(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

Hi ladies
Hmmm, if u get ur CL thru a fren's contact, i think can trust the CL. For me, my baby will sleep wif CL at night but coz i TBF, she will bring baby into my room (i sleep wif hb) whenever he needs to feed. aft feeding, i'll bring him back to CL's room to sleep. This routine repeats. Coz newborn make alot of sleeping noises, and i am a light sleeper so cant sleep when baby is wif me the whole night, so i need to let baby sleep wif CL.

Dun end up getting CL tt u r not comfy wif, else it might make u sink into depression and creates more stress. So weigh ur pros and cons b4 deciding.

Erm.. i wont consider infant care.. tats why i was asking my friend to reconsider his option.. For me.. hubby's taking care during the day!

Oh yeah.. any1 can feel the baby kicking already? Yesterday, i felt the baby kicking leh.. and amazed to see something protruding from my stomach.. Erm.. not sure if i think too much or its really baby kicking.. is it too early to be able to feel it?
Mrs Neo: what i observed.. when i went source for playgroupfor teng last time.. most of them have infant care.. but the manpower is normally very short..so they really put the bb to bed.. or just leave the bb in a rocker.. and that's it.. and normally. they find themselves stretched.. forgot/delaying changing diapers etc.. so high incident of diaper rash..

but then again.. sometimes. it is a no choice thing.. coz that is the only option available

hippo: u never know wor..:p.. timbuktoo test? wah. sounds exotic. ha!

ku ku: i thought i keep changing nick liao. i think i met a match in u!!
mrs neo: so fast SEE protruding from mvts?! oh gosh. something is very wrong with me. i am still not having a belly.. not feeling any movements.. and certainly not seeing anything! alamak.. this bb so 'gentle'.. a boy?! alamak..

JRT: *raise hand*. i sink into depression.. partly due to that lor. haiz. long story.. so i am comtemplating not getting a CL.

happy hippo has decided to call loke & cat the KU KU BIRD TWINS!!! bwahahahahaha... damn cute you 2.

see? we all a bit sot already here over all our princes & princesses. so its good entertainment to come in more often and get a good laugh yeah?
chin up babe!
i hv heard of stories fr frens whom had sickening CLs tt made their life so miserable and stressful tt they finally decided to sack the CL and enjoy the rest of their confinement. Tts y i strictly engage CLs thru close fren's recommendation only. dun dare to anyhow take unfamiliar ones.

If u dun engage, then who will do confinement 4 u?

WOW, alot of MTBs expecting boys leh... i will prob be one of them too. can only update aft my next visit in 3 wks time... wat a LONG wait... sigh...
astro: to tell u the truth... i learnt it from u.. hahhaa....

CL --> comfortable one is important. i got my sis' CL cos its her distant relative. and her cooking is SUPERB!! really fantastic. haha. though my sis told me lifestyle different.. might be a little frustrating sometimes.. but i think bo bian lah. everybody got diff style mah. anyway only coming for 1mth.. very fast one lah.. most importantly she really knows how to wash baby properly. and dun anyhow rock baby to sleep.
Baygon>> Dunno leh.. i not sure whether its really the baby.. Gynae said i can feel movements from 20 weeks onwards.. And guess wat.. times passes.. i am in my 20th week already.. Hurray! Halfway thru the process leh..

Any1 been to the detailed scan before? Was told tat i will be doing a detailed scan during the next visit.. wat can we expect? A clearer view of the baby?
Mrs Neo: wah. u 20th week liao?! so fast.. i am still in my pathetic week 13/14? sigh.
for detailed scan.. they will scan all the various proportions of the bbs.. tmc generates a report of the measurements agaisnt the norm.. teng.. i remember. his feet was alreay more than 90% ha.. anyway.. then they also scan the heart.. kidneys.. and such thing in detail.. ya. their scanners more powerful.. so will see clearer view of the bb.. and for those.. who has not yet discover the gender. normally can see it then..

