(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs


i think that pd is quite unethical leh. how can anyhow diagnose it's HFMD when it's not?! and anyhow give medicine? if i were u, i sure call back the clinic to make noise. poor sam.....

Jul, lesson learnt so stay away tat PD. Hope Sam get well soon.

Zen, Piggy & Mashy, i bot a pair of canvas high-cut shoe from Zara sale gng to let jovia to wear for Jap trip.

Luggage - as i gng 12days so i will do laundry there (washer & dryer) to reduce my luggage to bring. I planning to bring 1 big luggage & 1 backpack & 1 empty bag. Cos i need to handle jovia wif stroller or carrier. So only 1 pair of hands (hubby's) to carry the big luggage esp i gng to travel from osaka to tokyo.
hi mummies, not really active in this forum but need some info from you all..thks in advance

Any mummies know any good FULL DAY playgroup or childcare for 18 mths baby at Bukit Panjang area? need to go bck to work after enrol Chloe into playgroup or childcare.
sure u can tompang but i jus ordered 1 lot last mth wun be so fast wor...
hahah i tink 1 luggage not enough for me so gotta bring 2 plus a bag keke... summore bb thing sooo much doubt i can stuff every thing in 1 luggage n 1 backpack not to mentioned the thing i buy ther keke..

I think u should report her to the SMC. Imagine what she could be doing to all the other kids. I would if I'm u.

Why not try a different fm and see if there is any difference? Also, send him to gym classes to expend his energy. I recommend jwt kids coz that one is him doing most of the work, not us. My hb was ever sent to a psychiatrist coz too active. Dr said it's coz too smart, nothing to do. So u must always have something to occupy him, challenge hiM
then he will be easier to handle. Have loads of colouring materials, pots and pans, cars etc for him to play. Their attn span now is very short. Give him things to assemble and dismantle.
RE: Japan Trip

Do we need to get long john for our little ones? Yday i bought 1 but just the top. now thinkin whether i shd go buy the bottom also. or just let him wear the PP pants plus jeans.
i got the PP pant liao quite thick so i tnk enough la cos it was not v cold yet.. btw i bott size 95 abit big so i tink 90 is enough for Ethan...

i ask the Rainbow to come demo also quite gd n my BIL bott it.. i tink it is gd if ur boi allergy to dust etc... i din buy cos i doubt i got time to use it to clean my bed etc all the time..

Ya, i agree with mashy tat you've got to find different activities to keep him occupied. I know it's not easy for you. Cos ethan is also v v active. Ppl won't understand wat i meant by active until they see him with their own eyes. but yr sam sounds more active than ethan!

What we do with ethan - read books, flash cards, play puppets, let him crawl here & there, climb up & down the bed, bring him outside to train him to walk, let him kick ball, chase after our dog, watch dvds, look at photo albums, play his toys, mainly his cars. now he loves to doodle with his crayons & doodle board.

enough la. Coz you are mainly in Tokyo. Not so cold. Just a sweater and jacket can already. Only if u are at Yokohama and odaiba at night then it will be cold. The rest are ok. Bring umbrella tho coz may rain.
HI jul do is the laughing cow brand cheese thanks. Btw have u try butter yet? My boi loves to watch babytv from StarHub.. It's quite edcuatuonal he will jump and dance to the music and also talk to them so funny

Which part of bukit panjang are u staying? My First Skool is opening two new ones at bukit panjang by beginning of next year. One at blk 416, the other at blk 600 something. I'm intending to send my son to the one at blk 416 when he reaches 18 mths. Should be easy to get in since it's a new centre.

my mil is taking the diploma in childcare thingy and she was posted to ntuc childcare aka my first skool. She was appalled by the situation there. Besides a very high student teacher ratio, there is a high turnover and the teachers looking after the kids are permanent. The teachers kept changing and she altho an 'intern' was a main teacher for a class. Her advice is dun save this money. You get what u pay for. U pay cheap, your kids get the most cheapo and worst childcare. Altho I know it's not the same everywhere. The childcare that my son attends is very cheap but it's ok coz I know the teachers didn't change for him and it's a small sch. U may wanna be sure your kid is getting the best care there.
Woohooo ... think i might hv a chance to go jap as well! But it's sort of rushing cos we r going next friday, and i just submitted online application for ovann's passport! Hope i can get it in time.

