(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

Enfa supporter here. Enfalac no bubbles. Enfapro, so far no bubbles yet. My girl not hyper. She is active though.

Vivien, I'm interested to know about Australia custom requirement too. Do share with me what you have found out can? Thanks!


Which colour & size are you ordering for Kyler? You're ordering the normal one wif rubber soles too rite? I'm ordering blue colour, size 16. Wanted to order brown but hb said small boys wear grey or blue cuter. Still thinking whether to take 16 or 17. My mum just told me that his new colettee shoes cannot fit already. He hasn't even worn it yet! sigh....
My boy on both Enfa & Gain. now switch on gain. but i only add to his cereals so cannot comment anything abt the bubbles. but both when i mix into the bowl before adding cereals, not bubbles. i was also enfa supported before switching to gain.
My boy is taking mamil gold step 3 now. no bubbles at all as I will stir with a spoon or chopstick.

I stopped pumping many months back already but still latch for morning and night... always kenna block ducts leh! very painful

haiz... he will only drink 150ml FM per day...

everytime when I make his milk also headache, dont know how much to make cos worried too much will have to pour away later... too little not enough... 奶粉钱 difficult to earn...
Last week for the first time he finish 180ml one shot! I havent got time to celebrate, the next day dont want le...

my boy all along taking similac and now GainIQ.. i have no problem with similac leh.. mayb abit of it after shake but after no more liao.. but if the old formula of similac, there will be alot of bubbles... now with GainIQ, no problem also..
Bobo, when my girl was about 9 months old, there was a week, she practically only ate carrots. cos she would only eat stuff that she could hold, so that week, she survived on carrots and cheerios.

i was a little worried that she might turn orange but she seemed alright. all her poop was orange though.
Sorry, just couldn't help this. As I was discussing about primary schools, I mentioned about c probably going to Anderson pri. My bil (very yaya but actually has low self esteem, said he only gave his son the best milk enfa and that's coz it's most expensive!) heard me wrongly and said Henderson pri. After he was corrected, he still said oh Henderson pri is also a very good and famous school. Well, I just did a search. It no longer exists as it has already merged with other pri schs in 2002. So much for being 'famous'. Hmm, I wonder if I should tell him that this week when I see him. Lol

eh.. i feed javier with carrot abt 2x a week, then pumpkin abt 2x a week also leh.. so i shou reduce it liao loh.. but i dun really know how to see if he's yellow.. mayb no one to compare so cant tell.. but 1 yucky thing is, i can see carrot bits in his poo, but poo not orange lah..
My boy will eat either carrot / pumpkin / sweet potato / tomato abt 5 times a week... quite difficult to avoid the orange colour food group leh.
I also dont know how to see if my boy is turning yellow or gold...

some ppl are just like tat. they pretend to be high & might cos they actually hv low self-esteem or have inferiority complex. dun bother abt him lah.

my boy eats pumpkin, sweet potatoes, carrots almost every day. in fact frm mon to fri. no sign of him turning yellow leh. but i did hear one of my fren mentioned tat her daughter turned orange after eating too much carrots. so i guess it depends on individual babies bah...
same blue size 16 alr PM kiki last nite keke ya liek ur HB i fun brown n grey too dull for them ..

for carpe diem they have various type Jurong west got 1 but it childcare so i ask my HB bring my boi to the 1 at taman jurong to take a look at the environmen.. it a playgroup cum kindergarden.. the lady advice me to go for full day since same price n if i dun wan such a long day can bring back half day n let him stay full day when ready.. they provide sch bus by 3rd party too.. checkin out bt batok outlet too... u can check out their website also..

ya. Dun know what my sil see in him. U know, the very first time he met the relatives, he already told a blatant lie. And he didn't even bat an eyelid. We already knew how they met but he gave some other story. What's so embarrassing about Internet match making? From then on, my hb and I knew that he's just a pack of lies.
PJPJ posted about this once, about carrots etc. She gave her son carrots, pumpkin.. then when at PD for review then she realise her son was a bit yellowish when compared to the other kids there!

then the PD said once a week only.. the excessive beta carotene will make the skin have a yellowish tinge..
ya.. probably.... hehe. it din occur to me that such will cos 'colouring' too de.. so juz give niah.. n we oni gv small portion. then last nite at PD.. doc highlight to us.. n ya, we realised Mattea's feet is quite yellow.

i cld b plus she's sick these days, so ya.. after much medication.. look more yellow yellow green green kind? hehe.. but anyways, instructed my helper to stop adding carrots for the time being le.... n c hw latr lor. lala~
oh.. really arh babyS.. PJPJ posted before? i must have missed it.... haiz... else, i wldnt hv let them take carrots everyday le!!!!

sigh....i fail agn!!

ya, i pmed u last nite ard midnite. u receive?


i check out the website liao. looks good. but it looks more like a childcare to me leh. i thot playgroup usually abt 2 hrs? cannot be whole day rite? if whole day or half a day, then it's considered childcare liao rite?
playgroup not necessary 2 hr la.. so far only know apple tree is 2 hr.. i tink it sort of childcare also but the centre say playgroup but i will look at the programme la cos if the programme is gd y not? i am also considering appletree but also not all have playgroup...
orangey babies
i find that taking pictures helps to identify orangey babies easiest leh.. note the nose.

has the higheset amt of beta carotene a. i seldom give it to her. maybe once a wk
the thing abt appletree is the timing.. sigh.. wanna go n take a look but try to call their admin office to check out more always no pickup..
yes they do u mus go for those tt have playgroup.. BLk 602 there have.. but damn it i jus call their main branch the person v unhelpful... i ask can go down take a look she say can only view from outside n i ask any1 to explain the programme den she jus say call this number blah blah see the supervisor can help anot... @#$%^&*&^% the carpe diem still bring us ard the school n explain the programe lo ...
i tink cherrie heart corporation not long waitlist... my fren juz told me.. not very crowded there. u can call n check? i tink they hv sat oso.. but hfta make prior arrg....
ya i jus call n check no waiting list but ex wor.. half day it $510 after subsidy ... n it more like a childcare.. gotta look at their curriculum..
yes yes...Ryan got orange nose!
Cos he loves pumpkin

Re: playgroup
I check out near my place...when I walk past, they showing teletubbies! Omg! I dun like..
Do childcare or playgroup let the kids watch tv??

