(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

I am nervous. Mil insist on staying with me during confinement. She is worried that the CL will add some 'special' stuff into Hb food. She also insist on me handing over the bb to her after confinement. Coz she has much more experience than me. I probably will know the bb gender soon. How do i face the stress from her if it is a girl? She will definitely say > Try again. I will help you to take care. But in my opinion, a child needs a lot of parental love which cannot be found from others. Mil has so many granddaughters that i doubt she can/will really care and protect my bb if it is a girl. I think i see the reasons of why ppl prefer boys.

Can i check any of u MTBs feel tt ur boobs are sore and tender at times? It feels like one of the premenstrual syndromes... juz wondering if its normal to hv this sensation...

The topic's on bird nest and gender yah?
I'm one of the last few to deliver in this thread, so a lot of info on baby not available yet. The oscar test was not able to scan for the gender too but i think i am hvg another son for #2...
good morning pple

trying to stay happy lah..i think i got a dark broody girl in my class.. but the happy fact is she is perceptive on the way she behaves.. else with my tempermental, i going to flare at her liao.. now i CONTROL..


hippo: need help putting up the pics?

ww: i think.. not be afraid to put ur foot down .. coz u are the mother.. got it?
if it is a gal.. it is a gal.. just tell her.. boy or gal is the same.. if u are keen, try for #2 and get a boy

i also scared of disappointment so i keep telling myself n others that most likely i will get a boy this time. ppl have been telling me, since yr tummy so small this time n tat yr pregnancy symptoms different, could be a gal. but i brush it off. i dun wana have another disappointment liao haha
agreed with astro that dream will turn out to be opposite. i dreamt of a girl & i even tot of the names and so on but seems like mine is a boy this round!! Hope the next scan in may will have some surprises for me...

ww : dun worry too much! just take good care of yourself now and worry abt the rest at the latest stage else u will be adding on more stress to yourself.

jrt : my boobs are only tender and sore during the early stage of 1st T. The soreness shld go away gradually.
morning morning morning!!!

i wish i dreamt of a girl!!! haha. then i'll have a boy...

didnt sleep well last night manz.. dreamt a lot... and i woke up feeling frustrated..

ww: i agree with astro lah.. cant help it if its a girl. girl also good lah.. next time can take care of family.. usually elder girls are more responsible. hee.. anyway about the mil.. just keep quiet and let her talk... cos old people tend to be very fickle minded.. they got nothing better to do during the day so they think and think a lot.. u never know next week she change her mind again.. so dun be too bothered by her ah.. :D
Hi all! I know the gender of my baby! doctor 80% sure!

I can't believe I was actually a bit disappointed when I first heard it. Just went yesterday.
Hi mummies
waaa all excited about disclosing the bbs gender.
I feel most of us want GALLLLLL. Me too, but doc said likely boy..only can be sure in a weeks. ARGH..boy again...
eventually I will slim down chasing after 2 boys.and stopping the fights, cleaning them up from mud, feeding gallons of rice. So oh well..im prepared...sniff
morning ladies...

birdie, i m oso goin to use nappies as it help to save alot on diapers and the bb wont get rash so easily too
glass: i think must handwash leh. actually the sai is the one i'm concerned about also.. dunno when baby will shit.. unless baby knows how to give warning. then faster change to diapers.. haha..
i tried using nappy for my 2 bbs ..end up give up cos too time consuming. u nid a nappy liner to go with the nappy so tat it wun really stain on the nappy too much.
mylvera: need to keep washing ah?

maybe use nappy during the day and diaper during the night?

actually considering nappy cos of a few reasons:
1. Go green
2. Cost efficient
3. Easier to toilet train bb next time..
but really, i think babies can shit any time, so this is hard to predict. I know my parents spent a lot of time washing and folding diapers, you know those square pieces in the past. I think now it's sewn already.
u dont really save much from using nappies cos need to wash a lot right? my only concern is washing the sai off the nappy. i think i'll just go with the diapers or i may drive my maid away. haha... also, newborns shit a lot right? change a lot of times a day one leh. u can tahan meh?

thanks for offer. i'm trying now. cos its not .gif or .jpg image files. they are short video clips of the scan as well and its like a .exe file. so i'm trying to printscreen and paste in photoshop.
in fact nappies r not tat difficult to wash, if they shit thn jus need to rinse them off n soak all the nappies together thn all wash at nite cos they r very thin and fast to dry.... thn at nite whn they sleep use diapers, like tat cn save alot cos my cousin told me tat she bought a lot of diapers during her bb 1st mth...
hippo: ok.. let me know if u need my help

re diapers/nappies..
Teng has lots of cloth nappies.. now he takes them to bed. it has become his comfort object!.. i used diapers.. coz i overfed him last time *crow flying past*.. he splits up a lot.. and we needed the cloth nappies to protect our clothes.. so he formed an allifination to that! steady hor.. ha.. good also. he has tons of it.. hahaha dun need to wait for it to become old and dirty.. ha

cloth nappies are also good for swaddling the bb

hmm. i prefer diapers.. diaper rash can be prevented if we diligently apply diaper cream after every change.. and change frequently.. exp.. but think necessary for the bb's frgaile skin.. destinin creamy is a good diaper cream..
ah swaddling! i bought 2 gina ford books!
hehehe... how to get that kind of dream timetable? nap at 7pm, feed @ 10pm? the papa doesn't reach home b4 7pm?!? dont even mention the grandparents. they also not home by 7pm. sigh... gonna get tons of resistance.
i've also considered the washing part lah. plus i think i'll do the same as jazol. the washing style.. which would mean i'll have to buy tons of them right from the start. but its one time investment also.