Er .. tokyo not cold now rite? And i'm looking for cheap & light stroller. Baby s told me Giant has .. i went to see and it cost $40+, it's light (at least lighter than my capella), but i wonder how light is light? Is there anything that i can carry w/o difficulty cos hubby not going with me.

Thanks for the advice. I guess I'll still let him try out the centre coz you won't know how it is like until you try out. It's the nearest centre from my place also. The other montessori has got long waiting list. Anyway just trying out the half day programme. Hope it turns out well
I saw the jeep light stroller at giant last Thurs too... think not very stable leh, like going to topple if hang too many things at the back.

so exciting... looks like alot of ppl going to japan.

But if not going to hang anything, shld be ok rite? Cos i think those light strollers all cannot hang things de ... i just want it to be light enuf for me to carry .. lol
hee u goin also ah... with ur family?? cos if ur HB not going wun it be better u get a more stable stroller so u can hang thing... if not u gotta carry bag n push v tiring leh..

why not get those lucky baby or whatever brand mesh stroller? Those are very much lighter. Get it with sling so that u can sling it over the shoulder. It's also stable enough to hang stuff. I think usual price about 80 but can get below $50 which is quite often. I bought mine at carrefour last time.
Ya .. going with my sis, her hub and my mum. But wld a stable stroller mean heavier too? Cos was wondering if tokyo is stroller-friendly? If not, den i really rather get a lighter stroller so dat i can fold up & carry. I'd just bring a big tote bag to carry all the loots & barang-barang.

But den again, the trip is not confirm till i get ovann's passport! Btw, how did ICA inform u that kyler's passport is ready? Thru mail?

Ya, i'm looking for ANY stroller that is light & cheap .. hahaha
Just that this trip is such a rush, i dun hv time to go shop around. Only went giant just now and saw the Jeep kiki mentioned. But the one u mentioned sounds good ... do u hv the model name or number?

wow, very rush. How are u going to get air ticket so last min?ica will send u a mail to tell u when can go and collect. Wonder if u can make it since u just sent!

Ya lor ... very rush. My sis said left abt 100 seats the last she checked. We r taking the nite flight so hopefully not so many people bah.

1st hurdle - getting passport ready
2nd hurdle - getting the air tix!
morning mummies, seem not many mummies stay at bukit panjang.

Thanks for the info, i stay near petir road blk 139, how about u? i not familiar with the place as going to move there year end, wats the rate for half day n full day rate for my first skool? may consider since its not crowded n no need to be in waiting list, our baby can be classmate too, so nice.

did u heard of apple tree at the Cc there? wonder they hv any full day playgroup
will that consider a mis-diagnosed on PD's part?
poor sam...
hope he have fully recovered..

RE:HFMD and bread
my boy caught it once...and yes he like bread too during that time...
morning mummies..

actually most pp go Jap via nite flight.. esp those tour group.. TOkyo i find still ok la.. not too bad.. can use stroller.. i bring my capella too i find the weight not too bad.. not too heavy.. cos oversea the barang u goin to bring also quite alot leh..
Yesterday i went to Harvey NOrman to get sumthing den there was this boi suddenly approach my boi n his mother say sayang bb.. so i jus smile n let him sayang who knows he touch n touch end up kiss him on the forehead.. n the mother did nothing v fedup.. dun the mother know now is the peak of HFMD i quickly clean his forehead with wet wipes lo... -_-
Pegs: light weight strollers r available at giant.but all light strollers will topple if u put stuff behind hor.. But it will serve ur purpose of not having to carry ovann all the time.

haha, this tells us to get the passport ready no matter whether u are having any intentions to go hol or not.

next time say your boy is sick la. I hate it when other kids touch mine. That day I was strolling my gal and waiting for lift. Then when lift door open, this auntie came out and stroked my gal's cheek! I was shocked and she just quickly said 'she so cute!' .~_~
morning all!