hippo: trying lah.. stupid work.. chey

kuku: hahahaha.. :p

jrt: yalor.. hmm. i figured out. i will order confinement tingkat.. and i have my domestic help to cook the red dates drink etc.. and my fil always volunteer to bring the ginger trottles and the white wine chicken (?) so.. pretty much that? ok lah if they insist.. get the da feng/hong chao (dunno what u call that).. to bathe lor..
there's a infant care course at TMC for domestic help.. i plan to send my maid there.. she's a mother of three. has experience.. learns fast.. so going there to refresh her memory.. should be ingood state..
but still considering..
actually i want to leave liao. but i see a COW leaving.. so i waiting.. but the COW still mooing to a colleague.. and i am still kept waiting! argh
Astro: Can you give us some egs of dependencies that ur previous CL created? Cos me first time mum, really dunno what to expect. One thing for sure, for large part of the day, I will be taking care of the bb. Maybe for first 2 weeks, I will let the CL take care of bb at night. After that, I will slowly take bb back into my care at night.
Erm.. i think i counted wrongly or wat leh.. i counted based on the calendar on my hp.. but it looks a bit weird.. i dun remember me being in my 20th week also.. LOL... Blur.. My LMP is 6 Dec.. So, its how many weeks ah?
Mrs Neo: Think 20th week is correct. Cos my LMP was 9th Jan and I am in my 16th week, going into 17th week this week. As for movement, I think kicking in 20th week is normal. For me, I can feel funny movement in my tummy. Many say that it's actually bb making turns and acrobats. Sometimes I have weird tug at one side of the tummy. Not sure if it's bb's movement.
then in that case what i did is detailed scan lor! cos i had all the charts and graphs also mah. ratios, measurements, etc, etc. sounds like detailed scan. hehehehe... thanks thanks. now blur hippo knows.
hahahaha... i'm quite power today in terms of spastic-ness. still in that euphoric state i guess.
maybe i oughtta start charging $$$ for every good joke i crack here. RA ones charge extra. how? u think i can earn some extra milk powder $$$? bwahahahaha...
cat the kuku bird twin waving to loke the kuku bird twin...
may we be bestow with all the well-wished kuku dust, cloud, mist, smoke, hurricane.. hooray!!!
fifi>> i tink you can easily earn a whole month of milk powder!! hahaha

mrs neo>> now the weeks shouldnt be based on our LMP, but on our EDD.. your EDD is 3rd Oct, so you should be week 17 plus now, coming sat is your week 18..
hippo, my next scan is the detailed scan, which is end of next month. that day happen to be my HB birthday as well. hopefully the surprise awaits us then...
so sweet. you actually go and help mrs neo count her weeks. hahaha... not so sleepy today eh?

KKBT cat,
wah... must wait so long... i'm aching with anticipation for u.

Both KKBTs,
hahahahahaha... blow all the KKB cloud towards you guys. a'ight. happy hippo must bus driver already. time to pick up mr hippo. funny. i think he's more like melman the giraffe tho'. idiot so slim.

okie dokie folks. pls pay early tomorrow for happy hippo to appear with her spastic jokes. $10 per pop!
wah lau.. 'waste of time'.. i thought COW going home.. end up . finished moo-ing still went back into her office!! argh. anyway home now..

aiyoh.. kkbt cat.. kkbt twin.. kkbt.. hahaha.. if i dun follow. sure get confuse by the change in nicks! u guys are good seah.. whahahaha..

hippo: but normally the detailed scan done at 20th week.. directed by ur gynae one leh.. how come need to pay another time for this? how many weeks are u? think genetic scan is still different.. coz seems early for detailed scan? ops.blur liao me

mrs neo: ya.. i think my brain is really fried by the students.. coz on the way back. i was wondering.. how come u like so 'advanced' in preg than me.. when at most. is 3 weeks earlier? .. ha

tien: ok.. she created two dependenencies.. and one 'problem'..

