(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

we leave him to play in the living room with his toys

I cant rem...just rem that I read something negative so got the impression that it's bad

not v obvious but can see fr photos...now trying to get rid if the colour but still end up cooking pumpkin

guess it's cos I'm a ftwm...dun spend alot of time with him
I also tink 1yr good enuff...I did my best, time to stop

does anyone know what kind of baby food is restricted to bring to Australia? Am flying to Melbourne in 2 weeks' time with my family and planning the food to bring for Lucas.

hahaha! Now I know why Ryan can go without tv. Coz u are a ftwm! If u are a sahm, he will definitely be watching tv now. It's unavoidable esp when u really need to go toilet or when u need to cook. When I was a ftwm, my boy also didn't get to watch tv. It is possible coz we are not with him all the time. So when we are with him, we wanted to make the time together more fruitful.
Actually i really think some TV programs are pretty good... My #1 loves barney and she actually learn alot from the show... Manners, english, etc...

just to share with those mommies who have hyperactive kids, my #1 was super-active till i send her to psychologist as i realised that there are times she cant even followed her teachers' instruction. The Doc told me that fishoil with omega3 can help to calm those super-active babies down... so can consider giving it to them... :D
mashy, so far, Ray has not really exposed to the TV. He likes to turn on and off but will not watch. He rather chase after his balls. When I clean the house, he will be in his high-chair looking at his boardbooks and listens to hymns or music. And he cooks with me in the kitchen in his high-chair or plays with Kai.

Kai also watches only TV on weekend, usually DVDs so no TV for him.
Bbmaking: yeah i wanna watch that show..

Liz: i read an article that suggested that babies
Born to mummies who didnt take fish oils during pregnancy had higher chances of being hyper or more active..
From what I read & know, the deficiency of DHA does cause ADHD, tats y they recommended fish oil. i did take fish oil during my pregnancy, though at times i din take, but my boy still very active leh. guess it's more his character. but i doubt it's considered super active cos he can still keep still at times when we read books together. self-consolation. haha!

i grew up watching tv also, i think. but i'm still very well-behaved in school last time. haha! to me, as long as everything is in moderation, it's ok. of cos, excessive watching of tv is a no-no.

my boy watched baby einstein dvds when young. then gradutated to sesame street & my baby can read. now he's into barney (selected dvds only) & old mac donald's. he doesn't like watching tv prog. onli likes the advertisement part. now he likes the kiri kirei & silkbath advert & he'll show me how to wash his hands & apply shower cream on his body. haha! i think he learns quite a bit frm the dvd he watches too. he loves numbers, he dances to the music, he loves clocks, he recognises colour and a lot more....
Baby Ja, most boys are active or more active than girls, hyperactive are kids who cannot even sit down or concentrated in eating. they cannot even listen to simple instructions.

I think everyone here will agree with me that you are one exceptional mother with super powers. We all aspire to be like you but difficult la. Hahaha.
How's everyone's PH? I'm having a relatively bad one. Sam got <font color="ff0000">hand, foot &amp; mouth disease"!!!!!!</font>

I have no idea how he got it too. He doesn't go to infantcare/playgroup. I guess could be when we brought him out from last Fri - Sun coz the incubation period's 3-5 days?? I hope none of the other BBs have it!!!

Anyway, the terrible thing that on Wed am, Sam started getting 38degC fever. I went to this other PD, who seems to like to push meds. She saw ulcers in his throat ans suspected it was HFMD altho there weren't ant rashes/blisters on his hands &amp; feet/. She gave paracetamol, ibuprofen, antibiotics &amp; some antiviral meds (I forgot the name). There was a stronger antiviral but I was reluctant to take it, partly also b/c it was $100+. But she told us to go back to her the next day coz she'll be away till next Mon.