Re: buggy stroller
I bought one....cosco brand
anyone heard of it? Cheap so I just buy

re: cough
Ryan caught the flu bug on sat...yday morn saw GP
fed 4 times med but it's getting worse! He vomitted 3 times since yday nite...shld I go see PD instead?
cos everything happen too fast i wasn't even aware the boi standin infront of me den i thot he jus wan to say hello to Kyler den i quickly wan to push the stroller away the mother come n sort of block the way n ask the boi sayang argh... irritating la..
Good morning everybody.

could the GP medicine be too strong for your bb? what did the GP say ? Did your son vomit because of phelgm/cough ? It's better to stop medication first...

sometimes things happen too fast, no time to react, i think it's fine to use wet wipes to sterilize ba ... but y boy kiss boy , must be quite a funny sight ... :p
hi joyful, eunice,
thanks for helping me out at the zoo, so that i can eat or carry my girl, she has stranger anxiety but not food anxiety, the bb biscuits and chicken wings helps alot !

hope you gals had fun too. We definitely did !

I think the mother is rather selfish. She may wanna teach her son to love other children but she 'forgot' to ask for permission to do so. It's the same like pp even strangers feel the right to rub your tummy when you are preg.
such pp r everywhere like last wkend we went to Jackplace for lunch n becos Kyler was smiling to every1 n he response when they tease him so the waiter n waitress there will come n touch his face n play with him.. esp the manager.. i know they mean no harm la but still who knows if they r sick or not.. n we cant possibly tell them hand off... kinda rude also..
Yeah i hate it when pple come by and touch shayna too!! Play ok lah, admire ok lah but dun touch or pinch cheeks lah.. I dun go around touching pples kids like that i certAinly dont expect pple to do that to mine.
Ooh .. saw your fb pics .. looks good! Can the seat be reclined?

Huh .. everyone's going by nite flight ah .. aiyoh, i thot nite flight not so popular, den i forgot there's the tour group. Hiaz .. have to see my luck then.

baby s/ piggy,
Ya, same here ... ovann oso kena a few times strangers commented 'wah, so cute! eyes so big!' and proceeded to touch his cheeks. Agree that it's a bit irritating.
Jul, some kids simply cannot sit still, burt no need to worry, he will still do well and learn well in school. Like what the other mummies suggest, gotta let him expand his energy with outdoor kind of activities.

pegsfur, my umbrella stroller is the maclaren volo. Very light, less than 5 kg, very sturdy, and I've had it for 5 years, and it is surviving 3 kids! Someone did a review on it: http://sengkangbabies.blogspot.com/2010/01/our-trusted-stroller-maclaren-volo.html
Pegs: so sian right. One aunty even commented her eyelAshes looked fake and wAnted to touch!!

Pls even i dont touch shayna's eyelashes and y on earth will i put falsies onto a one yr old!

it can't be reclined.


eee....... There was one cleaning auntie, yes cleaning auntie who was clearing dishes wanted to touch my gal's cheeks! So dirty right?
my plan for healthy foods for my #2 failed. during my 2 days 1 night.. i order cooler ice blended drink for myself.. #1 saw and wanted.. i gave him a sip.. #2 saw and demanded.. pointing.. whining.. no choice gave in.. got a shock of the ice cold water.. but there after, keep pointing n yelling at that.. same goes w food..

the staycation was good.. except #2 ventured into the toilet and start playing with the toilet bowl water -_-'

ya lo usu pp go Jap via nite flight so wun waste time n can sleep on board i am takin nite flight too.. but then jus take note cos the bassinet only can carry up to 10kg so if Ovann more than tt gotta carry him all the way..