1st dependency: pacifier dependency.. i meant it is ok to use the pacifier .. since the bbs has such a strong sucking instinct.. and we don't want to become the human pacifier instead.. and sometimes.. all they need is some sucking.. so in pops the pacifier.. fine and well.. ok. acceptable.. but she was using it as making teng to sleep! so much so that when teng wakes up crying 30 minutes-45 mins later (that time i didn't know it was moro reflex+ inability to transit into deep sleep).. so i blur blur let her use.. then die liao lor. when she left. teng keeps waiting up every hourly and cry for paciifier wor! that is very bad.. granted i could just pop that back. but i am just perpetuating the dependency.. and the poor boy cannot get solid sleep in a stretch. always wake up to cry.. (sometimes can happen to breastfed bbs.. end up mothers become the human pacifiers)..so that is the first dependcy.. which i had to let teng cry it out..(CIO) to rid.. very very heart wrenching to hear him cry non-stop in the night.. before so tired that he falls asleep. haiz. dun want ot go thru that again..

2nd dependency: rocking to sleep! aiyoh.. same as pacificer lor.. doesn't help teng picked up weight so rapidly.. rocked till i die.. gosh.. so together with the pacificier.. teng CIO-ed to remove this dependency lor.. haiz

the 'problem'.. she couldn't decipher teng's crying.. and end up feeding teng every hourly.. (when he was whining/fussing coz of over tiredness).. then every half hourly 40 ml.. like that feed one leh.. then she still can come and tell me..'dunno how come ur bb so strange.. all my bbs.. all sui sui eveyr 4 hourly drink 90ml one. dunno how come ur bb so strange.. taht is not the way to feed him'.. then said liao. she ownself give him another 40ml?!!!!

then teng always over tired.. i told her want to put teng on the routine.. okok. she said. bu still didn't do.. haiz..

then FIRST day nia.. she go and wash my electric pump head under the sink!! spoilt!!!.. haiz.. i haven't even use!.. end up miser go and exchange.. dunno what silly excuse he came up with..

so.. is that bad enough??

Hippo: which two GF books u buy?
kkbt: all major books will have.. i got mine from borders a long time ago. not sure if still in stock though. that was my first GF book.
baygon, kkbt,
i have "the complete sleep guide - for contented babies & toddlers". let me check the other one in the room later.
kkbt:hippo bought the sleep guide book which i was talking about.

another two recommendations in the GF series.. are the weaning book.. as well as the rouine book (which is just called contented bb or something like that)
Wah, Astro, that's really a handful. Your CL seems very irresponsible and inexperienced for some strange reason. Now I am a bit worried about the CL my mum has booked. But then again, she got the contact from her friend whose have dunno how many grandchildren already. I hope she is ok.

You ladies are making me tempted to visit bookstore again. Hahah I have been standing at bookshops to flip books. Haven't really bought many. Just one on how to care for bb like how to carry, how to bath and how to breastfeed. Going to read further to see if it has something on helping bb to sleep.
Hi! Hi! I'm new here... really enjoyed reading all the posting by all mummies ... especially the chart by Joyce .. tat's interesting ...
Hi ladies. Haven't managed to check in past couple of days. Now oso still no mood to reply to older posts in archives leh.

I'm so upset wif this swine flu thingy la. We CANCELLED our US - Anaheim, San Diego trip for obvious reasons. Converted to open tix cos cannot refund. Sigh

Then we booked wif SIA to go New Zealand again. All confirmed and we were gonna fly on 2nd may instead of 30th april. Skali after tt kept reading more and more suspected cases of swine flu there! Argh! Maybe oso haf to cancel this trip.
MIL kept calling me today to ask us to cancel.

I'm so so So upset. Was looking fwd to this holiday
I was all excited already in my blog entry esp after looking at more photos of our hol last year. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeekh! frustrated!

I'm gonna stew in my own soup and lament our holiday's fate now

Blardee swine flu!
*xoxo lost her light*

Now I have joined the list of those under siege. Some massive politicking over the last two days while I have been trying my darnest to polish up my remaining work. I've got idiots cheesing off my clients while using their integrity as defence shields to justify their actions as wholesome. Downright infuriating. One colleague caught a large cockroach today. On earth what he's thinking, he suddenly thrust that still squirming, dying, browny crust of a @#$)(* in my face as if I've never been introduced to a cockroach! I freaked out and nearly hyperventilated. No kidding. I think he sorta knew it was a very bad joke to play on a pregnant person. It was and still is not fun for me right now. Having palpitations writing abt this.

