(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

sharon> lol. so wasteful. i thinking of cutting into 2 den give to him. n my boy is like king lo. dun wan hold himself. wan someone hold n feed him. den i sian i dun wan give to him, he cry -_-" lol. end up hubby need to one hand eat n one hand feed him. haha

piggytoh> aiyah. nvm lo. juz feed him. since i need to pump oso. so juz give it to him. anyway 1am till 630am, i still got 5hrs+ to sleep =p

de clothes i tot they say vivo is 50% storewide? is 2nd piece only? i oso like de clothes from tat shop. but find it abit costly. 50% is still ok

oh i mean i went to the JPT outlet it 50% off 2nd pcs but claire is sayin vivo 1 is storewide i also dunno.. wanna get soome nice shirt for his 1st birthday so i bott some at the JPT outlet now heartpain lo..
piggytoh> icic. so u bought 2 for how much?

i oso thinking of buying for my boy's 1yr old, den bil wedding n my cousin wedding =p
i tink $40+...
piggytoh> so instead of getting 3 u got 2? =x ok, nvm. think of it differently. maybe u got those tat were oos at vivo?
Good morning mommies
just check if baby is having fever, the temp is 37.5degC right, is 38degC consider high temperature? i use the braun temometer but getting variance in the reading

Ethan has caught a flu which develop fever, slight cough & running nose yesterday, fever is going on & off, PD prescribe tempra to be fed every 4hours, he has also been prescribed decongestant and mucolytic solution. i monitored his temperature, which goes away after taking medicine but comes back again. is it viral fever?

i remember discussing in the forum about effective sponging on lymph nodes ie neck, armpits, groin, pulse points. how often to sponge. can baby shower or wash hair if they have fever?
el nino

no, 38 is not high. It's low grade fever. 39 then high.

i continued to shower and wash hair for bb when she has fever. Best way to bring down temp. Just remember to close windows to prevent they from getting a chill. I sponge when fever is there but med time not up yet. I sponge till drop below 38 if possible. Low grade fever acceptable coz that's how the body kills the virus.
oh i heard like organic no pesticides, so for raw veg, also may land up having worms le..do u all give baby organic carrots n pumpkins n green veg? my mil says the organic carrot i got like seem very hard to boil til soft leh...any mummies face same prblem?

piggy, i usually only blend like one week's worth of rice each time, or slightly more, so dun really need to put in fridge right...while the ungrind rice is kept in store room leh. u mean ungrind rice also put in fridge?
Hi Mashy,
thanks for the information but I got worried because i didn't even detect the fever yesterday until MIL said so cos his body is hot as the weather is always hot and he wasn't cranky. Do you sponge the whole body or just the lymph nodes.
for ungrind 1 i din put in fringe wher got so much space keke.. i only put the grinded 1 cos for bb i wan to keep the freshness n away from bugs.. rice usu if i leave it ther for 1-2wk i can see bugs/worm in it liao..
yah, it's 50% off storewide. basically after totallinh, they apply 50% off. they said the sale only started on sat but already quite a lot of stock oos already.
the HT cereals episode so scary leh. normally i blur blur just scoop the cereals. din examine it. dunno if my baby ate any worms or not. faint.

i still thot of buying HT this week so that my boy can alternate between HB & HT. after reading dun dare to buy liao.

before sam started sleeping thru, he will stay awake until 3-4am. that time i nearly went bonkers too!


i dunno man! sam has been waking up for 2.5mths liao n still no teeth. like that i'll nvr survive the whole mouth of teeth!


i was wondering whether it's sam being needy now that wakes him up at nite rather than teething. i can't believe that teething takes so long - or rather, i dun wanna believe haha


so i suppose till now u still dunno y ur gal wakes at nite?
Cereal got worms?
I always eat the organic baby oat n once open n keep in room temperature worms, insects will grow in it so I always keep in fridge. Same to any other cereal. Once open should keep in fridge. BTW, our own grinded rice also must keep in fridge cos the insect grows very fast in such weather.

i quickly put the cereals in the fridge after reading your post. haha! my mum said my son finishes 1 tin in a week, so fast where got time for worms or bugs to grow. haha!
hahah tt time when i gave HT i also nv see... but i tink if the worm is live 1 when we feed shd be be able to see bah... so far for HB ok wor..
i also still sleeping w baby..dun really know how to train la...so land up very cham n tiring too la..for last 4 mths (now alraedy 9M), he wakes up every 2 to 3 hours, and sometimes hourly lor...
but no teeth leh...so i guess it's habit cos wait up to comfort latch, or drink milk, cos he doesn't drink much in day, n getting worse now adays..less n less milk..only when he sleepy will he drink from bottle..hai...so all of us are not alone la....it's a surprise how i can tahan like 2-3hr of sleep a night for the past9M..if any sleep at all (cos i take abt 30mins or more to fall asleep, by then baby wakes again..