Sam's fever went up to 39degC on Wed pm. So we went back on Thu am &amp; she said it was confirmed HFMD. And that there were many more ulcers in his throat. Said we shd take the stronger antiviral for faster recovery. So.. we went back &amp; had a terrible time feeding Sam the meds. He hates to be pinned down, &amp; is very strong-willed abt what he wants to eat. So it was with a lot of pathetic crying &amp; coaxing &amp; disguising meds in milk, porridge etc.

He's better tdy. Just had mild fever on &amp; off without paracetamol. BUT.. he has very bad diaper rash! It's huge &amp; red, &amp; even has red, raised patches! Poor fellow cries whenever it's time for diaper change. I really wonder if he's allergic to the antibiotics or antiviral or whatever.

Another thing is.. On hindsight, I wondered why the PD prescribed antibiotics AND antiviral. If it's a viral infection, antibiotics wouldn't work. If it's a baterial infection, then there's no need for antiviral. Anyway.. I feel really insecure &amp; regretful abt the whole thing. I shd have insisted MIL accompany me to brave the queue at Dr Ong's.

2moro, hubs &amp; I'll bring Sam for a walk-in appt at Dr Ong's. I think his rash will be quite bad &amp; needs some treatment other than Desitin. And I also wanna ask him abt the antibiotics &amp; antiviral issue. In fact, I'm even sceptical abt whether it's HFMD in the 1st place!

Lesson learned.. Not gog back to that PD ever again!

my gal had hfmd a few weeks back too and she also didn't attend any playgroups then. Anyway, beware of high chairs too coz some pp may bring their infected kids to restaurants. Clean clean clean.

My gal only took paracaetamol and nurofen for her high fever and given oral gel for ulcers. Dr vella (same clinic as dr ong but I saw him since no need to queue) told me no cure for hfmd just have to wait it out. Much like chicken pox. So yes, never ever go back to that pd u saw. My gal self recover after that. Just make sure he drinks so that he won't be

Btw, since it was wed that Sam started fever, I think all the kids who went to the bash should watch for hfmd signs since there is a chance that the kids are exposed to it.
sharon, 5-7pm in most Childcares are TV time, can't be helped. ITs the babysitter for the teachers or else the kids will run all over. BUt I also dun like teletubbies. I remember some report years ago about how kids got traumatise by those funny looking creatures. The childcare my 2 girls attend are very particular about what shows they show during TV time. The supervisor told me she personnally screens all the shows to weed out those violent or unsuitable kind.

mashy, yes, I also had to use TV to entertain the girls last time when i was SAHM. But I usually show the sesamese street/veggie tales kind... I order veggie tales from amazon cos it has good values and very interesting depiction of bible stories.

jul, gosh, hope Sam feels better soon!

haha, then u didn't see the prog they were watching at the cc a few months back. They were showing mr bean cartoon, Tom &amp; Jerry, spongebob etc until I raised it to her then they started showing more educational cartoons.

I let my gal watch cbeebies which I find is a good children channel. Have u watched teletubbies before? I wanna laugh when u said some kids were traumatized by it. Haha. My gal was pretty amused by the show and she loves it when the sun comes up. I think vegetales are great! I should order some too!
The tv is on wheb i am taking care of shaynaor at my parents place. We will be watching but she plays with her toys, only look at the tv once in a while if there is a catchy tune. Show her her dvds also same thing. Is that considered watching tv?
finally down at the home computer...managed to see all the pics from the bash from Aug Bubs...
all bbs are so cute...
RE: TV at CC/playgrp

