then i also got piles.. everytime move bowels.. sure bleed :S. sorry for being gross :S

joyce: rotavirus can be contagious wor.. take good care pls.. not vaccinated against rotavirus, ur girl?

Dreamygal: teng also like that.. plus he is unwell. so he is a NASTY tod.. for glynnis.. could be the T2s?
pei yu: u must bring in more boy stocks else u lose half of the market here! heh..

alamak. the Taka fair 'gathering' confirmed on a weekday?.. haiz. i cannot make it leh.. wah liew.
joyce: i have contractions also. but the Braxton hicks kind.. just the tighening.. no pain.. u have pain kind? . ok. i think i must make a mental note to inform gynae at next visit at 32 weeks..
astro_pro: im lost like u haha.
taka fair gathering on wkday?thought i read 29th aug? Mount A gd? be still consider btw Mount A n TMC. gog for hospital visit this n next sat.
hi annette: i believe i haven't say hi to u before

ha. i been busy hence no time to update and keep up.. i am not used to such a situation coz.. usually i am the one who 'spams'.. hahahah :p

i am not sure exactly when to :p..
peiyu, blink, and those going fo rthe taka fair.. when ah?

i am delivering at TMC.. last time and this time. i am not sure of Mt A.. but i have heard very gd feedback for the LC at Mt A.. she does home visits too.. apparently..

astro>> hahaa yeah i also bring in boys stocks lah! in fact this time round got more boys design for the romper set hahahaha....

Yeah regarding mrs wong hor.. my hb and me dun find her v approachable leh. hahaha.... i dunno how to say ah maybe her accent or what turn us off lol! and yah i must agree with you that she's over confident liao.

Braxton hicks is considered as contractions ah? i have that quite frequently leh.. the tummy just get hardens but painless lah. but somehow it's uncomfortable for me =(

taka fair is on 27 aug according to miemie's magazine hahaha!