hubbies can't really help hor...i wish..hai...

mummies JIA YOU! duno how long this will last...
el-nino> usually when my boy got fever, i'll just sponge the whole body.

claire> ahhh. oos??? siao liao. i can only go down on fri. will there be no stock for all soon? any idea when de sale ends?

piggytoh> 2yrs old? no 1yrs old one ah? siao. den 1yr old bdae wear 2yo clothes?
ok mah cos they grow v fast 1 i rather buyin bigger cos for shirt u need to buy bigger also even not they v diff to move
n my boi not small so ok la.. now he wearin 12-18mth clothin alr lol~
if tall den shd be ok mah.. at most loose rite? my boi ard 73cm now abit bah bah if gave 6-9mth cloth some a bit tight on him:p
Hi Regg,
gd tt ur boi recove:p
now my boi turn he caught a flu from my HB since last thur till now haven recover after takin medi... sigh...

sum1 mention the Eu Ren Sen got this powder for bb 1 rite? Hou sumting fen 1... is it gd for flu too?
Hi Piggy,

Oh no, better take care, make him drink more water ya.. my boy now checky, dont want to drink from bottle, he wants to drink from cup!
Hi mummies. Jus went to the camouflage that michelle was talking bout. Pants left onli for 3-4 yrs n above. 50% off storewide. Bought shirt for 2 yrs old also cos as wat piggy mentioned easier to move and my boy quite big for a 8 mths old.
my Boi now at nite got prob breathin sumtime will cry a few time headache...

they got v nice pant also.. i bott for 2YO also heng got size but i tink now most prob no more size liao..
regg, ya thats y i bought for 2yrs old 1 also... arbo my son so fat... very fast cannot wear already if buy small size...

re: slping
i think yesterday he play too much, at nite he woke up every 1.5 to 2hrs crying... torturing me as well
Dear mummies,

for those that place order with me, thank you for ur patient cos my boy was sick last week and i need to rush for a bulk order also.
have done the bulk order and this week will proceed with aug's mummies order

the bulk order of Marry Jane that i have done

piggytoh> lol. my boy wear de clothes so lose. den de pants keep dropping. even for some 6mths old clothes oso de pants keep dropping. faint -_-"

janice> think i more interested in shirts than pants. still got stock for 1yr to 2yrs old one?

shirt i can buy bigger. but pants cannot. cos will drop =p ahh. i can only go vivo on fri. unless lunch time i go vivo. erms.. shuld i go vivo tml for lunch after training =p
oh so u tokin abt pants huh... ya some pant my boi wear also abit loose but ok la... their shirt really v nice.. esp those with hood haha..
haha i prefer those can roll up sleeve shirt they got 1 with little tie v cute hahah... oh my HB like 1 red 1 i find v beng haha maybe u will like keke..
piggytoh> haha. i oso like the roll up sleeves got tie one. cute. make me so tempted to go c. eh. u help me c jp got 50% storewide or not leh. maybe i go jp instead =x
but i wun be droppingby JPT till wkend leh... i also tempted to go n buy 1 more shirt:p if i happen to drop by will let u know ya..
michelle, from wat i c earlier on.. dun have liaoz... but the sales ger like not that helpful... i ask her all the pants the model is wearing still got size or not.. she say all left big sizes onli.. but prior to asking her i already look at the pants liao... its for 1-2yrs old 1...

then she claim they jus took it out ytd... she say all dun have size liaoz wor... duno true or false.. but on he display rack really no size liaoz..

if tml going vivo might consider grabbing 1 more... hehe tonite go back let him try c how..
janice> u mean de shirt or pants no more size? i thinking of going down later liao. ahhhh. i wan 1-2yrs old. all ok with me. maybe get a few. can give to hubby's friend's kid.

hubby say later can go down wor. cos i wk henderson. juz tat cannot bring my boy. leave him at my mum's place =x
jul, I read somewhere that separation anxiety also plays out at night as in baby wakes up looking for assurance. So gotta hang in there, and assure baby back to sleep. Hopefully this period will be over soon. Dun think teething takes that long... I read its ard 2-3 days for each tooth... so can't be teething for so long and still dun see teeth?
piggytoh, janice> hehe. juz now went to vivo branch after wk. de lady ok la. juz not very friendly. but ok la. manage to get me the shirts i wan, but i nv ask abt the pants. since i think the pants i got from jshopper is nicer. =x 2shirts for 32.90. worth it
Jul, ya i still dunno why my baby wakes up. She has no problem falling asleep, even alone, but she still wakes up crying a few times a night.