my gals's playgroup do let them watch but it's after 5.30pm...
and they have barney, Hi-5, tom &amp; jerry(i think also have elmo(elmo's world) too)...
Jul, Ethan also kind of contracted HFMD. what we did was to disinfect all toys he was playing with, after each milk feed, give him plain water to rinse his mouth. if he's playing with any soft toy, jus watch if he likes to ''chew'', milk residue contain bacteria and thrive in toys. whenever he crawls and touches things, wash his hands and apply oral gel 3 times a days. the kids will tend to stuff their lil finger to ease discomfort, make sure you wash Sam's hand.
HFMD: Caden also got the HFMD a few weeks back too. He was alright over the weekend but when we sent him to the infant care, teacher called us back that there are some rashes on the back of his hand, to play safe we brought him to SBCC. PD concluded he got HFMD cos the rashes appear on his hands and a tiny little ulcer on his throat but PD said he belonged to the minority group. He was given paracetomol and oral gel only. He got more rashes the next day on his hands and legs. He got 38-38.5 fever too, so we alternate with pareccetomol and nurofen and sponge him too. The whole process he is still happy playing, very active but a little cranky, sticky with me and drink lesser milk. The cute thing is he prefer bread than milk?hahaha ulcer not pain mah? As for the oral gel, we put some on the pacificer and he suck with it, think he is teething too. He hate plain water so we mix with gripe water, suprising he can finish 100ml (normally he only drink the most 20ml). After three days, his rashes all clear and fever went down. I also pospone his injection (optional 1 year old injection) to Oct.
Mashy, i think Elnino might mean like what my PD said minority group. my boi in fact got rashes not blisters on his hand, legs and tiny ulcer on his throat so they have to conclude as HFMD cos it appears on these areas?
Mummies, anyone has any reviews abt kindermusik? Am bringing shayna for a trial today and am keen to sign her up, but wanna know more b4 i commit.

Yeah I was super duper angry the more I think abt all the agony Sam went thru for the meds &amp; rash. I am never gog back to that PD.

My MIL has all sorts of stories abt how my SIL's 2 kids also went to her.. had to take that vaporiser thingy to inhale.. spent a few hundred dollars each time.. how SIL got 'cleverer' &amp; will decide what meds to take &amp; not to take from the PD.

I wanted to box something! Firstly, we're not trained med professionals. Do I dare to play with my kid's life &amp; decide what's necessary &amp; not necessary? Secondly, if she keeps harping that this PD is very 'money-faced', why go to her the NEXT TIME &amp; decide not to take her meds??? Argghh!

mich, cloudme, elnino

Thanks! I'm waiting out the queue at Dr Ong's at MIL's right now, actually. Praying Sam will get deliverance from all this misery soon!


Sam is stillm playing &amp; shouting like his throat doesn't hurt too! And he also has gone off milk but prefers solid food like bread! Weird huh?

Seriously, he can still run &amp; shout.. use his toy golf club &amp; hit the balls so hard! And watch TV (My MIL LOVES to make him watch TV
). But more clingy to me than usual also.

The Aug babes attended a Kindermusik trial a few mths ago, prob when Sam was ard 7 mths old? I enjoyed it but Sam kept crying! The music, dancing, props etc were quite gd, I find. There was singing, bobbing in time to the music, percussion, use of scarves, shakers etc. But.. there was quite a lot of carrying of the baby. But I'm not sure whether it'll be the same curriculum now that our BBs are 1 yr old &amp; substantially heavier!

I can't imagine what Ethan will do when he can walk! I really rue the day when Sam started crawling.. Then there is no stopping him! He's already running but doesn't climb that much (prob coz his legs are kinda short hehe)

Yup, I was at the bash! I din see u either.


Nope! Once he handles an object, &amp; he likes it, he'll deem it his right to play with the next time. And if u dun give it to him.. whine, cry, scream.. He basically cannot see the forbidden fruit, else he'll start hankering for it!

I can't stand whining. Makes me wanna slap him haha

Actually I wonder if I have a 'bad' kid. He doesn't listen to me.. doesn't want me.. doesn't obey my orders.. always wants his own way. He'll drink milk, then struggle to walk ard a bit, burp then demand for his milk again like I'm starving him even tho he's the one who went off!.. he'll pui out water.. pui out things he doesn't wanna eat.. bet me if I try to wipe his face.. What am I doing wrong???


