(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

hi kkbt, i had alot dreams this 2 nights too. Althought is not horrible but terrible. It is a continuous dreams throughout the whole night.

Recently i had a fall, i was so worry that it may hurt my baby. I am still monitoring hopefully baby is ok...

I am in my Week 16, i realised that i have alot of cramps recently. Did any experience the same? and also my tummy is not very visible? hopefully baby is growing well...

glass: oh another BB boy to the list. hehehe think i may have had the same feeling as you when i first got the news from the gynae. :p

chnyle: I've got on and off cramps/aches too. asked gynae about it and he said its normal to get them now due to uterus expansion and growing BB, so not to worry.
My tummy is not very obvious yet also, but i know my normal pants dun fit anymore... :p guess it will gradually get bigger.
chnyle: sigh.. i'm quite distressed over the dreams... not that i remember them.. just vvv tired of it.

glass: congrats to u!

and i'm very upset with hubby. though he's been nice to offer to buy food for me etc... but he's not at all aware of the emotional ups/downs and the hormonal turmoil.....

Dear all,

I have given birth and is planning to sell my pre-loved maternity wear from Spring at cheap price. All pieces are size S and are in good condition. Send me a PM if you are keen to have a look. I will send you pictures of the clothes.

Hope you all have a smooth pregnancy.

dun wori too much. i oso recently have more cramps den usual and my tummy isnt visible too. Was told by my colleagues that I can "pass off" as not pregnant even tho i m hitting 16 weeks within these few days. if u really worry, go see yr gynae n seek assurance. when is yr next appt?
Hi everyone. I didn't think I've been away for long but when I returned I can hardly recognise the names here already. Then I realised 'Alamak, same people lah, change name again!'

Had a quick read through the last 2 days postings, glad to know most of us are well and we're starting a 'gender' column. I know the gender of my bb already and I've not even done my detailed scan yet! Yes, (as Astro would've guessed), its a boy. Can someone please help me update the list? Thanks.

Joyce: I hope everything turns out ok for you. Don't worry too much and have more rest.
hi mylvera, thank you. My next appt is mid May 09, 2 more weeks to go... Must convince myself to be more positive...

Good luck everyone and take care!!
chia: sorry ah. i think u r referring to me changing nick all the time. haha. i change until i cannot recognise my own nick also...

sigh.. i have a feeling mine's a girl... otherwise there'll be an overflowing number of moomoo boys... haha... nevertheless.. i've thought of nice names for girls... i'm quite impressed myself.. so even if its a girl.. at least i wont waste my effort thinking of the names...
mylvera: i dun intend to snatch from u.. haha.. i just need more baby boy dust!! i'lll give all to u once i know the gender.. hahhaa... otherwise if it turns out to be girl and i only got baby boy dust how?? my girl become tom-boy??!!
Xoxo: So childish and wu-liao lah some people. >piak piak< Slap your stupid colleague !

Chnyle: Have you seem your gynae since your fall? It is always better to be on the safe side and consult gynae when you experience cramps, spotting, etc.

Loke: KKBT, you're Loke right. I made a mental note some time ago you are "A-loke-vera'. haha. What does KKBT stand for anyways?

Btw who are the ones qualified to sprinkle what gender dust? Is it the one expecting boy can sprinkle boy dusts coz there is a boy in her tummy, or does she sprinkle girl dust because there is no girl in her tummy so she has girl dust to spare?
Hey ladies!!
Chnyle: I think you need a good rest. Maybe you have been thinking too much and worrying a lot, that's why it translate into dreams. Take Care ok!

Can I have some bb boy dust too?? *shy shy*

Btw I have been having this crazy craving for foie gras! Never had a craving so strong and one that cannot be satisfy so easily. Super hungry now even thinking about how it will taste like!! HOW???!! I even go and google pictures lor...YUMMY!
tien>> you craving for foie gras.. i have been craving for BEER! ice cold beer! wahahahaha

chia>> kkbt stands for kukubird twins.. courtesy of fifi.. hahaha.. the kkbt are loke and cat02..
kkbt means they r having twins? or the two of them become 'twins'.

me super blur.

yesterday i answered at least 5 questions with 'i can't remember'.
Mie Mie: I also!! Beer...to be specific...SAPPORO beer!!

