(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

Hi ladies.. i long long time never come in liao le.. heaa... hope everybody is fine..

My bb is down with flu, cough and fever last week and realised that he has grown 4 teeth at the top. gosh. so much. and his front 2 upper teeth is got gap one. alamak..
he has recover and my gp don suggest bb eating medicines too much cos still bb. only giv when necessary. so only give him the fever and a little bit of cough syrup.

after that never give him cough syrup but give him d jin feng shang. good for cough also.
by d way, i went to yu ren sheng n they have one box i think for bb good for cough flu and etc.



ZZ takes 3 meals a day, and 3 x 210ml of milk daily and weighs abt 8.2kgs now.

when he sick his appetite still same no change i think he only felt uncomfortable cos got cough and flu.



headache, he used to sleep and wakes up only 1x after much training fm me. aiyo during and after sick 3-4x wake up. hw can tahan? carry also cannot, only put sarong than ok. haiz...tough..

anybody still sleeping with bb?


ryan was also almost sleeping thru liao...then when i went back work, he started the waking again
until now he still wakes up...could be teething? if it is...this teething process is horrible
my frend's son was sleeping thru...now his molars coming out...he keeps waking up at nite too!
tink we will b sleep-deprived for v v long??

it's good that the teeth has gap now. Then it will not be overcrowded when he grows his adult teeth. Those with very nice looking teeth without gaps now will have crooked teeth later.
mashy, jul, I'm wondering if its some separation anxiety kind of phase they are going through now?

jul, yes, Isaac also loves the switches leh... and we have so many all around. So gotta chase after him to remove him from those places. And keep telling him no no no...

sharon, isaac is still at the 10th percentile
dun know where all his food go lor
i think now babies know how to "pretend". I was with him this baby while my hubsand at work, he keep on whining and whining for me to keep him company. I got no choice but to carry hime walk around the house and do my household chores. I told him to stop or I will put him down again ALONE. he listen and stop whining! then my hub open the door and he saw him so happy, keep on smiling and laughing at him. Whenever I with him he will BULLY me. My hub around he will become so obedient! what a pretender
Pacifier: i can never get a perfect pacificer for him. I feel AVENT 6-18months pacificer too big for him and get dr brown, bibi and nuk for him which is good for his oral development (bibi-cherry shape, dr brown-umbrella shape) none of it he likes. any good recommendation?

my boy still using 0-3mths avent pacifier. sometimes i took his sister 6-18mth pacifier for him... he also reject it. i also thinks it's too big.

any bb hv ear infection b4????
my boy kana ear infection....

my boy had many ear infections before. Ear infection have to see dr quickly coz may become meningitis. He stopped having it after he got out of infant care.
mashy, heartache to see them so small sized
can only pray they will catch up as they grow older. H hasn't recovered from the flu bug?
mich & mashy,

my boy also very small & light leh. last sun or 2 sundays ago brought him to the doc. he's only 7.4kg. haha!
zen, Isaac is also only 7.4kg!!! He's supposed to trip by 1 yr old, which is 8.1kg. But tat really seems like so light for a boy.
Jul, my girl also slept well until she was about 5 months old. then all the night waking started.

the books say teething pain won't last more than a couple of nights, and is accompanied by some day-time irritability. also, the pain comes only with the first couple of teeth n the molars.

we knew it wasn't teething cos we gave painkillers (infant tylenol, calpol) and it didn't really help. she still woke up multiple times.
piggytoh> no leh. i nv carry, pat, feed baby to sleep leh. my baby falls asleep by himself. but if his last feed is 9pm n i dun feed him at 1am, he'll wake up ard 3+ for milk. which is why i still feed him at 1am

sharon> haha. ok. i'll buy the baby mum mum biscuits n this to let my boy try =p
I also bought the same teething rusk from NTUC but my girl doesnt know how to eat it so end up I eat it lor. My girl is very active, crawls around every corner. Cant put her in the cot alone, she will stand up and try to climb out. Guess I've to let her be active to burn some fats.

Babiesmeme. My girl always cough cough without any reason so I asked my maid and MIL if baby is sick. They said baby pretend it. I dont believe. Last evening I carried my girl go walk walk and a young man cough and immediately my girl turned to him and pretended to cough cough with a smile. I really cant believe my own eyes. BTW, my girl will be naughty when my hb take care of her n she is very obedient when I m around. Strange.
I remember if they still wake up 4 nite feed means they either din drink enough durin day time or it a habit Liao ...
BB - thats mean if bb naughty means not afraid of and obedient cos afraid? so my bb is not afraid of both of us!sometime i alone with him, i scolded him he listen. But with my bils, mil and my hub around, he dont care, think he knows he has been "PROTECTED" hahaha
vitakid have happy bellies cereal but not v cheap wor...

my bb also like to fake cough... n make v irritati sound with his throat i tink they find it fun...
Babiesmeme, I guess those who give in to baby's whining, the baby will know. For example my MIL n hb will give in to my girl's whining so she whines a lot when she is with them. I pretend I dont understand why she whines, so she gives up whining when I'm with her. She likes to bully my MIL a lot. Most of the time make my MIL carry her to sleep.