I can't stay with him alone. He's too difficult to handle. He only sleeps ard 2h the whole day from 645am to 930pm. And he is very active! And very STRONG! He drags 5kg sack of rice on the floor. So I dun have the strength to bathe him alone. Sometimes I'm in danger of dropping him when I'm carrying him coz he'll struggle to come down &amp; walk or to grab something he likes.

Hiaz.. I guess it's also difficult for my ILs to childproof the whole hse. Coz there's basically no area off limits to him. And MIL is very very forgetful (&amp; rather lazy). In the sense that.. she will always forget to lock the kithcen cabinet doors even tho her doors are the old-fashioned sliding door (like windows) with locks. Or she will pluck vegs on the floor &amp; he'll be running over to mess up the whole pile &amp; throw veg everywhere!

FIL is more conscientious abt it. He bot cabinet locks for all the doors in the living room. But there's still all the doors &amp; drawers in the bedrooms. So.. kinda paiseh to ask him to childproof the whole place too.

Also, I'm there now mah! I'm chasing after him most of the time, except when I'm eating or gog toilet or cooking Sam's food. So I guess they haven't realised the tedium of not childproofing yet?

Hey at least ur Ovann will take his hand back when u tell him no. My Sam will grab the thing then try to beat u with it if he gets it, or beat u wirth his hand if he doesn't get it


My Sam will pull the wires too! Many times he already pulled off the mio modem. I wonder when it'll break down one day

And Sam.. after he finishes with pressing the phone, holding it to his ear &amp; pretending to have a conversation, he'll THROW the phone!
Guess all our little ones are getting naughtier and naughtier, so active that sometimes i agreed i have the tendancy that he will fell from my arms, they are sooooo strong. I try to make caden to stay in his LG playmat but somehow he prefers out of the mat and throw his toys everywhere, guess he likes the sound of throwing on tiles. he also love to keep his toys under the sofa; he will use the chair or table as a support to stand and will let go his hands to get what he get grab but he forgot he actually cannot walk yet we have to be behind him in case he fell backwards. When we try to hold both his arms to train him walking he dont want he just sit down and crawl. How to train to walk like that?? If he is engage with something, if we call him he will shout back, so impolite. If he saw us eating, he will want a bite. If we dont give he will shout for it also. There is once we pretend to kiss and hug, my boi very jealous he will slap my hub face..so possessive!hahahhaa
Mashy, PD din say he got HFMD but the ulcers in his mouth are due to bacteria from saliva left on child seat, toys, every whr. He got no fever, no blisters on his hand, foot area.

Jul, you r not alone, our hse lagi not child proof, hv to keep eye on him 24hrs. Like to pull wires, press remote control, messing up the hse. Scream shout, throw tantrums at times. So my options is work, spending couple of hrs enhance the bonding and free my anxiety. I can peng san so cheer up. Take time off for yourself. Some times you jus hv to close one eye
Jul: my house also not child-proof,no gate for the kitchen, no safety lock for table edge or door latch. One day he play with the door and ganna his little fingers he cried. i heartpain but what to do, he so naughty wan to slam th doors. Whenever caden wanted to go into the kitchen i will beat his little hands and scold him not to enter. He will also dig his food from his mouth; i will just stare at him and if he do again, i will raise my hands and he understand. Lucky i never stay with my ils, i think my child will be pampered heavily. Whenever my boi naughty, i wan to beat his hands, my mil will protect him use her hands and cover, not letting me to beat or lecture him.
RE: Rainbow Vacume Cleaner

Any mummies using tis? Wat's yr feedback? Another forum mummy recommend tis to me &amp; the person just came for demo. I'm impressed with it esp I've a big dog at home also. But the price is really EX! Although there's interest-free installment, I'm thinking whether to get it or not. So asking for feedback here. I'm worried it'll be a white-elephant.

regarding Sam, possible for u to 'let go'? Boys are accidents waiting to happen. But perhaps if it won't kill him just let him be and learn? Let him walk since that is what he likes. Why carry him? When u bathe him, let him sit on the floor or if he likes to walk, get a slip proof mat. Go with the flow rather than wanting to rein him in all the time. Let him win some battles too else very stressful and tiring for u.
Yup, it was pretty enjoyable
And i'm planning for the next trip liao hahaha. How's yours?