mylvera also mentioned about nappy liner? is it like those wet tissue except that it's dry??

i remember wearing nappies when i was young. i thought its really comfy leh. haha. loose loose one. very cooling in hot weather like singapore. haha...

maybe a mixture of use lah.. diapers and nappies. so no need to wash that much also.. plus can prevent diaper rash and unnecessary poop.. main thing is i can GO GREEN!!!

got recyclable diapers or not ah? like can wash once or twice then throw away that kind. haha..
OHOH!!!! not forgetting those really cute and HUGE safety pins... haha.. i loved them when i was young.. got duckies, piggies, rabbits etc..
the white stretch from the nasal bone towards the right.... is it the spine?

haha. dun worry. i'm not suspecting that its a prince!
full body. back facing us. i think she was moving quite a bit there yesterday. CRL 9.77cm. so big already, from being a "bean".

ok babes. sorry for the spamming. last 1 here.
by the time this shot was taken, i think she'd just done a somersault turn. hmmm... she learns fast huh? i just did a somersault turn in the pool in the morning. so fast she learnt already??? hehehehe... her spine is clear and i think her KIAO KAH again, as usual.

so cool lah!!! hahha..

i finally figured out the head.. hehe.. paiseh... didnt mean to scare u.. hahhaa..

must be a pretty girl lah!!! hehhee...
like baygon, i hope bb look more like mama than papa.

yeah all in all the genetic scan was good. we even had 2 standard deviation charts of all the measurements he took, e.g. 4 chambers of the heart, kidney, liver, etc. all pretty in line with average.

at my age, i think risk of downs syndrome of 1 in 1694 is pretty good. have a repeat scan @ 22-23 weeks to check for tiny holes in the heart and cleft lip. cos now cant see yet.
actually that 1st shot i put up of her face, i have a short clip of her waving her right hand at us. but i can't extract nor post the clip up here. that's really cute. like "zhao cai mao" like that. just the right hand. i keep watching it non-stop like an idiot.

HB said no wonder we've been on winning streak at family p0ker games. 4D also. 2 weeks ago, he struck 1st prize and i struck starter. unbelievable. we have never struck b4 ever.
hmmm... interesting. my next thu appt been changed to this sat. maybe can VERIYFY again got NO KU KU BIRD??? silly hippo...

sigh... now full of anticipation again.

*hippo hopping up & down again*
wow!! im so excited by all the scan pictures! fifi, any of those that shows the 3 stripes (indicating that is a girl)? i wanna know how that looks like.. heehee.. though i guess i should be able to see on thurs, but then.. wahahaha

and why your gynae so good, give you all the scans in CD form one? do you need to pay extra for them or is inclusive inside the package or sthg? so envious and its so cool!

the 3 stripes not very clearly captured on image. but on the screen we could see much better. thats y i din upload.

this genetic scan done by 3rd party specialist leh, he's @ camden. cost us $350 for this scan. got long report also. no extra charge for the CD and report lah. all included. so my kiasu HB go and copy 2 extra CDs already. dunno who he wanna give to??? hahaha...
i am going to use nappies for the first few months as well due to my mum's insistence.. and she is going to help me with my confinement and thus she going to help me with the washing... daytime use nappy, night time use diaper..
mie: yeah yeah. daytime nappy, night time diapers..

jazol: hhaa.. must get those safety safety pins..

hiphip: wahh.. i'm getting excited also leh.. i wanna see ku ku bird!!!! hahhaa....
loke>> no need get safety pins.. use the wrap can le ma.. the nappy wrap, i dunno wad it is called, but is velco de, and you dun need to worry about poking or hurting your baby..
shugar & loke>> i just called up Mount A to register for the prenatal classes.. Ms Vasantha Tel: 63476332 call on Mondays to Fridays 8am to 4pm

based on my EDD, she say i can start my lesson in july, and will end mid august.. she say just nice.. 1st lesson is on 2nd or 3rd july 1830hrs to 2030hrs.. i chose the 3rd july coz is a friday.. and subsequent lessons i took the sats 1330hrs to 1530hrs one.. payment can be made on the 1st day of lesson..
I need some advice on confinement. Should i insist on hiring a Cl rather than Mil help? I anticipate conflicts and i m trying to avoid and prevent. I figure out that i can chnge CL but i cannot chnge Mil. I wish to concentrate taking care/loving my child so I only plan to have one child be it a girl or boy. Just now e doc said that it is a boy. Now i m concern that ppl ard me will spoilt the child. Endless concerns, worries etc... My tummy is so bloated.
yup, incl NT scan also. dunno why its called diff fr the rest. maybe doc is prof so must sound a bit more atas? ;)

your prenatal class - is it open to pple like me who r delivering elsewhere?
miemie: oh i can't decide between the weekday or weekend classes. Just called them to check, its Friday for the weekday class in July.

birdie: the classes are $160.50 for weekday and $181.90 for weekend for MTB booked at Mt A.