piggytoh, ya ya, my MIL n maid said my girl fake cough. N sometimes she will make noises using her lips. One night she sqneezed n my hb told her "oh ha choo, bless u" n she kept laughing non-stop. Now when she sqneezes, she will laugh out loud. I guess cos we laugh n they thought its funny n keep doing it to make us laugh...
any mummy know whether the organic shop at harbourfront got HappyBellies cereal? cant find in any supermarket leh.. went parkway four season organic supermarket oso dun have..
u can try to call them... u stay in the west rite? the organic shop got a branch at clementi leh... how many tin u gettin? if u wan 1 carton.. i got lobang leh... $7/tin...
no leh.. i stay in bedok, East..
1 ctn how many tin huh? can mix different cereal? self collect? retail price how much? 4get le coz get from BP one.. thanks ya..
hi mummies, been missing for quite a while, pretty busy with my girl...

Btw, my gal has been waking for 1 night feed for the past 3nights and she will cry and cry till she gets her milk...i read that there is a growth spur at 9mths, any babies going through too? Hope it wont last too long...
i ctn is 12 tin can mix but currently all flavour avail except brown rice.. BP selling $7.30/tin for 1 carton. the organic shop selling $8.50/tin. the collection method i need to check...let me know if u r keen la.. if u dun 1 so much can call the organic shop n check if they have..
what medicine did the doc gave? i only gt the ear drop. it started with the left ear, now right ear slightly turn red.
I checked my remaining HT brown rice cereals this morning and found a small beetle. (similiar to those found in rice grains). Scary!!!
There's no way the beetle could have crawl from the rice grain storage to the cereal across one end of the kitchen into the fridge.

better dont store too much cereal at home. best to buy what is needed and get new batch often.
Share a shop in vivo. Camouflage on 2nd flr. Sell boys clothes from 1-6yo. Got formal shirts n tshirts. Now 50% off storewide. I got 3 shirts for 46.30

can't remember, it was years ago. Totally forgotten what was given.

ya, she's still a little drippy, but good thing is that the mucus has changed back to clear and no more yellowish. I'm surprised that Isaac is only 7.4kg. Thought he looks heavier than that. Anyway, my gal is way older than most kids here but probably the lightest here.
I once found worm in HT. Was preparing the cereal n notice got those black black beetle so look into the pack n found worm. Aft tat I nv gif cereal Liao
hi mummies

sorry to disturb the thread.

Have a few new items to let go off...




thanks n nice day. pls pm me for more details
aiyor i about to buy HT rice cereal, think i dare not buy anymore. Now I am feeding baby nestle cereal. What do you do with the remaining cereal, keep in fridge or in the cabinet? \

Today i just grind some organic brown rice -put in cabinet or fridge?
sharon> haha. i bought tat teething rusk u recommmended. he likes it. but he dunno how to hold n feed himself, cos he keeps dropping it. den so wasteful, he only eat 1/3 n he gets bored.

piggytoh> siao liao. maybe it's a habit. cos he is now drinking 800+ml a day

claire> wonders if it's the shop that sells korean style shirt one. hehe. think is the one. shall go grab a shirt for my boy. i saw a few very nice shirts there last time. but i found 20+ each pretty ex. now ard 16bucks sounds more reasonable =p
morning ladies,
i also saw the link...

babymaking thanks for bringing the link to us...

i also currently feeding HT barley too...faint liao...

so scary...
Grinded rice powder: I finally use the philips blender, its a good buy and value for money, not noisy too! thanks piggy.
Teething: how you know your bb is going teething? i saw two white white on the lower part middle of his gum? is this teething? shall i apply teething gel or give him teething tablets. My nanny ask me to put some jin feng shan
my boy also won't finish it..he juz wan something to bite..but enuff to keep him occupied till i finish my food..if i feed puffs then hard for me to finish my meal at one go..hee
oh yah he will also wan throw..Heng sometimes throw inside Stroller still can feed

me too..juz bought e barley ht last week!

babymaking, jul
thanks for sharing e link..horrible lei
if habit hor maybe u can try gave him water instead of milk when he wake up.. or increase his milk durin the day time to see if he still wake up?
i love the shop from tt shop leh but ex wor $30+ per pcs but i saw JPT 1 hor is 50% off 2nd pcs leh heart pain...
piggy...self grind rice powder must store in fridge ah? oops i haven't been doing that le.. u mean i grint a small box n put all in the fridge? it's dry leh.

anyway mummies, those who use formula, do u store the milk powder in fridge too?
yes mus store in fridge den can last longer... accordin to my MIL if u leave it outside may spoilt faster... for FM n cereal i dun store in fridge wor...
just to share...

recently, my hb who bot dutch lady full cream milk...
decided to drink some straight from the milk carton...

after drinking he told me he felt something in his mouth while trying to swallow the milk...
he pulled the "thing" out and it's a roach's leg...

irrrks...he threw the rest of the milk away...
and telling me he will ban this brand forever...
go check what's the exp of the HT to see if it's the same batch?

i still give the HT cereal cos i look everytime i prepare my cereal...

during my girl's time 2008 there r also case of worms in the HT cereals...
HT Cereal

Is it becos it's organic tat's why no preservative is added..but the packaging got indicate once opened need to finished within 4wks.

cos i oli give during wkends so i keep the balance in the fridge.