Surprised that Carpe Diem is cheaper than Cheri Heart. I am interested to view the Carpe Diem one in punggol. Maybe i should ask my neighbour cos they sent their 2 boys there as well. but that was a few years back...
ya lo.. will check out talent plus too..

huh really ah.. mus check with my HB if Carpe Diem have TV haha..
Sharon, so far the pre-schools and childcare centers I visited only MMI has TV but the principal said the TV is only for documentary programmes. Hmmm... if I hv another visit I'll make sure I ask them if they let kids watch TV.
bobo: fail will be if u didnt know at all... now u know and are acting on it so not fail!

re apple tree: I sent them an email b4, they only cater to toddlers aged 18 months and above.. and they dont take advance booking cos they told me to approach them in jan 2011..
Hi Bobo,
We are all learning here.
I learn loads when I read all hte posts here.

Yea..the PD told me no more than three times a week-pumpkin,carrots and papaya. Sweet potatoes not considered la.

So funny..got orange nose one huh?

Mamil Gold $5 vouchers
Any ladies want them?I wanna give away two-no expiry..free postage la.PM me.
actually wat's wrong with them watching tv? cos if they're in childcare, it'll be whole day 7-7 rite? the children can't be studying the whole day rite?

I just bought those pigoen instant porridge for zelia. but i realised the instruction saying heat up the porridge without open the sealed package?? My question is.. will the porridge be soft enough to eat???

Cld u let me know as well when u hv info on carpe diem at Punggol? I check out their website and it's sort of childcare, not playgroup.
Sharon, for tantrums, how i trained my girl was that we started at home. If she cried unreasonably or whines, she gets nothing until she calms down. When we first started "training", there was one afternoon she screamed intermittently for 90 mins wanting to be carried. Now when she wants to be carried, she just pats me and raises her arms. She knows that she won't get her way if she screams and whines.

Then when she cries for something she can't have, I just ignore her. I don't give alternatives or pacify bcos I want her to know that when mummy says no, it means no. And I want her to learn to obey the 'no' rather than distract her towards something else.

Some days, she still "loses it", especially now that she's trying to do more things herself and gets frustrated, then she will stamp her feet and yell for help. So just have to be patient.

But she is much better behaved now, and even though I didn't intend to "train" when we're outside (to be considerate to other people), I found that it hasn't really been necessary.

As for weaning, I have also weaned my girl over the last month. I started by not nursing her to sleep anymore. Then for the 1st week, I would offer her milk (she drinks fresh milk) in a bottle about 5 mins before her usual milk time. Then after that, if she still wanted to latch, I'd let her. But the next day, I'd increase the quantity of the milk in the bottle so that she'd be too full to latch.

Then I just stopped offering the boob, but if she request, I would give a bit, then offer the bottle again. But I didn't battle her by saying that if she doesn't take the bottle, she gets nothing. If she wanted, I would still let her latch. Also made sure that when I carry her to bottlefeed, there was a towel / cloth to cover my boobs so that she wouldn't be reminded of them. I also carried her to feed her so that there was no less cuddling or attention.

Had to trial and error a few times, formula (she didn't like), cold fresh milk (she likes it as a snack but not before her sleeping times), warm fresh milk (which she likes).

Then over a month, slowly dropped a feed at a time. I think I got lucky in the sense that she found a milk she liked to drink.

Sorry for the long post. Hope it helps you!
Re: tv
it's fine to let children watch tv for selected programme
although I prefer no tv till after 2-3yrs old
so far Ryan hasn't watched any tv yet...trying delay the exposure
but I read bout some negative reports on teletubbies so dun feel it shldnt b shown in childcare

cos eat too much carrots n pumkin...so nose n hands turn orangey!

thanks for the advice! I will try it out
at least I know where to start from ;)

Ryan hasnt watched tv. How u occupy him most of time? sometimes need to do some own stuff, cannot play with them all the time. So i jus leave my boy watching tv.
Sharon, you're welcome!

Actually after reading about all the mummies here who 舍不得 give up latching. I feel a bit bad. Strangely, I suddenly felt very invaded whenever my daughter was latched on. I never felt that way until she turned about a month before I decided to wean her. But a year of breastmilk is quite good already lah. ;)

agree with u. Hehe. I have to let her watch tv so that I can cook. For toilet trips, I let her bang outside the door and scream at the top of her voice. Oh well, I let her watch a lot of tv. I grew up on tv. Must say I was a tv addict. I learnt my English fr tv I think coz my family spoke hokkien and sometimes Chinese. Maybe I had ADHD when young I dunno la.
Hahaa .. mashy, u r so funny when u said u had ADHD. But really, i oso grew up with tv. Now Ovann oso watched Baby TV on SCV during his lunch. Another time is after dinner, when i've fed him & change his diaper, I'll put him in his cot, throw some toys and switch on the tv for him to watch so that i can go clear his high chair, clear my doggie's pee/poo, and i can bathe.

Pegsfur, haha I will let u know if I find out anything abt carpe diem. I'm lazy mum, been interested in that for a long time but havnt gotten my ass down on it. Another which u might want to find out more would be dayspring. Every morning I see the bus comin over to my area to pick up the kids.