Sigh now I am munching fish burger, pretending it's foie gras...sooooooooooo pathetic....
Tien: I crave for foie gras ALL the time pregnant or otherwise! One value for money place I've found where you can eat foie gras by the kilo and not burn too big a hole in your wallet is at Aburiya. The other places with generous serving of foie gras is Au Petite Salut and Les Amis (set lunch is quite affordable). Most of the other French restaurants serve up their foie gras in molecular portion. Not worth it.
Chia: You just saved my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!! where is Aburiya and Au Petit Salut? Lunch is out of the question..think I have to settle this craving tonight hahah...poor hubby!!
chia>> yes, i am MieMie.. wahahaha..

glass>> the 2 of them wants to see kukubird so much until fifi named them kukubird twins!

tien>> as long as is ice cold beer i want.. any beer.. slurp...
Hi Chiapatty, i have not seen my gynae after the fall. But i did message him, he asked me to look out for any bleeding and told baby is well protected so thats why i did not visit him till now. Beside cramps, touch wood till now no bleeding.

Tien, i guess so too. It should be worries that translate to dreams.. still very unsettled.
mie: my appt is next tue!!!!!

chia: wahha.. u also quite creative leh.. a-loke-vera.. hahaha..

glass: mie is right. cat is my twin sis unless it turned out otherwise.. hehe...

foie gras... i tried the one at equinox during a lunch buffet... it was FANTASTIC lor...!!! haha...
Tien: Heh heh, I also feel like going now. I know of 2 Arburiya outlets, 1 is at Holland Village, the other at Robertson Quay, Quayside. Better to go evening cos this is a Jap BBQ restaurant. You'd be all smoked up after the meal and want to rush straight home for a shower! Whilst you're there, the Wagyu beef is also to die for and there is fantastic Jap ice cold beer that's perfect to go with the BBQ heat and with MieMie!!

The Au Petite Salut outlet that I've been to is at the Dempsey area, Harding Rd. Wow, my hubby and I were there about 2 years ago and each ordered the foie gras for starters. It was the first time both of us eat foie gras until feel a little pukish because the portion was just too huge!! It was super delicious nevertheless. Bon Appetite!
Chnyle: No bleeding is always a good sign. And I did read Mylvera's rather reassuring posting above about her having cramps too which turned out to be nothing. So not to worry too much but maybe you can change your next gynae appointment to an earlier date for peace of mind?
Chnyle: Maybe you should go and see your gynae if you feel very unsettled. As for tummy size, i got an ex-colleague who is about 5 months preggy, but till now, we still can't really see. So, it really depends. Usually bigger boned ladies (like fat old me) tend to show their tummy earlier. And I really think you should take a break and rest at home. Do something you like to relax...jia you!!
Chia: I went to google the restaurants you mentioned. Think will visit Aburiya soon. But the reviews are mostly raving over the Wagyu beef...right now not a big fan of meat...hee hee...But thanks gals! Shall ask my hubby to rem these places...hahaha...

One thing is for sure, my remaining hours in office is going to be a pain...thinking of my foie gras...
been reading about all the discussion about CL lately...
hmmm dun think we'll be getting one, coz no room and find it strange to have someone I don't know around the house also. hehehe,
So for now, my mom will be the one handling confinement for me. like sotong mum, my mother also went out and got cookbook for confinement dishes.
but i have yet to decide if I should move over to my mom's place during confinement or stay at my place and have her come over in the day.

but think if i stay at mum's place I'll have more peace though... coz i have a paranoid and worry wart mil! think if i stay in my own house, she'll be over everyday, coz she's always worrying about everything! hahaha

i remember when we were finishing the reno at our place she was over every evening, fussing over the dusty place and telling me where and where is dirty and needs to vacuum and making sure i dun scratch the polished floor while dragging the vacuum :S aiyoooh....

so now i am thinking if she comes over everyday and fuss over BB and stuff, might cause some unwanted tension hor?
Tien: i also big sized.. but i am not showoing yet..