My MS has been making guest appearances at the most dotty of times too. It's a real Murphy character. Hence, chaos within and without.

Astro >> I borrowed the GF books from NLB. Prb is, the LIST OF THINGS TO DO to achieve the penultimate child of joy is exhausting. When I am at page 40, I've more or less been wasted on the going-ons earlier. Oh well...got the gist of it. I think I've hang-ups over rather stiff routines..
About the CL, I've already booked mine too. Cross my fingers that she'll indeed be alright. Felt pretty sure then, not so sure now...cham!

famela >> That's a lousy plank to have right now. Ok, make that two. I'll be gutted too... Damn this swine thing. I hope it doesn't make its way to SG. Not with us in this state! We will all go into hiding. But..better be safe than sorry. In this realm, the kiasu/kiasi part of us SGreans will reveal yah? My mom has even banned me from frequenting Changi Airport! Unbelievable but yeah, my usually cool as ice mother was so sure it's madness to get yourself close to the arrival of foreign parasites..
morning all,

Re: CL

I m getting a CL this time cos my MIL had not been taking care of my during my last 2 confinements! 1st confinement i had a gallstone attack and was admitted in hospital for a few times and end up surgery to remove the gallbladder 1 mth aft I deliver. 2nd confinement, she insist on doing again but she MIA during the day time n weekends. even told my maid not to touch my bb. all my meals cooked by maid n guess wat? all dishes n soup taste the SAME! 1 incident tat made my blood boil was, less den 1 week of my c-sec (for 2nd delivery) she MIA with my FIL n elder son for the whole afternoon. only came back a few minutes b4 the time tat my hb usually reach home (ie, if my hb usually reach home at 530pm, they came back at 515pm) so tat my hb duno abt their MIA-ing. who knows, my hb sms me at 3+ n i asked him to COME BACK IMMED. how can i handle my own wounds n bb? less den 1 week of c-sec leh! so this preg, i told hb to pay for CL n told him "u owed me for my health!!" haha
Hi femela

Don't be too upset. Everyone just wanna play safe for you. Imagine you are there expose to swine flu while carrying your precious baby. Anything happen, you be very upset. Why not travel to other safer places for holiday instead?
morning ladies.

wow, seems like most of u r getg CL, for me I cnt get cos my hse got no plc for her to stay n i m staying wif my ILs too. i nd to look after my bb at nite, bt will get my hb to take 2 wks leave to help me...
Hey everyone! Been missing out on lots and lots of posts. Saw that there is a comprehensive list of who is due when and which gyne they are using. Cool! If Joyce could be so kind to include me in the list, I'm due on 10 Oct (though the more recent scans say earlier) and I'm seeing Dr HK Ho so will be at Mt A, just like Jo.

Saw that you are all discussing about confinement ladies. My mum booked one for me too. But she has some funny rules like (1) won't wash our master bedroom toilet and (2) won't wash maternity underwear. Strange.

I never thought of using cloth nappies until I read some of the posts here. Good idea to do so if you have help hor?! Maybe I should consider, although I heard from friends that although they started out trying to use them, they eventually switched to diapers.

Xoxo, don't feel bad about your MS. Did you read in Sat's ST that studies have shown that mummies with MS, vomitting etc have smarter babies? It was a study they conducted over several years. So take heart!
sorry to hear you have to cancel. i was worried about you when i saw the news. i'm watching devts in europe too. one confirmed case so far in spain. hopefully it doesn't spread in europe. cos if it does, then i may have to cancel my trip as well. worst thing we paid for every damn thing already. hotels, domestic connecting flights, guided tour, etc. ARGH!!! *keeping my fingers crossed there*

but it is indeed safer for you since there are already 60 cases in US and they have such a huge hispanic population there. definitely hard to quarantine everyone effectively. i would do the same if i were in your shoes too.

eh dont stew too long in your own soup, otherwise can throw in the tulang to eat already eh?! :p

poor you. hear a lot of stories like yours... good for you at least this time u have CL this time round.

lisa, welcome.

where are my KKBTs today? not around??? :p
Confinement tingkat sounds yummy yummy!
Oh since u've got a maid, then its not so bad. yah for bathing tt is called da feng cao. i even used tt when i washed my hair. if ur maid is bathing the baby, then u juz stand and supervise her. sounds like a pretty gd arrangement.

