(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

Im still hanging on to pumping...
like sharon said, very wasted to give up..ss seems to be dropping abit..but im still carrying on...wondering to pump lesser and eventually stop or to continue going on....

Morning mummies,

Sharon, me too, very 舍不得 to stop. Now I am cutting down to 2 pump per day, hopefully can dun pump and still able to bf my girl for her morning and night feed,
ladies, me going aus next tue, need some advise.

milk powder: bring whole can unopen can go thru right?
visa: any ladies done online before? which website u go to n prices? i saw 1 site only sin 17, then aus commission charging $142
i remember when i was struggling to decide to stop or continue bf.. such a struggle too.. but oh how i enjoyed the freedom after i stopped!! hahaah
actually I still got ss but just v busy at work to pump
but my milk become very watery so I think not filling enough for Ryan liao
these few days never carry pump bag to work...feels so shook but sad at the same time
finally Ryan is taking fm but still drinking v little...he still on mamil 2...I wan change to gainiq or enfa after I finish mamil
now the difficult part is to wean off latching..,yday nite he was crying like mad!

no #2 plans yet!!
Nat is totally wean off latching and she can take bottles, no problem. Its just me wanting to latch her on still, for convenience sake and also for the bond..heehee
Just that she is fussy over FM and wont take unless she is very hungry...otherwise she is ok so far with different brand ( samples from the different milk company )
Dolce: hee... yeah although i stop Bfing since shayna was 5 months and i know i am as dry as a rock, but sometimes i also wish i can still latch on, for the bond..
cos mamil made in msia...my colleague keep saying it's no good so I want change..then gain is a better choice?
Ryan already v hyper...

Ryan rejecting bottle...Take FM only when he hungry but v little using magmag
I love to latch cos convenient n for the bonding too
but it's not easy to wean off...I can't bear to let him cry
Enfa will cause hyperactive? i jus change to enfa wor cos Mamil n friso many bubbles...

but could it be the child himself is hyperactive but happen tt he drink enfa?
Sharon and piggy

mamil have bubbles meh? Mine no bubbles leh. It's written on mamil that it's only packed there but the milk is from Aussie and new Zealand.

Coz my nephew is very hyperactive so I did a search and there were some posts on children taking enfa and very hyperactive. It's not the normal active. It's the scary hyper. If u see my nephew, you will shake head too.
huh really ah my counsin also use Enfa maybe i check with her cos i see her son ok wor.. ya mamil have bubbles same for Friso tt y i change...
vivien, u can bring formula.. i jus came back from perth 2 weeks back.. so long u have an infant with u its ok. i would advise u to bring unopened tin.
RE: Enfa

My boy is a very active boy also. And I did feed him with Enfa when he was younger but it's only once a day with cereals cos he's on BM. But i dun think it's becos of enfa. It's more of his character. Now he's taking gain iq but also still as active. He's still latching on... dunno when to wean off.

there's a difference between active and hyper. I think most boys are active. The hyper ones are totally destructive and impulsive. I have never felt like tying someone to a table before except him. He'll go around knocking everyone like he's a bowling ball. I always keep a close eye on the kids when he is around. I dun know if it is due to his personality or milk but probably both. Anyway when I did a google, some parents were complaining about their hyper kids after a mom asked if enfa causes hyperactivity.

Based on yr description, I think my boy should be classified as super active but not hyperactive bah. cos he's not destructive or impulsive. or not yet? haha!


Which colour & size are you ordering for Kyler? You're ordering the normal one wif rubber soles too rite? I'm ordering blue colour, size 16. Wanted to order brown but hb said small boys wear grey or blue cuter. Still thinking whether to take 16 or 17. My mum just told me that his new colettee shoes cannot fit already. He hasn't even worn it yet! sigh....


You receive my pm on the order of boots? can let me know the payment details & amt to trsf to you? Thanks!
What size you ordering for your boy?

I tried Mamil and Friso. My feel is Friso has more bubbles compared to Mamil. But i did not continue with Mamil cos HB is not comfortable with the formula. Cos when taking the sample tin of Mamil, aaden had very watery stools and seems to have more wind. But of cos it differs from babies to babies.
i give shayna friso, but i dont see any bubbles issue at all leh...

there was one period it was a bit more frothy, but now no more, still on step 2..
RE: Japan

For those who are going tokyo, can share share your itinerary? At first I thought my 7 days seem long but yday when I run through wif hb like still not enough days leh.

My tentative itinerary
Day 1- Arrive tokyo 1400, check-in hotel, wash up, rest a little, walk around Shinjuku area
Day 2- Harajuku, Shibuya, Ginza
Day 3- Attend friend's wedding & & maybe Tokyo Metropolitan Children's Hall
Day 4- DisneySea
Day 5- Thomasland? & Ramen Museum (are these 2 places near to each other)
Day 6 - Ikeubukuro & go around searching for hb's shopping list
Day 7- Check out, Home Sweet Home

Think its bec i dun take care of her during weekday, only bring her home during weekend.
Thats y she can wean off latching easy.
There was a period of time she didnt want to latch on and I was so upset..but she took back to latching easy...
oh my itinerary at home but i goin to the following places:

Asakusa, Harajuku, Ueno, Shinjuku, shibuya, Odaiba, Ramen Museum, Ginza, Disneyland.