u ladies been eating fois grais?

gosh.. feeling sleepy! and i have not done my work.. jialat..
chynle>> like wad tien says lo.. its true.. my tummy at 4 months seems to be bigger than my colleague who is due in august lo! wahahaha.. she is very small sized and her tummy is not very obvious yet, and she's still wearing NORMAL clothes when i have already burst most of my normal clothes and am constantly in M wear.. i guess the individual size really matters.. mine is not just the lower abdomen sticking out, my upper abdomen is also sticking out!!! and i know the upper abdomen is where all my fats are being squeezed to! wahahaha..
Hahah...erm...maybe for bigger bone ladies, it shows more?? One this is for sure...my hip is expanding at incredible speed!!

Astro, not all been eating foie gras lah. Me lor...super 'yao gui' been craving for foie gras since last night. So, asking for good and cheap places to find foie gras for dinner tonight! Think I will go cold storage to buy some in case i wan to cook but just read that pan-frying foie gras meanings massive clean-up of kitchen
i dreamt that you showed me your scan and i said to you "neh, see the 3 lines there? that's the clit lor!!!" hahahaha... so weird... talk abt weird dreams.

why nobody ask hippo about her big round tum tum. same as miemie lor. exactly as described.
but am still happy hippo cos got princess hippo coming. hehehehe...
astro: i thought so too. but i can feel the bulge coming out.. sometimes i think i can feel baby moving too... especially when i'm not so full... haha.. hope its not stomach rumbling!
fifi>> wahaha.. coz i keep pestering you for your scan pics right? then you dream of me.. wahahaha.. how do i look like in your dream? or did you dream of a big hippo showing you the scan? oops.. heehee

i also belong to the hippo club.. erm, i tink i mentioned dowan hippo leh.. i tink i prefer the balloon.. wahaha.. then after birth the ballon burst then become slim slim can? ok, i want to belogn to the balloon club.. wahaha
tien: dun eat too much hor. coz fois grais and liver has high level vit A levels.. to be avoided during preg.. coz can cause damage to the bb.. if eat a bit bit ok.. if really got serious cravings.. must curb the craving liao

kkbt:till now i dun feel a single thing.. haiz..
i see my tummy 'higher'.. but apart from that nothing special.. sian.
Tummy Showing: I'm abt 4ish mths now but I look the way I did when I was 6 mths into my 1st pregnancy! I mentioned before in my earlier posting that basically my tummy did not disappear after I gave birth to bb#1. So this time round, even at 0 mths, I looked like I'm pregnant! I asked my gynae already (or rather I complained to her) and she says its normal for tummy to show more for 2nd, 3rd, etc pregnancy coz the tummy muscle loose liao.

Tien: You mean can buy uncooked foie gras at Cold Storage??! Which one? I want to stock up too... what with the Swine flu pandemic starting. heh (*excuses excuses*)

Btw, not messy to cook. Just slice up the foie gras (into generous portions!), dust with flour and lightly shallow fry in non-stick pan with a bit of olive oil. Once the sides are nice and crisp it's done. Don't overfry though. Remove from pan then sprinkle some sea salt. Pour red wine over the pan to deglaze all the oils and flavours of the foie gras stuck on the pan. Add some finely chopped fresh or dried fruits (apples, cranberries or appricots works best) or even fruit jams to sweeten the sauce. To thicken the sauce, add a knob of butter and some flour. Drench the crisped delicacy with the rich sweet velvety sauce. Garnish with some rocket leaves, toasted almonds or crushed sugared almonds/almond rocca(!)/malteasers(!). Voila!!

Oh man I need to wipe away my drool.
Ah yes yes yes, Astro is absolutely right. CANNOT eat too much liver now! Oh man, I almost forgot about safety due to my greed.
Hiya All

I have not posted for a long time liao. I was sick with flu and a throat infection for almost 1.5 weeks! I have fully recovered now

Hope everyone is keeping well and I see some of you know your bb gender liao. I did my amnio today and the scan showed that mine is going to be ah boy