During confinement, i wore disposable panties coz due to heavy flow, i tend to stain the panties anyway. I find it disgusting even if i had to wash my soiled underwear, so i wore disposable ones instead. No need to wash and spare the CL of the disgusting sight. I bot so much disposables tt i still hv leftovers till now. Hehe, can use for this confinement instead. But why wun she wash MBR toilet???? Strange!

yah I read tt article abt hvg MS means smarter kids. Keke, though it does nothing to alleviate my MS, still its a small consolation. Better than nothing! We'll find out 3 yrs down the rd!
Good morning mummies!
Haven't been posting but I have been reading most of the posts.

Better to be safe then sorry.

I was telling my hubby that we are very "heng". 1st son born in 2003, during the peak of SARS. 2nd son born in 2009, during the peak of swine flu! I still remember in 2003 when I'm preggie, I was often kept standing outside my office. Those ladies who is responsible of taking everyone temperature do not believe that I'm preggie (Don't look like one)so they always asked me to cool myself down as the thermometer shows I'm having fever!

My body temperature now range from 37 to 37.5.

Regarding CL, same as baygon, I had a bad experience with CL during my 1st confinement. The worst thing that she did, is to fell asleep while feeding my baby! Since the 1st time I saw that, I will wake up everytime my baby cry to oversee the feeding. To think I paid close to $3k that time for her cos it's during CNY period! This time, I'm asking my mum to do it for me.


My mum brought a confinement cook book and intend to use the receipts. I was looking through and went "wahh... wow..." It's a 30days menu.

Regarding bathing, I brought packets of herbal bath in JB last mon. Da Feng Cao is one of the herbs inside. 1 pack for 1 bath and it cost RM1.50. I remember I brought a bigger pack that is use for 2 baths for S$3 during my last confinement. I brought 20 packs for RM22. Worth.
hipppp: reached office late today. not a good start to the day.. had very horrible dreams last night... crap.. i thought we are only supposed to have bad dreams during 1T??? y am i only getting it NOW??!!! disrupting my sleepp....

famela: i dreamt that u didnt go US.. maybe that's y??

so many swine flu news!!!! i even dream of them!!!!! arghhh....

twinnie cat: maybe i'll visit one of those expo sale... but i still dunno baby's gender!! plus my sis giving me many things like breast pump.. baby cot.. baby shoes/socks/clothes.. all leftovers from my baby's cousins...

my sis is going to be very happy cos my sis-in-law also preggy... sis got triple of everything.. so she can get rid of 2/3 of those underused/overused/not used/kept at the corner baby stuff...

jrt: will take note of the disposable panties... good advice u give there!

sotong mum: how did u manage to travel to jb during ur confinement? or did u go there before u deliver to stock up??
hi aloe and shugar, i'm having a boy. The gynae said she saw something there, but he didn't show the front, so that's why she's only 80% sure it's a boy.

wow! today's topic is about CLs.. i have nothing to contribute to that coz im staying with my mum, and we have no place to let the CL sleep (if we hire one), and my mum's going to do my confinement for me..

my mum and i were toying with all sorts of ideas, like do tingkat catering or get a neighbour (who is already a grandmother of 3) to help with the cooking and bathing of my baby in the day time, etc.. all these ideas came to nought coz my hubby insisted on getting a CL, and he will sleep in the living room.. and that was when my mum announced that she will quit her job to help me with my baby! and ta-dah! all problems solved! we dun need to have a stranger staying with us for one month, i dun need to eat food cooked by other pple (and the most impt thing is i dunno if i will like the food cooked by the CL), and i dun need to worry about getting a baby-sitter when i go back to work after the 4 month ML! woohoo! cheers to my wonderful mummy! :D