Hahaa .. dats the problem! Cos u r the one running around aft sam
U must pretend mah .. like me, i will 'beo' Ovann from a distance if i know he's going into mil's room. I still keep an eye on him lah, in case he really hurt himself. But i'll pretend that there's suddenly an interesting article to read in the papers, or pretend to check out coalie's ears. Then when ovann play with her alarm clock, throw it on the floor, or attempt to pull the clothes rack, i continue my pretence. MIl will come back and scream "Aiyooooohh .. this one cannot take/throw/play", and promptly remove ovann from her room. Then if she goes out of her room again, she'll remember to close the bloody door.

Looks like sam is quite a handful huh ... Actually i think kiddos at this stage are exploring and they r interested at everything. I'm oso hving problems with him playing with my pc as my desk is low. I'm trying to strike a balance between letting him exploring and saying no to things that he shldn't touch. Wouldn't want him to associate me with "no ...!", shaking head, and negativity... haha
Just finished the trial. Quite fun and shayn liked it too. They werent pushy at all. In fact we had to ask. But can we not buy the other stuff if we sign on like the cd etc?

Well, I buy the La Vest Quie rie (aiyah I dunno how to spell). It's the Laughing Cow brand. But it's Babybel Cube. 1 packet (blue silver foil packaging). Abt $8+ for a pack of 24, if I rem correctly. Can find at NTUC.


Oh I've already 'let go' long ago. When he was starting to stand, he would fall over &amp; knock somewhere. Then I'll kena 'black face' from MIL for not 'looking after him properly'. Please lor! I'm his mother. Do I WANT him to fall &amp; get bruised? Duh..

Besides, Sam has been walking for a loong time. In fact he's running since abt 2 weeks back.

U know hoe he bathes? First, he'll try to climb into the bathtub when he's all dressed. Ok.. fine, but not when he's pooped &amp; I have to clean him b4 letting him carry all the poop into the water! After I place him in the tub, he'll climb out again, coz he wants to play with the draiage holes. Then he'll climb in again &amp; out the other side of the bathtub coz he wants to reach for the tub of water. Then he'll try to dig the holes again. Then he'll climb in &amp; scoop water &amp; throw it all over me. He'll snatch the washcloth that I'm trying to wash him with. Then when I'm trying to wash his hands/arms, he'll yank away. When I wanna wash his feet, he'll stand up. When I wanna wash his butt, he'll sit down. Really drives me crazy leh!


Hiaz what to do? MIL will aws say that Sam is very 'giat'. And say he 'wah pai ah'. Yadah yadah.. but she finds him kinda amusing. (And secretly proud that he's so naughty coz to her, it's a sign of intelligence???).. so.. what to do???? And of course I can't pretend lah. Maybe the relationship b/w us is too polite liao. Until I can't even show some colours?

Hiaz.. Sam will point to the mouse &amp; start whining. Then he'll start crying, then bawling. And telling him no doesn't seem to work. He'll start throwing a tantrum. Honestly, I tot kids only throw tanturms when they're 2 at the earliest! Not when they're 9 mths old!!!!
Update on HFMD

Dr Ong says Sam doesn't have HFMD!!!! Says he couldn't see at ulcers at the mouth. No rash/blisters at the throat either. And even if it were HFMD, he shdn't be eating augmentin, or isopropinone or zoviraz (btw this is used to treat chicken pox or HERPES!!!) or whatever! WHAT THE ^^%%$#$^&amp;**&amp;&amp; (pardon my french).