I am planning Ramen Museum, GInza n Odaiba same day... i tink shd be enough la cos at least u still have 1 day to walk abt?

i also want to go odaiba. still thinkin where to slot in tat. cos i miss tat the last visit. i wanted to go fish market also. but now with ethan cannot make it lah. too early & too packed i think.
I think I really 舍不得 the latching on part. Not the stuck to the pump and carrying the pump bag to office

Yes the freedom and my beauty sleep, i really miss that.
haha the fish market if I go will puke lo n I dun eat sashimi so no pt.. I been to odaiba love the view n food ther so going again hmm maybe u can slot in day5 cos ramen museum dun tink will stay v v long ther bah den go odaiba in the evening n enjoy the nite view?

ramen museum is in Yokohama. It's far away leh. And train tickets so ex, why not explore that area too? I visited the Yokohama hakkejima sea paradise. Like sea world kind of place. U can get a Yokohama pass at midori window. Cheaper for return trip.

And thomasland and ramen museum are two diff places. Thomasland is near mt Fuji. U can see mt fuji there and the trip takes about 1-2 hrs. So better stay there 1 day or if u can overnight.

Not much point sharing my itinerary with u coz most of the places I'm going are not in Tokyo. But those places I'm going in Tokyo is the japan railway museum, miraikan in odaiba (see robots) and the Tokyo jindai matsuri on 3 nov.

fish market can go after 9am too. We usually go there not too early to avoid the crowd and still good enough to see the big tunas being cut up. I think the last time I went there was about 10am.
I got gave time allowance will definitely explore ard since alr ther cos intend to stay ther for half a day be4 I move on my itinerary is flexible haven fix yet haha..

yes it's jr. Limited express so u check the timing with the least stops else take longer to reach. Their train schedule is very accurate one. Midori windows are located at the jr stations. So look out for the signs. In Chinese it's 绿 .

if I remember correctly, the pass is valid for the red bus. It's a loop service and u can drop off anywhere. Think ramen museum is one of the stops. U can then explore the area easily including this bunch of converted old warehouses. U better double confirm that though.
thanks thanks..cos i see the access instruction mus alight at shin yokohama which is not a JR so thot mus trf train.. the sea paradise location like a bit off hmm maybe i will go china town instead.. mus do more research sigh...
just to share:
do u ladies use carrots in your bb's diet daily?
we include some carrots (actually to consider..it's very small quantity for both to share..) in my girls' porridge daily..... and now realised they r turning yellow!! PD said we continue to feed more, and my girls will turn 'gold'!! haha. he said 1 or 2 meals with carrots r sufficient for the week's requirement le, so dun overfeed.
janice : thanks will brg unopen can.
haiz jus now aus official call me also forget to confirm him.

any ladies know if new zealand can bring milk powder?

bubbles: still drinking 6mths n above as hvnt finish it.
Tired similac,enfar n mamil, similac has the most bubble,
when drinking it will create even more bubbles. though hv try gain IQ.
Does GAIN IQ has a lot of bubble?
hmm nvm maybe i will get the Yokohama-Minatomirai Pass see how it goes let me work out the distance n plan first..
vivien:: juz a tot.. wat bb u using? when drinking will create more bubbles? could it be the air vent machanism tingy of the bottle u use?
hmm becos i use the same bott for all 3 brands n only ENfa no bubbles wor...

ya so confusin now mus still find out if take bus mus go wher take.. o_o
bobo: i using avent for all the 3 milk tried b4..
similac create so much bubble..mixing have bubble, drinking even more bubble. when finish the whole bottle full of bubbles.
enfar is e best ,mix no bubble drink also no.

Now have many GAIN IQ sample, thinking after e 6mths milk finish then going to gv bb drink tht. but duno will have bubbles a not..
piggy :
wow seems like mamil, friso n similac all have a lot of bubbles from our experience. N only enfar is e best..

How is GAIN IQ huh?
ya lo.. like u say mix n drink also no bubbles.. but then my boi still drink v little sigh.. i tink he practically only drink 300+ml per day... i need to add to his cereal lo.. headache.. i haven try gain IQ wor..
piggy/vivien:: im on enfa all these while... occassionally do hv sm bubble probs frm enfalac & enfapro.. but i muz say hor... so far, enfagrow no bubbles at all...... n taste better (at least for me).. hoho.

hahah i straight away go for step 3 so far so gd... jus tt Kyler really dun liek to drink milk..

btw mummies i have check out carpe diem for working mother after subsidies per mth it $299 for both half n full day (cos full day $300) n waitin time is abt 6 mth depend on which centre.. if gd maybe after playgr i will continue the kindergarden ther...