I'm soooo upset that Sam got put thru all that torture for nothing! Not to mention the $300 spent gog to line the PD's pocket (but that's a side issue compared to my poor BB's suffering!) Diarrhoea, horrible diaper rash, trauma from the meds, loss of appetite..

Thinking back to the days when he had to ungergo suction for phlegm when he was just 2 weeks old, &amp; at 8 weeks old, my heart bleeds! I suppose the stupid suction procedure was just to earn her money since he was too young for meds at that stage! And Dr Ong said there was no phlegm then but MIL insisted there was &amp; insisted to go see that stupid PD &amp; hence the suction procedure! Stupid stupid stupid me! *bang wall bang wall*

Sam sounds like a real challenge. In fact he sounds like my hyperactive nephew. Hahaha! Any bath toys to distract him? Send him to childcare. It will be worth every cent coz his teachers will be and have to pay attention to him all the time.
mashy, mrs tan assured me she would keep a tight watch on the TV programmes :p think as long as keep harping on it, then they will do it. At least she is open and will react when we parents make noise. Ya veggie tales are the best of all the kiddy videos have i seen so far - in terms of the dialogue, values, animiation etc. Sometimes I suspect I bought them for myself to watch cos I like it so much!

jul, good to know that its not HFMD. But that first PD is really too much lor. Its like dispense medicine just for the sake of earning money. Isaac also cannot take no for an answer. If we dun give him something, or if his sister takes something from him, he will scream at them, and beat them. Then snatch the toy and throw it away to show that he is furious...
Enfa FM

Erm.. saw some discussion on BBs taking Enfa being hyperactive. Well, Sam's taking enfa, but like no diff from when he was on total BM lor

He is! I aws joke to MIL that if we send him to infantcare, the infantcare may pay us to take him back! And if we send him to a nanny, he'll prob be tortured &amp; pinched &amp; whacked till he's 'guai'.

I feel very insecure to send him to infantcare now coz he's such a handful. I don't see how the teachers can keep an eye on him without him getting seriously injured. Tdy he managed to dive headfirst into the bathwater despite both Hubs &amp; I bathing him! Hiaz..

Thanks! If it were probiotics, vitamins etc whatnot.. ok, I know some pple who feel it's good for BBs to take that &amp; I respect their views. BUT.. this is antiobiotics PLUS antiviral meds in a 1-yr old BB's body! *shudder*

Yup and I think she has 2 kids of her own too.

Sam started throwing tantrums when he was abt 9mths+!!!! Once he wanted me to carry him, but I was at the doorway whilst he was 1 meter away. I asked him to "come" &amp; crawl to me. He refused.. and after a few "Comes", he started bouncing up &amp; down on his knees &amp; throwing his head back &amp; slapping his hands on his thighs &amp; generally screaming my ears off!

Come to think of it.. he was kicking me like mad in my belly. And after he was born, he was always so ANGRY at my slow milk flow.. he would arch his back &amp; throw his head back &amp; scream too!

And when he was 1 day old, he was the only BB in the nursery who would have his hands out of his mittens &amp; out of the swaddle, or else he'll be struggling to pull his arms out of the swaddle. When he arrived from the nursery in my room for BF, his arms wud always be out! Argh! this boy! *praying hard for divine mercy*


Hahaha .. from the way u describe sam, 'giat' is really the word for him
Have u considered sending him to playgym? Not sure if it wld help but it seems that sam is oso an energizer bunny!

Ovann oso started throwing tantrums recently, e.g, when i flip him back after he wanted to crawl away during diaper change or when i reach the pc 1st (he's always racing with me to see who gets there 1st). He wld scream and i'd say to him 'No shout shout' or 'Don't do that, mummy dun like it' in a stern voice. Surprising, he knows but still buay gum wan, and will scream softer. I'll say the same thing to him again, and he'll stop. It doesn't always work but most of the time he listens.
